Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 May 1887, p. 8

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MECHANICS' lNS'l‘ITUTE.- Library 01 over 1000 volun'lesmpen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma» sonic Hall, from 7 to 8 o‘clook. R. E. Law, Libra. riun. Lectures and discussionsperiodically. an BRIGADE.â€"Regulal‘ meeting first Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber. at 71). m. Membership free. Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptionm Wm,H. Pugsley, Captain. 11. A. Nicholls, Secretary. A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lndge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic H1111 each alternative Tuesday at 8 o’clock p.211. Bene- ficm‘y certificate given for $2,000 in case ofdoath J. Brown, Master Workman. TS. Grennan. rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Temperance Iiullpench ulter- lmtive Tuesday evening mao‘clock p m. Bone» flciury certificates issued to mule or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, nne halt \mynblc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- §on Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer.Recording RICHMOND HILL CORNET BANDâ€"Meets for practir-e every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o’clOck W. Sheppard, Leader Seeretarv RICHSIOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G.T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday evening. (Lt 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harrison T.D. EN BRONZE LET'I‘E RS. NM WINE The Methodist sabbath sch ool Temperance A s sneiution issue pledge cards every Sund my when desired. Wm.Ha.rrison supf EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE MW [nfullible Blood Purifiex. Tonic, Diurectic Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousnesa, Jmmdicm Liver Complaint. Bhnunmtism, all Kidney Diseases. ScrofuIn-. Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum, Ex zema. and all Skin Liseasefi, Hendnchn, Palpitation of the Heart, Sour Stomach and Heart Burn. J‘jnr Vepnfahle. ! classes with emplovment at. home the whole of the time, or for their spare mo~ ments. Businegs new, light and mufituble. l’e, sons of either sex cusin earn from 50 cents to per evening, and n. prnpnrtionul sun: by devoting: all their time to the business. Boys and girls earn nearly as much as men. That {1.11 who see this mxw send their address. and test the busi- ness, we make this otfer: To such as are not well satisfied we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of wrlting Full particulars and nut- fit free. Address Gunner: STINSON & 00.. Port- land, Mama And Will give his best Mientior tn nny bills or custom sawing; he may he fuvorvu with. Meantime. any one wanting )1 ng snuff williuuch oblia e by Sanding in orders as man : 5 possible while We are cutting; the timbei . RICHMOND LODGE,A. F. & A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Ma.sonic Hullpn the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o’clock p.111 I. Crosby, W.M. VILLAGE COUNC1L.~Re. w, Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cillms.1\lessrs.P G. Savage, Jos Hull, Wm A Sanderson, Levi Gaby. (Hm k. M. ‘1 WW. ROMAN CATHOLIC OBUBGH.-Services in order :1 follows :Thornhill at 9 5.111., and Richmond Hillnt 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich. mond Hill at 9 mm. and Thornhill at 10:30 a. 111. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor ANCIENT ORDER OF FORESTERSâ€"Court Rich- mon11,N0.7046 5L 0.1“..meetsi1nhe Temperance Hall every alternate Fridnv at 7.30' p. m.- Alex Coulter, C. R. mama UMSSESV ATTEN- The undersigned respectfully intimufes that he will bhul'fl_\' xunm'c his buwamh from HcGev’b switch to near mam: 91mm. Churches. ST. MARY s EPISCOPAI: Canaanâ€"Service at '3 p.m., except the third Sunday of every ménth, when the service and sacrament are held at; 11 a..m. Sunday School at1:30p.m Rev. W. Bates, Rector CAUTEON. PRESBY’I‘ERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"Services at 1] o’clock a..m.,a.nd 6:30 p.111. Prnyev meeting on Wednesday eveningM7z30. 'Bev J. W. Caul- eron. Pastor. METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 9.. m and 6:30 p. 111.,tmd Sunday school, at 2.30 p. 111. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursday avenmg in the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Barker, Supt. Rev. Leonard, Assistant. VVESTON, 1+1 F. N RY BIA RSH. INC: 1?. O. LUMBER. JOHN (J. Wiis': E: 00., Toronto Ont. IS MARKED Societies. (95‘ iii frame}, “1.1) Elmer Complaint, mu ac he; Indigestion or Ciostiveness rd. Saws v: :11 'W’BST’S LEVER Wilma. aim Durections re macaw in: w!» . Large 50x3: , cantainfng .4, 3:5 (nuts; a" 18030:: $1.99: $0.25 355';st "m T“? 33‘. pay 1:17.!) ahnve Reward is»: any ' r: a , In connection with the factory. when: custom sawing wfil be done. All Work guaranteed and prlces moderate. can live at home. and make more E money at work fur us. than at unv- ‘ thing else in this world. Capital not K ' needed ; you are started from Both suxes; ; 2111 was. Anv one can do the work. Largo ezu'nm" sum from first st-m‘t. CosLly nutfit 11ml terms Nee. Better not deluv. Gods you nothingr to send us your address and find out 2 if you are Visoryuur will iln so at; once. H.11ALLETT & 00., Purblhnd, Maine. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDING S, &C. The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL ijN'iTIEEST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 86 B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method 0f extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON RUBBER, â€" â€" â€" $25.00 ON CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 I use 110 cheap material and warrant every set. Gum Filing, anti all other npemtinns skilfully [)(‘lfI-l'lned: an mmkrntc fees, Cd“ and see me. No trouble to an- swer quvsiinms. FIRST-CLASS SAW-M VITALIZED AIR ! Are 110w prepared to take cnntrncts fur all kinds of Buildings. MRS, WASH, “WEB. 8555“ G. P. LENNGX, Both lightand heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as Hm work is under my own supervisr .1. I Mm also prepared to do all kinds "f black smithmg a; repairing in the must \rm'k‘ maner manner, on the shortest notice. and on the most reasonable terms. RICHMOND IiILL E’LWNG mg ! 6 E £91 a? 33' WICIIMOND HILL. )0( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their liberal patr )nage during the past twenty-five, I beg to re- mind them ambthe gamut] public, that, having emote:a tittitely new and cum- modinus premises. [ am enabled to supply . Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, PLATFORM SPRING W A G U N S . Cutters, TRENCH’S 4C ARRIAGE WORKS: Horse - Shoeing Nov. 25th, 1886-3m. Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. Kept on hand, or made tn m'dor nu the shortest notice. A stock of Having bought the abovemamed mil! and put everything in A‘ways on hand. There is also FE REST-CLASS GREEK. BEST SETS 9 $1.00 Ifi SWANGE. L. INNES & SONS Paid special attention to. \VM 'I‘RENCH Sleighs and OF Nan 15th. 1894:] k râ€"4 Runn. culved January 3rd, 1883, brad hv Dr. A. Buck, Palermo, Ontmio, will be mm for FGI'ViI'e at hm owner’s farm, 3rd ion above Elcin Mills,‘Yonge St, for the season of 1887. Terms will be made known on npnlirmhon. EZRA CLUE-ZINE, ToRoN'rn Thursday April, 28 1587 Whent,fall.per bushel $0 82 \Vhoat, spring, do 82 Barley, do 40 OMS, do 3:; Poems do 51 Rye. do . Clover Seed. do . ...... Dressed 11025396" 100 lbs. 44d Pcus‘ do 01. Rye. do Clover Seed. do ...... Dressed hogs, per 1001bs G 75 Beef, fore quarters 4 50 Beef. hind quarters '7 50 Chickens, per pair . . (i0 Ducks. do $5 . GO Turkeys, each . 1 50 Butter, pound to . 2‘4 Butter. tub dairy . .. 00 Eggs, fresh, per doz 14 Potatoes, per bag. 90 Apples, per bbl ...... . 2 50 01310113. green,per. bag 1 ’75 Cabbage do 40 Cauliflower do Celery. do 4n Turnips, per bag... 35’ (Tm-rots. do. 50 Hay, per ton 9 (‘0 straw, per ton . 6 00 RICHMOND Hum Thursdav April, 28 1887 outs, per bushel .. Pulls, do. . Blessed hoga,per 100 lbs Beef. fore number.“ Beef, hindquarbnr "$0 30 O .60 Chickens. per pair 0 :50 Ducks, do 0 60 (‘x each ......... 0 50 ’J‘u vs‘ perlb hunter, pound rolls Butter, largo rolls laws. fres’h, per dozen l’utatoes,per bag Apples, per bhl .. muons. green, per bus Cabbage, per doz Celery, do ‘l, umips, per bag . . Carrots. do 4 Realm. per pack 0 4 Flour, spring, p6 l . , l , l" uurjall, pet bbl 4 10 Hny.perton 8 0 Stra“, per ton .. l FQR SEES-,7 16E ! THE Notice is hereby given that p «livid: m1 of thron nor run. 113101;) the paid up Capital Stock of this Bank has heen declared for film murent half \‘PIU‘ 1:0ng at, tho rate of six pnr cx nt.’ 1101' mmnm. mm. (Jug the same will be payable rm and after WED- NE-“DAY. THE FIRST DAY OF JUNE NEX’I‘. The transfer books will be filmed frnm the 171211 ‘ May, both 118 inclusivq. e A 1111115Lf-iéré11e}u17 “Meot'mz of the Share- hn‘xd 91‘s f“)' the election of Dirontm‘s‘. will 1w 1mm 1: I" the Rank in Tornnm, nu fifi‘NDAV’, THE 901% HF JUNE NEXT. Chair to be tzwon at 12 o'clock "001]. By omev of theBomjd. _ MUNN & (30., of the SCYEPITIF'” A I “TT‘AN mn- _n ue to not us Solicitum for Hum-Ira, ( vouts. J‘ruda Marks. Co yflghts. for Lite United 8mm . C-mzadzx. Ingrhmd, France. Germany' etc. Band B wont. l’nlents sent, fruo. Thirtymmwn yhurs‘ exuurimzce. Patentsobminwl thwde ML 1 12 Ct ). urn nouccd In the SCIENTTF‘IC AnIIamI n. he Iargee! I ML. and most widely circulated 9.4 (.m c pnm‘r. ‘ \\'I>ghi_v. Splendid engravh.“ a‘ (1 in fnrmuuon. Specimen c- m; m we "iemzfin I in”: Rent {New Addr m LYNN 6-: 30.. ENE AMERICAN Oflicb. 261 Br suiwuy. New York. Liberal Commission or Salâ€" ary, best Advantages. Splendid outfit furnished free. Any pus} man can succcel. EQMHILL NURSERIES F EENTBAL says a; GAMA. Dividend No. 6 LANSDQ‘NNE Candidatgs for I Class Certificm as shall notify the Edm-nbmn Department. each notice to be accompanied by a. fee of A. B‘ DAVIDSONJ’. S. I Newmurket. May 2nd.1887. 2w STEADY EMPLOYMENT l A pril. 18:37 V iii-aifii fLi‘Ixâ€"lé Bfâ€"fifiiflicution may be had by up- plyjng to 1.119 Inspector“ _ TO AGENTS ! WE HUNDRED GED MEN? l EuVéhrnlfi; lcditlaflilrnillflt be uccompn.nied_ bv n. free of $2 for each certificate fur which t 8 can- digutqpynposqs t9 Evita; Candidates must send in filled up forms of applir‘ution to the 1m: pector within whose in~ spectoml divisinn they intend to Write, not later man the 25th of Mav. V Departmental Examinatinns for II and III Cllms Non-professional Certificates will be held at Newmarket and Richmond Hill High Schools and for I Class Certificates as the Toronto Normal School, as follows :â€" 11 Class Non-Professional, 4thJu1y 9 a.m Ill “ “ 1.2m “ 9 a.m I " C “ nth “ I p m I “ AorB “ 19th “ 9 a.m EXAMINATIONS ! " 'A. A. .AI,LFN,Cns1~iov. 'H‘e Central Bank of Canada, ‘l'umnto, 27th of Apply for terlgifig Siâ€"IOH‘Tâ€"HOHN MILL (Largest in Cunndn,"over 465 acrenx DEPARTMENT AL am: aidvtttifitmmtfi. 351:2 “market; At once to sell for the WE WANT HOROUG E‘rONE .5; WELLINGTON, Toronto, And no lest time Richmond Hill P. O kid $0 82 t0 3 82 41') 33 4H 60 35 40 50’ H. 9 (‘0 15 00 6 00 10 50 GO 1 5 2‘4 00 14 90 2 50 1 ’75 40 0 )8 O 16 0 10 0 (30 2. 00 1 030 RED 00 1 00 filing 7 00 5 00 8 ‘20 75 30 0 50 I) C 040 050 Ont 32 00 511‘ .0 2 3 5 TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND YARNS. Raymond Sewing Machines. Eagle Steam Washers - and VVrmgers. L.;1‘RENCE FHEC'MCLES a: EYE am strumuuts at his cmmnmd, can suit the nu-Er. du’fitmlt o'st uf in mam u -~ GROCERIES, FLOUR 8c They can be sold at prices that should not {ail to store Wlth eager'purchasers. A trial wiii convince you. Tea from 25 cents n- wards, 5 lbs, fur 8. Sugar splendid value. Oatmeal 401115. 3% Al/l who have alrendv purchased an: anv snhsfied u'm‘k. Give them '4 Al! kinds nf pmdnce taken \X' A Large SESmock .(bfi li‘fijffimlrl‘URE Mixed Paints. ready fnr use, izhes, and all other matcrm smug, winch I CONTISTIBG OF DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS, WINCEYS. TWEEDS, &C... &C.. Suits Ariadne to Order. I am prepared to take prvduce in exchange, at fair market value. for one of the latest improved and most durable Sewing Machines in the marknt. as a large num- ber is prepared to prove in Hm inmmdiate nelghborhnnd,be-SIdvs the very hurLe numv bur (vf Mulals and First Prizw at anvincinl and other Fairs, such as 'L‘urt>1m1,1\1n1)- trcal. anhm, Quebec; and at, the VYurld’s Fair, Antwerp, Belgium. also a Diploma‘ fur the best work shown in Lnndnn, and H. Lei: dullm‘ prize, fur hast specimen 0f work; at Markham Fair this y'mr. Come along. and get a bargain. All orderav by until: promptly attend-ed to. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock 01! Grocemes,’Flour and Feed. HARD TIMES ! NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MAEHINEE Sewing Machines to! Suit the Times. NAILSJEAEDVVARE GLASSVVARE 8G CROCI‘ In connection with my stock of Groceriefi. 810., I wish to call your attention to a full Hssmtuwnc nf gnuds from the \Voodumck “7001161) Mills. consisting of complete stuckuf “'nll Paper and Borderings. Something new in Styles and- Dusigns, from '5 cents up. {Us hhmsnm in annmmcinq that he has pmM-msd u hf” lim' 0? “w. WALL PAPE RS. WA LL PAPE H S. These goods me all of firstfilaxa qualify and very cheap. Call and exmuine them before purchasing. Also mu hand THE PEQPLEE STGRE FEE QLQSE EASE-3 $33333 STA?LE GEOGERIE EL "‘5 n MEN J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. SPEC‘T ‘~CLE~3 FROM 25 CENTS 'i Now is the time to buy a first-class Light Running Is well supplied with a large stock of 3P§§§NG GOQ$ SH GBOCE i As the goods are bought at Flour and Feed always on hard. AT REDUCED PRICES. I!) a variety nf designs.. in all cnlurs and shades. Bf'ilud and Raw Oils, Varn» I for paints. Paint and “Wilmvash Brushes, a]! will sell at bottom price. 'Jemll and see. And all kinds of â€"â€" CHEAPâ€"â€" AT THE Also JOEE. HALL. with the way those machines him in \‘Xt‘h‘fl‘! TO $323 0?) A Pf; GEO. 'E'I’UCNCH SAVA GR. A. u ,rd‘m] I)». and hr "5]. fill

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