Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Dec 1886, p. 5

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The Roya} Revxval. It has bnen definitely arranged that the special series of memingsiu connections with tue Ruyal Tcmplars here. will be held the second Week in February~~not in January, as previously noted, The Whvte Bros. will be a leading: unrucnou in thr- musical line, and they will be assixtcd by Hm best home talent. A numbur of fine spvakers are being secured for the occasion, The meeting will extend oyer five nights. Look out for a treat. Ladies! We havea fine stylish lot of new Dress Goods which you ought to see a‘. once, as they are not likely to last long at such low prices. Call and examine them at B. Gren- nan's. Municipal Election In consequence of the resignation of Mr. W. R. Proctor. and Mr. Willimu S. Snider. as candidates fur the officv of Council mm, it follows that; Messrs. I’. G Savanna, Joseph. J. Hull. Levi. Gaby, and Willam. A. ganderâ€" son are elected Councilmen of the villtlgn nf iichmrmd Hi'l for the (waning yvnr. Mr. Wm. Pugslev was re-eluctvd Reeve by m;- clamation. Mr. '1‘. Tinkch 1:014 2nd can. \Vhilchurcl), will lmvu nn ant-Jinn sale of farm stock and implemmsls, on Thursday, January 6th, 1887. ‘rlnle wi‘i'l owmmcncn nt 1 o’clock slmrp. As Mr. ‘l'inklm‘ is resuming his old tmlle of but- chering the whole will be. sold without re- serve. Elcvrm mouth: Credit will be given on all mums over $1“. Nelson Smith. auctioneer. ' Thn 'Fenchm-s ani'Frivwls of th Prnsby- tm'iau S. 8., Rurhmnnd Hill iuhmvi hollhn.’ their Annual Envertclinmwt and Nuw Y Jar’s Arch in the Demure “mom at the Church on New Year‘s eve. commencing at half past seven. Entertainment will consist of ad- dressns, di dogmas re ifufivms, duets, chorus- es, 50105 (he. Admission 15 cents. Get New Era Baking Powder at Grennan’s, and a fine glaes present with every can. Ladies! See thc fine assortment .cf Mantlcs and Jackets at Wrennan’s Ice Track The prnnrmlnr U! the Bond‘s Lake Hotel is making u rim Mass ice track around the Lake and invitxls Imrsa n'aincrs with erir trotting horses. Mr. B911)an 1mm urged Ln keep the ice clear, and we presume it will be well patronzed by horsemen. For a large assortment of pocket knives go to C. Mason's. Heavy aH-wool Shirts & Drawers for 50 cents each at Grerman’s. Fire Brigade meeting The Fim brigade held 9 special meeting on Monday evening last, when the various com- mittees repnrted, and final arrangements were made for their entertainment on New Year’s night, which promises to be a great success. For pocket and table cutlery go to C. Mason’s. Spring Hill. W. J. Crmslev begs to Inform the puplic that his Skating Rink, in, Spring Hill is now running in first clnse style. Special at- tractions on New Years Day. Grennan’s 25c. Tea is chmce and fragrant ! Try it ! RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Doc. 30, "66 L B. Smith's Majority. . “78 have not rpceived the mnjnrities for Mr. G. B. Smith in the different Sub- dwiswns, but. the $0131 majority is said to be (Iver 900. Until further notice Mails will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post Office as foliowszâ€" MORNING :â€"Gnin'! Nr)rt,]1.soulh, East; and ‘Vesh, including 'nmrnhill, Maple. 'I‘nronln, Markhmn,&n. 8.00 EVENING :â€"â€"Goiuc south.Eusb and West (as above) 5.80 N. B.â€"â€"Reqisfiemd Letters must he handed in &t least Flftenn Minutes earlier than the above mentioned hours for closing. Connects with an tminz. lenviufl House. Richmonl Hill. «.5 follows : Mail & Express,North & South ..... Accommodation " " . Express, Norbh...... Mail, South. Newmnrkob Aurora. Kim! .. IUIIMON‘D T‘mrnhill West’m.... , Dmvmnmrt . Pau'krlale... TORONTO. City Hall U nion Station Brock Strnot Q‘leen’s Wharf Parkllxflu‘ Dnvexmor . Weston... Thnrnhillm . mcmmm) Hmnm King .......... Aurora. . 1, 7 a a 3 :n ‘ ., 3‘ a .,. TORONTO. Queen‘s. Whmrl' Brock Street Umrm Station.“ Cxty Hall ..... PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. 511.2 .‘Zfiifimtl. POST OFFICE NOTICE . R. TIME TABLE. New Year's Arch HILL Auction Sale. 9.07 , 9.18 . 9 30 ..9.-13 H ., GOING SOUTH GOING NORTH. Mail. 8.10 8.18 8.25 10.05 10.12 10.20 8.33 M. TEEFY. Post-“aster. Acrom. ll 45 11.52 12.00 ARI'OH]. Mail. 11.57 (3.03 M10 (3.15 1230 6.37 a. 3 A 5. .2 2 11 \A 12.10 12.53 1.05 1.40 90 the Palmer 7.30 7.17 7.22 6.57 Band of Hope Concert. YVP think that u“ who were present at the Band of Hope entertainment on ChriQt- mun night, will agree with u: in saying that there are very few more pleasing sights to be Seen than that which urwted the audi- once when the curtains were draw] back on that occasion. The happy, smiling faces of the children in their gay ap are], Standing in order and eager to commence the exer- cises, made one “wish to be agnin a child." The entertainment from hnginning to end was delightful, and showed much natural ahiiity on the part of the youthful perform- ers, as we]! as careful training by {hone in charge. At the close of the cnnr'm-t‘ Santa Claus made his appearance. and the vener- able gentleman. with his flowing white been], smiii g face, and bu»:th of cundins. was heartily welcomed by old and young. We Wish our Band of Hope success in thvir work and hope to find their Chrintmua concert an annual event in our village. Markham Council. The Council for Murklmm 'l‘mvnship met at Uniwnvillce on Hm 18L!) nf Dc :. inst. Mum~ l) 41's nil mus-om. ()mnmunim[inns wvrn. 1-0- 03th from A \V. Mv rpm’. 7'(,’ Huff, C. Boult- new. we E. C. Lnnqswfi”. I} 'pm'ts f: vnn oifioers '0f the Board of Hv-Ifth. '1 he 'i I'euxnror was instructud m ‘nu‘v uccmmts amounting to about S2 {0. A nnmhwr of persons had their taxes refunded. 13v L st were intru- «lucml mnl passed to amvnd thu Board of Health By-L xw. and to ummmt Deputy ‘ returning oflium‘s. "‘11? time for tho payment, I (pf taxes was «xfenllml to (he Isl: of Fuln'uul'y ‘ next. The Cnuncil then mljnm'nad sine die. The correct place to buy your Fur Caps for the cold weather which has now suddenly jumped on us with both feet, is the Concrete. Beauti- lul Curly Gloz sy Persian Lamb caps made lrom whole skins, at $2.50, $53.25. $4.00, $4.75 and $7.00 each, well worth a dollar more, in all the different styles, Wedge, Jockey, Wltl’l Peak and with Band. New Yeazs Day The anniversary Ton of the Mt-vthodist Sabbath School, 'J'hoi'nhiH. will be uivsn in the Church on Simrdnv Juliquy 131. 1887. Miss. BIL-Gun: Cmmdn‘s grvutest clucu‘immsf, has been svcumd for the oemsiun, Misses. Milchcll and Pui'kiss &' Mafia“. Buy L (15* Stanly, of 'l'nrunto. have kindly Consented to assist. Singing. Recitaiinu !, Dial‘ognvs by tho, school. Tau served at. 4.50; Unneert at 7.30 p.m. Admiseiuu to TM (2 Concertmdulls 350 cents, Chilnmu 15 cents. Annn'ersmy Sermons wili Le arranged fur & announced in due mne. All are cordinhy invited. Pro- seeds in aid of the Fchnoi. Our B st Astrncan Cap is selling at $2.00. They have gone of} with a run and we cannot get enough of them, so call early and secure (me before they are picked over. W. Atkinson. Markham Nomimahon. Mr. D. James. wlm cre‘dimhly held the position of Rumve for the Township of Mark- ham for several years pasf. reigned his posxtinn prekus m the n \minntinu on Mun- day last. At the smrl nnmiunlion a large nnmlmr attended, and the moor-ediva pas“- ed off quietly and lmrmoninnsly. The fol- lowng cnnpose the Council for the ensuing year. and all wvre elvcledvlw Reclamation: lobert Bruce. Reeve; A. ForstPr. 13!. Deputy Reuve; \V. H. Lnndv. Zuni Drputv Reeve; J. B. Gould, 3rd Deputy Reeve, J. Slater. councxllor. Pocket knives all sizes and prices at C. Mason’s. I sav, boys ! You can buy a Knittâ€" ed Pnliman Cap for 25c., or a real fine Scotch AJma Cap fOr 50c., a beautiful Astrachan Cap for $2.25, or a fine cxirly glossy Persian Lamb make from whole skins for $5.00, at (Brennan’s Cheap Cash House. For Vaughan Council. There will be a contest in Vaughan Muni- mpnl honors on Monday nvxt. For first Deputy Reeve Messrs Goo, Eltiotfi .1an Andrew Russell are in the field. Mr. Nelson Plnymr opposes Mr. Gun. High for the 3rd DPputy Reevnship. and for Councillor Mr. A. Manny opposes Mr. Peter Davins. Mr. T. Porter having rnsignml, {Urn-Alex. Manny was deemed Rel-we l-y nuolmnnlirm. Mr. I. Rea- man was also ale-chad hv ncclamminn as 2nd Deputy Reevu. The electors cmmnt make a lmd chuicn this year. as the asapimnts are all gnod men. ’ Ifyou want to have your Christâ€" mas cakes, pudding. and mince pies just the best you ever made up, get your Currants. Raisins, Peels, Ex- tracts, and Spices at brennan’s, as he has a tip-top stuck of choice gm- ceries. and the pnces are the lowest in the trade. Firemen‘s Concert. The members of the Richmond Hill Fire Brig-Ida purpose giving a grand Ovster Supper and Entertainment in the Masonic Hall. on the evening of New Year's Day, 1887. Oysters win he serwd in (mod style, both hot and cold, after which a Musical and Literary entertainment will be given. A Torchlight z-rocessinn, headed bv thP Richmond Hill Band. will leave the Fire Hall nt 6.30 p. m. Admission l0 supper and entertainment ‘25 cents. _ A cordial limitation is extended. Teachers lnstltute. Tl“: first annual meaning of the South York Tenclleru Institute will be held in the assembly mum of the Pnrkdnle County Modul Sn-lIo-vl, on ’l‘lmrsxvlny and Friday January. 20th mm 21st. “487. at. ten 21. m. Sclluul 'I‘run‘een und friends of Education lure invited la La prureut. Accommodation for Lady 'l'eachrrs will lm prnvided in private houses. .me. Gr. W. liusn, Minister of Eduuiltinn. James Mahlfihm L. L. D. and others prominent mlncutimnsts will be pre- ~em nud takp part. in the prrceedingfl. Now is the time it you war-t any- thing In Boots, Shoes, Overshoes, Rubbers, Ladie§’ and Gent’s Felt Work of all kinds. The cheapest and best in'the town. Tremendous stock at R. Slvers’. Mr. Jnlm Palmer :mwmred bufure the Council and clniuwd eighteen dollars for three slmep killed'by Jugs nu m‘:Lhm1‘,the first. da.y of August list, which “as laid over. Mr. Savage muved. wounded by Mr, McCulmghy. that [he accnnnts 0f David HHIJDRI‘ and R. Dllrhuu be referred to 1he- Committee on an1s and Bridges.~ Curried ‘ The Cuuncil adjnm‘nm? to meet on Mnndxy,the10thJanuary, 1887, at 8 David Hupper, hylck bats . . . .17 40 R. Durham, claim for fence ......... 5 00 Moved by Mr. McConauhy, secxvnded by Mr. Savage, that the accounts of the Treasurer and Messrs. McMahon and Joseph Powell be p-uid.â€"Carmed. The minutes of 22nd Nov. read and on motion approved. The following accmmfs were read:â€" T. F. McMahon, prlntmg and ad‘ vertisiug: ................................. $7 75 Joseph Powell, gravelling straws 9 50 Treasurer’s acct. for hostage . . (i 64 do fur sundries 4 45 David Hupper, hylck bats . . . .17 40 R. Durham, claim for fence ......... 5 00 'l‘he Cuunci] met. the Reevq in the chair. Cmmcinnrs present: McConaghy. Powell and Savage. "IA RRIAGES INNESâ€"BELLâ€"On \Vealne‘i'My, Dec. Q‘anl, at the 1' Asidenne of the hrinle’h father, Lumermoor Farm. Gormloy, by tho Rev. \V. A. Rodwoll. nssxstefl by Rev. J. Smhll, Alex. R.‘ Innes. of Richmond Hill, to Martha J., daughter of W. Bell, Esq. MAKERâ€"WEBSTER â€"At the resirlenve of the bride’s 'szbhex‘, on the 28th inst.., by Rev. \V. Reid. Daniel ll. Marsh, tn June Macphersml. only daughter of J :1. Webster, Woodbridge NAUGHTnNâ€"At Elqil. Mills. on Fridrw, Dec. 24th the wife ofM. Naughtou, J. P., of a son. Mon'rsoNâ€"At Richmund Hi1]. on Saturday, Do» camber 25th, the wife of Jeremth Mortson Esq. of a sun. ‘ Mpssra. Pu. Marsh. D. Lylwtt an] Dr. Wilson were elected by ncclmnntinu as school Trustees on Monday lust. Mr. Armand Teefy, B. A. of Chicnuo, ROD of M. Tpefy, Esq, of this place. i4 making u visit with his parents here at present Armand spmks well nf Chicago" in whir'b city he is following his prulession as a Bar» rister. Mr. anson. Fianna who is nominntpd for the pasitim. of 3rd anuty Rem-m. {m- the Township of Vaughan, was, on Mnndnv last, re-elpctpd school 'f‘rnehm in U. S. S. No. 4 Markham, and 21 Vaughan. v A nnual Digner. The annual dinner of the, Vaughan Plougl . men’s ksociutinn “"13 held at. Maple, nu Friday eveningDec 16th. About foray in'vitud gunshs sat down to tables, at the Palmer House. loaded with all the delicacies of the Henson. Among the gugsta wore mnny of the landing farmers of V lu‘ghau and Kin '. Thr- tnhles having h.-en cléul'ed, Mr. J. C. Mchnrrie tank the chair, aml in a neut ‘ speech prOpwm-J n toast, to the Queen. Aft”! singing the Nuuunul Anthem, Mr. A. E. Kefi- :- rroposed the House of Commons. Mr. D Kimmy, 1nqwctnr of Weights and Measures replied. J. R. Campbell next proposed the [meal Imgislutive, which was responded to bv Mr. McQunrie. The toast ofthn Professions was their proposed by Mr. J. Club'me, ard repliml t.“ by Dr. R. 15. Orr, who remarked that furry pr rsons uf his profeSRion were r-umlidntes for l’nrliumentury honors. Mn. Kvfivr tlwu pr’fiposod Agricuhm'e. to which Mr. G. R. Campbell mapliml. (mine next, and was responded to by Mr. Asling and Mr. Saimmn. The chairman then pi‘upnsed Manufnctm'imz. Mr. Luud, Mr. English nn-l \Ir. Keys ro-pnmlr'd. Mr. A. Carley, Mr. Roma and J. Wells spoke in reply to the toast to King Plouglnnen’s Assm-lntiun. After drinking: a ton-st. to tho, Vaughn!) as=nc~ idfiiou tho President. and vice PreI-iilgnt unw- ‘ shnrt addresses, fullnwed by Mr. R. McLean l Sr, in :1 song. The must. to the Lmlh 9 Wm: i replied to lvv Dr. .T. Orr and Min ‘\Vin.Rohiv\ 1 sum. The “whan Mm!- 1-vxt. mm “‘(‘N' l l ably defrauded by Mr. Keffer and Mr. Robin- sum. 'l‘ho Y}~.Phe]nr< Mm!- 1-vxt. nun “‘(‘7‘1‘ ably defended by Mr. Keffer and Mr. Robin- Sun. Aflm- [mums m the Haws m linsLem and the Phnirman thu munnug; hr .ke up m singing (:‘rml snvu Inn Qrmr-n. y Jan. E. McLean. S. S. No. 6 Vaughan and Richmond Hill, ‘ 3 Edith Cnmphsll, S. S. No. 6. Vaughan . James Curta.S. Nn‘. 2 King, ‘ Henry Smith, S. S. No. 7, Whitchurch Albert Baasinglhwnim, S S 19. Vaughan Josie Beyuon. S. S. No.21. King Emily Line, 3. S. Nu. 6. Vaughan Alice Ruith, “ “ “ Renhequss. Richmond HI” . LizzievDowniug. S. S' No. 19 Vaughan Tillie Trench, Richmond Hill Millie Trench, "‘ .Tassie Cooper, Grunt Cooper. “ 3' Albert. Downing. S. S. 19', Vaughan Maggie Mundie, IlIt-hmond Hill Lillie Ross, S. H. No. 2. King . Esther Powers, S. S. No. 6, Vauiglmn - NPlson Bull. 8. S. No. 7. \Vhiichnrch ‘Nm. Mncdnnnld. S. S. No. 7, Markham The {allowing have beon recnmmended : Thos. Morison, Richmond Hill, Eddie Ross, S. 8. Ni). ;2, King Ell. M. Renlditt. Si 8, No. 22‘, King Gertie Smith, S. S. Nu. 19, Vaughan Wm. Flack. -‘i - “ “ ... ... -.. A.‘ .. Entrance Examinations. The followmg are the names, marks and echo»! sections of those that passed the En- trance Examination at Richmond El“. 377 marks were required to pass Maximum. 755 Minnie Nnnn. S. S. No. 2, King 51] Wm. Mcwan, S. S. No: 7, Whitchm'ch 50‘2- Geo. Collard, ‘f “ “ 499 Jan. E. Mc-Lenn. S. S. No. 6 Vaughan and Annual Dinner. The Anniversary in connection with the church and sabbath school, Hope, will he held as lollowszâ€"Sermons on snhlmth, Dhc, 26th, 1986, Al 2 null 6.30 p. m. bv Rev. W. R. Barker, of Richmond Hill. The annual Dinner will be (lian on Saturday. Jan. 12". 1887. To be served frum 4 to 7 p. In. Enter- tainment to follow. consisting of Readings. Recnations. Anthems, Qnartettes, &c., A NPW Year's Grveling by lln- Paslor, an Addle by Wesley F. Fish of Regina, contnining an account of his adventure in connection wilh his capture by Ponmlmnker and his band. the incidents nsscciuted therewith, and hie ulti- mafia escape with the Teamstefi at midnight. Ticketmâ€"T0 Dinner & Entertaimnent, 30 centa.; To Ernertninmmlt only. 15 Gun. Village Council. PERSONAL S. RE ER'E‘ Mi 5. 9 377 447 444 435 433 431» 4K3 112 411 405 391 393 381"“ 393 4.7“ 470 ‘05 In our Quilt department we are showing very large lines. We havs gOOd' heavy Bed Comforters at 75c., $1, 1.25, 1.50 and up, and large, fine, pure bider~Down Quilts at ‘39, the regular price in the city for the same goods is $12.50. We are also offering Bigr Drive in Grey Flannels, which we show in Wide Widths as low as ISCtS. per yard. Housc~ keeeers should not purchase without first seeing our im- mense stock. PETLEY & PETLEY, 128 to 132 King S-reet East, Oppositefihe Market; Toronto We have also in stock'mce white Blankets at much lower prices, but we cannot recommend them with the confidence we do the above goods. Large, heavy,- all pure wool white Blankets at 3, 3 5o, 4, and 4.50. '1 hese goods we can recommend to our custom- ers, as they are made of the best long wool, and contain neither cotton nor shoddy. Housekeepers about to make their purchases for winter should see our large stock of fine all wool White Blankets, purchased hp us direct from the manufacturers previous to the advance in the price of wool Every lady should make it her business to 0x211 ine our magnificent stock of \Vinter Mantles. I \IVe are selling lovely [ersey jackets nicer trimmed at $3.50, $34, $54.50, $5 and $56, really worth from $5 to $10. Handsome Long Ottoman Satin Finish Mantles at $53.50, 4, 4.50, 5, 6,7,8 and 10, worth from fifteen to sixteen dollars. No lady should purchase a Mantle without seeing,r our im- mense stock of new fashionable garments of this seasmi’s portation. Our Millinery department is stocked with all the newest shapes and latest novelties for the present season, and for style, moderation of prices and good tas:e cannot be equali- ed in this or any other City. GREAT FALL SALE 9008 AN CLOTHENG PETLEY & PETLEY,’ mmgkmmmmm new in COMMENCING TO-DAY AT THE STORES OF ALL ‘VVTOOL BLANKETS Vâ€"VIL‘ TEE BIANTLE mum. MAMMTH HWS‘E KENS ST. EAST, Lad'ies’ Elegant Dolmans, both short and long, from $5.00 to $25.00. ' Newmarxet $3.50 up. ~Ladies" Short Walking Coats Sh up. u Is fairly loaded witl new, choice and ele gant Goods. Neve: before in the histor) of our business have we made such an et- fort to eclipse ever} former year. ’ Oui Mantle Room has been thoroughly re- modelled and enlarg- ed, thus‘ making it the brightest ,and largest in Toronto. The requirements of our immense busi- ness have made this an absolute neces- sity. " OUR MANTLE ' I]! PAHTMENT Ladies’. Lona _ I" oats

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