Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Dec 1886, p. 5

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Ladies ! See the fine assortment of Mantles and Jackets at (Brennan’s Arbitratmn. The arbitrators appointed by the County Council to settle the matter between the village and outside parts of the school sechiun, will meet in the Court Room here to-morrow(Fx'ilny), the 17th, inst.. at 11mm, Get New Era Baking Powder at Grennan’s, and a fine glass present with every can. The Annual entertainment in conneation with the Presbyterian S. S. will be held on New Year’s Eve. There will also he presents for the scholars. Call and see Savage’s new stock of Christmas Cards. All new de- signs. P. G. Savage. I say, boys! You can buy a Knitt- ed Pullman Cap for 25c., or a real fine Scotch Alma Cap for 500., a beautiful Astrachan Cap for $2.25, or a fine Curly glossy Persian Lamb make from whole skins for $5.00, at Grennan’s Cheap Cash House. Free of Charge. All who buy their Xmas Confecfionery a? Kirkby‘s. the new store, amounting to 50 cents, will receive a set of 6 nice Xmas cards For pocket and table cutlery go to C. Mason’s. In order to facilitate with some people the purchase of sewng mncbmes, Mr. Lush is prepared to accept produce in exchange for one of his New \Viliiams Machines. Read his change of ad. Heavy all‘wool Shirts & Drawers for 50 cents each at Grennan's. Shooting M atch. A shooting match for Geese and Turkeys will beheld at Bonds Lake on Friday, Dcc. 17!.‘1 1886. Targets: will be erected for rifles and shots guns. No. 6 shot to be used. Shooting to commence at 1 o’clock sharp. For a large assortment of pocket kmves go to C. Mason’s. Lukay Methodist Sabbath School will hold their annual Tea-meeting and Xmas Arch on Christmas eve, Dec. 24th. An ex- cellent programme has been arranged. Look out for posters. (iremmn’s 25c. Tea is chmce and fragrant! Try it ! Unionvfile Meeting. A public meeting of the electors of East York. in the interest of Mr. G, B. Smith, the Reform Candidate,will be held in theVictorin Hall, Unionville, on Wednesday evening. the 22nd inst. See notice. Ladies! We have a fine stylish lot of new Dress Goods which you ought to see a1 once, as they are not likely to last long at such low prices. Call and examine them at B. Gren- nan’s. A Gold VCMch and Jet Brooch 10m. See ads. on another page. Rxcnmoxn HILL, Thursday, Dec. 16 , "66 Pocket knives all sizes and prices at C. Mason’s. Tm: LIBERAL “ill he sent to new subscribâ€" ers. from this date till the first of January, 1888, for the sum of one dollar. Until further zm’nir‘r‘ V\ ails will be closed at the Richmond Hill Post (mine as follm 'szv- V MURNING zâ€"Gm'ngz Northsonlh, Fast mu] \Veet, includinu Thm‘uhil], Maple, Toronto, Mnrkhmu.d‘z“. 8.00 EVENING Z~Gning fiouthllust and West (21s :4me 5 30 N. Rullegisterad Letters must he hawk-'1 in at least F1ftuen Minutes u'lier than the above mentioned hours for clue-.mrr. Connects with an trains, leaving the Palmer House, Rinhmnnl Hill. as follnws : Mai) & Exprem,Norbh & South“. Accommodation “ “ Express, North," Mail. South” TORONTO TORONTO. Citv HR '1 Union Station Brock Street Queen's \th‘f PM'kdaJu. Davmmor . Weston .. Thornhill . Rmmnxn HILL ‘ Kin’: . Aux-om, .. .. Kewnmrkef Newm arket ...... A 11mm. King In m1 , Thornhill . 'Westnn. ‘ . Davenport Parkd n10 Wm ‘gfiihgmio PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. Christmas; Cards at THE LIBERAL Store. Queen's \Vlmrf Brook Street... Unlon Station. Cxty Hull ...... . POST OFFICE NOTICE S. S. Entertammem. Hard Times. ‘ . . . V “\(VU GOIN (4 SOUTH GOING NORTH. Mail. A 8.10 ,on 818 Xmas Arch. 10.05 10.11] 10.20 54.07 9.18 91:0 9.30 9.44 8.33 H x M. TEEFY. Postmaster Accom. 11 45 1152 12.00 AN-mn. 11.57 1 '.’.. 10 1:20 in” 7.0 a Ex l8 BU Thornhill Political Meeting. The joint meeting of the Reform electors of East and West York. held in the interest of Mr. G. B. Smith and Dr. Gilmonr, was a most enthusiastic one. Mr. John Lane, ex- M. P. P., occupied the chair, and had little trouble in maintaining order, so eager were those present to listen to the speakers. The two gentlemen already mentioned gave short and spirited addresses, and were supported by Mr. Mulock, M. P. for North York, and Mr. Peter Ryan. one of Toronto’s greatest orators; Mr. Armstrong was on the plat- form, and spoke in favor of Dr. Orr. and made a feeble attempt to defend Mr. Mere- dith. the leader of the Ontario Opposxtion. Mr. Humberstone held forth on his own be- half, and after defining himself its an Inde- pendent candidate,asking the suflrages of the electors of East York. he endeavored to abuse the administration of the Hon. 0. Mownt, showing that they had been extrava- gant, and had actually spent in five years the sum of $35 in flower pots, and had paid $7.00 as one year’s subscription to the Daily Globe which was sent to the Orillia asylum. Dr. Orr. who had held a meeting in another place, came in between 11 and 12 o‘clock, when the last speaker was on the floor. The meeting, which was strongly in favor of the Liberal candidates, broke up petweeu 1.2 3nd 1 o’clock. ’ Band of Hope Concert. AS we announced last wmk the Band of Hupe of (his village plll‘p’)50 givmg an inter- esting Concert in the Masonic Hall, on Christmas (-vmiing. The first, part, of the proglamme weli conni<t of Dialogues, limita- tions and motion songs. In Part II the beautiful Cantum ()fRe:i Riding Hood and her rescue will be exsuumd. The whole to cnm-lmie with a visit from Snntl Claus. For furtlwi' purtirtuinl‘s son posters. Grand Entertamment 8: Xmas Tree. The Zion EV. Luthpmu S. 8., (Mil Ion Van ham) purpose giving their annual enter- tain lent on Xmas Evening. Dec.25th, 1886. An excellent programme W111 be rendered. COHEifli‘irlL’ ('f "(Hz-ms“ from Dr, L\‘nd,Purk- dale; N. (J. Wulhxce. \‘v'nudlu-idm‘. um] several 162'. gentlemen; M30 Bvcicmizmx‘, Dulogues, mm Uhoruses by the School. and by distim gnrslwd outside talem, from 'J nrontn. Newton- Bronk, LQJUIY, \\’uodbridge,&c Admisainn 25 cts.; Children 15 cts. Doors: open at 6.30; Entertainment to commence at 7. p. m. The anniversary Ten of the Methodth Sabbath School, Thornhill, will be given in the Church on Stturdav January Isl, 1887. Miss MuGarrv, Canada’s greatest elncutioneet, has been secured for the occasinn, Misses. Mitchell and Purkiss f: l\Ies.~r-. Bart «’4' Stanly, at Toronto, have kindly consented to asvist. Singing. Recitatiom, Dialogues by the school. Ten. served at~1.30; Cnncert at 7.30 p.tu. Admisfl'ou to TM dz Uoncert‘adultn 30 cents, Childten 15 cents. Anniversary Sermons will he arranged for & announcod in vl‘ue time. All are cordially invited. Pro- ceeds in aid of the school. Canadian Almanac. \Ve neknowledge, with thanks, from the Publishers, Messrs. Copp. Clark &'Co.,Front St. Toronto,a (-opynf their cmmdinn almanac for the year 1887.: The book is a dictionary in itself and is a repomtory of meful and practical knowledge. At the beginning is a map of Canada, showing the Canadian Pacific Railway and its connections. It also contains general information on commerce, statistics, education, finance, &c., &c. The Post offices of the Dominon are arranged in alphabetical order, and the name of every Post master is given. The prices is only 15 cents,nnd the useful work should be inveverv Canadian household. The Cheap Cash House. Mr la'rremmu of the cheap cash house assures our realhlrs, on another pagp, that to have a merry Xmas ah smnH “xwwnse is t!) call at his store and inspect his goods. 15y thing; so you are surn to pm‘chnse. 09.11 mm! prove it for yourselves. NOW is the time it you want any- thing m Boots, Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Ladies’ and Gent’s Felt \‘Vork of all kinds. The Cheapest and best in the town. Tremendous stock at R. Slvcrs'. If you want to have your Christâ€" mas cakes, pudding, and mince pies leSt the best you ever made up, get your Currants, Raisins, Peels, Ex- tracts, and Spices m; (Herman’s, as he has a tipytop stuck of choice gm- Cerics, and the prlces are the lowest in the trade. The V’Vhitc Bros. The Royal Templm's nI Tempex‘auceof “1123 v11;u;sa cen-minlv imam: giving: us It treat u.» tnvy have secured the White Brewers, uh) will Uzw our mwn n vivit, some time in Jau- uary next. Further notice will be given. The correct place to buy your Fur Caps for the cold weather which has now suddenly jumped on. us with both feet, is the Concrete. Beauti- ful Curly Glo: sy Persian Lamb caps made from Whole skins, at $2.50, $3.25, $64.90, $4.75 and $7.00 each, well woth a dollar more, in all the different styles, VVcdge. Jockey, With Peak and with B‘md. Mrs. Musselman. when of the lace Peter Mumellunn, and mother of Mr. B. Mussel- mun, of Thoruhill, died at H e rvsidence of her niece, Mrs. Bmkholder, 9211 Con. Mark- ham. on Than-day, 9th imb. Dem nsed was in her SOth year. and had been a resident. of the Township of thghun for ubuuv. 60 years Do not fail to read Mr. Atkinson’s ade which appeals on unothvr page. He 8.11- nounces u grout Holiday Gift Snle which com- mvm-es on IbP 20bit Inst. All purchasers to the amount uf 31‘00 < r aver, will receive a. handsome Xmas present. Our Best Astracan Cap is selling at $32.00. They have gone OH with a run and we cannot get enough of them, so call early and secure one beiore they are picKed over. New Years Day The Concrete. Died. A special meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade was held in the engine house on Friday evening Dec. 10th. Committee on procuring hall reported through Secre- tary that same had been secured. Commit- tee on entertainment reported no progress. Moved by C. Trevethan, seconded by C. Soules, that this meeting resolve itself into a Committee of the Whole to discuss business pertaining to entertainmentâ€"Carried. Af- ter discussion, it was moved by Foreman Redditt. seconded by J. Hennessey, that 0y- sters and equipments be provided by Brigade and a Committee be struck to solicit provis- ions from ladies of villageâ€"Carried. Moved by Foreman Redditt, seconded by Lieutenant Storey, that Messrs. J. Hennossey,A. Savage A. Wright and John Piper form a Committee to canvas west side of village, and C. Soules, A. Davis, 0. Brown and C. Wright for east side in order to solicit provisions for supper. â€"â€"Carried. Moved by Lieut. Storey, second- ed by J. Hennessey, that Messrs. Sheppard, Savage, Sanderson and Nicholle be 3 Com- mittee on the Concert. Moved in amend- ment bv Foreman Bedditt. seconded by Fore- man Savage, that the above Committee be formed of Messrs. McMahon, Sheppard, Stor- ey and Sanderson. The amendment was put to the meeting and carried. Moved by Fore- man Redditt. seconded by C. Trevethan. that the Secretary be instructed to procure bills and tickets.â€" Carried. Moved by Foreman Redditt, seconded by F. McConaghy, that we have a torchlight procession accompanied by the usual fire-works.-â€"Cnrried. The meeting then adjourned to Friday, Dec. 24th. ‘ willirngfto work, not hard but earnestly, tht- patlf'to large succeas. It should he remem- bered that an nant can (lo a lumdsoum buasuess without being; away from home ovw night. Another advantageâ€"it costs nothir g tugive the business a trial, mnl an agent cm. devote all his time, or only his spare moments to it. Stinson & co. guarantee grand succvsa to all who engage and follow simple and plain directions that they give. We have not hpllce to explain all here, but full psu‘tlculars will 16 sent free to those who address the firm; their full address is given above. Money to be Made It is said that dull times nr= not known by the agentfi for the great publishing home of George Stimson & 00., of Portlnml, )Iainw. The reason of this exceptional sncegss 5 found in the fact that they always give H-e public that which is keenly appreciated mm .M. prices that all can afford. At present we llndeusmnd, their agents are doing wunnh- - fuliy well on several new lines. '1 hey mm: many mom agents in all putts of the country . Those who neml profitable work shtm‘vi apply atggnce. Women do as well us mwl. Experigiiée is nut necessary, for Messrs. Stinsfihaa’Co. undeflnke to show all who nru willipgfto work, not hard but earnestlv. lb.- A Centenarian. Lest Tnesrlny, Dec. 14th. Mr.» Sisley, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Sterling, of this village, reached her hundredth birthduy, and is consequently a centenuriun. The aged lady has two sisters li~ing, Mrs. Armi- tnge, of Stoulfvilte, aged 89, the other, Mrs. Playter, of Reach, aged 86. and a. brother. Mr. John Wilson, of Whitehurch, aged 82. The united ages of this long lived family makes 357. The father of a. family of. eleven boys and girls was n U. E. Loyalist, who went to New Brunswick during the struggle for American Independence, and came to Ontario in 1811. Since this lady first open- ed her eyes the world has undergone runny changes. At that time this village was a fore-st, and Toronto was nowhere ; there were no Bible, Misstonary or Tract Societies; there were no railroads. telegraphs or tele- phones, no submurine transmissions and no penny postage. No kerosene, no gas, and no electric lights. No mowingI thrashing, washing or sewing machines. There were no professional tramps, drummers or dudes; No one ever struck "ile.” There were no false teeth, false hair, bangs or bustles, and no one chewed gum. There was no tangle- leg, lager beer or fortvn‘od whiskey. When folks got married there were no wedding tours, when they died there were no hearses. And when people went out of this world they did not go by ruilrond disaster, steam- boat explosion or dynamite. They generally died from natural causesâ€"Com. Any person in Richmond Hill or vicinity who pronounces correctly all the words in the following piece of dictation, Without the aid of a. dictionary, will be entitled tn a Christmas present. Call and read it for us : “ A sacrilegions son of Belial, who suffered 1mm bronchitie, having exhausted hh finances, in order to mnke good the deficit resolved to ally himself to a cnmelv, lenient and docile young lady of the Malay 01' Caucasian race. He accordingly purchased a calliope and coral necklace uf a chameleon hue, and. securing a suite. of rooms at :1. principal lmtel, he engaged the hewl Wain-r as his condjnior. He then dispatched 21. letter of the mole nnexceptional calligraphy extant, inviting the young lady to a lnntinee. Sn:- revolted at the idea, refused to cmnider her- self sacrificnble to his desires, and sent u polite note of refusal, on receiving which lm procured a carbine and a bowie knife, said that he would not now forge, felters hynwnml with the Queen, Went to an i<olnted 5pm, Severed hie Jugular vein, and (lisclnlrgmi the contents of the carbine into his ahlmnz-n. The dibris was removed by the coroner”. Street. Toronto, or 81 St. Francois- Xavier Street, Montreal. want a. General Agent. They are the exclusive owners of the Schnfield Patent Cake Griddle, the Cele- brated Emery Knife Sharpener (known as the “ Curver's Friend ”). the Emery Scythe Sharpener, the Jay-Eye-See Wire Curry Comb. and other Specialties. If you wam to make money, write to them at once for an outfit, and in secure what terrificry you can handle. 25 Maple Meeting. The Conservative meeting held at Maple on Monday eveninglnst, iu the interest of ’Dr. Orr, turned out to be in. Reform meeting in {ever of Dr. Gilmour. Dr. Orr WM assist- ed by Mr. J. Armstrong and Dr. Gilmour was very ably supported by Mr. Tait and Mr. P. Putter-son. Al- though Dr. Orr in popular in his own village and vicinity as a practitioner, it is quite evjA dent the electors do not. purpose [ziViug up their principles which they feel to be right. for the sake of personal friendshipâ€"Com. AGENTS WANTED. LEMENT & 00., 0F 48 WELLINGTON Fire Brigade. Try It In our Quilt department we are showing very large lines. We havs good heavy Bed Comforters at 750., 351, 1.25, 1.50 and up, and large, fine, pure harder-Down Quilts at $89, the regular price in the city for the same goods is $12.50. We are also offering Big Drive in Grey Flannels, which We show in wide widths as low as I5cts. per yard. House- keeeers should not purchase without first seeing our imâ€", mense stock. PETLEY’ & PETLEY, {2.38 to 1:32 King Stgeet East,‘ Opposite the Market» Toronto We have also in stockâ€"nice white Blankets at mnch lower prlces, but we cannot recommend them with the confidence we do therabove goods. Housekeepers about to make their purchases for winter should see our large stock of fine all wool white Blankets, purchased bp us direct from the manufacturers previous to the advance in the price of wool v Large, heavy, all pure wool white Blankets at 3, 3,50, 4, and 4.50. These goods we can recommend to our custom» ers, as they are made. of the best long wool, and contain neither cotton nor shoddy. Our Millinery department is stocked with all the newest shapes and latest novelties for the present season, and for style, moderation of prices and geed taste cannot be equall- ed in thIS or any other city. We are selling lovely jersey Jackets nicely trimmed at $3.50, $54, $4.50, $55 and .3156, really worth from $5 to $10. Handsome Longr Ottoman Satin Finish Mantles at {$3.50, 4.4.50, 5, 6,7,8 and IQ, worth from fifteen to sixteen dollars. No lady should purchase a Mantle without seeing our im- mense stock of new fashionable garments of this season’s im- portation. Every lady should make it her business to examine our magnificent stock of Winter Mantles. GREAT FALL SALE DRY GOQS QLOHWG PETLEY {81 COMMENCING TO-DAY AT THE STORES OF ALL WOOL BLANKETS WIN TEE MANTLE S Is fairly loaded with new, choice and ele- gant Goods. Never before in the history of our business have we made such an ei- fort to eclipse ever} former year. Our Mantle Room has been thoroughly re- modelled and enlargâ€" ed, thus making it the brightest and largest in Toronto. The requirements of Our immense busi- ness have made this an absolute necesâ€" sity. Ladies’ Long I‘Icwmarket Coats $33.50 up. _ Ladies’ Elegant Dolmans, both short and long, from $5.00 to $25.00. OUR MANTLE DE- PARTMENT Ladies’ Short Walking Coats S5}

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