\Vhen we consider Sir Charles’ usual 1: iner of presenting a ques- tion i-lns bold denials of what every one linuWS to be true, the roseate lhues \‘.7)"Ll1 which he paints what :every one knows to be black despair, 'zhis threats, his blusterâ€"we are torc- ‘ed to the conclusion that age is be- ;ginning to temper his robustious :orateign Yet ‘it is seldom that the hardened politician gives up lavor- Vite :methods, especially successful ‘methous, even when the booming of the SUTth the eternal shore does :strike upon his ears“ The fact stands, however,that Sir Charles’ lexpmition of our ï¬nancial affairs was it once modest and lucid. Many difï¬culties, it is true, he met by (lei/termwa avoiding them. 1115 dext:.l‘ity must be viewed as that of a nimble spirit unwilling to bruise itself ‘ rainst walls. ‘Sir Charles Tupper’s Budget ibpeeel] was in several respects a >modelone. \Vith unswervmg deâ€" votion to the main subject in hand, the l‘Vlims’L‘er of Finance rcirained from the blinding episodes which, Wlieilierthcy are abuse of oppo- nents 01' laudation of friends, have (mly one tendencyâ€"to still more complicate what in its very nature .13 imr to, 4.0 the last degree. \\’0 wish that we could share the Tiliuistcr‘s sanguine expectations. The most that we can see at all lilwly to result, is the accumulation of large l(\1‘lunCS by a few individu- 21:14, and these {ortuucs will. as al- \\';'.35, come out of the pockets of Canadian consun'iers. To secure far from steady employment {or a' few thousand men, and to build up vast IOI‘tuncs for a few indiwduals, Canadians, alrcady taxed beyond their resources, will be forced to submit to still lieax'ler burdens. West’s, Liver Billsâ€"genuine wrapped in blueâ€"Mm standard remedy for liver con1plaint,_(}yspepsia, indigestionrand sick headache. Alldruggistsu It would be idle to disicuss how tar this whey will tend to foster smeltin 'r But the immediate effects ol the policy will be an enormous rise in the cost ot all articles mto whose construction iron largely on- teir:. Stoves, agricultural imple- ments, vehicles of all kinds and ma- chfnery in general will go up in price With great bounds. Hence We are not to lie ElStOlNSllCd its. cry of dis- satisfaction is raised from one end of the land to the other. Already, in li‘x(,l', the Minister of Finance 18 lnily best-t with angry deputations. To {heir expostulations, their arguâ€" memsa, their entreuties, Sir Charles listcnse, but gives no Sign 01 changes. 1'19 declared in the House that he experstd this clamor. He also deâ€" clared that the clamor would be shorhlived, while the beneï¬ts of the {journnient’s action would be per- mnnent. V‘Vest’s Cough Syrup cures Whoqping- 05115112, asthma, bronchitis, consumptioh and all throat and lung diflicultieï¬k 2259., 500., $1. All druggis’ts.’ RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, May 19, ’87 Any case of lame back cured by a few applications of \Vegt’s \V()X‘Id"s \Vouder; alsu cures sprains, bruises,cms and burns. Cheapest and best, All druggists. Boots and Soocs#1i. Sivera. Gmnd Central Hotelâ€"Gr. Gilmour. Beesâ€"4: Rsnumn‘ As the Prize List of the Spring Fair will not he in our hands in time for pnblicatiOn on Thursday of next ‘week, TH}; LIBERAL will not be pub- lished till Friday, the 27th. Our subscribers will bear this in mind and .lrzindly wait tor their paper one day longer. \Ve presume this is prelcrabh; to keeping the prize list :till the following Week. ‘ \Vithout discussmg minutely Sir Charles’ statement, we may point out that its most salient points are (1) The abrogation of the coal tax. (2) The increased duty on iron. (3) The general increase of the tar- Lff on protective lines. That which is attracting the greatest attention is undoubtedly the second. Sir Charles boldl" cltired that it is the govern- lnciit‘s intention to develop in Can- ada the mining industries. In ac- cordance, therefore with the princi- ples of the N. P., the duty on im- portul iron is raised from two dollars a ton to four dollars a ton. In ad- dition tr] this, the government Will nay a bounty of four dollars on evâ€" ery ton of iron put from a Canadian fur: «lbw , We ï¬tnemi. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE BUDGET SPEECH. TO OUR S UBSCRIBERS. :Bpmndid Qutï¬t furnished free. Any pushing 7 man can succeed. Owing to the line weather \vehave had, farmers have ï¬nished seeding in good time and will be ready to go to Richmond Hill next Tuesday lo sue the 94th and other agriculburul exhibits, as well as the Laâ€" crer match next Saturday. The fem)in ()1 M 1'. R. Rutherford has been increased by the addition of a. dam- ghter, on May the 8th. sells it. To the Editor of THE LIBERAL The friends of the Rev. J. A. Rankin in this place and (LL the Town line (called 'J‘iimnpsmi’s :ippuinmielit) pressnted him with a punt» at £328.00 us :1 token of their sympathy to him. Mr. Rankin had the misfurtmm to lose his horse, a very valu- able animuh ()ui- Teacher of the Public 8011061 and Ilk'l bChUi‘di'S kept .v‘u'hur Day after Sume- Lhiiig of a jubilee fashion. They planted ev v-gi‘eens around the grounds and ï¬xed several flower beds in such style that they (lesei've credit for their taste and industry . No doubt some Of the young men ï¬nd it a Very trying task, \vuiting outside for the Sunday evening prayer meeting to begin, and having people who are passmg ill,SLiLI’- ing at them. 'i’his accounts for the con- duct‘bf mine of them aft *r the meeting has begun and they have taken their xe- uerved back Sums. Perhaps some of the yuun: men referred tn will not know what. this means. \Vhy will you.) suffer thll one bottle of \Vest’s Vorld’s \meder will relieve, and two to three bottles cure any case of {hen- msmsm. 25c. and 500. Your druggist SIR,â€"I hope you will pardon me for intruding on your valuable space; my excuse is, that our village is becoming in- fested with a number of unruly boys, who congregate at certain places in the public thoroughfares of the village. These illâ€" bred young persons delight in insulting respectable females passing, and indulge in the unlawful practice of letting off ï¬re- crackers to the danger and very serious annoyance of passers-by. I trust the village authorities will enforce the By- Law, “for preventing and abetting public moisancns,†such as I complain ofâ€"which By-Law l have seen in it prominent place in the Post Oflice recently. Frr in our own (\Jl’l‘cï¬llkillllenh. A singular accidun: occmcd Ull one of the nmin streets of this place one day last week ; it, was; a colllsinn which moved fat- “.1 to one (if the colliding parties. Two Cuws ran against one another with such force that the horn of one of them pene- trated L119 skull of the othm‘ and wen: some distance into the brain. The cow (livd in a few minutes Shu was the pro- perty of Mr. G. Legge, nn-ur linnd’s Lake. Last Friday i:ini‘x;ing,nl)om half past three o’clock, the helm belonging h» Messrs. J. G. and T. H. Loggu was struck by light- ning,aml barn and (mutants were consum- ed, with the excentmn nf Hm horses. 8 head of cattle, a quantiby of seed grain and feed. and a number of implements were burnt. Mr. Noble. the teuantmaine from England three years agn this spring, and by industry and ocmiomy had saved enough money to start farminqthis spring and pay for the stock and inmlcments ne- ocessary. The loss of the Legge .l3r0,, will be light, as the burn wns lHSlH'BIl,bUL, unfortunately, Mr. Noble had no insur- ance on his properly. The neighbors have expressed their sympathy fur him in the substantial form of at lilrtn’ul subscrip- tion. From our own Corre, xndent. Your cnrrospundvns nun having been Wilma-killed 111-19 some of the fall wheat is able to nccnsiunnhy write you a. fuw xmtes concerning matters nf general inter- est in our burgh. ' The Methodlst 01111101) in this place has undeagone a few improvements: which were badly needed. bun have added Unu- siuerably to its appearance and attrac- tiveness. The windnws have been fmsied and the interior Kalsomined. Miss Ida Gregory, who has been living In Turmlto for some time, has returned home. ‘ Mlss Rogers, of Creenmre..‘ms been vis- iting at Mr. Flatc’s, her Unme, fur a few days. Purify your Mom] and regulate your li- ver and digesLive organs lit-tum the heat 0f summer, and thus awe H, doctor’s bill by the timer use uf WesL’m Liver Pills. All druggists STEADY EMPLOYMENT I TO AGENTS E LiberalCommission or Saiâ€" ary, best Advantages. May 17th, 1837. \Vest’s Pain Kingvthe household re- medy. Always useful. Never fails to cure cholvra morbus, pains in stomach or b0\vels,cramp, colic, chills or summer complaint. 25c All druggistv. flNE HUNBREB G008 MEN! Apyly forlzerms ti) ~ 'nmn Fire-Cracker Nuisance. (Largest in Canada, over 465 aux-ea) Temperancevifle. (Too late fur lush issue.) At once to sell for the WE ‘VVANT Oak Ridges. 3mm & WELLIIEGTON, And no lost time A RATEPAYER. Tommi) . Ont ROYAL JUBILEE CELEBRAT I 0 N v GRENNAN’S ' GHEAP BASH WISE Where you are sure to get the best goods at the lowest prie- es. In spite of the great ad- vance in prices of Cottons, we are selling to-day at the old ï¬gures, and if you want a regular WALL PAPERï¬ In a splendid assortment of new patterns. \Ve have nice patterns at 50. a Toll. Men’s White Shirts with linen fronts and cuffs for 500. each. A ï¬ne range of ’Color- ed Shirts, Ties,Collars, Gurnâ€" seys, Sox, Umbrellas, Straw and Felt Hats, Silk and Cot- ton Caps, &c. New Printed Ivory Break- fast. Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets at close prices. All kinds of Family Grocerâ€" ies, clean, ï¬resh and cheap. Terms Cash or Trade. WEAR HUM (IF A RAMA“? Let us sell you your summer supply of Grey and White CottonS,Shirtings and Cotton- ades, Tickings, Ginghams, Jubilee Prints, Cretonnes, 8:0. Consisting of Laces, Ribbons, E1nbr0ideries,]ubiiee Ruch- ings, Handkerchiefs and “Gloves (we have a speciai lot of4 button black kid gloves at 50 cents a pair), Parasols, Hosiery, &C. House Furnishing Goods, Fancy Scrims, Oriental Drapâ€" eries, Gream and White Lace Curtains, Sold Dado Blimlsx, only 40 cents each, Spring; Blind Rollers 18 Cents a set. Splendid value in Hemp and Tapestry Carpets. Our Clothing stock is better then ever before, both in style and value. We have Mén’s Suits from $4.75 up, good Tweed Pants for $1.75. ‘VVC make a specialty of BOYS†SUITS l In the leading styles and inv1te your attention to then, and also to our Ladies Fur- nishings and We are showing a very choice assortment of 33388 89033 3 MBILEE 3m Are marvels of beauty and Cheapncss. Good washing colors, only 5 cents a yard. FANCY GGODS And Show a large viriety. Our 351.90 B. BRENNAN. UQNQRETE HOUSE? TWEEBSï¬HIR‘EINGS, CQTTONS, BRESS @0833, £60. And other staple; articles always on hand. PI‘lCCS closeu‘ Inspection invited. I. CROSBY. GENTQ PU EGS THE PRWF I“ I N E ASSO RTM 1‘: N 01*" “image, ‘A JV: Q £225 Q r ‘ '1 1%: *1 N G Li S H. zM‘I D A 111; HE CAN SEYLE S MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ! For the Newest, Niccst, Nobbicsf, Nmtcst and C hcapes‘r lines 111 these goods 11‘} the Commute : and ï¬nd thch also the best and cheapcst scioc’uon of SCUTCH, ENGMSH AND WAN WEEDS. Stylish .‘aéï¬mmflis, Gmgm m, , T "; ‘ 41 m: h&ms, Ghargmmgs, Mughfls, milks, .' " ‘1 ‘5 .1 ' ' . Seating, Lama fhmmmclames at 0103 wt ï¬fï¬WGSi READY - SUE‘ETS SPRING? «fie gfl‘MMER S‘EGGK Also a C1)mp‘.<:m stock of Men’s, Y ‘uthd and Boys†S. B. 0?;- 00’3 Grass mixtures are yearly increasing in demaudflmcause 0f superiur quality and excellenmAâ€"Nuue but very choicest varieties used. Mixtures prepared fox any soil or purpose. if you want a never-failing pasture try Hmm. lieâ€"Cleaned Sued Grains, Timothy, Clover, (350., in great variety. Don’t. fail to call. The popular variety. .lnvnrinbly usde fur when once grown. ‘ Sold in mauled paclmgm only. S. B. & CD’S MANGELS are. {mam-paused in quality, size or pro- ductiyeness. All supplies grown specially, and from selected stocks. i “3?.†SQLEB FM’ETS VEGETANEQ a: FLOWER SEEDS AGrRIGU‘L’E“URAL @EEEDS 0F UNDOUBTED IvlJfll-ll’l‘ AND EXCELLENCE. S. B. & CD'S NEW SHORT WHITE CARROTl OF THE [Maxiljnér SIANDARU AND QUALITY, S1713 IE; 141E) .IREE 65;) We .. 6%: (.5 () . ., CAN SUPPLY you PANTIEEQTGv-Eï¬ 1 {N}. (l k . T G. mu 1*" .1; $1 , / ED Esfl ,E‘ i n ‘2‘â€? nm N “VELMA .1 FIN? STEELE BROS, 6: CU, Jur. Front & Jarvis Sts.‘ Toronto. GROCERIES DIRECT IMPORTEE†RGHMQNE} HELEN SPLEN DID ASSOHTM EXT OF Good satisfaction guaranteed in the PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURESI Complete in every department. NEW 1 ) (SELECT VARIETIES. FU LL LINES OF »-~~â€"â€"ANT&’L ....... E1" TU aU \V’AN'l‘