We regret that the Hon. Mr. Mowat appointed his son to the shrievalty of Toronto. We care not what pressure was brought to bear on him, we care not what were his own feelings on the matter, political power should be kept as far remov- ed irom nepotism as the earth from the sky. It is quite p0551ble that this bestowal of ofï¬ce was surround- ed l)y peculiar circumstances. Those peculiar circumstances should have been held as nothing. Nepotism, we know, reigns supreme at Ottawa. Nepotism, yes the very shadow - of nepotism, ought for that very reason to have been shunned by the Liber- 315 as a plague. Hon. Mr. Mowat has certainly deserved well ‘at the hands of Retormers. But it I must not be forgotten that Reformers in their turn have deserved well at his hands. And the true interests ot the party should always be of great- er moment than those of any mem- ber of that party. The mistakes 01 There is one other ticklish job that the government seems to feel incumbent on it,that is,a re-arrangeâ€" ment of the Cabinet. The delicate task in this will be to secure sufï¬ci- ent room for the Hon. Mr. Chapleau without crowding Sir Hector Lan- gevin. There is, however, achance that murder, even when perâ€" formed as one of the ï¬ne arts, will be found to entail certain penalties. Indeed, even Sir John will likely have to confess the impossibility of poniarding a man without leaving someetrace of the wound. The Macdonald-Tupper adminis- tration is neither as weak as its op- ponents claimed, nor as strong as its friends asserted. A test vote on the Baird-King affair revealed the fact that the government has at present a majority oflL-ss than thirty- ï¬ve. How long it will contm-ue to keep this majority is a matter open to conjecture. Sir John Macdonald evidently considers the poistion slippery, for he seems determined to make the session as short as possiâ€" ble, and to avoid the introduction of any knotty questions. Yet it is quite likely that he will .be forced to face two subjects that are to the government rather embarrassmg. \Ve mean Disallowance of Railroad Acts in Manitoba. and the Franâ€" chise Act. The outcome ot the ï¬ormer will depend entirely on the stand taken by the members of the Prairie Province. If they are ï¬rm in carrying out the wishes of their constituents, the government is in a fair was to lose tour of its present :supporters. But Norquay bluster, and promises made on the hustmgs are trail reeds. Reasons are always as thick as blackberries, even if they are neither as sound nor as- whole- some. We must be pardoned.there- fore, if we express the opinion that the Liberal opportunity will hardly be advanced by Messrs. Scarth, &c. As to the Franchise Act, lrom papers already brought dowu,it apâ€" pears that this precious piece of election-machinery has already cost the country $350,000. To this may be added, on 'a moderate comeutwa-l tion, another $150,000 drawn from the pockets of those interested in looking after the lists. The cure inr all this, as the Mail points out, is not a return to the Provincial electoral lists, but manhood suffrage free and simple. if we have to swallow the dose, it will be less bad to take it down at a quick draught, than to take it by the teaspoonlul. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, May 5, ’87 To Agencyâ€"Stone & Wellmgbon. Departmental Examsâ€"A. B. Davidson. Localsâ€"B Grennan. Localâ€"Geo. Trench. Central Bankâ€"A. A. Allen. THE GOVERNMENTS MAJORITY @1112 “fliheml. THE TORONTO SHRIEVALTY. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mr. J. J. Snider, the proprietor of the Edger hotel, has erected a large and cummodious stable. He also intends building a large shed and remodelling the lmtel so as to give the public the bust. ao- commodabimn possible. Mr. Winger, whu has been our merch‘ am for the last two years, removed to his farm last. Monday. Mr. L. Whitmore, who purchased Mr. nger’s effects, im- mediately took pussessmn. One of Klei'nburg’a favorites is here at present. visiting friends. Mr. Jesse Smith and Mr. Franklin Igurkholder, of’l‘oronbn, were here last nuay on business. Mr. E. Whitmore. of this place, receiv- ed second prize for his three 3ear old im- pux ted horse, Lnrd Dumfl‘iue, at Weston Spring Fair. Erom our own Correspondent. Mr. Gartun and Mr. Jarrett, of this village, while driving through \Voud bridge last Saturday happened with an accident. The horses became frightened and ran away, throwing both gentlemen out and bruising them severely. Miss Graham, of the town line of Vaughan and York, was out riding and unfurtu nately met the run away team, and both heme and rider were instantly thrown and trampled upon. Miss Graham re- ceived some severe cuts and bruises, and her escape from death was truly marvel- 10118 Medlcnl attendance was at once procured and at last accounts all three were prugressing favorably. \Vest’s Cough Syrup cures whooping- cough, asthma, bronchitis. consumption and all throat. and lung difliculties. 250., 500., $1. All druggists, \Vm. Rumble, sr., is very low, and doubts are entertained of Ms recovery. We understand a. shoemaker intends starting in the town. He hails from Aurora. Some of the youth of our village are Dreamy in need of something to do when they can ï¬nd no better employment than circling and peeling the bark from the beautiful trees that have been planted with so much care to ornament the vil- lage. An example should be made of them at once and a stop put to these ras- cally tricks before further damage is done and we understand at reward will be offer- ed for the apprehension of such should any further attempts be made. It. does not require any ingenuity on their part, only down right hadness could lead any one to attempt, anything so malicious. Amos Shnuk isrslowly recovering from a verv bad attack of rheumatic fever. R. McLean made himself scarce a short. time since, taking the greater part of his stock, furniture and implemems with him ere the sun ruse, much to the chagrin of his landlord, who is minus several years’ rent. Last Saturday the Imizifl'snld what remained, though it met but a small fraction of his indebtedness. "We. nude r- staud there are several ()Liwrs m hn Would like to see him. From our own Correspondent. Measles is in the Village again, and several families are ï¬ndlnz nut that though seldom dangerous L'ley are agreat nuisance. The recent meeting in Toronto of farmers from all parts 01 the coun- try, must prove of great advantage to the most important class of the communityâ€"the agricultural. The discussions were carried 6n shrewd- ly and intelligently. The objects Emposed are unexceptionable. These are the furtherance in every possible way of all that can legiti- mately beneï¬t those who till the soil. Especially was attention di- rected to the necessity of bringing vividly before farmers the vast dit- ference between skilled farming and the too prevalent hit or miss style. Skilled {arming demands less labor than the other kind, and gives a ten- fold greater return. In a word, in- stead ofleaving all to bodily strength it insists on the guidance 01 the brain. How much labor may be enhanced by knowledge may be seen in the value now put abroad on Canadian cheese. Our butter does not hold nearly so high a position- But what knowledge has done for cheese, it can do for butter and for every other product of the farm. VVesL’s Liver Pillsâ€"genuine wrapped in blueâ€"the standard reumdy fur liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and sick headache. Alldruggists. a member die with the member, but the shame thereby attached to the party clings forever. Never betore have we had occasion to ï¬nd serious fault with Hon. Mr. Mowat. We regret that we have now to make a beginning. But highly as we value Mr. Mowat,we value still more high- ly Canadian Liberalism at which, we are bound to say, Mr. Mowat has, it may be unconsciously, aimed a heavy blow. FARMERS’ A ASSUCIA TION. Edaely. Maple All kinds of Family Grocer-. ies, clean, fresh and cheap. Terms Cash or Trade. New Printed Ivory Break- fast, Dinner. Tea and Toilet Sets at close prices. In a splendid assortment of new patterns. We have nice patterns at 5c. a roll. WALL PAPERS Men’s White Shirts with linen fronts and cuffs for 50c. each. "A ï¬ne range of color- ed Shirts, Ties,Collars, Gurn- seys, Sox, Umbrellas, Straw and Felt Hats, Silk and Cot- ton Caps, &c. JUBLEE SUITS Our Clothing stock is better then eVer before, both in style and value. We have Men’s Suits from $4.75 up, good Tweed Pants for $I.75. We make a specialty of BOYS' SUITS I House Furnishing Goods, Fancy Scrims, Oriental Drap‘ 'eries, Gream and-VVhite Lace Curtains, Gold Dado Blinds, only 40, cents ‘each, Spring Blind Rollers I8 cents a set. Splendid value in Hemp and Tapestry Carpets. In the leading styles and inv1te your attention to them, and also to our Ladies Fur- nishings and FANCY GOODS Consisting of Laces, Ribbons, Embroideries, Jubilee Ruch- ings, Handkerchiefs and Gloves (we have a special lot of4 butt'on black kid gloves at 50 cents a pair), Parasols, Hosiery, &c. DRESS GOODS 2 Where you are sure to get the best goods at the lowest pric- es. In spite of the great ad- vance in prices of Cottons, we are selling to-day at the old ï¬gUres, and if you want a regular Let us sell you your summer supply of Grey and \Vhite Cottons,Shirtings and Cotton- ades, Tickings, Ginghams, Jubilee Prints, Cretonnes, &c. We are showing a very Choice assortment of SUGAR PLUM OF A BARGAIN ROYALJUBUHME CELEBRATION GRENNANS BHEAPBASHHBMï¬E JUBILEE MUWNS E Are marveis of beauty and cheapness. And show a large variety. Our {$51.90 Good washing colors, only 5 cents a yard. B. GBENNAN. And other staple articles always on hand. Pnces close: Inspection invited. I. CROSBY. TWEEDS,SHIRTINGS, CGTTONSK DRESS GOODS, 81:0. . ' MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ! THE NEE PROOF. IN ENGLISH AND AMERICAN STYLES Stylish Dress Goods, Prints, Gingâ€" hams, Chambrays, "Muslims, Silks, K Satins‘, Lace, Embroideries at closest ï¬gures. SPLEN DID ASSORTMENT OF cuffs. “Hes, Fine mam Mammaï¬ Shirts For the Newest, Nicest, Nobbicst, Neatest and C heapest lines in these goods tr) the Concrete ; and ï¬nd there also the best and cheapest selectlon of GENTS FURNISHINGS SCOTCH, ENGLISH AND CANADIAN. TWEEDNS. â€"â€"â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"- FINE ‘WORSTED SUITINGS. CONCRETE HOUSE, READY - MADE SUITS. SPRING & SUMMER STOCK GENTS’ SPRENG HATS Also a complete stock of Men’s, Youths’ and Boys’ S. B. & Co’s Grass mixtures are yeaer increasing in'den1and,beca.\lse of superior quality and excellence-â€"N<me but very choicest Varieties used. Mixtures prepared for any soil or purpose. if you want a. never-failing pasture try them. Re-Cleaned Seed Grains, Timothy, Clover; &c., in great variety. Don’t fail to call. The popular variety. Invariany asked for when once grown. Sold in sealed packages only. S. B. & CO’S MANGELS are unsurpassed in quality, size or pro- ductiyeness. All supplies grown specially, and from selected stocks. This variety nbtained FIRST PRIZE over all competitors at T0â€" RONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1886, Specimens were grown last seaann of enormnus size. one measuring 18 inches long, 25 inches in circumference, weighing 17% lbs. Quality unsurpassed. S. B. (in Co’s Selected PURPLE TOE? SWEDE TURNIP. VEGETABLE db FLO‘NER SEEDS AGRICULTURAL SEEDS FACTS! YE§§ SQLID FACTS OF THE HIGHEST STANDARD AND QUALK’I‘Y, STEELE BR(.)M. & CO.» CAN SUPPLY YOU OF UNDOUBTED MERIT AND EXCELLENCE. S. B. & CU’S NEW SHORT WHITE CARROT! PANTINGâ€"S ! GROCERIES STEELE BROS. & 00., 001‘. Front :36 Jarvis Stg.. Tdronto. DIRECT IMPORTEB. RICHMOND HILL. Good satisfaction guaranteed in the PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURES! Complete in every department. FINE ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND SELECT VARIE'I‘IES. FULL LINES OF IF Y( )U WANT