Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 14 Apr 1887, p. 2

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Swelleth th‘f glad, guy musicâ€"hark, what a burst of soun Sweepeth wild through the ball-room. The Earl gaz- eth eagerly around Where float the brightjorms of tha dancersâ€"youth ino flies to the door; One moment he stands on the threshold, then his mantle drops down to the floor, And allin an instant have faded the lights and the maskers away. Shudderinzly the peasant who hath witnessed the scenes doth pray. And the wild night wind through the treeâ€"tops wail- eth til! break of day. black aé night â€" ‘ Black as the angels of Satan, but she is robed all in white In and out Ehrouszh the waltz now so dreamin sweet they goâ€" W'hy dcith s‘Ihe seem to falter? Groweth her tootstep I ow Who is_ be; dark companion, the gloomy Black Dom- â€"â€"' While {villagers say)- ‘ The halls blaze again with light, and all in their bright array The host of, fantastic figures merrily holdeth its COOKING RECIPES. ONION POMADE.â€"Cut one onion into thin alices and stew them in butter, add a. pinch of flour with broth or water, season and stew them again, thicken with the yolks of eggs so as to make a. thin sauce. and beauty life there ; Some have rank, some tame and some fortune ;one like a jewel mre Shines in her golden setting of beauties tfint are less fair. Then is heard tfie wnq shriek of rm Alice; the Dom hate, All his features convulsingâ€"stands as a. terrible Fate. "Alice the false 2" he mutters, and, ' in sudden aflright. filfieketh and springs from the porch, the shadowy night With thq image of murdered Alice ever betore his 0 plunge in ad wiill éésenc: of éanilla, and they will be finer, but a little vinegar keeps them from sugaring. POTATO FRITTERs.â€"â€"Boil and peel six large potatoes or a dozen smaller ones; mash them well and add four well-beaten e s, a little cream r 1k, chopped‘pqrpley cgi es salt; end pe e ‘ and mix the whole together. Raise on the end of a. knife about a. teaspoonful of this paste and drop it into a pan of boiling lard or butter, when the paste will swell and form a light, round fritter. Gnyer yet the mad musicâ€"hark. is it not a moan Heard ’midst the orchestra‘s clamour, or is it some instrument grown Fullâ€"hegrt-tullâ€"of its sweetness, and yet; is unsatis- fie Ewing its soul in complaining in the maddening, sweet sound-tide ‘2 Or oometh the moan from the lips of Alice, his sweet young bride? Ynnished from earth are the maskers, and on the proud Earl’s lair lands, Wrapped in its gloomy grandeur, in ruins the castle stands. But om; night in each‘year all in splendor (for so do 'CHOCOLATE CARAMELs.â€"-One pint of an :1: dissolved in a. Wineglass of vinegar, hal a cup of butter, one cupful of grated chocolate boil until quite thick, put in buttered tins, and cut in squares when partly cooled. Instead of vinegar you can use water flavor- BREAST or LAMB A LA PERIGORD.â€"Trim & breast; of lamb, then fry for a. few minutes in a little oil, chopped parsley, chives and mushrooms, salt and pepper ; then put it with thin slices of veal ; cover the meat with thin slices of bacox; am} half a lemon, sliced; pour over it some broth and let it stew very ently. When done, skim the sauce, strain It, put the lamb into a. dish, pour the sauce over it and serve. Suddenly ceaseth the music, stifled by a terrible screamâ€" Was it the voice 0! his bride, or is it all a horrible dream? , No ; see the maskers ,Me thronging to where, on the oaken floor, Dieth the Lady Aliceâ€"never will she speak more : The Bléwk Domino, her companion, flies to the open our. r ’Tis hisrbrride, and_c)a,aping her cloaciy is A musket as EGG Emmaâ€"Beat four eggs very light and stir into a pint of sweet milk or sour milk, with a little soda in it ; mix in a. large spoonful of butter. Over a quart of sifted meal pour enough boiling water to scald it, stirring it to a stiff, smooth mass. Mix this into the milk, beat it well and bake it in a an or muffin ring. You can drop it in arge spoonfuls on abaking tin. It is better made with sweet‘milk than with sour milk. If the meal is good the best kind of egg bread is made by this recipe. More eggs can be added. Standeth he still in the portal, with agony, fear and EGG SNow.â€"~Put into asaucepan a pint of milk, two dessert spoonfuls of orange- flower Water and two ounces of sugar and letit boil. Take six eggs, separate the yolks from the Whites, beat the latter to a froth or snow (hence the name) and put it into the boiling milk by spoonfuls stir the whole about with a. skimmer. When done take the eggs out and dress them on the dish for servin . Thicken the milk over the fire with t e beaten yolks, pour this over the frothed eggs; let the Whole cool and serve. ALMOND SPONGE CAKEâ€"Twelve eggs, leave out the Whites of ei ht, threequarters of a pound of sugar, pow ered White sugar, two ounces of bitter almonds, half a pound of sifted flour ; blanch the almonds and roll like a paste ; while rolling the almonds wet them with rose water; blanch them by put- ting them in hot water, which will take the skin off; break the eggs into a bowl, beat them until light; add the sugar and beat; then beat the almonds in; add the flour, stir in lightly ; bake in a square an ; after it is done, ice on the bottom an cross the icing in squares. ‘ “My dear children,” said Deacon Bucrag, addressing the scholars,” “ can on tell why you come to Sunday school ?” “ ause our pas would wollop us if we didn’t,” promptly responded as small scholar. MABBURG LOAF CAKE.â€"Take two unds of flour, half 9. pound of butter rub ed in the flour, half a. pound of moist sugar. a few carraway seeds, three or four tablespoonfuls of yeast and of pint of milk made a. little warm. Mix all well together and let it stand an hour or two at the fire to rise; then beat it up with three eggs and ahalf a. pound of clean, dry currents. Put it in a. tin and bake two hours in a. moderate oven. The above is one of the many German loaf cakes, some of them only slightly sweetened light bread, with a. scarce sprinkling of sug- ar, cinnamon or raisins on the top. Yeast is a component part of these cakes. They are much known in Saxony. The Waltz of the Black Domino? sway. inc ‘1 sight. HOUSEHOLD. “ Don’t they 7 Mrs. Bowser, you can de- ceive the cook, for she is a confinding foreign- er, and you can stuff most any yarn down our poor little baby, but don’t try to bamâ€" boozle me. It won’t work. I’m glad for {our sake that my mother isn’t here to augh at you. ” All husbands find fault with their meals. I know this to be true, because Mr. Bowser says so. I think it nothing strange when Mr. Bowser sits down to his dinner and begins : “ Humph ! Same old corned beef I” “Yes, my dear; it’s the same cornd beef you ordered as you went down this morning.” . 'CICl-I u.n “ Well, here it is, and asrgood a. one as you ever ate ; I made it myself, after mother’s favorite recipe." “Mrs. Bowser, do you call that a; pump. kin pie ‘2” “ I do, sir.” “ Then I want to be branded a fool I What do you take me for, anyway? Don’t you suppose % was eating pumpkin pies be- fore you were born T" “ Why isn’t it a pumpkin pie ?” “ Why isn’t a. boot-leg a. boot? Where is youl; other cru‘st ‘2" In two days I had a. letter from his mother, affirming that there was no upper- crust to a pumpkin pie, and I brought my own mother over in the flesh as a. Iurther witness, but what did Mr. Bowser do but loudly exclaim : “ Bosh ? You old women have forgotten half you knew ! You are thinking about pu'dding and milk, you are. Of course there is no upper-crust to pudding and milk, and I nev’er said there was.” He cost me a good girl last week by one of his whims. I happened to wonder aloud during the evening if she had put her bread to raise when he prqmptly inquired : _ “ Mrs. Bowser, do you know why bread raises '2” “ Because of the yeast.” » ~ ' **** ' “ But why does the yeast expand the dough ‘1” “ Because it does.” “ Exactly. You also live because you do, and that’s all you know about it 1 You ought to be ashamed of your ignorance of natural philosophy. I’ll see if the girl knows any better.” He went out and inquired : “ J ane, have you put the bread to raise ?” “ Yes, sir.” “ Do you expect it to raise T” “ Of course. ’ “ Why dont’t you expect it to fall I” “ Are you running this kitchen '2” she sharply deinanded. l v “ But pumpkin pies never have an upper- crust.” “ Virtually, yes. My object is to see how well you are posted on natural philos- ophy. Why does the bread raise instead of fall ?” “Ohm is! Ididn't know but it was some I ordered a year ago ! What do you call these things?” “ Potatoes, of course.” “Potatoes, eh 1" I’ll try and remember that name. And what‘s this ‘2” “ Cabba. 9, my love.” “0h I didn’t know but what it was a. wood-pulp, my love 1 Was this bread made since the war 2’” “ Certainly. It is only two days old.” “ Humph ! Buying some poor coffee again, I see! Look at that} That stuff lfioks as if it was dipped out of 9. mud- ole!” V “ Because its a. fool, and I’m another for staying in a. place where a. man is allowed to hen-huzzy about the kitchen ! I’ll leave in thg m_01_‘ l’_’ O “ Bowser, you said you wanted some pugppvk innpie. ” He growls and eats, and eats and growls, and I’ve got used to it. It is only now and then that he proceeds to violence. The otheg day he expressed his fondness for pumpkin pie, and I ordered the cook to have two or three. We had one brought on at; supper, and as soon as Mr. Bowser saw it he aternly inquired : “Whét (15 you call that performanw there? When was it born, and where is it soipgfi .q 11 And leav; she did, and all the consolation I got from Mr. Bowser as he came up to (WWW -..- u ‘9. nu uv. “ It’s a'good thing she left. She might have mixed something together whichwould have caused our deaths. Come, now, hurry up the dinner.” LMr. Bowser has improved some in the direction of taking care of the baby. I can now leave them together as long as fifteen minutes without fear that one will kill the other by trying some experiment. They had been alone about seven minutes the other day while I was upstairs, and when I came down Mr. Bowser seemed quite agita- ted and whispered to me: “ I’ve suspected it all along 1” “ What ‘2” “ That our child is somewhat of amonatros- ity ! Look at that l” p. . .- W‘V‘VBut you ordered this very coffee your; sel_f_ only night; lzefore lastz” 1 I vAnd he gointed to the soft 51 0t on the child’s hes. where a throb coul be detect- ed. “ Oh 1 they have, eh I What infant’s asy- lum have you been matron of? Perhaps I married the mother instead of the daughter! I tell you that’s a freak of nature, that is, and I shan’t be surprised to come home any day and find a. horn beginning to sprout l” V“ Every child has the same,” I repliéd in a. reaispuripg vpice. There are in the United States 6,832,954 Roman Catholics, 38,722 Greek, Armenian, and Byzantine Catholics, 73,265 Jews, 275,- 000 pa. ans, 14,607,764 Protestants, 27,439,- 814 di erent creeds not stated and infidels. Of the Protestants, 5,336,553 are Baptists, 5,943,875 Methodists, 551,699 Episcopalians, 487,619 Congregationalists, 1,006,437 Pres- byterians, 91,769 Adventists, 885,987 Luth- erans, 243,825 Dutch Reformed. Of the different creeds not stated and infidels 160,- 837 are Mormons, 96,000 Quakers, 300,000 Universelists, 45,000 Unitarians, 80,000 Mennonites, 9,928 Moravians, 4,000 New J erusalemites, 7 00 Schwenfeldians, 1,500,000 Spiritualists, 10,000 Shakers, 1,000,000 atheists, 10,000,000 infidels. The balance of 15,233,347 under this head may be ac- ‘ counted for as follows : Adherents and fam- ilies of Roman Catholics, 4,000,000; the same of Protestants, 6,000,000 ; and of un- specified creeds, 3,233,347. MR. AND MRS. BOWSER. Church Membership in the United States. 'es. n‘ BY MRS. BOW'SER. The loss of fertility in the soil depends en- tirely upon the kind of crop growing there- on, says the Philadelphia Record, and the soil is improved or impoverished in a certain period of time corresponding with the avail- able and inert matter it contains and the growth of the plants which remove the fer- tilizing materials. Some crops enrich the soil in one respect and impoverish it in an- other by utilizing a greater proportion of some kinds of plant food while rejecting others, thus causing a gradual accumulation of some particular substance which is not re- quired for growth. This is shown by the growth of clover, which'adds nitrogen to the soil, though removing other elements. The loss of soils does not depend upon the amount of plant food removed, but upon the value thereof, and the loss does not really occur by growing the crop upon the land, but in removing it from the farm to the markets. When milk is produced the fer- tilizing element is in the skim-milk and not in the cream, and when the manure is scat- tered on the land and the milk fed to calves and pigs the loss is small, as butter is really reduced from the air through the crop. utter being composed mostly of carbon, which is derived from the air by plants in the form of carbonic acid gas, does not reâ€" move any of the substances existing in the soil. It has been estimated that 800 pounds of butter, when sold 011' the farm, carries away only 50 cents worth of plant food, and the carcass of an ox or horse $9 worth of plant food, while a crop of wheat, valued at $200, causes a loss of nearly $60 worth of plant food. If all the crops be fed to stock on the farm and the manure carefully saved, the loss is in proportion to the amount and kind of material sold, which loss may be modified according to the form into which the salable article has been changed. Cheese and milk take away the most valuable ele- ments, yet the articles do not command as high prices in the market as butter, which costs but very little in the she. e of fertiliz- ers. If land be cropped, the kin of fertilizers to be applied should corres 0nd as nearly as possible to that which is so (1 rather than to that which is reduced in order to avoid loss of fertility. hen crops are sold the nitro- gen, phosphoric acid, potash and lime are removed, but when the sales are made in the shape of animals the potash remains mostly in the manure. Nitrogen and the phos phates are essential under all systems, and every pound of fertilizer applied is simply storing it in the soil to be converted into some other form best adapted for market, whether animal or vegetable. Judge M. R. Gray, of Ryegate, N. 11., who took second prize ofl'ered by the Man- chester Mirror for best butter shown at the Vermont dairy meeting at St. Johnsbury, gave his methods of feeding and butter mak- ing as follows : His cows are chiefly thor- oughbred Jerseys, though he has a few high grades. The winter feed is coarse fodder, such as corn stalks, wheat, rye, oat, or bar- ley hay fed night and morning, with ordin- ary English hay at noon. The coarse fod. der is out and steamed about two hours in the morning. The grain is equal weights of corn and cob meal and bran, four quarts at a meal morning and night. Waters after feeding in the morning and before feeding at night.“ From eighteen to twenty-five cows are kept. The milk is set in large open pans, usually thirty-six hours, and at a. tempera- ture of 60 to 70 degrees. Churning is done from two to four times per week, in a. dash churn run by horse power. This winter the cream is churned at 67 degrees, and the but- ter comes in good condition to handle. Just before the butter is ready to separate the horse is stopped and the churning finished by hand. When finished the butter is rins- ed ofl' in clear water, and a half ounce of salt per pound s rinkled over it and worked in. While the gutter is being compacted by a. lever hand worker a cloth is used for ab- sorbing the surplus moisture. The churn- ing occupies from fifteen mintues to a half hour. If the cream is too thick for proper churning it is thinned with water. He made 6,000 pounds the past year. Fruit trees should be pruned when the sap will keep the saw wet, unless wounds are covered witha solution of gum shellac dissolved in alcohol. When trees are grafted they should not be pruned, because after cutting off several good-sized limbs to set seams in, the tree needs all the remaining branches to keep up its usual action and vitality. Every apple tree on a farm that does not bear merchantable fruit should be grafted, and grafted this very spring. “ Pro- crastination is the thief of time,” and there is no use in putting off grafting from year to year, and gathering abushel or so of inferior cider-apples from a. tree which should pro- duce two or three barrels of Baldwins or russets, or some other kind of fruit which has a value. Where am orchard is not cultivated the soil around fruit trees should be freshened up with a. digging fork, not dug deeply with a spade, so as to ruin the mots, and a mulch or top-dressing of good rich com 031: applied. If the soil around the trunks 0 fruit trees is stirred up frequently the insects which have wintered in it will be turned up and destroy- ed by exposure to the weather. The female of the canker worm has not the power of flying, and can only reach the extremities of the limbs on which she de- posits her eggs by crawling up the trunk. hey begin this with the first warm days of spring, weeks before buds and leaves are ready to put forth. It is quite common for them to do this while the ni hts are cold enough to harden tar in vesse s around the trees intended to obstruct their progres. This old method has therefore given wayto spraying the trees with water in which \Lon- don urple or Paris green has been dissolv- ed, t us killing the worms after they begin to eat. It requires very little poison to do this, two teaspoonfuls of poison to a barrel of water being sufficient. Too strong a dose might burn the apple leaves which when young are very tender. The fears that grass and clover will be killed by frost if the seed be sown too early are mostly imaginary. It very rarely hap- pens that even clover is injured by frost, though the growing plant is extremely ten- der. If sown when frost is on the ground, clover seeds are, of course, dormant until it thaws, when they are slightly covered by How Goon BUTTER. IS MADE. DESTROYING CANKER Wonms. GRASS AND CLOVER SEEDING. Loss 01" EERTILITY. FRUIT TREES. FARM. the mud that lies on a. newly-thawed sur- face. This protects the seeds from the di- rect rays of the sun, and it will not sprout until the soil is warm enough {or roots to strike into. If it falls on a. hard, dry sur- face, the seed swells with the moisture of rains and contracts when a. cold day stops growth, but without serious iniury. This may occur several times with March-sown clover seed, and, after all, the young plant will be found in May only slightly, if any, larger than that sown the middle of April. Wrong Time. There is a story told at a customs house a few miles east of Toronto’of a lady who purchased a music box in Rochester, which she was anxious to take to her Canadian home without paying the duty charged on such articles. Now this music box had a clock attachment by which the time could be started at any hour simply by setting a dial after the style of an alarm clock. The clerk who sold it to her was something of a wag, and as the lady had explained her in- tentions to him, he could not resist the temptation to play one of his ractical jokes. He knew within almost a ew min- utes the time the boat was due at the Cana- dian side, and he was aware also that the customs oflicer would be on board before the gang plank was out. Acoordingly, he wound up the box and set the going ar- rangement to the hour at which the boat was due at her destination. The lad con- cealed the innocent-looking package in her clothing, boarded the boat, and was soon enjoying the breeze wafted from across the water. For a time she forgot all about the ackage. On nearing the Canadian side, owever, her intention to defraud Her Ma- jesty’s customs was once more uppermost in her mind. ,When the customs ofl‘icer boarded the boat, his practiced e e soon discovered that the apparent care essness of one of the passengers was assumed. She was‘altogether too ready to have her satchel examined, ' and so he questioned her rather more closely than he did the others. But her answers were so straightforward and he was iu'such a hurry to get through with his work that he allowed her to pass. Just as she stepped on the gang plank and was passing with others to the wharf the soft sweet strains of “ Home Sweet Home,” came from the midst of the hurrying throng. Everybody lo1ked sur- prised. Even the oflicer did not know what to make of it until just as the lady reached the wharf there was a clickâ€"a buzz, another click and the music switched off on " The Girl I left Behind Me.” Then a smile flitted across the handsome face of the customs offi- cer as he flitted after the lady who, dropping her satchel and forgetting everything but her ludicrous predicament, broke into a run and was making lively time away from the boat and all connected with it. But the wharf was a long one and the officer was abreast of the runaway before she had reached the shore end. When good stout grain bags may be bought at present prices there is little ex- cuse for using old standbys, with holes part- ly filled with hay or straw. A good set of bags should be kept in good condition for a full year. They may be used much longer than this, but generally all the profit is gone out of them the first year. If used much longer the labor of repairing or waste of grain through holes will oflset all their gain. Like the human life after three-score- snd-ten, what follows is only labor and sorrow. “ Excuse me, madame,” he pmted, but you must come with me.” She didn’t faint or shriek. All she said was, “let’s hurry,” and so the procession started for the cus- tom’s ofi‘ice, the officer and the lady leading while the music box, by way of variation, clicked, buzzed and clicked halt a‘dozen times on the way enlivening the proceedings and the excursionists who followed with “Old Robin Gray,” “M’Appare,” “Kathleen Mavourneen,” and other well known airs. Once inside the custom‘s oflice, the music ceased; the lady was shown into a room and two minutes later she opened the door and thrust the box- out. The officials were not hard on her but al- lowed her to retain the music box after pay- ing the duty and other charges. It was a terrible ordeal for the young woman but she learnt the lesson that in smuggling music boxes it is Well to see that they are not wound up when starting for the border. STORIES 0F VARIOUS KINDS. A round shot ripped open a soldier’s knapsack and distributed his clothing and cards. But the boys could not forego their little joke; so when that column of cards was thrown some twenty feet in the air on all sides could be heard the cry, “0 deal me a hand i” Other shots in that battle did queer work. Our brigade came to a halt upon the river bank for a few moments be- fore going into position. We had been paid off that day, and the gamblers began to play at cards the moment we halted. A man who was about to “ straddle” a “ fifty-cent blind” had his knapsack knocked from under him by a solid shot, and he “ straddled” half a dozen soldiers, who were covered with a cart-load of dirt. Another shot struck a Paymaster’s tent. The struggle between that Paymaster and the stragglers for pos- session of the flying greenbacks was both exciting and ridiculous. During a moment’s halt, behind a slight rise of ground, we lay down. A soldier facing to the rear was con- versing with a comrade. Suddenly he made i a terrific leap in the air, and from the spot of ground on which he had been sitting a solid 1 shot scooped a wheelbarrow-load of dirt. It 3 was a clear case of premonition, for the man could give no reason for having jumped. The evening of Dec. 14 our regiment was on picket duty. We had not been in picket ine more than twenty minute before we made a bar ain with the “ Rebs,” and the firing cease , and neither they nor ourselves pretended to keep under cover. But at day- light the Twenty-fourth Michigan came to relieve us. Before they were fairly in line they opened fire upon the Confederates without the warning we had agreed to give. We yelled lustily, but the rattle of musketry drowned the sound, and many a confiding enemy was hit. This irritated the Confed- erates, who opened a savage fire, and it was with difficulty a general engagement was prevented. All that day until about 4 o’clock the picket firing was intense, but abruptly ended by a Confederate challeng- ing a Sixth Wisconsin man to a fist en- counter in the middle of the turnpike. The A Music Box What THE WORK 01" A WAG. THE FIRST USE OF BAGS. “Went 0!!” at the combatants got the attention of both icket lines, who declared the fight a. “ raw." They ended the matter with a. coffee and to- bacco trade and an agreement to do no more firing at picket lines unless an advance was orderedâ€"Private Smith. Gen. Winfield Scott, while he was still at the head of the army, was coming out of his ofiice one day to enter his carriage, came in hand. A volunteer orderly approached him with a letter, which he had been directed to deliver to Gen. Scott at once. The orderly, recking nothing of Adjutant-Generals or Chief of Stafi, interpreted his order literal- ly, and hastily giving a careless salute, be» gan : “ 0, General, here’s a paper I want you to look at before youâ€"” For a moâ€" ment the old Commander-in-Chief seemed petrified. Then, raising his cane, he said in a. loud, clear voice: “Clear out, sir, clear out of the way.” The startled orderly sprang to one side, and the General got into his carriage and was driven away. The soldier then delivered his letter to some one in the office, and walked slowly out. Gen. Scott’s carriage had not gone thirty rods be~ fore it stopped and turned about. The driver, raisin his voice, summoned the of- fending order y to the door. Trembling in every limb, cap in hand, he approached. Gen. Scott asked his name and regiment. He gave them. “ Well, sir,” said the Gen» eral, “ report to your Colonel that you were guilty of gross disrespect to Gen. Scott as an officer, and that Gen. Scott was guilty of gross disrespect to you as a man. Gen. Spot’t begs your pardon. Go to your duty, sn‘. “Well, my éood man,” she said, “for what do you wait?_ There is no answer to be returned. " A SAILoR’s COMPLIMENT. A compliment, true and genuine, was paid by a. sailor who was sent by his Captain to carry a letter (70 the lady of his love. The sailor, having delivered his message, stood azing in silent admiration upon the lady, or she was very bgautiful. “ And for what reison,“ my good man, woylgl you kgow my nqmg. ‘3” _ “ Beéause,” answered the old tar, looking up honestly, “ in a. storm at. sea, with danâ€" ger afore me, I would like to call the name of the brightest thing I’d ever seen in my life. There’d be sunshine in it even in the darkness.” “ Lady,” re lied the sailor with humble deference, “i you please, I would like to know your name.” “ Did you not see it on the letter 2” “ Pardon, ladyâ€"J never learned to read. Mine hes been a. herd, rough life.” One of the Vanderbilt relatives, a young man to whom the Commodore left a lot of money, once made a flying trip to Colorado, and ever since has posed as a wild Western sportsman. Being in an up-town cafe he began to entertain the party at table with an account of a remarkable feat of horse- manship performed b himself at the Mad- ison Square Garden uring the Buffalo Bill show. One of the party was a cattleman from Texas, although the Vanderbilt scion was not aware of it. The Texan had been drinking freely, and was inclined to resent any pretense, on the part of the efi'ete East, to knowledge of life on the frontier. The young man began by telling how Cody brought out the worst bucking horse in the concern for him to ride, when the Texan in- terrupted : “ Hold on ; let me tell you something. Don’t call a horse a bucket ; call him a pitcher. If you want folks to think you know anything, say pitcher, not bucker.” The narrator accepted the amend- ment and proceeded with the story until he mentioned a cowboy. when the Texan pat~ ronizingly said; “ Say puncher, not cow- boy. There are no cowboys on the frontier now. ” The young man said it didn’t make any difference with his story, but the Texan persisted in correcting him. “ You go up to one of Bill’s men and ask him if he’s a cowboy, and he’ll turn up his nose ; but you just slap him on the hack and say, “ Hello, you blamed old cow-puncher, how are you 1’ and you’ll be solid.” Then the daring rider told how he threw the mustang and got into the saddle, and how the animal sprang to his feet. The Texan wanted to know which end of the horse got up first, and snorted credulously when the young man confessed that he couldn’t remember. The Vander- bilt declared that he rode the bucking 'bronco all around the ring, and defied the brute’s efforts to unseat him. The Texan said : “ I can make a horse throw you, if you’ll let me tighten the back cinch.’ “Thai: settles it,” exclaimed the Texan, with a. scornful laugh. “Any man who don’t know what a. cinch is can’t tell me he‘ has ridden a. pitcher. Here’s my card. Come down on my ranch if you want to see ridi9g3’ _ __ ' “Tighten th'e what '2” inquired the bold. rider. The young fellow realized that he had made a. mistake in selecting an audience beâ€" fore which to pose as a. wild Western rider of bucking mustangs. A private letter from Naples contains the following : If you like dogs you will be pleased with the annexed: At Ceriano a. poor fellow who lived by hawking milk was buried under the. ruins of his cottage alittle way out of the town. As he usually set of on his rounds before 4 a. m. everybody be- lieved he was safe, but he, too, had cele- brated the end of carnival by taking a little wine and had slept late. Hf‘s large dog, which used to drag the milk-cart up the mountain roads, smelt out his master, and began to scratch awa the rubbish until he laid his master’s hea bare, which was cov- ered with wounds. Then the dog began to lick the wounds, but finding that the bleedin continued, and comprehending that he coul not dig further, he ran off and seized by the coat the first in- dividual he met, who, thinking the dog was mad, got loose and ran away. But the se- cond person, guessing what the animal wanted, followed him, and consequently the poor milkman was released from his danger- ous position. The Minister Genala paid him a visit, and found him with his head bound up under a tent with the faithful dog lying beside him. A fashionable woman’s cheek makes a. fine billboard for cosmetic advertisements. Of all mental ifts, the rarest is intellec- tual patience; an the last lesson of cultureis bdbelieve in difficulties which are invisible ourselves. SELECTED THE \VRONG AUDIENCE. GEN. SCOTT AND THE ORDERLY.. A Faithful Dog.

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