E some swim. TORONTO. Mzu'l. "bosom. EX. City Hull 8.10 11.45 5.1%; Union St .i . 8.18 11.52 Brock St 8.15 12.06 Queen’ . "lr‘orkdalc. . 12.10 5.38 Davenport i0 ’ ' Weston. . Thornhill.. ,xrcnmoxn {King ..... Aurora. . Newmua'kcl: . Ncwnm‘rkc: ........... ll . Aurora. ’ Klimt... Titanium.) 1 T‘lornhili . “Weston ..... Davenport Torltdale... TORONTO. Queen’s Brock . Umon City El 'PRUCTGRS STA Connects with all trains, leaving; the Palmer use Riolnnon ll. as follows: Mai ll‘z Expr.†" lid: ,Accovnmorl South... Express \‘m TMail onto... :35 POST GFFlCE, NGTlCE Until for†o(' ‘71]:m‘ll he closed at tho ‘ï¬ichlnomlJnll 1 cm. 0 usfol'lowszâ€" MORNinat-(‘m u‘th. south, Fast and \‘. .t, including Th ornhill, Mimic. Toronto, Markham . rim. IEVENING :~-G 4 nil-,4 southljnst and \V cs1: ms ‘m\ c) 5.30 N. B.â€"Rc ' (‘rml l'lctters must be lumdrd in his least Fif Jules: cu rlicr thou the .cr closing. ‘ M. TEEEY. Postmusu . 8.00 above mentioned -. OUTS ®M777i ghlbbtcl. 0 (3 .A- 142%,; . Cari-ville communication received too late for insertion. Grennan’s 5c. printed Muslims are splendid patterns and wash well. ‘Foot balls, lucronsc bolls, beltscaps, shoes .md ’crosscs for sale at THE LIBERAL Store. G0 to Atkinson‘s for Canned Corn, “Tomatoes and Salmon 2 cans each ’ior- 25cts. Trout hook-s, trolling lines, floats, and all kinds of ï¬shing tackle for sale at THE LIBERAL Store. For the best value in Groceries we would recommend 13. Grenuan’s stock. The goods are all fresh and the best value in the trade. *â€" .'At THE LIBERAL store you can get “the nohbisst Walking Cane in town. Prices tango from 15 cents to $1.00. Reform Meeting. A special meeting: of the E. R. Y. R. A. will be held at Unionrillc on the 2151; of May. See notice on another page. Sugar, Tea, Raisins, Currants, ‘Prunes, Rice at the \Concrete the ï¬nest goods at the closest ï¬gures 1n the trade. Changing Hands. The Grand Central Hotel is changing hands. Mr. G. Gilmonr who kept the Com- mercial hotel in Woodbrldge for several yours is the new proprietor. Barrie Advance Says “ Mr. WochI, with a full, rich, baritone voice, was a favorite from his ï¬rst appear- »ance." Mr. Wodcll will assist at the Pros- byterian concert on May 24th. Ladies. Call and see the new “Curtain goods at Grennan’s. Con- sisting of Madras, Muslims, Oriental Draperies, Fancy Scrims, Curtain 'Nets clc. Clean Up. Now is the time to air the cellars and clean the back yards. Disease is often kept away by attending to such work at the proper time. The Health Inspector will be on his rounds in a few days, and every householder should be able to present 0. clean sheet. Ready made Clothing at the Con- .crete magniï¬cent Stock, special va- lue Gems Fine Large Suit for $425 splendid Crash Coat & Vest for $2.50. ’ Mr. George Clark. Mr. Clark sang well, and was well received- The trio by Mrs. McCulloch, and Messrs. Clark and Stuart was the best number of the prbgrammc.â€"â€"Humilton Spectator. Mr. Clark will sing at- the ‘Prcsbyleriun' Concert May 24th. Lecture. Don't forget the lecture to be giwu by Rev. Mr. McNuir in the Presbyterian church to- morrow (Friday) night. From what we have heard of the gentleman ‘we may expect a. twat. Lacrosse in Aurora. The public would almost imagine by the Aurora papers lust w-eek that the lacrosse club of that village is about to disorganize. A «meeting was called for Friday night, the im- portant part. of the business being the dis- posal of P. lot nf‘lacrossr sticks and the silver cup won at Schomherg last fill. We wonder ’if the ï¬remen's silVer cup which should have been giver» lo thc'Y lung Canadian or Urilliu ‘lilcruvsv clulu, l is: full, will be included in 4d]? Z‘llnlé' auction. l l Tm» Soil». . ' Song,†mot wuh such in: Special Prizes. Among: the lapelciul iii-i555 for the Agricul- tural Fail? to be held hem on the 24th, Mr. “ va. Thrills, of Bradlm'u gives $10,for best im- ported stallion of any one; Dr. (iilulour. M. P'. P., Sill, for best herd of Durham cattle; (LB. Smillhltuq. M. P. P. $5,for best'oue year old draught cull; Mr. A. ll. ll-upert gives 35, and l Mr. Oxford, of Toronto 512. judges of Milk. 1!. is s-rirl lflho. t: who pull‘llllble orn- milk- nlun than: urn-.- onlv lwo llt lbs Villnue who don’t know lhv lllfixrwncc hm mean sullet and HUUl' milk. Subtract. this from the total of patrons “ml \vlll :(ut the number of ' -' distributor of the fluid wing. Accidents r lined fumilics. The M char: Quartctte. Undnublollly u ‘-'l'l".‘ lllt.‘ cloning: of His .. by going .‘vlc‘lllOltlrl (Jinnah .4) hour the Lichun Mule Qluu'lctlc, of ill-limit, who are to sin; llJCl'O on that evel-ing. .lllucll member of the Quortetlc is an artist of the big Jet ability, and their singing is described us smoothing: Well worth llc- ll.) not full to go and hear for yourselr '. ill til Around the World. Mr D. W'. Campbell will ;; rnent of a pleasing and ins. in the Lecture Room of the .‘cht an culc .‘lin' ve . .ll‘l' :o-list Church in aid of the Sabbath School fund tomorrow (Finlay) evening, commencing at 8 o’clock. Mr. Campbell comes highly recommended by the lending c,’ ‘mon oi Canada. Admission 150,- Childrcu 1 rtin Murphy’s. ll “ l‘lje Lnnghiug approvle that a most hearty l‘l'fiull w s giwn. This lll‘ly possesses a sweet 1d ciollr Soprano, has lull control of her voice and articulation and will be, welcomed in our city anothel time-Guelph Mercury/.1 This lull}: will sun; at the Presby- , h. - tcrian C an cert May Vv’c haxe had a heavy run on our Wall Papers during; the past week but the stock is large and patterns ï¬rst-class both for style and value, so come along and you can get well I \\"‘._Y to spend 's‘i‘lted at Grcunan’s Cheap Cash Ilcusc. Horses, Cows, Fat Cattle. The Beaver Manufacturing manufacture the best vitalizing food for pur- ifying the blood, for regulating and iuvnzor- sting the system, for flitting cattle, and pigs, for horses, milch cows, calves, sheep and poultry. pol-enl, it is cheap. Call at my store and For it horse or cow it is rich, it is get. it. Goo. Trench, Richmond Hidâ€"Adv. Frightened to Death. Spirits may be seen by your spiritual eyes, if you are not blind in that respect. There are many in this world, but are materialized and they are called human beings. If, onlv possess-inn: half powers of human naturc,they are called ghosts. If you are afraid of such, do not become one temporally or permanently by fasting too long. or if you were to see yourself as others see you, you might be friglltelxdjo (lest-h. So, go at once KiltKBY‘S for Alimental Supplies. The Concrete is on hand with a grand display of Carpets in Hemp, 'l'apesty, Union, .VVool and Brussels at the rerv lowest ï¬gures. Hemp Carpet at Ioc. 12% Isaud 20:. Ta- pesty Carpets irom 35c. Variety Show. The show givenrin the Masonic Hall on \Vednesday evening of last week, under the mansgement of Professor Curtis, is said by those who were there to have been very good. Only about a score favored him with their presence. '1 he professor does not ap- pear to understand the principle of judicious advertising. Agricultural Meeting. A Directors’ meeting was held in the Court House here last Saturday afternoon. Nothing of special importance took place, except in so far as making certain arrange- ments for the Fair on the 24th. The bills are printed and will be out in a few days.- Carrville Items. Of late there has been considerable rivaer between a couple of the citizens of our village as to who should claim the honored title of Mayor. In order that. the feud which has so long existed may be forever put to rest, it is thought that a King will henceforth reign supreme. W'c understand the aspirant. hails from Richmond Hill.â€"CoM. * _-_.___._. v_. 7 _ Ladies, the Concrete have got the Incest stock of Spring and Summer goods ever imported into the town. Their Light Ground Prints at IOC are exquisite, their 50 Printed Musâ€" lans in cream and white are grand, their Dress Goods in all the Light Summer Shades are really sweet,and their Trimmings, Gloves, Homer etc etc are all that can be desired. _ Burnt by Lightning. On Thursday night last the horns and stables of Mr. Noble, who lives on the 2nd concession of Whitchurch, u couple of lots below Wilcox’ Lake, were burnt by lightning. ’Mr. Noble, who is an industrious man, not in the best of circumstances, lost all hislcat- tie (seven or eight head), besides seed grain and most of his implements. Unfortunately there was no insurance on any of his prop- erty. The buildings belonged to Messrs. J. ; G (St T. Legge. We have not. learned wheth- 9 or they were insured or not. First Lacrosse Match. The ï¬rst Lacrosse‘natch of the series in (be new Lacrosse Schedule will take place on i the Park here, between the Richmond Hill club and the Ontario’s of Toronto, on natur- day, the 2191: of May, inst. As the Ontario’s have never yet Visited tl is village the match will be the cause of much excitement. They are a strong team and by the date mentioned our boys expect to brace up and give us a match that the villagers need not be ashamed of. Furlher particulars will be given in our ner issue. and by bills which:will:be out in a, «icy or .two. Company? y ‘tend making application at once so as to be ,v for the present year, 1887, will be held at the Miss Kraft.~ Her Mimical intonalions shows high de- gree of culture, her voice is of a, delicious quality,‘tuking the low notes with perfect case. â€".â€"A. MJ, Miss Kraft will assist at the Pres- byterian Concert May 24th. ’ Aurora to be a. Town. The population of Aurora. as sh mm by the census just taken is 2107. The citizens in- ranked as a town by the beginning of thevear 1888. We congratulate our sister village on her advancement in size, wealth and geneml prosperity. Were it not for the'broils of po-' litics her people might dwell in peace and friendship with each Other. Public Notiée. The Court of Revision for revising the Asâ€" sessment Rolls of the Townships of Vaughan Town Hall, Vellore, on Thursday, the 26th day of May inst, at 10 o'clock a. m. All par- ties interested are requested to take nolice and govern themselves accordingly. Sec malice on another page. Lawn and Parlor social. The Ladies’ Aid Society in connection with, the Methodist Church, Carrvillo, purpose holding a Lawn and Parlor Social at the m- I sidence of Mr. Wm. Cook. on Thursday, May 19th,1887. Tea. will be servlld from six o’- clock. Entertainment will be provided, and evoryyeifort will be mudo to make it plensunt and enjoyable. Porceeds in aid of Church: Repairing Fund. AdmiSsion to Tea, Adults. 25c; Children 15c. Arbor.Day._ In response to a petition signed by a num- ber ol morale-payers, the Reeve and Council of this village have proclaimed to-nnnrow (Friday) as other day. It 15 to be hoped that all good citizens will bear this in mind and govern themselves accordingly. It is not loo much to ask that. one day in the year be put aside for tree planting us there are ulwm s vacancies. Of the hundred Set. out in the park last spring about forty are living, and perhaps about a proportionate number of th other hundred in different parts of the vill- age. It is also necessary that the greatest care should be taken in digging out and transplanting the tender saplings. If it little straw or a few stones could be placed around the roots of each it wouldvprcva, beneï¬cial in case of. a dry summer. Let every prcpznution be made before to-morrow morning. " Methodist Church. As announced last week, the kitchen Made 'Quartette, ofï¬etroit, aesisted by Prof. J. (l. Arlili‘ge, the great Flute Soloist, and other celebrated artists who are being contracth for, Will give one of their unique concerts in the Methodist Church of this place on tin-e evening of the 24th of May. The press noliâ€" ces of the above performers are Vcrv ll‘ltbel‘ ing indeed. but they arrived too late for in- sertion in this Week’s paper. This is per- haps the only chance that the people of Richmond Hill and surrounding country wi 1 ever have of hearing the celebrated Mehuu Quartette sing, and it is a chance that should not be missed. \Vest’s Pain Kingâ€"the household re. medy. Always useful: Never fails to cure cholera morbus, pains in stoumch or bowels, cramp, mile" chills ,or summer complaint. ‘25s. All druggiets. A New Periodical. The Grip Publishing Company,of Toronto have commenced the publication of a new; monthly periodical. entitled Gum’s OWN LXB-i RARY. “The ï¬rst numb: r is made up of “Good Things from Grip,†being comic pictures and comic mending selected from the pages of Grip. It; is printed on the ï¬nest Calendered paper, and at tue price of tencenfs is a credit to the publishers, and will no doubt meet with a very large sale. The second number will be entitled, “Jubilcé Jollities.†to be is- sued June 1st, and a very large edition is be- ing prepared in anticipation of an enormous sale. l \Vest’s Cough Syrup cures whooping- cauuh, asthma, bronchitis. consumption and all throat and lung difï¬culties. 25c., 500., $1. All druggists. Burglary or no Burglary. Last Friday a telegram was received here purporting to come from the Reeve of Brad- ford worning the Council to take precautions as burglaries had been committed in that: village, and that the shurpers had come in this direction. Consequently our usually quiet village was all astir, and we presume most of our villagers slept, or tried to sleep, with one ear open on Friday night. According to instructions from the council the village constable kept sentry all night, and. guarded the town from one end to the other. However, everything was found in apple-pie order the next morning, and a good deal of time was spent in draw- ing nails out of back woodshed doors, that ,i had not even been bolted for months past. It seems now that there was nothing to cause alarm, but our village fathers are right in maintaining that it is too late to lock the stable door after the steed is stolen. Mr. BrowLilee is still on the look-out. \Vest’s Liver Pills-â€"genuine wrapped in blueâ€"the standard remedy for liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and sick headache. All~druggists Liquor Cases Dismissed. On a charge laid before Mr. Jas. Eckardt, License Inspector for this district, the pro- prietors of the Palmer House and the Grand Central Hotel were taken to Unionville last. Saturday on the supposition of having sold liquor during prohibited hours about three weeks ago. Mr. Miller, J. P., of Umonmille tried the cases, and the inspector watched closely for the proseculion. Both ~Hotel- Keepers denied the charge, and the seven wit- nesses who gave evidence swore that theyhad received mo strong drink at the-time in ques tion. No evidence wns given to sustain the charges, so they were both dismissed. EI'OIH what we can learn the accused were taken up merely on suspicion. We have no sym- pathy for those in the trafï¬c who willqu break; the law, or for a certain class who habitually hang round a hotel on Saturday nights and Sundays, at the same time it seems unfair-"tn drag a person inm a liquor case who may enter a. hotel at certain times on legitimate business. When information; lo laid before the inspector ho is bound to tithe the mallor up, therefore the informant should be can-Linus before he "Ulla thelriskscf putting the county toaexpense for nothing. ‘ ' " ‘ THE EVOLT oriulrl Against highâ€"priced; boldlyâ€"ï¬tting Clothing oontinu as. are crying out “Hard Times,†but we are always busy, Our neighbors High prices make hard times for them; low prices make good times for us. liaise-cl this list of prices and come for the goods. If everything is not exactly as 8.01â€" vertised, kindly mention the matter to Mr. Thompson or one of his sons. and they will feel themselves under great obligations to the informer. Boys’ Tweed Suits 98c. Boys’ Tweed Pants 250. Boys’ Suits at any price. Gents’ Tweed Pants $1. Gents’Tweed Suits $3.50. The largest, best, cheapest, lightest Clothing House in Canada; the mostobliging. attentive salesmen, ever an- xious and eager to please our customers. | Boys’ Felt Hats 19C. l Gents’ Felt Hats 25C. 'Gents’ Stiff Hats 25c. Gents’ best quality 750. & $1. Gents’ W'hitoShirts 58C. Gents’ Ties, Collars, Braces, Rubber Clothing, etc., etc. Remember we make the ï¬nest ordered clothing at lowest .possible rates. TH S. ’l‘llllulN it Sell" , MAMMDTHHDUsu KING STREET EAST, TORONTO.’ THE LEADING CARPET Houses Persons Furnishing or about 'to Furnish should Exammg’ ' our Immense Stock of ‘ Wiltons, Brussels, Tapestry ‘ AND KIDDERMINSTER censure ! All our stock is new and choice, and purchased from the best English makers, prevrous to the advance in prices. HOUSEKEEPERS Having at eye to business will make their purchases oiVVhite and Grey Cottons, White and Grey Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towels, Towellings, etc., etc., at our stores. Grey & By the piece at Inspection invited, and if our of any other house in the city, don’t buy. hits buttons close mill prices. prices are not lower than those Persons. hv~ ing at a distance of one or “two hundred miles can Save their railway fare and expenses on a pur- chase oftwenty-ï¬ve to ï¬lly dollars. ____._Mâ€" PET'EY PETL King St. East, up. he halls. _TORONTO.