HOME. The fur sales of the Hudson’s Bay Com- pany showa. decline compared with last year. ' The fourth of May is ofï¬cially announcevl as the date for the annual meeting of the Dominion Rifle Association. A11 signal stations in the St. Lawrence and the (iqu have been instructed to sendï¬n reports twice daily after April 15th. has. Balfour, architect, Hamilton, secur‘ ed first prize against 53 competitors for the design for an a-rt museum building at De- trait. The question of railway disallowance in Manitoba and the North-\Vest is expected to be discussed by the Cabinet at an early date. The Toronto City Council have adopted by-laws for the issue of debentures for $400,â€" 000 and $350,000 for the erection of a court- house and city hall. Hon. Mr. Blair. Premier of New Bruns- wick, has introduced a. bill into the Legis- ture for the abolition of the Legislative Council of that province. 'i‘he Department of Marine has complet- ed the charter for a. fast schooner, tobc add- ed to the fleet of Dominion cruisers for the protection of the ï¬sheries next summer. The Canada. Shipng Co.’s application for additional dock accommodation on the Mur- sey has been refused, and the question of the appropriation of berths will be raised. It is understood that Mr. Sandford Flem- ing has been appointed a co-commiSSioner of Sir A‘exander Campbell 130 the Imperial Con- ference to be held in London next month. A requisition for the extradition of the Italian Trinm‘co, in gaol at \Viunipeg for the murder of a. fullow»countryman in Chicago, has been made to the Dominion Government. The Dominion Parliament at the approach- ing session will be asked to vote a suflicient sum to organize and equip a. troop of cavalry, bringing the pernmneut force up to one thousand men. v The Minister of Agriculture has received a. communication from the Aberdeen Harbor Board stating that that port has been licens~ ed a landing place for foreign cattle not sub- ject to quarantine or slaughter. It has been decided that only the word “ Saskatchewan†shall be engraved on the Clasps to be awarded to those volunteers and Mounted Police who were under ï¬re in the North» West rebellion. Two Canadian companies have secured the contract for supplying oil for the Dominion lighthouse service for three years, the quanâ€" tity required, upwards of 73.1)‘00 gallons 21.n- nually, being about equally divided between them. Angus M. J. (Hllivmy, member for Anti- gonish, and John I). McLeod, of Picton, have been sworn in as membch 0f the Nova. Scotia. Government. McLeod has just been appointed Government leader in the Legis- labive Council. \Vhilc a number of young men were on- joying themselves coasting on one of thehills in Ameliasbury, ()nc.y (me of the sleighs on which they were seated became unm-umgc» able, striking a. stump and instantly killing Byron Bush, son of Lewis Bush, of Rossâ€" more. Some boys playing on the rampart in rear of the Hotel Dieu hospital, Quebec, found What they considered a small bundle of rags and began to use it as a football. A dog that was with them seized the bundle and tore off some of the rags, when the body of a female infant was uncovered. light hundred men are at work in the Rocky Mountains clearing the Canadian Paciï¬c truck from the snow left there by the recent slides. The company propose to build a cable road under some of the worst spots in the mountains so as to picveut future interruptions t0 the service. The H i'fiu' liquor dealers have largely liackmi dawn from their position of deï¬ance (v: the il'HV law, and about ï¬fty have taken «wit. iiuunscs of the eighty-three who applied V m them. The number of liquor shofué has been reduced from 180 to ï¬fty, and harroom drinking is altogether done away with. It is understood that the Government will not: send an expedition to Hudson’s Bay this year. The report of the results achieved in last year‘s expedition, including the repurts of the observers who passed the winter of 1885-6 at the stations on the bay, will be presented to Parliament at the com- ing session. Mr. Suhreiber, Chief Engineer of Govern- ment railways, anticipates thth railway con- struction in the Dominion this year will far surpass that of last year. A large number of new roads will be commenced in every part of the country, and many of the exist- ing lines extended, making a. total of thou- sands of miles of track and giving employâ€" ment for an immense army of workmen. Capital punishment has been abolished by the Maine Legislature, imprisonment for life, Without the power of pardon, being substituted. It is believed that the number of deaths by the Boston and Providence Ry. disaster has been (werestimzmced. The number is of» ï¬cially stated at ‘24. An unknown two-musted schooner is ashore “our Nunscttu, BIC-ASS. All attempts to save the crew have, as yet fuilcd owing t1) the prevailing storm. Considerable alarm is felt in at the absence of any attempt of the quarantine niliumis to 1m troduction of cholera from 1h Republic. About half past three o’clock the other morning a. ï¬re broke out in the new Rich- mond hotel, in Knil'ulo, which with St. James’ hull and it number of adjoining build- ings were completely destroyed, only the bare \VLllS remaining standing. Numbers of the hotel guests were imprisoned by the flames and were either burned to death or killed by jumping from the windows, while a. still larger number sullered severe in- juries. FOREIGN, During a military parade at Calcutta a trooper shot and instantly killed Major Neill. It is reported the Abyssinians have made a. fresh attack upon Massowah and been re- pulsed. vv - ‘.11- n‘ _4_ THE WEEK'S NEWS. Advices from Uganda, dated J an. 24, say 1m: ujiiuinis to wech theâ€" in- cholura from the Argentine AMERICAN. New Y ork on the paprt Dr. J unker’s caravan reached Emin Bey safely and that Emin is well. Tlie St. Petersburg police are alarmed by reports that numerous widespread bands of Nihilists are ready for immediate action. The Indian Government intends station- ing aforce on the frontier, in the Peshin district, to morally support the Ameer of Afghanistan. 1 .u . 11 ,,,,,,, Xi'an...“ A†ft is reported that Emperor William on his birthdav will proclaim Crown Prince Frederick William co-Regcnt, with the con- sent of the Bundesrath. It. is supposed that the plan to assassinate the Czar was planned by churefl, alias Jar blenslii. the famous Nihilist lead‘er, who is believed to be in Switzerland. Three London publishers have made lib- eml offers for the MSS. of the Queen of Italy’s novel which was rejected when sent anonymously to a. Roman ï¬rm. 1 WMHJ _ , The \Vzu‘ ()ï¬ice authorities have made ar. rangcments for the transportation from Canada to London during the coming season of 3000 horses for artillery trains. The Radical press of Paris takes M. de~ Lesseps to account for saying France is the natural friend of Germany, and advises him to stay at home in future and conï¬ne him- self to caule matters. The Berhn Post takes a._ gloomy View of the St. l’ctersburg plot, and says it will re- quire a superhuman effort on the part of the (fur to oppose the tempest of voices calling for war as {L remedy for Russia’s woos. M. de Lesseps states that Prince Bin» m1»er says he desires to see France become strong, because when her strength equals that of Germany the two nations will fra- ternize and form a. combination that will guarantee the peace of the world. A 1 . n ‘ll 1 I T' ,,l (‘1, D Advices from Mandalay say Lieut. Go- lightly’s mounted infantry surprised the rebel chief Boshway near Sidnlin, Burmah, on the 9th inst. The rebels kept up a heavy fire for some time, but were ï¬nally defeated, losing twenty-two men. Boshway escaped. Remarkable darkness enveloped London at noon the other day. It was as dnrk as midnight in the entire region of Charing Cross, \Vhiteha‘il and the Strand, the atmo- sphere being pitchy black. 1n the east and southwest portions of the city, it was some- what clearer. Snow was falling heavily at the time. A Philadelphia. inventor predicts that the time is soon coming when the typesetting machines will be perfected und in use in 11,11 printing ofï¬ces. The Philadelphia man is not far from right. Prof. Camp, of Estel- line, some time ago became interested in the matter, and has labored 011 it to seine pur- pose. He had but little diiliculty in con- structing a machine that would set type ‘ perfectly from the most complicated menu script, and soon found that by the addition of a couple of cams and a. thingumbol) it could be used to write editorials. He had some trouble in getting it so that it would collect the bills and put its feet on the desk, but has ï¬nally succeeded. He does not hope to get it so it will pay the bills. After ofï¬ce hours, by touching a sprino, it will ‘ turn out aiiiduvits about the circulation till stopped. One of the most interesting sights in connection with Prof. Clemp’s invention is : when two of them are working together, to see one of them stop and attempt to her- row 2L chew of tobacco of the other, and not being successful turn around and strike the editor for some. Few editors can look on this without shedding tears. The professor ex- pects to realize a fortune from his invention, and is conï¬dent that sales will boom right up to the hiuhest notch as soon as it is un- derstood that each machine is required to sign the temperance pledge before it leaves the shop.â€"E<tclli:m I’ Bill Mortimer is one of those smart fel‘ lows who can tell about a man by merely looking at his handwriting or the shape of the hack of his head, or the way he moves his legs when he walks. Bill was standing on the corner of Austin avenue talking to Colonel Dan Beaty. [low Tile Missed a Brilliant Future. †Do you see that boy across the street there with his back to us, looking in the store window?†asked Bill. (( Yes.†“ Well, that boy is going to be a hero He is going to conquer the world. He will be an American Napoleon Bonaparte. The boy has, right now, more will and intellect than any forty men in Austin.†.u u 1 n _ J. “ I don’t think so at all. I just know it. Notice how he shrugs his right shoulder. That gesture was p culior to Napoleon the Great, and to no other man.†“Nonsense,†replied Dam. “That boy belongs to me. He has been vaccinated and it took. That’s why he hunches up his shoulder. †"n‘v‘RVVIiEt makes you think so ‘2†asked Dan Really: Y..1 ~"55‘1’Qtix'at so 2“ responded Bill. “ Well, if he hadn’t been vaccinated he would have had a brilliant future before him.†vr‘r‘rYersr, and caught the small-pox, per haps. â€â€" Texas Siftings. In Union is Strength- 10 OR 1*0 A unit and 2:, zero long dwelt. side by side, In the wedded relation content to abide ; They had stood by each other for many long years, Hm! shared life’s enjoymeuts, divided life’s tears, They were honoured, respected, and loved by all men, And no one disputed thelr value as ten. But (lissension arose in their hearts, and grew worse, The law was appealed to and granted divorce ; And thia couple most fooha‘hly hroke up their home, Delighted with thoughts of their freedom to roam; Jinn, alas ‘. to their sorrow, they found when too late They had blindly invited a very bad fate. Wan weary and heai‘t~siok they counted the cost, All the blessings of home were forevemiore lost, While the world. made no elforts its thought to dis lqu themselves dwindle in every 0110’s e ‘ : They discovered when homeless, alone, in distress, That a unit is small and a zero is less. A wise old Arithmetic, knowing them both, Declared himself willng to state on his oath That the best of the two when alone, was no more Than a tenth part as much a: the couple before, And he often repeated this story at length, To indorse the old motto : " In Union is Slrength.†Is a never-failing (muse of disease. At this season of the year neuralgia, toothache, and a. host of similar diseases are rompant. The great question, then, is to ï¬nd the quickest, surest, and most economical remedy. P01- son’s NERVILINE exactly ï¬lls these require ments. It is prompt, efï¬cient, and most economical, for it exceeds in power every known remedy, and is as cheap an inferior articles. A 10 cent sample bottle will give every person a. chance to test it. Large bottles only 25 cents. A Wonderful Invention. Heat and (10111 Perhaps you don’t know what Spooner’s Copperine is. Perhaps you think it; is a new cure for rheumatism, or a. temperance drink, or a comforter for teething children, or a. patent affair for keeping your feet dry, aud turning your pedal extremities into galvanic batteries capable ( f melting the gold around your store teeth with magnetic cur« rents. Well Spooner’s Cogperine is nothing at the kind, is is a purely non ï¬brous, anti- friction metal, for use by engineers in ï¬tting axle boxes. The great difï¬culty in all machinery is to keep the axles from heating. Brass, bronze, and bebbit metal are used, but all have more or less friction which en- genders heat, and if there is one thing in this life that amuses an engineer it is a hot box. It is not neceseary to be an engineer to be acquainted with the pe ulair merits of a hot box, but there is nothing will make an engineer so fully appreciate the beauties of a humble, lowly Christian spirit as to have an axle everlastingly tearing itself to pieces, ‘ in ared hot passion of fury. Now Copper- ine is ametal patented by Mr. Spooner, of Port Hope, which cannot by any means be induced to a. glow of warmth. Its cold- ness would give the chills tochurity. Toiill a box with it, is like a. visit from your wife’s most estimable mama, the axle has to hustle for all it is worth to keep from freezing, i This metal is now being put up in handsome- ly stenciled wooden packages suit/able forl counter display, and no hardware stow claiming to rank above a. tin pot: concern can be without. a. stock. The Georgian Bay Consolidated Lumber (10., the Ruthbnn C0,, the “"111. Hamilton and Peter Hamilton (10's., of Peterhero’, and others without; number, speak of Coppei‘ine in the highest terms. In fact engineers from Quebec to New Westminster yearn for Copperine, and Mr. Spoonei‘ is rapidly developing a. busi- ness of large proportdons. For heavy jour- n'~‘ hearings, crank pins, steam boats, saw: mills roller grist mills, planing mills, and n a 1 good machine work, Copperine can be almoneg recommended. The metal can be shipped from Toronto, )Iontreal, Win» nipeg, and from the patentee, Mr Spoouer, l’orb Hope.~â€"Bobcaygeon Independent. Cntarrh, Catarrhal Beafness and Hay Fever. Buflerers are not generally aware that these diseases, are contagious, or that they ere due ~30 the presence of living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachiun tubes. Microscopic rE search, however, has proved this to be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby oatarrh, catarrhal deafness and hay fever are cured in from one tothrea simple applications) made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon 8: Son, 308 King Street West Toronto. Canada. A. P. 3‘25, E08. (‘A‘RLEYQ Merriekville, 01m, Importer and Breeder of :ï¬pmnsh Jrsickst Jenniqs, Mn??? and Jenn» Eégae‘fo . pmnlighijacké. Jemiias, Mule§ and Jenn» em for sale, also exthure for carriage of HUM Ofï¬cer AG nllLASVASSERK\Villlted,)llile or Female, whule or spare time, on s: ary 0r ('mmnis- aim]. Imlusbr'al Union 0f1;,1\’.A., 4;â€: Arcade. Toronto. 6 PERGENLL ï¬urchmed I W0?! SALE.WSKVICRAL FIRST-CLASS IM- PROVED FARMS for saleAin the County 01‘ Ewe); (called the garden of (Xanadu); 9195‘ terms of pnymcnt. C. (2. MARTEN, Lcumington. SHEETS 011‘ 5 a mo. MUSIU, ‘:!U,uuu I’lays,‘ Braaa Inst’s, ‘Violina,’ ‘Flutea,’ ‘Fifes,’ and Musical Inst. Trimmings, at reduced prices. R. B. BUTLAND “7 K' ' 8t. W Town? E: ARHA 338 Al'ros iLARGE HUYSEâ€" _ Price 83,42 ; one of on acres, $600 ; Mild vii- nizlte, dead shot on rheunmtism, asthma, mid lungr diseases: best soft water in America. For particulars address E. H. WITAIEIL. Notmway, (1.1L, Virginia. 7â€" ' 7’ I" 7' ‘Babbitb’wNonv S ï¬brous Antif-ri<~- tion Box-mum] for journn] hearings in mm'hiner Guaranteed copper mixed, supplies every requircm Ask 5 ourhardware dealer forit. ALONZ’M W. SPOON: ER, l’atentee and Manufacturer, Port Hope, out. m: Bollll‘lfl INHPILCTION and Insurance Company of Canada. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, TORONTO. G. C. Roma, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER, Bec’yTreus. WA In†“ANTED OUR LAND I [VT 40,000 1} copies just being lssucd; 20,000 outdated in England. Parties placing their farms 'th us immedi- ately can have them inserted in our list. A. E. WILLIst 5:, 00., London, Ont. ' 1A3 ‘ER TAR" PAG‘KETS By M:iil~l’ACK~ ETS of one dozen beautifully assorted Exciter or Birvhd 1y (Yards, at 108, 15c. 25m, 500, 750, and is} om-h paoxuc; also silk-fringed pa ts, 6 in :1 packet, at (:03, $1. and 32 per packet ; 0:11:11 to am‘omlnu)’ order. A dozen packets of a kind, :10 per cent 01f. Mutant-Wu Bras. :3; (10.. 3 Yonge $6., Tin‘onto. "if V "i‘ VWVashi n g Ma- M G chines, 2 kinds; l Clothes erng- era, 10 kinds; Mangles, 3 kinds. Chums, Carpet: Sweepers, and other sundries. HAMILTON INDUHTRIAL WORKS 00., Hamilton, Canada. Send for article wanted, or Illustrated Catalogue. “1 IJEM’II Business College, Guelph, Oak, 2} Twelve States and Provinces already represent- 6 on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, practical instruction, and the efï¬ciency and success of its graduates, this College owes its popularity. Circulars, giving terms, eta, mailed free. Addresq, M. MACCURMICK. pl‘lClCillï¬vi [TR SEEDS in"? Piutisfm-liou to a“. They are Fresh, true to name, and Cheap, If )lHl have not already ' ‘ mpw "'LlCILI‘M‘, H‘Zld for it. For destroying ticks and vermin on sham), (vatflc and horses, Leicos‘uumhire Tick and Vermin [\Hstroy- er in well worn) the price, yen, double the prwe. It was ï¬rst used in England “11:11 wonderful success, and has now been introduced into Canada, and is nld at 30 and (K) cents a box; one sum“ box in snfliuunt to treat. ‘21! sheep. It in used as a wash. Full directions accompany mvh box. Sold by \h‘llu'g’iQtrL G. (7. Bumns 3; 805's, Hamilton, Unt., and (f. M. Bmuos & Bno., Buflnlo, N. Y. A Its. (DX‘T READ ’ Ills unless you want no make money. THE mesum \VREKLY is the only story paper in Canada, mul contains tliehriglmvst and hest stories of any paper published. Price, with great music premium, $2 per year. Secure the agency for your district. Agents liberally dealt with. Sen‘l for free sample copies and terms. Menlion this paper. Address, TUE FIRESIDE WEEKLY, 2G and ‘28 C01- borne Street, Toronto, Ont;- (uh) 5 “'AN l ‘0 for " 1110011100 XIII," A from an authentic memoir furnished by his order and written with his enooumg‘s-munt, approba- tion and Messing. by Bernard O'Kellly, 0.1).. Ll)‘ This is the only work approved by the “on Father, and 111] others udvurtined as such are n fraud. For terms address ROSE PUBLISHING 00., Toronto. Capital, £260,000. Dominion Government Deposit, £55,000. Head Ofï¬ve : 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented districts. 7 r A. T. MCCORD, _ 09]) LI 1 AGENTS “INTEID IN EVERY County 171Canmla‘ Addrcus, “alum; d»: (10.. 57 Church St. Toronto. Spooner's Copperine. ROBERT EVAN .x ML. Sven Merchants and Growers, niauminnn. dmnu'iu. LOOK To YOUR moons. PATENT SO LICITORS. ï¬gflflmï¬n EN MONEYâ€"--11\TEREST YEARLY . â€"no commission ; Mortgages [L H, TEMPLE, 32?. Toronto Street HE ION DONEUARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00. (LB), OF LONDON, ENE}. no man on morhgagu. i‘ruanmnuq. 1w. particulars app'xy to BHATW, CHAD WICK, Bmmts'rocu & GALT, Tox‘on‘un. THAT yields over 100 1m.le per mere, Cat» :zloguu free. JAE. “0Y0, lear “TOYK )nk Resideniï¬siwrretarv for'the Dominion 0L COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bnmm, , Natural Wood, and other Pic-cure and Room, Mouldings, Frames, Etc Paintings, En- 'rncings, Ewhings, Ax'totypes, Anists'Mnten-iuls, lirrnrs, etc. Wholesale and Reta; . Trude Cat- alogue. MATTHEWS BROS. ‘t (‘0. Toronln. ILLUSTRATED CIRGULARS FREE. CANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY and Shnrt hand Institute, Public Library Building, To. ronto. S eciulties : Bookkeeping, I‘enumnship, Shorthan , Typewriting, etc. Write for pmticulars. THOMAS Busoou‘m; Ofï¬cial Reporter York Co. Courts, President. CHARLES H. BROOKS, Sec’v and Manager. ; gm :2 Ex~Steamsh1p “ Norwegian." LOWE r1’mm’.~ ’1‘0 "naTRAmc. We are 601.6 invents in Cmmd ,\ 14-" MM? mks menmrnn gunner C.Ak"!NGS. Write for quutu inns. NEW SH I Q’EHEHT fmmi ENGLAND ï¬g! Armstrong’s Buggy 5% marriage {mare Has muny advanm [-5 over any oLhe)‘ Hidi‘-fipl'ilu gear, nrd le umim 1v be a grm favorite. Th. entten1pw<xlfltcel ‘uu perches allow the body tr sat very low, [T ' ,RN‘S- SHUNT, rides: very easy andhasno 'WI‘A‘LZENG or U‘ DUE MOTION. Suit aim,- for aura \t or m; adios. PRICES RIGHT Send for our (few " t’ ' ‘ V Manda L l‘l\l\)l1'1lm,, mu um llmuuma, ME» JA CllANl‘Zry‘, and buallz m ‘u m: 01' (unlitnlium, all “no \‘l'lhll 1n mulu‘ :‘,('llll1){'(!it)r hunltll or prof} l, can get valuable, izahmnmlou I‘llllli, l); sending; your ad- dress on postal cum to Saillnn‘ duying wmze‘ from Portland every Twa- day and l-lalifax every Saturday to 'erpool, an! r aummex from. Quebec every Sat.qu ' to Lixerpum calling at Londcmlen‘y to land mail» and paaaeugm for Scctlmd and Ireland; ulao 1' Baltimore, ‘1‘: llallfax and St. John’s, NJ? to Liverpool fortnlgfll‘a': during sunmmz‘ months. '1‘ u ï¬leamers of tha Glee mow liner! mil during \vimmr m and from Halifax Pox-smurf, Bosfon and Philadelphia ; and during em; mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glamm and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelpbiv fortnight-1y. Allan Ling Rum Mail Smammm For 1;; v3, pascaage, or other informallan apply k A. Schumaeher 4% 03., Baltimore; S. Cunard. 5: CL‘. Halifax ; Shea & 00., St. John’s, NF. ; Wm. Thaw p son 86 Co†bath John, NJ)»; Allan EbCO.,ChiNIfl( Love 8»; Alden, New chk; H. Bouxlier, Tnmntm Allans, Inc 245 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, lhiladel phia; 1-1. A Allen, Portland Huston Montreal. THE 353E SWEEG BEAR WM ! “incnl s: y cure I do not mean merely to stop them for I time and than have :lmm return again. [mean a Halo.) 5 u: -- no: , r. he disease ofFlTb' EPILEPSY DTFALL- BABY’S BIRTHDAY. SPRENG PRKSS BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS. AND IRON BRACES. Ovorï¬dm nf our Machines now in use, and no complaint-2,. Prices and Terms to suit huyera. Send rolroulu. MACHENES. to n+1: the trade ‘ r .u‘: make of Files and , ,, Raw 9. H’ ca 21 ï¬lm‘cmuy. Send ' 1 u, b n amen! (511‘. to their adv nCage ; a} ‘ v ‘ I'm price 17' ' .M‘ms. JIMVIES PAR K 8'. 2! mm warm; (50. (Mai Branch Oï¬iéé; WY’c'ni'g'é’St.I Toronto l have a positive remedy iur um above disease ; In its use thousands creases of the worst kind uni nl‘kmg standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faithin in «money, that I wm sand TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUABLE TREATISE an this disease to Any luï¬erer. Give express and I“ 0. address. _ DR. QLOCUM, _ Hamilton. - Gmmï¬m E. car. 430.. HEAD OFFICE, TBRONTO, GMT. Wé‘lis,‘1'ï¬â‚¬iiiidhbn a; (10., Montreal. retuméd to the Policy Holders This year (1836) closes the third Quinquexminl Period. It is ex acted th ' surplus of over $350,090. The surplus at. December Slat, 1885, being 55282399, ere Will be a Gugrflntee Capital and Assets now ovur $2,800,000. Policies in force over $14,000 000, Policies Non-Forfeitable after two years, and after three years Indefeaslblé. JUN)! 19. l880.â€"â€"For two years m5 wife‘s homth was run down. She was greatly emaciated and too weak to do anything for herself ; she was gwm up by ï¬ve doctors, they :11! passed the ypinion that she could not. live CShe ,, n mm need using Dr. Jug‘s Medicine in i .cmbcr, 1885, and utter taking six tiles she was so much improved um me vouid look afterhex household duties. A. M. Imnnxcx, Engineer, 0. P. IL, Went A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card gem to any baby whose mother Will send us the names of two or more other babies. and the“ parents' addresses Also a. handsome Dia‘ mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and much valuable information. â€"_ vrm ALL THEâ€"â€" HATE ETSXIEMEPROVIIMH HTS. "ma E‘ & a. 3mm mmm. J. 19 . l‘ll'KTE/AINS. 4w um; St. VVc-nh 'n operation, during which time $915,000 has The Association haergceu ï¬fteen yea Freshmanâ€"HON. SIR. W. 1’. HOWLAN D, (1.8., K.C.M.G. “lcc-l’renidenlfl.â€"HON. WM. MCMAHTER, WM. ELLIOT, Esq. HON. Cum: Jusncu MACDONALD, S. Nonmmnmn, Esm, W. H. BEATTY, Esq.. W. [1. Guam, E8Q., Enwmm 1100mm Esq. , A. MCLMAN HOWARD Esq. J. Hunmm'r MAsEuN, ESE†“Hector†J. I). EDGAR, ESQ†, ' HON. Jchs YOUNG WALTER S. 1.1m Em. M. P. RYAN, ESQâ€, r ,r A I. (Juommnim, Esyqq Eiaycles ! Q END AT UNCE FOR LIST of L) Second-Hand Machines, From $25!; l’pwm-ds. New Catalogue Ready lat April. A. T. LAKE. MMTREAL Térm uto‘ GUARANTEE CAPITAL, SLOOOOUO. :5 SON, Toronto. TMA’M. ‘01 'm‘l “ï¬r. . Diï¬uuglng IllréwuraJ. K. MACDONALD. Toronto. menus I‘V‘ llul‘ rm sum ' The Snow DH†baking rowder 00.. Brnmiord. OI. MERHDEN BRHANNIA 60. MANUFACTURE ONLY FENEST SELWER-PLATED WARE. Autistic Designs, combined with Unequalch Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTA. V w - l ‘ "V are famous for their styie SP}; convenience, durability: and than mew. B' ' no other until V011 see them. All LEN} leading Ca [mildgr ‘ 11 them. _Aâ€" sunâ€"n so nyu...â€"-._â€" . All classes f ï¬ne work: INHrE.‘ovarinters’ Leads; Slugs and Metal Furniture. Sand for prices. “"_"'c.:ANAaA PERMANENT LOAN & SAVINGS COMPANY. Sulmt'l'iiwd “mind, raid-nu ï¬'pupilai, Reserve ‘Iund, - owl AK OFFICE : mpamy‘s Buildings, Ton-um Stu SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Sums of $4 and up“ ards received at Current who of interest, paid or compounded hzilfvyearly. DEBENTURES. Money received on deposit for a ï¬xed term of year! for which Debentures are issued, with half-yearly 1n- tereah (roupons attached. Execute“ and Trustees are authorized by law L'o invest in the Debentures of this Company. The Capital and Aqretn of the Company beim,r pledged for money thus ' eived, depositors an an all times assured of purine my. Adv m a made on llealri‘lstaï¬ejut current rater: and on tavembie conditions-1 as to re-payment. Mon- gaffes and Mnnh-ipa] Debentures purchased. thnl s: y cure I do not mean merely to stop them for I time and than have them return again. I mean a Halo.) cum. I have made the disease ofFITS, EPILEPSY orFALL- ING SIOKNESSa lira-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure tha worst case». Because others have failed In no reason for not now recelvlng a. cure. Send At once for Q treating and a Free Boflle of my Infallible remedy. 0". Express and Pull omca. It conu you nothing for a "Id. End I will cure you. Addmsa DR. H. G. BOOT, ï¬i‘ï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚ï¬hï¬, ‘3'7’Yhï¬ï¬zé'sftl‘fldrnnto. v wmuug Vulllwfl‘l: uuuuLnn m,“ mm... Factory: 407 King St. w., TOR ONTo. SOLD (is ALL “AIRWAY TRAINS. Wholesale through IRA CUNNWALL & 00., 105! St. James Street, Montreal. 23 ADELAIDE ST. .TéRONTo. “mmnmm...mm~ .. . ABSOLUTELY WRE FROM SELECT FRUIT- SOLD EVERYWHERE J. HERBERT ‘W ‘ï¬ï¬‚‘t “numerim' hirer»an FINE GOLD [XIka TRUE fRUlTS INCORPORATED, AD. 1855. A HUME COMPANY. $3,500,000 2.300.000 1 . 130,000 0.3» 1,015 Toronto. been