And it will be a work oflove not only to all Retormers but to many Conservatives to give this mark of appreciatlon to one who IS re- spected and admired alike by friend and toe. It will be but the reward due to great parts, to unflinching honesty, to unalloved goodness both of head and heart. It has fallen to the lot of the Hon. Alexander Mac- kenzie to enjoy in his lifetime what is almost exclusively withheld from public men until they have passed awayâ€"the testimony of his most bitter opponents that he is in the very highest sense emphatically i a man. He has never paltered with truth and right, no matter what the guerdon offered. He has never de- viated from the straight path of duty, no matter what might be the em- gencies of the day. And he stands to-day, in his Spartan simplicity of character, 1n his stern unbending intmrry, in his high unselï¬sh love of country, in his comprehensive 211.lea"‘,~" one of the But the bull in the Chlna shop is not stayed by the sound of broken pottery (no reflectionron Mr. Hum- berstone), and Mr. Smith’s splendid victory will not deter Boultbee in his insane course. \Vell, we trust that he will enter the fray. A prom- inent Conservative nemawked to us that Bonltbee should be seized by the throat and choaked off the rid- ing. V’Ve, however, are anxious for 111111 to remain. For in that event, We are certain that Hon. Mt". Mac- kenin \Vl“ recelve such a tremen- dous majority as will convince even a Boultbee that his sphere of action must be removed from East York. And Boultl)ee proouced the effect not that he desired, but that all honorably. glen wished for. Mr. 'S‘riiit‘liï¬olled the'largest vote that was ever given to a candidate in East Yorl; ; Crosby polled the smallest. Now it would be absurd to pretend or even to think that B’oultbee regrets Crosbv’s annihilat ion except in so far as it concerns Boultbee. His object was and is t to promote and cherish division in the Reform ranks. It in the further- ance of this ObJCCt Mr. Crosby or a hundred Mr. Crosby’s are slaughter- edI so much the worse for him and them. lioultbee intends by fair or by 10111 to be member for East York. Yes, the ambition of'this refuse of Canadian pohtics ,is to defeat that highest type of patriot- .ism, unselï¬shness and integrityâ€" the Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. "I‘he virtuous I‘Boultbeemakes bit- ?ter moan in his organ, the Markham ~Sun, because we charged him with being the originator and soul of Mr. fCrosby’s candidatureship in East York. He pretends, moreover, to (She shocked at the language applied iby THE LIBERAL to the nasty mess "of which he was the mixer. We Jhave always considered Boultbee’s “condemnation as the highest eulogy. ’When he censures, we know in- stinctively that we are right. Should the in any case express approval or .any act of ours, We might well be- ,gin to suspect that we had made .some serious lapse irom the path of common decency. We tell Mr. Boultbee that the very mention of. his name is ï¬t provocation for even a volcanic outburst of scorn and in- vective. we tell Mr. Boultbee’s friends that they must expect to the full all the opprobrium due to :their patron. In the County of York, Boullbee is unique in his bad (eminence. It shall be no fault of tours it he and his creatures escape one jot of the infamy which is right- }ly theirs. We are not easily betrayed into nexprcssions of astonishment at any- kthing that appears in the columns ~0f the Markham Sun. Yet its im» pudent assertion that Boultbee had «nothing Whatever to do with Mr. “Crosby’s appearance in East York, is bold and hardy compared with even its customary recklessness. Why. it is street talk, it is the talk of Conservatives. ltis notorious that Crosby's campaign was planned by Boultlwc, that his scrutineers rwere selected in many instances by Bonlt- bee, that his whole lamentable ï¬as- co w s the outoozne of Boultlxze. The very place where much of this work was done is known to all. More than one respectable Re- former recoiled in disgust from Rennie’s s::cd store in Toronto when they found laoultbee ensconced there pulling the strings for Crosby. This is not Grit hearsay ; it is positive Conservative evidence. iflitnmlvnmn HILL. Thursday, Jan. 6, ’87 We ï¬iheml. THA T 00A LITl UN. IN BRONZE LETTERQ. l mm mum Having the utmost conï¬dence in its superiority over all others, and after thou- sands of tests of the most complicated and severest cases we=c0nld ï¬nd. we feel justi- ï¬ed in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case Of cough, cold, sore throat, influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, consumption in its early stages, whooping- cmigh, and all diseases 'of threat and lungs, except asthma, for which we only claim reliefythat we c:m’t cure with West’s Cough Syrup, when taken awarding to directions. Sample bottles 25:. and 200. Large bottlesï¬l. Genuine wrapped only in blue. Sold by all druggists, or sent by express on receipt of price. John C. West & 00.. Toronto, (Jun. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY CAUTION. Pete] Devins....................‘ AleXT A. Malloy George High . ‘ . . . . Nelson Playter... . . SECOND DEPUTY REEVE~ISaac Reaman by acclamation. Andrew Russell George Elliott .. The fullowing will show the Council ful;Vaughanf0r thre ygqr 1887: \Vm-ld’s Best. \Vesl’s Liver Pills, a sure cure for liver complaint, (lysnepsia, sick headache and ilidigesbiun. 30 pills 250. All druggists. REEvEâ€"Alexandef‘ Malluy, by accla- matinn. The second year 01‘ Mr. Howland’s regime will be anxiously watched. He has a good record, a good coun- cil, and we hope that he will ’ make a good showing. It IS quite true that Mayor How- ldnd’s zeal for hon-est civic adminis- tration and sound morality, was not always governed by prudence and judgment. But his intentions were manifestly so good, that the temper- ance, the moral, and the religious elements of society at once espous- ed his side. This was leital to Mr. Blain. The dark elements of so- ciety loudly wmked for him. In spite oi himself,Mr. Blain was iden- tiï¬ed With all that IS base-st in a great City. Unless Toronto had been utterly depraved,the result olthe election could not have been differ- ent. He took a ï¬rm stand against all cliques and rings whose purpose is to grow rich by plundering the city treasury. Crooked comractors lonnd 111 him a determined and in- veterate enemy. Aldermen of the boodle specxes were over and over foiled and disgruntled by Mayor Howland’s sharpness and ï¬rmness. He waged an unceasing war av gainst vice of all kinds. Brothels, liquor-(lives, gambling dens, all these were objects of constant attack. It would be too much to say that Mayor Howland succeededvin eradiâ€" cating these terrible sources of sm and misery. But it is-not too much to say that he not only checked their growth, but also very perceptibly diminished them in number and in effects. It will not be without interest to our readers to consider the issues at stake in the contest. These issues will be most clearly set forth by mentioning the prominent character- istics of Mr. Howland‘s tenure of Ofï¬ce. In brief these areas fellows: Mr. Howland’s reâ€"election to the high oflice of Mayor of Toronto is both creditable to the city and flat- tering to himself. HIS increased majorit3 gained over a man so re- spectable and influential as Mr. David Blain is ample proof that he possesses in an extraordinary de- gree the conï¬dence of the ï¬rst city in the Dominion. very noblest specimens of manhood which this or any other land has ever produced. Mnj‘nity for Devins ......... Majority for High COUNCILLOR Majority for Russell . . Vaughan Council. THIRD DEPUTY REEVE SFIRST DEPUTY RENE $1000 FORFEIT ! TORONTO’S MA YOR. IS MARKED . . . .360 .........230 354 263 406 130 151 §m mm m wan Fm The above factory in rituated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL ..Nov. 254?), 1886-3m. In connection with the factory. where custom sawing wfll be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. PLANED LUMBER; MO U LDIN G S, &C., Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL 008%, 8m, BLINBS, ML, RICHMOND HILL Plï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬iï¬ï¬ E THE WEB PROOF, Twwï¬g, gamma 650. Dmgg flaws, GREAT mmmm m WER- Â¥ GGATS F03 EALREEGE OF THE ' é; I wagging Ea“: Evan; ï¬sganmem E Having bought the aboveâ€"named mill and put; everything in ' Kept on hand, or made to order on the shornest nutice.» A atmk of Winteg’; Dry Goods, GREAT CL SALE Wop“.â€" Always on hand. There is also a Fl KST-CLASSï¬ ORDE R, L. INNES & SONS, JUST OFENED, ANO'I‘HER SHIPMENT OF Sgienï¬ifl. Assmti’nent af Dirsct from the Manufacturers sellinfY at ’ C , . “1101652118 prlccs. DIRECT IEQPOBTEE. NOW~ GOING ON. L J AT’T E N 9 ON"; Emmig, £50., AT THE AT SUITS mm WEBGDATS. Special Lima of" 'Efzziusazmga A coon m GUARANTEED. Have taken a flmht and have settled in their new hiveâ€"tho ï¬rst door north of Trench's Carriage Works. Having removed .to new and cnmmodious quart- ern,I am prepared to enter on the Winter Campaign with greatly improved facili- ties for turning; out The New Bee Hive, Opposite Lorne Block. ' Ladles’ Jackets :1 Specialty. Within this him, as everybol‘ Thev’l'e .lu uyï¬ turning out 1 2e suits of clothel (June than mm have you“ (min , it will pay, {"1 not (all :mismcuun’ns dub you'll ulwuu 81w. knows, And all persons requiring anything in mv lint maydapend 111mm \ï¬'Ol‘kInilehiP ï¬rst-class in every reapth C. TREVETHAN’S BREES Fl RST- )fa‘AASiS 3" 013K C. T HE 7ETH A N, A hill line of samples for