N w" L‘Zmnkful fur the favm‘s of the past 20 years 2 tfll‘ :‘mwltedin any branch of the pro- Hows: V Q5h,1c:h. and 22nd of ear“ month ï¬n '10. Dovosits recuvoll nd Interestallowed thereon 1-4: Rntex NJ notice of withxh‘awal Dmiiu on all mum of szuC. , United amdvcs zmd Grout In‘jtnin, buught and sold. :11 KING STREET IJAST, TOImXTo, OPPOSITE THF igniting, ancltï¬, gimtlltrg, §ilhtrmmc \ nub (Optical 600335. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. 141 Ynnao Street, Next. door to the new Arcade RD (333% B e\\’u\\ OS‘S‘xee , Best ï¬ithm Teeth maflg Nothing infn‘ior in the mtri‘ immistry. l‘rmes low and Vitalized Air usedmx time. Bank-tars, Solicitors, Conveyancers, 366.. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No.15 Toronto Street. Richmond Hm Ofï¬ceâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES YHE UBERAL PMNTNG & PUBLISHING HOUSE NIUHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. 35“ FEES MODERATE IRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, VICE-PRESIDENT, SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Chisholm, M. P. P., H. P. Dwight. D‘ 1\I.Mac- doled, C. B. Robinson. A McLean Howard, and J. Ginty. A. G. F. LAWRENCE. Cemml Bank cï¬ Canada! HEW. Mgr-moms Lï¬nguunï¬, MCHMOND HILL, ONT. All night calls at front doxxr bell. Ofï¬ce hour 10 a Ln 2‘ ' N(1‘\~m' (‘0 Physicir-n ‘ 6' ., We of Smuffville Yonge Street, Hichn‘xond Hill. Ofï¬ce Hours to 10 an m.. 5 to 8 p. m THURSDAY EVENING Fullm‘ion, Cook & Miller, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &c WEIGEJS: 18 KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. Richmond Hill P. 0. Every Saturday. J SFquu-ton, \V (700k, J. R. Miller PRIVATE FUNDS T0 T:OAN_ “$9 mr. (Orr. Maple. Ufl‘icchnurs: 8 to 9.30 2).. m†and to 2.80 p.111- E. NH. RIORI’HY, SQDN «$5 (30.. 'AVI LA SBI per annum, in advance.] VOL. IX. GAS FOR EXTRACTIIVG. BUSINE SS CARDS. Pyguflcéian J. Andrews. Viflflflf ‘ “@3112 gmm " 1?}; l‘li £95? Manufacturers E'RENCE & MILLIGAN. EEITOR and PROPRIETOR. Richmond Hill Branch. Err. W. .‘I’. W'Hï¬oug. Richmond Hill. A A. ALLEN. Cashier. IS PUBLISHED EVERY USED BY Dr. A. Eï¬oiziman. @rm‘al Qumran, (I 1 GLOBE †OFFICE ES DEPARTMENT, Maï¬ï¬‚ï¬w, SURGEON DE NTI’S'“ E?!th m1 . Ermaâ€. Mum. TORONTO '1‘. C. MILLIGAN. pnrtei‘s of 7‘ V n, Shrunk), 10. do. do: do :gcr‘ Jun 13-1112 Having reï¬tted the above House and furnishâ€" ed it in ï¬rst~class style, I am prepared to give the public be best 0’ accommodatmn. Excellent stabling and attentive hustlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellel 5. A good livery in con- nectiun. Terms 561 her (lav. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully soIicits your patronage and friendly influennn. sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonabe rates. P. 0‘ address, King. Funeral Futnaehings Aiwzays on “and THE DOMINION HOUSE, I am now prepared (201(k) all kinds of work in my me Horse-Shoeimg Speaialï¬yu Repairing promptly done. Agricultural Imylements neatly repaired. Pat- torsons' Plow .110.me Points n.1- wm'n on hund. Lwr-ensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sulen attended on the shortcnt notioemwd at rea- ube rates. Address Stouï¬â€˜vflle P. O Excellent accommodatinn for the travelling public. Good rambling and an attentive hostler. Terms moderate. Linennefl Auctioneer for the Conntv of Yorlm‘e- ï¬lmy Enlinitshymy' putropagq and friendly “mu “Wm†v , H . r» h ‘ in ï¬nance. Sales attended on tho shortest notice and at rousonablemtes. P. 0. Address, Evcrv accommodation to guusta. Board, $1.00 perday Licensee! Auctioneer for the Counties of ank Ontario and Peel. Goods sold on consignment. Grench sales of storik. 0120., mnmptiy attended to at reasonable rates. P. 0. address. Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillilngm', Proprietor. JM @9516†@WS. agmxfl’a imam 335m}. on farm property. Interest Jew. Terms < Nu .vuluation or commission fees charged Apply to W38 FWM WULTER Burnstcrs, rate†15 Toronto St. Toronto. and Richmond Hill. Rich'd Hill 16th Anni 1887. 6m. Lends Money at 5, 5?; nnd 0 per cent. per annum. Mortgaues, Life and Endowment Assurance Poli- cies bnught at. highest cash prices. Notes cashed. 6 to 6 per cent. secured for persons having: money to invest, For particululs enquire at this ofï¬ce Q3133 EWIQN 1W EflTE/‘S (' Will MONEY ! MONEY! Issï¬er nmmï¬afye Licenses Ccunty of Yoik. Ofï¬ce : 80 Jarvis street. Toronto. Unulorlakers £35 Ezanbmhnmé. Is prepared to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. BLACKSMITHI NG BUSIN ESS J. J. CAMERON. E, flEMQM @ï¬z‘gï¬ï¬sâ€˜ï¬ @Qï¬ï¬‚w .,,u “a.†PRIVATEFUNDE f0 LOAN 158 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO VELLORE, WRIGHT BROS, WM. RE L L, Proprieior. James C. szokes. Salem Eckm'cï¬i mtistellmwuw N. J. Armstrong. C. R. TENCH. Having purchased the From Mr. H. Franks, LAWRENCE & MILLIG S. M. Brown. A largo amount of Box 96. VICTORIA SQUA Emmy. magma “In Essentials, Unity ; in Non-Esséï¬ggis, Lg'be'rty; in all things, Charity mummm RICHMOND HILL, THï¬BSDAY, MAY 5. 1885’. UNm'NVILma. rms gasy‘ GAN, 'ARE VVest’s Pain King-$116 household re- medy. Always useful. Never fails to cure cholera mol‘bushpains in stomach or bowels, cramp, colic.†chills or summer complaint. 250 All druggists. The fullmring are the names nf (:Frwxe prnumted at the late Uniform Prunmtinu Examinations, as Conï¬rmed by Hie In- spector, for S. S. No. 6. Vaughan: TO IV CLASS Mary Cranstou, Lulu Shllnk, Maggie VViLty, Sarah McDonald, Amelia Skunk, Alice Barnet ()Hve Glass, Willie Boyd. Seeding among farmers is well advanc- ed, some few having ï¬nished. VVest’s Wofld’s \Vunder 651% V > ‘ 'y Lini- ment, a superior remedy in; Iraylg‘ig,‘ rheumat‘sm. 13mg back,l‘ A. Vu‘lgegg ems, burnsmf‘â€ï¬dn’ï¬â€˜&sfl ’ apé'r, giiés further, lasts longer than any other. All druggists. Fafl wheat and élover have wintered well. Two public meetings have been held in Aurora. since the late ï¬re to devise some plan of be“;qu ï¬re pmtection. Various methods were brought forward, but as yet. none of them adopted. Building operations are being carried on lively. No less than twenty houses are at present under construction. The Methodists of this place expect to have this appnintmeut made into a sta- tion at the next conference, and Rev. J. A. Rankin their pastor. Lorney Morris, Ruse Law, Lech Kurtz. Purify your blood and regulate your li- ver and digestive organs before the heat of summer, and thus sale a doctor’s bill by the timely use of \Vest’s Liver Piln. All druggists. From our own Correspondent. Bond ((1 Son, who retired from mer- cantile pursuits last fall, have opened out again in their old stand on \Velliugton St. JUNI‘"R A Ernest Redditt, Ethel Switzer, Edith Switzer, Bella Sims. Ernest Redditt, Willie‘Glaes, Ethel Switzer, Jennie Wiley, Edith Switzer, Miuliia Albin, Bella Sims. Susie Trench. T. M. RUTHERFï¬gD. Teacher. SENIOR ; 91111103 Willie Trench, Willie. f3melsor, Herbie Smiles, Etï¬Ã©â€˜Ben'son, Maugie Ansley, Ella-McConnell, Merritt Benson. :4 Annie Mason. H.J. Charles has sold his carriage manufacturing business to R. Nelson 1E Bm. RICHMOND - ‘ "L . A I CLASS £1; 'éLAss Currie Wilson, Willieflggrvin, Phoebe Smiles, Magziq Gluver, \anker Hall, \Villie Datson, Maggie Lewis, {obert Moodie, Emma Sivers. l Fred Graimzer. E. A. SPRXGGE, Teacher. SENIOR II; - I Florence Tyrai‘eilg Merritt W'ilson’,‘ " Louie Hurrisé’y‘, " Everett Law. 3?“ 4TH CLASS Amy Newbery, Fred Robinson, Gracie Newbery. JUN III Jennie German, Flovie Mnrtsou. Chas. Legge. SEN In“? V Efï¬e , \ Har'ry audible, é Wm:;@fjb59n, Frank SECON' 59mg: ‘ anieg Martian , Edith German. James-Gamble. JUN III Jennie German, Flovie Mnrtsou. Chas. Legge. Promotion Exams. I CLASS FOR THE MONTH or MAY School Repï¬tï¬g J. C. RUTHERFog’B; Teacher. Nellie Snider, Lizzie Gardner, Mary Gardner, Anna McMulliu, Dora Rupert, Ernest Glass, \K’illie Duffy, Tom DJfl'y, Fred Rumble, Mike Powers, Norman Rupert. mun. 14 Amp]; Mason. M. \VILEY, Teacher. \ss n CLASS r'ris, Fredaié Harrison, Robbie McLean, tz. DavidWilliums, ( Sam Williams. 2 A. MCLAUGHLAN, Teacher. T0 JR. III CLASS. JEFFERSON Aurora. TU SR. III CLASS Olive McMnllin, Mabel Pearen, Minnie Dilwnrth, Frankie Webb, James Kefl'er, Bert. Jackson, \Villie Line, Pussy Crooks. Geo. Wilson. ZIENIOR B M send you free, somublli ‘{ of ii an: :{reut value and im um «Hoe to you, that will start you in business \ 11 will bring you in more money right away than unv- thing else in the world. Any one can do the Work and live at home. Either sex; all ages. Something new, tlmtjust coins money ‘for workers. We will start you ; capital not needed. This is one of the genuine, important chances of a lifetime. Those who aremnbitious and enter- pris x11 W111 not; rlelav Grde outï¬t 1 Ad dies Thu}: 6; 00. Au stu..1\Ia.in9 - to he made. Cut this out , 1m (1 return to us and we will 7 J } if lifuhml lweu given to them. were seen t» tum gently hack, apparel:th in obedi- unru in 51mm higher authority on the in side. 0:: mm: occasion a fuck, in all up pcm'aHCe that, of a human beingnwas seefl before the winJow, viewingthe surround- ings, but this furxu of life nlm) quickly disappeared. Having endeavm'ed in vain to induce the bridegroom at leash to make an appearance and Show them the charm- ing brlde, they departéd to their several. humes, after a stav uf six lmm's. during which about one hundred and ï¬fty dis- charges of ï¬re-mms ware made. Although much disappointed tlmmevâ€" ing taken the precaution to watch the place, had the great satisfaction of knowâ€" ing that it was not forsaken, and that the treatment which they received was wil- fully directed toWai-ds them. Some thanks may also be given to the two part ies (sneaks in the dark) who seemed rather anxidus to give the alarm, and in so doing put the couple on the alert be- fore the crowd had reached the place, consequently the light was quickly bun- ished, and, as it would appear, the in- habitants of the house sincerely believed that they had played a noble part, and could lead all to think that the sought for parties were absent However. such was not the effect, and if their fond de- light is music, they received a great treat, and it would be advisible for other lovers of this ï¬ne art to do likewise, if such an opportunity is presented to them. It is an easy task. the only trick about it be- ing to give those outside a. good glance through the blinds and then blow out the light and pretend absence. The neces- sary precautions have then been taken and a good uproar may be eXpected. Any case of lame back cured bv a few applications nf \Vest’s World’s \Vnnder; also cums ‘sprains, bruises,cnts and burns’.’ Cheapest and best. All druggists. As might, be expected where the mat.- riluunial feveniu strong, there is once in a while an emuse fora charivari. This was taken advantage 0‘ by a large crowd that assembled on Monday evening: last and marched in the residence of Mr. J. C., Whu has been but lately joined to his bride by the ties of matrimony. Hrzvmg arrived at iheir destination at about half- pasc uiuhbu’ch-ck, they, fully equipped with guns and a. variety of musical in- stunneme at. once proceeded tocharivaii me happy pair. The saline commenced by the disciin (an about; a. dozen guns iu‘qs‘ 14mmâ€weâ€)mgecgygiggmsogm 7 of ‘ vaiï¬ms instrumentsm cheerfï¬or‘n" thé crowd. This was repeated again and a.- guin, hut, aim ! all within seemed dead, except Hunt; nnw and then the curtain, as 0, J., deeply consider whether or not you gave your friends a ï¬tting reception, and at your own convenience treat them as you may deem properly. They cer- tainly did not expect to be siiuhbed as they were, but moreover Innked to you as one from whom they might receive what they considered a more becoming treatment. Mr. Jnlm Bestard lost a ï¬ne colt a few days ago from inflammation. It was a ï¬ne specimen for a yearling. Mr. James Cosgmve, having some time ago purcl‘nassd the farm on Which Mr. Lackey ié lwing, has been making great pl'eparntinns towards running things on an independent, scale. About lwo weeks ago he tank the important step of getting a. partner in llfe, which, I believe all will admxt, is among the ï¬rst retmisitee. May they live a lung and happy life is the vsiah of all. From an occasional Correspondent. This place is sicuated about two miles from Bond’s Lake, and is surrounded by one of the ï¬nest farming vioinities in Markham. It has an abundant supply of fresh spring water, and was fogmvrly much sought by ï¬shers on’ account of the delicious speckled trout; which then a- boundediu the streams of the surround- ing locality. Close at hand is a fav0rite plaice of hunters, which, however, is be- coming somewhat inferior for this pur- pose. on account of the strong strides of agriculture. There are in this neighbor- hood spriugs which may, in the near future, compete with the noted Haw- thorne Springs of Thornhill. It is said that in this place a small quantity of gold dust has been discovered by an American prospector. Thus we are in the midst of what. perhaps, will yet become a. great place. ‘ Things seem to be on the move, and seeding in going on. ‘ Cedarville \Vestr’s Pain King should be kept in every house for sudden attacks of cramps, colic, [winter’s colic. cholera, morbus, flux and dysentery. Only 25c. All druggists. fflfé‘hï¬'x‘ï¬be: 0T1Nilic’fes" issued i|f"â€â€œth€ y‘énr 1886 was 2,616. and the number in force at the end of the year 6,273, insur- ing $6,867,679.31, showing an increase of nearly $400,000.00 over the amount: at risk at end of 1885. The income for the year was 238707892. Why will ynv suffer when one bottle of West’s World’s Wonder will relieve, and two to three bottles cure any case of rheu- matism. 25c. and 50011†Your druggist sells it. ‘ GORE DISTRI'CT'MUTUA'L: FIRE INSURANCE 00.. Head Ofï¬ce Gan, County offlWaterloo: Established 1836. year was 238707892. Total assets available to meet losses has increased from $218,986.00 to 3238,- 26400 in the yen 1886, the increase be- ing withm a Lrifle of $20000. The number of losses for the past year was 108, and the amount of loss $57,- 887.27, of which $34,315.28 was reinsured, making the net lnss 8553.573 99. This Company has deposited $20,000 with the Ontario Government, being more than double what the law requires, but it gives the GORE a. still stronger hold upon public conï¬dence. Has on hand the nobbiest lines of Summer Suitings and Trouserings he has ever shown. Jubuee Checks and Suripes to suit every- body. " A NEW RECIPE (Gratis)â€"’,‘"nke sm‘cn yards of good (310th and trimminng to match; add two oz. of good cutting, and about two (7:! V ' of 131%.â€" classrwm‘k2 and the result \\ ill be {L f'u mm. TD ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Has reigned over 11s for flftv years,- and every loyal subject should Moved by W. H. Pugsley. seconded by T. F. McMahon, that a, vote of thanks be tendered by this meeting: to Mlsses P. E. Law and H. Daniels for their successful efforts put forth in Selling ï¬lembers’ tick- ets for Institute during the past year.â€" Carried . The meeting then adjourned to meet on May 9th. Farmers protect 'youf buildings from ï¬re and liglggnjnlg _byï¬ instging,,1rL the PMLAMMEM ! THEYEARUFJUBILEE OUR GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN ' QUEEN VICTORIA Moved by D. Boyle, seconded by W. H. Pugsley, that the auditors be notiï¬ed by Secretary to have books of Secretary and Treasurer audited su that; a. ï¬nanmal statement may be given at next meeting. â€"-â€"Oarried. Minutes of last annual meeting read and approved. Minutes of meeting held on May 10th and 215:, and Sept. 24th also read. . I. Crosby, President; D. Boyle, lst Vice-Pres.; G. Newbery, 2nd Vice~Pres.; W. A. Sanderson, Treasurer; H. A. Nicholls, Secretary. Directors: Messrs. W. Trench, A. Maudie, W. H. Pugsley T. F. McMahon, P. G. Savage, R. E Law. F. McConaghy and Dr. Wflson. Agent for King and Vaughan Tps. Electionvof ofï¬cers was then proceeded wit-h and« resulted as follows: N. B.â€"The above can be procured at the BER mIVE at the very lowest cash price. Minutes of the annual meeting of Rich- mond Hill Meehanics’ Institute held on Tuesday evening, May 3111. President Crosby in the chair. Members present; Messrs. Gr. Newâ€" bery, A. L. Skeele. F. McConaghy, R’ E. Law; D. Boyle, T. F. McMahon, W. H. Puzaley, A. Moodie, P. G. Savage, and H. A. Nicholls. . EELEBMTE TflsiE EVENT! BEE HIVE, earn-'1 m'ur$'~†in a. nu! reuui'ed, You 3: me absolutely sure x. C. TREVETHAN RICHMOND .Mechanics‘ Institute By getting a. new suit of clothes at the Fire Insurance. [Single copies, 3 cts â€"IS COME, ANDâ€"â€" ï¬oids are scarce, but I‘noac who mite to .‘s‘nnsonk 70.,l’oz'tlnnd, Mnincï¬iilrccrhï¬ from full inforrmmon n‘nmn work which lhpvmm do. and Inca: hmnthM will pay Ihmu [mm ’5’! to Q2“ per dry. Smuu have m 3 dm' Either sex, young 0: 0M Capital - nevi free Thoscwhomm {:2 (mac mg little fortunes. All is new. H. A. NICHOLLS, Sec’y. JOHN T. SAIGEON, SPRINGHILL. Jill} V \TT‘S T-TTT.T No. 45.