RIOHMOND HILL. Thursday, Jan. 20, ’87 in spite, however, of all protestaâ€" tions to‘the contrary. the real causes of the present appeal to the country are well known. The recent elect- ions in the provinces have shown that the tide of popular favor is set- ting in stronglv in favor ot genuine Liberalism. The hideous disclos. iures of the doings of the Boodle Brigade have convinced thousands that the so called Liberal-Conserva- tism is but another name for per- sistent licentiousness. Now these disclosures would have irighttully deepened in color and in certainty had another session been granted for making and proving them. Not a pleasant prospect this in sooth. But we afï¬rm that not even that prospect, torbldding as it was, could have induced Sir John to forego the sweets of ofï¬ce for another year, if a danger still greater, still more ter- rible had not loomed up before him. It is no secret that the Canada Pa- ciï¬c Railroad is again getting ready to apply the thumb-screws to the Ministry. It is no secret that the Ministry dare not refuse even the most preposterous demands of the great monopoly. It is no secret, however, that Canadians would tear to pieces the government Which should appear before them after making fresh concessions to the monster whose gluttony has excited the hatred and the disgust of all. At last Sir John Macdonald has come to a resolution. He halted long, for when the alternatives are exposure and deieat, the contest be- tween the love of power and theiear of public vengeance is sure to be stubborn. We shall be told, no doubt, that the Dommion Pallia- ment has been dissolved solely on account of the large extension 01 the fmnchise. Had Tories not scouted this 10213011 when offered by Mr. Mowat, they nught have expected their leader’s word on the matter to be taken. But when 'people are urged not to believe Mr. Mowat, it is supremely impudent to ask them to put faith in Sir John Macdonald. In Ontario, Liberals had to con- tend against religious bigotry, a cry that has made more than one party bite the dust. But against this cry of religious bigotry,the liberality and intelligence of the age aided their every endeavor. In Canada, we shall have to meet a power, neither so loud nor so insidious, indeed, but yet of wide sweep and proverbial success. That power is wealthâ€" wealth in all of its many forms. The bribe offered may be money, ofï¬ce,contract,lands or blind shares. It matters not. The man whose sole weapon whether to cajole an opponent, to pacify a supporter, to restrain a province, or to dehauch a Dominion has always been money, is not likely to discover in his old age an arm more to his liking. Money, therefore, or the promise of money, is the gattlingâ€"gun from which Sir John hopes most. Political Meetinga~J. Clark. Exvcnmrs’ Noticeâ€"L. Richardson. The Best PuperJohn Dougull & Son. And so we are to have another election. And it is well that we should look the issue fairly in the face. We honestly think that the Hon. Edward Blake will be the leader ofthe next Dominion Parlia- ment. But we just as honestly think that to effect this consummat- ion devoutly to be wished, it will be necessary for Liberals to strain ev- ery nerve in the present struggle. No effort must be spared, no stone must be left unturned, nothing that can be assured must be left to chance. What Liberals can do when they settle down to work, the recent campaign in Ontario clearly shows. The splendid victories gain- ed in East York and especially in West York aï¬ord a ï¬ne example of what Liberal zeal, Liberal intellis gence and' Liberal courage can ac- complish. It cannot be said, then, that we lack the stimulus of a noble record. Even here, however. we have the pleasing consolation that rogues are still in a minority. In our ranks will be found thousands of Conserv- atives who can no more be persuad- ed that patriotism is synonymous with boodleism, who are Sle of be- ing called on to defend such fellows as Beatty, Hickey and White. This is one very great reason why we do not despairof Canada. The noble words of Hon. Mr. Mackenzie are 13:: becoming the motto of a Vast @112 Q‘égilwml. THE DOMINION ELECTIONS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS RICHMOND HILL, J an. 18Lh, 1887. P. G. SAVAGE, ESQ. Agent Confederation Life Assoc’n, DEAR SIR.â€"I beg to acknOwIedge the receipt of a cheque for $1,000, the a- mount of policy claimed by my late son Thomas, whose administratrix I am. I feel it to be my duty to return thanks through you to the Confederation Life Association for the promptitude with which the claim was discharged. It was only yesterday that the Company receiv- ed a Jopy of the letters of administration and proof of death, and in less than twenty~four hours afterwards, without trouble of any kind, I received payment of the policy in full. How a Youngster Whipped a Big Rival and Distanced All Competitors. Size and strength do not always go to- gether, and sometimes size and strength enclose a weak and cowardly spirit. Very often little men and little women, too, who are smart and spunky and determin- ed can accomplish a heap more than big hulking people. who are always stumbling over their own feet. THE TORONTO DAILY AND \VEEKLY NEWS is an example of the success that has been achieved by the small but bright and courageous papers both in politics and in business. THE DAILY NEWS is the youngest daily in Toâ€" ronto, and is equalled or excelled in cir~ cnlation by only two papers in Canada, it having made a sworn statement that its average circulation for ’85 was over 20000 per day. Its chief aims are to be right and readable; its chief character is in its fearless editorial style, which recognizes neither friend nor foe in its sweeping de- nunciation of what is wrong and unjust, both in the parties and in the general poli« tical system. Its pictures are riValled by those of no paper in Canada. it having made arrangements with the leading illus- trated papers of the United States to re- ceive whatever cuts are desirable from their columns. In this wav the readers of both THE DAILY and \VEEKLY NEWS get the choicest pictures from "Judge." the celebrate} New York Comic paper, from the New York Evenng Telegram, New York Journal, and from the artistic society paper “Life.†Besides these THE News has many original pictures drawn and engraved by its own artist. Last year “Dollyv†a story of Canadian life, was one of its chief features. succeeding the Farm Sketches by the Farnnn’ Editor. A story by the same author will appear during 1887. Taluiage’s sermons are still a feature of the Saturday and WEEKLY News. The short laughable >ketches, the absorbing serial stories, the reliable mark- et reports, together with the brightly stocked neWS columns, where the doings of all the people of the civilized world are daily chronicled made up a galaxy of brilliant journalistic features unrivalled by any paper published west of New York. THE \VEEKLY NEWS is only $1.00 per annum, and each subscriber is given a dollar’s worth of books free as a premium. Those who don’t desire the premium will have a liberal reduction made in the price of their subseriptinn. l'he Combination Offerâ€"the \Veekly and Dailyâ€"is suitable for farmers who have leisure durinu the Winter, but are too bnsv In the summer to read a daily, and is a great feature of THE vas. In this way for $2 00 you can get the \VEEKLY for six months, and THE DAILY for six months and a zlollara’ worth of books as a premium, or THE DAILY for three months and THE VVEEKLY for nine months and a dollar’s Wurtll of books for $1.50. No one need be without a daily paper during the winter months A general Dominion election is approching, which will be one of lhe most; ï¬ercely fought contests ever seen in Canada. The next session of Dominion Parliament will be an arenain which the cencentrated bitterness of all the Canadian factions will ï¬nd vent. Tm: News presents a cnncise and bright report of Parliamentary proceedings, which is not dull and dreary like that provided by its big and heavy competitors but which will interest every farmer and every farmer’s son in the cnnntrv.Be sure and subscribe for either THE DAILY or THE WEEKLY. Subscriptions will be for- warded from this ofï¬ce. And will give his best attention to any bills 0: custom sawing he may be favored with. Meantime, any one wanting long stufl‘ will much oblige by Sending in orders as soon us possible While We are cutting the timber. \Vnrth its weight in gold. West’s World’s \leder, the cheapest and best liniment in the wm‘ld; cure’s more cases and goes further than anv umber medicine. Rheumatics, try it. 25 and 500, All druggists. majority of electors : When the in- terosts of party conflict with those of the country, 1 stick to the country. West’s World’s Wonder, or Familv Liniment, a. never failing cure for rheu- matism, neuralgia, cuts, burns, bruises, wounds and front bites. 25 and 50. All druggists. The undersigned respectfully intimates that he will shortly remove his saw-mill from HcGee's switch to near HENRY MARSH. LUMBER. Prompt Payment. Little, But 0, My KING P. O. ELIZABETH WRIGHT. (per W. A. \V.) JANUARY SALE During this month we will oï¬â€˜er large inducements to those who want to buy ï¬rst - class goods at very low prices. Although the holiday trade reduced our Stock considerably, we still have on hand a ï¬ne assortment of Dress Goods, Flannels, Cantons, Winceys, Shawls, Mantles, Jersey Jackets, Ladies’ Children's &Men’s underwear. Misses and Children’s Tuques, Tam’ O- Shanters Hoods, Fur Caps, Shoul- der Capes, Gloves, Hosiery, and Fan- cy Goods, which we are offering at prices So low that they are sure to be sold before very long. So come as soon, as you can and get your share of the Bargains. We are aware that you want good, sound, clean Currants &: Rais- ins, choice Teas, Cofl‘ees & Sugars, and Pure Spices, and we have them for you at the closest prices they can be obtained. at. And. then, "if you want a nice Lamp, a Fine China. or Colored ware Tea Set, or anything in this line of goods, it Will pay you to see our stock before purâ€" chasing. Call and see us and we will helpjo make this a ’Happy New Year for you. . BHEAP BASH HWSE GRE NNAN’S B. GRENNAN. Are now prepared to take contracts for ' all kinds of Buildings. airman? ! Smndid mam E55 Em! flag GREAT BARGAINS EN @VER- COATS FOR THE BALANQE OF THE SEASQN RICHMOND HILL PLANING MELLS .'. PLANED LUMBER, MO ULDINGS, &C., In connection with the factory, where custom sawing will be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 860., The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HYLI Nov. 25:11, 18863111 FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL China £3; Gmmm are THE FIRE PROOF CLEAREEi‘: $ALE Tweeds, Shimngg, Cumans, 8w, &0 Dress GOOdS, - Winte}? Dry Gmdg Having bought the aboveâ€"named mill and put. everything in Kept on hand; or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of ‘ (:vz'm Always on hand. There is also a Fl [SST-C LASS ORDE Rs JUST OPENED, ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF L. INNES & SUNS A Splenciid Assortment of Direct from the R’Ianufacturcrs, selling at wholesaha prices. DIRECT IMPORTER. GREAT NOW GOING ON. L- lATTEN *a‘ IONI Mamas, &0 AT THE AT Have taken 11. fllght and have settled in their new hiveâ€"the ï¬rst door north of Trench's Carriage Wurks. Having removed to new and commodioun quart,- er.«, I am prepared to enter on the Winter Campaign with greatly improved facili~ " ties for turning out; SUITS AND UVERGOATS. Special Lines of “hammering A GOOD m GUARANTEED. The New Bee Hive, Opposite Lorne Block. Wighinï¬hig hiv0,_as eyerybody known, They're nianyS'thi'ï¬ixig'oht ï¬ eï¬s‘difs’s’ of clnthos Come the-n and 198 va you :‘ orders, it- wm pm', (“I got full satisfacuicm“: ": “ Lu‘ you‘ll alwuvn And all persons requiring anything in mv lino may depend upon workmmmhlp ï¬rst-class 111 every respect. ' C. TREVETHAN’S BUSY BEE E S Ladles’ Jackets :1 Specialty. Fl HST-OLA SS \I’ ORK 1 C. TREVETH AN, A full line of samples for