Ericsson who has been experimenting for ï¬fteen years in New York with a. View to utilizing the heat of the sun as a, motive power, announces that he has ï¬nally perfec- ted a motor, costing but little more than a steam engine, with which, in hot countries 2‘11 amount of work can be obtained which x’vould in one year more than pay the extra. cost of the apparatus. He hopes to interest czpitalists in the invention. John Ross and Albert Hawkins, both 001- ored, who have been arrested at Baltimore, have confessed that they murdered a, Woman named Emily Brown for the price her body would bring for use on the dissecting table. After the murder the body was taken to the University of Maryland where evidences of foul play created suspicion, and an'investi- g Ltion was held, with the above result. Notice has been given by the Department of Interior that after January 1st next, the even-numbered sections remaining available in Dufferin and Rat River reserves, hitherto set apart for Mennonite settlers, shall be open for homestead and pre-emption entry to all applicants. - Sir John Kaye proposes establishing ten {model farms of ten thousand acres each at points along the line of the Canadian Paciï¬c railway west of Manitoba. Sir John is at present in Ottawa endeavouring to secure 0th the railway and the Government See- tious, so as to have the proposed farms in solid blocks. President Cleveland, although still suffer- ing from rheumatic pains in the knees, is ble to resume his ofï¬cial rmnine of business. Charles Warner, an old man, who claims to be the inventor of Colt’s revolver and some ï¬fty other inventions, the other day applied at the Police Court, New York, for shelter. He is homeless and without means. AMERICAN. Articles of incorporation of the Chicago, Santa. Fe and California railways witha. capital stock of $3,000,000 have been ï¬led. \Vm. Brett, a. brakeman on the St. LaW» rence & Ottawa. branch of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway, was missed from his post on a. freight train when it was three miles from Ottawa, the other evening, about 5.30. Search being made his dead body was found lying beside the track soue distance back. It is supposed he was struck by a. bridge while applying the brakes. A gentleman larger interested in the Can- adian water-carrying trade urges that the locks on the Welland canal, now being en- larged, should be made 350 feet long and 16 feet deep, so as to admit the largest vessels. He contends that this, with a little alter- ation in the St. Lawrence canal locks, would stop the enlargement of the Erie canal and secure for the St. Lawrence route the Whole waterâ€"carrying trade of the north and west. Sir Ambrose Shea urges the British Gov- ernment to sanction the bill passed by the Newfoundland Legislature prohibitin the export of bait. Lieutenant-Governor oeux also advises the Government to sanction the bill, but the Government is unwilling to do so unless it is proved that the protection of the bait ï¬sheries will not interfere with the just demands of the American and French ï¬shermen. In answer to frequent applications to the Customs Department for remission of duty on the effects of persons returnin to Canada. after a short stay in the United tates, it is pointed out that only the effects of actual settlers coming into Canada, or who have re- sided for at least two years in a. foreign country, are entitled to exemption. It is said Lieut-Gov. Aikens will remove to Toronto on the completion of his term of oflice in Manitoba. The creditors of the town of Portage la. Prairie, Mam, have offered to reduce the in- tercst on the municipal debt according to a. sliding scale, providing the Manitoba Legis- lature will guarantee the payment of the re- duced rate. An elaborate statement concerning the seizures of the Canadian sealing schooners in Behring‘s sea by the United States au- thorities has been prepared by the Dominion Government for transmission to the Imperial Government. A movement has been started to establish industrial farm schools in the North-“fest for the training of English boys sent out to this country. The Dominion Land Act pro~ vides for granting land for the purpose un- der certain conditions. Owing to the delay in equipping the tugs of the Montreal Harbour Commission for the work of keeping the St. Lawrence open dur- ing the winter, the project is a. failure and will have to be abandoned for this year. Over one hundred tons of hay and a con- siderable quantity of grain have been sold to the Nortl1-\Vest Mounted Police this year by one small band of Indians. Another band has sold sufï¬cient grain to purchase two reapers. HOME. The British Columbia Legislature will meet on January 24th. During November 649 immigrants arrived in ‘VinnipegA Altogethe 13,865 immigrants have arrived in that city for the eleven months of this year. George Cunningham, a respected farmer, hanged himself in a cow shed on his preâ€" mises at Belleville. Deceased was nearly 77 years of age. Family trouble is said to have been the cause of his suicide. The militia. authorities have authorized the formation of a provisional battalion of rifles in the district of Algoma, with head quar- ters at Port Arthur. on the 171.11 NOV., avlld was acquitted. The ï¬rst shipmth of lumber from New \Vcstminster, B. (3., consisting of Douglas pine and cedar in thirty teat lengths, arrived in Montreal the other (layover the Canadian Paciï¬c railway. Charles McAuley was tried at the Criminal Sessions in Toronto on the charge of mem- slaughter for causing the death of his father on the 17th Nov., and was acquitted. l‘lyzwinthe Loyex', a basket maker of GM- inezm Point, Qua, (34 years old and in poor circumstances, has inherited a. fortune of $300,000 under the will of an uncle in France lately deceased. A quantity of contraband tobacco has been seized by the collector of Customs at North Sidney, Cape Breton. Counterfeit two-dollar notes are in circu- lation in Montreal. They are such clever limitations as to have deceived several of he banks. THE W EEK’S NEWS. Putnam’s Corn Extractor Is the best remedy for Corns extant. It acts quickly, makes no sore spots and ef~ feats a radical cure, A hundred imitations prove its Value. Take neither substitutes offered as good nor the close imitations or i the genuine too often offered. Bruised and Maiomeciiségjreproachfully) ~†Father, you seem to forget that you were a young gentleman yourself once.†Unreasonable Old Man (to bruised and maimed son)â€"“ There you are, with one eye gouged out, both ears gone, a dislocated shoulder blade, broken arm, and fractured leg, with whiskey enough in you to start a liquor store, and all for a. college game of football. It’s outrageous, disgraceful I†1),",:, 1 ‘ N 11.. i It is rumoured that, owing to a. fright the Czar received by ï¬nding on his writing table a. letter announcing that the Socialists would wait no longer for the deliverance of the people from bondage, he has ordered the members of his council to prepare a consti< tution suitable to the condition of the em- plre. The principle on which she acts we are not at liberty to divulge at present, and it is perfectly impossible for any outsider to make out why she rises and falls at will when she is in thr- water; for only about ten inches of her upper deck can be seen. \Ve can only say that she does not sink by means of tak- ing in water or by screws requiring a full head of steam to work them, for she can be lying peacefully on top when, by merely turning a. Wheel inside, she will disappear almost instantaneously on an even keel. The three gentlemen interested in her, with three engineers, went down in her to the bottom of the docks, about 17 feet, and rose and fell at pleasure. Ohec they stayed down about three-quarters of an hour, and tried a number of experiments, all of which were very satisfactory, and they discovered they had a far greater reserve of risinrr they had a far greéter reserzie of rieifxé power than they imagined. The invention can be adapted to larger vessels. E Gadhan Eï¬â€˜endi, the Porte’s Special En- ! voy at Soï¬a, has been accused by the Powers : of playing a double game, and upon this being represented to the Turkish Ministers, they sent a. request to the Sultan to have him dismissed from the diplomatic service. a At the Court of Assizes of Adecto, France, recently J eane Faure and his wife were condemned to hard labour for life for killing i Claude Faurc, whose remains they after- wards out up and boiled in a, cauldron in which they cooked soup for the family. A New Submarine Torpedo Boat. Navy Gazette. A formidable-looking monster in the shape of a submarine torpedo boat on an entirel novel principle was tried in the \Vest India Docks last Monday, Nov. 15. The boat is cigar shaped, built of steel three~eighths inch thick. sixty feet long, with eight feet beam. She is driven by electricity, devel- oping 45 horse power, and is to be provided with an exit chamber similar to Jules Vern’s in his book. “ Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea ;†so that she should be valu- able for mining and conntermining, besides earrying torpedoes. It is stated the French are actively in- triguing against the British on the African east coast, south of the Gulf of Aden, and that a party of Frénzhmen recently hoisted the French flag over Dongarita, which lies within the territory under British posses- 51011. Many of the exhibitors to the late Colonial Exhibition have formed a committee to ex- hibit specimens in the Soho bazaar, in con- nection with which it is proposed to have a, Canadian reading room. Advices from Calcutta. say cholera is de- creasing there. Heavy rains are destroying crops in the northwest provinces of India. Floods are causing much loss of life and damage to property. On Saturday of last week an earthquake was felt in Smyrna and through the island of Chios. The disturbance made ï¬ssures in walls and fronts of houses in all parts of the territory affected. A shabby-looking man threw a stone into the study window of the emperor \Villiam’s palace on Sunday afternoon. The Emperor was not hurt. The man was arrested. The Berlin Krem Zeitung says England has secured the best route to Victoria Nyemza. and this accounts for her zele in preparing an expedicion for the relief of Emir Bey. Despatches from Mandalay state that Col. Heyland, with a. body of British troops, re- cently pursued 700 Dacoits and killed 200 of them, while many others were made pris' oners. Statistics of the cholera. epidemic in Hun- gary show that there were 966 cases and 499 deaths. England has decided to reduce the Egypâ€" tian standing army to 40,000 men, and the army of occupation to 5,000. Merlatti, the Italian faster, completed his ï¬ftieth day’s abstinence from food at 6 o’clock the other evening. The Bulgarians deny that they have in vitel Prince Ferdinand to become a. candi date for the Bulgarian throne. At IIolmsfnrth, near Huddersï¬eld, Eng., Joshua “’oodcock drowned himself and his two young sons in a. reservoir. FOREIGN. The Turkish minister in Madrid is dead. Farmers in North \Vales are resisting the collection of church tithes. The Queen has ordered that the children of Princess Beatrice shall enjoy the title of Highness. The Earl of Iddeslcigh, iritish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, is in feeble health, and has left London to spend a month in the country. Major Serpa Pinto, the African explorer, censures the missionaries at Blantyre station for importing handcuffs with which to ter' rorize the natives. The German Reichstag has referred to a select committee the proposal-to suppress duelling. The English Board of Trade has ordered an investigation into the recent loss of life at Southport through defective lifeboats. The London Daily A’mm has started a subscription for the American poet \Valt Whitman, who is in distressed circum- stmwos. He Seemed to Forget. For freight, pa-terzge, or other information apply to A. Schui 10‘ (\‘L (‘0., Baltimore; 5%. Cunard E; (30., Halifax & (10., fat. John’s, . ; ‘w'm. Thomp- son 6; Col. St. John, NJ}; A a) &Cn.,Clxicng~o; Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronto; Allans, liue&Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia; H. A. Allen. Portland, Boston, Montreal. Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John’s, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly: Apgn Line Royal Mail Steamshipsi W. M. COOPER, LARGEST GUN STORE IN CANADA teed‘PRECE $§.oo. 50 Ken- nedy liepeatmg Car mes, 12 shots, using 44 Winchester Cnrtridges~ AT $|4.00. 100 English Side h Snap Guns, 10 and 12 bore, Twist Barrelsâ€"‘$|2_oo. 500 British Bull Dog Revolvers, 32, 38. Or 44 Gal-w PRICE $3.00. Made in two sizes, carrying from 500 to 2,500 lbs. Light, Neat. Strong and very Durable. Will standby actual test300 per amt. over raw tele, and the runners wear six times longer, and, being,r spring tempered, do not drag or grip, drawing fully one- lmll easier on bare ground. Prices are RIGHT, and orders should be placed AT ONCE to secure delivery this season. as our entire sup ly is being rapidly taken up. Just the thing for de ivery sleighs, carry alls. democrats, etc. Send for circular with full ur- ticulars, and ask your carriage makers for t ese goods. J. B. ARMSTRONG M’F‘G 00. (1.11.), (V mu: nu nA_ .. .- um; Bhï¬iï¬ilï¬ ARMSTRONG-’8 PATENT TEMPEHED STEEL BUB-SLEIGHS. New shipment from England, Ex Steamship “ Nor wegian.†Lowest; prices to the trade. We are sole agents in Canada for McBride’s Celebrated Sheep Casings. Write for quotations. JAMES PARK «Q SON. Toronto. DEEP}! Business College, Guelph, 0m. Began the Third Year Sept. 151:, having already received patronage from Tim sums AND Pkovmcm, Young men and boys thoroughly prepared for bus;- ness urauits. Graduates eminently successful. Specia courses in Shorthand, French and German. Ladies admitted. For terms, at address L Shorthanders are in active demond in every city at salaries varying from $15 to $1200 weekly. Handsome salaries paid students as solicitors while learning. No experien're necessary, and great suc- cess guaranteed. Send at once for circulars. UNION SIIORTHANDERS’ Amman, Mail Lesson Department, 89 Adelaide Street East, Toronto. to loan on Mortgage. Trust funds. For particulars apply to Burn, CHAD- WICK, BLACKs'ropR 8L GALT, Toronto. Â¥ 0]! SALE CHEAPâ€"~01: Easy Termsâ€"Im- proved Farm of 200 acres, valued at $8,000 0 $10,000. Price only $30 per acre. Address 7M. J. KENT, L‘ondon, Ont. opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and kindred habits. The medicine may be given in tea. or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it U’ so desired. Send 60 instam s,for book tnd testimonials from thosew 0 have been cured. Address M. V. Lubon, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto Ont. Cub this our for future referencr. When writing mention this paper. Suï¬erers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustnchian tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be A fact, and the result is that a. simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever Ire cured in from one to three simple appliCAtiono made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stump by A. II. Dixon & Son, 308 King Street West. Toronto. Canada. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or- der, causing Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. Carson’s Stomach Bitters. Best; fumin medicine. All Druggists, 50 cents. A. P. 312. YOUNG MEN suffering from the eflects of early Ivil habits, the result of ignorance and lolly, who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous and exhausted; also Mm- Dbl-AGED and OLD Mn who are broken down from the aï¬ects of abuse or over-work, and in Idvauced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and IIAD M. V. Lubon’s Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on recei t of two 30. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 We ling- Son St. E. Toronto, Ont. Mr. Finger is a defeated candidate for the legislature in Fort \Vort'u, Texas. Scratch- ing did it, says an exchange, and another aSSerts that Finger will probably be on hand at the next election. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tangue, or In] disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Cavson‘s Stomach Bitters, the 01d and cried remedy. Ask your Druggist. -The home-stretchâ€"trying to make both ends meet. The young lawy<r ought to do a. fee-nom- inal business. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever. Hamilton girl (to young shepherdess) : “ My dear, I’ve been wading and forgot to bring my button hook along. Would you oblige me with your crook ‘1†23 ADELAIDE ST. E.,TORONTO. A11 classes of ï¬ne work. Mfrs. ofPrinters' Leads. Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send tor prices. 'DR. '1'. A; BLbEï¬i/lf" 3mm}: Oï¬ice. 37 Yam St. warms I lunnpofltlve remody (or the .1 w. diaem ; by “I m “Dom-ml! ore-Isl of ï¬n worn klnu nurl ol‘lom~ ï¬nding In. bean cured. Indeed Io nrong 1- my mm: In “a enemy, um I will and who BOTTLES FREE, untim- “Eh I VALUABLE TBEAT'ISE on this dim W In] Mann Give exp d_P. .Vsddreu. A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, GONSUMPTION. Samarium AT HOME.â€"â€"GO0D SAUSAGE GASNGS. 69 Bay Street, Toronto. M. mo’CORMCK; Principal, SIX GOLD MEDALS Practically Taught. RIB-O] For Circular giving full information, address~ FA_BMEBS___A_N_D_ THRESHERSi' This is the leading Commercial School in Canada. Its locality is in the business and educational oentn of this Province. The course of studies has been specially arranged to give a sound business education. “Ii PRACTICAL BUSINESS EDUCATION. :AMTOL‘ ,‘-:LIND£R, BEST WMGH IN AMERICA FOR THE PRIDE. Artistic Designs. combined with Unequafled Durability and Finish. HAZE/1 IL'I'ON, ONTABI O. AGENTS WANTEDâ€"Good commission or Salary St, Catlfarines, Ont. rcagidfl: For further particulars address the Secretary, ment. for the delicate. the enfeebled, me emacia‘ed of either sex and of any age. ASTHMA pï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬ï¬ï¬fjï¬fg‘éaiéeï¬ï¬ 3:: a. n...L.._:._-. AMA ' F’é’dï¬T’NE‘w‘ZEKKEc‘éZsEfTrL‘a? prices: R. B. BUTLAND, 37 King Stl'W†Toronto. MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00. FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. SHEETS OF5 & 100. MUSIC; ‘80,000 , Playa,’ Brass Inst's, ‘Violina,’ ‘Flubea,’ ‘era,’ and Musical Inst. Trimmingh a: redpced W ILLUSTRATED GIRGULARS FREE-7&3 "mpg. EENGOEJQH, H CHAS. H. BROOKS, ARITHMETIC, Manufactured at HIS SYSTEM nï¬'ords insurance at ACTUAL COST, bringing it in the reach of all classes. ' EsIDES Life Beneï¬ts, we advance a portion of the insurance in case of TOTAL DISABILHY‘ E HAVE 3. large Reserve Fund for the security of members. ’ ' E DISBURSE accumulated proï¬ts to members every tenth year fr of policy. GET INSURED AT COST. - - INVEST YOUR (Dle II'TIIPIJIG Mnun‘ ANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY AND SHORTHAND INSTITUTE, Public Library Building, To- ronto. Specialtiesâ€"Bookkeeping. Penmanship, Shorthand, Typewriting, Etc. The Canadian Mutual mama]? USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOâ€"flh; Ofï¬cial Reporter York Co. Courts, President. And Largest Training School in Canada. Send for Calendar. LIFE INSURANCE. MACHINE, MANUFACTURE ONLY SETH THOMAS PENMANSHIP, CURE FOR COLDS, CATARRH and BRONCHITIS Always ready. Recognized by the Pro- fession. 600,000 In uso. See Drug- gists, ifnot kept by them, sent by mail or express on receipt of $1.00. Send 5331111310: Pamphlet on "An. Crumh’s Ruhhar Pocket Inhaler Bronchltls and Admin yh-ltl to Dr. Ju 4's Medicine STRATPORD, Aug. 8th, 158 “About three years ago I was laid up with bron- c‘xitis, and for six months was unablejo do anything. Four bottles of Dr. Jug‘s Medicine completely cured me, and my health has been ï¬rstvmte ever since, in fact I never felt better in my life. W. }H. MAGEE, G. T. R. WORKS, Stratford. o Registered Hinder Dominion Insurance Act, 1885 -â€"ANDâ€"- OZONIZED INHALANT. SEND YOUR ADDRESS on postal card, and receive by RETIIRN MAIL FREE the only complete Catalogue of “’ntches, Jewellery, Silverware, Fancy Goods, ete., ever issued in Can- mln. and at the very lowest prices. We buy DIRECT from the MANUFACTURERS, for SPOT CASH, and give our customers the beneï¬t of our WHOLESALE DISCOUNTS. Address, Kent Bros., 168 Yonge St., Toronto. CONSUMPTIVES. PeerlessOfl OUEEN GI‘l'Y on. wonks, by V SAMUEL ROGERS & GO. TORONTO. THE COMMERCIAL LAW, Have been awarded it during the last three years. Try also PEER] AXLE GREASE, for your Wagons and Horse Powers. ARCADE, TORONTO. W"- PEMBERTON FAGâ€"E JAN. 3, 1887. PHONOGRAI’HY, LUNG INVEST You: 0WN SURPLUS MONEY. Birthday Cards may be assorted with larger packets. Orders also ï¬lled for Satin Cards, Screens, Book Marks, £50., at lowest ratesâ€"cash or stem 5 to accom- pany orders. To Agents, Teachers, Den em, or an one ordering $5.00 worth, an extra One Dollars’ value will be sent free. A $10.00 remittance will insure an extra Three Dollars‘ value. MATTHEWS BROS. & OO. 93 YONOE ST. TORONTO. Our Card I‘aulmges for the season 1386-7 are now ready, and embrace the best Cards of the leading makers, all well assortedâ€"no two in a Packet alikeâ€"â€" postage prepaid. Puckggt HAMILToN, - - - 0NTARIO. A Thorough Practical Business School. Tenm mod- erabe. Send for circular. RATTRAY & GEIGER. Packet No. The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association in the world, desires active representa- tives in every scution of Canada. Liberal induce- ments. It has full Government deposit, and under the supervision of Insurance Department. at Ottawa. Correspondence solicited. Address, NL“;Z§T'§H AKING POWDER The Snow Drin. baking Powder Co., Brannon, UM TheMutualReserveFund LHFE ASSOCIATION. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. BUSINESS COLLEGE BOOKKEEPING, SILK-FRINGE!) CARDS. Christmas Bands†by Mail. .m ~ _...‘., A BEAUTIFUL WATERPROOF. A PATENT LEATHER POLISH FOR BOOTS.SHOES& RUBBERS - SOLD EVERYWHERE- Braï¬bliï¬iflhé, ifï¬ï¬â€˜Ã©Ã©â€™ï¬tï¬'ï¬rnnto. 7 7 _ â€" - When-II lay cure I do not mean merely to stop them for. "me and than have them return mum I mean a radical cure. I hive made the (linenaa oI‘FITS EPILEPSY orFALL- 1N6 SIGKNEBB Hrs-long study. {warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others hwe failed Is no reason for not now recelvlng a cure. Send at once for A treatise and a. Free Bottle of my Inrnllible remedy. Give Express and Post om“. It costs you nothlnz {or A trial, Ind I wIlI cure you. Addrens DR. H. G. ROOT, °THERE IS momma LIKE ITT‘ ASSESSM ENT SYSTEM MIME FEW! ï¬ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬ NQ @ï¬wg J. :0. VJBLLS, HAMILTON Head Ofï¬ce, 10 King ét. East, Toronto. CORNER KING AND JAMES STREETS, Emmmmrammmm c. O'DEA,â€"SEGRETARY. f9? cams. 'G, CORRESPONDENCE, AND TYPEWRITING for 25 toms, u 40 u 63 King Street East. Toronto 75 u $l 00. 75 ‘ $1 90, Secretary at Manager. 315° PEERLESS Ital-an n ....... 12 I2 12 General Mhnager, (i fulï¬ls, assorted. cards, assayed, from date