Mmcuxxn s’ INsTI'vL‘TniLibrary of over 1000 volummnpen every Tuesd. V eveningdn the Maâ€" Bonio 1[:L)l,fmm ’7 to S u‘ch 11.111. Law, Libra. rimx. hanturos and discussmusperiodir'mhn Rtmnmxn IIILL CORNET BAND.â€"A1\1(’Cts for pvmztiru every Tuesday and Sutm‘day evening at 7300‘01mwk \V. Sheppme Lender A. O. U. \V.,Ivy Lodge, No. 11}, Meets in the Committee, room of the Masonic Hull ouch athonmtive Tuesday at S n’cInok p.111. 110nm ï¬czu'y wort iï¬cate given for 2,000 in case ofdonth J. Brownï¬ï¬uster Workman. B. Grcnnun. rec. R. '1‘. of Tempormxro, Richmond Hill Council, N “ Meetï¬ in Temperance liu‘llmnch nltor» mm vs Tuesday evening: ntHo’cMck p m. Bene- ï¬ciawv (*m‘tdfmutos issued tn male 01' fmnnle mcmlwrs for $1,000 01‘ in case ofdeuth 52.000, one 11:th nzLy-Lblc in case of disability. J. H. Sunder- son Sch b Councillors; J.A.E‘Sw:'tzerï¬ecording RIcmmND HILL TEMPLE, No 46? . Moots 171 the 'l‘omperamce Hull' every \chncsduy even at 7.39 o'clock. WmJIurrisnn '1'.1). Secretarv Axnmx'r ORDER 0'!" FommTERs»Court Rich- mnnd. \In. 704“ k. 0. F.. mocts in Lhc’l‘onmermwo Hall 0 V alternate Friduv at 7.30 1). D1.â€" A10; Coulto (L R. The \Icthmlist sabbath schnol'l‘cnmomncc As ancintion- issue ‘Medflu curds every Sunday when desired. Wm-Hmrimu sum VILLAGE COUNUln.â€"Rc' Wm. I’ugsloy, Conn- clllora, Messrs.Benj. Rodditt. W. 1). Powell, I’ G. Savage, and F.McConugh§n ()Icl k. M. 'J L‘cfv, RmHMOND LODGE, A. F. & A. M., No. 23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge rummMnsnnic Hull‘on the Mommy on or before full moon, at 8 o’clock p.111 1. Crmby, \V.1\I. ’ WEYRHE MW EN BRONZE LET'E‘E 5333. Ron D: CATHOLIC summonsâ€"Services in order It follows :Thm'nhil] m 9 m.m., and Richmond Hillah 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at. Rich- mond Hill {Lt .0 mm. and Thornhill at: 10:30:]..111. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor. CAUTEGN. 5 . will pay the abovxe ï¬ewerd Sm- any 0515’s of “Byzxpvspain, E 1. Gamplaint, she, Indigesï¬ 3 m‘ (1’ ottiveness m 3 1e, 53:", 03mg; 9 ï¬cxcrg alliblo Blood Pnriï¬m, Tunic, Dim'ociic 1/1 “ of Appeti’tr', Indiguutlvn, I)_\.‘\]\rv]\sin, ï¬llionenoss, Jmmdicv, Livm‘ Complaint. l‘hr-nnm‘tism, 1111 Kidnoy DisuaFr‘F,8010111151., Diwnsvs poculim‘ {o Fanning, Salt Jillcnm, 11. rnmmd all Skin Liscascs. Headache, ’n‘ ‘ futicn of 1110 Heart Sour Stomach and Heultlim‘n. I'm'wh'Vcno‘rnlrlo. JOHN C. “715 ' (S; (10,, Toronio Ont. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADArâ€"Sel‘vices M 1] o’clock a.1‘n.,a,nd6:30 ‘p.m. Prayer meeting on \lenesdayeveningut7130. Rev J. W. Cum- eron, Pastor. a now pmwuwl tn furnish ull .s with ompluvmx‘nt at home the \\ holeof the imp, m‘ 101‘ Ihvil‘ "pure, mnâ€" monts. Bu ness new, lightmm n1wa No. I’m :01} ‘ of eithm‘ sex easily [H1111 from .30 cents. 1,0 per evening, and a. prnpnrtionul mm: by devoting all their time to the business. 13053:: and {gh'lu cum nearly as much 1L2; men. ’J‘Ymt :111 who 909 this “12W sendLhciraddmss.M141 test the hnsi new, \w make fhia‘ (:l'fm‘: Tu such as am nut well satisï¬ed wowil] Howl 011mm]th to pay for the, Lmubh‘, of wrlting; Full partivulm'x mu] (mt- 1'1tt1'co. Address (ihluutdd S'J'JNSUN & L10†l’(u'L~ 1m’u1,;\[uino TIDE"! 31:; WBRKEHG ï¬lï¬3SE$ MYER- will pay the abovxe 5312133 rd Sm- any 0515’! of M'zxpcuain. Eaves, Gammath 'Iho undersignQO . otfullyintin'lates that he will eslxm't‘ nn‘m‘v his suwmxih from AIL 00’s switch to near ST. MARY s EPIRCOPAL ()HURoniâ€"Service nt :3 p.m., except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held ab 11 mm. SundaySchoolu.t1:30p.m Rev.W;Butos, Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p. 111.,and Sunday school, at 2.30 p. m. Young; people's pmyer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thurmluyevemng in the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. Leonard, Assist-mt. And WIH give his best attentiol‘ to any bills or unstmn sawing; be “my be {mum-d with. Meantime, :uwmm wmeng h 11;; snuff “‘illlhuch ubligo by sanding in m'dm‘s us 5mm n: possiblu While “‘0 are "dump; the timber. EACH ,1. .4 B‘amp' HENRY MARSH. KING P. o. ï¬ï¬â€™ifléï¬â€˜mï¬ Sailings flirectnm. ESTOIEJ} PLUG OF THE IS MARKED Societies. Churches. suns AND UVERUOATS. Spa-Mal Lines of Tmuaeringa A GOOD m GUARANTEED. The New Bee Hive, Opposite Lorne Block. Within this 111w), as everybody knows, They’re nlwayrz turning out ï¬ne suins of clothes Cumu tlwn and lmwe your enters. it will pnv, ("I gob full satisfaction"pis what you’ll alwnvs mv. RICHMOND THILL Have taken 11 thght and h [we settled in their new hiveâ€"the ï¬rst door north of Trouch’s Carriage Works. Having removed to new and commodious gum-t- ers, I am prepared to enter (m 6110 \Vinter Inmvaign with greatly improved fuelli- ties for turning out ATTENTEON. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own supervisr 1. I am also prepared to do all kinds “f black-r smithmg (b repairing in the most Work- manlike manner, on the shortest. notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Are-now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, 850. DBMS, SESH, MEWS, &G.. In connection with the factory. where cnsttnn sawing WIH be dmm. AH Work guzzmntevd and prices lllmlemte. RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th, 1886-3m. And all persons requiringr anything in mv Iinu muynlopcnd upon wm'kunmship ï¬rst-class in every respect. F1 EST-CLASS SAW-MILL can live at home. and make more money nt work for us. than at nnvv thing else 111 this wor‘ld‘ Capital not Headed : you are sttlned free. Both sexes ; all ages. Anv one can do the work. Lame (trump sure from ï¬rs Start. Costly outï¬t and terms f1 _ Bum-er not deluv, Curt. you nothing to hUHd u your address and ï¬nd nuc ; if you are \\'i:;u you will dc so at once. H. HALLETT & (30., Portland, Maine. PLATFORM . SPRING ‘MGDNS. Cutters, $1.85 I95 E‘BWEWE. RICHMOND HILL. -'--)0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-ï¬ve years, I begr to re- mind them and the genm‘al public, that having erectes‘ enfirely new and cum- modinus premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, ï¬elds are arm-ca, but those who wrih to ‘ Sunson A: Cnl. Portland, Mammwill Receive a free. full informrmmx aboul work which J ‘ Huey *nn (10‘ and live at bomenhat will pay 1 them from $5 lo :5 h per day. Some have mwr S ‘iu n (My Either s-ex, young or old. Capital :ml ‘ whovl. You m-osmrved r- us 'l‘luwc who Hm: M once are “usulululy sum of snug linle I'mtum's. All ls new. TRENCH’S ~CARRIAGE WORKS.- Horse - Shoeing Ilamlg bought the above-named mill and put; everything in Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of Ladies†ckeis a Specialty. lRUSX’ BIEE S Ahvays on hand. There is also a [‘1 Raï¬T-C LASS \1’0RK ! I“! MST-C LA SS ORDE I39 The above factory is situated on C. TREVETH‘ C. TREVETH Ll INNES & SUNS Paid special attention to. A full line of samples for Sleighs and \VM TRENCH’ Paoha is: a beautiful bny,.with while face, ,vonrx white foot, and is wry compactly built. T111»: stallion has an excellent pedigree. List of Applimtions 101' Tavern and Shop Liâ€" sten for the East Riding of ank, as received lnirthe Ins} ctpr, Jmmgs J'quzu‘dt‘gvf Unignvilier Robert Ash. beer and wine ; Wm. Brunsklll; 1m. Rates, D.B. Birrell, B. Brillinger, Catlmrim Button, Normth Burton. David lielrlnm, Henry A. Burrows. R. IL Crew. George Corï¬nld, Joseph J. Davies (0 months beer and wine), (1'1201'gel‘1111- pringhmn. Edwin C. Hall, Sumh Hackett, O. Hemingwm’John JermnrnflVm. lioeler, Jmnes Langston, James Lyon, C0111] A. McKinnon. .7023. Moon, Amne Milloy, David Muthors, John Palmer. F. G. Percy, \er Powell. Wm. Perry, M. O’Sullivtm, John Torrance, Tera ‘ I Wall. Wm. \VODdS. John Woblggn‘ Sl10p,Jo ’ ebilcock. A good rough-cast house, containing 7 rooms, is for sale 011 the corner of Arnold and Ehm'beth Streets, There is one-ï¬fth 05 am new of land, good 'weli and strflfle, and a quantity of {rum trees. 7 Apply to EAST 37(38RK ! Unionville, April 5th, 1887‘ These Spectacles and Eye (“113.3803 have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every in~ stance unbounded satisfaction. They are thé host in the world. They never tire, and last many years without change. For Sale by T. F. JUGJLUZHOJV’ RICHMON D HILL. Magma YmarSigm FRANK LAZARUS, Manufacturer. ‘28 Maryâ€" land Road, Harrow Road, London, England (late Lamp gs & Morris. Hal-flora, Con.) 5.2?"N0 connectibx with miy other ï¬rm in the Dominion of Cnnwda. F RAN K LAZARU S Speetwlewa Eye massage (3. P. LENNQX, DENTE‘IST, Arcade Buildings, 3001313 A. 86 B, Up-Stairs. FnIl partlculars may be ubtziined from the groom. Hesse & Lat mm Hus the exclusive right for the use Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without. pain, by means of ARTIFICIAL TEETH mm VITALIZED AIR ! 0N RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, â€" I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Géld Filling, and all other operations skilfully Rerfnrmed, egg moderate fees. Ca’f‘l Em}! see me. ' N0 trouble to an- swer questions. RECHMON D HILL. This pure-bred Clydesdale Smilion, the pro- perty of Mr. W. H. Stewart, Dawnsview, will stand at the THE PAOHA' ! PUBLISHER 0F “ LIBERAL.†RICHMOND HILL Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. DOMINION HOTEL (Late of the ï¬rm of Luzams 65 Morris) BEST SETS 312w Eiavettiï¬smwtï¬. BY WEARING THE ONLY For the Salmon of 1887. HENOVVNED JAMESJEUKARDT, Inspector East York ._OF__ OF JAS. MCDONALD, Map]? T1103. Com MEN 15th.1894.~1 1096mm, Richmond Hill â€" $10.00 of Edam L‘ Q a Ten from ‘25 cents unwards, ’5 lbs‘ for 5:. Sugar splendid value. ()atmea} 10 lbs. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND YARNS1 These goods are all of ï¬rst-class quality and very cheap. Cal] and examine them before purchasing. Also on hand T-zs pleasure in announcing; that he baa purchased a full line of the (mlehmï¬kd B LAWRENCE SPECTACLES 55 EYE GLASSES, and with d1.- :«Fgliilhcua and in Mtrunmnts at his command, can suit the most; difï¬culc cams of imp xired vision. Raymond Sewing Miadlhgeas, Eagle Steam Washers and Wiring; They can be sold at prices that should not fail to store WIth eagel‘p1,n“(:}h 5501‘s. A trial will convince you. DRESS GOODS, PRINTSx GINGHAMS, WINCEYS; TWEEDS,&C.. arc, Emits-3 Mad ~31 to Order- All who have almadv purchased are fully satisï¬ed Work. in: me a WIAH kinds nf product) when GROGEBIES, :EnisGUR 85 FEED. A lï¬awgg‘e 351“ka (2‘11 EVE?EEYNXWVETIKPB A-completc stock of “EM 1’ WW and ~liv»z‘r"uvi1\;{s. 5m 333$me from cents up. In a variety of dc gns. Mixed Paints ready fur me, in a!) CU]U!'S and Huldvs. Zoi‘: ï¬shes, and all “HWY malerm] fur pnin'rs. Paivr and ‘1'}?! 1:88. \vhxch I will sell at hutrnm 1; 11:13} Usual Stock of Pictuer I am prepared to take prodmce in exchnnue, at fmr markgt value. for one of the latest ihmrnnjvd and most durable Sewing Machine-,5 in the marka as a. large mun" her is nrepureï¬ to prove in Hm iunnadinte xwighbmhund.brsuhs xhe ery huge mm)" her of Muhls and First i’rizrs at Pravinciu} and nthur Pairs. such as Toronto, Rim;â€" treal, L'mdnn, Quubec. and at the \Vnrld’s Fair, Antwery, Huhinm. 211303. Diplmzm fur the hrxb work shnun in London, am] a to): mm." prize fur bust Specimen uf wmk at Markham Fair this year. Come Mung, and got, :2 bargain. AH orders by mail prmnptly attendnd to. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE! Sewing Machines m Suit the Times. HAR D TIMES 1N AIL S,Iâ€"IABDW. In cunnectiun with my stock of Grncories‘ &cA, I wiah 1.0 can your attention be a full assmtmcut of goods from the, \Voodstuuk \Voullun Mills, consisting of W ALL PA PE 533%. E R SH GROOEEIESQ ELQSE Pï¬gï¬ï¬‚ï¬ J. LUSH, Bichmemi SPECTACLES FROM 25 CENTS TO. £33.00 A B1. IR. R. E. LAW, ï¬mgjï¬m, b . 13 well su mhed with a hrn'e stock of I b Now is the time to buy a ï¬rst-class Light Running As the goods are bought : hiâ€" 4 u“. _: ...., Flour and Feed :xiwnys on hand. A17 {FLUCED PRICES. And all kinds 0! CONTIme G )1? â€"â€"-~CIIEAP GLAEBSVVAEE £3 CBOC 01's and FlHldb‘S. ivi‘m‘: and Raw OHS, Varn» “is. Paivr and Whitewash .Ernshes, a}! at hutrnm price. 11:13} and see. \VA 1 J L PAPE Iii REG, M L. t.“ with ï¬le W h‘iaL in exchangt' GEN)“ ’E‘RECNCH emnuthing new in Styles um?“ L‘MIOOIDIE way those nmï¬hi‘nes mu. f1 11 um