' ‘5‘HURSDAY Clmnkful Sor the f3:Y\,“.‘h of the past ‘10 yuan: may stillbe consultedin any branch Of the pro- (- 053101), as follows : 41211-0111. 1st. 8th, 11‘ =11. and 22nd of each month Richnmnfl Hï¬l... .. .nm and 24th ï¬n. ’n L the Palmer House) A ’IH'E LiBERAL PMNTWG 61; PUBLISHiNG HGUSE {HORMONE} HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. Dammit,q xv vcd M mtm'ostnikm‘od thereon .u; (‘1 Tent ’ Mes. N» mutiau nl‘ Withdrawal vfxlu'ired. Drafts on all unis uf Canada, United Statesand (“r U, Brim" , bought and Fold. Riclnnanafl EH EH. Best ï¬tting Teethmmlu. Nuthinq int m‘m' in thener U61)§istty. Prices low and Vitalizcd Air used {my mum. an s mHTvi") .4 Mint]: 9mm v'mtm'im M; 1‘1101‘1 will, Vmwlhrifte: "Icitxhnrï¬. n )‘Jletml Mminlist Tornnï¬o ‘L‘uaivvw‘w ervhm (‘0 Physician? (Y Sm'ynnml. waufln‘tu of Stouï¬vi ‘ Yougo Stmet. Rivhlmmd 31in}. Who 1101 to 10 a. 111., Sto 81>.nx Richmond Hill Ofï¬ceâ€"~Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. J‘ngnto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers, No.15 Toronto Street. 111 mem .‘(xttu NPXt,d<)n1‘t0 Ln: 51‘" ‘ FEES MODERATE mamawtvz '5. ‘X‘i‘ifimï¬â€™ï¬'fld‘ KEEKA 4? @Znirhrs, Gk mks, \‘italizmi I’REï¬IDENT, DAVID BLAH†WJE-PRESLTDENT, SAMUEL 'E'EEES. DIRECTORS '30 (‘x‘E'XKS Benn“ (033%)“ é‘v’IUNE‘l’ TO LOAN AT {GK/VEST CURRENT RATES A. G. 1“. LAWRENCE. Dr» JEIHM‘H Langmuwv, )HCHMUND HELL, ONT. Allnight ccflis a‘tfron’c dour b913, (mm 10 am Eaixal Egg}: cf {imam I Br. (in; I? zap-Mu u" mtg-3017.111 0.11100 hours: 6 m E! Flulcmom, (300K 43: Miner, BABI-‘JSTEHS, SOLICITORS, K'a ‘I-‘FICES: 18 KING Shun Richmond mm P. 0. IZV '1‘ :“,\FT. Tnnox’ro‘ 5i uurdny. v GA S 2'03 )ZH‘: Barristers. Stiicitors Convcmncers 8m , i J ! Mid)" F0}: LJWS†Auto: n Ont :mh (“Mimi C‘mnhg. Si’EC'I‘ACLES .7011 BY CRY SIGHT. Id SPIKE", fivw At C0“, LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. VOL. IX. J S Fullw‘ttou, “his 1m ' Zlonu “L ‘ BUSINESS CARDS. °‘ {Film mm †VI £9553 Six-{n asklin .E . A Ha?! wows: L35" PMVATE F‘L >5: TO N JAMES M. ‘LAW’RENCE, Man n‘ger. EMTOR anti PFJMPREE1 Mzmuizwturors mum's ................ , Walker Hon do. do .. 0 “.il' 5L1 Yaw rm hand at mmm‘nfments l ’ like achm‘m I Yroiunain. per annum, in advance.] A A. A EILEEN. flasher. Richmond Hill Branch. fl [’UBLIS D EVER"? Dr. ‘W’. J. “Brahman. , “f. 1’. .. ‘ C. B. In Howard, Dan AL Robinson. Erninl Sm ‘ um," 210'foArmldflii‘(Â¥} mser "Will! 1: SURGEON DE ‘ Wedirnl. ié'ipm *4 ‘1‘. Ag: L 'l imxush AT \V (100} P x ‘93 L‘ [(‘E .181}; 20th 11cm, §ilhrrmmr EVENING T. C. MILLIG-AN. pm'ters of 0 hour J. 1L Miller 10. :10. ï¬x). do. do. do to be made. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something 01' great; value and importanvo to you, 1,11 at will start vou in business which will bring you in more moan right away than any- thing else in tho wm'ld. Any one can do the work and live zit home. Eithur HCX ; all ages. Something new, that just COillS nmney for workers. We will start you ; Capitle not needed. This is one of the genuine, innmrmnt chances; of a. lifetime. Those who m‘cmnbitimm and enter~ prising Will not delay. (h'mul uniilt Ad dies TRUE &‘.Io. Augustdwine Jan 13-1312 ï¬n mm: reï¬t-ted the nlmve P. ouse and furnishâ€" ml it in ï¬rstw‘ass Mylo, I inn propuer to give the puhlk- the best 0‘ newunnodutmn. Excellent stzlhljug mu tuntivc hustlers, Sample Rooms for r'mnnlm' 2] travellers. A good livery in con- 11 Linn. Te ms H1 nor a: Tmuueut accommodation for the travelling pubhm l'irst~c1uss TR" H}\ , tr‘flAnctinneor fm‘ tho (‘nnvtv 0f" Vm'k.roâ€" mu}: smir'ih: mer vnimnnwn and friendly inimrmtn. Sale."- Mf andml (m the thrtost notice saw at, rousoxmbharu‘wa 1‘. 0. Addre F Init‘mlsafl Auctioneer for the County of Y0) Def-inn]! solivits "OUT puimmwo ï¬nd frionflly Hum-mm. sale: attended on HIP Shol‘tPFt notice and :u‘ reasonqu mtg-s. P, O,m1(1ress, King. Lwcnsed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticem‘nd at reu- 25170 rates. Afldrc Stouflwlle 1‘. 0 ivory accommodation to guests. Board, $1.00 per day J?! x . Lox-um Monev M 5. mm U warps-1m per mmnm. Mo‘ctpz:w'~s.T1ifc nnd Endowment Assurance Poli- mï¬m bmuzhtut hiql’xvstmxh prmwk Nntes (rushed. (3 to :« )Hu‘ cont. smsmcd fm- pursmm hfl\’i1)§,’lll(\llcy tn invest, 14‘()r]xm'tacuhui4 enquire at. this 011106 Liv who! Auctinnonr f(\\' the (‘mmties of York (mm 0 and Peal. Grands 30111011 consiginment. Gene, 2] sales of stock, 0,th promptly attended to [Cu reasonable rm 1’. 0. m] are ( I am now prepared to tin all kinds of work in my ï¬lm Harsassmeing Ii: Spedaalï¬y. Repairing promptly done. Agricultural 1m 1310111011er neatly repaired. Put- tersons’ l’lows and I’luw Points a1â€" wzws on hand. {UM EJQTES 4",, @éflwztif THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bum. Brillingor. Proprietor. Flumrnl Furnishings Always on "and MESS mm BMMER NEW BWKSWH ‘ ’rmmzi the 1111-10 for trotting horses. Good stabl- ing, Termsmmlemte. lasncr of Marriage Licensos (Tcunty of York Ofï¬ce '80 Jm‘vis street. Toronto. Is prepared to receive pupils, and will give Mtlsic Lessons as formerly. 'sm‘dormkers & Embnlmors, BLACKSMITHING BUSINESS J. J. CAMERON. flflmam 38 KING STl‘Jll-ZT 1: 'T. TORONTO VELLOBE, WRIGHT BROS, “KW. CE E L E‘, Proprietor. James 1". makes. Sale“! Et'kzn‘dt 'éfliiï¬vrllmwwï¬. NJ. Armmrong H (wing purchased the (I. R. 'I‘ENC“. From ML'H. Franks, E TRACIS S. M . Ekmnvu. CLI’Qgc'éiflmmtc/ @“ Box 91}. VICTORIA SQI’ARE Wanna. RECHMOND HILL, THURSDAY, APRIL 7. 1887 [72. Essentials, Unity; in Non-Essentials,Liberty; in all things, Charity.†U XIONVILTAE IV CLASS Livvie McNeil, John Ks (fer, Katie M urphy. SENIOR 111 May Cmnston, Lulu Slmuk, Amelia Skunk. A 1 CLASS \Valker Hall, Phwbe Sonles, Grant Cuoper, Carrie Wilson. True bills have been found by the Grand Jury against Hood, Malcolm and Lam), of the township of Markham, in connection with the late Dominion Elect- iun in East York. The ï¬rst named was committed for bribing pn behalf of Alfred B-mltbee5 the last two Ear conspiring a- gainst the former. When Hood’s case was broughbmefore the pelvit jurors they disagreed. The trial aquinss Malcolm and Lam) Wlll probably be postpuncd. \Vest’s \Vorld’s \Vonder acts Iike magic in all cases of rhemnafism, nelu'Mgia, burns, bruises, cuts and wounds. All druugists. SENIOR J UNIOR Lottie Hopper, C. Hutchinson, Julia. Lynett, Efï¬e Benson, Florence Moodie, Jno. Hutchinson. } Maggie Ansley. Ella, McConnell. M. WILEY, Teacher. CLASS I OLA-SS 11 Lorney Morris, Sam Williams, \Villie Davis, Freddie Harrison, Rose Law. David \Villiams. 4TH CLASS Geo Newbery, Bella. Gibson, Anny Nevw bery. 3RD J UNI ,1: Birdie Donell, Jennie Gorman, \Vm Carson. SENIIIR I'.’ Hem-y Bailey, Emily Line, Edith Campbell. A fatal accident uccnxred near Elora on the lst of April. A man was driving ahurse near the R. R. track, when the animal became unmanageable 5nd jump- ed 01) a fith car whiie the train was going ten miles an hour. The horse was unin- jured. bus the driver. who was dragged among the wheels, received injuries from which he has since died . SENIOR III Florence 'l‘yrrell Everett. LAW. LOUIS Harrison. CLASS I Lorney Morris, \Villie Davis, Rose Law. Efforts are being made to induce Mr., O’Brien, editor of the United Ireland, to come to Canada, and deliver a course of lectures, in reference to Lord Lansdowne as an Irish Landlord. Hon. Mr. Mowat announced in the Legislature last Friday afternoon that a measure giving manhood suffrage will be introduced in time for the next; Provincial Elections. ln Mr. Balfour’s bill in the Ontario Legislature to amend the law of libel, the plitllltllr in all actions for libel in news- pal ers shall be required to prove either actual malice or culpable negligence in the publication of the matter complained of, except in cases where special damages are claimed. A petition has been filed against Sir Juth A. Macdonuld, asking that his re- cent, election in Kingstun be declared void, and also that he be declared ineli- gible to sit in the House of Commons for the term of seven years, as provided’ by the not. This is the ï¬rst. petition ï¬led in Ontario in connection with the late Do- minion Elections. Three men were hanged last Thursday who were concerned in the attempt to as- sussilmte the Czar of Russia on the 18th of March. Another attempt baa since been made on his life. FOR THE MONTH OF MARCH RICHMOND HILL School Reports NEWS ITEMS. JUNIOR B Albert Burton, Jennie Wilev, Levi \Villiams. T. M. RUTHERFORD Teacher. A . M CLAUG liLAN , Teacher. I ,1: 2ND CLASS I, Edith German, an, Lomie Mortszm, Jas Gamble J. C. RUTHERFORD Teacher. J EFFERSUN VELLORE A 2 CLASS ~ Wilber Skeele, George Suns, John Fulcnnbridge, \Villie DutsmL E. A. Smmaau, Principal [ JUNIOR A ,1 Ethel Switzer John McKenzie, l. Edith Switzer. MAPLE J. 03101:le Teacher. JUNIOR IV Tom Jackson, Ella Powers, Colin C:u.prell. JUNIOR III Olive MuMuHin, James Kefl'ur, Bert Jackson. John McDonald, Lizzie Robson, Florence Julian. 3RD SENIOR. Harry (imnble, Frank Legue, Ernest Joyce. SENIOR III 'l‘orpid liver, the cause of untold suffer- ing and misery, restored to its normal condition by the use of West’s Liver Pills Also cure cnstiveness, constipation and dyspepsia. Alldi‘uggists. Your readers interested will recollect that last year the Vaughan Council pass- ed a. By»Law to allow the ratepayers and others residing on the let 0011.. to ex- pend one half of their statute labor in building: a foot-path, or sidewalk. on Yonge Street. Some time previous, I understand, a By-Law for the same pur pose was passed by Markham Co’nncil. These By-Luws were passed in compli- ance with applications made from time to time by thuayers interested, . and the reason why the work was not proceeded with last year was because nearly all the statute labor had been expended before the Vaughan By-Law had been uassed. Now, 511', soon mlr Path-masters for the present your will be appointed, and if the work is to be proceeded with this yezu, Lhe respective Path-masters would (in well to proceed with all convenient speed so have, the preliminary arrange- ments made. You know, Sir, that Yonge Street is under the jurisdiction of the Cuunty Council, but. by their lSy-Law N0. 439 authority is given, umlei‘ certain conditions. for the censtruminn of sido~ walks 0r foot-baths on tln-ir z‘uads, one of the cnnditinns being that all sidewalks so constructed must be clone to the antis- faction of the Superinbendanb of York Roads. JUN III Jennie McKinnon, zEmilins \Vilsun, Eddie McDonald. CLASS IV SR. Nunn, Minnie, Clll‘fï¬, James, Russ, Lillie, CLASS III SR Stewart, Robert, Burrows, \Vm., Bentley, John. From our own Correspondent. There was a circus and free exhibition in town last week. An old and irascihle bovine was sold for exportation. The seller having to deliver the goods, hired a brave butcher for that purpose, prom- ising to see him safely past Tommy Mutton’s. The procemion had barely started, when Ed. Morris, who ran ahead to open the gate, pulled from his pocket 9. rod kerchief, and was in the act of blowing his nasal organ when the animal broke away from his escort and charged for ELL, who, in a twinkling, climbed a tree. Then the fun comn’mnCed. Hurry Mann yelled “Fire†as he rem to the burn, where he hid in the chaff l‘OUmï¬qu looked out through a crack in the side. The brave butcher sent Johnny Brown to call out the rlfle club. Johnny soon came back, however, and said “It couldn’t come just yet,a.s it h-ul gone for a drink.†MM. Menley closed her front shutters and let down the blinds, and all parties hud reached places of safety, when they were again startled by a terrific howl. Ed. Morris’ perch 11nd giVen away. anal in falling his clothes had caught on 22. limb, and there he hung dangling in the air, until Geo. himself crawled from un- der the burn, “herr he had taken refuge, and rescued him from his perilous posit- ion. h'leuntime the rifle club had return- To the Editor of THE LIBERAL MR. EDITORâ€"Is there a prospect of a sidewalk being made this year on Yonge Street between Richmond Hill and Thornhill 2 CLASS II‘ Stewart, John, Butt, Katie, Badger, Bud. Average attendance for Januaryâ€"51.3. “ “ Feb’yâ€"54.95. “ “ , Marchâ€"62.3. “ “ ï¬rst quarter of A sidewalk on Yongc Sl‘roet has ‘been long: talked of‘ and it is admitle on all hands that such would be 2L :xrmin conven- ience, particularly in spring and fall, to those living on Yonge Strum-t, Surely no reasonable Objection can be raised to It, and now let our “ DIM) of Léght and Leading †move themselves to have this, another reform, carried out. Yours, Annots. The lame, the halt, the rheumatic, all sing the praises of West’s World’s \Von» der. Try one bottle and you will never use any other liniment. 250. and 500. All druggists. Richmond Hi1], April 5th, 1887. Sidewalks on Yonge St. Newton Brook SPRINGHILL. T. MCCORM ACK, Teacher; 1887456516. J. T. SAIGEON, Teacher. CLASS IV JR Saigeon, Ida, Austin, James, Ross, Eddie, McDu well,.Jessie. ELASS III JR Norman, May, Quinlan, VVm., Pinkerton, \Vilkie. Lillie Robson, ' Rose Miller, Flora McDonald. II CLASS After roll the members adjom'ued to ihe Lorne Hall and entered with great spirit into the hose contest, and consider- able better time was made 'thzm last month. The Viilngn Council mvt in Lhe CJHHCil Chanfner (m 'l‘uonday evening, April 5th. Numbers {wasunh D’I(*Ss1‘s.l)ngsfley(Reeve) Sanderson. Savage, Grahy and Hall. The have in the chair. Minutns m“ Lamoting held on February 2551] read and approved. John Innes and Michael Brillinger were proposed by Fireman Wiisun and Firean Gluvcr respectively, to be ballot; ad for at next. meeting to become- mem- bers of thi» Bl ’uade. Moved by Fireman Br0\vnlee,sec<mded by Liam. \Vihmx, tho}. the quesxfiun of uniforms be laid over for an indeï¬nite perindAâ€"va'ricd. The regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade was held in the Council Chamber on Friday evening, April lst. Cap. Pugsley in the chair. Minutes of last regular meeting read and conï¬rmed. Moved by Foreman Redditt, seconded by Fireman Mchnughy. that communi- cation be laid over fur consideration and Sec’y reply to that effectâ€"Carrier]. The follnwim: uccnnnts were Mud/From Mr. Singictun fur shuvelling snow SOCts. 'i‘hn teem, aid to trumps 534.25}. The Clerk 50m '. W. Cooper, Duncan McKenzie, W. S. Snider, Alex. Comisky, candidates for admittance into the Brigade, were then hallntted for. The chairman appointed Foreman Redditt and Fireman Sheppard scrutineers, and Fireman Brownlea and Lient. \Vilson distributors of ballots. Lieut. \Vilson moved, seconded by Foreman Savage, that the S'ec’y be in- structed to reply, declining the invitation with thanks.â€"Carried. The matter relating to Fireman Ed. Snider was further laid over for a month. On motion of Mr. Truly, seclnu'ied by Mr. Sanderson the bills were oz'xiumd to be paid, The Clerk rend replies from Mr. John Van Nm~.h‘z‘.,nd and Mr. Henry Mnmh in rvferonco to a, supply of plank and scant- 1mg. Mr. Savage, as chairman of and \Vater committee gave : .r coming the huso belonging (m : He said that a quantity uf the on hand was in a bad condm: which had been sent to Turn: ti would be sent back as um“ was only about 100 feet \Vllit'E culled good. Abrmt‘ZUO fwa He would recommend that. n procnrtsd at. once. The ntlwr concurred in Mr. Savagu’s m-r ing an outlay for hose. Even Japan and China du shock and erII \Vest’s Lim world’s best.†Livar cumle indigestion and {sick hum yleld to them. 30 pills 2'0. the world over. ed, formed four deep, and, headed by their band, marched down under com- mand of Capt. Buckle. Here an alter- cation took place, some wanting to ï¬re a volley, others to advance in skirmishing order. The foe, taking advantage of the dispute. charged them also, when they all precipitately fled, and, taking refuge- in farmer Ford’s hay-loft, kept up a. sputtering ï¬re until Mr. Rotelin, by some. means got a blanket on the bovine’s head. Thus secured he was led safely away. A communication was read by the Sec. from Dundas extending an invitation to this Brigade to visit that town on the 24th of ny, as the guests of the Dundas Brigade. The clerk stuth that Robert BI Hary hurl not paid his taxes, and mount had been forwarded tu the treasurer for collection Messrs. A. Coulter and S. Semi; x'uited on the cunncil in view of renting, {he Pub lic Park for the Young Canadim. increase “Nb for the coming season. ("53* ' asked that the rent he made as low M p ible. A discussion arose as to WMLHH‘I‘ the grand stand could be rented in rumm-ECMOII with the ground. It was exphimxl that it could not as it is still in the, hmzds of a separate committee. A committee, composed of Hw Reeve and B'lossrs. L Mame and Snw’imwm was appwinted m maku arrangmm‘m; «r rent- ing the Park, mm to acquain.‘ ‘ I'msse club in :1 few days“ ‘ On motion of councillor I? Fire and \Vutm‘ cummihmu Massrs. ‘s‘avnge, Hall and authorized to procure Um :11 my but, not to exceed 150 {L The ballots were passed for the respect- ive candidates, and found favorable in each case. I Cmnmunication from Orillia inviting Brigade'to take part in a tournmnent to be held in that town on June 213b, Fire Brigade Meeting. Village Council. [Single copies, 3 cts No. 41. (1k Mc- the a- county up in “the oepsia eadily lszgiï¬ts were AGCBSS‘ l the 1g of Fire con- zlicil. now Some npait “here d be fair. y be tillers avow-