RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, April 14, ‘87 Changeâ€"Steele Bros. & Co: Proclamationâ€"‘0. Trevethan. @111} ï¬i‘umxl. lt is well for the world that in the midst of political excitement and trenzy there are men who, without withdrawing from the all prevailing ‘ï¬glit,' nevertheless ï¬nd time for the consideration of those great moral subjects that public men of all part- ies either disdain or refuse to touch. Leaving: the general for the particu- lar, we say that Canada is fortunate in posseSsing citizens Whose philan- thropy is so pure and disinterested that neither calnniny nor threats no ï¬nancial loss can force them to give up the struggle for the reforma- tion of dominant abuses. These 50- In some cases, social reformers have, humanly speaking, small cause '{or I‘CJUiCng. Their best and no- vblesi endeavors are frustrated by the greed and lust of a pleasure-loving ‘world. In other cases, success be- yond expectation has crowned their :strivings. M’lthin the memory 01 BITCH Sllll living, great and beneï¬cial [changes have been worked in men’s lites and manners. 1n the drinking habits of Canada, for example, the change bids fair to become a revo- lution. Indulgence in strong waters has ceased to become an unchal- lenged custom. Where whiskey was once regarded as a n'ecessarv and natural adjunct. it is now regarded as something low and debasing. If it is not entirely‘banished, it is rele- gated to pr1vacy and darkness as a thing of shame. Men no longer boast of the number of bottles that ‘they can empty,but,0n the contrary, rather seek to conceal the tact that they touch bottles at all. Cial reformers deserve the greater praise because 1n n worldly point of View their reward is nothing. 1*or all their eflorts and sacriï¬ces they receive no return, except the prom- ise of Him who seeth in secret. This indeed, is reward enough, but it is one for which thanks are due to God, not to man. ' Yet we cannot withhold from Mr. Chapleau our admiration for his courageous attitude on the Riel question. Here, indeed, he acted the part ofa man, and of a very brave man. It is always easyrto be ï¬rm even to boldness when one's enemiesmeguided by ‘decorum and Whatever may be the theoretical merits of the Temperance question, what ought tofbe our practice? ad- mits of no doubt. The Wine of scripture may or may not have been fermented. There is no such doubt about the common eï¬ects of dram- taking. Consequently we are morâ€" ally bound to do all in our power to check a habit, which,. in not one case in a hundred, is unattended with harm. Strong in this belief, we can- not but hail with satisfaction the movement to instil into out children such principles and truths as will tend to make them shun and even abhor that which has caused so much woe. The introduction ofm- struction on matters pertaining to Temperance should receive the praise of all. Even those who are engaged in the liquor-trafï¬c can sel- dom endure the thought of their children’s indulging. In every way possible. therefore; the young should be led to regard with tear and aver- sion the common enemy of all. Such lessons cannot be begun at an age too early. Nay, it isvabsolutely in- cumbent on parents to so act that whatever may prove the fate of. their children, no excuse for a terrible habit will be found in home and school influence and teaching. \Ve have no love for the Hon. Mr. Chapleau. Our dislike is not the iruit of partizanship. Indeed, we entertain towards the Secretary of Statesprecisely the same feelings as we dotto more than one mam within ourown ranks. We refer to those practical politicians who sys- tematically support and use 'party for self and mainly for self alone. Unfortunately, in Canada, that self- ishness is not the-desire of fame,tliat last inï¬rmity of noble mind, but rt-he altogether base inï¬rmity‘of ignoble mindgreed otgold. In this respect, Mr. Chapleauxhas been a great sin- ner, if even a hundredthâ€"patter the charges made against him be true. The friend of Senecalvand'Danserau, his name is irrevocably connected with some of the darkest episodes of Quebec’s dark political history. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 'TEMl ’EliA N OE IN S CHOULS. HON. MR. CHAPLEAU. rely on arguments aided by sarcasm and other rhetorical tropies. But when the mob begins to roar, and when that mob has the power of making or unmakmg one in the pro- fessions of his choice, the case is al- tered. Then naught avails but courage of a high and uncommon Wile) i This courage was Mr. Chaplean’s throughout the Riel conflagration. In the teeth of his French country- men, he_ boldly proclaimed the just- ice of the Regina sentence. He did not hesitate to confront these grim monsters, bigotry, prejudice and nativism, nor to describe them in fitting words. And here Mr. Chap- leau presented a marked contrast to Sir Hector Langevin. ‘Nhile the Minister of Public \\’orl<s skulked and evaded, Mr. Chapleau laced the storm. Nor was his bravery unrewarded. Men naturally respect courage. Mr. Chapleau carried his division of Quebec with scarcely a single loss in the recent Dominion Elections, while 811‘ Hector lost all but one of the seats entrusted to him, and es- ca’ped, if,indeed, he. has escaped, de- feat himself by only a hair’s breadth. It was to be expected, therefore, that at the great banquet tendered to Mr. Chapleau in Montreal, on the night of the 11th inst, he would be found repeating and glorvmg in his words uttered when the Riel temp- est was at its height. Again we saw that we do not love the Secretary of State, but we certainly admire and respect a brave man. We have at all times studiouslv endeavored to avoid meddling with our contemporary, the York Hm-ulri, or its correspondents. Time and a- gain have our articles been ridicul- ed, but for the sake of living in peace with our neighbors we have refrain- ed from entering into a controversy. There is a limit, however, beyond which patience ceases to be a virtue. In its last issue it accuses THE LIB- ERAL of giving taffy to the schonl teachers of the village, and asks us not to “try to curry favor too much.“ It almost looks absurd to make the denial, but we must tell our friend over the way that he accuses us wrongfully, as in the issue of our paper 0t which he speaksâ€"March 3istâ€"â€"we did not even mention the teachers. It is true a correspondent over the signature of “ Patience " shows by quotations from the Herald that the editor is continually iinding fault with them,and asks thereason, but why it is saddled on us we are at a loss to know. We repeat that we knew nothing of it till the article was handed in for publication. I In our opinion it would have been bet- ter had he answered the letter,givin;{ reasons‘tor hisfault-ï¬nding. With regard to ourcurrying tavor with the instructors of the young, all we have to saw is that when we have ever had occasion to speak of them, one and all, the reference could not be otherwise than in the most praise- worthy manner. THE YORK HERALD AND THE SCHOOL TEA CHERS. Even Japan and China dealem keep in stuck and sell VVest’s Liver Pills-“the world’s bes ." Liver complaint,dvspapsia indigestion and sick headache readin yield'to them. 30 pills 250. All .drnggiata‘ Ithe would oven We would suggest to the Herald that in future when it has a com- plaint to make agaihst any one teacher, the name of that particular individual begiven so that the blame, if any ,may rest on the proper should- ers, and not on those who may be ignorant of what has taken place till they read it in the paper. The Toronto Mail felicitously de- scribes the action of the East York Conservative Association in expel- ling certam members for supporting Hon. Mr. Mackenzie in the late c‘on- test, as ‘ establishing an N. P. for the manufacture of opponents.‘ In that act of expulsion we have zeal outriding prudence with a .ven- geance. Burt prudence was not a- lone left behind. Common decency itselfwas distanced. Had Mr. Mac- 'kenzie’s opponent been a Conserva- tive ofgood report, we should have even considered the E. Y. C. A. as transgressing the limits of wisdom. But when that opponent was who he was, the reading out of the. mem- bers must be regarded as monstrous. No party can dispense with the rud- imentar-y principles of shame and decency. Still less can a party af- ford to glory in what isiunanimously pronounced unclean. For to do either 15 to make of party a Moloc who will speedin consumezall that makes lile good and sweet. PARTY GONE MA D. GHEAP 0A8H WISE THE NEWEST STYLES The West Prim. SPRING GOODS ï¬ï¬TTï¬N ES Not only in the Sunny South among our pousins who are so fond of Fishing Excursions, but throughout our own Fair Land and specially in York County during Spring and Summer. Factory from 4 to 9 cents. Fine Bleached from 6 to 12%c Prints from 5c. upwards. ilEE PHNTS E This is our special line for this season. We sell them at 10¢. a yd. Don’t miss “chem. Fine Heavy Goods in neat patterns ' from 80. up. A special hue for I4c., a full yard wide. Cottonades, Yes, we know~ you are going to get them, for they are the best value you can get any- where. We bought a large lot before the prices went up, they are yours at the old prices, ranging from 80. up- wards. But we have lots of other goods to taik about besides Cottons, and foremost a- mongst them is our immense variety of TweedsWursteds Cret'onnes, Pillow, Cot tons, Sheetings, 860., For ordered clothing. New pa§t_erns and_ value yigllt. Fine Dress Goods and Trimmings. Curtains and‘Carpets. New Wall Papers. Cheapest Groceries on the ‘ Men’s and Boys’ “Ready- Made Suits; Hill. MWN ES SEE OUR COTTONS Terms Cash or Trade. GIN EHAMS SHIRTINGS GRENNAN’S . BRENNAN. All at correct prices. Tickings, CONCRETE HOUSE? SPLEN DID ASE-SORTD.’EENT OF ME "ï¬gs, Wag mm mm mm For the Newest, Nicest, Nobbiest, Neatest and hues 111 these goods U) the Concrete " 1nd ï¬n also the best and cheapest: ection of >6“ GENTS PU RN ESHINGS IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN SUE SCOTCH,“ ENGLISH AND CANADIAN T‘NNNDS“ ~â€"A N Dâ€"â€"â€" Stylish DI’BSS (Ea-00618, Prints, flinng- hams, Chambradys, Muslims, Silks, 88mins, Lame, Embroideries at closest flgwes. READY - MADE SEHZTS» THE , FIRE PRQOE Tweeds, Got‘mns, 860. _ Dress Goods, Also a camplete stock of Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ HA? BENTS’ AGRICULTURAL Thls variety obtained FIRST PRIZE over ail competitors at T0â€" RONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION. 1886. Specimens were grown last; seaaon of enormous sizu, one measuring 18 inches long, 25 inches in circumference, weighing 17% lbs.- Quality unsurpassed. @WFEEEJEC BliOé‘iï¬. £15 (30.. CAN SUPPLY YOU VEGETABLE db FLOWER SEEDS S. B. & Co’s Grass mixtures are yearly increasing in demand,because of superinr quality and excellence~Nnne but very choicest varieties used. Mixtures prepared for any soil or purpose. If you want a never-failing pasture try them. Re-Cleaned Seed Grains, Tnnothy, Clover, &c.av 'in great variety. Don’t fail to call. FACTS ! YES, SGLID FAGTS S. B. a: Co’s Selected: 1P The popular variety. Invariany asked for when once grown. Sold in sealed packages only. S. B. & CO’S MANGELS are unsurpassed in quality, size or pro- ductiveness. All supplies grown specially, and from selected stocks. '0 h FANTENG ;, FENE ‘VWORSE‘ED E%§JUITING‘E$. A, Sylendid Assortmth of STEELE BROS. & 00., 001'. Front & Jarvis Sts.. Toronto. DIRECT IMPORTEB. REGHMOND HELL. OF THE HIGHEST STANDARD A ND QUALJTY, OF UNDOUBTED MERIT AND EXCELLENCE. & CD’S NEW SHORT WHITE CARROT I PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURES! FINE ASSORTMENT OF ABLE db FLOV’V E 1' NEW AND SELECT VARIETIES. IF YUU WANT Flannels, 850. ’URPLE T9? SWEDE TURNIP. AT