Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1887, p. 5

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Mr. I. Crosby advertises this week a. full dine of Spring and Summer goods. A good article can always be relied on at this old .and reliable store. An inspection of goods 'is solicited. Ladies call and see the beautiful Printed Muslims with cream and white grounds irom 5cents per yard ;at the Concrete. We have had a heavy run on our \Vall Papers during the past week ’but the stock is large rind patterns first-class both for style and value, so come along and you can get well suited at Grennan’s Cheap Cash House. RICHMOND HILL, Thursday. M3335, ‘87 For the best vaiue in Groceries we would recommend 13. Crennan’s stock. The goods are all fresh and the best value in the trade. At I‘m-1 I Imasz store you can get the noi-bxmn Walkiqu Cane in town. Prices range from 15 01mm to $1.00.. Gents now is the time for Spring Overcoats and Spring suits and At- kinson 01' the Concrete House has got the newest and nobbiest line of Fancv wo'steds and Scotch Tweeds rover shown in the town at most rea- sonable rates. Give him ,a call, The \V. C. T. U. will meet at the resi- dence of MN. W. Atkinson next Taesday ev- ening at 7 30. The Concrete has just received a new lot of those 48cts colored Cor- sets which are the wonder and ad- miration olfall who have seen them. They are selling like hot cakes so .dont tail to take a look at them. Trout hooks. trolling linen, flnuts, and all kinds of fishing tackle for sale at. THE LxmmAL Store. ' There are just a few sets left of those Beautilul China Teas at $4.00 per set at the Concrete. New‘ynzu‘kefi . . . . . . . . . ‘ Aurora, “Kin‘: . . Rmm ND Hit; ‘1‘ mrnm'll .. \thmn . 1mm rxnrt. Pm‘k , ... TOW" m. Queen's \th‘f er‘k gh 13.11., T‘mrm Shaina. Cxty Hall. Font halls, lacroesu han, and ’crossus for sale at Tm: Cum/arms with all (fil'aint‘ lom’ing tho Palmer Fl '1“ Riollmonl Hill. aslnllm‘ff‘ 11m NRDTCss,Nm'th 1%: South. Acwvnmmlznlhm “ “ Fxln‘cmz North“ Bluil ()llLll.. “815 II. 11L Full par‘suularfi relating to the Depart- mental Examinatims for 2nd and 3rd clus: non-prufosaioiml certificates. to be held at Newmm'krt tmd Richmond Hill, and for lat class cerbificutes, Toronto, are given on m;- uther page. Intending candidates will pay strict attention to the regulations and (lakes. Until furthpr nation Mails will he closed at the Richlmmd Hm I'm‘t Office as follows: MORNING tâ€"anina Nurt)1.snu(h, Rust and \Vest, including ’l ho‘rnhill, Maple, Toronto, Mu,r](hmn_&'n. 8.00 EVENING :~Goim: s<>uflLlinsnulul West (as Mum'v) 5.30 N‘ B.AR(§QiSb(-)‘Hd Lntte ‘5: must he lmnded in at least Fxfteun Minuce, flier than the above mentioned hours for closing Grennan’s 5C. printed Muslims are splendid patterns and wash well. The Rev. Rnbt. McNair has kindly con- sented to deliver Mia-Lure under the nua. pices of the Literary Suuiety, in the Lecture Room of the Presbyterian Church, on Friday evening, the 13th inst. All are invited. (lollecfion will he taken up. Subject of ldcture-~“ Dude Brothers 62 Company.” Ladies. Call and see the new Curtain goods at Grennan’s. Con- sistirrgr oi Madras, Muslims, Oriental Draperies, Fancy Scrims, Curtain Nets c’lc. ' Messrs. Stone & Weléingmn, Nurserymen, Toronto, advertise on another page for one hundred good men to enll stock for the Font- hill Nursurivs. PM»: is the largest in Cann- (1n, and steady employmvnf will be given to ahabl‘e agents. Send for their teams. TORONTO. Oitv Hall Union Station Brno}? Path Q! _, .n’s \th'f Pm‘k‘lzflc Davenport ” ton, IIYL‘I-IMHND HI Kim Aurwr Newmx. PROCTOR’S STAGE LINE. N. R. R. TIME TABLE. POST OFFICE NOTICE Em? ,FSE’EEE. Departmental Exam-s Thc Fm: Proof. GOING NORTH mm) a )IXG SOUTH To Agents Lecture. Mu H. 8,10 10,05 llLl‘J 818 a O 3|) M. ‘1‘EEFY.Pustmaster Imitacups, shoes LIBERAL Store. Acnom 11 4.7% 1L5“! A 1:12.07” 12237 ‘ 12' n 11.5 Mail (3‘ ' 17 (3 .48 ,. .21 ' U ‘22 School Board M eeting. The Richmund Hill School Board held its Monthly Meeting on Munduv, the 2nd of Mav, at 4 o’clock: p. m. Members present, Messrs. Marsh, (Chairman) Wilson. Russell, Duncan, Lynet, Glass, McUouagliy and Switzcr. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. Several cummunicalions wui'e disposed of. The following accuunts were ordered to be pmd: To B, Gi‘ennun, 60 cents; A. J. Rupert, 31.50; Masonic Hall civmmittee, $42.25. Moved by Mr. Marsh, secondud by Mr. Russell, that the Principal of the Public school he instruated to promote the pupils who were unable to attend the recent examination, owing to sickness, if it be found that said pupils are entitled to be promoted. The furegolng motion was gar- ricd and the meeting adjourned. Sbirih‘s may be seen by your spiritual eyes, if you are not blind in that respect. There are many in this world, but are matprialized and they are called 1111Bth beings. If, onlv ross ‘ in; linif powers of human natureJlley nre wIled ghosts. If you are afraid of ruuh, do not Mammy on 1 temparml, or )wrmuimntly l/y txs‘é-ng-Lon iol)g,‘()l‘ if you were («a «we vnursvlf m; ushers see you, you might, be frightened to death. So, go at. once to HIBKBY‘S for Alimeiztal Supplies. M cthodisx Concert. The concert, committee of the Methodist church have secured sn'me‘ihing novel In the “my of talent fur their aiinunlCchs-rt. to be given on the .24lh of May next. The Melien Mule Quzii'lette, of Detroit, assisted by .1. Churchill Al'lidgé‘, the celebrate-d flule rolo- i>L, cf '1 orouto, and others will take gpal't. Further particulars next week. Notice is given on another page that a dividend equal to six per cent. per annum on the paid up capital stock of the Central liemk has been declared for the current half year. The ‘uransfvr books will be closed from the 17th to the 31“ of May. The an- nual meeting of the shareholders \v1l] be held in Toronto 011 the 20th of June next. Parties interested should read the advertise- ment carefully on another page. The Ladies’ Auxiliary of the Presbyterian Church. Richmond Hill, have completed ar- rangements for their usual Dinner, Tea. and Concert, to be held on May 24th. The fol- lowing: talent has been secured for the con- cert 7 Mrs. Martin MurphyJute of New York, soprano; Mias L. Kraft, solo contralto. of Centenary Church, Hui-Hilton ; Mr. Geo. Glark, solo tenor, 3f First Baptist Church. Hamilton ; Mr. F. \V. \Vudell, leonductor of Ariml ()lub, Hamilton, baritone and director. With the above galaxy of stars We feel con- fident the public may expect a. rum treat. For further particulars see press notices in next issue. and bills which will be out in a few days. The last. few days have been mcderacely warm and exceedingly pleasant. May Day brought with it its genial influences. and since that time everything has assumed a spring-like appearance. The trees have commenced to shoot forth their buds, the grassy fields are showing vi-ible Signs of life and all nature begins to think it is time to show its colors. The twittering birds have tuned their pipes for a season of merry Song, and soon the summer flowers will went the air with their swaet fragrance. Yes, the beautiful spring is here at last, and were it not fur the appearance of passing from the sublime to the ridiculous, we would say all the ronfirmation necPss-ary is a visit {mm the organ-grinder, ace unpnuied by the bear or monkey. The favorite pusstime of fishng has not been irksome at the Puttvrsou mill pond this spring. Speckled trout several pounds in weight, are being caught day after dny. Mr. Kelly drew one of this beautiful species um with a hook and line, which measured 17 inches lung by [i broad. This must. he sport indeed. One hundred feet of first class hose has arrin for the Fire Brigade t'f this village. It was purchased at the Canada Rubber Cumpauy's establishment. Toronto, and is It credit to the firm which turned it out. A speciu) meeting will be eulled some evening: next. week to test. We fire appliances after the writer, as well as to Christen the new piping. The Concrete begs to anmounce that us Stock ol Gents Furnishings. cousisting of Ties m all light and (lark shades, the newest shapes. Suspenders in light, dark Iancy co- lors, very fine, Gloves in Kid, S:lk and Tisle, newest goods: Hats both Snltemd Stiff in the very latest shapes and colorlngs: Fine Shirts, Regatta and White, all sizes and prices, 15 very complete and cannot be excelled 11) quality and prices. To-mnrrnw (Frnluy) evening the Fire Briâ€" gade Wi.l meet in the Council Chamber for general business. Previous to this, at half- seven sharp. the first regular outwionr pmcliue of the sermon will he llf‘ld. As the third and lust. trial of the hose pructice Wlll also take place on this evening, it is expect- ed that much interest Will be taken. A full atlcudimca nf the members is requested. The Eeuw-‘r Mnnufmzturing Cumpany mnmlfncmh the best \‘imlizing {nod for pm» “Aim: the. M-snd, fur I'I-‘gulutiug nud iuvuznr- Ming the system, for fuming cattle, and pigs, for hurws, milch cows, calves, sheep and poultry. For a horse or cow it is rich, it in potent, it is cheap. Call at my store nnd get it. Gum. Trent-.11, Richmond HULâ€"AdV. Lord Lansdowne‘s Reception. Lm'd lesdmvne visitml Tornnto 0n TUGS' dqy in the. official capacity of Governor-Gen- eral, “lid the reception tendered him and Lady lumsJowne was; a pruof of the estevm in which {lie Queen's I‘Hprrm ntative is held in this country. The illumiimlvions for miles along the principal streets were grand, [Llld the honored couple will long lemmnbei‘ the fiivmlly treatment received from the Toronto people. Horses, Cow‘s. Fat Cattle Fxre Brigade Meeting The Beautlful Spling. Frightened to Death Presbyterian Church. M cthodisx Concert vaidend No. -6. Good Fishing. New Hose IsffielédflfiéFtiblei'thufiyotfier futm in tale Dominima of C2na4iu. At thn 4th regular quarterly official meeting ef the Beard of the Methodist church, held in the Methodist church; Richmond Hill‘ on the 2nd of May, the fillowing resolution was unanimously adopted: â€"Movrd by J. Switzer, seconded by H. Hopper & Resolved- Thet wefitne members of the official board of the Methodist church, Richmond Hill Circuit tnke this opportunity of expressing our vs- leem for our present superintendent, Rev.W. It. Burker. who has, by his exemplary chris- tian deportment, courteousness, fidelity, (ii;- e’retian and earnest and eloquent exposition of the Divine Word endeared himself to the members and ndhervants of the church and gained the confidence of the entire commu- nity. We regret exceedingly that the “lies of our church render his removal imperative, and we pray that he mriy be long spared to cuniinue his labors as a successful heer of the arm‘s.’ Mr. Barker, in reply. referred to the harmony, peace and prosperity that had prevailed on the circuit during his pastorate. He thanks the Beard for their tangible ex- Passion of esteem and the kind words they 114d uttered. Several ocf the Salvation Army kisses visit- ed Toronto on Monday, and attended the anmversary of the opening of the new bar- racks in that ciay. Reeve Pugs’iey, in one of the County Com- missioners attended a meeting in Toronto on Tuesday. The principal work under ccn- siderutinn was the leasing of the toll-gates on the York rnads. After the close of this month several gates are to he removed, in- cluding No. 4 just 110th of this village. Delicate females, old people and chil- dren are always pleased with West’s Liver Pllls. Mild, effective. and they always cure. 3O sugar-coated plllS 250. All During the last month endeavors have been made to secure the Wilson mill pron ertv, and arrangements have finally hten completed by which the aforeshid, together \vnh plant and raw material, have been pur- chased by a Joint Stock Uomp..ny, consxsung pixincipallyloi the leading business men of the villuge. In order to obtain a. charter immediately so as to commence Opel'flllmm Ht onco, the capital could not exceed $3000. This amount, which consists of Sixty Sll'rll‘vs at $50 each, has been taken. The Company intend at no distant date to incresso Lllr capital to say 510.000, and those of our chl- zsns who have not yet taken stock inny the“ have an opportunity of becoming sharehold- e-~s 1LlSiIll‘llflfl-ldl0;m8nllfu.(:tur0lls a lean ii 4; article the Wall.known Wilson Fanning Milz, the reputation of which is fully established in this part of the country. Other agricul- tural implements will also be manufactured, and in time (repairing of all Linda will no nt- tcndcd Ito. The work will he proceeded Wlllj at once, and those farmers who are in need of a firstâ€"class fanning mill will do wull to consult this company before purchasing elsewhere. It is the intention to get out several hundred for this season. Mr. & Mrs. H. F. Hopper have gone to Woodstock to spend their honeymoon. Rev. W. F. Wilson, of Davisville, will occupy the pulpit in the Methodxst Church next Sunday evening. Mr. Wilson may ex- pect a crowded house. Mr. Bert. Savage left here on Monday to enter the wholesale grocery esnablishment of Messrs. Kyled’a Eckardt. Toronto} where he has obtained a. situation. Mr. J. Ross Robertson, D. D. G. M.. is expected to pay an official Vlsit to Richâ€" moud Lodge, No. 23, G. R. 0., A. F. (k. A. M.. on Tuesday evening, the 17th inst. An emergency meeting will be called on that eve-mug. HOPPER%%RAINGERâ€"At the residence of the grown], on Wednesday. May «1th, by the Rev. \V. R. Barker, Henry F, Hopper, to Catherine Gmiuger. both of Richmond Hill. dru mists Miss Emma Sanger has gone to Barrie where. she purposes spending the summer Lu mths. Mr. W.T. A. Cook, of Muuford, spent three or {ourdays iu the, village durmg the past week. FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer, 28 Maryâ€"- laud Road, Harrow Road, London, England (late Lazarus & Morris. Harpfpra, Con.) The lmah'xl then passed accounts and ad- jourucd to meet. at the call of fin chairman. These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every inâ€" stanne unhounded satisfa‘cnion. Thev me the bash in the world, They never tire, and last many years \Vltbout change. For» bale by T. I". McflfflHON Preserve Ynurfiigm Sgeetacles& G‘lassesg The board of License Commissioners met at the Clyde Hotel, on Thursday, April 28th, 1887. Preaent, Messrs. Mchfiroy, Bonnie and Brown, and «15.: the Inspector Jame; Eka- urdt. Mr. McCufirey, clxuirman. Minutes of last meeting read and approved, when the Board proceeded to grant. the following Li- censes: John Vanhorn’e. Hotel License, Joeepb Trebilcock, Shop Liqen-se. James hyon,Hute1 License, Johu Webber, Hotel Licemse, Henry A. Burrows, Hotel License, (Gun-li- tionul) Wm. PaWell, Hotel License. Ric-bird Hentv Crew, Hotel, Orson Hem- mingway, lime]. James Langston], Hotel, Wm. Perry,Hulel. FRANK L AZARU S 'J‘hé following \vére held over £111 next meeting of the board; P BLISEER 0F "‘ LIBERAL,” RICHMOND HILL (Late of the firm of Lazams 5; Morris) BY WEARING THE ONLY L’ERSONAL S: Resolution Adopted. The Jomt Stock Co. East York Licenses. MARRIAG RENOV‘VNED Boys’ Tweed Suits 98c. Boys’ Tweed Pants 250. Boys’ Suits at any price. Gents’ Tweed Pants $1. Gents’ Tweed Suits $3.50. The largest, best, cheapest, lightest Clothing House in Canada; the mostobliging. attentive salesmen, ever an- xious and eager to please our customers. Persons Furnishing or about to Furnish should Exammg our Immense Stock of KIDDERMINSTER CARPETS ! Against highâ€"priced. badly-fitting Clothing continues. Our neighbors are crying out “Hard Times,” but we are always busy, High prices make hard times 1"0r them ; low prices make good times for us. Read this list of prices and come for the goods. If everything is not exactly as adâ€" vertised, kindly mention the matter to Mr. Thompson or one of his sons, and. they will feel themselves under great obligations to the informer. Tim‘s. TMPSDN 6% SWS, Having at eye'to business will make their purchases of White and Grey Cottons, White and Grey Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, Towellings, etc., etc., at our stores. By the piece at close mill prices. Inspection invited, and if our prices are not lower than those of any other house in the city, don’t buy. Persons livâ€" ing at a distance of one or two hundred miles can save their railway fare and expenses on a pur- chase of twenty-five to fifty dollars. Grey & bite Gatmns REVOLT OF MAN I CARPET HOUSE 2 PETLEY & PETLEY, All our stock is new and choice, and pmchased from the best English makers, prev1ous to the advance in prices. Wiltons, Brussels; Tapestry King 81. East, flppn. the Mam TORONTO. HOUSEKEEPERS MAMMOTH HOUSE, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. THE LEADING THE AND Boys’ Felt Hats Igc. Gents’ Felt Hats 250. Gents’ Stiff Hats 25c. Gents’ best quality 75c. & $1. Gents’ White Shirts 58c. Gents’ Ties, Collars, Braces, Rubber Clothing, etc., etc. Remember we make the finest ordered clothing at lowest possible rates.

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