HOME. Seeding operations are progressing rapidly in Southern Manitoba. Scientiï¬c men of Ottawa. are prsssing the hvernment to give better accommodation to the Geological Museum. Colonel lhy, ex»M. I’. for Annapolis, has been appointed a. member of the N. S. Legislative Council. A requestghas been sent to Sir A. 1’. (Parr on to hold the military review at Quebec on the occasion of the Queen’s jubilee. An enquiry will be shortly made in the House of Commons as to the cost of the horses purchased in Canada for the English army, taking losses into account. The Dominion Government is said to have deï¬nite information that the Canadian l'ucif- i0 railway will have a line of steamers sail- ing on the Paciï¬c during the present year. Medals and diplomas have been granted by the Colonial Exhibition Commissioners to a number of Canadians who assisted in organizing the Canadian exhibit by loaning Works of art. The report published in English news- papers the other morning that a. Canadian loan of ï¬fty million dollars would shortly be floated is ofï¬cially denied by the Dominik!) Government. Indians in the Quebec district have their hands full just now making baskets and beadwork for the exhibitions to be held this year at Sziltaire and Manchester, England, in honor of the Queen’s Jubilee. Mr. \Vylde, the Canadian Commissioner now in the \Vest Indies endeavouring to promote closer trade relations with the Do- minion, writes encouraging reports of suc- cess to the Finance Department. Dr. Geo. M. Dawson, son of Sir William Dawson, will have charge of the Yukon Valley expedition which is to exploit the gold deposits of that district and try and deï¬ne the unsettled boundary of British Columbia and Alaska. Hon. M r. Foster, as a result of his visit to the Pacific coast last year, has perfected a scheme for considerable permanent improve- ments to navigation in Canadian waters in that quarter, which will be carried into ef- fect during the coming season. Application has been made to the Quebec Legislature for an act Act of incorporation for a company to construct a railway around the Island of Montreal and an elevated mil« way from the centre of the city of Montreal to the summit of Mount Royal. About one hundred men will be required to ï¬ll vacancies in the North-\Vest Mounted Police caused by the retirement of time-ex pired men. Recruiting will be commenced almost immediately, and a sergeant will shortly begin ope, "unions in Toronto. The mlvisabilitv of using tlie(‘:1muliau l’a- The advisability of using the(‘:1mt<iiau Pa- ciï¬c railway as :L link in 2» direct postal mum to the East, by which zt great saving in time would be cifccmi, is understood tn be under consideration by the Imperial authorities, with every prospect of favourable decision. In reply to a deputation from the Humil- ton Ministerial Association and the l’rolii- bition (‘lnl>, the city liccnxe commissioners promised to mike a. reduction in the number of liqnm' licenses insuml, lmi refused to strich oil" the list ï¬fty license, holders who The M ssouri is still m’erspreading its lmnks. The punplu have, all taken refuge on the buttcs, in tree tops and hay stuclm. It is said that Lawton, the N v York broker, whn ubscondcd a few days .160 with nearly a million, married a, rich \ 'idow 1L few days before his departure. Chicago vcswl owners are almost crazy over the revival of the lake carrying trade and the advance in heights. The outlook for next season was never more flattering. Edward \Vhelan, the twelfth known Vic~ tim of the lhlll'alo hotel fire, died the other night. All of the injured are doing well ex- cept, four, who amnot expected to recover. Larry Donovan, the Brooklyn Bridge juniper, announces that he will on May 8th jump the Niagara horseshoe falls and swim the Niagara falls rapids, covering a longer distance than was accmnplished by Kendall, the Boston pulicmnan. A correspondent at St. John, Dak., states that the reports of serious diiiicultica with the half-breeds in that settlement are with out foundation. The disputi, over the pay- munt of thos has been referred to the autho- rities at \Vashington, and the hulfAbrecds will abide by their decision. ad been convicted of violating: the law A boarding house at Bessemer, Michigan, was hurned the other morning, twenty-one miners sleeping in the second storey being imprisonei in the flames. Twelve were burned to death, their bodies being charred beyond recognition. The others escaped through the windows, several being serious- ly injured. Mr. Howard Vincent, M. P. for Centre Sheiï¬eltl, intends proposing that in conse- quc-ice of the Jubilee an addition should be made to the title of the Queen in compliment to the colonies, and suggests she shall be en» titled Queen of Great Britain, Ireland, Can- ada, Australia, South Africa and all the British Colonies, and Empress of India. FOREIGN The Bank of l‘lngland has reduced its rate of discount from 3.5 to 3 per cent. Li Hung Chang has given orders that railroads in China must be built by native Li Hung railroads in labor. John K. Pauli am cnt London. THE WEEK‘S NEWS. It; is semi-ofï¬cially denied in Paris that Russia has made overtures for an alliance with France. Veterinary Surgeon Matthews, of the Horse Guards, will shortly leave England for Canada to asslst Colonel Goldie in pur- chasing horses for the British army. (lone ‘le Stiletto, successor to Gencml (lene in the command of the Italian forces at Mm '(HVELll, has issued an order expelling all journalists from within the military lines. The pnlicemzm arrested in St. l’ctersburg on suspicion of being concerned in the plot to assassinate the Czar attempted to com- mit suicide and mortally wounded himself. A Servian paper announces the forming of an alliance between Austria. and Servia against Russia. If the latter makes war on either of the former both will take the ï¬eld. Among the numerous rumors in Berlin h‘oss, formerly a member of for Bolton, hanged himself in A M RR] (L are reports that the Grand Duke of Baden will be made King of Baden. and that Prince Bismarck will be created Duke of Lunenburg. Rumour has it that Prince Bismarck is forcing on a, quarrel between France and England over the Egyptian question for the purpose of coercing England into joining a. central European alliance. Three engineer studentships in her Majes- ty’s dockyards have been placed annually at the disposal of the Secretaries of State of the principal c )loniei. including the Domin. ion, by the British Admiralty. Eiglltyrï¬ve men were entombed in a colliery in South Wales last week, and it is feared 8.11 will perish, as the mouth of the tunnel by which escape was possxble is block~ ed by debris caused by the explosion. 'l‘he ninetieth anniversary of Emperor \Viiliam’s Birthday was celebrated last week with immense enthusiasm in Berlin, while banquets and receptions were given by the Herman ambassadors in London, Paris and Vienna. A riot has occurred in Tunis over the enforcement of a new municipzl law requir- ing the burial of the city’s dead within its limits. The Jews consider the law an in- terference with their creed and have closed 8.11 their places of business. rl‘he Workman of Cleveland, Ohio, some short time ago put the “ Lubor Problem†in the following terms, which are full of com- mon sense and evidently in accordance with the hard facts of the case :-â€" “ It is a. waste of time to rail at capitalists and monopolists; they are, like the wage- slzwe, creatures of the system they found. “'0 are responsible for that system as much as they, and they have only done as ninety- nine out of every hundred of us would have done if we had had the chance. They are no worse than the average man ; and should we put an end to the whole of them, the con- ditions would produce a new set fully as bad, if not worse, than the old one before a year had gone by. What we are after is to can struct a better system. The time has passed when mere destructive criticism is of any real value. It is easy to ï¬nd fault , the real need of the hour is constructive statesnurn- ship.†. ... . - u i 1-,, r x Yes, the need of the hour is “ constructive statesmanship,†and of that thereis precious little going. It is all very well to say that this, that and the other arrangement is wrong, that wealth is badly distributed, and that it is too bad that some should have so much while others can scarcely manage to live. But what are you going to do with it? Nine»tenths of all the employers of labor to-duy were at one time working-111011. It will he the same thing ï¬fty years hence. \Vhy did they cease to be what they were and become what they are? It is all nonsense to say that it wastheir “luck†ortheir roguery, or their unrighteousness. Perhaps they have received more than theirjust share. But how are you going to prevent it? Certainly not by adopting resolutions against capital or by passing laws which \Vlll fix a minimum of wages, make the three hooped keg have A ï¬ve hoops, and the ï¬ve cent loaf be sold for a penny. The bad workman and the good will never occupy a pecuniary level, and , never ought. The drunken sot who works I only th ee days in the week and spends all a his wages in the tavern, may rail at capitalâ€" ists and sober men as lonbr as he likes, but he’ll have to be a. hewer of wood and a drawer of Water to the end of the chapter ; and more than that, he ought to be, if he does not change his ways. \Vhen working,- nlen spend more for intoxicating drinks than they do for bread or clothes, they will continue to be the “ wage slaves †they complain they are. \Vhy not? The sober, industrious, skillful working-men are con- tinually rising, are the captains (*f indus- try, and in many cases the leaders of thought. And ought they not '.’ \Ve think they ought, and is quite sure that if many others took the same course as these have taken, they would be wonderfully dif- ferent from what they are today, and won- derfully better in every respect. The bar- room and the tobacco pipe muddle too many brains and empty too many pockets to make one wonder that things are as they are. N0 “’omlI-r They Should Wis]: to Get Married. Very many instances come to our know- ledge in which girls who have been brought ‘ up in allluence, and indulng in every lux» ury, ï¬nd themselves in reduced circum- stances, and compelled to earn their own living. To such poverty brings peculiar hardships. 1n the ï¬rst place it is extremely dillieult for them to obtain situations in which the compensation is suï¬icient to keep soul and v)mly together. The pride which has been instilled into their minds from early childhood has to be humbled. Stern necessity imposes upon them trials which it is hard to bear. A truthful account of the sufferings which many persons of this class have to undergo would read like a work of ï¬ction. Is it surprising, then, that we see young ladies of refinement and culture, whose pecuniary circumstances have become greatly changed, marrying men apparently but imperfectly qualiï¬ed to make their lives happy ‘.‘ It is common to hear such matches sneered at, and the remark is often made of some such girl, somewhat conteinptuously, K i 7 r U , - V bhe has married a home.’ \Ve do not say that such 1L basis of marriage augurs well for the happiness of the contracting parties ; but it may aï¬â€˜ord protection and comfort; and these, to an educated and proud young woman, are much. To us it has ceased to be a matter of wonder that such matches are, often made. Ill-assorted as they may be, thy are among the natural and inevitable consequences of our reckless modes of spoon- lation, which stake fortunes and the happi- ness of families on most precarious Chances. Fathers and sons may risk much ; for if ro- dueed in their circumstances they can “rough it†through the world; but we submit that it is incumbent on parents, as among the most imperative of duties, to make a. reasonable provision for their com» parativoly helpless daughters, which shall i not be subjected to the ordinary hazards of Safe. Sure, and Painless. \thtt a world of meaning this statement embodies. Just what you are looking for, is it not? Putnam’s Patinluss (30m Extrac- torvthc great sure-pop corn curer-wacts in this way. It makes no sore spots; safe, acts speedin and with certainty ; sure and mildly, without inflmning the parts ; pain- lessly. Do not be imposed upon by imita. tions or substitutes. The Labor Problem. The Federal Life Assurance Co’y. (Toronto Globe, March 5th, 1887.) The report of the Federal Life Assurance, of Hamilton, which appears in another colâ€" umn, should afford satisfaction to all who are interested in that company either as stock-holders or policyholders. To stock- holders it indicates such success in increas- ing the company’s business as must soon place a. satisfactory margin to their credit, and to policy-holders it indicates public conï¬dence in the company and a. successful future. That the Homuns plan, which is a. specialty with the Federal, is increasing in popularity as it becomes more widely known and better understood, is also indicated by the fact of the very rapid progress made by the company. A new businees in excess of three and a quarter millions at its early age is truly marvellous. It is claimed by the Federal that no system practiced by any other company doing business in Canada gives guaranteed insurance at so low a. cost. YOITNG HEN auflering from the eflects 0! early evil habits, the result 0! ignorance and lolly, who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Mn)- Du-mlb and OLD MEN who are broken down from the efl'ects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced lite tea] the consequences 0! youthful excess, send for and an!) M. V. Lubou’s Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on reesi t 01 two 30. stamps, Address M. V. LUBON, 47 We ling- ioï¬ St. E. To‘mnto Ont. l-‘A : Very interesting: 80-}ng book on Dorm V mess, Noises in the Head, (ho. How relieved. Sent free. AddresHNlCHOLSL 177 MCDOUg‘RH 513,, NewYork. MONEY 6 "Toï¬mili EKEST YEARLY . â€"no commission ; Mortgages purchased. R, H. TEMPLE. 23 Toronto Street, vâ€"â€"_ ____ .â€" or Female, whole or spare time, on aalnry or commis- sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 45 Arcade. Toronto 10R SALEr SEVERAL FIRST -CLASS 1M» l’RUVEl) FARMS for salciin the County of Ex; ex (called the garden of Canada); (Hwy terms of pnynmnt. C. G. MAKTFV Loan' t n H I] BOILER l NSPICITTION and Insurance Company of Canada. (‘HNSI‘LTING ENGINEERS, TORONTO. G. (T. Rmm, Chief Engineer. A. FR ' R, Sec’y-Treus. PROPER A Canada, the US. and all foreign countrirs. Engineers, Pa- tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Causes. Estab- lished 1567. Donald (1. llldou! w (‘0., Toronto. BARPET SWEEPERSRlEmE‘m ingllar-hines 2 kinds; Clothes Wringers, 10 kinds. Chums, Mth Choppers, Tl‘uoks, and other sundries. HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL W01th (10., Hamilton, Canada. Send for articles wanted, or Illustrated Catalogue SPDDNER’S GUPPERINE "“â€"’“‘ ï¬brous Antivfric- Lion Box-mmle for journal luuariugx in machinery? Guaranteed copper mi xwi, supplies m ('ry req uirvuwnt. Ask ponrhurdwure dealcrforib. ALUNJCU W. SPOON- Ell, J'dtcntee :uld Mamlfacturer, Port Hope, lint. (DN‘T READ THIS unless You want, (0 make ] mom-y. Tint FIRESIDE W mm is the only story paper in Canada, and («in uliIlS thehi'iqhtest and host stories of any paper publisth l’ritsc, wich greatmusicpremium,L peryuar. Secure theagenoy for your districn. Agents lihumily dealt with Send for f "unple copies and ternm. Mention this vapor. Add THE P‘Iiliih‘llfl‘l WEEKLY, 20' mid is CO}- home, St: wt, Torunto, (ms (V tlï¬llll’ll Buniurss (allege, Guelph, 01m, 1 I T\\’01VOSts‘.tus I m" l’rm‘im w; already represent- ed on the roll of Luis lnstiblmun. To Lhurougzh, practical instruction, and the cfliiiency and h'um‘OSd of its maximums, this College owes its popularity. Circulars, giving terms, 0,150., mailed free. Addrew, M. MAL‘CURMYCK, PI'IISUIVAL ‘1! (‘AIHB H'AQ'K S B) Mail ~1’ACK- (\f one dozen beam )11)‘ assorted J‘liwter or hmde (Umls. at 100, 1:3 . 0, 50V, 750, and $1 (-3011 puvm‘t' also silk-fringed pavkets, 6 in a packet, at bllv, and $2 pier pzu-kvt; ms}; to zu-(mnyzm) order. A down mva of a kind, ‘30 per cent afli Matthews Iii-m. .‘x (‘0 H‘stuge S gig: Who; 0 Wonk, ervous and (-x- mum†lxau>:1-c«i ; who foe] themselves los- ing strength ', who are pale, delicate and six v 11 up pom'mwu, sum-ring: from Lhi- many complniuts paw-ul- iur In wmm-n new! for and n‘ml M. \I LUBUN’S 'l‘roullm in 1mm 1mm rm me Insvzlsos of \Vunwn. Mailmi scaled and swnrc from ()hscl‘vntmn on n-cmpn of ($0, in slumps, mmnhm» rum" Addrms, VI V. IAI‘IHDN. 47 Wullinuwm St. East ‘nrnnlo. 0 I. Toronto. “x vuznim EVERY b “'llli'l‘lll! Nor; where 101' " thing 4‘ r V‘orth‘." Bill“ I" .Iom-s’ an Book rrrrr A 591105 or llluh‘llless‘ surmona Collected and mitt-d under the author‘s own slipf‘rvisim), with an unmlAngraphiml slum-h of the grout Southern Evangexist; 305011110115, all .)U\V ; full page engravings, and a steel plate pm» Limit of tho allthm'. Renzmnher, this huok is only 501d by suhw: .gndon, through authorized agents. \VthlAM BRIGGS, puhlishur, Toronto, Ont. ’ 5) ~ ATHENS Ii‘l‘ELllllNT LAND FURSALE. 717.») Lotv, (ion. 23, I‘h'UllllVl‘d)‘,h]il1(l1(’<(\(11)‘ ; «lay 1mm); 10!] ar-res clear; good frame lmill'linga, orchard, spring (-reok, grzu‘cl road Ll; miles to l’ark- hill Town ; price $31,001), 51,000 down, lmlunt-c 1: per vent. in liuru bargain ; immediate FUSHOSH‘lOH. iota" I31, :{5,,(‘(m. ‘ 501191 Durham a, Grey Cm ; 20 norms «'lcnr; 51,200, f 100 AFR] Roml‘ Artvum ,_ "NU down, Inhuujgg per - VIII! llNll 0F STEAHSIIH'S. 7 Sailing: weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. limes 0F PASSAGE : "Naloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 3:30, and #300; Return Tickets, $80, $90 and 3100 Auovortlinu t!) szuner and accommodation. Inter- mediate and Steemge at lowest rates. For further particulan and to secure Bertha, apply to II. I}. MI'IKRAY. {it'llt‘l'fll Mamas: r. 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif‘ fcrcut Towns and Cities. _HIl-w . .‘ to name, and Lima)», If youhm‘e not. (Already received our (analogue, stud for it. OUR SEEDS GIVE __Snl' ‘f‘ flit)“ to all. They Ire Frush, true to name, and Cheap, All c1:sses of ï¬ne war}: -Bifr's.roifPrinter5' I“ Slugs and Metal Furniture. Semi for pm Cgunty 1110;113da. Address, FERRIS At (10., 87 Church St, Torguto. PATENT SOLICITORS. ROIHEEH‘ IN \\S .m 00.. Semi Merchants and du-owmw, Humilï¬on. ""hli'ifl. â€"â€"-i 23 ADELAIDE 5T. E..TORONTO. JUNE 19. 1885.â€"â€"For two years m3 wife’s health was run down. She was greatly emaciated and too weak to do anything for herself; she was given up by ï¬ve doctors, they all paamd the pinion that she could not. live. She ‘Imnrenced using Dr. Jug’a Medicine in ulecemher, 1884, and after mkhlg Hi): «yttles she was HO much improved that he would look miner herhousuhold dumea‘ l . M. Ronmcx, Eugixmcr, C. P. Ii , Wen? Toronto. lb Aoun on Morbgug‘e. ’l'rusc Iundu. Eon particulars apply to BKA'I‘TY, CHAD- wxcx, Bquxs'rocx 8; Gum. Toronto. l‘AGUART, London, (mt A. P. 3526 SEED GRAIN BABY'S BIRIHPAY; Hay, Stock, and Portable Plat- form Scales. BEST IN THE MARKET.â€W Every one Guaranteed. All St) leg of Trucks; Send for Illustrated Price List. OSBORNE & GU, - Sailing during wmter from Portland every Thurs day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and h: summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, vii Halifax and St, John’s, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers oi the Glas grow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during; sum» mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; G asgos and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information 3 ply u A. Schuniwher & (10., Baltimore; S. Cum. 8; 00. Halifax ; Shea & Co., St. John’s, N.F. ', Wm. Thou 1: son 81 00., St. John, N.B.; Allan&Co.,Chioago; Love & Alden, New York; H. Bouriier, Toronto Allans, Rae&Co., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadsl phia', H. A. Allen. Portland Boston Montreal. Allan Lina Royal Mail Steamships The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association in the world, desires active representa- tives in every Section of Canada. Liberal induce~ merits. It has in]! Government deposit, and under the supervision of Imlumice Depzn‘tment at Ottawa Correspondence{solicited, Adar-(ms, TheMutualReseweFund LEFE ASSOCIATION. WEEWEE‘Q WMWM MANUFACTURE ONLY FENE$T ï¬ï¬L‘WflRwWLflWï¬Q WARE, Artistic Mesigns, combined Wm!) unequalled murability and ï¬nish. IiAMILTOEV. OLN‘".I‘.£5. Ovenm of our Machines now in use, and no complaints. Prices and Terms to suicbuyers. Send rchoulhl SPRING PRE$$ BOX, WHITE OAK POSTS, AND IRON BRAGES. NINE 80L!) MEDALS FARMERï¬ & THRESRERS, I have apoflitn'vx'vnmdy101'lhvalmvmllscuso;b~ its usa thousands ufvasma of [he wuml kind 1m ‘ uflnng standing have been cured, Inlh‘i'lL Ru strum: in my mum“ Ill em('ucy,tbnt1 \vi'l New] '1 W0 BOTTLES FREE, together with a VALUAIXLE TREA'I‘ISE On this disease to In] luï¬erer. Give nxprosa and 1‘. 0. ndrlrmxa. DIL 'I‘. A. SLOI'UMY Branch om, 37" Yongo St, Toronto BHUPPNG MILLS ! STANDAR WATERUUS ENGlNE worms 00., ASSESSMENT SYSTEM Consumers will ï¬nd it to their advantage to ask the trade for our make of Files and Raaps. lie-(tuning a Specialty. Send (or price list and terms. A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card sent to any baby whom mother will send us ch. names of two'or more other babies. and their parents' Addresses Also a handsome Din.- mond Dye Sample Card to the mother and much valuable information. Wells. Richard-on a; 00., Montreal. Mnnntmmred at QU EEN c J. I). WEI-LS, Hamilton. R. SPENCE & 00., â€"â€"-WITH ALL THEâ€" L‘A. “1‘ 15 ï¬lm .ELL' Inn/1:52P R O V “E! MfE: N '1' s. USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN THAT yields over 100 hush. per acre. Cat- alogue free. JAS. 30"“. (‘0 dnrflrovl‘. OnE: We make a. Specialty of THE E. 8:; G. flURFéEY 89., TORONTO. General Manager. 65 King Slroelflnsl. Toronto Hamilton Scale En. STAN DARD SCALES. (9:3sz 12 inch. 20 inch. 30 inch, 42 inch), â€" u s I N G 2 Best French Burr Stones, All Styles of Improved - HAMILIUN, DNT. 0ntari0. I crrv on. WORKS by SAMUEL RDGERS & 00.. "TORONTO~ Have ) een awarded it during be last four years. Try also PEER Lï¬ss AX LE GREASE for your Wagons and Horse Powers. no BETTER ' Tha Snow Drm. Baking Powder 00.. Braumord, Ont THERE IS g Samples on application Blind, Bleeding, and itching PI effectually cured by th. Medical Pile Remedy. l Thouaands of suï¬erers can testifyto the permanent relief from these internal and eqternal Remedies. $1.00 per package. Ask your druggiat (or it, or will be sent by mail, postage paid. HUGH MILLER 85 00., 167 King St. East, Toronto. I @AUSAGE Gag NEW SHIPMENT from ENGLAND Ex»Steamship " Norwegian.†LOWEST PRICES TO THE TRADE. We are sole agents in Canada for Mclimvm’s CELEBRATE!) SHEEP CASXNGB. Write for quotations. JAMES PARK 81. SON, Toronto. The, Mills m‘v exceedingly simple; any one with / ommon sense can run them sm'cessfully. Toronto Silver P1otoGo., SILVER PLATED WARES. STEEL KNIVES, SPGONS. FORKS, ETC., A SPECIALTY. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. MANUFACTURERS. M . STAUNTON & 00., ,mples on application. TORONTO, ONT Eiaï¬hï¬ï¬‚ï¬ihï¬, '3‘7'Yi1hï¬gé'8tig'Tdrunm. Men I sky cure I do not. mean merely to amp them for a “me and then have them return aguln. I mean a ndlcd cure. [have made the (“lease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SIOKNEESE lire-long study. I warrant my remady to cure the worn cuea, Because others have failed In no reason {or not now rece1vl11g a cure. Send at Once for . Ireniae And a Free Bottle 01 my infallible remedy. Gin Expreu and Post (mice. It costs you nothing {or A kid, ind I will cure you. Address DB. H. . BOOT, 6 RE FTS! Wholesale through llCA CORNWALL & 00., 162 St. James Street, Montreal. With and Without Elevator At- tachment, as Shown in Out. \V‘iLh Elevator one 1mm 0an attend to mill and rind 10 to 3.": hushuls per hour, depemling on power size of mill, and degree of ï¬neness meal is ground. Used in thesc mills, :ch acknowlmlgod by all the M551, grinders in the world. Send in orders early, as our season‘s output is rapidly going. 50L“ ON ALL lLlIIJVAY TRAINS. Manufacturers of the highest grades of TORONTO OANAOA. FRENCH BURR STUNES, Brantford, Canada, and St. Paul, Ilium, II. S. A.