[nfnllible Blood Pm‘iflm, Tonic, Dinrcctic Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Billiousness, Jmmdice, Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, all Kidney Diseases. Scrolulu, Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt, Rheum, Ex zenm {mil all Skin Liseases, Heuflaclm, Pulpimtion of the Helm", Sour Stomach and Heartburn. Pnr \‘opotnblc, JUHN C. \\ 51‘ d: Co., Toronto 0112. TI 0 N y We are now prepared to furnish [1.11 - classes with employment at. home the whole of me time, or for their Spare mo- ments‘ 1% <iuoss new, light and m‘uiitaLble. Pe,r runs of eitht ‘ sex calmly earn from 50 cents to per evening. mul a prnpurtionul sun: by devoting all their lime to the bnsmess. Boys lLiill girls ezu'n nearly as much :Lsmen. That all who see this maw send tln, r address. and test the busi- ness, \vo muke this offer: To such as are not well sutisï¬ml we will send one (luller to pay for the trouble of wrlting Full pm‘ticulm‘s and out. ï¬t freu. Address Guam]: leNsoN 6: 00.. Portâ€" lulu],1\iu.iue Andwxll givehis best. nttentionto any bills or cusmlu mng he may be favored with. Meantime. uuv one wantmg lung stuif Willmuch oblige by Sending in mum‘s us soon us possible while we we cutting the timber. The undersigned respectfully intimates that he will shulfly lemuve his saw-111m from )IcGee’s switch to near A. O. U. VV.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141, Meotsin the Committee room 01' the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.111. Bene~ ï¬cm‘y certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in (use ofdentl) J‘ Brown,Master \Vurknmu B. Grmmuu. rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull, mien ulter- nutive Tuesday eveningV MSO’clock 1) 111. Duneâ€" ï¬cinl‘y certiï¬cates issued to mule 01' fnnmlc members for $1,000 or in cnso of death 92.000, one halt nnynblc in case of disability. J. H. Sunder son Select; Councillors; J.A.E.S\\"'tzcr,Recording Secretarv EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY Wflï¬KBNG GLASSES ATTEN- MECHANIFS’ 1X5TITUTE.*LHW£LY,V 01 over 1000 vulumusmpen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma,- sonic Hull, from 7 to 8 o‘clock. R. E. Law, Libra.- rian‘ Lectures and discussions])eriodioallv, RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.~Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at; 7 30 o’clock W. Sheppard, Louder FIRE BRIGADEâ€"Regular meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber, at 711.111. Membership free. Certificatesismed to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. Wm,H. Pugsluy, Captain. H. A. Nicholls, Secretary. VILLAGE COUNCIL.â€"-Rel vv, Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cillorx Messrs. P G. Salvage, Jos Hull, \Vm A Sanderson, Levi Gaby. (Mark, M. 'l‘ecfv. GAUTON. RmHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No 465,10. G. T.â€"~ Meets in the Temperance Hull' every Wednesday evening. at 730 o’clock. \Vm. Harrison T. D. The Methodist sabbath school’l‘empemnce As sociution issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm.Hurrison sum RICHMOND LODGE,A.F.&’A.1\I., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in 5110 Lodge r00m,Musonic Hallpn the Monday on or before full 11.10011, at 8 o'clock p.111 I. Crosby, \V .M. ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERS*COIIYL Rich~ muud, No. 7046 ‘x‘ 0_ 13.. meets in the Temperance Hull every alternate Friduv at 7.30 p. 1)1.â€"« Alex Coultm‘, C. R. ST. MARY s EPISCOPAL Gannonâ€"Service at ‘a p.m.,except the third Sunday of every month, when the service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. Sunday School “1:30 p.111 Rev. W. Bates, Rector BIE'I‘HODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 0.. m and' 6:30 p. ml,mnl Sunday school, at 15.30 p. 111. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Pruyer Meeting every Thursday evenmg in the Lecture Roam. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. Leonard, Assistant. PRES‘BYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADAâ€"Services at. 1] o’clock a.1n.,u.ml (3:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eveningut7230. Rev J. W. Cmn- bl’Olll, Pastor. lioqu CATHOLIC CHURCHâ€"Services in order {L follow 5 :Thornhill m 9 n..m.. and Richmond Hillut 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at 9 mm. and Thornhill at 10:30 3.111. ï¬Ã©vi 3: :1. Egan, Pastor HE N RY MAR KING 1?. o. IN BRONZE LETTERS. LUMBER. wilmge @irectum. IS MARKED Societies. Churches. b SH. B will pay the above Reward for any case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Sick Headache, Indigestion or Costivenesl we cannot Cure with mars LIVEB PILLS, when. tha Iiircctlonu are strictly complied with. Largo Boxes, containing so mm, 25 Cents; 5 30:95 $1.00. sold by a“ II F :5“: sins. Portlï¬nd, Maine. ON RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, â€" I use 110 cheap material and warrant every set. Call and see me. No trouble to anâ€" swer questions. In connection with the factory. when» custom sawing mil be dune. All Work guaranteed and prices moderate. cxm live at home. and nmke more money at wnrk for us, than an anv- thing else 111 this wurld. Capital not nvedod : you are started free. Both ' s ; all ages. Auv one can do the work. Lurfle curnl ‘ sure from ï¬rst start. Cumly ou tï¬b and terms flee. Better not (lelmv. Co~ts you nothing to wnd us your address and ï¬nd nun : if You are Von will (lo 30 at once. H. HALLETT 6: 00., 1,)ENTI‘IST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 80 B, Up-Stairs. Gui-1d Filling, and all other operations skiflglly performed, an mudernte fees RICHMOND ST†RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th. 1886»3m. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extract~ ing teeth without pain, by means of ARTIFICIAL TEETH PLANED LUMBER, MOULDING S. VITALIZED AIR ! Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own snpervisvx. I am also prepared to do all kinds Hf b1ack~ smitlung (b repairing in the most \wg’k- ’manlike manner, on the shortest Hutu-e, and on the most reasonable terms. FIRST-CLASS SAW-MlLL 0. P. LENNOX, Are 110w prepared to take cnntracts for all kinds of Buildings. DUQRS, SASH, BLINDS. 860., ‘TflE Llï¬ï¬‚ï¬ï¬‚flf $1.00 IN AEVANGE. RICHMOND HILL PlflNENG MILLS ! Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING W A GUN S. Cutters, â€"â€")o( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage durng the past twenty-ï¬ve ye..rs, I beg to re- mind them and the gemmal public, that. having erecter‘ “ï¬nitely new and Cull)- mndiuus premises. I am enabled to supply Phaetons, Buggies, Carriages, TRE N CH’ 3 } ï¬lE’UI‘w‘Ejfiï¬ï¬fPlfl‘fï¬;mi -CARR1AGE WORKs.-;PR06LAMATIUN ! Horse - Shoeing Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of I’I‘ Always on hand. There is also a The above factory is situated on BEST SETS Fl HST-CLASS ORDER. (wmg L. INNES & SONS $500.00 Paid special attention to. \VM TRENCII RICHMOND IIILL. 'bnnght the above-named mill and put; everything in OF MILV 15th. 1884.4 _ $10.00 ToRoN'I‘n Thursday April, 21 1887 Whentiull, per bushel ‘0 M to V’Vheat, spring, (10 82 Barley, do 40 outs, do . 33 Peas. do _ 51 Rye. d0 Clover Seed. do . ...... . Dressed 1101.15, per 1001bs. G 75 1 Beef, fore quarters ..... . 4 5" 1 Beef, hind quartars.. . 7 I Chickens, per pair .. , 60 Ducks. do 65 Geese‘ each . . . . . til) Turkeys, each l 50 ‘ Butter, pound rolls . 22 Butter. tub dairy .. . . 00 Eggs. fresh, per doz J4 Potatoes, per bug 90 ] Apples, per bbl ..... 2 50 ‘ onions. green,per bag 1 75 5 Cabbage do 40 Cauliflower do Celery. do 40 ’l‘uruips,per bug. 255 Carrots, do. 50 Hamper ton .. 9 00 ll stmw, per ton ii 00 1 RICHMOND um. Thursduv April, 21‘ 1887 flats, per bqshel 30 Pans, do. ............ Dressed hogumer 100 1b Beef. fore uuu‘rter Beef, hind quarter Chickens. per pair Ducks. do Geese, each .......... Turkevs, perlb Butter, pound rolls Butter, large rolls ...... . Eras. fresh, per dozen Potatoes, per bag... . Apples, per bbl ...... . . onions, green, per bush.. Cabbage, per doz Celery, do ’1 urmps, perhag . . Carrots, do . Beans, per peck... Flour, spring, per Flour, fall, per bbl Hnymer ton . .. straw. per ton These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every iii- smuve unbounded satisfaction. Tliev are the best in the woth They never tire, and lust many years Without change. FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer, 28 Maryâ€" land Road, Harrow Road, L0n<ion,Englund (late Luzmï¬s & 1\{()1‘1'is,HuX'_tfor(l, Con.) Ea'Nn connection with why other ï¬rm in the Dominion of Canada. For Sale by T. F. JifctMflHOt/V' l C. TREVETHAN Spwtaclessa Eye Glasses. F B AN K LAZARUS Pmserve Yuanigm held! no sauce. but those who wrlto Io Snnson & Co..l’onland, Mnine.will receive free, full information about work which lhev can rim and live at bome.thul will pay them from $510 825 per day. Some have Cflrll"4l mm 5'“ in u day Either svx. young or old. Cnpiml no! l(‘q"iÂ¥t‘ll, You are smr'ed hoe Those who mm at oncu In: uLauiulcly sum of dung mile funnies. All is ucw. ~ ROUTE BILLS ! A NEW RECIPE rGrutis)~Tsze seven yards of good cloth and trimmings to match; add two 02. of good cutting, and about two days 01 ï¬rstâ€" clsts work, and the result will be u. ï¬rstclass suit. IV. 1%.7» The above can be procured an the BEE HIVE at thb very lowest cash price. †LIBERAL OFFICE.†CELEBRATE THE EVENT! Hus reigned over us for ï¬ftv years, and ovary loyal subject should OUR GRACIDUS SOVEREIGN QUEEN VICTORIA BEE HIVE, Has on hand the nohbiest lines of Summer Suitings and l‘l‘uusuringh he has ever shown Jubilee Checks and Stripes to suit every- body. PUBLISHER 0F “ LIBERAL,†RICHMOND HILL TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN THEYEARUFJUBILEE (Late of the ï¬rm ofLazmus & Morris) RICHMOND By getting n new suit of clot-hes at the [‘uY WEARING THE ONLY C. TREVETH‘ Em Warmtï¬. GET YOUR â€"IS COME, ANDâ€"- RENO‘VNED AT THE Tâ€"TTT $0 M to 83 82 . 40 5 5 33 35 018 016 010 060 200 7 00 0 30 U 60 0 50 O30 -1 10 65 til) 22 00 J4 15 00 10 50 15 1 00 200 '7 {)0 040 30 (30 Hun pleasure in anhouncing that he has Invc‘msa-d :1 full “hr of the. cplelnrwl B‘. LAURENCE SPECTACLES & EYE GLASSES, and with fhv :Vlfflia. ACka and iuv‘ struumnts at his command, can suit. the must. udlioult on»: uf 1'} ' viniuu. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND YARNS. Raymond Sewing Machines, Eagle Steam Washers and Wringers. All who have alreadv purchased are fully sntlsï¬lâ€"‘d work. Give them a ‘K‘QcAll kinds uf produce taken GROCERIES, FLOUR & BOQTS, mam, CRQGKERY, 8w. They can be sold at prices that should not fail to ï¬ll store with eager purchasers. A trial will convince you. GREEN GROOEREES, HAMS, BACON, PORK, C()NTISTII\‘G 0F DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, WINEEYS. TWEEUS, &C.. &C] Suits Made to Order‘- A 148,1'313 931/001}: of ITIIIRCNIW‘ITRJET Br; "i? 3&8 * h _ F M S aï¬ â€˜ ? Tea from ‘25 centa 11'-\\ards, 51133 for ‘31 Sugar splendid value. Oatmeal 40 lbs. 5.? Mixed Paints, ready for use, in all colors and shades. Builed and Raw Oils, Var ishvs, and all ullmr mulcrml for paints. Paint and “'lyitewasll Brushes, all axles, \‘llllcll I will sell at bottom price. ‘Jull and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock 01 _ Q Grocarles, Flour and Feed. I mu prepared to take prndmcc in exchange, at fair market value. for (me of the latest impruved and must (ltn'ntde Sewing Mauhincs in the market, Hts a large numâ€" ber is [H'Hpm'ed m prove in the imnmdiate )mighlmrlumd.b. sxdt-s the wry large nnm~ her Hf M. (lulu and First. Prim-s at Provincial and uthex' Fairs. such as 'l‘uruntn, Muir treat, Lunrhm, Quulmc. and at tha \Vm'ld’u fair, Antwerp. livlgitxlxl. Man a Diplumaz for H 9 heat wmk shmrn in anlnn, and a ten (tnlhu' prim for hmt, slwmnmn 0| wdrï¬Ã© at Mnlklnmn Fair this yum". Gume Mung. and get a bargain. All nrdersA by mini}: promptly atLunded to. Acomplete stocknf \Vall l’nmr and Bm‘dm‘ings, smnething new in Styles and‘ Designs, from 5 cents up NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE LORNE STORE. N All Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. HARD TIMES ‘ I In connection with my stock of’GrocerieQ. 850., I “ish to call your attention to a full assortment of goods from the Woodstock Woollen Mills, consisting of ‘NAL L PAPERS. These goods are all of ï¬rsbclass quality and very cheap. them before purchasing. A180 nn hand FRESH GROCERIES. THE QEOPLE’S $TORE! GLQSE CASH PRECES STAPI J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. SPECTACLES FROM CENTS TU 82.08 A R. E. LAW, Draggist, ARDWARE GLASSWARE <96 CROC} 15 well supplied with a large stock of Now is the time to buy 2L ï¬rm-class Light Running @PRWG G003 As the goods are, bought at Flour and Feed always on hand. 1E GBOCEBIES. [n a variety of designs. in all colors and shades. Builed and Raw Oils, Varmâ€" AT REDUCED P1110 IS. And all kinds of -â€"â€"-CHEAPâ€"â€" AT THE Also 1’. (Sr. SAVAGE. J08. HALL. with the “'1 trial in exchangth GEO. A. MOODIE Call and examine Way tlmse maflhmes l’nl 'I‘RENCH FEE for (me of the :m a large numâ€" wry large nnm~