V‘x'herc cverv sense of honor and {me feeling scemsdying out under the [yancï¬ll influence of party ren~ dcrrcd snbsen‘ient to pelf, when pat 319152;; and integrity are fast becom- It is contended,indeed,that Boult- bee is not the choxce of his party, that bv means of a packed caucus he succeeded, in spite of all that is purest and most honorable in their ranks, in foistmg himself into the ï¬rst place. \Ve hope that this is the ease; lu fact. such we believe it to be. There certainly is no lack vfgoml and capable men of Con- servative convictions to champion ilM: Conservative cause. “’0 are forced, therelore, to the conclusion that East York has, as have many other reustituencies, lallen victim to the libertyâ€"crushing power of the political machine. it must be evident to all that Boult- lice can affect even the best meas- ures only With the most Sinister in- fluence. Gnod legislation from such a one is not to be looked for, and it speaks with terrible emphasis for the state of a party which must per- force carry barnacle so foul. conclusion than that the flat had gone forth to fling honesty to the winds, and to deï¬antly and shame- lust hoist the banner on which are inscribcd Booty and Boodle. For There is something hideously gro- tesque in the selection of Alfred Boultbec to contest East York with Hon. Alexander Mackenzie. Ami- podezins in everything, there they stand~nll that is best in Canadian politics opposed to all that is worst. 1f :3oultbee were the voluntary choice of'the Conservatives of East York, we could come to no other Let us not cease in our efforts until we have sent to Ottawa, as we have already sent to Toronto, an honor- able triune who will surely give a good account of the County of York. Shall it be said that East York or West York will play the tool to Tupper? Yet Boultbee and in a less degree Clarke Wallace are -the men with Whom Tupper delights to surround himself. Boultbee has al- ready made many a ï¬ne venture in the sea of Boodle,VVallace has made one good one. We refer to the ï¬fty mile hmit which he secured for his brother Thomas, and which, no doubt, he will share. But if VVal- lace's friends are to be credited, he has a. bigger stroke of busrness than any timber limit to make. The York Colonization Company de- mands the most careful nursing. \Vallace, who is largely interested in the scheme, will act as doctor, but he must get the medicine from Ottawa. No Topper, no boodle.» From llla'ke he could get justice. But who ever heard ot a Boultbee or a \Vallace who was satlsï¬ed with , mere justice ? Once more we call on the electors of East and \rVest York to close up their ranks, and do their duty in the present tremendous crisis. All over the country the rascals are being kicked out. Shall we go out of our way to harbor two of the most scaly? Let us play the men in this battle. Here let it be clearly understood that Ontario does not want Tupper. Sir John Macdonald is at least pa- triotic, and the most corrupt of his :acts were never perpetrated to sat- .isty personal avarice. But Tupper is a loud, noisy, shameless bully,and what is still worse all his noise and :all his bullying have no other object than the bloating of his own pock~ ct. Tunper is hated alike by Itzriend and foe. Members ofhis own party reproach him for his anICll- mate greed. He is a hog among hogs; hejumps into the trough, he will have all. And so it has come to pass that old Tupper and all the young Tuppers have rapidly amassâ€" ed colossal fortunes all at the game of polllics. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Feb.17, ‘87 The results of Nomination Day go far to conï¬rm what we have so many times afï¬rmed in these col- umns. A strong reaction has set in against Macdonaldism. Macdonald himself is old and worn out, and has handed the leadership of the Con- servative party to Tupper. No wonder, then, that already the Op- position hold seven seats, while the Ministeralists have yet to gain their ï¬rst Iidmg. Elecï¬iop Agentsâ€"P. G. Savage. Wantedâ€"JET. Cameron. “@119 ï¬i‘heml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS EAST YORK. VICTORY. In connection with the factory, where custom sawing wdl be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th, 1886-3m. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, 8:0. FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 868.. Vote and work for Hon.A. Mackenzie Dr. Lde and honest government. RICHMOND HILL MNENG MILLS ! Pain cannot exist when West’s VVOX'Id’s Wonder is applied. Cheapest and best. 25 and 50c. All druggists. We appeal to the Reformers of Vaughan to undo this unnatural state of things. We beg to remind them that they have already done more than even the most exorbit- ‘ ant friendship should expect. Clarke Wallace and Dr. Orr have no more right to ask a man to forego his po- litical leanings on the score oftriend- ship than they have to ask him to change his religion on the score of personal favor. we tell the Re tormers of Vaughan that they are laughed at for their weakness. We tell them that the very men who tempt them to yield their convict- ions make merry over their simplic- ity. Fancy a fellow of the Kinnee stripe boasting ot the Reformers whom he has seduced from their a1- legiance ? Such, however, is the case, and we now ask the Reformers of Vaughan to remember that they owe something to themselves. They have done enough and more than enough for Wallace and Orr. _It is now high time for them to do some- thing for their party. It will be a shame,it will be a standtngd1sgrace, it in the splendid victory which we are about to gain in West York, Vaughan should come again trailing in the rear. J Vaughan is confessedly the strong- est Reform township in West York. After making every allowance for . doubtful and for new voters, Vaugh- ‘ an can give a Liberal majority of one hundred and ï¬fty. We are well aware that the past two or three elections do not bear out this assert- ion. But it must be remembered that the township has been for years subjected to rather pecullar influ- ences. For a long time two men, pleasant and plausible, have been steadily undermining the Reform vote in Vaughan, by making the most of a quality most potent in its effects. That quality is friendship. It is well known that both Mr. W’al- lace and Dr. Orr have persistently posed before the electors as ï¬ne fel- lows, good fellows, pleasant fellows. Men have been urged to throw aside their political opinions just for the sake of friendship. They have been ; told that one or two votes can 1 make no great difference in the re- ‘ sult ot the whole struggle. And so successfully has this game been play ed, that in the last Provincial elect- ion, Vaughan, instead ofbeing the banner townshlp of Reform, actually brought up the rear. Kept on hand, or made to order 1 the shortest notice. A stock of Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in Fl HST-C LA 55 ORDE [2, ing a by-word and a mockery, when all ability is sneered at, except the ability to steal, it is fated that the climax shall be reached. And so we have Boultbee, in savage con- tempt of all decency, pitted against the purest and grandest ï¬gure in our public arena. Worn out in the service of his country, bowed down by ills contracted in his work, the old lion is doomed to be approached by a foul and ï¬lthy buzzard. But we rejoice to say that lriend and foe. alike are combining to drive off this disgustirg bird. We are pleased to know that on the 22nd of February, Hon. Alexander Mackenzie will re- ceive a strong earnest of the hold that ne has gained on the heart of East York. Always on hand. There is also a L. lNNES & SONS VA UGH A N R EFORM ERS. And don’t you forget our Groceries, if you want the Cheapest and Best. We are giving 16 lbs. of Extra Stand- ard Granulated Sugar for one dollar, 20 lbs. Fine Yellow Sugar for One Dollar. 30 lbs. of Rice, I4. lbs. Choice Rais- ins, 12 lbs. Extra Currants, 15 lbs. Best Provincial Cur- rants, 58 bars York Laundry Soap, 47 lbs. of Corn or Oat- meal, and a full stock of the best brands of Canned and Package goods at very lowest prices. Remember this is our, stock-taking sale, and we are making it a lively one. Call and share in the fun. B. GRENNAN. This is our stock-taking . month, and we are offering , lively bargains to reduce the stock. We have a few Mant- lesleft. They are nice ï¬ne goods, but must go.’ There are a few at from $3.75 to $5.50. We will sell those at $1.50 to $2.50, and a lot oi Ulsters and Ottoman Mantles at half of former price. We have a splendid lot of Men’s and Boys’ Suits at close pricâ€" es, and are now giving a dis- count of 15 per cent. off thosei prices. We have a fewjersey l Suits for Boys, which we are selling at $2.00 each, “and a lot of Heavy Ribbed Shirts and Drawers for Boys at 25 cents. each, a ï¬ne Heavy Overcoat for $3.75 each, worth $5.00, and our heavy Irish Freize Overcoats in large sizes for $7.50 each, cheap at $153.00. A lot of Fine FrenchDress Goods at ‘ 18 cents a yard, worth 25 cents, and a lot of Fancy Plaid, worth 12 cents, for 9%. 10 yards of Costume Cloth for one dollar, worth 12;} cents a yard. Heavy All-\Vool Tweeds at 45 Cents a yard. Those goods were bought be- f01e the rise in wool and are a decided bargain. We are showinga ï¬ne lot of Fancy Goods, such as Berlin, Zeph- ry. Saxony and Andalusian VVools, Panel Rods & Chain, , Pom-Poms, Fancy Cord, Ar- rascenes, Embroidery Silks, &c. CASH H0 U SE Cz‘rRENNAN’S FEBRUARY. CHEAP THE FIRE PROOF}. Dress (210065.514, Tweeds, Shimngs, Cottons, @466†860. China. & Gmmm Ware GREAT BARGï¬ENS IN OVER- GOATS FOR THE BALANCE OF THE SEASGN. Splendid gr: argains in Em waï¬mem E Winte}: DEW Gmdg JUST OPENED, ANOTHER SHIPMENT OF A, Splendid Assortment of Direct from the Manufacturers, selling at: wholesale prices. DIRECT IMPORTER. Nomination Tuesday, Feb. 15. HOUSE OF COMNWNS-E filEl/Wï¬ @ߠFQEEQ Ynur Vote and Influence are Respectfully Solicitefl for GREAT NO‘vV GOING ON. REFORM Manuela, 81:0. Pclling Tuesday, Feb. 22. â€"FOR THE AT THE AT CANDIDATE