The undersigned begs to inform the inhabiâ€" mm o! ; MAPLE: and vicinity that he intends keeping on hand agoodsupply of Coal and Wood at REEL/1101517 $1155le HILSGN‘S STANDARD SCALES (Zn-v can d-\. and live In hr unï¬t-t will pay lbclfl (tom 36 to $7; per any. Some have «m6 0- r3130 in c. day E'thev sex ’01an or old Cupitnl not roqnltcd. 'qu nu szrna l {rt-r ’lh-Je uh oh n0 once “lbw-AIM: 'uw cf but: li1.lctml'mc~ ‘Jl 1:: aw. ï¬eld! In puree. hut than who write lo Stir-eon J: Co .Porflsnd, Elaiuewlll receive (mu, full infonnnlon Ibvu‘ work whlch Ll l MIG, July 75h, 1886‘ will be on the premises for weighing. 17. A Gohloxn Dawn. A Novel. By the author of "‘ Dom 'l‘hormn†Illuslratezl. 18. lbudlcyï¬â€˜nrlum. A Novel. ByMiss M, E. Bummox. 19. sisivr Rose. A Novel. By WxLKm COLLINS. - 20. in the Mondays. A Novel. By MARY CECIL HAY. 21. The NSm-wlck Farm Myssiory. A Novel. By\\'1LanIuLLINs. _1(lustra,tcd. 22. A Bride , am the sic-:1. A Nnvcl‘ By the auLhur of ' Hum ' home." Illustrated. ‘24. The IHutrhl'orsi “mun-ml. A Novel. By HUGH CUN‘A'AXZ [Hus-(rated. A Queen Aniungzsl Women. A Noch 153' L110 author of “Dora ’l‘hornc." Q26. ’i‘lu- Emmi Mum-Ange. A Novel. By Miss M. E. 111mmme 11. The Laurel Blmh. A N ovcl. By Miss MULOCK. 13. (321111-11 Ehu'k. A Novel. By HUGH CONWAY. 11. Back to {N- 010 Home. A Novel‘ By MARY (719cm HAY. Illustrated. 15. The Frozen EH11). A Novel. By WILKIECOLLINS. 1111:. ratnrl. 16. lied four! Fun-m. A Novel. By ers. HENRY W001). 1H; [mlclL 23‘ A Fortune Hunter. A Novel. By ANNIE x Illusiruml. 27,3110 Knmmabridzc Mystery. A Novel. By CHARLES Rnum. Illustrated. 28. Among [he ‘ï¬uh A Novel. By MARY Cm 1‘“ IIAY. Illustruiml. 29. The ,‘iZysIon- ‘ A Novel. By M m Blackwoml Grunge. AY AGNES Fr 12m. 10. Henry Arkcll. A Novel. By Mrs. HENRY Woou. The above 40 Books wiH be sent postpaid to any address for $1.20. Address The WOMAN’S WORK COMPANY, Toronto, Canada. We h?" ‘whole F Stated Mai" All orders promptly attended. 3. The Cricket on the Heal-Ell. A Christ- mas story. By CHARLES DICKENS. Illus- tratod. 4. The Mystery of the Holly Tree. A Novel. By the author of †Dora. Thornc." Illustrated. H5. Gabriel‘s: Marriage. A Novel. By VVILKIE COLLINS. Janstratcd,‘ 8. The Meir to Ashley. A Novel. By Mrs. lixxny WOOD. 9. Amos Barton. ANovel. By GEORGE ELIOT. 12. “ï¬lth-9d Trovanion. A Novel. By "TIIJEJN'CIIF sf’ .1. Jasper Dana's Secret. ANovel. By sts M. E. BRADDON'. Illustrated. 2: John Bowel-bank‘s “111:. A Novel. By sts MULouK. Ill usbratcd. 6. The Grey \Vimmu. A Novel. By Mrs. GASKELL. Illustrated. 7. Reaping un- “'lllrlwlnd. A. Novel. By MARY CECIL IIAY. OUR WTEJEQUALLED ‘OFFEER To any one sending in TWO New Subscriptions to the WEEKLY MAIL at One Dollar Each. No freight and no duty to pay. We have the Books on hand ready to be sent out. 7 . - . 40 SPLENDID BDï¬Kg GIVEN AWAY R. RUMBLE. 29 POPULAR NOVELS BY THE BEST AUTHORS th the Publishers of these Books to present the "apaid, to any address in Canada or the United “fling Two New Subscribers to “The Weekly RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall‘ every Wednesday avenina. at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison '1‘. D. The Methodist sabbath sch oolTemperance As dociatiou issue pledge cards every Sunday when desired. \Nm.Harrison supf MECHANICS’ 1N5T1TUTE.-mbrs.ry of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra,- rian. Lectures and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANEâ€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 730 o‘clock W. Sheppard, Leader A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lnd e, No. 141. Meets in the Committee room 0 the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o'clock p.m. Bene- ï¬cary certiï¬cate given (or $2,000 in case of death. AJEuperLMascer Workman. B. Grenntm. rec. B. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meetsin Temperance Hull,each alter- native Tuesday evening atso'clock p m. Bene~ flciary cerciï¬cntes issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one halt nuyablc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer.Recording Secretarv I! will pay me nbovo Reward for any one of nylpopsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Indigestion or Continuu- wo cannot? 01136 with was-ma ma PIE-1.8, when the Direction: are strict]! ccempued with. Large Boxes, containing at) Pius, 25 Cents; 5 Box“ sumo. $936 by all VILLAGE COUNCILâ€"Reeve, Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cillm‘s. Messrs. Benj. Redditt, W. D. Powell, P G. Savage, and FMcConaghy. ()lerk. M. '1 eefy. .IMOND LonaE,A. F. &. A. M., No. 23, G.R.(‘ ~+ in the Lodge room,Ma.sonic Hullpn the My on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111 ‘osby. \V.M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERSâ€"Court Rich- nond. N0. 7046 A. 0. F., meets in the Temperance :Iall every alternate Fridtw at 7.30 p. m.- Geo. 'JcDonald,C. R. REWARD! TRIS YEAR FREE 36‘ Famous Detective Stories. A col. lection of thrilling narratives of Detective experience. many of them written by actual members of the rofcssion. 'We believe it L0 be [110 best 001 action of Detective stories ever published. 34. Fancy \Vork for Home Adm-mum", containing instructions for making fancy basket s,\\'ull»pockcts, brackets, needle-work, embroidery, etc, etc; profusely illustrated. The llama look Book and Family Physician.containinghundreds(ifexcclleut, cooking receipts and hints to housekeepers, also telling how to cure all manner of com- mon ailments by simple home remedies. FOR THE YOUNG PEOPLE. 31. Manners and (Illstoms in Far Away Lands, 8, very iuferest‘ing and instructive book of tmvcls, (loweribiug the peculiar life, habits, manners, and customs of Lin: people of foreign countries. Illustrated. 37. Sixteen Complete Stories by Popular Authors, embracing love. humorous, and Detective stories, sLories of society life, of adventure, of railway life, etc‘ ; all very in- tcl‘usting 38. School Dialogues, Recitatluns and Readings, :1 large and choice collection for school exhibitions, and public and private entertainments. 39. Parlor Amusements. a new and large collection of Acting Clmmdes, l’nrlm‘ Dranms, Shadow l’nmomimcs, Games, Puzzles, etc, for social gatherings. public and private entertainments, and evenings at home. Illustrated. 40. Yankee Wit and Humor. A collecâ€" tion of humorous stories, sketches, poems, and paragraphs, by the lending funny men of the American press. Illustrated. 32. The Cities of the New “’orld. _A description of all points of interest relating to every important, city of America, illus- trated with bird’s-eye views of much city described. 33. l'scl‘ul Knowledge for the Million. a handy bank of useful information upon many and various subj acts. Illustrated. 30. The lllstorynnd Mystery oflfummnn Things. This work tells allnbout the manu- facture of the common and fmnilim‘ things which we see every day abouL usl IL like- wise describes the culture of all kinds of foreign fruits, nuts. spices, em. Illustrated. nonls'x‘ CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a..m “’10 p. m.,a.nd Sunday school, at 2.30 p. m. .w goople‘s pmyer meeting Tuesday evening. “‘L] Prayer Meeting every Thursday evening Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker; Supt. Leonard, Assistant. .u-mYTERIAN CHURCH on CANADA.â€"Services ' u’c‘ock IL.DL,!L11(16130 p.m. Prayer meeting "iuesdny eveningat7z30. Rev J. W. Cum- mstor. " Toronto, Canada. My CATHOLIC Gannonâ€"Services in order Hows Thornhill at. 9 a..m., and Richmond 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich- ‘Yill mtg mm. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. m. J. Egan, Pastor BOOKS OF REFERENCE. s EPISCOPAL Cannonâ€"Service at 3 t. the third Sunday of every month, ‘ . servico and sacrament are held at 11 Sunday School at 113011.111 Rev. W. Bates, FOR THE LADIES. $500.00 mum flirermry. MISCELLANEOUS. AMUSEMENTS. Societies. Churches. to be made. Cut this out and return to us and we will , send you free, something of ' great, value and importance it!) you, that will start vou in business which will brinifyqu in more monev right away than (my. things a in the world. Any one can do the YVOI'K'E ' e at 13mm_e. Either sex : all_ may: is hereby given that the St Catharines and Niagara Central Railway Company will apply to the Parliament of Canada. at its next session, for an Act to declare their railway to be a Work for the general advantage of Canada; to authorize the building of their line to Toronto through the City of Hamilton; to connect the same by any branch with my railway leading into Toronto. in the Counties of Wentworth, Halton, Peel or York; to (-x‘ tend their western line from such point on 1.1m Grand River as they may select under their Act of incorporation, to Woodstock, in the County of Oxford, and for other purposes. St Catharines. 4th September, 1888. ’ILRMS UF bAL ‘ leu per cent of the v11 ‘- chase money to be pmd in cash on “Sue day 01 ’ ma t0 the Vendor’s Solicitors sufï¬cient of the rc- mainder within 30 days thereafter to nmke a. half of the whole; the balance of the purchnsu money to be secured by a ï¬rst mortgngc on the said property payable in three years Witl‘ inter- est at 6 per cent. payable half-yearlv 0r muy be paid in cash at the option of the purclm ' l ' The 1)};(2p6rï¬y will be sqld _subject, to a. res. 1_d. ‘ F61; fifrther particulars" and conditions of sale apply to LAWRENCE_§z MleLIgrgN,‘ EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY Something new, that, just coins money for all workers. We will start you ; capital not needed. Thisis cue of the genuine, important; chances of a. lifetime. Those who are mnbitioun and enter- prising wxll nut rides. Grand (mm free. Ad- dress T1301. 5: 00., Angus 9.. Maine. IN BRONZE LETTERS. MEI OTHER GEHUINE cheap} On the 53.1 mol ertv is a lame SLbsmntml frame hotel and commodxuus stables ‘his is the only hut-91 in Teston and one of the oluust esï¬ublisbed stands in_ the County. Itm airï¬asiï¬vaersimbler propcftv for any one ' ‘ ' g to (12 a. ï¬gsï¬-clngs business. I CAUTION. Christmas and Election Nos. of erp And receive the CHRISTMAS and ELECTION Nos., and the paper to Jul? lat, ’87, including choice of thc two Premium ’lntes,“Leading Con- servatives," or “Leudinp'neformers.†.1 _ V Commencmg sout mne degrees east three chains thirty-three and a third links from the north west corner vf said lot 25 and at the north west comer of the lot nnw intended to be con- veyed, thence north seventyâ€"foul degrees east two chains, thence south nine degrees east one 01min sixtysix and twoâ€"third links more or less, thence south seventy-four degrees west two chains, thence north one chain sixty-six and two- third links more or less, to the place of beginning containing by udmousurement one-third of 11.11 acre be the same more or less. . We are new prepared to furnish all I classes With employment at home, the whole of the time, or for their 5118.150 nio- ments. Business new. light and proï¬table. Per~ sons of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to per evening, and n. prnportional sum by devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls eurn nearly as much as men. That all who see this may send their address. and test the busiâ€" ness, we make this offer: To such as are not well satisï¬ed we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing Full particulars and out~ ï¬t free. Address GEORGE STINEON & Co., Portâ€" laud, Maine. A Small Dog of a. brownish color, with a. chain and lock. The owner will apply at VILLAGE OF TE STON. Under and by virtue of the power of sale conâ€" tained in a vermin mortgage there will he sold by public auction by James C. Stokes, Auction- eer, on the premises in the Village of Teston on .v n“‘-â€"‘~-***Ii' w A11 and singulurthat cemnn parcel or t1 act of land and promises situate, lying and being in the Township of Vaughan, in the Countv of York, being composed of a part of the west part of lot number 25 in the fourth concession of the said Tgwnship of Vuughgnupd des " (1 [LS follows: "A. n,, WORKING ULASSES, ATTEN- HOTEL PROPERTY AUSTIN SALE! rriday. Jan. l4th,A.D.1887, A1: 2 o’clock p. 111., the following valuable propâ€" ert_y_in tpelVillggeff 'l‘estgn, namely : GRIP. DEERE, “reroute, Second hand showman! and wood, {or sale 26 and 28 Front Street West, Toronto. Dec: 23rd , 1886. And the paper (Grip) to lat Feb., '87. Addresa, Tm: GRIP PRINTING AND PUBLISHING Co FOR SALE. 3m: iï¬averï¬semmtï¬. FOUND .! SEND 25 CENTS NOTICE AND RECEIVE THE OR SEND $1, 0F VALUABLE IS MARKED RICHARD W001), ’ Fox the applicants. Vendor’s Solicitors, 15 Toronto St. Toronto. IN THE T0 A. \VINGE R’S WM. ATKINSUN [GE ws, Edgelv 1a 0 ~A Large Stock of 13‘URNITURE BOQTS, SHOES, SROCKERY, 860.. I am prepared to take produce in exchange, at fair market value. for one of the latest imprnyed and most durable Sewing Machines in the market, as a large ‘num- her is prepared to prove in the immediate neighborlmod,bosuies the very large mun- her of Medals and First Prizes at Provincial and other Fairs, such as Toronto, Mon- treal. Landon, Quebec‘ and at, the \Vorld’s Fair, Antwerp, Belgium. also a. Diploma fur the best work shown in Londouyand a. ten dollar prize. for best specimen of work. at Markham Fair this year. Come along. and get. a bargain. All orders by mail? promptly attended to. ‘ ' i Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. NEW WILLIAMS“ SEWING MACHIEEE TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND YARNS. HAR7D TIMES 1 Raymond Sewing Machines. Eagle Steam Washers and Wringers. All who have alreadv purchased are fully satxaï¬ed with the way those machines: work. Give them a trial. RAH kinda of produce taken in exchange‘w STOVEPIPES 10 CENTS A LENGTH. Acomplete stock of \\'a11 Pnpor and Borderings, something new in Styles and Designs, from 5 cents up. [u a. variety of designs. Mixed Paints, ready for use, in all calm-s and shades. Boiled and Raw Oils, Varmâ€" ishes, and all other Immeria] for paints. Paint and \Vhitewaslx Brushes, all alzes, whlch I will sell at bottom price. Call and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock of Groceries, Flour and Feed. P. Gr. SAVAGE. NEW GMEDS ! CHEAP PRICES ! ALEX. MOODIE’S They can be sold at priccs that should not fail to ï¬ll my store with eager purchasers. A trial will convince you. J08. HALL. GROCERIES, FLOUR & FEED. Dealer in Staple and Fancy Dry szds, Groceries, Hardware, Glassware, Crockery, and Flour and Feed. I" Ladies’ and Gents’ Furnishings, Cations, Frints, Den-- J ' I inns. Cottmmdes, all selling very cheap to make room:- for fall gonds‘ f New Tens, Fresh Coil'cvs. Just arrived all kinda of can, I . med Flsh, Salmon, Sardines, Mackeer &c. NAILS, HINGES, LOCKS, (M â€"II Rolled and Family Flour and Feed constantly on hand and delivered on short notice» STQVES. ONTARIG GREEN GROCERIES, HAMS, BACON, PORK, Selling at and below Toronto prices LORNE STORE In connection with my stock of Groceries. &c., I wish to call your attention to (-1 full assortment of goods from the Woodstock Woollen Mills, consisting of THE PEOPLE’S-STORE ![ WALL PAPERS. W'ALL PAPERS. Eave Troughing and Repairing promptly attended to. These goods are all of ï¬rst-class quality and very cheap. Call and examine them before purchasing. Also on hand Sign of the “ British Flag Staff.†a r Now is your time to keep warm by buying a stove gt. Stoves of all kinds delivered on the shortest notice. QLQSE CASH PRICES C. MASON’S " ~ STAPLE GROCERIE S. J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. A. MOODIE, Now-is the time to buy a. ï¬rst-class Light Running Is well supplied with a large stock of As the goods are bought at AT REDUCED PRICES, And all kinds of â€"-â€"CHEAP-â€"â€" Also GEO. T BENCH C. MASON.