Keeping fruit of eny kind depends on1 three things. It must be sound to begin with. A spec of decay or acid change will develope ferment in a kettle of fruit. Second, the jars or cans must be air tight. The ob- ject of steaming the fruit is to expel the air and arrest the change in the juice, which would naturally proceed to ferment. Air penetrates in ï¬ner ways than we can dis- cern, and needs much less than the crevice of a. hair or a. pin’s point to enter and spoil the contents, Glass that is free from cracks or air bubbles, well glazed stoneware free from flaws, yellow ware, or strong, dark earthen jars, will keep the fruit from the air, provided it is sealed with putty, Wax or bladder, soaked and left to shrink on the mouth of the jars. Cans with screw tops and rubber rings are apt to have slight de- fects which prevent perfect sealing, and can- not be depended on without wax. A shelf in a: furnace-warmed cellar, or stor e- room opening from a kitchen, is not the place to preserve fruit. It may be put up in the best manner, and yet spoil through keeping in the light or where it is not cool. Glass cans should be wrapped in paper, buried in sand or sawdust, or kept in a dark closet. Packed with plenty of chaff, dry sand or sawdust, or dry sifted ashes, most preserves will stand freezing weather with- out injury, but each can needs at least six- inches of non-conducting material about it on all sides for protection. A pit on one side of the cellar, dug below the reach of frost, and lined with boards, with straw or ashes between them and its walls, will keep preserves from heat or freezing. A pit dug 1n the cellar, four feet below the level of its floor, well drained and lined as above, will prove the best place for heaping small quantities of preserves enough for a. single family. \ ' Chambers’ Journal says a. joint of meat may be kept many days by wrapping it loosely in a. ï¬ne cloth wrung out of vinegar and hanging it in a draft of air. If the weather is very warm the cloth should be moistened twice or even thrice a day. Third, _the jars must; be kept in a. dry, dark,_gqol place, very little above freezing. Fruit stains on cloth or on the hands may be removed by rubbing with the juice of ripe tomatoes. If applied immediately, powdered starch will take stains out of table linen. Left on the spot a. few hours it ab- sorbs every trace of the stain Milk may be canned just as you would can fruit. Bring the milk to the boilirig point and ï¬ll yourjars to the brim with it ; then shut air tight. This will keep any length of time and be just as good when opened as when it was put up. SCRAPS FOR THE KITCHEN SCRAPâ€"BOOK. To prevent flat-irons rusting, rub them with a. cloth wet with kerosene. To keep flannels as much as possible from shrinking and felting, the following is to be recommended: Dissolve one ounce of pot- ash in a bucket of water, and leave the fa- bric in it, and wash without rubbing, also draw through repeatedly. Next immerse the flannel in another liquid containing one spoonful of wheat flour to one bucket of Water, and wash in a. similar manner. Thus treated the flannel becomes nice and clean, has barely shrunk, and almost not at all felted. COTTAGE PIIDDING.~â€"T&ke three pints of milk, set on the stove to heat ; dissolve two tablespoons of corn starch in a. little milk ; add to it when scalding hot, with the yolk, of ï¬ve eggs beat up with two tablespoons of sugar ; a. little salt when it comes to boil ; pour out in a. pudding pan ; beat the whites with the same amount of sugar and spread over the top; flavour with vanilla; set in the oven and brown 3. little. NOTES. W but will remove grease spots from clcth- ing in the best manner, is a. frequent inquiry. There is probably nothing better than equal parts of strong ammonia. water, ether, and alcohol. Pass a piece of blotting paper under the grease spots, moisten a sponge ï¬rst with water to render it “ greedy,†then with the mixture, and rub with it the spot. In a moment it is dissolved, saponiï¬ed, and ab- sorbed by the sponge and blotter. MILK BISCUIT.â€"Two pounds of flour, one-half pound of lard, one teacup of yeast, one teaspoon of salt, one pint of milk ; make dough and set at ten o’clock, stir at; three. mould and make out at ï¬ve, let rise until supper. Bake twenty minutes. OATMEAL BLANC-MANGE.â€"A delicious blame-mange is made by stirring two heap- ing tablespoonful of oatmeal into a little cold water, then stir with a. quart of boiling milk, flavour and pour into molds to cool; cream or jelly may: be eaten with it. MEAT FOR HASHING 0R MINCING.â€"-Meat that is to be bashed, or used on a. second day in any way, would always be much better if the slices were cut from the joint or large piece as soon as it leaves the table and soak- ed in the gravy of the dish until the next day. The American Rural Home says that a new method of preserving fruit is practiced in England. Pears, apples, and other fruits are reduced to a paste, which is then pressed into cakes and gently dried. When required for use it is only necessary to pour four times their weight of boiling water over them, allow them to soak for twenty min- utes and then add sugar to suit the taste. The ï¬ne flavor of the fruit is said to be re- tained to perfection. The cost of the pre- pared product is scarcely greater than the original fruit, differing with the supply and price of the latter; the keeping qualities are excellent, so that it may be had at any time of the year, and bears long sea voyages withâ€" out detriment. No peeling or curing is re- quired, so there is no waste. The Tehauntepec ship railway is not to be affected by the death of Capt. Eads. He finished all the drawings and charts for the work months before his death. The neces- sary capital is said to be at hand, and all, indeed, that is required is the charter asked of congress, whi:h is looked for next ses- sion. Edward Scrugg, of Nashville, Tenn., is totally blind, and goes about led by a. negro boy. Yet he trausacts business better than most men, and in the year has made 3100,- 000 by real-estate speculation. CARE 0]“ PRESERVED FRUIT. HOUSEKOLD. RECIPES. The incomes of the royal families of Eu- rope amount to close upon thirteen millions sterling a year. Germany stands at the head of all European nations in the matter of royal incomes. That Empire, with a population of more than forty-five millions. supports twenty-two royal, princely, and ducal families, and the direct cost of their maintenance is £3,300,000. In Prussia and several of the other German States the reigning family, besides its public income, possesses very large private estates, and, indeed, in some of the states, the princes are the chief land-owners. In Mecklenberg Strelitz, for instance. the reigning family owns three-ï¬fths of the land, and the grand duke governs without the aid of any repre- sentative institutions whatever. Turkey comes next to Germany in its royal expend- itures, the total amount absorbed by the sultan and his family being about £3,200,~ 000. The imperial family of Russia costs that country £2,450,000, the greater part of w'iich comes in the shape of rents from the cr )wn domains, which consist of more than amillion square miles of land, besides gold and silver mines. The Austrian imperial family is tolerably well off, having a revenue of £920,000, all of which comes directly from the public revenue of the country. The British royal family comes next, with a cost to the country of about £900.000. The sum includes the revenue derived from the Duchies of Lancaster and Cornwall, which amounts to £111,000. The old Duchess of Cambridge, now eighty-eight years of age, continues to draw from the British treasury £6,000 a year, besides enjoying the royal palaces of St. James and Kew as her resiâ€" dences. Italy pays her royal family £660,- 000, which is a very large sum in proportion to the means of the country, while Spain disburses on the same account £400,000. This ends the list of European monarchâ€" ies but the minor monarchies also pay their royal families very large sums. Belgium pays £133,500 a year to her king, and Portugal, with three-quarters of a mil- lion less population, pays £l27,000. Mon- archy costs Sweden and Norway £117,500 annually; Denmark, £362,000; Holland, £63,- 000 ; Roumania, £40,800; and Greece, £42,- 000. But £12,000 of this last sum is paid What it Costs to Run Royalty. UUU. JJUU .: 1H,\IU\I \JA uAAAu Awuv uuAAA Au [III-A» by England, France and Russia. Republi- can France gives her President £36,000, two thirds of which is in the germ of salary, and one-third for household expenses. The Swiss republic pays its President £600 a year, which is probably the smallest sum that the head of any civilized nation in the world receives. All the expenditures of Switzerland are on a correspondingly low scale. The expenditures of the Confedera- tion does not reach £2,000.000 annually. \Vith all this evidence before them it is argued by some that it costs less to run a. monarchial than a. republican government. The Miseries of a Timorous Man. There are some people from whom the recent reduction in the elevated railroad‘ fares have no interest. They Would not ride on an elevated road if a ticket cost nothing, with a. prize package thrown in. They are the people in whom fear is abâ€" normally developed, and who live in con- stant terror of being injured by accident. The feeling seems to be constitutional and no' amount of experience will lessen its acuteness. It injects misery into every pleasure. There is no place where a. person with this feeling can go in safety. On the street there is constant danger of being run over or struck on the head with a falling brick, or of tumbling into holes. No matter what the height of the building, an elevator cannot be taken. Elevators are unsafe. Food is eaten with the idea that it is poison- ous. A gas-jet awakes thoughts of as- phyxia and a, lighted-lamp sends a. thrill of agony into the soul. A steam-boiler is a torpedo with the fuse burning brightly, and a ride on the cars is a journey to the grave. Everything that is looked at is viewed with ‘the possibility of accident and personal injury. . . ‘..‘ Such people are not numerous, but they exist. Every one has seen the man who would not ride in an elevator if it was guaranteed to carry a million pounds, and who would cross the street to pass a building in course of erection. Dr. Ball, the French physician, tells of a. man who recently came to him to see if something could not be done to conquer this fear of being hurt by acci- dent. The patient was a. young man and was engaged to be married to a. girl in a. distant village. When the marriage day arrived, he went to the depot to take the train for his sweetheart’s home, but could not overcome his dread of riding on the cars, and the marriage had to be postponed. Gala, nuu I/LAU Luau "1.56 Hutu uv uu rvnvr vvvvv Dr. Ball considers this peculiar manifes- tation a form of insanity, in which an imaginary danger becomes real and can no more be overcome than any other kind of delusion. This condition is thought to be due to nervous shocks given to children when young by sudden frights, not from the presence of any real danger, but from at- tempts by older people to frighten them. They Were Always Busy. Prior to the American Revolution every colonial farm-house and every blacksmith’s shop was a manufactory. For everything was literally manufacturedâ€"that is, made by hand. The blacksmith hammered out axes, hoes, forks, spades, ploughsheres, scythes and nails. A tailoress went from house to house to make up the winter cloth- ing. and was followed by the shoemaker. The farmer prepared the leather from skins which had lain in she vat for a. year, and his wife [made ready the cloth. Spinning-wheels buzzed from morning till night. Skeins of woolen and linen yarn hung on the walls of every house. Seated on the 100m»seat, the best woman of the family plied shuttle and treadlesvweaving blanket-3, sheets, table-cloths, towels, bed~ curtains, window-curtains, flannels and cloth for garments. Every woman in the household manu- factured something. The aged grandmother spun flax with the little wheel ; the young- est daughter carded wool, and the oldest, if the men were busy, hatcheled flax. It was hand-work that did it, and every hand did what it could best do. The women, whose “ work was never done,†not only carded, spun and wove, but they milked the cows, made butter, bread and cheese, soap and candles, cooked the food, did the washing, and in harvest raked hay, pulled flax, and dug potatoes. The neighbor. who Happened in for an afternoon’s gossip, brought her work. The mother patched or knitted, as she rested by the ï¬reside, or quartered apples for the children to “ string†and hang in the morn- ing in festoons on the sunny outside walls. All were busyâ€"always busy. HOW TO TAN SHEEPSKIXS. To those who occasionally kill a sheep we would say : Remember the following recipe for tanning a. sheepskin. They make the best kind of mate for the house or carriage, and a good Cotswold skin. well tanned, makes a good cushion for the Waggon seat, and for many uses it is valuable : u u “ For mats, take two long skins and make a strong suds, using hot water; when it is cold wash the skins in it, carefully squeez- ing them betWeen the hands to get the dirt out of the wool; then wash the soap out with cold, clear water. Then dissolve slum and salt, each a half pound, with a little hot water, sufï¬cient to cover the skins, and let them soak in it over night for twelve hours ; then hang over a pail to drain. “When they are well drained, spread or stretch carefully over a. board to dry. When a little damp, have one ounce of saltpetre pulverized and sprinkled on the flesh side of each skin, rubr bing in well; then lay the flesh sides to- gether and hang in the shade for two or three days, turning the under skin upper- most every day until perfectly dry, then scrape the flesh side With a blunt knife to' remove any remaining scraps of flesh. Trim off projecting points ; rub the flesh side with the hands, and it will be very white and handsome, suitable for a. door or carriage mat. They also make good mittens. Lamb- skins, or even sheepsklns, if the W001 be trimmed oï¬â€˜ evenly to a. half or three-fourths of an inch long, make beautiful and warm mittens for ladies and gentlemen, and the girls with a little practice can make them.†Tn an experiment in England for the pur- pose of determining the daily amount of food consumed by different breeds of fowls, the following was the result : Dorkings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 ounces 391 grains. Games . . . . . . . . . . . 4 do. 275 do. Buff Cochins. . r . . . . . 17 do. 296 do. Langahans . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 do. 31 do. Dominiques . . l . . . . . . . . 4 do. 336 do. Brown Leghoms . . . . . . 4 do. 398 do. Hamburgs . l . . . . . . . . . . 4 do. 120 do, Polish . . . . . . . . . 4 do. 28 do. Guinea Fowls r . . . . . , . 4 do. 182 do. It will be seen that the Buff Coehins ate much more than any of the other breeds, and to show the increase of weight in proportion to food consumed, it may be stated that each gained daily as follows for twenty days 2 Dorkings . . . . . . . . 138 grains and laid 130 eggs per year Games . . . . . . 92 do. 100 do. But? Cochin 77 do. 115 do. Langshana. . 123 do. 115 do. Dominiques. . . 92 do. 110 do. Brown Leghorn 107 do. 190 do. Hamburgs. . . 92 do. 239 do. Polish . . . . . . . . 46 do. 98 do. Guineas . . . . . . . . . 75 do. It will be noticeti that the Hamburgs gave the largest number of eggs, and the Brown Leghorns next, but the Dorkings and Langâ€" shans made the largest daily gain in growth, while the Cochins, though consuming enor- mously of food, did hot show its eflects either in eggs or the ï¬rst twenty days, growth. Taking the three highest for weight at six months, the following was the result : Dorkings weighed 10 lbs. 1 oz. and 685 grs. Buï¬" Cochins weighed 9 lbs. 13% oz. Langshans weighed 10 lbs. 5 oz. and 437 grg. °~ Fli‘he greatest gain was made by the Lang- shans, but; for the food allowed, the Dork- ings a:re entitled to the honor. SWINE PROFITABLE. Enthusiastic swine breeders of a statistic- al turn of mind occasionally try to show by ï¬gures the comparative importance of the hogâ€"growing interest in the country ; but no great array of ï¬gures is needed to satisfy the farmer of moderate means that hop: rais- ing is one of his surest and quickest ways of making money. It takes less capital than in the rearing‘of horses and cattle, and it brings returns much sooner. The greatest drawback in swine-breeding is the liability to losses from the epidemic diseases which so frequently sweep through the country. Yet the great proliï¬cacy and rapid growth of hogs render it possible to soon recover from these losses, and still come out ahead of even the fast~horse men. A friend re- cently remarked that he had followed the showing of horses at fairs for many years, though, from a. lack of sufï¬cient capital, not as largely as he would have liked. At the same time he kept a lot of good hogs at home, and almost immediately on returning from the fairs in the fall he had to sell hogs to pay his horse showing expenses. Since then he handles fewer horses and more hogs. Now, instead of standing near the foot of the roll as breeder of good horses and hogs, he has advanced to the foremost rank as a breeder of improved swine. NOTES. A distance of thirty feet apart each way is suitable for apple trees, and eighteen feet each way for peach trees. The young trees should be kept well trimmed and given good cultivation. It is not the severe cold that kills the small fruit vines, but the alternate freezing and thawing. Hence the advantage of a. mulch, which protects from sudden changes of temperature. It is claimed that four times as much nu- triment can be secured by converting the Waste products of the earth into milk as can be gained by putting them into beef, pork, or mutton. In buying young trees it is best to select those that have a large supply of roots, long and branching. The roots may be shorten- ed before putting into the ground. Trees with tops not too heavy, with large roots, seldom require staking. Nest egg gourds are now grown. They very much resemble the genuine eggs, and being very light in Weight there is less liar bility of breakage of the eggs laid, as is sometimes the case when they roll against glass eggs. Stale eggs should never be used as nest eggs In order to show what a sheep may attain in weight, it may be mentioned that a two- yearold grade Lincoln wether was recently slaughtered in England. Its live weight was 434 pounds ; carcass, 304 pounds ; loose fat, 34 pounds ; skin, entrails, blood, etc., 90 pounds ; waste, 6 pounds. In a. majority of cases the orchard is the last location to be .given cultivation, While very often the supposition is that it should receive but little care. The best results are only obtained from the orchard when it is kept in as good condition as possible, not only by being trimmed and the suckers re- moved, but a. liberal application of fertiliz- ers made to the ground. The Massachusetts Board of Agriculture which has made experiments in that direc 138 grains and laid 130 eggs per year 92 do. 100 do. 77 do. 115 do. 123 do. 115 do. 92 do. 110 do. 107 do. 190 do. 92 do. 239 do. 46 do. 98 do. 75 do. FARM. 115 115 110 239 tion, decides that whole potatoes, as seed, will produce a crop at least a. week earlier than will potatoes that are out, and that small potatoes will produce better results than will large potatoes cut into pieces. The seed end of the potato starts with more vigor, and produces better than the stem end. Sprout potatoes are not so good for seed as those with the eyes just started. Something About Rings. In ancient times rings were the symbol of authority. \Vhen “Pharaoh took ofl" his ring from his hand and put it upon Joseph’s hand,†he entrusted to him the government of ï¬gyptz 1 11 ‘“ 70.: . Rings for ornaments were worn by all classes of the ancient Egyptians. Many gold, silver and bronze rings have been Iound in the tombs. Those worn by the lower classes were made of blue porcelain and ivory, and those worn by the rich were usually made of circlets of gold, and bearing a. stone engraved with the name of some king or deity, or with a. sacred emblem and legend. in; ï¬rst all rings were made of iron, and such continued to be worn by many noble families as a distinguishing mark after old rings came into common use. Accor ing to Martial, Charimus wore sixty rings, or ï¬ve on each ï¬nger. Rings were giten very valuable, that of the Empress F eustina is said to have been worth two hundred thousand dollars, and that of Domitia three hundred thousand. The Jews always were their rings on their right hand, on the middle or little ï¬nger; but) with the Egyptians the fourth ï¬nger of the left hand was always the ring ï¬nger. The early Christians adopted the use of rings. Many of them adoxn 3d their rings with symbols connected with weir faith, such as the cross, palm branch, anchor and ship. Rings were worn by the early Christian bishops, and the custom still prevails in the Roman churches. Rings were formerly given away at Wed- dings. Edward Kelly is said to have given away at the marriage of one of his maid servants gold rings to the value of four thousand dollars. The wedding ring is sup- posed to be of Roman origin, and to have sprung from the custom of making grants, agreements, etc. \Vidows formerly wore the wedding ring on the thumb as an emblem of Widowhood. The Romans originated the custom of giving rings with mottoes to their lady loves. Among the most common mottoes found on old rings are the following : “Uni- ted hearts death only parts.†“Knit in one by Christ alone.†“A faithful wife preserv» eth life.†Many superstitions have been connected with wedding rings. It has been thought; that a. wedding ring was possessed with curative powers, and some persons still believe that a stay on the eyelid may be made to disappear after being rubbed with a gold ring. The rings sometimes owed their virtue to the stones with which they were set. Thus diamonds were thought to be an antidote against all poisons; coral hindered the delusion of the devil ; topaz cured and pre- vented lunacy ; and the toadstone was con- sidered a sovereign remedy for many dis- orders. The once prevalent notion that an artery or nerve extended from the ring ï¬nger to the heart, is of very ancient origin, and is probably due to the Egyptians. Rings were also believed to possess magical virtues. Plato records that Gyges, King of Lydia, possessed a ring which rendered him invisible when the stone was turned in ward. In the early ages rings with the name of Jesus, Mary and Joseph were supposed to be a. prevention against a. plague. Rings were sometimes made hollow to contain poison. Hannibal died of poison which he carried in his ring. The ring of Caesar Borgia. had a. slide within which he is said to fave carried the poison which he some- times dropped into the wine of his guest. History of Mother Goose. Mother Goose's maiden name, according to the Lewis‘ton (Me.) Journal, was Eliza.- beth Foster. She was born in Charles- town, Mass†in 1635, and married Isaac Goose, of Boston, in 1693. She was his second mate, and began her maternal life a stepmother of ten children. She added six more to that number. Think of it! Sixteen goslings to a. single goose ! Is it any wonder that she poured out her feelings in the celebrated lines : "‘ There was an old woman, who lived in the ihoe She had ghee many children she didn’t know what to do Y†Yet her family cares sat lightly upon her and she survived Father Goose many years. Still, she staid by her nest and led and fed her flock until they were able to swim by themselves. One of her daughters married Thomas Fleet, a printer by trade, with whom she went to live and insisted on bein a. nurse to his children, and there she liveg and sang from morning until night, “ Up-stairs and downâ€"stairs, And in my lady’s chamber." Thomas Fleet sold songs and ballads at his printing-ofï¬ce, and one day a happy thought struck him. So, while she sat in her arm-chair or shuffled about the house lost in sweet dreams, he carefully wrote down what he could of her rhymes which fell from her lips. Soon he had enough to make a. volume. 'These he now printed and sold under the title of “Mother Goose’s Melodies for Children. T. Fleet, printer, Puddingâ€"lane, 1716. Price two coppers.’ The Rev. J. M. Manning, D. D., formerly pastor of the Old South Church, Boston, at a. festival not many years since, spoke very truly, to my mind, when he said: “Not Homer or Shakesphere is so sure of immor- tal fame as Mother Goose. Considering the love in which her melodies are everywhere held, their freedom from anything which might corrupt or mislead the infantile mind, their practical wisdom, their shrewd mys- tery and motives of human conduct, one is in all soberness forced to admit that her name is among the brightest of the jewels which adorn the brow of Old South. Let us hope that the day is not far distant when amemorial statue will be erected to this 1 venerable lady in one of the parks or squares l of Boston.†Next week at Aldershot, England, will be tested a new vehicle, shaped like a long rac- ing boat, on which a. dozen soldiers can sit in single ï¬le and propel it easily at the rate of sixteen miles an hour, and can draw eight baggage wagons after them. This multicycle is steered easily by one man, is aï¬ected little by rough roads, and turns in less space than an 'ordinary hansom. It is an English invention and it is not to be offered abroad. SOME SIMPLE REMEDIES. An excellent gargle for sore throat is sim- ply salt and vinegdx. Geranium leaves, particularly those of the Rose Geranium, are excellent if well mashed and softened, to apply to cuts or other wounds where the skin is cut and broken. Put a teaspoonful of salt to one-half apint of soft water, keep it where it is warm, and if your eyes are weak or the lids inflamed, apply it to them two or three times a. day with a. soft linen cloth. Common salt is useful in many ways. A pinch of it put upon the tongue and allowed to dissolve slowly, will relieve heart-burn ; it; is also a. Blue cure for any distress caused by eating too freely of nuts. A very large number of adults form the habit of sleeping in one particular position, such as lying upon their right or left side. A smaller number sleep upon the back. Some persons sleep with the head greatly ex- tended ; more often it is flexed considerably upon the trunk. Many must have the head greatly elevated; others can only sleep with the head very low. Some observations made by Dr. G. Nosovitch ( Wratsch) upon 235 soldiers showed that 37â€") per Cent. slept upon the right side, 23 per cent. on the left, and 6.5 per cent. on the back. It has yet to be determined whether any particular harm can come from sleeping in a certain position which the individual uncon- sciously assumes. A popular belief exists to the effect that the liver, being a. heavy organ, tends to press upon the other ab- dominal viscera. when a person lies on the left side. At any rate, more persons, prob- ably , sleep on the right side than on the left, as experience and Nosovitch'sstatistics show. The author in question believes, also, that the posture in sleep influences the extension of a. bronchitis. He found, for example, that in the 235 cases referred to, all of whom had this disorder, in 97 it was left-sided, in 72 right sided, and in 66 on both sides. He thinks that the preponderance of the bron- chitis on the left side was due to the fact that there was a greater expansion of this side during sleep, and, consequently, a. greater ingress of cold air or of the morbiï¬c particles causing the disease. Some writers have thought that the posiâ€" tion in sleeping has an influence upon the passage of fzeees through the colon, the posi- tion on the right side being especially unâ€" favorable to emptying the colon. Repose on the left side, on the other hand, favors the gravitation of fveces from the transverse into the descending colon, and is therefore to be preferred by those suffering from habitual constipation. A recent Writer has argued strongly for the view that the head should be lower than the feet during;r sleep, and he claims that more perfect health and greater longevity will result from such'approximate topsy-tur- viness. The contrary position, with the head and trunk considerably raised, some- times relieves cramps in the legs. It is well known that some chronic nervous affections, more particularly nocturnal epilepsy and some forms of insomnia, are sometimes bene- ï¬ted by sleeping in a. partially erect posture. It appears, therefore, that the posture during sleep is a matter deserving of some attention from physicians, and that some actual therapeutic results may be obtained by looking after its details. Opportunities for studying gastric diges- tion through ï¬stulous openings into the stomach are, thanks to modern surgery, more frequent than formerly. This is im- portant, as the physiology of digestion, as understood at the present day, requires more than the classical instance of Alexis St. Martin to place it on a sound experimental basis. Such a case with experiments ad hoc is recorded in the Revue Scievttiï¬que by Von Herzen, of Lausanne. The subject was a. man, wt. 28, on whom gastrostcmy had been performed for occlusion of the oesop- hagus. The observations made were as follows: Bile always appears in the stomach during digestion, but generally only in the later stages. The amount of HCl amounts to 1'8 to 1'9 grm. pro liter; it increases during digestion, and reaches its maximum in the third hour. Sodium chloride appears rather to diminish the amount of acid. When the stomach was empty in the morn- ing but little pepsin was found, and a large amount of propepsin ; peptogen accelerated digestion. In the ï¬rst hour, of a quantity 10f albumen introduced, two per cent. was ‘ digested without peptoeen, twelve per cent. with it. In the second hour, twenty-three per cent. was digested without, forty-ï¬ve per cent. with peptogen. 1n the third hour, ï¬fty-one per cent. without, seventy-six per cent. with peptogen. These results agree with those obtained by Schiï¬'. Chloral, quinine sulphate, and ab ve all potassic iodide, retard digestion. _ T e author would forbid'red Wine in disturbances of digestion, but would recommend bouillon and dex- trin ; blood ï¬brin is also indicated in many casesâ€"Medical Press. , For the beneï¬t of the large number who» are suffering from rheumatism we publish a. sure cure as related to us by a gentleman who was so ill with this disease that his life was despaired of. He was conï¬ned to his bed, and so acute was his suffering that if a person walked across the room it caused him to scream out with pain. His wife heard that potato was good, and, as a. last resort, she put on half a. peek of potatoes in an iron kettle over the stove and let them boil all to pieces. She then, by dint of much labor and extreme pain on the part of the husband, got him up and put his feet in soak in the water, and the pain was relieved as if by magic. Cloths dipped in the hot water were then applied to his knees and other portions affected, and although the application al- most killed him at first, so sensitive was the ï¬rst touch, yet a moment’s time saw the pain alleyed and the patient was soon enjoy- ing a sweet sleep. His recovery was speedy, and he has not had a severe attack of rheu- matism since. We advise all of our readers to give this simple but effective remedy it triul. The person who received such beneï¬t hxts told of the remedy to many others, and in every instance it has proved successful. THE POSITION TAKEN DURING SLEEP. Two thousand one hundred and twenty- eight feet per second was the initial velocity of the 1,800~pound projectile ï¬red twice with 1,000 pounds of powder from the new 100~ton gun intended for the British ship Ben Bow. The gun survived. CUBE FOR RHEUMATISM. STOMACH DIGESTION. HEALTH.