At Brooklyn, three of whose smallpox, is also children will die. Ofï¬cial statistics give the stock of wheat on hand in California. onJunuary 131; as AMERICAN. Two olllem's named Mam. and Portillo re- cently forght u. «luelwith swords in San Sznwulur. Mela was killed. At Brooklyn, llnugist Joseph Mann", three of whose children recently died of smallpox, is also (lead. The two remaining Ll!) Au 1- At the annual meeting of the Montreal Telegraph Company, held in Montreal, a resolution was unanimously adopted author- izing the new directors to take all necessary steps to enforce the terms of the agreement entered into in 188] with the Great Nortlr Western Telegraph Company. The presi- dent ulm promised that no settlement pro~ posed by the latter company should be rut» iï¬ml without being first submitted to a special meeting of slmrelmlderm A battle oeeured on the Detroit riVer the other afternoon between a large force of V'Vindsm' newshoys and a number of Detroit newsboys, clubs and stnnes being used. The Canadians were victorious and drove the Americans across the river. During the retreatof the Detroit boys two of. them, John \Verm and Ernest Geisler, dropped into a. hole and had to be ï¬shed out. Captain Douglas, B. N. R., of London, Eng, is in Ottawa representing the Norden- feldt Gun company, for the purpose of soli- citing the Dominion Government for an or- der for ordnance, but it is not expected any action will be taken at present. Captain Douglas is having brought out several guns, which will probably be tested after their arrival in Ottawa. Major-General Middle- ton considers the Nordenfeldt guns greatly superior to the Gatlings used in the North- VVest rebellion. Interim- impmvements, costing about 84000, are being made in the parlizuneutury block, Ottawa, principally in the Senate wing, the whole of which is being repainted and decorated. The electric light is being introduced into the Senate chamber. At the alum-(1,1 mectingof the Montreal Board of Trade the other day, a msuhltion endor‘iug the prom»;le to provide (L resi- (lullce in the city for the UOV‘e1‘nor-( loncrul, and pledging the memlu to give it all the aid in their power, was carried ununi‘ moust. The report of the weather in Toronto, for December, prepared by the meteorologi- cal department, shows that the mean tem- perature was 21.55, or 4.38 lower than the average of forty-six years, and 6.6] colder than December, 1885. At midnight on VVellncsday of last week the Upper Table Rock at Niagara Falls full with an awful crash into the gorge lbelow, carrying with it an immense mass of ice and rock. The quantity of fallen rock is esti- mated at 123,000 yards. The London Chamber of Commerce re- cently offered a. prize for The best essay on Imperial Federation, and a. special cable- gram announces that Mr. F. H. ’I‘urnoek, of the Dominion Lands Department, \\"in- nipeg, secured honourable mention. A true bill was returned by the grand jury at the Toronto Criminal Assizes against Patrick Burns, John H. Vembles {ml Thomst C. Johnson, for conspiracy tu de- fraud the city in connection with the delivâ€" ery of coal. The total number of immigrants arriving in Ontario during 1886 was (36,800, com- pared with 40,069 in 1885. ()f the arrivals, there went to the States 46,522, to Quebec 6, to Manitoba. 443i), and there remained in the province l4 “ ‘ A largely signed requisition is being cir- culated for more signatures in Winnipeg asking Mr. \Vm. Burr to become the labor candidate in \Vinnipog for the Commons at the ensuing election. Mr. Barr will proba- bly accept. The shcriï¬â€˜has seized $10,000 worth nf debentures of Rzupid City, Mam, which were about being hundcd over to the Saskatche- wan and \Vcsteru railway, in the interest of two creditors of the town. The annqu reports of the Harbour Mas- ter of Toronto has just been published. It shows that the business of the past year has been very good, and that the receipts were largely in excess of the previous year. The Salvation Army are meeting with great success in \Vixmipeg, and Victoria hall, where thcyhold forth, is crowded to the door every night. About 300 converts have been made so far. The statement that the Dominion (20v- e/rnment had decided to revert to the old system of licensing foreign ï¬shing vessels is declared to be utterly without foundation. Halifax exports for December showed an increase 0f=5125,000 over the )X'cvious ])e~ camber. Hulifax‘s ï¬sh export last your ag- grcg 1t 2(1$2,4Sl,0f)0. A special cziblcgmm says Lon Lansdowne has deï¬nitely declined joining the British Cabinet, giving as his reason the unwisdum of leaving Canada in its present politcal con- dition. The Solicitors for the Toronto Baptist col- lege will apply to the Ontario Legislature for an act to unite the \Voodstock and To- ronto colleges under the name of McMaster university. ~ . . - . l I ‘ x I ~ I I )1 - . ‘ x '. _ Fifty miles additional of the Manitoba anal ‘ _ Illâ€. I’1(’I;‘Lâ€lll 11“? Stc‘llllï¬lup (fdï¬qlc MO“ N0rth~\’\'esteru railway have been accepted l ‘35} “ ‘L’Sfl‘llmm or“ ‘7†:se‘1 l? ‘l’ 3111‘ “ï¬g?†by the Government engineer, and will be ‘ ‘ ltlf’“ “ “.9 “I‘VE†“048†10’†(“1‘1 t0 .1 , , , , l’mizulel )hia. lhe mssuwcrs and crew operated .tt (HILL. ‘ l a, V . were I‘L‘Sulloll hy the stemnxhip Luke Nipe- Ilahfux exports for December showed an rim, ,md mkcn to I ivcrpool increase 0f=5125,000 over the ) rcvious De '1‘] (‘ ~ 1 . H. I I] f I camber. Hulifax‘s ï¬sh export last your ag- ' I†“11â€?†5 “P ‘ 1“ ’0t 1! mm I ‘““' grcgm ,d 3.) 4g] 030 - burg to Baltimore, was wrecked the other Tl tft' 't u t t] D . . (, v morning near Cape Henry, Va. All of the ' 1" at i" Gilli?“ 113“; ’0‘ _ Enigma} ‘211' crew, numbering twenty-two, were drowned, 3221;31:1(833; k:“Sngfmgiï¬i‘lheshin(:1Lsgds :5 i and live of the life-saving men met a. simiâ€" ’ C ’11" I D ‘ '3 V i‘ l i . lar f'Lte while attem tin to rescue them declared to be utterly without foundation. ‘ p g Au (Bx-bank chasicr from Portland, Maine, has been arrested in \Vinnipeg and held for extradition on the charge defrauding the hunk of 576,000. The (Ihnrch of Ascension, Hamilton, has hacn 1111111041 to‘he ground, only a portion of the stone wails and the tower being left standing. As 1L compromise, it is stated, the Trous- ury Board have decided hereafter to pay the Civil Service salaries on the 15th ofcauh month. The Shorbronke house, at Sherbrooke, Quebec, an (:xtunsivc hotel containing one hundred rooms, has been totally destroyed bv tire. Catharine Taughcr, of Belloville, has been conllllipteil for trial at Buffalo 011 a charge of A twelve year old boy named J 01111 Ad. " :rly, while skating on the buy at Toronto, slipped into an :u'r hole and was drowned. smuggling 110M Ii. Mrs. Fx‘itchley, of Elma, 01113., was burned to death by her clothing taking ï¬re. THE WEEK’S NEWS. Egypt, in rcspomo to the request of Mr. Henry M. Stanley, has sent oneâ€"hundred trustworthy blacks to take part in his exp)": dition for the relief of Emin Bey. The Lord Lieutenant of Ireland says the outlook is far brighter than it was afew An avalanche in the canton of (h‘isnns, Swiizerland, has destroyed tllix'tychulcts. The \‘illagtr‘s escaped destruction, but great distress prevails. The tenants on the \Vinu estate, County Kerry, resisted the evicting bailiffs, and (my yielded when the pnlice threatened to ï¬re on them. The Pope has instructed the Irish Episco- pztte to act with strict legality, in dealing with the agrarian question in its present s’utte. 000. Joseph and Charles Sturge, commission merchants and millers, of Birmingham and Cloucester have failed. Liabilities, $750,- It is expected the military operations in Burmah will be ï¬nished within a month, when Gen. Roberts will return to Calcutta. The French Government has decided to in» crease this year’s extraordinary military credit from 50,000,000 to 80,000,000 francs. British naval pensioners have been warned of the possibility of their being called into active service. China has agreed to pay $25,000 to the American missionaries who suffered losses during the recent riots. The Pope has made arrangements to retire to Monaco in the event of a European war involving Italy. Tile conference of Gladstonites and Liberal Unionists has been postponed until Parliw liicxit meets. A strike of 30,000 miners in Northumbcr- land is imminent, owing to a dispute about wag, The French in Tonquin have sustained a serica of defeats at the hands of Chinese pirates. The Berlin ofï¬cial press says the garrisons 0n the western frontier are to be largely inâ€" creased. Itis stated Russia. has made proposals calculated to peacefully solve the Bulgarian difï¬culty. The Sultan intends sending a diamond ring to the Pope and decorations to the (Jam dinals. l’rince Alexander, late of Bulgaria, will shortly start for Egypt. The Russian budget for the past year shows a deficit; of £5,222,662. The Direct Cï¬blc Company lost £18,000 last half year by the war of rates. The Czar will probably visit Berlin on the occasion of Emperor William’s birthday. Mr. Gladstone has been depressed ~ever since he heard of the death of Lord Iddesâ€" leigh. Itis rumoured that Russia has occupied a portion of Afghanistan. There were 358 suicides in Vienna last year. The Ministry of New South \Vales have resigned. At Sa11~Francisco the other night a. crowd of striking street car drivers stopped a car on Sutter street, and with sticks and stones attacked the conductor, gripmzm and pass- sexigm‘s. One of the passengers was dealta heavy blow on the head with an iron bur, cutting 2L deep gush in his scalp, which bled profusely. Simultaneously the conductor 011 the rear platform was struck on the head with a. club and on the knee by {L hi‘iek. The gripman was also struck and severely bruised. The attack was so quickly made that no arrests could he made. It is understood that the negotiations with the Chinese Government, to which allusion was made in the President’s message, for such modiï¬cation of existing treaties as will entirely prevent the introduction of Chinese coolie labor into the United States, have just been brought to a successful termina- tion, and that in it few days an amended treaty covering this point will be submitted to the Senate for ratiï¬cation. The extra freight on the \Vilmington and -N0rthern Railroad ran into the rear end of another freight near \vaassit station, Pa“, Conductor llenl'y Huherts and a. man sup~ posed to be \Vin. Martin, who \‘zis riding in the caboose, were killed and their bodies badly burned. Brukeman Knox and ï¬re- man Phillips were injured. Two cars and a caboose were burned and one engine dam- aged. A (leaputch from Mount Carmel, Pm, says that the strike of the coal handlers at the shipping points has resulted in the suspen- sion of operations at Bellmore mines, Logan, Centraliu and all other collieries in the dis- triet dependent solely upon the Lehigh Val- ley Railroad for card. Two thousand men are thrown out of employment. “mm: “11' reported as putting buck < ed, has arrived at Queenstmvn. She rimmed terrific wuzLLhcr when 900 \Vcsiward of Quecnstuwn and lost blades of 1101' propeller. The (lynznnitcfactory of l’lattslml‘gl], N. Y., was totally destroyed by fire and ex plosiun. The shock was fclt at Burlington, Va, a distance of :20 miles, doors and win» dows rattling as if there was a. heavy eartk- quake. The steamer “ Alabama," which left Clusâ€" guw, December 24:11, 101‘ New York, and which was reported as putting buck disablâ€" . 1 ‘ n r San Francisco was rocked from cast to wast at eight minutes after 4 o’clock the ot‘nvr morning by a shock of earthquake which lustcd seven seconds. N0 damage was (10110. At Lowell, Muss., Dr. E. E. Rwy, a, French Canadian physician, was arrested for bur. glnrizing Irene Bourke’s store. ()\'01‘ $500 worth of stolen goods was found in his rooms. One hundred thousand dollars in cash and securities has been found hidden in out»of» the-way places in the house of the two misch who were found dead in Philadelphia. 400,000 tons. This will leave 8,000,000 bushels for export to Europe. I’OREY expeâ€" mik 5 three “hat is Needed By awry maxi and woman if they desire to secure comfort in this world is a. corn shel- ler. Putnam’s (Jnrn Extractor shells eorns in two or three days and without discomfort or pain. A hundred imitations prove the merit of Putnam’s Painless Corn l'lxtmuter which is always sure, safe and painless. See signature of J’OLSON & Co. on each but tle. Sold by medicine dealers. THE STRANGE SIGHT, and at the suggestion of an earthquake a stampede for the middle of the street was made. But no vibration being perceptible, and the roar, which had now become awful, being conï¬ned to the south east, seemingly in company with the luminous visitor, the opinion was reached that Augusta was about to become the centre of a disastrous, death- dealing storm of some kind. Then, too, it was noticed that the light, instead of grow~ ing larger, became brighter, and was advanc- ing toward us with lightninglikc-rapidit)‘. The wind had increased in fury and came around the corners with enough Iorce almost to carry a man off bodily. wn wnm-L Hmm'rr m), but the scare was 0! brief duration, for in a few minutes the aerial visitor had come and gone. liar ltlJQVL‘ us, swc ‘ onward with lune great rapidity, was seen a luminous cloud, while close behind followed an immense mass as black as the shades of Hades. The noise accompanying was fearful, and was enough to bring terror to the heart of the Staunchest man. Several of the group who witnessed the wonderful phenomenon Clainr ; ed that the black cloud moved in the shape , of a funnel, but of this I won‘t be certain. ‘ ~Mws-w~~ Then a. stranve ‘umming, roaring sound became audible, much the same as that made by acozmlbuming locomotive in the distance. By this time several people had gathered to watch But a. few minutes had passed when we (lis- ecrned a). bright reflection in the direction from whence proceeded the storm, end at once we formed the opinion that a. conflagm» tion haul broken out in that portion of the citywtowzrrds the Central Railroad yards. \Vhile watching the unusual sight, and mo- mentarily expecting the ï¬re alarm to ring out, we Were amazed to discover that the light did not spread or take on that fiery tint peculiar to tires. A Remarkable Sight Wllnessml by a flour- gln Ofï¬cer of the Law. The other morning myself and another po- liceman were standing at the corner of Broad and Jackson streets. I won’t be positive as to the exact time, but it was between 2 and 3 o’clock, I am sure. As you Well know, the night was dark and stormy, with heavy rains and furious gusts of wind alternating. At the hour indicated the min had ceased, and the ï¬tful dashes of wind had been su- perseded by a. strong, steady blow. From the southeast the blow came, increasing in its power every minute. I was certain that a storm was brewing or approaching, and began to feel In the French Senate recently M. Sadi- Cnrnot, who presided, said there were two conditions essentile to the prosperity of Franceâ€"â€"stal)ility within the nation and peace abroad. T0 exhibit; France as impa- tiuit for war ware merely on artiï¬ce used to remove hesitat us in certain parliaments. The national spirit of the French people had no need to he revived, he said, by fear of any foreign power. No military party existed in France, for the army was essen- tially a civic body. The country desired peace, but should events occur contrary to its wishes, it would prwe that it had not lost time during the past ï¬fteen years. A special cahlegram says Mr. John Bright, in a letter on Imperial Federation, argues that if Canada were independent she would have to yield in the ï¬sheries dispute to the United States, and if she were not a, Domin» i011 England would Settle the question by concessions, and Mr. Bright thinks England must act; on these views, even though Canada. disupproves. Mrs. Lindsay, the elder of the two Eng- lish mlventnresaes, who were recently ELI“ rested in Paris for swindling by means of Matrimonial advertisements, attempted to commit suicide in prison by opening a. vein with (L piece of glass which she had broken from the window of her cell. Mathilde Mari, 18 years of age, and Miss Romaxo, aged 16, Polish art students, were found suffocated 011 a bed in a hotel in Rome. 0n the floor lay the dead body of a. man. Letters adressed to relatives were found which indicate that all three committed suicide. A series of evictions has begun on the \Vinn estates in Kerry, Ireland, the houses being burned as the tenants were evicted. Intense excitement prevails in the district and it is probable there will he bloodshed. Efforts are being made to obtain the re- lease of Duly, the (lyn unitzu'd, who is under- going 2L life sentence, and whose health is very bad. Dilly declares he had no sym- pathy with the dynamitarils, and that his arrest was the result of trickery, deception and betrayed conï¬dence. The report of the commission of offuers sent to Canada. recently to purchase rel mounts for the British cavalry and the tria- horses taken to England have proved so set isszctory to the \Var Ofï¬ce that orders have been given for the purchase of three hun- dred more Canadian horses nextyear. In the German Reichstag the Government Army bill was rejected by a vote of 186 to 13L l’rince Bismarck immediately read an Imperial decree dissolving the Reiclistzig and appointing February 21 for the elecâ€" tions. Mr. Rae, owner of land the yearly rent-3g] of whim h amounts to $33,000, has blen com- pelled to seek admission tn the Killurney wol‘khousc, havng been unable to gethis rents from either t1 11stecs 01' tenzm A meeting of unemployed workingmcn, held at Norwich, England, bee-mm disorder- ly, and an attack was made. 011 the shops ; but the mob was dispersed before much (13.111:ng was done. The Govenor 0f Herat has been called upon to answer the charge of secretly f0» nienting native hatred against England. If found guilty he will be sentenced to death. At the Austrian Cabinet council, the Em- prror presiding, it was agreed to grant the “'er minister funds for extra expenditures, subject to the subsequent approval of the delegates. months ago, and he is conï¬dent the effort of the Government will attain a. lasting success. “'IIAT A POLICEMAN SAW. ROM EVVHAT A LA [{MED. Wfleéébil NINE com MEDALS Manufactured as QUEEN C TY OIL WORKS by Ova,er of our Machines now in use ~AWITH ALLTIIEM LATEST IMPROVEMENTS- SPRING PRESS Box; “WHITE OAK POSTS AND IRON BRACES. if frHï¬EE,& n. GURNEvcnmgnNTy, mmmg 8; wwwmas, “2:3: nu VnIID "Anul‘IW-n‘l nu..- . _..._ -_.._. BRICK MACHENES; New shipment from Enxlaud, Ex Steamship "Nor ! wegian." Lowest prices to the trndn. We are sole 2 agents in Canada. for McBride’e Celebrated Sheep Casings. Write for quotations. Whollyunlike Armivinl Sysa-nmâ€"«Curoof Mind \V:m~ deriugiAuy 1mm: learned in mm reading. limn'y H'- ductlons (or pthl clussos. I’l'nsywcluï¬. with opin- ionsof Mr. Pu nt‘rm' t‘u- Ash'unnmm'. Hons, W. W. A3103, JI'I)A[{ 1’. lï¬l‘ 1m, Drs. Mum“. W001; and others, seutglfl. 237 mm? Avéï¬u‘ze: ‘1 HELP" Business College. Guelph, 0111., 1' Began the Third Year Sept. 131:, having already received patronage from nus wuss AND PROVINm. Young men and boys thoroughly prepared for busi ness ursuits. Graduates eminently successful Specie. courses in shorthand, French and German: Ladies admitted. For terms, eta, address M. MACCORMIC Principal. Marvehm memï¬ â€œIn Annual-inner Catarrh, Catarrlml Deafness and Hay Fever. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases lire contagion or that they are due to the prcnence of living pm" as in the lining membrane of the nose and eustar-hmn tubes. Miiti'oncopic runenrch, however, has proved this to he a! , and the result is that 11 simple rmnedy has been formulated whereby caturrh, catarrlml deafneszi and hay fever are unrcd in from one to three simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. 11. Dixon & Son, 308 King Street West. Toronto. Canada. A. P. 316. 19,93,099 MONEY V‘H'VG WEN suffering fmm Hm urn/4;; n' M‘er evil habits, the result of ignorance and folly, who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Mu:~ nusâ€"AGED and OM) MEN who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and RKAD M. V. Lubon’s Treatiae on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent aealed to any address on reoPi 11' of two 30. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON, 47 Welling- ton St E. Toronto. Ont. Archbishop 'l‘ache is still ill, and has been removed to St. Boniface hospital. The Hamilton genie Company have a con- tinental reputation for nmking accurate scales. The Farmers’ Improved Platform Scale, and the Improved Five Beam Dairy Scale, are specialties which no farmer 01' (lairymun can alibrd to be without. The “ Detective " sonic for the household enables the good wife to check the dishonest grocer, and pays for itself in a. short time. Accuracy, durability and reasonable prices are what this company guarantee. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson’s Stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist. The Torrens system went into Bpemtion in the North-West Territories on New Year’s day. 23 ADELAIDE ST. E.,TORONTO. All classes ofï¬ne work. Mfrs. ofPrinters’ Leads, Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send 10: prices. An Assembly of Knights of Labor is about to be organized at Galgurv. I A Conservative Association has been form- ed at Fort McLeod, with Mr. D. W. Davis as president. - Whenever your Sbmnach or Boweis m‘t’ out, of or der, cumin:Bid-mmme Dyspe-psin, or Indigmimn‘ and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. Cm‘mn’s Stomach Bittcrs. Best; family medicine. All Druggists, 50 centï¬. Mr. J. McCracken has been elected rcevc of Rat I’m‘tzwc. opium, morphine, chloral, tobacco, and Mud/w] halu’rs. The medicine may be given in tea or coffee without the knowledge of the person taking it, (7' x0 desired. Seml 6c. in stamps for book and testimonials from those who lmve been cured. Addi . M. V. Lulmn, 4T \Vellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. (,‘ut this out for future reference. \Vlien writng mention this paper. Biéï¬Ã©ï¬hiï¬hï¬, ï¬TYhilEE'SU‘IITT‘U'runto. When 1 any cure I do no: menu merely to stop them {or a “me and than have them return Again. 1 menu a radical cure. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY OTFALIr ING SICKNESSA lifevlonz Bind)" I warrant my remedy I0 cure the worst cases. Beransc others have failed Is no reason {or not now receiving a cum ï¬end at once {or - Ireulse and a Free Bottle 01 my Infalllblo remedy. Give Exprou and Post Ofï¬ce. It cunts you nothan for a trhI, nd I wnl_cu‘ om Addreas DB. II. 0. ROOT, A CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS, SAUSAGE GASENGS. to ask the trradéito; our make of Maï¬a Rasps. Re-Cutflnga Specialty. Sand for price list and terms. Consumers will ï¬nd it to fzheirfgxanmgq ,4. LL- A__). ., Hamilton. - Ontario. USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN R. SPfNGE & 007 mscmvmv. ’WL FREE, by £3011 LOISETTg, Jul); 19, 188.).~F0r two years my wife’s health was run down. She was greatly emaciated and too weak to do nu) thing for herself; she was given up by five doctors, they all passed the opinion that she would not; live. She ('ommenced using Dr. Jug’s Medicine in December, 1884, and after taking six bottles she was so much improved that she could look after her household duties. I. M. Ronmcx, Engineer, C. 1’. IL, West JAMES PARK «1 SON. Toronw. to loan on liértkgze. Truét fu . or particulars apply to BBATTY, CHAD- Wch, BLACKSTOCK & GALT, Toronto. T'dronto‘ SAMUEL ROGERS & 00., TORONTO. ‘, and no complaints. Wives and Term3_to suit, buyers. Sand for circular. been awarded it during the last four xXLF‘ flannel: Mr mm. mm. ears; Try alSOLPEERLEss , g Every one Guaranteed New York. a All Stjlfls of Trucks, OSBORNE & ca, Sum! for Illustrated Price List. Hay, Stock, and Portable Plat~ form Scales. BEST N THE MARKET. _ V byâ€, “\J’xwwâ€"«Jï¬â€˜f The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association in the world, desires active re resent.» tives in every section of Cnnadm Libem induce- ments‘ It has full Government doposiï¬and under the i, pervision of lnsumnce Department at Ottawn Correspondence solicited Address, TheMutualReserve Fund LIFE ASSOCIATION. Made in two sizes, carryng from 500 to 2,500 lbs. Light, Neat, Strong and very Durable.‘ Will stand by actual test300 per (-onl. over raw tele, and the runners wear slx “nu-x longer, and, being spring tempered, do not drag or grip, drawing fully onc- hall easier on bare ground. Prices are RIGHT, and orders should be placed AT ONCE to secure delivery this season, as our entire supply is being rapidly taken up. Just the thingr for delivery sleighs, carry ulls, democrats, etc. Send for Cirt'lllzu' with full par- ticulars, and ask your carriage makers for these goods. J. B. ARMSTRONG DI'I"'G (30. (141.), GIIELPH, Canada. Sailing during: Winter from Portland overy Thurs- dnv and Halian evPry Snturdnv to Liverpool. and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at Londonderzzv to lflTld mails and passengeis for Scotland and Ireland‘: also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John’s, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glas- gow lines sail during winter to and from Halimx, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly ; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information apply to A. Sehuxnmher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard 6:00., Halifax ; Sheri & 00., St. John’s, N.F. ; Wm. Thomp- son 8: Co, St. John, N.B.; AllandzCo‘, Chicago; Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronto; Allans, Rue &Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia; H‘ A. Allen. Portland. Boston, Montreal. Align Line Royal Mail SteamshipsQ Artistic Designs, combined with Unequailed Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTARIO- BABY’S IRTHHI’WT ARMSTRONG-’8 PATENT TEMPERED STEEL BOB-SLEIGHS. MEREBEN BRETANMA 00. FENEST SHLVEER-PLATED WARE. ow Drift-"Nukn-Lr Powder ()0.. L'ranmord. um IN THE"°° I’mâ€""WORLD BASED ON NEATSFOOT OIL. sow BYALL HARNESS DEALERS. A. A. l‘hlVI' BrancF WES. 37 YonSL'st" Toronto 7 V _ _â€" â€" - v - - I tuva a positlvaramedy {or the I! we dineua ; by! mound: orcnaau orlho won" kin“ um oflong “India. Mn been cured. Indeed, so Itrong In my flithln It. omclcy, that 1 WV] send TWO BOTTLES FREE: “"2110! with a VALUABLE TREATISE on thin due"! '0 All Mora- Givu npreu nd 1’. 0‘ nddreu. DR. I NLOf‘UM, ‘for your Wagounérixixfll‘d ifBrEéVIV’OWS-r; QQEï¬WPTIUNL ELM QTY HARNESS OIL. ASSESSMENT svstIi J. D. WELLS, \Vells. Richliilléb'h lb 00.. Montreal. MANUFACTURE ONLY A Beautiqu Impurml Birthday Card sent to any buby whose mother will send us the humor; of cwo or more other bullies. and their parenta' addressos Also a handsome Dia- mond Dye Sump‘e Card to the mocher and much valuable information. We make a Spct'inlty of General Minager, 65 ï¬lm: Street, Easl. Toronto STANDARD SCALES. Hamilton Scale Eu. All Styles ofImpx-oved -HAM|LTUN, ONT.