Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Mar 1887, p. 7

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Arrests in connection with the recently discovered military plot continue in St. l’ctersburg and elsewhere. The number of Cftnt collim‘y lel Vullcy, “1105, is Five [Cm npmm (hwornnwnts have applied to J‘Inglinh firms for tenders for supplying several million cm‘m‘idges. Tim (gum-11’s authority has been extended over l‘lmst‘urn Zululand with tho consent of the Zulus. Atkins; fmm Zanzibar my the Somali nufiwx who nun‘dcunl |)1‘.Juhll;( have ‘mr-n exm-ulod. The Board of Railroad Commissioners, in their report upon the recent terrible mil- way disaster at White River J unetiun, Ver» mont, state that there were seventy-seven passengers on the ill»f:Lt0(l train, and exon- 0 'ute the train hands from blame. They utv tribute the accident to the breaking of a de- feetiVe rail, and condemn the use of stoves and (:OELlrUil lumps in railway curs. romanzx. A hailier named Murphy has been shot and killed at Killztrncy. Sixty lives were lost in the recent floods in lirishzme, Queensland. l’i‘inee Alexander of Buttonherg is serious- ly ill with gastriu fever. On the morniiig of January 14th a colli- sion occurred on the Baltimore and Ohio rail- way near Tillin, Ohio, by which over a score of passengers were killed, their bodies being burned almost beyond identification. The coroner’s Verdict has just been render~ ed, finding the officials and managers of the railway company and the conductor of the ill~frated train all guilty of gross negligence. The bodies of five personsfia man, woman and three ohildren~were recently taken from a cave in the Badlands of Dakota by El, miner, and were forwarded to St. Paul. The bodies are simply dried up, are not petrified, and (me in n. remarkable state of preservation. Scientific men say they belong to a race which existed two thousand years ago. The withered family will he sent to the Smithsonian institute. The totals of the gold and silver produc- tion in the United States during 1886 weIe respectively $35,000,000 and $49,895,930. For the sump, year the imports of gold bul- lion mul win amounted to $41,309,181, 8;;211111:1' «:‘(ports of $41,256,500 An unknown fruit schooner was struck by .‘L whirlwind on the St. John’s river, Florida, the other evening, and capsized. Everyone on board was drowned. It is known there were five men on the schooner. It is feared also there have been women and children among the lost. Hzmlan and Guzulmn‘ have signed articles for a. three mile race, with tum, on waters yet to be named, 101' $2,500 11. side and the chmnpiouship of America, on Decoration day, May 30th. A resident of Chic:th has filled a. claim at the Treasury Department for the redemp- tion of a. 351,000 United States bond, which he says he swallowed in order to prevent its falling into the hands of burglars. Some of the Toronto alderman want to celebrate the Jubilee by erecting a. statue of the Queen ,in the Queen City. A new division of the Canadian Pacific railway is to be created between Brandon and Bromlview. Port Arthur has once more been visited by fire, [In block of five buildings being des- troyed, the other night. Five farmers have been committed for trial at Hamilton 01) the charge of tearing down the tollgate on York street a few days ago. The Jubilee Committee of the Toronto City Council have decided to ask the Council to obtain legislation sanctioning the appropriation of $10,000 toward the expen- scs of the celebration. Premier Tllorburn and Sir Ambrose Shea, of Newfoundland, have been appointed dale» gates to proceed to London to support the bait bill before the Imperial authorities. M 11011 interest is taken in ollicial circles in the attempt of Mr. MuArthur, of \Vinnipeg, to reach the North Pole. Helms been sup- plied by the Dominion Government with {L number of scientific instruments, and Dr. Selwyn, director of the Geological Survey, considers his rout and plan of operations one of the most sensible as yet devised by 1’01er explorers. A treaty has been signed between the U. S. Government and the Blackfeet by which the latter relinquished a huge part of their reserve for EL consideration of $1,500,000. HOME. The telegraph line between Humboldt and Battleford will be renewed by the Dominion Government. A special cablegruin says Mr. Bonnet, of London, Ont, has secured 9. contract for three years for the school furnishings of the London, l<lng., School Board. It is stated that Newfoundland is in (lan- ger of permanent commercial ruin, owing to the impossibility of maintaining her stw ple industry of cod fishing against the com- petition of French fishermen, who are al- lowed a. bounty by their Government of over fifty per cent, Sir John Lister Kaye has completed his negotiations with the Dominion Government and the Canadian Pacific railway in connec» tion with his scheme for establishing Inodel farms in anitohrx and the North-\Vest Territories, and has started for England to perfect his arrangements. The (Jremon, a new steamship of 2,800 tons, will pc put on the route between Ant~ werp and Bioncreal in the spring by the management of the \Vhite Cross and Hausa lines. At 2L recent meeting of the Toronto Minis- terial Association a. notice of motion was given against the holding of meetings on Sundays for furthering special or industrial reforms. At the next meeting the question of discussing politics in the pulpit will be taken up. AMERICAN. It; is considered certain that 110 bill for the fortification of United States ports will be passed during the present session of Con- gress. It is rumoured in \Vushington that there is a pmbnhility of an extra. session of Con- gress to consider the extradition treaty with Great Britain. At a. large meeting of ladies of the South THE WEEK’S NEWS. deaths mused by the 1‘0- minn in the thndda .31 'E has Rebellion In tho, Nox‘LhWYUW has bwn snpprcxrwd and our citizens (5:111 now devote J‘L'IL unable m- Lention to their turns. The only sure, safe, and painless remedy is Putnam’s l’u‘iulcss Corn J‘Ixtruutor. it never flils ; never makes sore spots worse than the original discomfort. See that you get “ Putnam’s,” and take none other. Horsoln‘cedcrs (If the right kind in Can, zula will be pleased to hear that prices :u‘t: likely to rise \'(:]‘_\' greatly during the spring. London d/nn'M/u/ Iii/i, says :â€"“ If the laws of pulitimil econ-any 01msz in We accus- tomed way, animated hmxs lush is likely to In: (L more renninmmivcly marketable unm- mmlity “ltllil! the three kimloms them it has hccn for many yen‘s. The uxpurtzuinn of horses has been f01‘l)i(ltl0)! in Russia and (.icrmwny, :Lml wiil presently he pruvcntml in Ann. Jinngux’y. \YiLh these barriers to free trade â€"11,1Hl, of («nuns /, 1m suppl of hm‘scs from I‘li‘nncmil‘lughunl will hmc to rely suhrtnnl,iz:lly on her hunm :Lml (Zuluuiul i'csmu‘u and prjt‘us will am up.” “‘3’1) ~§1fipf¢§§ If the wool of sheep hccmnos wet it dries Very slowly and only by chilling the animal through. Shelter from min and snow, (asâ€" pcciully the former, is therefore, more illlr poi'tzmt than protection frmn cnhl. If a sheep is chilled so as to giro it cold or fcvcr the fibre of the wool is injured, and if this occurs in “inter the injury is gin the mid- dle of the fleece, whom it will do the great» est (linings and most hurt its sale. One reason Why large breeds of fowls are better winter layers is because their greater size makes them less susceptible to severe cold. The large breeds also moult early, and are in full feather when winter comes, which gives them greater hardiness. M oult- ing also takes for growing feathers the strength and food which should go to egg production. The persistent layers through the summer are good for little or nothing in winter, but a. hen that meulted in warm weather will, if not too fat, lay when eggs are seareest and (leare ‘ To the pure all things are pure, but there is a feeling in the public mind that butter and milk do not always vindicate the prov- erb. ()lcomargm‘ine, in all that it implies, has done much to foster this suspicion, and even the mole confirmed of the optimists has probably encountered milk tlmt he felt lnLd tai'l‘icd long at che pump. According to the report of the Nebraska. Horticultural Society, that Sta/w has now about 230,000 acres of growing forests, in which have been set 600,000,000 young trees. Besides these there have been planted over 152,000,000 fruit trees, over 2,500,000 grupe vines, avast number of berry bushes and plants, and countless quantities of orna- mental shrubs. A QUARTER-S]IORTIIORN FOR SALE. “Owing to ill»hcirlth,“sayslhll Nye, “I Will 3011th my residence in town ‘29, range 18, west, according to Government survey, one crushed>1‘arspl)erry colored cow, aged six years. She is it good niilkster euul is not afraid of the curs-4) ‘ anything else. She is a cow of unduuntcd courage and gives milk frequently. To EL man who dues not four domth in [my form she would he 2L grout hoonn She is very much attuchod to her home at pro-cut, by means: of (L truce chain, hut she will he sold to any one who will agree to tran hor right. She is onufmirbh shorthorn and thi inurths hymn. l’ilr- chzwvr need not he, identified. I will aim) throw in a, douhlu-hurrcllod shot gun which goes with her. In May she gonumlly goes away sonwwhcre for (L week or two, and re- turns with a lull, red calf, with long, 'szâ€" hly legs. Her name is Rose, and 1 would prefer to sell her to a non-resident.” Only think of it the value of the annual milk product of the United States is estima- ted to be equal to the national debt. The 1Vle Eng/land Farmer suggests that winter is a good time for harvesting ideas. The Registrar-General has issued his re» port on the births, deaths and marriages re- gistered in England zmd \Vulc in the year 1885. The births and deaths registered in the year numbered respectively 894,270 and 522,750. The nunuml increment, therefore, is equalto 1,36 per cent. 0f the population. In the Imperial Houseof Commons the other day the Secretary for Wer stated that the Government haul ordered horses from Canada with the object of developing lmu‘liets on which, in case of mohilizumiun, it would be possible to draw for R, portion of the large supply that wmlldhe required. The horses already received from Canada have turned out remarkably well. In consequence of the Canadian Constitu- tion being recommended for the settlement of the Irish question, the leading English newspapers are publishing articles on lihe subject, sampled with the emigrntiun mow- ment. These articles are attracting much attention to Canada. The police have great difficulty in effect ingun eviction on the Griffiths estate in Sligo. They found the tenant in bed, chained to a large stone which had been deeply sunk in the earth. A large crowd assembled and witnessed the work of re- moval with intense excitement. The Queen has asked Lord Dufferin to convey to the people of India her warmest thanks for their manifestation of loyalty. There was an animated scene at the Nice festivities 0n the occasion of the battle of flowers. The Prince of \ancs and his son Prince George, were bombarded with bou- quets. A host of aristocrats took part in the festivities. Two shocks of earthquake occurred at Nice the other morning and occasioned great consternation amongst the guests re- turning home from the carnival bull. At Suvonn, nczu' Genoa, a number of houses were wrecked and hundreds of persons killed. Many of the inhabitants of Alascc-Lor- mine who desire to renmin neutral in the event of war, are applying to be made citi- zens of Austria. It is calculated that the strength of the combined Opposition vote in the new Ger- man Reichstag will be 177 votes all told, while the lovernment supporters are esti- mated at 220. of Ireland, held at Cork, it was decided to present; a jubilee memorial to the Queen. French and German Government agents are visiting all the fairs in the North of Eng lzmd, and are making lm‘ge purchases of horses suitable for military purposes. FARM. I ‘ (TH ‘.\I\ 4, hm; irunlmuw um” ur (-;:1vitu]i»‘1s‘, 1111 Mm mm m mulw :1 whungv fur hmHh or profit, mu] gn-t \zxiuulwlu imurnm‘aiuu LIN-11‘}, |)_\ sending your Lid- drcs‘ on potyiml mud m Em The lnrgmi. nd nms‘t ju'ospflroua open Assensmem Ar‘mr-iution in the \xmhl 7 dwn‘m‘ (l('tri\'0 10p '1 li\'t‘h in ("'m‘} 'fi'L‘I ion m Emmi." ' ‘ihcrfl imhwunmn“ . ~ ‘ if hm: full :10\'( 1mm vimow of In» I: -,!‘ Correspumienw so} Blind, Bleeding, and itching, chovtually cured by the L fill-dim!) ll’ilo. Remedy. ~ I Thousands of Sllficrers can testify to the pennxznent, relief from th interme and C’lfl,‘rllfi[ llrsmvrlicx $1.00 per package. Ask your druggist for it. or will be ‘ sent by mull, pqid. lll‘llll MILLER & (XL, 167 King St. East, Toronto. ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. ThefflmaiRasawefi‘und Smnplvs on applimi ion New shi wenian. " agents in Caningu. fiifl‘é‘HES mamas, Wmhing Muohinux, kinds. (‘hum Carpet sweep- ers, Meat (Simppurs, Trucks), and r sundries. HAMIMUN h.>' s‘nu \I, \VURlim (fix, numiltmn, Canada. Sand for urtlwh "mind, or Illustrated C.Ltulogue. QATEH'E‘VS " {(N'EVE‘I‘CI) in t7 Mada, the I,” S. and ‘ (3 foreign column“ a). )5 m u "x .e1tAttm‘noys, um! expats in Tatum"; (Mum .:. Hutu]:- “5th 1867. lhmukl Q). Rislmst (a (10.. Turonm. U, [F p :1 rm 1.’ J hLI‘iE. ~1m (‘omh vion ; Mortgage» or]. 1.5. H 'J‘ICI‘xH’LH, ‘21; Foron‘m Street. Hi1»; valuable Liler ‘0mprising over 2,500 vol- umes, includes the 5 Kurd works and publications of ill? most L‘elrln‘utcil physicians and surgeons of this, and torvign countries, will work having been (-urefully suitcth for its special rufez-vnce and exhaus- tive treatise upon the disease “Epilepsy,” in the treatnmnt of which Dr. Root has so signally distin- guiaed himself in Lhc ranks of his profession. :3 £332 Fvnn to thaw who apply, and u I Muny pn-pnrml Hmcmnmt of the (cm: i~ thvn n (In r-d from the pa.- tivnt. From Llli : Hm (the i4 tlrorcanhly diagnosed by the lku-znr, um! thr pzxtium. tn ml :xs smecussfnllyhy 71mm (m Ly :1 personal ('onsuluztion. v A distinctive feature of Dr. foms syswh] is the privilegem-cordud to each emphch of the Lubom» tory, of free access to this valuable medical collec- tion. Another striking fentnre in the Consulting Room is the electrical apparatus whereby instant commu- nin‘ution cnn be csmhliahod with any member whose, prest- 'e is desired. By Telephonio COHHOCUOI! “1th an n(l]0.ning Telegraph OfliUP, the i)0(7t0r])12(3€flhllll- self in communimtim) with the managers of his Branch Laboratories in Toronto and London. whereâ€" by maintaining a direct mlperintcnzlcncy over his entire business the world over, two Very essential elements in n suvcessfnl and extended practice. Thu immodium :1<]\‘u:1‘|,:1u”-s of Dr. Roofs sym-ific method (‘1'(‘1‘<'11("nunt1;('sl m 11> m' 'mL'lit)’, (:fii‘(‘fii\'(’,> m- :md (‘hfi'nphcss tn the pin Mmingu :m'c win the row!) of HM A MM '1'; m l.‘m‘fl4> is first The Consulting Room is a large and richly furnish- ed apartmenLâ€"udmimth adapted to medical pur- poses. It is one of the most completely furnished Laboratories in Lhe country From this room we enter the General oiliL‘eAâ€"where the lutmost activity prevails, Vet entirly devoid of bustle oroonfnbionia result of that Hgyntelnutic 1w- Lion which regulates the management of the entire (3f~til]i1ib]”])(‘”t. iere, the exunsim mail inatteria received, iim orders, npplh iorixfor mr-Ilieinc. and gun iil (-orrespondeme assorted and arr gned to the spm'iul dopurhne‘nts, the cases for treatment careful- ly arranged, classified, and prepared for the Doctor's FDCI’iill study and opinionwem-h cave being personal» 15' diagnosed by him before finnlaction is taken there- on, and a report. nimle to the patient. The tome mnployed numbers twenty-three p0 sonsâ€"ten of whom hare been in the Doctor's ssr (-e for thirteen years. Am] who occupy corresponding positions of inipormnee. It may here be appropriately renmrked that the reoent «luvision of several large firms, to divide their yearly profits \\ iLh their (emplmc ', is an adoption of a lnngveulublisbenl custom of this olilceiln'. Root haviner loin: :rlvovzm-(l (his mutme (-o-operation, and fully lllnstmtt-(l its advantage b\' the very comfort- able (‘ircunmtnnces of his emplo A glam-c at the shippian hook for lRSG shows that 13 755 bottles of this illfvliiiililifi Remedy for Epilepsy was sent to Physicians, alone, fol‘t‘ilfiill‘ individual prm-liwc, while the Dru;r ' ts sold 53,2071101tlc-R, and to Patients treated din IL’ the same year, 293,236, innl-fingn total of :i x bottle-z of [ilk n'zonfl. If this grout runmiy (“(1 no l:|\‘l‘,in(‘1'§f:it not “th tilir‘ro” in and) grr l' quantities. Passing: into the Printing 1)0}mrtmcntiwhcrein the enormous supply of Circulars, Treatises, and othorprintmi nmttir pertaining to his remedy are prepared, and through the mailing, packing: and Shipping: I‘OOIHF, Lam-h of whiizh i-x fully 1>"0\'idad with iii] the (-om‘cnirnws of safety and (lixlmlfih, we name to the LAilUriitfll'y, whol'c Ell] idea (If the magnitude of {he hihintx 15‘ obtained. 11mm Humming lmilcr , which rcdnve the vegetable inqrwlionh of the lilopimne to :7. liquid form : (tom- lmot sweating boxes, that ( rm-f curtain curative propertim from other per-ulnarmodiuinal herbs; long,r rows of pcrt‘olniors, \‘flfit cooling: tanks, 10m: relays of rowptncles for the preparation, preparatory to hot- rling, together with the. Illlllll'l‘0\ wwntific and in- genious apparatus employed, alto t the «are, hkill, and profound study and r ' arch or the originator of this wonderful prot-css, by whth thousands of Epil- optim have been Cner for Life. NEW YORK, Feb. 19, 1887.â€"â€"\Ve recently availed ourselves of an invitation extended to several medeul gentlemen to visit: the celebrated Laboratory of Dr. H. Root, the noted specialist; upon Epilepsy, in New York city, where his specific remedy for Epilepsy “Elepizone,” is pre red. It is at the {motion of Cedar em Pearl streetsfiNew iork cityâ€"the main office being at 182 Pearl street. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. ofPrintgers' Leadfi Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send for paces. METRE Afigfl'éEEéiniGN MANUFACT_URERS. M. STAUNTON 8:. 063., SMSME GASENSS. T‘u-tmiiful lmporfml Birthday (73rd St to any laxity hhosm mmth \ XII *ud 115.1. ' (‘ mum-501‘ Lu'o or more orhm- huh nrl thr'i: u p'm'ntn :quvssua AM!) u huudmum- D12; 3' mnnd Dyr gamma Card to tho xuobhcr thud much \‘ulunhlo im'nmmfimx. ‘Voiiu. Richardson 5% (10., Month‘an A FAMOUS ESTABLISHMENT. 23 ADELAIDE ST. E..TORONTO. junent from England, Ex Steamship “N0! Lowest prich to the trade. We are 801: Canada. for McBride'a Celuhmbud 81139;) Write for quotations. JAMES PARK ¢& SON, Toronto. J. )1. III? TKINS, 96 king SI. “' y.» :n'.¢‘:m:‘fl.x:;r’ ‘ ' ‘ “2312mm Special Correspondenw wsmmnm Vinyl ‘UKIQI the super f 1fo Uttuxm. L'd. "Addros' _.â€"1 .14.: QER'FHEEAW"; ‘mml M: ' Ram} TORONTO, ONT‘ Tofonlo. :mnzror, ‘P‘uremz ls. NEHE QEBLB WEE-SEALS Over 500 of our Machinos now in uae, and ___wu‘11 ALL THEâ€"â€" LAZWflfli-ii’fl? IIMEPROVEMENTS. SPRING PRE§3S BOXâ€",- WHITE OAK POSTS, AND ERON BRACES. FflRMER$ & Dr. \Vithrow‘s latest and popular “His- tory of Canada” from the discovery of America to the lute North West Rebellion[includinga full and correct account of the same, Q - (570 pages, and prices lower than any thu hook of_t_he>sume sizefmd quality published jn the States or Canada. Another remark- E ably low price hook is Sam P. Jones' “Living Words," with autobiography, illuatrations, etc.. {:95 pages; also, J. B. Gough’s “Platform Echoes,” bCL'lltilfUUy illustrated, full of unecdoteu, em, and sells at night. Our Family Bibles nre cheap, and au- perior to others. Ternm liberal, circulars on applica- tion. WM. BRIGGS, 788.: 80 King St. 141,, Toronto, Ont gal-lay, Stock, and Portable Plat- ' form Scales. éésf’m THE mmmmgwgamm Toronto Silver Plato Go, Send for Illustrath Privc List. 833mm & - HELP“ Business College, Guelph, On!" 1 Twelve States and l’rovim'cs already represent- ed on the roll of tilili Institution. To thorough, practical imtruutlon, and the efficient-y and success of its graduates, this College owes its populux-mn Circulars, giving terms, eta, mailed free. Addresa, 11. MACCORMICK, Principal. SILVER PLATED WARES. ETC., A SPECIALTY. ML BEDS WARMTEED. STEEL KNWES, SPOGRS. FORKS, Every one Guaranteed All Styles of Trucks. Manumflmred m: ("21] E Branch 0133,65; 3'7‘Y6fi‘g‘é'sa, Toronto c rum dyfur 1110::er . mac ; in Its use Wurst kiwi 4m: 0mm: Handing have been run-(1. huh-0d, (:0 strum: i m_ faith In its cfliv‘dcy,(hntlwl1lFuml '1'\\'U Rt TIL FJZ , A, together V'rhh n VALUANLE ‘l'RnA Hedi on [his dmeuuc |O any auffun-r. (MW) 4 ' “Ft! nml I‘. 1!. RAM!" LR. x 1mm [)0 thousands Ufo NH! 0! [I Consumers will find it to their advantage to ask the trade for out make of Files and Rugs. Rc-t‘ulalngn Specialty. Sand for price list and terms. Manufacturers of the highest grades of Hamilton. - Gnltario. TORUNTD, CANADA. USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN JUNE 19. 1885.â€"For two years my wife’s health was run down. She was " grentlyemnciated and too weak to do { anythingr for herself; she was given up by five doctors, they all passed the pinion that she could not live. She 'oxmnenced using Dr. Jug’s Medicine in December, 188;, and after taking six bottles she was so much improved that. he could look m‘terher household duties. ‘ J. M. RonDICK, Engineer, 0. P. 1%., West Toronto. R. SPENCE & 00., WE E. 8; fl. GURNEY Gil, TGRBNT. We make a Specialty of 4. @Bfiwfi? STANDARD SCALES. Hamilton Scale Eu; 'mL A sum‘rliz All Styles of Improved AXLE “Inga CiTV O“- WORKS by §$%.MUEL RQ‘QERS cg: $6., TGRGNTQ: AV!) A H‘LL LIVE-1 0]" Hugh"; 2'». ’fi‘own. Farm, and 91-mimmlml “aim” Supply Mafia-ml. Have heen awarded it during he Au.- .â€" “nuâ€"n--- HAMELTBN, em. Vfind Mills, Feec‘i Grinders, Hayimg TQOIS, 65' Send for Descriptive Catalogue Geared \V-indmills, for driving: Machinery, Pumping Water, etc., from Ito 40 horse power. no complaints. Prices and Terms to suitbuyers. Send for olrcula Artlsuc Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. EIAJML‘IJL'I‘ON. ONTA Allan Line Royal Mail Steamshipd Sailing during Winter from Portland every Thum- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, 21nd in summer from Quebec every Saturday to LiverpoolI calling at Londonderry to land mails and passenger! for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John’s, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Glu- gow lines sail during winter: to and irom Halli“, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during sum- mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphh foilnlghtl» o MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00. MANUFACTURE ONLY FNEST SiLVER-PLATED WARE. 237 Fifth Avcnfie; For‘freig’rht, pnmago, or other informatlou affily Io l1111n§gln<zrh(BALE).z _Ba_lt_im_ore ; S. Cunar__ 00.. Halifax ; Shea. 8: 00., St‘ John’s, N.F. ; Wm, Thomp Eon 8a 00., St. John, N.B.; Allan&Co., Chicagm Love & Alden, New York; II. Bourlier, Toronbo| Alluno, Rae&Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel- phia; H. A. Allen. Portland Boston Montreal. Amsmng’s Buggy SZ Garriage Gears The Snow Drift Baking Powder 00.. branttord, Ont Wholly unlike Artificial S 'nlemsâ€"Curcofmmd Wan- derlug~Auy hook luumm In one roudmxz. Heavy re- ductions; for pmml classes. Prospectus with opin- iunu of Mr. l’unc’ron, Um Astronomer. Hons. \V. W. As'rox, JL'DAH 1’. B ms, Drs. MINOR, WOOD and Others, sent )nsb n , by 301‘. LOISETTI_1_, Has many advantages over any other side-spring gear, and will undoubtedly be a great favorite. The hunt temperul steel plate perches allow the body to set very low. IT TURNS SHORT, rides very easy, and has no SWINGING or UNDUE MOTION. Suit- able for straight or vhncton bodies. PRICES RIGHT. Send for our ' qcril no ulm‘. fiawe’ééwg memory DESCGWERY. THE 3083 SIDE SWENG GEAR Branhh'flflibe, 37'Y‘7ah‘éé'StJTfiruntu. Whvnl any cum I do not mean nmi'oiy to stop them for. time and than have mum rem: n n1: . I menu a radial cure. I have made the disvnnc o; lv‘i'i‘h, EPILEPSY orF‘A LI.- ING SICKNESS» lIfHonu ahuiy. {warrant my remedy ‘0 cure the worst cases. Iiermmc others have failed in no ronaon for not now receiving r. cure. Send at once for a treatise and a. Free Bottle 0! my mmth remedy. Give Express and Post Omco. 1: cos“ you nothing for I mu. :1“! I will cure you. Addrens DR. H. G. ROOT, EWQE WW! Manufacturers of E$PE§lALLYADAPTED FOR LADiES&CHE LDRENS FINESHOES. {I he last four years. Try also PEIZ for your Wagons and Home Powers. i by J. B. AHNISTBEHVG fil‘H-"G (70. (HAL). (REIEL‘PII, Canada mmwzrmcfisfim A PERMANENT fiLAQK POLISH 8182 PEERLESS New York.

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