THE LIBERAL PRINTERS & PUBUSHYNG HOUSE (LIGHMOND HILL. â€"â€" â€"- ONTARIO. session, {LS fellows: knrom, lst‘ Rbh, 16:11, and 221m of emâ€™ï¬ month Richmond Hill“. . . .9th and 24th via, (at the Palmer Hansel r I ‘ Shouï¬villo. Markham». 10 Victoria Square.... . ~ (10. l‘hornhili, Walker House. 23rd do. Woodbridge .. ....28th do. Kieinbnrg“ ..29th do Hobleton . . .. ..... 30th a Vitalined Air Mwny on lmmi at appointments W0 like a charm Free from vain. Veterhmr’rsurgeon.Gmdunbe of Ontario Vet. College, Toronto. TAP/eases of all the Domesticated Animals created. RESIDENCE : â€" 81H, AVENUE, Woomzmnax. m SURGEON DENTIST; thankful for the favors of the past 20 yes/J's nmv stillhe consulted in any branch of the pro- KW. James Langstafl Member Culley!» Physicianst Surgeons Ont.y RICHMO ND HILL, ONT. Bed ï¬tting'i‘eeth made. Nothing infwior in the rat 9f Den‘ttisatry. Prices low and Vitalized Medalist Toronto I‘nivmsitv Nu“ Lev (‘0 PhysitiunsAr Sm-aonnv, Onshfln‘te of Stouffville Yonge Street. hiohmond Hill. Oflice Hours to 10 a. ml, 5 to 8 13.111. Air umd any time: @nntal §utgmm d1 ma STREET EAST, TORONTO, errosrm THE " GLOBE " OFFICE. (3’ (us FOR EXTEACTIhG. '30 QEFJRS Bunk“ QSSKUL, Richmond ‘Hill. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. I4 Building & Lo‘an Chambers. N3. x5 Toronto Street. Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST summer RATES a. G. F. LAWRENCEI '1‘. C. MILLIG‘AN. 3. A- MOANDREW. 5 ‘ » ‘ to be made. Cut this out; ‘ and return to us and we will . send you free. something of great value and imporumce to you, L12th will smut van in business which will bring you in nioremonev right away than anv- tli'mgz 01:99 in the world. Any one can do the wnrk and live immune. Either sex: all (was. Something: new, that just coins money for al workers. We will smart you ; capital not; needed. This is one of the genuine, important chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enter- prising “'11‘1 not delay. Grand outï¬t free. Ad- _d.roa TnonlkCo. Augmstluine. 141 Yonge Street, ! .Next door to the new Arcade Wishrs, Q‘Jnrkg, ; smiltrg, §ilhtrh32ut an) mptital 0590M. SPECTACLED’ FOR EVERY SIGHT. Fullerton]. Cook a Miller, BARRISTERS. SOLICITORS. &c. .WICES: 18 KING S'IREET EAST. Tomm'ro. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J SFullm-ton, W Cpok, J. R. Miller anvu‘n FUNDS to LOAN. ‘2‘) Hr. “IT, Mapw. Ofï¬ce hours: '5 to 9.30 a. n2...n.11d in Address A ROBIN‘FON L.D,S.,Aurmu Ont. Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancem. 8x" VOL. IX. LAWRENCE. MlLLlGAN & MCANDREW, ~ ‘ E. M. RIORI‘HY. SON & 00.. BUSINESS CARDS. URSDAY [41W ‘ @wa gafihcml †VJ’EJZ‘EIZJQVQ £13 Franklin .I. Andrews. EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. per annum, in advancc.] ‘lm'. W. J. \Vllson. Manufacturers IS PUBDESHED F. HEWITT, USED BY Dr. Afilkobinson. wttcrium. mum: . “flank :Ehmtal. AT r I? FEES MODERATE EVENING EVERY TORONTO porters of 230 p. mâ€" fiflfllfflfl'fllfl’ [JV EflTES @Dmaf %m71{%{ Lends Monov at 5. 515 um] 6 1161‘ cent. per mnmm. Mortgages. Life and Endowment Assurance Poli» (ties bought at higllesbcnsh prices. Notes cashed. 6 to 8 per cent. seemed ior persons having money to invest, Livenflecl Auctioneer for the Counties of York ()ntm'm and ‘Peol. Goods sold on consignment. General sales of stock. eta, promptly attended to at reasonable uses. P. 0. address. UNIONVILLE. Licensed chtinnear fur the Cmmtv of York. Yn- spentfully Holirits ynurvufrrmngo and friendly iuflnem-u. Sales attended on the ahnrtestnntine and at reasonable rates; P. O. Adth‘e‘SF. Licenaed Auctioneer for the County of ank, re- spectfully solicits your putt-053,579. and friendly influence. sales Mtended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 9. address, King. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest notice,und at rea- abe rates. Address Stouï¬vxlle P. h Funeral Furnishings Always on [land THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond 'Hill, Benj. BI'IllingeI'. Proprietor. Having: reï¬tted the above House and furnish- ed it in ï¬rst-class style. I am prepared to give the public the best of accommodatlon. Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers. Sample Booms for cummel‘Ciul travellers. A good livery in com nectiun. Terms 31 net dew. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. First-class Around the lake for trotting horses. Good stabl- ing. Terms moderate. gum gm gum. Every accommodation to guestn. Board, 81.00 per day M0510 LESSQJVS. thing else In this world. Capital not; needed : you are started free. Both sexes ; all ages. Auv one can do the work. Lame earnin 5 sure from ï¬rst start. Costly outï¬t and terms ree. Better not delav. Costs you nothing to send us your address and ï¬nd out ; if you are wise you W111 do so at once. 3. HALLET‘I‘ a: 00., Portland. Maine. can live at home. and make more Y0 money at work for us, than at any- Genital Bank of (imam 2 PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, vxcwnzs'mm'r, SAMUEL mans. ' DIRECTORS MISS FLUBA GOULTEB Deuositï¬ received and Interestallowed thereon at Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Dmfta on all parts of Canada, United Status and Great Britain, bought and sold. K. Chisholm, M.P,P., H. P. Dwight; D. M. Mm- donald, C. B, Robinson. A. cLean Howard, and J, Ginty. Issue: of Marriage Licenses Ccunty of York. Oï¬ice : so Jarvis street, Toronto. Undertaken; a; Embalmers. ls prepared to receive pupils. and will give Music Lessons as formerly. A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, H. LEMMA MEEE Efl'ï¬â€˜ï¬‚fln 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO erIG'HT BROS, WM. BE LL, Proprietor. JAM ES MCLAWRENCE, RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. JANUARY 20. 1887 Salem Ecknrdt James C. stokes. amatrnaurmm. N . J. Armstron a. C. R. TENL‘II. S. NI. Brown. Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. iktunry. :6. 14730446! “In Essentials, Unity,- in Non-Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity Manager. Dissolution-The Municipality Redeem~ edâ€"The Rumored Dissolution. On all hands expectation is rife with the prospect of a new election. Some have even gone so far as to ï¬x the date of the elections. Sir John Macdonsld at last ï¬nds himself in a critical position. The Devil on one side; the deep sea. on the other. Harassing doubts as to the wisdom of further prolonging the inevi- table plunge ass-ail him on all sides. The signs of the times as seen in the triumph of Liberalism all along the line, reiider him desperately afraid to face the electors in their present temper. It is. currently reported that Sir Charles Topper is com- ing back from his easy and luxurious position at London to take on himself the leaoership of the new Liberal Conserva- tiVe Party. the old name Conservative having fallen into disrepute among re ensemble people. The wisdom of this change of name is, to say the least, not readily apparent. A rose by any other name would smell as sweet, so too we may say that changing the name of the delectable article of diet which our Ger- man friends are so fond ofâ€"to wit: Lim- burger Cheeseâ€"would not in the least persuade us that the ofl'ensiveness of it to a great many persons had bean in the least removed by the change of name it had undergone. When the historians of our country shall come to write the his- tory of this present parliament now so near the end of its existence, he will be troubled to ï¬nd a parallel for it in recent times. Certainly in no country of the world is the spectacle to be found that is to be seen in our own. Of a Cabinet composed of Ministers of the Crown se- lected not for any special fitness they may possess for ofï¬ce, but solely owing to the amount of influence they may be suppos- ed to exercise over one section or other of the community. It is humiliating to admit this, but who will deny the general correctness of the statement '? The ire quent shuffling of the chief oilices like a pack of cards in the hands of a skilful player, show this. This person and that person, for no assignable reason, dropping out and his place being ï¬lled by some one {this owing toghe influent‘s of "e ‘ person balm 'lt,lï¬dlmpor'aa£;fni6’ be con- ciliated, or the influence of some one else becoming correspondingly depreciated. The frequent and notorious acceptance of bribes by members of the Commons will furnish an apt and ready name by which this Parliament may be known. Andrew Maxwell, the honest opposer of the Court during the reign of Charles the Second, was the last member of Parliament who, according to the ancient usage, took wages from his constituents. And» rew Maxwell sat in a Parliament which, owing to its dishonesty and corruption, received the title of the Pensionary Par- liament. We must remember that this Parliament of which such hard things are said. was composed, with the exception of Andrew Maxwell, of men who sat for the honor of the thing. The following su- premely innocent speech of a close ob- server of that time is not without interest at this date. Sir Francis Winninizton says:â€"-“ I did observe that all those who had pensions and most of those who had ofï¬ces voted all of a side, as they were directed by some great ofï¬cer. exactly as if their business in this House had been to preserve their pensions and ofï¬ces, and not to make laws for the good of those who sent them there.†A good deal of the above with a few alterations rendered nec~ essary by the exclusion of many now- adays who in former times were not dis- qualiï¬ed from entering, the Commonsmnd the cap weiild be an excellent headdress for not a few of our own representatives. Some who have their hands deep in the breeches pocket of the tax-payers while in receipt of wages for their services, may not relish the comparison. Yet in a way the Pensionary Parliament receiving no pay was even purer than our Bribery Parliament, some of the members who, not satisï¬ed with good wages, take unto themselves various things that those who sent them to legislate never bargained they should have, but for the doing of which a heavy reckoning awaits. THE MUNICIPALITY REDEEMED . The whiskey men and the beer men and the men that brew the beer and distil the whiskey, and those that sell it. and not a few of those that drink it. received a crushing defeat on Monday last. lt is safe to say that the actions of this class drove hundreds of voters into the ranks of Howland"s supporters. So patent and undisguised was their advocacy of Blain, that moderate men who loved Howland but little and yet hated the domination of the saloon the more. grew alarmed and went solid against the liquor interest. The brewery men infested the polls in the eastern portion of the city displaying an activity worthy of a better cause. They brought up the lame, the blind and the halting to vote for Blain. I myself witnessed one instance that better than anything illustrates the efforts of those whosought to defeat Mayor Rowland. A sleigh wasdriven rapidly up to the Our Toronto Letter. (1001' of sub-division No. 3 of one of the Eastern Wards; from the sleigh emerged one of the most active and unprincipled supporters of the liquor interest. Calling two or three of his acquaintances that stood around the booth to the carriage door, he, aided by them, lifted out of the vehicle an oid decrepit man, over whom some ninety winters had surely passed, leaving him sightless and so weak and emaciated that the strength of two strong men was needed to support his tottering limbs across the narrow sidewalk into the presence of the Returning Ofï¬cer. Com- ment is unnecessary. I have never wit- nessed an incident that needs interpre- tation less. In spite of such and like en- deavors, Howland triumphantly headed the poll, receiving nearly 3000 more votes tnisyear than he did last. The composition of the counc11 and the personnel of its members is a source of gratiï¬cation. Toronto never for many" a. long year possessed one from which bet- ter things may be expected. Over one- half of the council are men of pronounced temperance views. Some elation has been felt by Liberals owing to the fact of the majority of the new council hold- ing like views. However, we may feel the satisfaction of knowing that the coun- cil in which Liberals predominate is a better one in every respect to that in whichâ€"â€"to use a theological phrase of a mild characterâ€"our separated brethren were the ruling ptmer. It must not be lost sight of for an instant that there is absolutely not the slightest political sig- niï¬cance to be attached to this unusual event. The School Board is the gainer by the loss of two or three of its old members. The ratepayers have taught the Board the lesson of which they were so much in need. The men left at home were the head and front of the ofl'ending maiority that permitted crusader Hughes to disport himself like unto Hudibras and his man Ralpho on their preaching tour. They say that wherever Hughes spoke n-Liberal gain was made. The Separate School Board has received some new blood, of which it stands in very great need. It is so little heard of and of so little practical use that It seems to be nothing more nor less than a gross parody of representative institutions. The new blood, howeVer, is of a kind that promises to put some life into the hither to almost defunct School Board. ‘ ' “i $1000 FORFEIT ! Having the utmost conï¬dence in 'its superiority over all others, and after thou- sands of tests of the most complicated and severest cases we could ï¬nd. we feel justi: ï¬ed in offering to forfeit One Thousand Dollars for any case of cough, cold,‘ sore throat. influenza, hoarseness, bronchitis, consumption in its early stages, whooping- cough, and all diseases of throat and lungs, except asthma, for which we only claim relief, that we can’t cure with West’s Cough Syrup, when taken according to directions. Sample bottles 252. and 200. Large bottles $1. Genuine wrapped only in blue. Sold by all druggists, or sent by express on receipt of price. John C. West 65 Co., Toronto, 0m. ‘ From our own Correspondent. A boom in gravel has set in. We' are to have gravel roads at last. The new Council are determined to make a mï¬ï¬‚tf Teams are now busy hauling gravel on the road between Springhill and King‘- horn. We'expect a. ï¬rst-class road linden the able management of Mr. M. Winter. Six loads of 1 cubic yd. each constitute a day’s workfor whichr$1.50 is paid; By. loading heavier most. of the teams are" making $2.25 a day. A great deal ’ of Arithmetic is required to know the exact dimensions of the box. The following. question puzzled every one in Kinghorn. Finally it was given to our shoe maker, who readily worked the problem._'. . The‘ Kinghornites said it could not be solved. Find the number: of cubic yds. in a box 7 ft. 2 in. lunsz, 3 ft. 4 in. wide 'and, V20 in. deep. ‘ " The following are a. few of the more important masqueraders:â€"â€"C. Montgom~ ery, Grenadier. Charlie is one of our brave volunteers who helped quell the Rebellion in the N orbh West. 11. Mont- gomery, Glown. The antics of this char- F0} best costule boys under 14" years that prize won by R. P. Hogan, who rep- resented a Guard at. London Tower Second prize by A1116 Hall, perso'uatiug Winter. On Thursday evening, Januvay ~_‘.~3th, the First Grand Garn‘val of the seri‘éon took place at the Springhill L Skating Rink. The evening being Very cold ’ dé- terred a great many from coming, bin. 5 fair number of ‘viéntors were an hand. The masq u'eraders were many in unnlber.. A great many 01 the costumes came†from Toronto. ' The ï¬rst. prize for most graceful kldy skater in costume was won by Miss - Jen- nie Ness, who appeared as a. Highland Lass. Second prize, Miss Maggie Paiton who personath nghï¬. (Crawded out last week). Springhill. acter brought forth much laughter from old and young. J. Villier, Policeman, whose duty it was to keep the ice clear of non~masqueraders unti19 p. m. John played his part well. H. McBride, Sit- ting Bull. The horns were very promi- nent. J. Curtis, LacrOSse; J. Austin, Soldier Boy; Miss H. Stewart, Bride; J. Curts, Jockey; J. Hallam, Plow Boy; J. Robb, the Corn Doctor; E. McBride, Irish Lord; P. Paxton, Granny Davy;M. Butt, Snowflake; W. McCabe, Indian Chief; J. Bentley, John Chinaman; E. Quinlan, Football; F. Tillman, Pinker- ton Detective; John Ness, Sheep of a. Large Kind; A. Campbell, King Charles; J. Stewart, Hit Him on the Back; A. Hogg, Soldier; W. McVicker, Snowflake; A. Ness, A Female lndian; W. Malloy, Brien Brien. This was the best assort- ment of costumes which has ever appear ed at. the rink. Large crowds attend the rink nightly. The manager, W. J. Crossley. keeps everything in ï¬rst-class. style. 'The King Plowman’s Association pur- pose holding an oyster supper at Hogan’s on Friday evening, Jan. 21. Over 80 invitations have been issued. A good. time is expected. More anon. Found Hth West’s Cough Syrup is the best for coughs, colds, and all throat and lung diseases. All druggists. From a bran new Correspondent What is the matter with your corres- pondent 7 Your subscribers in this vil- lage have been waiting, watching and ex- pecting every week to see in your paper some report of the doings of this import‘ ant. village. W. Palmer, the hotel-keeper, has sold out. to Mr. Richardson, of Toronto. W. has gone back to the old homestead at the Hill, and will, of consequence, be more under tho‘patezjnal eye. luhmpm'ygu will have heard that there has been" an' election iii Maple “for the Local Legislature and for Municipal honors. I did not run myself, but walk- ed and helped those that did run. J. P. Rupert was D. R 0. on both occasions. Some say that he trembled when count- ing the ballots at the ï¬rst election. All hands are getting ready for the next.- 'J.‘he Grits think they can defeat N.C. W. this time, but if they do they will have to get Tuscarora. in line better than they did last time or their chances will be poor. First is the change in residents. 31m. A. Rupert has moved to the City. Mr. H. Franks, Vellore, has bought her late residence, and is about to move into it, and live retired. Mr. James Oliver is abo'ut to quit farm- ing, and hve retired in what used to be thg parsonage, on Aï¬stpcracyistregjgl. By Gum, the Rev. S. J. Shorey, of Sherbourne St., Toronto. preached year terduy, in Maple, morning and evening,- Anniversary Services. huge collections at both services, instead of having a tea- PafW- _ __ > VVnrld’s B931, West’s Liver Pills,’ a‘ sure cure for liver complaint, dys -epsia, §i_ck hepgaqhe aqd indigestion, 30 pills ‘Secondham'dstoves, cowl and w.» i for sale cheap. - There is to be a grand complimentary supper to Dr. On, at the Maple hotshqn Wednesday evening. Maybe I will hear something of it; Bob is most sure to be’ there. . M}. T. Nuble has got his house red 'built and has moved back to the village agitil). 3315315 Ida Wells, of Aurora, has been engaged as assistant teacher in our school‘ for H-e present year, 250.5' All druggists EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NMY Conundrum: If the ma'n that rum‘ and 10:59: deserves a-gold watch and cham, how many doe; the man deserve that runs and wins 7 D;“Jo}meton ï¬ns elected trustee. Dave‘ takes to the honogs very nicely. C‘AUTEON. mm More next time. I N BRONZE LET'I‘F ’1 FOR SAL [Single copies, 3 cts IS MARKED Maple No. 30. AGITATOR. [NSUN