The Manitoba Legislature will shortly be asked for agu a. tee for the Hud o .5 Bay railway. ' HOME. \Vork on Section E of the new VVeIland canal is completed. r The Kirmiss recently held in Toronto in aid of the Infants Home has netted $4,188. Se far thié season a. total of 4,368 immi- grants havc arrived in \Vinnipeg. Winnipeg city council intends to petition the Dominion Goverment to remove ob» strucvions to the Red River at St. Andrew’s. The Rev. Prilicipal Grant, of Queen‘s College, has discounteuanccd a propusal to raise $50000 by muucipul taxation in King- ston, Ont. Sc. Catlierines will lose about one thou- sand do Ian‘s in direct; revenue and as much more indirectly by the reduction in the numâ€" ber of city liquor licenses. Capt. Boulbon, R N., will resume his hy~ drographic surVey of Georgian Bay as soon as the ice breaks up. The Dominion Government has been asked to grant compensation to those volunteers who took part; in the Fenian raids in 1866 and 1870. The Council of the Ottawa. Board of Trade has decided to ask the Government to place $30,001) in the estimates to provide for the survey of the Ottawa. Ship (Jamal. The value of imports into the Dominion for the nine months ending March 31 was $74,934,000, and the exports for the same period amounted in value to $66,357,000. The SS. Lawrercc, between Montreal and Sorel, is now practically clear of ice. The Richelieu and Ontario N wigution Company’s beams have commenced running. The Hamilton Central Labour Union have decided to petitiOn the city council not to grant the request of the Moral Reform Asso- ciation for the closing of Dundurn park on Sundays. The foundations of the new Canadian Paciï¬c railway hotel at Banï¬" are completed. and work on the superstructure will com~ mence immediattely and be pushed iorwzu'd vigorously. It is expected that Kingston will contri- bute $80,000 towards the J ubiiee endowment; fund of Queen’s University. More than half the stlpulated $50,000 has already been subscribed. The priests in St Boniface, Mam, are strongly opposed to the threatened invasion of the town by the Salvation army, claiming that they can look after their flock without interference. A large tract of lanl has been secured near anedosa, Man , for the Church of England Colonization Land Society, and a. large party of emigrants are now on the way from England to settle there. The Dominion Government will be shortly asked whether it: intends to proceed against Senator Ogiivie in order to recover a propor- tion of the loan of the Exchange Bank, for which he became responsible. Arrangements for running Canadian Paci- ï¬c trains over the Michigan Central road to the \Vestern Sï¬ates have been completed, and the \Vcstern Ontario Paciï¬c railway will not be built west of London. Resolutions making the Manitoba Govern- ment’s guarantee to the Hudson‘s Bay rail- way available on progress estimates, instead of on completion of the line, has been intm» duced into the Manitoba. Legislature by Mr. N 01‘( luay. The river at Montreal has fallen, and it is generally believed that danger of fur- ther flood is past. Owing to the preparav tions made in the inundated district the loss will be very slight as compared with last year, the interruption to business being the most serious. Strong parties of Mounted Police are in active pursuit of parties of Indians, suppos- ed to be Bloods, who recently ï¬red on Mounted Police scouts at Cypress, and on freighter ‘..;_y' miles south-east of Leth- bridgo. 'l‘ 1e ulfcndefs are supposed to be horse thim cs from across the line. .~\ speeml cablegraln says the trustees of r n} Bernardo homes intend celebrating the Jubilee year by establishing a. home for the street children of London, and developing lanl 'n Na .izobn, and the creation of an in dustrial farm for the employment of older lads rescued from the great towns. At a meeting of comnunding officers, held in Montreal, it was decided to hold a. grand ï¬eld day, parade, and review of all the regiments in the ï¬fth and sixth military districts on J uue 213t, in celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee. Efforts will be made to secure the co-operation of the corporation of Montreal, and to have the day proclaimed a. civic holiday. Four young men, named Charles Moureau, Auguste Rousseau, Joseph Huard and Honore Huard, Went out on the River at St. Romuald, Que., in a. boat, when it was upset by heavy ice, the four being precipi- tated into the river. Honore Huard man- aged to haul himself up on a. piece of ice and keep afloat till assistance reached him. The other three young men were drowned. Italian laborers, numbering 200, working for the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway on the Vancouver extension, struck the other day at Port Moody for an increase of wages. Anticipating riot and destruction of pro- perty, special constables were sworn in, and are now guarding the Company’s property. The militia are held in readiness should their services be required. The result of Colonel \Vhite’s experiments on the resistance offered by a bank of snow to a. rifle bullet, which were made recently at Ottawa, were most interesting. It was found that the Martini bullets ï¬red into a bank of well packed snow were completely spent after traversing a. distance of not more than four feet from the point of compact. Snider bullets, in hard packed snow mixed with ice, but not hard enough to prevent digging into it with a sheet iron shovel, did not penetrate more than about four feet ; in perfectly dry snow, packed by natural drift but capable of being easily crushed in the hand, a. bullet penetrated about four feet, and in loose drifted dry snow less than seven feet, though ï¬red from points only twenty or thirty yards distant. The most painful intelligence has reached Quebec from the valley of the St. Maurice, where a. disease, known as Black Fever, is making terrible ravages in many localities ; it is also accompanied by diphtheria. At Mount Caribou, the family of a. French set~ THE WEEK’S NEWS. tler, named Antoine Veaugeois, who was formerly in the service of the Due DeMorny. at Paris, has been all but decimated. Dur- ing the week before Easter four grown up daughters. three young and unmarried, and the other a. widow, fell victims to the (lis- ease. Two younger children died about the same time from diphtheria, and it day or two latter two of Veaugeois’ grandchildren, resid- ing at Grand Ause, also succumbed ; mak- ing eight deaths in the same family. It ‘5 said that the disease is still continuing its ravages. Ofï¬cer J. R. McMahon, wounded in the Hay-nurket riotz Chicago, a year ago, is in a a. crltxcal condimon. Joseph Dull, a German butcher, of New York city, kicked his 18 year old wife brut- ally on lhursday. She cannot recover. The anarchiits are indulging in threats of a, great revolutionary movement in 1889 when they allege 100,000 of their number will be ready for an uprising. At least four hundred children are down with the measles in the city of Madison, Wis., and many adults are afflicted. The public schools have been closed. The Chicago anarchists have decided to abandon the open system of advocating their cause and to adopt the secret; strategies of their Russian and German colleagues. A petition has been signed in the New York Legislature, asking Her Majesty the (Queen to pardon Dr. Gallagher, who was concerned in the attempt to blow up Lon- don Bridge. A \Yashington despatch says there are in- dications that non~intercourse with Canada. will bé proclaimed, and that a joint commis- sion will then be appointed to adjust the matters in dispute. The attempt to evict; the settlers, 800 in number, on the VVinnehago and Crow Creek reservations, Minn., is likely to end in blood~ shed. The Indians are in war paint and armed with \Vinchester rifles. A special train containing prominent rail- way ofï¬cials making a. tour on the Rock Is- land Railway, Kansas, was a few days ago hurled down an embankment twentyiour feet. Only slight injuries were sustained. An insane man named H. Heile, at Cincin- nati, yesterday, atrackcd his wife and children with ha atchet. The woman suc- ceeded in protecting herself and children. Heile thenlled to the kitchen and cut his throat with a butcher knife. Thirteen Irish constables, who have re- cently resigned, will sail for America. The Shipwrights of Belfast have struck for weekly instead of fortnightly payments. Crown Prince Frederick William is rapid- ]y recovering from his throat aifection at Ems. Victor Hugo’s will has been admitted to probate, and his property in England is valued at $460,000. The Italian Minister of \Var requires l7,~ 000 reserves f01'_active service, and 32,000,- OOOf. for military expenditure in Massowuh. Gen. Salenta, the Italian commander at Massowzfll, is about to proclaim 3. blockade of sea and land in Abyssiniz}. The Paris Journal tles Debuts publishes a desputch from Berlin stating that the Schnabeles atfair has been amicany settled. It is reported that Russia. has proposed to remit the Turkish war indemnity 1n re turn for a. cession of territory in Asia, Minor. The Russian Government, in order to raise the value of ins paper currency, has au- thorized its acceptance in part payment of Iustome duties. A fresh pro~Russian conspiracy has been discovered in Soï¬a, and several men who were formerly ofï¬cers in the Bulgarian army have been arrested. A skirmish has taken place at Sal'rass be- tween 3. body of Ambs and a force of Egyp- tians, under command of Major Uhermslde. The Arabs lost 200 killed and wounded and the Egyptians 44 wounded. It is stated that; a reconciliation between the l’upe and the King (If Italy is likely shortly to take place, by which Italy will protect; the Holy See. The Vatican will support Italy’s foreign policy. The Government has prevented the Rus» simr admirers of Gen. Boulanger from send- ing him a sword of honour, on the ground that such an. act would creatu erroneous im- pressions in regard to Russia’s foreign policy. It is semi-ofï¬cially stated that if the Ameer is overthrown by the insurgents, England and Russia will arrange for the suppression of tribal war on the subsequent administration of the whole country under a. protected ruler. Sir John Gnrst, parliamentary secretary of the India ofï¬ce, stated in the House of Commons that the Ameer of Afghanistan re- ports thatthe Ghilzai rebellion isnot spread~ ing and that his troops are meeting with success in their encounters with the rebels. The Emperor William has sent a. beauti. ful diamond bracelet as a wedding present to a. Jewish maiden whom he used to see at a. window opposite his hotel at Gastein, and in whom he took an interest. He has asked her to come to Gastein yearly during his sojourn there. The young lady, Whose name is Kern, is to be married to a mer- chant named Kilian at Iglau, in Moravia. Mt. Gladstone recently visited the grounds of the American Exhibition and the Wild West show, in London. He interviewed Red Shirt, an Indian brave, and subsequent- ly made speech, in Which he referred to the kinship of Euglishnen and Americans, and rejoiced that the clouds which had once ob- scured their political horizon had all but passed away. The means wlic A may be readily and successfully employed to relieve pain are important and should be known by all. \Ve give you the name of the best remedy in the world for pain, and the information that a 10 cent sample bottle can be purchased at any drug store. l’olson’s NERVILINE, the new and sure pop pain cure, Will never fail you in time of need. Nerviline is a safe and prompt cure of all kinds of pain, neuralgia, cramps, toothache, headache. Sure always. Ten and 25 cent bottles at drug stores. Cardinal Manning has an article in the London Tablet on the subject of capital and labor, in which, after referring to the long and unequal struggle that has been waged, he concludes by saying that it is the duty of the Church to protect the poor and to pro- tect their labor, which has built up the hu- man commonwealth. To Cure Pain. AMERICAN. FORE] The newest fashion in ladies’ hats doubt- less cause a flutter of pleasureable excite- ment among the fair sex. Ladies are always susceptible to the changes of a fashion plate ; and the more startling the departure, the mare earest the gossip over the new mode Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is a posi- tive cure for the ills which aï¬lict females and make their lives miserable. This sover- eign panacea can be relied on in cases of dis- placements and all functional derangements. It builds up the poor, haggard and dragged- out victim, and gives her renewed hope and a fresh lease of life. It is the only medicine for woman’s peculiar weaknesses and ail- ments, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money refunded. Read printed guarantee on bot- tle wrapper. The Queen has left Aix-les-Bains for Lon- don. Mild, soothing, and healing is Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy. Advices from Allahabad say Mahomed Shah, whom the Ghilzais have proclaimed Ameer, is summoning refugees from India, and that rumours are current that a. great coalition of Ghilzeis is being formed. The Cutest Little Things. “ Cute!†he echoed. “W'ell, I don’t know as the adjective would have occurred to me in just that connection. But if you mean that they do their work thoroughly, yet make no fuss about it ; cause no pain or weakness ; and, in short, are everything that a. pill ought to be, and nothing that it ought not, then I agree that Pierce’s Pleas- ant Purgative Pellets are about the cutest little things going 1 Seven convictions for violation of the Scott Act out of eight informations this week at Uxbridge, Ontario County, two of which were for ï¬rst offenceE and ï¬ve for second and one swore through. YOUNG MEN suffering from the effects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and lolly, who ï¬nd themselves week, nervous and exhausted ; also Mm- DmI-Aann and 0h!) MEN who are broken down from the effects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced lil'e feel the consequences of youthful excess, send for and READ M. V. Lnbon‘s Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt 01 two 80. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON. 47 Welling- ben St. E. Toronto Ont Evening dress slippers have little or no trimming. A small buckle or a. tiny ribbon is alone admissible. People who are subject to bad breath, foul conned Gongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can ah once be relieved by using Dr. Carson’s Stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. Ask your Dmgglsh. Speaking of love, a. French Wit; says that it frequently occasions worse follies in old persons than in young ones, and that this passion is like the smallpox, which is always the more destructive the later the disease is caught. The symptoms of which are “ Faint spells, purple lips, numbness, palpitation, skip beats, hot flashes, rush of blood to the head, dull pain in the heart with beats, strong, ra- pid and irregular. The second heart beat quicker than the ï¬rst, pain about the breast bone, 8m.†Can be cured “in many of the ï¬rst stages.†Send 6c in stamps for amph- let and full particulars. Address V. LUBON, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Canada. Lew Wallace says he has never seen a Turkish drunken man. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or der, causing Biliousness, Dye epaia, or Indigestion and their attendant ev1ls, ta e at once a dose of Dr Carson’s Stomach Bitters. Best family medicine All Druggists, 60 cents. If you are not wiser and better at the end of a day, that day is lost. LADIES Who are Weak, Nervous and Exhausted; who feel themselves losing Strength; who are pale, delicate and sickly in appearance, eufl‘ering from the many complaints peculiar to womenâ€"send for and ram] M. V. LUBON’S Treatise in BOOK FORM on the Diseases of Women. Mailed sealed and secure from observation on receipt of 60. in stamps, UNSEALED FREE. Address, M. V. LlIBON, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Ont. “ Orlando, I didn’t see you with Miss Brown at the concert last night.†“ N0, Percy ; I’m not calling on her any more. I can’t until she retracts what she said last week.†“ Ah ! What did she say '1†“ Well, she said I needn’t call any more. Catarrh, Catarrhal Deathess and Hay Fever. Sufferers are not generally aware that these diseases are contagious, or that they are due to the presence 01 living parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eustachien tubes. Microscopic research, however, has proved this to be 3 feet, and the result is that A slmp e remedy has been formulated whereby catarrhI catarrhnl deafness and hay fever are cured in from one to three simple a plioatione made at home. A pamphlet explaining is new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon 8: Son, 808 King Street West Toronto. Censdn. TEACHERS and Students, Attention X Special classes during summer holidays, in Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, etc, Write for full particulars. Canadian Business University and Shorthand Institute, Public Library Building, Torontoi THOS. BENGOUGH, President CHARLES H. BROOKS, Manager. Nothing is more diflioult than to return thanks neatly. Thus she muses, while she tries To soothe the wakened baby's cries ; While to other mischief hies That boy. With aching head, this mother mild, Looks to the future for her child, Still needless, yells in accents wild, That boy. She hears the dread, unearthly tone, And stifles something like a groan. To some bad end will surely come That boy. Patient mother, wait awhile ; Summon hack thy loving smile ; Soon will graver care beguile That bov. Through the house with laugh and shout, Knees Lhrmdbnre and elbow out. Mamma, hears with anxious doubt, That boy. Vain are all the lessons taught : In one short hour they are forgot, Gentle manners leurmeth not That boy. Soon the boy “ with cheek of tan" Will be the brawny, bearded man. If thou \vouldst’. trust and honor then That boy, Trust him now. and let thy care Shield his soul from every snare That. waits to capture, unaware, That boy. And when, though worn and aft distlessed. Thou knoweet that God thy work has blessed, Then trust wish him for all the rest, That boy. The Ladies’ FavOrite. Heart Distéase. That Boy. A. P. 331. 13 for $1.00 ALL FIRST QUALITY, and with every 0 “ 50 Dollar order, an Amuryllis, a Chrys- 3 “ 25 anthemum or Monthly Base, FREE. THE BEST STRAWBERRY PLANTS, 250. A DOZEN. I guarantee Plants to please, and to arrive in good order at any post ofï¬ce in the' Dominion. Large plants by freight or express Send postal for descriptive list. Dairy Salt, EW Impox‘tations.‘ Higgins’ Eureka. Washing. ton and Ashton Brands. in large or small sacks. Also Rice’s Canadian Salt. Write for prices. in? Specialist, 96 Clarence St: Toronto‘ AGENTS; Allan Line Basra} Mail Steamships Sailing during wmter from Portland every Thins clay and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and 5! summer from Quebec every Saturday to LiverpoolX calling at; Londonderry to land mails and pmengen for Snotiand and lreland; also from Baltimore, vln liglifax and St. John's, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly during Hummer: mt tbs. ’lre abeamars cf the Gian 20w lines sail d g winter to and from Halifax, Portland, Boston am Philadelphia; and during sum mer between ’ «row and Montreal weekly; Glaï¬gow and Boston WM. 1, v w and Philadelphia fortnightly. FR’E’EWFEUWERING 'PLA’NTS. (Stamps taken) For freight, panaaga, or oï¬her information apply u A. Schumacher 8: (10., Baltimore; 8. Cunard 1% 00.. Halifax ', Shea & 00., St. John’s. NF. ; Wm. Thou p 5011 an 00., St. John, NIL; [diam (#00,, Chicago Love & Alden, New York; Ii. Bourlier, Torouflo. Allans, Rae 5; 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Philadel phim; II. A. Allen, Portland. Benton Montreal. BABY’S BIRTHDAY a'n'd cheaifnégéfBuâ€"y :16 either until you See them. AT thaleuding Caryiage Buildgxfs Eel] think THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP UO.'S This Splendid Machine Oil! Hm“farsightimhrher“W It Has No Equal. Farmers, Thrashers and Millmen Use No Other. CARRIAGE TOPS This Oil keeps the Machinery in ï¬rst rate workng order, thereby lessening the chances of accidents and breakdowns. To be had of all ï¬rst-class dealers. Beware of imitations ! Try our 600 Fire Test. Cylinder 0il. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and. Lard 0ils. always in stock. MCCOLL BROS. & 00., °K~1ng St; W.. TORONTO. TAMMERINGâ€"Aud all Impedimenw of Speech, L relpqyed { ife. Cute glgxrantaed Smumner- Branch Oflioéfl. 37_Y3ï¬Â§3'8t., Toronto I have a ponitivu remedy ior the nlmvedisunxe ; In its use thousands creases 0mm worst kind and m' lam: standing have been cured. IndeedY so “roll: is my faithln It- cï¬â€˜ICacy, that I w“! send TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with I VALUABLE TREA'I‘ISE on this disease to Any anfl‘erer. Give express and P, 0‘ ndrlre-a. W on. T. ALSLOCUM, EWWWWWH JAMES PARK ,6? SON» J. P. COCKBURN, FLORIST, In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. This meeting (being the 15th since the Com any was organized) took place on Tuesday. the l2t April, when the following gratifying increases were announced: PREMIUM INGUME INCREASED FUR YEAR, INTEREST AND RENTS, - - ASSETS; - - $356,375. 81 Were :anocatcd as Holden-n. Proï¬ts pa ’ May lst. Welmâ€"lï¬io'iiï¬mnidz 00., Montreal, Wholesale Produce MerchantsJTorontA A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card new to Buy baby whose mother will send us the. names of two or more other babies. and their: parents' addresses Also a handsome Din mond Dye Sample Card to the mother And} much valuable information. @fedefaï¬on JSSGQIATION. _. . E OUR. LAST NOTICE FOR. BUTTER, ETC. Bicycï¬es ! ‘i END AT ONCE FOR LIST of Second-Hand Machines, From $15 Upwards. New Catalogue Ready 18!; April. A. T. LANE, MGNTREAL SOLE MANUFACTURERS 0F LARDINE. D.W. BEADLE NURSERY 60 Lardine. Apply to the are famous for their style, conveqience, dgrabiliyy, WThe Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. Wo‘resham‘s Automatic {0 starting Injector. Kiszorrison’s Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. [ï¬'l‘lngincers’ & Plumb- w‘s‘ Supplies of every des ription. Send for cirr‘uiars. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. ST. CLTHARINEB. ONT. 7:3 & TlAEIolnide St W., GRAVENnnRs'r, 0N1 TORONTO WANTED Were :anocatcd as Proï¬ts ti) Policy Holdoi'ra. Proï¬ts payable on and After May lst. J. K. MAUDUNALD, Managing Director. Capital, £260,000. Dominion Government DepositI £55,000. Head Ofï¬ce: 72 King; St. East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influcnve wanted in unrepresented districts. A. T. MCCORD, Resident See any for the Dominion. Rowucrtfu. Drunmord, Ont. The Snow Drift, Uunin > MAMUFAGTUR'S OF ALL KINDS OF {MYSend 3c. stamp for Catalogue. Ontario Pump Go’y, Geared “’iud Mills For Driving A'Iuchiuery, Pumping Water, etc. From 1 40 horse power. Both Iron and Wood, â€"~ Force and lift. We We stan'l ready to GUARAN~ will vrunrzmtee our ,. ‘ , ~ - Dcepbwc“ Pumps to my. own Srmmnn HAYIM} 1)Catauyother pump is he best; in the market. 1n the market Braflhï¬ï¬‚fllcé, 37'Yh’IiEEStI,’T’Drunto. Men I My cure I do not mean meraly to stop them {on “me end then have them return again. I mean a rndicll cure. I have made the disease ofFl'l‘S,EP1LEPSY or FALIE ING SICKNESS†life-long study. I wnrmnt my remedy to cure the worn cases. Because other: have felled II no releon for not now receiving e euro. Send at once for O truths and A Free Bonle 01 my infallible remedy. 0". Express Ind Poet 011160. 1‘ cost. you nothing {or e trlel, 2m 1 will cnre_yon. Address DR. B. G; 3021‘, IGURE HTS! We manufacture the most com- plete line of HAY NG TOOLS, â€" SUCH ASâ€" riors, llorse Ilay >l’ul_l_( ,_F100r l’lI M P S. NTArgn .cAnoi-z COMPANY, \HE LONDON GUARANTEE AND AUGIDENT 30. (L0), OF LONDON, ENG. TORONTO. ONTARIO. SURPLUS. 30,234. llny rriors, llm Forks, Pulleys, Hooks, £343., I X L FEED MILL. The cheapest, most durable and perfect Iron Feed Mil ever invented. TORONTO. Tanks â€" Round or Square. Capacity from 12 to 2,855 barrels. (tniuula. $96,894. I3,029. GANDES