Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Dec 1886, p. 3

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HOME. Counterfeit twodollar Dominion notes are in circulation in Kingston. Property to the extent of nearly $100,000 fins destroyed by the fire of Napicnille, Que- bec. The Roman Catholic church and the convent are completely consumed. An exclusively French-Canadian and Catholic Life Insurance Company, with a capital of $50,000, is being formed at Mont- real. It is expected that the work of the Re- bellion Losses Commission will be finished very shortly. The confiscated American schooner High- land Light will he bought in by the Domin- ion Fisheries Department and converted into a cruiser. The schooner Sylvester Neclon, which was reported lost with all hands, is safe in T0- bermorey harbor. Her crew have arrived in 0mm Sound. Messrs. D. S; J. Muguire, extensive VOS- sci-owners of the City of Quebec, have called a meeting of their creditors. The firm’s liai- bilities are variously placed at h‘um $250,000 to $500,000 Two by-lztws, one for the ORR. right of Way from (llenmmun tn \Vingham, and the other for the construction of a. salt well, were carried recently in \Vingham almost unani- mously, only three votes being cast against the first and four against the second. The Mounted Police have succeeded in cleaning out several gungsofl‘ough characters engaged in the illicit sale of whiskey at Don- ald, BIL, and Calgary and Bazxfi', N.\V.T. It is reported that the Grand Trunk R‘Lilâ€" wuy Company have obtained from New York myfltalists the promise whenever 1'0- quil‘ed of the necessary funds to extend the Midland system to Sault Ste. Marie. Mrs. Alexander Cameron, of Toronto, has sent to Mayor Howland the liberle donation of $2,100 towards the cost of furnishing the Industrial school at Miinico. This is Mrs. Cameron’s second donation, she having previously given $6,000 towards the cost of the building. A Scam of anthracite 003.1 seven feet six inches in diameter has been struck at Banfl', N.VV.T. This seam is only one of six in that location, the smallest being three feet in thickness, the whole containing sufficient coal to supply the entire Nox‘tli~\Vest for the next fifty years. The statement cabled from London that the Dominion (im’ermnent had sent an agent to \Vashington to assist in negotiating a fish- eries treaty, and that they have modified their demands on the subject of the fisheries, is stated to have no foundation in fact. A letter has been received in Kingston, Ont., recently, stating that Mr. J. \V. Brown, it prominent ()rangemau of that City, while in Paris, France, had a quarrel with a Chicago Nationalist, since which Mr. Brown has disappeared, and it is feared he has met with foul play. Congress was opened the other day, the President delivering his annual mess:1ge,in which he deals at great length with the fisheries question, and expresses the hope mt an mnicahlc Adjustment of the existing ('u'fliculties will be announced to Congress before the 01030 of the present session FOREIGN. Prince Alexander, late of Bulgaria, visited the Queen the other day. Property to the value of between $250,000 and $300,001) was destroyed by a. recent fire in Bumble. The desire is generally expressed in Paris that M. de Freyeinet should retain office. A body of Tuariks have captured a fort- ress at Ghatin, Sahara, and massacred a hundred members of the garrison. Large findings of gold have been made in the South Australian gold diggings. T we steamers came into collision 011‘ Queen- lmnd, and 42 persons were drowned. The Burmese rebels are rapidly submit- ting to the British, and the dacoits are be- coming more quiet. Sir Edward VVatkin’s book on Canadian progress during the last twenty-five years will be issued next month in London. The St. Petersburg Nome Vrcmya de- clares that only France and the United States can be relied on for Russia’s future political combinations. English imports for November exceeded those of November last year by £3,307,187, and the exports for the same month showed an increase of £1,105,442. There is a. revival in the Clyde ship-build- ing industry. Orders for 32’000 tons of new steamers and sailing ships have been booked during the last month. A Pole named Joseph Panec, formerly a. soldier, has been arrested for brutally mur- dering a woman in Vienna for a. small sum of money she had with her. The Canadian Government has been re» quested to assist in the development ofa new London Board of Trade journal which would be of great value to the commercial world. Twenty new companies were registered in London the other day, with a capital of nearly four million pounds sterling. Great activity prevails in commercial circles. rl‘he explorer Ludwig \Volf’f, just return- ed from the Congo, reports having met in the Sankouron region many tribes of dwarfs, generally measuring less than four feet in height. Jubilee year will be a, period of great fes- tivity in London, both in court and general society. The Queen will be present at the theatreé and operas for the first time 311106 the death of the Prince Consort. Mme. Rodelet, 3. Brussels mid-wife, and Masquelier, her lover, have been found guilty, the former of having caused the death of Emma. Beeckman, by an operation to produce abortion, and the latter of having assisted in cutting up the body of the dead woman. The mid-wife was sentenced to In a Pesth saloon, an officer named Schre- eweiss, while fooling with a pistol, shot Rosa Jaciano, a little nine-year-old song- stregs, dead, and horror struck at the acciâ€" dCit he at once committed suicide. The Canadian cattle exported for the English Christmas markets arrived in splen- did condition. They fetched good prices at the Smithfield show. The Canadian cereals on exhibition are the envy of the British farmer. THE WEEK’S NEWS. AMERICAN The late Sir Moses Montefiore was one of the last persons in London who went about in a sedan chair, with four bearers. A London bride, marrying a. soldier, had apicturesqucly clad Hindoo for her tmin bearer, at :1 Kensington wedding not long ago. The new Orleans Picayune is owned and edited by Mrs. E. J. Nicholson and on her staff is Mrs. Martha. Field, better known, probably, as “ Catherine Cole.” The eldest son of the Princess D01. goumki is described as astonishingly like his father, the Czar. H0 is ayoung man of talent and much esteemed in his circle. The Marquis of Salisbury, speaking at a Conservative meeting in London lately, said the Ministerial programme next year would be local government for England, Ireland and Scotland. After the Land Transfer bill had been considered, the House would be asked to deal with the rules of Parliamen- tary procedure ; but it was possible the con- dition of Ireland might be first considered. The Empeyor of Austria is now named as a victim to over-use of tobacco. He has been ordered to let cigars alone, instead of smoking twenty a day, as hitherto he has often done. fifteen years’ penal servitude and the man to one year’s imprisonment. The. Princess Mcttornich, whose name is the pseudonym for philanthropy, has organ- ized {mother charitable entertainment to take place at Vienna in March. The pro- gmmnws promise that some of the proudest names and prettiest faces of Austrian aris- tocracy will take part. The departure of the Russian Court for Moscow occurl‘cdlast Week. The Czarina. is in fairly good health; her imperial spouse’s precise mental and physical con~ (lition appears a good deal of a riddle. He can hardly be induced to see in private any except his family and a few immediate at- tendants. An extraordinary surgical success has just been re-announced with the Llecease of Peter \Voodhall, a'citizen of Chattanooga, who has lived in full retention of all his faculties for over five years with no upper half to his skull. An artificial skull was prepared for him after an accident, and its employment proved entirely adequate. The medical journals all chronicled the matter as one 01 the many marvels of modern chirurgery. The late General Nuglee, who owned a. vineyanlat San Jose, California, had so much trouble with his White workmen that he finally imported a number of Chinese families. Avisitor to his place, if the master was away, found no one who could speak more than a. few words “pidgin English,” and the quarter where these Ueleltials lived looked like a collection of old china, with queerâ€"costumed little Chin ese boys and girls playing about the doors. The frequent visits of the Crown Princess of Germany to Italy are believed to be ex- plained by the reported betrothal of the little Prince of Naples to one of her gawky daughters. This future King of Italy is several years the junior of the German Princess, but that makes no difference, if the Pope will sanction the alliance. Al- though the royal family of Italy is not a. political friend of the Vatican, from a religious standpoint the proposed marriage offers peculiar objections, which will re- quire the heads of Bismarck and his Holiness to be laid very close together to remove. How many persons know that the discov- ery of utilizing the product of the silk worm is due to a. woman? It was a Chinese Em- press, Sec-Heig, who somewhere about 2800 years B. C. found out that the fibres were fine and strong, and, prosecuting her reâ€" searches, learned how to breed and rear the worms, and initiated a. new industry which has become one of the great industries of the world. \Vith the observance of Mr. Arthur’s death in public places, it has been observed thatthis is tlwthirddmping in black of Gov- enment buildings since President Cleveland’s inauguration ; thirty days for General Grant and the same for Mr. Hendricks and Mr. Arthur. It is feared by some of the practi- cal that the Outside of the \Vhitc House will sufferwith the wetting of the black hang- ings in the autumn storms, which have done damage of that sort before now. Too Much Alike. Amarried couple should differ in their tastes; if one is extravagant, the other should be frugal; if both are good talkers and consequently bad listeners, conjugal conversation becomes blocked. The com- mon possesssion of some special talent is singularly conducive to conjugal hot water. A famous French author once married a still more celebrated French authoress. Jvery auspice seemed to insure for them happiness for evermore. But, on an unlucky day, the wife stumbled upon a copy of one of her works in which the husband had drawn the point of his pencil through all “the super- fluous adjectives.” A11 agony scene follow- ed, and their bliss was blighted. We have heard it said of two excellent persons that they ought to marry each other because they are both “ so religious ;” but a male and female divine are even more likely to quarrel than an author and an unthoress ; two cats tied together by their tails and hung over a tight-rope would probably pass amore peaceful time. It may be urged that, at any rate, the marriage of two per- sons having excellent tempers and similar views must be conducive to happiness; but it must be allowed that the exquisite harmony of their married life, although highly admirable, may prove somewhat dull. There he no doubt of the value of opposition, even in private affairs. Rev. Dwight L. Moody is appealing to friends of Christian education for subscrip- tions of $100 each to his “ Mount Hermon Boys’ School” at Northfield, Massachusetts â€"$100is the sum charged annually for boardand tuition, and is about half the actual cost. The buildings are free from debt, and Mr. Moody hopes that his appeal may be answered so extensively as to enable him to begin the next term with 200 scholars. The Mighty Dollar Is long distanced by a 10 cent bottle of Polson’s Nerviline, the newest and best pain remedy. It cures colds, cramps, colic, pain in the head, sciatica, pain in the chest; ; in fact it is equally efficacious as an external or internal remedy. Try a. 10 cent sample bot- tle of the great pain remedy, Nerviline. Sold by druggists. Large bottles only 25 cents. Try a, sample bottle of Nerviline, only 10 cents. Take no substitute. MEN AN I) WOMEN. E Paul-lip Capital, 3 Total Assets, - A Thorough Pracflcal Business School. Terms mod- erate. Send 101' circular. RATTRAY & OEIGER. DR SALE CHEAPâ€"0n Easy Termsâ€"Im- proved Farm of 200 acres, Valued at $8,000 0 10,000. Price only $30Â¥per_m Adgresg HAMILTON, ONT. \_/ Best equipped Busiueas College in the Dominion. Write for Mndnoma illustrated catalogue. __________ a. GALLAGHER, pump”, HAM I Ia'I.‘ ON L Shorthanders a , in active demand in every pity at salaries varying from 31-5 to $200 weekly. Handsome salaries paid students as solicitors while learning. No experiener necessary, and great suc- cess guaranteed. Send at once for circulara. Umox SIIURTIIANDERS’ ACADFVY, Mail Lesson Department, 3:) Adelaide Street Toronto. _ . v -- ‘0 w marry, including ewrytlling relating to the philos; ophy obigflxeration and the mutual relations of 1mm and womzmfiioo pages copiously illustrated by en- gravings and colored platesâ€"post-paid $5.00. J. H. GRAN, Box 355, Toronco. YWNEE WWESE BUSINE$S COLLEGE Rafi 86 Savings Uu’y; OFFICE : COMPANY'S BUILDINGS, TORONTO-31, TGRGNTO. 23 ADELAIDE ST. E.. TORONTO. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. ofPrinters’ Leads, Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send for prices. Sums of $4 and upwards received at current rates 0! interest, paid or compounded halt-yearly. DEBENTURES. Money received on deposit for a. fixed term of years, for which Debentures are issued, with half-yearly interest coupons attached. Execute“; and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. The Capital and Assets of the Com- pany being pledged for money thus received, de- positors are 3.1: ni‘i timesflassnred of perfect safety. Sailing during winteg from Portland every Thurs- day and Haliiax every aturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John‘s, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly: I I VA'jvances made on Real Estate: at current'mtes, and on favorable conditions as to rte-payment. Mort- gages 513d 'ci‘Pn Debex urea purchased. . Milifibiflfijalfimfl’ Steamshifiéj For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Schunmcher AL 00., Baltimore; S. Cunard & (30., Halifax; Shea. 8a 00., St. John’s, NJ“. ; Wm. Thomp- son 61 Co., St. John, NB; A]!an&Co.,Chi(-ago; Love 8‘; Alden, New Yox‘ ; H. Bourlier, Toronto; Allans, Rae & 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookic, Philadel- phia; H. A Allen. Portland, 15055011, Montreal. comma 1mm AND :um s'mam, HAMILTON, - - - ONT Largest Gun Store in Canada, 09 Bay St, Torontio. Hurrah for the Snow ! BY HANS GOEBEL. Hurrah (or the snow, the beautiful snow ! High up in the air their hats they throw As they give a ringing, rousing cheer, The glmdest, merriest of the year. Hurrah, hurrah, hurrah ! they shout, Those boys from the village school let out. Hurrah for the snow, the hurrying snow 1 Right well the country children know That the wild and wonderful winter fun, ‘Out doors 1an in, will have soon begun. And long and loud they raise the shout, Those boys from the village school let out. Hurrah for the snow, the driving snow, Eddying, drifting, to and fro. To-morrow they'll build their forts and men Snowhalling, racing, shout again As they put the laughing girls to rout, Those boys from the village school let out. Hurrah for the snow, the covering snow ! (nor its (crust they’ll go, And dash on their painted sleds away Down the steep hillaide like winds at play, \Vith laugh and song and lusty shout, Those boys from the village School let out. Tm Cl‘xN ADA m w HAMILTON. ONT. \_ Two Poo: Old Souls. BY I A ROARET HYTINGE. ’Tis Christan; night; the streets are bright And many windows are alight, And Mirth seems monarch cvm‘ywhere, For sounds of laughter fill the air. But, in it little room which knows No gleam save what the fire shows Sit, gaziqu at the glowing' coals, Tfi'o poor Lbld souls. Round them no happy children press WiLh words and smiles of tandem ; To them nofriends hrng greetings gayâ€" Their friends are dead or (:u- away, Or elae forgetful. At their gate, Foot-deep in snow, no singers wait To cheer 't-h quaint and jolly trolls These 1-3001‘ old stills." And yet twosome of y " 5 did In: Do much to add to Cl: mus glee With pictures drawn \vxlzh cunning art; By skillful hand from gentle heart, And she has told of Christmas time A hundred tales in prose and rhyme. Now 1' ompense no creature doles Thése poor old souls. And many a feast, in days gone by, They‘ve spread, when fortune liligcred nigh, And they but little knew of care, And bade their comrades come and share ; And tliereiliow joyous was the scene, The wall all hung with (‘lnistmas green !â€"â€" Their healtlis were drunk in brimming bowls, These poor old souls. For poor old soulsl Left and forgot, until once more Their names are brought the world before, And then, perchance, some one will tell llow such :1 picture pleased him well, ()r such a story glndness shed Upon his children as they read; But this will be when Death’s bell tolli For two old souls. But,,n.l1 3 they {altered in the race, And newer life sprung to each place, And seized the wreaths they‘d not resigned ; And thus, discrnwned and left behind, In time too brief they were forgot. Alas ! it is the common lot, And will be while earth onward rolls, 7 V to 101m 0 6rtgage. . wilds. F0} EQqE particulars apply to BEATTY, CHAD- 77 V 7 W10“, ELACKSTOCK & GALT, Toronto. EARN fifloa’l‘lfiflfil} AT HIGHEâ€"GOOD 'W'. M. COOPER, .nd Munici n1 Debentures purchased. J. HERB RT MASON. Managing Directorl CANADA PERMANENT INCORPORATED, A.D. 1855 SAVINGS BANK BRANCH M. J. KENT, London, Ont‘ THE MARRIAGE Gum): to: the married and those intending $0 $2. 280,000 8,800,000 “.5.” EGENERAL INFORMATION for EVERYBODY. New shipment from England, Ex Steamship " Nor weginn." Lowest prices to the trade. We are sole agents in Canada. for McBride‘s Celebrated Sheep Casings. Write for quotations. BEST WATER 55‘! WEREM HER WE PRER’EE. Our Card Packages for the season 1886-7 are now ready, and embrace the best Cards of the leadmg makers, all well assurtedâ€"uo two in a Packet alikeâ€"â€" postage prepaid. This is the leading Commercisz School in Canada. Its locality is in the business and educational centre of this Province. The course of studies has been specially arranged to give a sound business education. Practically Taught. RBI-OI For Circular giving full information, addressâ€" Packet No. l, é “ £5, “ £1 {5:}, (6 “ ‘ Birtllrla Cards may be 335201 land with larger packrts. Orders ‘0 film! for l Min (iu'ds, b'm'eens, Uan Marm , at lowest ratesâ€"cash or stamps to uwomâ€" pany orm To Agents, Tun-hers, Dealers, or my one ordering 00 worth, an cxtm One Dollzu‘s’ Value will be sent free. A $10.00 remittance will insure an extra. Three Dollaz'a‘ value. MATTH’WS BROS. & S . 93 YUNGE ST. TGEOHTO. PRACTHCAL BUSENESS EDUCATION. Canadian Tariff of Customs, List of Banks, Post 0flices, and Militia in Canada, Masons, 0dd Fellows, Clergy, Municipalities, Division Court Clerks, Etc., and Gammiiam Almanac for 1887 PRICE IN PAPER COVERS, WITH MAP OF c. 1). RAILWAY. . . .15 CENTS. “ CLOTH K “ THE GPP GLARK BUMPANY (LM.), 'fnanum. MACHINE OILS ! MCOGLL’S LARDINE MACHINE 01L. M00011 Bros. & 00., Toronto. Try our Canadian Goal 011. “ Sunlight ” Brand. Finest in the Market. W ILLUSTRATED CIRCULARS FREEH THQAST VBENGOUGH, r CHAS. H. BROOKS, AmTHM 1-sz C filLK'-FREM@EB GARDS‘ Uhristmagwggggg by Mail. WE ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE GENUINE LARDINE. Also Cylinder, Engine, Wool and Harness 0ils. ANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY AND SIIORTHAND INSTITUTE, Public Library Building, To- ronto. Specxaltlea~Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, Etc. uket N0. SAUSAGE GASINUS. Bffifiélifiifibfi, fi'Yflufiiéfififfirnmm W‘henl say cure I do uni. men!) rncrcly to smyp them for n tlmennd :2 u have them return again, Inumn n radical C'Irtn X have mndu Um Ilincusn (71'Fi'l'5’, Ll‘ll. EJ’S‘S UTFALL- lNG SICKNEs‘Sa “la-10m: study. I \rnrmm my remde to cure the worst cases. Became others hnie :1“chst reason {or not now mooning a cur Sand 3.: once im- a treatise and a Free “Mlle 0| my infnmhlo minoriy. Give Exrress and Post Omen. It costs you nuthim: for a trill, ml I will cu u. Addrous D)L H. G. ROOT, Am! Largest Tralnlng School in Canaala. Semi for Calendar. Official Reporter York Co. Courts, President. SETH ‘F’HWAS .umm mum .s: SON. ToI-ontn. Contains in addition to Commercial, Statistical and Astronomical information 'ENMANSIIU’, for 15 ccntts, to 06 fur ‘35 comm. u 4,) u “ (E0 “ 75 n5 " l ()9, THE 3? Manufacturers and Millers will Save Money by using an COMMERCIAL LAW, MILYEAR 0F PUBLICATION. 1‘2 cards, nasal-ted, 2 on 6b 2 66 66 12 65 ‘6 6 Cary-325, assumed. za- Try it once and you will use no otherfm ARCADE, TORONTO. JAN- 3, 1887- PHONOGRAPHY, ‘,-~Bl:a:§s‘lnwflt’is,fl‘ Violins,"‘F1uées,' ‘Fites,’ and Mumml Inst. Trimmings. at, reduced prices. 1:. B. BUTLAND, 37 King St. W., Toronto. The Snow Dml. Luann-5 Lunucl x L: huuhanrd, 0n. OSL‘SORNE £574 05., IEAMILTON, ONTARIO- ARMfiTRONG’S ‘ PATENT TEMPERED STEEL BOB-SLEIGHS. “10,900 :8 flamsm mm 00. $GALES. Jade in two sizes, carrying from 500 to 2.590 lbs. Light, Neat, Strong: and Very Durable. \Vill stand by actual test 301) per ('Nli. over raw tule, and the runners wear six limo» longer, and, being spring tempered, do not; mm: or grip. drawing fully one- hull easier on bare ground. Prices are RIGHT, and orders should be placed AT ONCE to secure delivery this season, as our entire supply is heng rapide taken up. Just the thing for delivery sieigin, carry 3115, democrats, e ticuiars, and u- a“ {or 1 these x}. .uémsnwm‘i M'F‘G 00. (ML), hww. M, ._ . «umu'n, Canada. ASTHMAé St. Cathâ€"armeg,’ Ont. ‘Canada. BOOKKEEI’ING, I have 1 positive remedy for the 11 wedlseue ; by ltl Ill. thousands crease: of the worst kinu and oflong Immune luvs been cured. Indeed, so strong is my filth in “C calcacy, that I w!!! Bond TWO BOTTLES FREE, textual! wig: I VALULBLE TREA'TIEE on thin diuu ‘0 say laden}. 'vas 0):;vrasu and P. 0. sdllrern. m2. T. 74.7 NLOC GWEMW N POLESH 7 ELCEALLYADAPTED FOR\ ‘ 1 S aflfilLDRENS FINESHOES. a MAN ENT Always ready. Recognized by the Pro- fession. 600,000 In u... See Drug. gists, ifnot kept by them, sent by maul. or express on receipt of $x.oo. CATAREHah’d'B'RoNCHITIS Urumh’s Ranger Ijlcket Inhaler 010mm INHALANTf/ Send Stamp for Pam hlet on LUNG FOOD. New an successful treat. ment. for the delicme, the enfeebled, [ha grgaciated of eithggigg‘g‘nd of any Iagg. ALL 8TYLES OF SHEETS 0F 5 & 100. MUSIC; 30,000 C. O’DEA, SECRETARY. GUNSUMPTIVES. CAN BE CURED. â€" Sefxd "for: E‘amplllet. ‘ W. R. crumb. M. 0.. G, CORRESPONDENCE, AND TYPEWRITING ya: FOVR COLns, Secretary An Manager.

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