aï¬ihgéâ€"B. Greï¬nnn Muff 'medâ€" For Saleâ€"M. Murphy. Lostâ€"E. E. gangstafl’. laugh/torn) HILL. Thursday, Feb. 3, ‘87 @112 :égg’iheml. As the day for the holding of the Dominion Election approaches, the signs of the times point strongly to the Hon. Edward Blake as the next Premier of Canada. Nor is the reason tar to seek. The great ma- jority of the thinking people of our country, be they Reformers or Conâ€" servatives, are willing to sever the ties of party, for the present, at least, and 10m hand in hand to save this young Dominion. From all parts the most encouraging reports come to hand, and the work goes bravely on. The Liberal leader is making a strong appeal to the peo- ple, and wherever he speaks the audience is carried away by his honest and straightforward utterâ€" ances. As a public speaker Mr. Blake has no equal in this country, and few men have gained the con- fidence of the people to a greater extent than he. He has always up- held Provincial Rights, and has al- wavs been found on the side of moral retorm. Compared with Sir John Macdonald, is it any wonder that the electors are beginning to weigh the matter gravely, and are assisting in forming a true and hon- est government? Although twenty years have not yet elapsed since the confederation of the provinces, the Public Debt is now over $250,000,- 000, and is rapidly increasing. This is a trightful state of affairs, and it a remedy is not near at hand, soon we will have no country to save. There are some ardent supporters of the Conservative cause who freely admit that Mr. Blake’s honesty of purpose cannot be questioned, that his great abilities stand without a peer in Canada,yet they cannot vote for him on the ground that he has no policy. They \Vlll point to the N. P. as the offspring of Sir John’s production.They will direct your at- tention to the Canada Paciï¬c Rail- wav, spanning the continent from ocean to ocean. Now, admitting that the former of those measures has brought about good times~â€" which we do not. Admitting that the latter has been the means of opening up the North West better t‘rian the scheme proposed by the lion. Alex. Mackenzieâ€"~which we do not. What then? Are we to laeep in power forever men who have so fearfully betrayed their trust in other quarters? We trow not. The time is coming when they must give way to true and honester men. Mr. Blake has a policy, and this policy is the same in all the provin~ ces. The chiet features were given in his speech delivered in Montreal last Monday, and are as follows :â€" “Responsibility to the people; an honest and efï¬cient Executive, which would prevent rebellion in the \Vest and discontent in the East; reform in the civil service ; a good and efï¬cient staff; abolition of the present superannuation system ; the right to make our own treaties ; re- duction of taxation as soon as pos- sible ; reduction of duties on raw material ; an earnest effort to pro- mote reciprocal trade with the South; full recognition of the Federal char- acter of our constitution ; no more taxes ; lull recognition of provmcial rights ; home rule in our Dominion; justice to all, favors to none; an end to jobbery and corruption ; reduct- ion ot expenditure to a small aâ€" mount ; determination to put down distinctions of race and creed in favor of Canadian brotherhood and nationality ; eternal justice and equal rights ; civtl and religious lib- erty ; tolerance and forbearance of the strong towards the Week; moral- ity and temperance, morality and religion, hand in hand ; advance- ment of the race." Do not be longer deceived. Trust the country in h1s hands for the next ï¬ve years, and you may rest assured he w111 give us, as be has promlsed, a broad and c0mprehen~ sive, a true National Policy. Some of the Conservative journals are continually telling their readers that the issues belore the country in the political contest now going on, are narrowed down to a very few. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BRIGHT PROSPECTS. NOT THE ISSUE. They care not for the “ boodle " brigade, the story of the “blind shares,†or the speculations of the “boy†Beatty. The only question to decide, thev say. is this: Did Sir John do right in carrying out the sentence of death on the rebel, Riel? Should this be answered in the af- ï¬rmative they Will say: Then give the government a lease of power for all time to come. No, our fellow contemporaries, this Wlll not do. We cannot allow you to stand at the toot oi the lie- gina scaflold and give your verdict. You must ascend t0 the top and view the wide expanse. You must tell your readers the causes, one by one, which led up to that cruel re- bellion. You must tell them how the petitions of the hungry half- breeds were unheeded by the au- thorities year after year. Then they will be able to decide tor themselves who were the real perpetrators. Dr. Burns, Principal of the Ladies’ College, Hamilton, has been nominath by the Liberals of that city us a candidate for political honors. The issues before the people in the present crisis are largely of a. moral nature, and the Dr, should make a strong candidate. Pain cannot exist, when West’s World’s Wonder is applied. Cheapest and best. 25 and 50c. All druggists. Col. Tyrwhitt will oppose Mr. Mnlock, the present member for North York. But as he does not think his chances for winning very good, he will also contest his old conscituency of South Sinmue. Mr. Clark VValiace. Conservative, candi- date for \Vest York, is being; reminded that during the Provincial Election cam- paign he denounced the Knights of Labor as cowards. In response to a private circnlcr from 311'. John Macionnld, some uf the manu- fncturers of Toronto and vicn-iby met the ohieftain at. the Queen’s Hotel Inst, Tues- day afternoon. The motive was “to ob- tain united action in the maintenance and development wt" the National Puhcy." It is understood that Dr. Tnpper will oppose prohibition, unless he is granted compensation for his London bur. Mr. T. \Vhite, M. P., addressed a Political meetina in the Conservative in- terests, in the Town Hall, Aurora, last Tuesday evening. West’s Cough Syrup stops tickling: in the throat, stops that hacking emigli and gives perfect relief; it is certainly worth u trial. All druggists. DENTIS’E, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A. 86 B, U‘pâ€"Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extract,â€" ing teeth without pain, by means of VITALIZED AIR C. P. LENNQX, I use no cheap material and warrant G516. Filling, and all other operations skilfully Rerformed, (it: moderfife ffees. 0N RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, â€" Call {mfd see me. ' No tumble to an- swer questions. ARTIFICIAL TEETH RICHMOND HILL PLANING MILLS ! Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 850-. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, &C. In connection with the factory, where custom sawing wfll be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. The above factory is situated on F IRST-CLASS SAW-MILL RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th. 1886-3111. Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in Fl RST-C LASS ORDER, Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of BEST. SETS Always on hand. There is also a L. INNES & SONS Election N otes. Mav 15bh. ESL-Iv - $8.00 $10.00 (§--I%ENNAN’ S ‘ CASH HO U SE This is our stock-takingl month, and we are offeringl lively bargains to reduce the‘ stock. We have a few Mant- lesleft. They are nice ï¬ne‘ goods, but must go. There areafew at from $3.75 to, $5.50. We will sell those atl $1.50 to $2.50, and a lot oii Ulsters and Ottoman Mantles at half of former price. We have a splendid lot of Men’s ‘ and Boys’ Suits at close pric- es, and are now giving a dis- count of I5 per cent. of? those prices. We have a fewjersey Suits for Boys, which we are selling at $2.00 each, and a lot of Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers for Boys at 25 cents each, a ï¬ne Heavy Overcoat for $3.75 each, worth $5.00, and our heavy Irish Freize Overcoats in large sizes for $7.50 each, cheap at $10.00. A 'lot of Fine French Dress Goods at I8 cents a yard, worth 25 cents, and a lot of Fancy Plaid, worth 12 cents, for 9%. 10 yards of Costume Cloth for one dollar, worth 12% cents a yard. Heavy All-VVool Tweeds at 45 Cents a yard. Those goods were bought be- ; fore the use in wool and are a decided bargain. We are showing a ï¬ne lot: of Fancy Goods, such as Berlin, Zeph- ry, Saxony and Andalusian Wools, Panel Rods & Chain, Pom-Poms, Fancy Cord, Ar- rascenes, Embroidery Silks, &c. And don't you forget our Groceries, if you want the Cheapest and Best. We are giving 16 lbs. of Extra Stand- ard Granulated Sugar for one: dollar, 20 lbs. Fine Yellow Sugar for One Dollar. 30 lbs. of Rice, I4 lbs. Choice Rais- ins, 12 lbs. Extra Currants, 15 lbs. Best Provincial Cur- rants, 58 bars York Laundry Soap, 47 lbs. of Com or Oat- meal, and a full stock of the best brands of Canned and Package goods at very lowest prices. Remember this is our stock-taking sale, and we are making it a lively one. Call and share in the .fun. B. GRENNAN. FEBRUARY. CHEAP CLEARING- SALE Winte}: Dry Goods Splendid Bargains in Every Department I GREAT BARGAINS IN OVER- COA'I'S FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEASON. Tweeds, Shirtings, ' Cottons, 850., &0. Dress Goods, THE FIRE PROOF, JUST OPENED, ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF A. Splendid Assortment of Direct from the Manufacturers, selling at wholesale prices. . ATKINSON, E’flSZ†ï¬lfllï¬ï¬ 0F 1013K. DIRECT IMPORTER. ALEX. MABKENZIE. THE REFORM CANDIDATE H Nomination Tuesday, Feb. 15. Polling Tuesday,Feb. 22. HOUSE OF COMMONS ! Your Vote and Influence are Respectfully Solicited for GREAT NOW GOING ON. -â€"â€"FOR THEâ€"â€" AT THE Flannels, 860. A'l‘