Mrs. “7111. G. Lavcrs, of Chester, N. S., fell on her thumb on the ice a few days ago and died from the effects. The Montreal society for the study of / Canadian History has re-commenced its ’ meetings for the winter. A man named Laurcndean was assassin- ated at St. Ferdinand d’Halifax, (3110., by some person unknown. The Torrens land transfer system will go into 0 )erzttion in the North-\Vcst Terri» tories on January 1st. Mix Barker, Barris- ter, of Omngeville, has left Ottawa. for the /\;7‘0rth»\Vest to initiate the registrars into ’ ’ the working of the system. 4 ' The owners of the schooncr “ Golden Hind,†of Gloucester, are said to have ï¬lled a. claim for $5,000 damages against the Do- minion Government for having been refused permission to ï¬ll water by the cruiser “ Conrad†last autumn in North Bay. I'd German students in Switzerland have been ordered to rujoin thoix regiments im- modizmtdy. Lieut.-C01. Jackson has ï¬nished all the business connected with the transport service of the North-“lest rebellion, and made his ï¬nal report to the Minister of Militia. He has left for London to resume his duties as Deputy AdjutantGeneral of No. 1 Military district. The Marine Department have decided that; the steamers Neptune and Northern Lights shall make daily trips with mails and passen- gers, 011 alternate days, from Charlottetown and Georgetown, P. EL, to Pictou, N.S., to turning the following day, thus giving a daily mail each way between the island and the mainland during the wintcr. A terriï¬c natural gas explosion by which thirtyâ€"ï¬ve persons were seriously injured occurred at; Kokomo, Ind., on Friday. Sim Francisco advices state thth there were 38 pn‘sons 0n the wrecked Whaler “ Atlantic,†527 of whom were drowned. It is said that Mrs. Susanna. \Vm‘ren, a colored woman, who died at Sassukawa, Indian territory, on the 5th inst, was 136 years 91d. The Italian budget for 1885-6 shows a do ï¬cit of $116,000,000. who purchased the Corriveau silk mills will sell the machinery to Montreal capitalists, who purpose to form a. joint-shock company for the manufacture of broad goods, hand- kerchiefs, etc. The building will probably be emploped for an entirely new industry in Canada. It is rumored that the Montreal syndicate l J» reptile rat}, but meanwli manner. rolled 11; around 1 rat, sec snake n; The Belleville Board of Education has de- cided to supply every pupil in the High and Public schools with a Bible to he kept in their desks, and also that after the Christmas holidaysaportion of Scripture shall berearl responsiver by the teacher and pupils at the opening of school each morning. V In the United States House of Congress on Saturday the motion to consider Mr. Morrison’s tariff measure was defeated, the vote being yous, 149 ; Hays, 151. It is estimated that; the costs of the (Jump boll divorce case will amount; to r," 3,000. The Demisr‘hae Tag/Mal, of Reflin, rejoices over the rapid growth of German influence in Japan. Edward kulan has arrived in Toronto, and will leave again in March or April for Australia to row Beach. His Excellency the Governor-General, ac- companied by Lady Lansdowne and their re- spective suites, will make a prolonged visit to Montreal during the carnival. Captain Streatfeild is now in Montreal to hire a. resi- dence for the Vice-regal party, whose visit will last about eight weeks, during which an elaborate round of festivities will be held. A consignment of cannon and ammuni- tion for the British Columbia harbor forts, shipped direct from \Voolwich Arsenal to Esquiumlt, passed through ‘Vinnipeg last week. Prince Edward Island this season has ex- ported S)l,000 cases of lobsters, mostly to Europe. They are valued at a half million and involved the slaughter of 35,000,000 lobsters. The Quebec city council has appointed a special committee to take into consideration the desirability of a. proper celebration in Quebec of the ï¬ftieth anniversary of Queen Victoria’s reign. The twenty-four o’clock system has been adopted on the Manitoba and North-“"mtcrn railway, and will he extench h) the Eastern division of the Canadian Paciï¬c railway 0n the next change of time-table. HO M E. Prof. Saunders has located a, sight for the Manitoba experimental farm west of VVinni- The steamer Neptune has commcncorl thn wmter mail SUI‘ViCU between Prince Edward Island and the mainland. Joseph Delage, 3, Desert merchant, foil from the veranda!) of his house at that plate a few days ago and broke his neck. The Fun 6 liner “Uluvda†has arrived at Halifax with returned exhibits from ths: Colonial Exhibition. She had a Very stormy passage. During this winter the North-“70m Mounted Police will be relieved of all out;- post duty except the protectinn of the Prince Albert mull routm » Robert ({ilpin, one of the Nile voyagcurs, died at Ottawa the other morning from con- sumption, the ofl‘cct of a cold contracted on the Nile expedition. Nortlllcln'ler’s block, in Montreal, includ< ing the Music hall, has been totally destroy- ed by ï¬re. The loss is cstimated to reach $130,000, with only partial insurance. Fred Leigh, aged 19, fell from the main mast of the schooner “ Isaac Gondwin,†be- tween Glace Bay and Sydney, and notwith- standing strenuous efl'ori‘s to save him, was drowned. Notice has been received by the Domin- ion Government that the Fisheries billof last session, which was reserved for the sanction of the Imperial authorities, has received her Majesty’s sanction. The new snowflxeds of the Canadian Paâ€" ciï¬c railway underwent a. severe test :1, few days ago in the Selkirk range, which they stood in a most satisfactory manner. It is reporth that England threatens n, THE WEEK’S NEWS. AMERICAN. ()RICIGX all that is needed to pruve that Polson’s Ixcrviline is the most rapid and certain re- medy in the world for pain. It only costs 10 cents for a. hill bottle. A single trial bottle will prove Norviline to be equally efï¬cacious as an external or "uterle remedy and for PILln of cvury {leswiptiou it has no equal. Try {L 10 cent Lsample bottle. Sold by druggists. Large bottles '25 cents. Avoid substitutes. The defence set up is the extraordinary one that the prisoners were not actuated by motives of eupidity, but by superstition, be- lieving their mother to be a. witch, and that the spell she had cast upon them~they were wretchedly POOI'AVVOllld be dissolved if she were burnt alive. The murderers were all very religions. ‘A London correspondent claims to have received through Sir John Kirk, British ‘ V A, y - consul-General m Azuizihar, a copy of a. let- ter from the Mahdi to his GovernmuGeneral of Equatorial Africa, giving details of the capture of Khartoum. mumâ€",1 ..-m;.m-v{aunw A French Murder Case. A remarkable trial is taking place at Blois. The prisoners, all living in the neighboring village of Lnnean, the Garden of France, as that district is popularly enllell, are the two sons of the Victim, the \Vidow Lebon, her (laughter, and the husband of the latter, a mi 1 named ThumerS. The \Vidow Lehon was over 70. She had been out to service, and having saved a, 51113.11 pittance of 800 francs, she returned to her native village to live with her sens and her married daugh- ter. Shellml fallen into her dotage, but, nevertheless, was believed to he a witch, and in consequence hml i1, hurl name in the neighâ€" borhood. An application made in London on behalf of the Treasury for criminal infm'nmtion against the mij .News for publishing obscene testimony in the Camiplmll case rc- sultcd in the dismissal of the ('xavcrmnent application. Sir John Kaye has made a change in his scheme to establish model farms in the North-\Vest, now proposing tomakc each farm twenty thousand acres in extent in- stead of ten thouszmd. The matter is still under consideration by the Interior Depart- m exit It is reported from Dublin that the police have been instructed to arrest campaign leaders everywhere. A large number of Kerry moonlighters have been sentenced at Cork to eighteen months’ imprisonment. Llnyds have ordered a sfemncr to he built which it is intended shall surpass in speed and size any vessel now afloat. The Hovas have paid 400,000f. Warixr demnity to France, and the evacuation of Tamatave by France is imminent. The Journal (16" Drzlwu‘s says Germany, France, Russia. and 'l‘urkey are in complete accord on the Bulgarian question. It is stated that in response to a letter from Emperor “'illiam, pleading for the preservation of peace, the Czar has promis~ 01 his (ac-operation. The Paris Journal (le Doha/- accuses Eng- land of being the only power Whose conduct has aggravated the trouble which has culmi- nated in the present crisis in South-Eastern Europe. lit is reported from London that the rela- tions between England and Russia. are dain becoming more strained. The ambassadors of each country have been called home 011 trivial pretexts. One of our popular young farmers, noted for truthfulness us well as modesty, tells the following story of a ï¬ght between a rat and a, snake. He was at his stable not long since, and after doing some chores around the lot he sat down and began to meditateâ€"â€" he is given to such things occasionallyâ€"1nd while sitting on a fence near his stable he saw a. snake crawl out from under the crib in quite ahurry ; presently allarge mt ful- lowed and attacked the snake ï¬ercely: It jumped upon his snakeship and at once the reptile coiled and endeavoured to strike the ‘at, but it was quick and escaped the bites, meanwhile plying its own teeth in a fearless manner. The rat and the snake clinched, rolled up in a wad, the snake trying to coil around the rat. Just at that moment the rat, securng a good chance, seized the snake near its tail and bit it terribly. In much pain and agony, the serpent quickly gave up the fight and made off, the rat fol- lowing a short distance, and then return- ing went back to the crib. Several times it came out and smelled along through the weeds, as if seenting the snake. It is sup posed that the snake had eaten the old rat’s young, and it it was deter mined to have re vengeâ€"A [Ag/Ceiyel’e (0a.) ï¬lessmger. permanent occupation of Egypt unless Tur- key breaks with Germany. The action of Mrs. Adams against her father, Lord Chief Justice Coleridge, has been settled privately. The Irish Land Commission durinw the .0 '- past year granted an average reductxon 111 he price of lands of 24 per cent. The resignation of'Lox‘d Randolph Churchill was proclaimed through the streets of Dublin the other morning by a bellman. There is a general belief that the candi- dacy of Prince Ferdinand of Saxeâ€"Cobm‘g Gotha, for the Bulgarian throne, has col~ lapsed. It is stated that the Sultan is completely under the influence of the Imperial fortune- teller, who has been subomed by Russizm gold. v Uneasiness is felt: in Paris over the rapid» ity with which the Government is working to place the armament of France in the most complete state possible. SirARobert Morier, British Ambassador at St. l’etcrsburg, has been summoned to Lon- don to confer with the Government concern- ing fresh disputes connected with the Afghan} frontier. An Encounter of Rat and Snake. It is said the Queen will urge Lord Hart- iugton to join the Ministry and become lemler in the. House of Commons. M. Ile Lesscps (lcelmed at a meeting of the French Geographical Society thth the Pana- ma canal will be upon for traillu in 1889. It: is announced that M. do Lesseps has given the Khedive $430000 for sufï¬cient Government land to widen the Suez canal. A company is about to be started in Lonâ€" don to supply steamers with gas numufac- tured from crude petroleum for fuel instead of 008.1. The Franciscmn friars have declared under oath that; Abbe Liszt desired to be buried in the vaults of their monastery in Pesth. A Single Trial A French crank‘s estimate of humanity in 1886 foot up “a lot of fools who spend most of their time and money in making iron balls to go through steel plate and in making steel plates to keep out iron balls.†_ At the present time ocezm sailing vessel captains can be employed at almost any price a ship owner may name from $80 to $150 per month. mte~i.c., $20 per month and 5 per cent. of the gross earnings. In 1854 Captain Torndike, of the climuer ship Sen. Serpent, received $500 per month. A very few get the old All the Mounted Police outposts station- ed along the boumlzwy line, except that of Wood Mountain, have been withdrawn. Dctachments, ranging from ï¬ve to ï¬fteen, will, however, be stationed all winter at File Hills, Touchwood, Salt Plains, Hum- boldt, and Batoche for the purpose of pro- tecting the Prince Albert; mail route. The Calgary Tribune says :#A surveyor who has just returned from an extended sur- vey of a timber limit in the foot hills west of Morley states that the party of Stoney Indians that he took with him were the best lot of men for the work he ever em- ployed. He states also that they set a good example to their white brethren in that before every meal they were sernplnous to ask the divine blessing. All this speaks well for Rev. Mr. McDougall’s missionary labors amongst the Stonies. 1’0IING MEN sulfering from the effects of early evil lm‘uitu, the result of ignorance and folly, who ï¬nd Lhemsclx a weak, nervous a :d exhausted ; also MU» nm-Aeym 1m! 01.!) M \' who a†broken down from the eï¬ects of abuse or overwork, and in advanced life feel the cangequences of youthful excess, send for and mum . Imbun‘s “fr: me on Diseases of Men. The» book will be m; sealed to any address on rec 'p‘n (1' two 30. stamp. Address M. V. LUKGN, =17 VS . ton Sb. E. Tomato, Ont. About, twelve tons of adultemted teas, im- ported from Japan via Port Moody, has been condemned at Chicagn. Atruveller in Africa noticed a, curious sound of the muffled hanging of drums echoing from village to Vilmge. H r found that the noise proceeded from monstrous native drums, and that when chiefs wanted “fancy†drummers they chopped ed the hands of the slaves and obliged the latter to beat the drums with their mutilated stumps in place of drum sticks. It is said that the African natives have great insen- sibility of the nervous organization. The Ottawa county grand jury ale that infuture all juries in that county be com- posed of half English and hxlf French speakâ€" ing Jurymen. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at onr-e be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stonmch Bitters, the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get; out of or- der, causing Biliousncss, Dysl y sin, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a (10% of Dr. Carson’s Stomach Bittu‘s. Host family medicine. All Drugg‘ists, 50 cents. Sufferers are not. generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustaohinn tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result in that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, oatarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining; this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon & Son, 308 King Street West. Toronto. Canada. A. P. 313. The man who published a book entitled “The art of Living a Hundred Years†is dead at the age of 38. The twenty-four o’clock system is"'a.bout to be put into operation on the Manitoba. and North-western Railway. The following letter to an oil opemtnr from an Philadelphia Woman is quoted as illustrating the peculiar ideas of her sex on the brokerage business: “Please buy me 10,000 barrels of oil at 99 cents and sell at 1.10. Remit me the difference, less your commisson. Upon the promptncss which you execute this oulcr depends my future patronage.†A The wvidowed mother and the brother and sister of \Yilliam Fleet, who was last heard of in February, 1881, are anxious to hear from him and request him through an ad- vertisement in Lloyd’s Wee/:13], Landon, England, to reply to the ofï¬ce of that paper. Fleet and his wife used to reside in Port Hope and Toronto, and in the summer of 1880 he was sailing: on the lakes. A new steel steamer for the route between Toronto and Niagara. will be erected at Deseronto during the winter. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deafness and Hay Fever.†l’lays,’ Brass Instjs, "Vi01i113,"‘Flué}eH.' ‘Flfes,’ and Musical Inst. Tnmmmgs, at reduced prices. R. B. BUTLAN D, 37 King St. ‘vV., Toronto. Dr. Jug‘s Medicine Builds up the System. v JI‘NE 19, 1885â€"]?01‘ two years my 5* wife‘s health was run down. She was greatly emaciated and too weak to do imytlling for herself; slxe was given up by live doctors. they all passed the gpinion that she could not live. She 'ommencetl using: Dr. Jug‘s Medicine in l December, 1884, and after taking six , . IO was so much improved that she could look after her honmhold duties. J. M. RODMCK, Engineer, 0. P. IL, West Toronto. New shipment from Eng-land, Ex Steamship “Nor wegian." Lowest prices to the trade. We are sole agents in Canada for McBride’s Celebrated Sheep Casinga. Write for quotations. .L “Es PARK (it SON. Tm-onlo. lflflï¬ï¬‚fl i MONEY SAUSAGE GAMES. HERF AND THERE. _S}iEE"1ԤUF 5‘ (55“100: AIQSIU $0 10311 on Mortgage. Trust funds. F62 particulars apply to BEATTY, CHAD- wxcx, BLACKSTUCK 8: GALT, Toronto. E’ Paid-nu) (Inpitnl, i ’l‘oml Aspects, ‘ Sums. of £51 and upwarth received at Current rate of interest“ paid or compounded hall-yearly. DEBENTUR! 9. Money received on deposit for :1 ï¬xed term of years for which Debentures are led, with half-yearly in~ terth voupons attached. Liecncors and Trustees are authorized by imv to invest. in the Debentures; of this 001‘.)p.ui_\‘. The Capital and r of the Company being); pledged for money f’ :d, deposits†are at ali times assured of perxe Advances made on He. stat ,, at current rntea, and on favorable conditions 'is t-o E'x‘-“".1\)'In(!l\t. Mort- gages and Municipal Debcnmrcs purchased. J. “HERBERT “ASDN. Managing Director‘ {outed 1884. Effects Azsuranccs for Sickness: Accident and I‘eath; also endowments. Agents: Cnnvassersand Colicvtors wanted. Apply, WlLLIAM James, Secretary, 45 Arcade, Toronto. OFFICE : Company's Buildings. Toronto 51., Toronto. Made in two sizes, can; ng from 560 1'0 2.500 lbs, Ligi t, Neat, Strong and very humble. Will stand by actual teatiflm per ('mlt. over raw telc, and the runners wear six “mg-s longer, and, being spring tempered, do not drug or grip, drawing fully nuc- imli easier on bare ground. Pri‘cm are RIGHT, and orders should be plaoed AT ONCE to secure delivery this season, as our entire supply is being rapidly taken up. Just the thing for delivery sleighs, carry alls, democrats, etc. Send for circular with full parâ€" ticulars, and as ’ re \ ukers for [these PESTIAL BARIJAENS 2â€"-Mnst be closed out be- S fore Jan. Iqt. NOW is the time to get a Good Rifle cheap, 50 Remington Carbines, 50 0:11.. shootingr glnrautced â€"â€" H’I'XL 50 Kennedy Repeating Carbines, 1'] shots, usinLr 44 Winchester Cartridges, at HS“. 100 English Side Snap (Inns, 10 1‘2 12 bore, Twist Barrels, $12. 500 British Bull Dog Revolvers, 32, 38, or 44 cal, Price $3. Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshipsl Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling: at Londouderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John‘s, N. R, to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halilax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia. ; and during sur mer between Glasgow and Montreal \vcekl,‘ ' Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Phiicdelp‘nih fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Sohum' :4: (Sr. 00., Baltimore: C Halifax; F L a; (30., St. John’s. NF. ; i . son f1: (10., John, 3U)»; Allan & (10.,Cliio1gn; Love 6.7 Alden, New ‘J’or‘ ; H. Dourlier, Toronto; Allan's, {no (I: 70., Quelu-c; Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia: ii. A. Allan. l‘oril “ Montreal Try our Iiunadizm Coal 0i]. CANAOA PERWIANENT LOAN & SAViNGS COMPANY. M00011 Bros. & 00., Toronto Amnmsï¬mmolvm’m PATENT TEMPERED STEEL EGB‘SLEICHS. MMLL’S LAWN NMCEHHNE 01L. Practically Taught. REE-01K For Circular giving full inforxlmtiorx, addressâ€" PRACTICAL BUSENE$S EUGATION. EWAGHZENE OILS I Largest Gun Store in Canada, (59 Bay St. Toxgmto‘ Shingle Mills, Lam MilIs,Watf_r Wheelgiglaners and Matchers, WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS c'ci;EiEaxléfSid'EnLiWï¬hipeg. 8Q: ILLUSTRATED GERCULARS FREESW Tanpgi‘Bch‘soqufl, __ CHAS. H. BROOKS, HE INDUSTRIAL UNION OF B. N. A.â€"Incor‘ I have A positive remedy for the n! we dlnense ; by!" um thousands ofcmaes of the worn king and of long Itnndinl hve been cured. Indeed, so strum: is my mm: In its Quincy, that I wlvl send TWO BOTTLES FREE, “gather with s VALUAELE TREATISE on this discaan ‘0 any lnflarer GIVe express and P. 0. ar‘ 1m. 11.4 81.0 WE ARE THE SOLE MANUFACTURERS OF THE GENUINE LARDINE. Also Cylimker, Engine. W065 and Harness Oils. W. Mi COOPER, Ofï¬cial Reporter York Co. Courts, President. » _, w... “mâ€, manna, km“. I\1 CIRLLLAR. Chopping Mills"??? . †“it James 51.. Nlonlreul; 30 an. Paul Sh, Quebec. EASTERN OFFIcrsâ€"fl r4 INCORPORATED, AD. 1855. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. AYE," Manufacturers and Millers will save money by using m ARCADE, TORONTO. JAN. 3, 1887. S 5.. Tammy; 352.200.0041 35,800,000 "‘ Sunlimm Brand." Finest in the Market. 11 Shorthandera are in active demand in every city at salaries varying; from $15 to $200 weekly. Handsome. laries pa d students as solicitors while learning. )0 experienl-e necessary, and great Hue- (‘ens guaranteed. Send at, omre for circulars. UMON Imusyummchs’ Amumx‘. Mail Lesson Department, ‘ rlcluide Street 1‘ .st. Tax-onto. IIELPII Business Guelph, 011:. ] Began the Third Year Sept. lst, having: already received patronage irom TEN STATES AND Pnovmw. Young men and boys thoroughly prepared for busi- 11055 pursuitfl. (h-mluatca emim-ncly successful. Special 00m t8 in Sliorthzmd, French and German. Ladies adnn med. For terms, eta, address M. MACCORMICK, Principal. The Show Driic hum l‘owuer 00.. traume un’ § QRMNMA 30. “Rita. f‘éiï¬iï¬‚Ã©Ã©ï¬ Artisan Designs. cmnbined with U n 532:; mm ed {3 livability and Finish. HAMILTON, ONTARIO- EiELVEiZ§E~PR£ï¬WED WARE. Branbh 01311313, 37 YUï¬iéSï¬Tï¬mntu. \Vhon I any cum I do not worn mcrvly tn Finn them for. time and then have than )\:1:HL hnmn a radical (um. I have )nadu the (hxv ’w. Ei‘ILHYbY m'FALL- ISO SICKNESSa Monlmuz bnviv. l \ ‘ an my rum-fly to cure the Wurst raw». 1h v we when. 1|.ve (“ï¬nd 1:; no reason for not now r NW ‘ny; a CH' 1!. Send a: once lo: a treatise and n I‘rr-e Battle 31 my inmlHI-lv remedy. Giva Express and Post omce. I: (-nu‘w yw nothing {or a trial, :nd 1 willcuru you. Arldrt 5 PR. IL 0 ROOT, HEM EARN SEORTIHANHB AT ll0ME.~GO0D And Largest Training School in Canada. Smut for Calendar. MA N UP A (.JTURE ONLY Saws, Saw Tools, Belting, Ewart Chain, C. O’DEA,» SECRETARY. Secretary & Manager. box.