Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1887, p. 5

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The trotting race qn Bond's Lake last .Satnrday, was won by Widemnu’s horse. Proctor took the second heat but was finally beaten. Good lime was made in all the dmats, and muqh interest was taken in the ,mce. Quitoa crowd witnessed the trot. A few more of those $8.00 Dinner Sets and $4.00 China Tea Sets at the Concrete. J. C. Stokes, Auctioneer. has received inâ€" structions from Mr. A. McGill, west end of lot 31, Con.2.Vnughan,to sell his farm stock & implements, on Thursday, March ‘10th. Sale at «me o’clock. No reserve. Piles of Scotch], English and Cana- dlan Tweeds at the Comerete; also Worsteds and Pantings,and Piles of Ready made buits, all sizes. . The regular monthly meeting of the Fire Brigade will be held in the Council Chamber zo-morrow (Friday) evening. The first trial in the hose contest will take place. Rules and regulations are being drawn up. Mr. Salem Eckardt will sell the farm stock implements 610. of Mr. Arthur Stapletou.Lut, 17 3rd can. of East York. on Tuesday, the 15th of March. Sale at 12 o’clock. Lunch provided. Ladies for the most Stylish Milli- nery go to the Concrete. Will be sold by public auction, at Victoria. Square, on Saturday. March 5th, the house- hold furniture, 0%., belonging to Mr. Jacob Baker. Sale at one o'clock. N. E. Smith, Auctxoueer. C. Mason is agent for the wChamé :pion Creamer; the best way-to raise cream. Farmers cal] and see it. lust received at Grennan‘s Cheap Cash House, a splendid lot of Can- adian and English Shlrtings; pricgzs. away down. On anuthor page will be found a statement of Election expenses of Drs. Orr and Gilmour incurred in the campaign which closed on the 28th of December last. The next nmeting nf Vaughan Council will be held in the Town Hall. Vellnre, on Tum. day next, March 8th, commencing at 10.30, Try Kirlsby’s Wheat Granules. for sale at Kirkby’s.. its regular znnntm’v meierIIHg-onm xi the 7th inst, c164 p. m. Ladies, you can buy Brass Rods, Chains and other fancy goods at C. Mason’s. Wm fiifmml. A complimnntn'ry supper will be givon to Dr. Gilmmu‘, M. P. P. of Weat York, at Richardson‘s Ha”, Maple, on \Veduesdny evening, March 9th. Addresses: will be de- Iivered by Dr.Gilmnur‘DrJ‘Vidd‘ifield,M.P.P., W'Mulock, M. 1)., Dr. L'yndpf Parkdale, and others. Tickets 50 cents. See pastel-s. onnects with Min-(Lina, leaving the Palmer .Houso, Richmoml Hill. as follows: I & Express.Nor$h& South”. ....8.15 a, m. (:0 mutation “ " . 11.45 “ xpvm ~‘ North... .5 35 p. m. :0 1,3 utlL. 5‘35 “ U11 further notice Mails will be closed at the :Bichmnnnl Hill Post Office as followsz~ MORNING :~â€"Go“ng North. soulh, East and W est, including Thornhill, Maple, Toronto, Markham , &c. 8.00 EVENING :â€"-Gm'ng southEnst and West (as above) 5.30 N. F ~Rwistm'ed Letters must be handed in at loam: Fifteen Minutos e ~1i er than the above mentionwl hours for closin RICHMOND HILL, Thursday, Mar. 3, '87 The Gents’ Furnishings at the Concrete are very fine thlslseasov. TORONTO. Citv Hamil Unir‘n 51"" ' Brock St - Quecu’ W mm f'E‘xu‘kdnlu 1waenpn Weston ‘ Thol’nlh mcnwm D HILL. .Kinc: ‘Aurm‘ Newma See the new Prints and Ginghams at (Brennan’s. ‘ Icanmqn Thornhill \Ves‘tml... Davenpo‘: Pm‘kdnle.... TOROX‘L‘O. Queen's \th‘f ..... Brook Street ...... 10.05 Unmn Station Cxty Hull”. Newmmke’c Aurora. Klng PRUCTOR’S STAGE LINE. 'N. R, R. TIME TABLE. The Richmond 111M!) gnliléoan Fire Brigade Meeting. School Board Meeting. ‘T OFFICE NOTICE Comphmentary Supper. lection Expenses. Vaughan Council‘ Trottmg Race. Credit Sale. Credit Sale. Credit Sale. 516.00 onm SOUTH. GOING NORTH MM]. 8.10 8.33 8.40 M. TEEFY. Postmaster. Accom 11 45 11.52 12.06 Accouz. Mai]. 11.5? ($.03 13.10 6.15 12.30 6.37 12912 6.48 12.53 6.57 12.10 12.53 1.05 1.35 1.42 1.50 L‘ZO 7.37 Invxted _to St reetsvrlle. At the February meeting of the official Board of the Streetsville Circuit, a unani. mous invitation was tendered to the Rev. W. R. Barker to become their Pant )r at the next ContemnceJ The invitation has been accept- ed, subject to the approval of the stationing committee. Mr. Barker's term of three years on this circuit has been one of the most plea- sant between pastor and congregation. and his many friends whilst regretting the loss of one who has labored so faithfully and success- fully in their midst will be pleased to learn that he is likely to be located in a flourishing part of the country when he leaves here. Streetsville is a rising place of about 2000 in- habitants, Situated about ten miles from ‘the‘ town of :Bramplon, ‘ ’ The Annual Convention for 1887 of the Ontario Branch of the Dominion Alliance for the suppreSSion of the Liquor Traffic will be held in Toronto, on Wednesday and Thurs- .day, March 9th and 10th. Sessions of the » ouwntion will be held during both days and on Wednesday evening, all of which will be open to the public, but onlv members and delegates will be expected totnke part in the dxscnssion and voting. The public are cordl- ally invited to attend. Gun Accident. Mr. Alfred ’Powell met with a slight acci- deut whilst out shooting on Iuesdav ,lakt, which might have proved very serious. He had wounded a rabbit, and stood with hisgun resting on his knee, and his finger on the trigger, waiting for the animal to pass along a certain truck, when one of the hounds ran against the gun causing a discharge. The ignited powder flew in all directions from the breech-loader, and for a time the lower part of his face was quite disfigured. He returned home and repaired to the Dr’s office where several hours were spent; extracting a mixâ€" ture of granulated sulphur, nitre and char- coal. Alf looks as cheerful as ever but spends a good deal of his time before the looking glass. You can buy any ot the following goods at Grennan’s for $1 :â€"47 lbs. best Oatmeal, 47 lbs. Cornmeal, 58 bars York Laundry Soap, 35 bars Judd Soap, 30 lbs. Rice, 16 lbs. choice Valencia Raisins, '22 lbs. yellow Soap, 26 lbs. bright Sugar, 16 lbs. extra standard granulated Sugar, 15 lbs. splendid Currants, lbs. Salmon Trout. Lacrosse in Woodstock. We nutice by the Woodstock Sentinel-Re- viww that Meskrs. John and Alfred Patterson, late of Patterson, lmve not yet given up ath- letic sports. At theannual meeting of the Lacrosse club of that town, the former was appointed Viceâ€"President, and the latter a member of the committee of management. Alfred was also appointed a delegate to attend the association. We congratulate the "Ben.- ver" club on their new members. Wtwmfiuctioi sale of Farm stock. Implements, &<~.. on the 17th of March, 1887. Sale to commence at 12 o’cionk noon. Soven months creJit will be given, and 6 per cent. allowed for cash. Salem ‘Eukardt, Auctioneer. Cheap Cash House. Mr. B. Grennfln annmmuns in his March advertisement that. he has just finished stock taking, and in now ofiering spiemlid bargains in new goods which have just arrived. He is well satisfied with the past. year's business. and lutends continuing! in the same grove by selling very cheup for Cash. An inspection of goods and prims is nrgentlv solicitud. Mr. J. C. Sxokes has waived instructions from the ( xecniors of the lab/.- Edwm‘d Miller to sall hv public auction. at Purpleville P. 0., on Thursday. the 2;:11 day of March, at 2 o’clock p. 111., the farm proporty in two parcels. For full particulars l'efe‘r to bills announcing the sale and describing the pmp- arty and terms. COLtonades, Denims, Shirtings, Ticking's, Grey and White Cottons, at the Concrete, better value than ever. Missionary Sermons will be preached in the Meilimlisl. church next Sunday; at 10.30 a. 111. Rev. ‘1'. Leonard. G 30 p. 111. Rev. W.R. Barker. Special culleclinns on behalf of mi-=:ions. The Annual Missionary meeting: will be held nezt Monday evening, enmmenc- ing at 7.30. Addressvs by Rev. B. Longley, M. A..und Rev. A. C. Courlice, B. D. of Toronto. You can buyra Bill of Grdceries at the Concrete cheaper film at any Heuse‘ 1n the trade. The Farm Stock. Implements and House- hold Furniture. of Mr. John ‘Craddnck, Lo! 30, in the 3rd, Con, of Vaughan will he sold by I’m-lie Auction on Tuesday, the 22nd day of March inst. Sale withuut reserve as the proprietor is giving up farming. Sale to commence at 1 o‘clock. Salem Eckardt, auc- Lioneer.‘ ' Splendid all Wool Canadian Tweed at the Concrete for 40 cts.per yd. See it. Auétlon Sale. Mr. Lafayette \Vhimmre, Lot 4, Game‘- sion 5. Vaughan, will have an auction sale. of Fnrm Stock and Implumams, on Friday. the 25th of March. 1887. Sale at 12 o’clock. Seven umllthscredia will be given on approv- ed joint notes. Salem Eckurdc, Auctioneer, Auction Sale. Mr. I. H. Kirby, Int. 23,1‘931‘ of the 4th Con. Vaughn“, WIU thu an analinn sale of farmsmck, implements, household fumi- tm'e. we” ("I Tuuxdny. Mmcll 8th. Terms of sale, I=i|m mummy. Sa‘e at 1'), o’clock noon. Salem Eckardt, Aucmmecr. Beautilul Dress Good; latest shades, and Trimmings to match, at the Concrete. Mans.Davidsonhrear of Lot 3 ' . L“ 215.. . .. Important Credit Sale. Dominion Alliance. Execute rs‘ Sale. Credit Sale. Missionary. And will give his best attention to any bills custom sawing he may be faw reJ Wil h. Meantime. unv one wantinglx 11g stuff will much oblige by Sending in orders as soon as posszble while we are Hitting the timber. VVe are sorry t6 learn that Mn W. Ma- jor i's lyiquapgegously ill w1th inflam- The undersigned respectfully intimates ti: at he will short-1y remove his saw-min from McGee's switch to near Last Friday eveniua a companv of young folks frum this place and Jefferson drove out to Mr. R. Rutherford’s on the 2nd con. of Vaughan; a. very enjoyable evening was spent, Mr. Carr. of Pickering, has purchased the Bartlett fann, ab \Vilcox’ Lake. Enatiorf of the bi'ain. Mrs. P. Rutiedge spent last week visit- ing at Mire. XVatsons, in Newmarket. Miss ,Pentland, of Goderich, and Miss McKenzie, of Innisfil, spent a. week visit- ing at their uncle’s, Mr.John Stewart, of this place. MLK‘Eapel, v:th has “been confined to the house through Erysipelas, in improvâ€" mg. - Mr. ‘6. Harper, who has been afflicted with nueralgia. in the head, is now cun- valescent. Mi. \anters, of Toronto, is visiting at. M§._J. yllglley’§. Mr. fish has purchased Mr.F. McKen- zie’s farm lately occupied by Mr. Tinkleu', arif1_haza~aquady_taken ROsSession. Erom our own Correspondent. Since the election things have got settl- ed down and are moving along about: as smoothly as usual. West’s World’s Wonder 01' Family Lini- ment. Useful .in every house fur cuts, burns, scalds, bruises, neuralgia, rheuma- tism. Always gives satisfaction. All druggists. Tunes tried to 5:35.111)? rlmcessinu in lm- nor of nobody knows whom. _'A few dnzen men led by the town bands, and followed by a. lot of schonl boys carrying torches. marched for half an hour up" and (lawn theatreets, and then retired to the Hall to hear a. tirade of abuse hurled at Blake, Mulock and others. (The mafiority of what, was said is unfit to appear‘m print. The following subjects were discussed, The dâ€"d Grits by C. C. Ruhihsml; The Telegram from Sir John. 35 majority, by Perrim; The Dutchman’s dog and Tur- kies, by N. C. ‘5Wullace; Grit Boodle and another Election, by Tyrwhitt; An Indian Pow-wow, by Dr. Orr. After the above program was concludei the meeting ad- journed. From‘our own Correspondent. Elections areall the rage in Nurth York. On the evening of the 22nd, an immense crowd gathered to hear “who got in” not only in this riding but thnmgh out the Dnmiuion. As anon as it was evi- dent that Mr. Mnlock was elected,a torch light procession was fnrmed at the Hall, and headed by three comet bands. march- ed tn the park. where a. large hon-fire had been kindled, the light of which was seen in nearly every part of the riding. Messrs. Mnlock,Dzwis and Cnnlter delivered hnef addresses congratulating: the Reform party on their victory, not (mlv in elect;â€" ing our representative but in reducing the strength of the Government’s mnjnrity. Waging. QLWM West’s \‘Vorld’s Wonder is the marvel of healing superior to all othemfininmnts. Always keep it in the house. ’11 drug- ,giats. ‘ Ladies suffering with sick headache will find a. certain cure in West’s Liver Pills. Sugar coated. 30 pills :25c. All~ drug- gista. Hannaâ€"Cr: Sunday evening. February 27th J oxmthan Schell aged 74 years. 4 mos. Deceased was an old resident; of the Township of Vaughan, and Wm; highly respecrerl. Coonâ€"At his residence, Concord, Feb, 28, 1887, Taosfiloox, in his 69th year. A native of Alu- borough.‘Yorkshire. England McCAGUEâ€"At the residence of her hOn, near Vic- toria. Square, Markham Township, on the 281?; day of February, JANE, relic; of the late AND- ;mw MCCAGUE, in the 77th ywm‘ nf her age. Don’t miss the concert to be given in the Masonic Hall, on Thursday evening next, the 10m March. Mr. Bengough, when here be- fore, gave good satisfaction with his public and local hits, and now that be is supported by such a company as this advertised by posters, he cannot fall to delight his Midi ence Mr. H. M. Blight is one of Toronto’s favmgitemnritones, Mrs. Blight is. an excellent pianist. and Mrs. Fox is popu‘ar whn-even she sings. Admission} 25 cents; reaervud seats 35 cents. See ad. and programmes. SAVAGEâ€"0n thefind Con. of Vaughan. on Sntur dew, 26mm February the wife of Mr. Juhn Savage, of a. son. What about Lacrosse .9 The citizens are beginning to ask. “Are we (0 have a first-class Lacrosse Club here during the coming season? If so is It. not a- bout lime that a meeting for m-gnuimtiuu was called? Other towns are moving in the matter, and if we expect to still carry the palm of victory, we mmt begin to get the bovs in their places. Good Friday comes: on the 8th of April. and if the yearly concert is to be held on that. date a meeting should be called at. once. Ladies don't fail to see the beauti- ful Spring Prints, at the Concrete. HENRY MARSH. LUMBER. KING P. .o_, Oak Ridges. Bengough Concert. 8‘ ET I! S. Aurora. DEATHS DY In our Quilt department we ~are-s‘1°1o,»\/.i11.zc.J)r very large lines. We havs good heavy Bed Comforters at 750., $I, 1.2:“, 1.50 and up, and large, fine, pure Eiderâ€"Down {Quilts at zfi'g, the regular price in the city ,for’the sa'm-elgoods is $I2.5o. We are also offeping’Big Drive in Grey Flannels, which we show in wide widths as low as 156-128. per yard. Houseâ€" keeeers should. not ipumhasewithout first seeing our im- mense stook. » & PETLEY, 128 t0’132.Kng55hm&t East»._-Opposi.te the TonontQ, We have also in stock-nice white ‘B‘lanike'ts rat mnch lower prices, we canth necommfind Jhem with-,the .confidence we do the_ab_ov<; goods. Large, heavy, all pucewool White Blankets at 3, 3.50, 4, and 4.50. These geods we can recommend to our custom- ers, as they are made of the best along wool, and contain neither cotton nor shoddy. Housekeepers about .to make :their purchases for winter should see our large stock of fine EL’H wool Whit-e 'B'Ermkets; purchased bp us direct from the manufacturers previous to the advance in the price of wooi ' Our Millinery departmeni is stacked with all the newest shapes and latest novelties for the present season, and fox style, moderation of prices and geod taste'eannot be cquaIL ed in thls or any other city. Every lady-should make it ’her ‘business to examine our magnificent stock of Winter Mantles. We are selling lovely jersey Jackets nicely- trimmed at 3.50, 4, 4.50, 5 and 3156, really worth from $5 to $10. Handsome Long Ottoman Satin Finish Mantles at $3.50, 4, 4.50, 5, 6,7,8 and IQ, worth from fifteen to sixteen dollars. No lady should purchase a Mantle without seeing our im- mense stock of new fashionable garments of this season’s im- portation. DRY GOODS AND CLOTHENG Boys’ Overcoats, 980. Boys’ Suits, 98c. ‘ B0) 5’ Pants, 25c..& 500.? Men’s Overcoats, $4.00. Men’s Suits,‘ $3.50. New Carpets at Bankrupt paces. MS. THQMPSGN 62 SWS A QUARTER OF A MILLION I The Farmers of Canada have stood by us and been our friends for 50 years,and if ever they needed to buy their goods cheap, it is this season. But strange to say While all that the Farmer has to sell is lower than for many years, What he has to buy is advancing in price. We, however, place our colossal stock of Dry Goods, Clothing,Carp- 1ejets, Millinery 8c Mantles amounting o NEVER LEAVE A FRIEND IN THE LURCH. NG ST. EAST, OPPOSITE THE MARKET COMMENCING TQ-DAY AT THE STORES OF At 0101 prices and in many cases 10 war than ever. BEAT FALL-SALE ALL WOOL .EBLAN‘KETS WINTER MAN TLE S MAMMOTH HOUSE OF Mantles & Cloths at panic . prices. I Shirtings at Mill prices. Cottohs at any price'you like. Dress gOOds away .under cost.

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