Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Dec 1886, p. 4

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As to Mr. Humberstone and his unfortunate friend, Dr. Richardson, charity should compel us merely to lock and pass on in silence. Yet we owe it to both of these gentlemen t0 candidly admit that if‘they were not Witty themselves they were at least the cause ofmuch wit andamusement in others. The large audience shout- ed with laughter at their absurdities, and especrallv at Mr. Humberstone’s ingenious confession that since he had no hope of gaining the riding;r of East York on the straight Tory tick- et, he had come out in the guise or an Independent supporter of Mr. Mowat. Indeed, against the Liber- al leader he had but one charge to make, and that was that some pub- lic institution of the province had been allowed to spend filteen doilars in one year for pens. Refnrmers of East York, close up your ranks! Stand by the man who is pledged to support the great de- fender of our Provincial rights from ‘We cannot conclude this article without paying a well merited trib- ute to the eloquence and political knowledge of Mr. â€"â€" Proctor. His comparison of the results of Reform rule in Ontario with the results of Tory rule in Quebec and at" Ottawa is a crushing vindication of all that Liberals claim for their party. In answer to a question, Mr. Srnith frankly and clearly set forth his Views on Prohibition. and those views are an honor to thegood sense and sterling morality 0t their holder. Here we may remark that Mr. Hum- berstone in reply to the same query, first declared that he would be in favor of Prohibition it he could be assured that the adoption of the measure would entail no loss to the revenue of the country, and then he provoked roars oflaughter by assert- ing that he really had not yet made up his mind on the matter! The No Popery cry was admira- bly handled by Mr. Smith. The Tories themselves were made to fur- nish the weapons for demolishing this shameless attempt to stir up reâ€" ligious animosity. The Mail was produced to show that the so called “Ross Bible" is a most excellent manual, eminently adapted to secure the reading of the Scriptures 1n the Public Schools without giving any offence to sect or creed. Then Cap- tain Kirwan’s famous approval was presented to the audience, the Con- servative part of which was over- whelmed with confusxon when they heard its contents and learned that it bore the inzprz'mann' of Sir John Macdonald, his monkey Meredith, and his barrel organ, Bunting. Mr. Smith’s speech was good In delivery, and admirable both in tone and animus. He spoke withoutbit- terness, yet With great confidence begotten of his recognition of the gravity of the struggle now raging in Ontario, and of a sincere convic- tion of the truth and patriotlsm of the Liberal views which he holds. His exposition of the financial po- sition ot the Province was lucid and incontrovertible. He showed that notwithstandingthe enormous grants which the Mowat Administration has made during its fourteen years of ottice in the service ot Education. Agrieuiture and Arts, Hospitals and Charities, Asylums, &c., &c., the as- sets ofthe Province have been not only not decreased, but actually in- creased. An expendlture of $20,- 000,000 has been made in the best interests at the country, and yet by the tact, economy and judgment of the Mowat Government. the capital assets of Ontario are larger than ev- er. If the meeting called 1!) Rich- mond Hill on Tuesdav night by Mr. Smith is the prOIOgue to the event coming on, the member for East York has practically been selected. Mr. Smith may well feel pleased with the result, for it was due in the mam to the splendid impression made by himself. Yet we cannot honestly concede all the praise to Mr. Smith, He was very powerfully alded by the ludicrous contrast ex- hibited in the person of Mr. Hum- berstone. Nor did the contrast stop there ;it was still further lielghtened by the contact of Dr. Richardson with Mr. Proctor. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Dec. 16, ’86 Political Meetingâ€"G. B. Smith. Watch Lostâ€"T. Rutherford. Brooch Lostâ€"B, Andrews. Cardsâ€"Stimson 6: Co. Change-J. Lush. ChangeHW. Atkinson. Changeâ€"43. Grennan. @112 fiiifiewl. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS I’OLITl CA L MEETING. gator sale. The farm. which 18 near Richmond Hill station on the Northern Railroad. is in a high state of out‘vntiou; has good buildings and orchmd, and is well watered. cogtuinine a, livipg spriljg. Mrs Musgleumn, a resident of Vaughan for upwards of fifty vears passed away on Thursday last, at the age of 79 years, and was interied‘ in Edgelycemeterv on Sunday last. The services were conducted by Rev. Mr. Hoover of Markham and the Rev, Mr. McLaughlin of Sherwood. 4TH CON. 0F VAUGHAN, A farm of 75 acres being comnosed ot fihe East- pm‘ts ofiklots 22 and 23. in the Mr. Juseph Snider, of Harriston, is hegq vi§iping friends. Our Football club played a. friendly game with Laskay at Maple on Saturday, Dec. 11th, which resulted in a. draw, each club receiving one game. The best of feeling prevailed throughout the match. Mr. Kirby of Hope acted as referee, to the satisfaction of all. West’s Cough Syrup instantly relieves and speedily cures bronchitisfiore throw, and all throat. diseases. Try it and be convinced. All: druggists. FARM FOR SALE ! The members of the Young People’s Class of the M. Church met, at the home of Mr. T1103. Beynon, their leader, and presented him with a handsome Bibla aim hymn book as a token of their esteem for him. Mr. Beynon was taken by surprise by their visit. Mr. John Love, of this. place has removed to Toronto. The Annual Meeting of the Temper ahceville Branch of the Bibha Sneiety was held in the Presbyterian Church last Thursday evening. Mr. Jim, Steward, «he Prsident fur the past. year of the branch, occupied the chair vas \V. A mus and Rev. Mr. McFadden addressed the meeting. The latter, who theIS in bihnlfof the society. was the Principal speaker of the evening. The attendance was not so large as might, he expecfed, cnnsidering the fact that the Bible Society in nnn-sectax‘ian and is' recoginzed as mighty factor fur good. The fullnwing officers were elected for the ensuring year:~â€"Mr. Thus Beynsn, Pres., Mr. W. Fisher, Sec. & Tres . Mr. Thus Ledge; Yonge street. Mr. J Folliett, Temperance» viH, Mr. G. Norman, Eversley, and Mr. Winters, King. Committee. Collecters were appointed for each devision 0f the branch. Mr Jae. Carscadden of Manitoba, is visiting among nld friends and magnum- fences. He will return in :i fuw xnoutlm Mr. Paws, 0f this place, whih! working for Mr. Wu Grant, (If Larchmere Farm, had the misfortune to have pnl't of his core finger of the right hand mknnnfl‘ with the cutting box. He will be land ufi'u few days in consequence. From our own Correspondent. Chrisimas is coming, and an is the annual Xmas Festival] in the Mvi’hmiist Church. The Committee will do Hwir ntmnst to make it a success. Mr. E. J. Dnvis has been invited to preside, and smerni Rev. gentlemen to address the mueting, besides the usual choice and instructin s'r‘iecbinns of music, readings $0., an tiieyexnecb to he up to. or rather to gm h(‘_\‘()l]d the entertainment of previous yaw-:3. Rev. Mr. McDuwel. of King \i‘iil ncn-npy the nnipit of the Methodist Church next Sunday aft arnmm. ‘Vest’s Cough Syrup, a certain and speedy cure for couglm,culds,:u;d all throat and lung diseases. No‘ By an arrangement made with Mr. Sheppard, the proprietor of this paper is prepared to.send to any address THE LIB’ ERAL, and the Toronto Weekly News and York County Paper to the 3lst of De~ cember, 1887, together with one dollar’s worth of books, for the sum of $1.75. Send in your orders at once. and get the remainder of this year, for both papers, free. The following is the list of books to select from:â€" the encroachments of Ottawa vin- dictiveness and tyranny. Play the men for those who have fought so nobly and successfully our battle a- gainst all foes. Many of these are of our own household, and Meredith is their leader. Put G. B. Smith at the head of the poll by such a ma- jority as will convince all that treas- on and boodleism can find no abid- ing place 1n East York. 16, An Extraordinary Ofier. (Received'tno late for 1:th issue) , Toronto by Gaslight ..... , The Queen of the Isles .Tnlmuge’s Sermons .. ‘ The VVelfleet Mysterv . ‘ A Gentleman of Lelsure ‘ Mildred . . . . . l . . l . . . . . . ‘ The Hauntexl Hotel The Black Robe ..... . Detective and Somnumbulist Adven ‘ ures of Tom Sawyer Claude Mclnotte ........... Kate Danton The VVife‘S Trug Letters to n, Yomrh Mel lmnt Sir Phillip‘s “'ifc oert 01' Love ............................... Lillisfii‘ the Mysto don Abbey ........... . ...... Tulmaqe’s Sermons â€"- The Marriage Ring ............. “Dolly,” the You] \‘Vidder up to Felder’s, by In E.Slmpâ€" purd, the Furmin‘ Ellitnr “ " bound in clnth me our own Correspondent TEMPERANCEVILLE EDGELY. Price 20 cents 10 ()5 ()5 i5 25 ‘20 O .30 51% 2: THE. FIRE PROOF} Tweedg, Shirtings, flattens, &c.; &0. Dress Goods, WISHING YOU A MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! All goods sold at the lowest possible figures to be obtained anywhere. Our stock is very complete, and by long odds the best selected in the town. The greater part of the Dry Goods and Crockery was bought by W. A. in England direct from the manufacturers. Two profits are thus saved by buying direct instead ofthrough the wholesale houses. It is with pleasure that we announce to the puilic that we- intend holding a great 'EI" 'IWELW W HUMDAY GIFT SALE Commencing on Monday, the 20111 of December, and continuing till the ISt ofjanumy, 1887. THIS IS A BUNA FIDE SALE ! A, Splendid Assortment of DIRECT IMPORTER. Nomination Tuesday, Dec. 21st. LEGISLNWE ASSEMBLY. Easy filfljfifi @F féflfl ! G. E. SMITH, Your Vote and Influence are respectfully solicited for 'T'Tâ€"T'Ffl P 11‘. AT THE Polling Tuesday, Dec. 28th. Flannels, 860. â€"FOR THEâ€"â€" And so on. FORM CANDIDATE AT

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