Forest ï¬res are doing very serious damage in the limits in the Mississippi district, Ont. They have, during the past ten (lays, (lone incalculable damage, and nothing but a spell of rain will check the spread. The Senate the other day granted a bill of divorce to Marie Louise Noel, who at the age of ï¬fteen married in April, 1869, Robert L. Johnston, of Quebec, and after six weeks of nmtrimonial felicity was deserted. Bishop Cleary has given the city of King- ston the old Catholic burying ground for a public park. Two thousand tons of iron ore have been shipped from Kingston for Cleveland within the past ten days. The men who took the most prominent part in the plot: to assassinate the Czar on March 13 have been executed. Sunday afternoon ï¬ve empty freight; cars were burned on the siding west of the In- stitute for the Blind at Brantford. HOME. The Quebec Legislature has been pro- rogued. Large bush ï¬res are in progress northeast of Quebec. A boy named Gagnon, who resided at Cap Blane, Quebec, accidentally fell into the river and was drowned. \Vinuipeg City Council is seeking legisla- tion to enable it; to elect the mayor, instead of by the popular vote. There are 999 miles of railway in Mani- “501m, according to a. return brought down in the Provincial Legislature. A woman named Mrs. Marceau was run over near Quebec and nearly cut in two re- cently by a Canadian Paciï¬c Railway loco- motive. An attack was made on the Salvation Army in St. Catharines the other evening, one of the female members being knocked senseless with a. stone and seriously injured. A special cablegram says a return just published shows that Canada during 1886 sent Bristol, Glasgow, Liverpool and Lon- don 67,248 cattle, 94,356 sheep and 70 swine. A bill is before the Dominion Parliament for the incorporation of the Dominion ()il Pipe Line (10., with the object of laying pipe lines to carry oil from the points of produc- tion to Inints of distribution. The ï¬res in the pineries along the Central Ontario Railway are still burning furiously. Hon. Mr. Thompson, Minister of Justice, will pay an oflicial visit to British Columbia this year. Judge “Wilkinson, of Napanee, is conï¬ned to his bed by injuries received in a. run away accident. Mr. Norquay has presented a. statement to the Manitoba. Legislature, estimating the cost of constructing the proposed railway to the boundary at $950,000. A congratulatory address, signed by ï¬f- teen hundred students at the vgu‘ious Cana- dian universities and medical schools, has been forwarded to the Queen. It is stated that Mr Pierce, who contrcls the 01d Uobourg, I’eterboro’ and Marmara road, is making arrangements to work the mines at Blairton, as a result of the recent tariff changes. The Lieutenant-Governor, Quebec, has issued a. proclamation appointing Tuesday, the let June, for the celebration of the Queen’s jubilee. A complete system of Mounted police pa.- trols along the international boundary in the North- West has been completed, and a close lookout will be Iiimintained to prevent Indians crossing the line. In the Senate the other day Mr. Macdon- ald suggested that; the name of the lianfl' National park should be changed to Empress or Imperial park, while Mr. Allan proposed that it should be called the Victoria Empress park. At a recent meeting of the Montreal City Council a resolution was unanimously passâ€" ed authorizï¬ ; the corporation to appropri- ate $1781) ) ) Im' the construction of a timâ€" porary dyiw- to protect the city from inun- d nun. in an interview lately Mr. Norquay (le- cliu'cul positively that the Minitoba. Govern- ment intended to builda railway to the boundary, where it will connect with the Northern Paciï¬c, and expected tolmve it completed by November. 'l‘wo Indians, R 3d Dog and Bad Man, were tried before Judge McLeod at Fort McLeod for stealing horses from the ranches in that vicinity. They were sentenced to ï¬ve years each in Stony Mountain peniten- tiary, and are now on the way to Winnipeg in charge of mounted police. During the coming summer the Canadian Paciï¬c Railway Company will expend from a million and a. half to two million dollars on the Rocky Mountain section of the road in constructing additional snowsheds and other improvments to prevent interruption to the trafï¬c in the winter season. A Winnipeg photographer has just tried a. novel way of making his creditors pay up. He exhibited in his window a. case full of photographs, each labelled with the name, address and amount owed him by each one Whose pictures were shown. Since the ex- hibition “the boys" have been paying up. Some threatening libel suits. A shocking accident is reported from St. Remi, in the county of Napierville, a. snort distance from Montreal. A young girl nam- ed Lacolle, the daughter of a wealthy far- mer, a couple of days ago left the farmhouse to carry dinner to her father, who was work» ingin the ï¬elds with his men. On her re» turn she stopped and sat down beside what she thought was a. dead ï¬re. Her dress caught and the flames spread over her body. Crazed with pain she rushed through the ï¬eld to a stream a short distance away and threw herself into the water. A few hours afterwards she was found senseless at the side of the stream by her father. She was taken home and everything possible done for her, but she died in great agony. AMERICAX. Arthur Pratt, abookmaker, of New York has disappeared with about $25,000 belong- ing to his patrons. It is said he lost heavâ€" ily on last week‘s races. George E. Reed, for two years past city treasurer of Bismarck, Dak., is missing. It is believed he is in Canada. His accounts are said to be $9000 short. An oiï¬cial of the Canada Southern RaiiA way states that negotiations between the Canada Southern and Canadian Paciï¬c Rail- THE WEEK’S NEWS. The Portguese Government have ordered 40,000 repeating rifles from the arms factory at; Steyr, Austria. The London Pall Ala]! Gazette announces that June ‘21 will be observed as a holiday throughout the United Kingdom. The London Standard says is transpires that Russia claims a. wider expanse of Del" rimry in Afghanistan than the part already d.sputcd. ways are nearly completed. The Canadian Paciï¬c will use the Canada. Southern as a. link from St. Thomas to Toledo, Where a. connection will be made with the \Vabash railroad, which has already agreed to an arrangement with the Canadian Paciï¬c. The connection will restore the southwestern business to the Canada Southern, which it relinquished when it joined the Michigan Central. It is reported that the Duchess of Cumber- land is hopelessly insane. A Shahghai despatch says the ten. trade is reported to be unprecedentedly bad. The British War Office has just; obtained possession of the new Austrian repeating rifle, which is said to be capable of ï¬ring eighty shots 3. minute. The Royal Commission appointed to en- quire into the charges against the British \Var Ofï¬ce of jobbery in making contracts has prepared a, report, which exonerates the ofï¬cials individustlly but advises numerous administrative changes. Five Government ofï¬cials have been ban ished from Turkey for treason. The report of the defeat of the Ameer's troops by the Shinwaris is conï¬rmed. Three vessels of war have been added to the English navy during the past week. The Russian Government is about to re- verse all of Rusbia’s foreign commercial treaties. General Boulanger’s plan for an experi- mental umbilization of the French army next October is distrusted at Berlin. If France mobilizes Germany will mobilize also. The directors ef the Manchester Ship Canal company have concluded a contract for the construction of the canal for $25,000â€" 000. The contract is conditiole on the whole capital being subscribed. The direc- tors now assert that the capital has been secured. Evirtions in Ireland and America . The eoereiunist press just now are giving considerable prominence to the details of evictions by landrowners on this continent, apparently considering that if they can show that harsh and arbitrary treatment of tenants is not unknown hereâ€"as unfortun- ately it is notï¬that will somehow justify Irish landlordism. The argument will not bear a. moment’s investigation. Even if evictions here entailed thesame consequences as in Ireland, and were ten times as numer- ous as they are, it would in no respect make the position of Irish or English landlordism any better. The Illanituer, the oiï¬ciarl organ of Jluyti, says a. deï¬nite settlement has been elfected between the Haytieu Government and the British commissioner with regard to the island of Tortuga, by which the Haytian Government is to pay £32,000 as indemnity. In consideration of this the British Governâ€" ment yields all further claims in the matter of Maunders’ Bros. H ayti will reenter into full possession of the island of Tortuga. The Governor of Astmchan, who was re- cently shot by a student. has died from his wounds. Owing to official severity, the governor had numerous enemies, and had been threatened with death. Recently he asked to be transferred because his life was in danger. The Czar refused the request, saying he himself was in equal danger. Sev- erul persons have been arrested on suspicion of being implicated in the crime. But as everybody who knows anything about the Irish question is aware, there is no comparison whatever to be drawn be- tween Irish evictions, and the proceeding called by the same name in Canada or the United States. The mechanic or laborer who is turned out of his house for non-pay- ment of rent is not thereby deprived of his means of livelihood. It is merely a tempor- ary inconvenience. He rents another house or goes to boarding, or perhaps, if scarcity of work is the cause of his inability to pay the rent, moves to another town in search of employment. But in Ireland it is a. much more serious matter, because eviction there means the loss of the means of support. The sole de» pendence of the great majority of the peo- ple is agriculture. \Vhen the Irish tenant loses his farm the only alternatives are starvation, the workhouse, or emigration. Mr. Gladstone justly characterized Irish eviction warrants as “ sentences of death†â€"a phrase which by no stretch of imagina- tion could be applied to a mere enforced change of residenceâ€"Toronto News. Large Insurance Claim Paidilindorsment of the Mutual Reserve. Ofï¬ce of W. D. MATTHEWS & (10., Grain and Produce Merchants, 'DORON'X‘O, 11th May, 1887. J. D. Wells, Esq., General Manager Matual :37 Reserve Fund Life A ssociatiou .' DEAR SIRâ€"\Ve beg to acknowledge re» ceipt of cheque for Five Thousand Dollars in. full of claim under a, policy of insurance issued to us by the Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association for that amount, as credit- ors of the late Edwin C. Fisher. We have much pleasure in bearing testi- mony to the prompt and satisfactory manner in which this claim has been adjusted, and at the same time to express our conï¬dence in your association. Having an intimate ac- quaintance with your President and chief of- ï¬cers, we know them to be gentlemen of the higest integrity, and in whose hands we be- lieve the interests of the members of the Muturul Reserve are perfectly safe. Wishing your association continued sue To clean a white goat-skin rug: \Vash with warm (not hot) soap-suds. The skin may not seem quite as soft after the wash- ing, but, if the washing is done quickly, the skin well rinsed in cold water, and dried with only moderate warmth, being frequent- ly turned and shaken, the difference will be hardly perceptible. THE ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. Yours truly FOREIGN. W. D. DATATTHEWS & Co. Blind, Bleeding, and Itching, effectually cured by the Medical P110 Remedy. Thousands of sufferâ€" ers can testify to the permanent relief from these in- ternal and external remedies. $1.00 per package. Ask your druzgist for it, or will be sent my mail. post- age paid, HUGH MILLER 3.2 00., Tun-ed Fell, Rooï¬ng Pllch, Bulldlna Pa- pers. Carpet and Deut‘enlng Fell, READY IO0FING. Elli. 4 Adclmde st. E., TORONTO. MANUFACLURERS. M. STAUIï¬'on & 00., Samples on application. TORONTO, ONT Twelve States and Proi'iuccs already represent- on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, practical instruction, and the efï¬ciency and success of its graduates, this College owes its popularity. Circulars, giving terms, etc, mailed free. Address, M. MAOCORMICK. Principal. (( V lJELPll Business College, Guelph, 0nt., e Mangles, GARPET SWEEPERSHWW- inghlachines 2 kinds; Clothes Wringrers, 10 kinds. Chums, Meat Choppers, Trucks, and other sundries. HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL WORKS 00., Hamilton, Canada. Send for articles wanted, or Illustrated Catalogue tail, at the 0mm- mum) GOLD MEDAL TENT MANUFACTORY, 70 King St West, Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR’G CO. Toronto Silver P1otoGo., per hour. Also Rock Drillsâ€"Hand, HOWE, 01' Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Lnldlaw Manufacturing 00., SILVER PLATED WARES. STAMMERINGâ€"And all Impedimenca of Speech, removed lor life. Cure guaranteed. Summer inrr ï¬neoinliat. 0n Flnrenoe St†Toronmv Water STEEL KNIVES, SPJONS. FORKS. £70., A SPECIALTY. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. H.Williams, BABY’S BIRTHDAYn The Perry Cart TWO SIZES, SURREY AND PHAETON BODIES :flhe Shafts are attached to body by the Perry Com- pensating Spring. The result of the action of these Springs is no horsemwtion in the out, and no cart- motion on the horse. Descriptive illustration on application. For sale by all carriage makers. Artistic Designs, combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTARIO. MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00. MANUFACTURE ONLY FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE, All classes ofï¬ne work. Mfr-33. ofPrinters' m Slugs and Metal Furniture. Semi for prices. The Trade only supplied I have a posnivc remedy for the nbovedisease ; by Its use thousands ofcases or me worst kind and of long standing hnve been cured. Indeed so strong is my faith in m emcacy, that I win Feud TWO BO'l'I‘LES FREE, "gather with I VALUATILE TREATISE on this disease ‘0 guy Inflerer. Give expjgnngnd PL Branch 0565. WYBHE St, Toronto GSUMPTION. CANADA CARRIAGE PARTS CO., Manufacturers of the highest grades of 23 ABETIIDE 51'. E.,TORONTO.V TURUINTD GANNDA. JUNE 19. 1885.â€"For two years no) wite’n health was run down. She WM greatly emaciated and too weak to d: anything for herself; she was given u; by ï¬ve doctors, they all passed bhc opinion that she could not live. Sn. commenced using Di: Jug’s Medicine in December, 1884, and after taking six bottles she was SO much improved the“ she could look after her household duties 1.1. M. RODDIGK, Engineer, 0. P. K, Wea‘ Toronto. Manulacturer and dealer in 'DR. T.7A.iSLOCUM, TORONTO, Sole Manufacturers for Canada FELT 1L7 ng Sf. East, Toronto. AND PURE LIVING STREAM AUGERS, bore 20 feet HAMILTON, 0M: Bnufer. Bailing during wmter from Portland ever Than day and Halifax every Saturday to Livorpoo , and 1! summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling at; Londonderry to land mails and passengen lot Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, v‘lm Halifax and Sb. John's, N11, to Liverpool fontnlghfl} during summer months. Tho steamers ct the SIM flow lines sail during winter to and from Balms: Portland, Boabon and Philadelphia; and during sum mer between Glasgow and Moulzreal Weekly; Glasgov and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelle foronlghcly. The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association in the world, desires active re resents- tives in every section or Canada. Libera induce- ments. It has full Government deposit, and undu the supervision of Insurance De artmeut at Ottawa Correspondence solicited. Ad ress, Allan Lina ï¬ayal Mail snaamsmpa Halilax ; Shea. 8: 00., 82;. John’s, 1U“. ; Wm. Then p son a 00., St. John, N.B.; Allan B; 00., Chluagu Love 8; Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronm Alla-m3, Rae £100., Quebec; Wm. Bruckle, Phlladal phiu; H. A. Allen. Purrland Boston Montreal. PATENT Sï¬g‘éï¬â€˜ï¬‚i‘lï¬fflï¬zï¬iï¬,“15‘: tent Attorneys, and experts in Patent Cauées. Estab- lished 1867. Donald C. llklout & (10., Toronto. TheMutualReserveFund LIFE ASSOCIATION. Forlireiérlm, pawngv, or omen: lnioymution tï¬pgiy in . _Schuzuggher_&_ 00.! Bagpime Uglnar_ Go. » nan: mm awarded it during be last {our years. Try also PEERLESS AXLE GREASE for your Wage IS and Home Powers. Manufactured an QUEEN crrv OIL WORKS by SAMMEL ROGERR 481. (‘30.. TORONTO- Pearlessflil FARMERS & THRESRERS, The Original Wood Cook. KANUFAOIURERS OF L. D. SAWYER & 00., Hamilun. [Int “L. D. s." ENGINES, ~ â€"~ ‘ "mm" lone Pavel-l, for 1, I, C, I. I. and n Hones. Troll rowan, for l, I and 3 no"... w. W, lo:- M a and) rowan. lath-wank... W001), GOAL AND STRAW BURNERS, PLAIN AND TRACTION, “ Grain Saver" and “ Peerless " MADE IN I0 DIFFERENT STYLES AND SIZES THE E. & c. GURNEY__ 99., (ijt TORONTO. 565.5% FM! ’Asszssm ENT SYSTEM THE MOST PERFECT WORKING STOVE YET INTRODUCEDJï¬ HEPABATORB. J". D. "WEI-LS, THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKS 00., BRANTFORD, CANADA, USE ON YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN Dealers “ho have not yet seen this STOVE should gesture the sale of it at once‘ General Mï¬nager, 65 Kim: Sll'eellimzt. Toronto Sole Manufacturers and Proprihtnrs of Canadian Patent. ('TURJCI) BY I‘IAVER LINE OF STEAMSIIII'S, Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. RATES or PASSAGE zâ€"Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool. $40, $50, and 860; Return Tickets, $80, 890 and $100 ~according to Steamer and accommodation. Interâ€" mediate and Steemge at lowest rates. For further particulars and to secure Bertha, apply to II. E. MURRAY, General Manager, ICustom Housa Square, Montreal. or to the Local Agents in the dil- fei‘ent Towns and Cities. The Snow Drift Baking Powder Co..|lirantford, Ont. AGENTS EW Importations.â€"-Iliqgins’ Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton BrnmhI in large or small sacks. A150 Rice‘s Canadian Salt‘ Write for prices. THE KING OF BLACKING - SOLD EVERYWHERE ' JAMES PARK SON, FOR SALE BY ALL THE LEADING DEALERS. \Vholésale Produce, Merchantszoronto. F0 R BUTTER, ETC‘ D.W. BEADLE NURSERY 00. ST. CLTHARINRB, ONT. Apply to the WANTED