The Liberals of East and West Ymk are to be complimented on the splendid and victorious stand that. they made {or the cause of - good government. In East York, of course, the victory was a toregone conclusion. Sensible men, whether Conservative or Reform, are not in the habit of voting for men of the facetwo-ways stamp. G. B. Smith was perfectly fair and outspoken. He won. Mr, Crosby wasâ€"well, we have already said what he was. He lost. Thus is justice done on both sides. The thanks of all interested in the cause 01 the education of our child- ren are due to Reeve Pngslev, Messrs. Crosby, ThOS. Palmer, Sarage, McConaghy, &c., for their efforts and time in bringing the vex- ed issue to a satisfactory close. And we cannot conclude without making Special mention of the tact, skill, and zeal with which Mr. Fred. Lawrence conducted the cam: in behalf of Richmond Hill. But the Village, we are convinced, does notdesire to take any unfair advantage of the award. It ihe present arrangement with that por- tion of the Section not in our limits be not perfectly fair and just. by all means let it be adjusted. This wil1 be no more than is due to right, and especially to the right of those rate- payers of the outside who have been as anxious as ourselves to preserve intact the existing arrangements. The decision ofthe Board of Ar- bitrators appointed to decide on cerâ€" tain questions touching our Public School, will give satislaction to all that do not preler personal consid- erations to the general good. Our School Section is to remain as it is. Instead of being two weak parts, we shall contmue to be a strong united \VllOlc. December 28th has fully justiï¬ed our prediction. People everywhere saw that this ‘No Popery’ ch was not sincere, that there were absolute- ly no grounds for raising it. Nay, more, people everywhere, saw that even if there had been Catholic en- croachments, it ill became the Con servatives to strive to make political capital out of it. 'I he men who had issued in 1883 the pamphlet entitled ‘Facts for the Catholic Electors,’ Were not the men to talk, of Catholic encroachment. The men who had helped in the work of getting the Bible Selections were not the men to speak of Bible mutilation. At the inception of that work \vasthe prop- er time for them to protest ; but at the inception they were dumb, nay, as we have just said, they were par- ticipants in the work. The cry was reserved until the eve ofan election. Then it was hurled forth. But it fell dead, as ever should fall dead all utterances dishonest and unfounded. But we have something to say on the issues at stake. The defeat of Mowat would have been a terrible blow to honest government, not only in Ontario, but in all Canada. That the Mowat administration during its fourteen years’ term of oflice. has been in a remarkable degree tree from the venality and corruption too characteristic of politics, is a fact conceded by even the Tories. On two points only did the Tories as- sail their opponents. The ï¬rst was the book question. This they Speed- ily neglected, because, although it admitted of much being said on both sides, yet it was a matter altogether too insigniï¬cant to entail the defeat ofa government otherwise without a blemish. The other point was embodied in the _‘No Popery’ cry. On this the Conservatives at the last solely relied. We foretold weeks ago that they would ï¬nd to their sor- row that thev Were making a des- perate mistake. We foretold that the result of this mad attempt to steal a dishonest victory would be to completely alienate every Catho- lic from the Conservative ranks with- out the counterbalancing eflect of turning any considerable number of Reformers from their party alleg- iance. The struggle just ended in Ontar- io has been one or unparalleled bit- terness. We have no desire to pro- tract that feeling. The ï¬ght itself being ï¬nished, all its animosities should be at once consigned to the tomb of oblivion. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Dec. 30, ’86 @va flihcml. EA .ST A ND THE A WA R1) THE CAMPAIGN. IVEbT YORK. On the afternoon of the 23rd inst, Mr. Benton, teacher of the Kleinburg school fur the Inst 12 years, who has resigned his positinn here and engaged in the Nubietnn scllnol, il-Vltr‘d his pupils tn a farewell tea at his house, which invita- tiun some 60 accepted and evidently en- jude immensely. In the midst of the festivities a mith of the friends walked in and on behalf of the trustee board and ratepayers geneiully, Mr McDonald, sen- ior trustee, read a very flat'ering addres and presented the teacher with a purse Containing twenty-five dollars, as a mark Hf their appreciatiuu. After a suitable reply, some good cheer, and many ex- pressions of good will, the company dis- persed. \Vest’s Cough Syrup instantly relieves and sheedily cures hrunchitis,sore throat, and all throat diseases. Try it and Le convmced. All druggists. A very successful teaqneetiug was held (in ihe following day at which some $60 was nettvd. The few members of the Episcopal Church here who carried this matter tu‘a successful issue, deserve great credit for theil enterprise. From our own Correspondtnt. The New church erected in this place by the El>iscnpalians was dvdicated on the 12th inst. ‘ihe servicr-s “ere conducth by the Revs. Canon Osler and \V. W. Bates. In the evening, hundreds of people, both ladies and gentlemen, thrungeil Dr, Gihnuur’s rcsidence, VVeet Tumntn Junc- tion, so eager were they to heur the reâ€" sult. of the duv’s work. Vaughan was the last 10 report, and when the hand- smne majurify of the whole Riding was summed up, the Dr. could scarcely he said m be master uf his own house. He was taken in his clmir and raised above the heads uf the Assembly, and then carri- ed about the rounm As, if by magic, .1 band appeared upon the scene, and peul- ed turth enchanting music in honor of the conquering hero, who had so nobly and so honorably redeemed West York from the enemies of this province. The immense audience Were treated to the best in the house, and retired at a lute hour, all feeling prnud Hf the man they had placed at the head of the pull, proud of the purest guVei-mnent on earth and proud I-f the banner province of the Dunninion. In all there were 2997 votes polled. Of this Dr. Uh- received 1358, Dr. G11- nmur1539, leavmg a clear balance in hum of Gilmmu' of 181. tor Gilmour. York Vaughan Embicoke ‘Westnn Wuud bridge Majority for Gillmour 90 WESTON. Majority for Orr 8 VVOODBKIDGE. Majority for Urr 37 ; GILMOUR. ORR. York 56 Vaughan 80 Embicoke 90 Majority for Gilmonr 56 ETOBICUKE. 1 28 2 29 Majority for Gilmour 80 YORK. NO. OF SUB-DIV. The result of Tuesday’s pulling in West York is very gratifying tn the Liberals. The following is an . ofï¬cial synopsis of the votes and the majority at each polling sub-division: In West York, the result really surprised us. We never, indeed, doubted the victory. But we cer- tainly never expected one so sweep- ing. Dr. Orr, considering the heavy chain cast about 1115 neck by his party organs, had to ï¬ght a hopeless battle. Dr. Gilmourrichly deserves all the praise due to great abilities, great energy and a noble cause. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 KLEINBURG West York. VAUGHAN 226 45 181 MAJORITIES . GILM 01m. 01m . 11 . . 80 17 13K) 40 109 53 201 124 49 13 17 Tum] majority 37 40 40 124 CE) Call {an‘d sée me. I No truuble to an.- swer questions. I use no cheap material and warrant every set. GCld Filling, and all other Operatinnï¬ skilfullly Rerformed, qg modumte fees. ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON RUBBER, â€" - .- $8.00 ON CELLULOID, â€" - $10.00 Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 80 B, Upâ€"Cstairs. ‘ Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of VITALIZED AIR ! GP. LENNOX, EE mm: mm, flamgmï¬ Drew Gwéég, A Splenï¬id Aï¬swtmanï¬; gf ngmgs ‘6 {3&9 WISHING YOU A. MERRY XMAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR ! All goods sold at the lowest possible ï¬gures to be obtained anywhere. Our stock is very complete, and by long odds the best selected in the town. The greater part of the Dry Goods and Crockery was bought by W. A. in England direct from the manufacturers. Two proï¬ts are thus saved by buying direct instead ofthrough the wholesale houses. Absolute-1y no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. It is With pleasure that we announce to the puLIic that intend holding a great HLIDAY GIFT SALE ‘ BEST SETS DENTIST, THIS IS A BUNA FIDE SALE 1 DIRECT IMPORTER. OF Muv 15th. 1884.-1V Wammm, And so on. AT THE AT to be made. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of M V « ‘ great Value and importance to you, 1:11 at will smrt van in business wuich will bring you in more mouev right away than any- thjng else in the world. Any one can do the work and live at home. Either sex ; all ages. Something new, that just coins money for ail workers. We Will start you ; capital not needed. This is one of the genuine, important chances of a ii , .jme. Those who are ambit-bur; and enter- )n'jimg mll not delay. Grand outï¬t free. Ada. dress TRUE & ()0. Augusta. Maine. cheap N BRONZE LET'I‘E Rs. EACH PLUG OF THE WERE NW GAUTEQN. Second hand stoves, coal and wood, for sale FOR SALE. IS MARKED W'M. ATKINSuN