Any person who has nst l’olson’s NERVI- LINE, the great pain cure, would not be without it if it cost ten dollars a bottle. A good thing is Worth its weight in gold, and Nervilinc is the best remedy in the world for all kinds of pain. It cures neuralgia in ï¬ve minutes ; toothache in one minute ; lame back at one application : headache in a few moments ; and all pains just as ripidly. Small test bottles only cost 10 cents. Why not try it today ‘.’ Large bottles ‘25 cents, sold by all druggists and country dealers. Use Polson’s nerve pain eiirchorviline. Senator Schultz was interviewed the other day (lay in Montreal while on his way to Ottawa. Speaking of the impor- tnnce of measures for increasing the nation- al food supply of the North-“lest in View of the extinction of the buffalo, he said the principal points to which attention could be drawn were the ï¬sh product, wild rice and the cultivation of the rabbit. la reply to Mr. Prefontaine’s question, as to whether Gabriel Dumont could return to Canada, the Minister of Justice said that the half-breeds were amnestied for all of- fenccs except for murder, and Dumont ought to know whether he had been guilty of that; crime or not. An immense mass meeting was held re- cently in Winnipeg to discuss the railway situation, all parts of the Province of Mam- toba being represented. The proposed rail- way to the boundary was enthusiastically endorsed, and resolutions condemning the disallowance policy and Sir George Stephen’s recent telegram and urging the immediate construction of the road were adopted. Ground has been broken at Grand Forks, Dug, for the Northern Paciï¬c extension to the boundary, to connect with the Manitoba. line. Seventythrec thousand one hundred and seven immigrants arrived in the United States during April. Of these ]3,000 were The Canadian mortuary statistics for the month of April have been issued. The deaths were as follows : Montreal 44], Quebec 120, Hamilton 88, St. John 48, Lon- don 39, Hull 20, Toronto 213, Kingston ‘28, and Ottawa 7E... In reply to a request from the council of \Vhitewater, Man., for the extension of the M aniboba South-VVestern railway, Mr. Van- Horne sta‘. o 1 mm the Canadian Paciï¬c Rail- way (,‘nmpuuy had no money to expend on branches in .\l mitoba. All the journeymen horseshoers in Cam- bridge, Masa, have struck. Ruins throughout the North \Vest have extinguished most of the forest ï¬res in \\"is- consin and Upper Michigan; The village of Hawthorne, \Vis., on the Onuha. road, was entirely destroyed by ï¬re, which is now sweeping through the valuable timber in that vicinity. It is reported that the Manitoba Govern- ment will aid the Hudson’s Bay railway by a g iai‘antee of $4,500,000 on condition that the company raises an equal sum and gives satisfactory assurances for the completion of the road. The Canadian Government has discontin- ued the bonus certificates offered for the past two or three years to emigrants proceeding to British Columbia. No w, however, throu h rates are quoted by the Canadian Paciï¬c railway. A proposition for the reopening of the London Steel Works, and the employment of 150 to ‘200 workmen, has been made to the corporation of that city by a. wealthy ï¬rm of Clevelmd, Ohio, on certain condi- tions. SirClmrles Tupper directs the attention of exporters of cereals, fruits and dairy pro- duce to the facilities afforded by the Liver» pool Exhibition for showing specimens of their goods to the English public. A petition to the Dominion Government praying for certain amendments to the Lands Act has been drafted by a committee ap- pointed at a. public meeting held in Regina, and has been forwarded to Ottawa. Mr. Buchanan Will temporarily assume the duties of the late Mr. Smithers as general manager of the Bank of Montreal, whose successor will not be appointed until after the annual meeting of the bank. Chief of Police McRae, of \Vinnipeg, was shot in the leg recently, while arresting a notorious cattle thief named Joe Fl nt. The wound is not considered dangerous. Mr. La. Riviera, in his Budget speech in the Manitoba Legislature, refused to coun- tenance any further aid to the Hudson’s Bay railway until proof was given that the line could he carried through to completion. The Winnipeg (Iity Council has voted ï¬ve hundred dollars for relief of the Nanainm sufferers, and have also extended an invita- tion to His Excellency Lord Lansdowne to visit \Vinuipeg this summer. Ten miles of the Gatineau Valley railwav will be built this summer. 6 The new ‘Velland canal has been opened ‘0 vessels drawing fourteen feet. Mr. \Vright, of Ottawa, has commenced operations at his silver mine on Lake Tamis- camingue. The ï¬rst train on the Canadian Paciï¬c railway entered Vancouver, B. (1., 1213!; Mon- day, and was received with great rejoicing, the town being 'gaily decorated in honour of the event. An agreement has been made between the Michigan Central and the Canadian Paciï¬c railways whereby the latter secures 'an en- trance into Chicago, and will use the \Va- bash road to East St. Louis. Prominent Scott Act workers in Coaticook have been subjected for months past to systematic persecution and outrage. Never before in the history of Manitoba have there been such prospects of an abun- dant crop. The germination has been rapid and the growth vigorous. It is expected the Canadian Paciï¬c bridge over the St. Lawrence at Lachine will be completed and trains crossing it in about a. month. Mr. Moffat, the Government candidate, was elected by acclamution in Restigouche, N. 13., on Saturday. The strike of miners at Reserve mine, C. 8., has been settled. HOME. Lieut. Governor Musson has resigned in consequence of ill-health. Worth Ten Dollars a Bottle. THE WEEK’S NEWS. AMERICAN YOUNG MEN sufl'erlng from the eilects of early evil habits, the result of ignorance and lolly, who ï¬nd themselves weak, nervous and exhausted ; also Mm- DEE-AGED and OLD MEN who are broken down from the effech of abuse or over-work, and in advanced life feel the consequences 0! youthfulexcesa, send for and BRAD M. V. Lubon’s Treatise on Diseases of Men, The book will be sent sealed to any address on receipt 0! two 30. stamps. Address M. V. LUBON. 4’] Welling» ton St. E. Toronto Ont People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson’s Stomach Bitten, the old and tried remedy. Ask your Drugglst. A despatch from Paris says that M. Her- bett, French ambassador to Germany, on his recent Visit to I’Aris, brought an auto- graph letter from the Emperor William to President (lrevy, in which the Emperor exâ€" pressed the hope that the lives of neither might be saddened by the horrors of another war. is the trick by which the Canada. Life Assur- ance Company endeavors to show its “ sur- passing advantages†in the following terms:â€" “Percentage of total cash proï¬ts given by each company to the premiums paid to each, during the years 1870 to 1886, inclu- sive :â€"« Canada. Life , , . . . . . . . . . . . . 36.5 per cent. Mutual Life of New York. .‘22. 6 per cent. New York Life . . . . . . . . . . 18. 9 per cent. Ontario Mutual . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. 2 per cent.†The dabbler in comparisons has herein far surpassed himself. \Ve challenge him to support his ï¬gures by Government returns. Even if correct, the compariscnfl) is the de- vice of a. trickster, intended to deceive and not to instruct. Observe and note how it is done : â€" The Canada. Life began business in 1847 and in 1870 ,was in its 23rd year, having many of its 10, 15 and 20 payment life policies fully paid up and yielding annuities, while the proï¬ts or surplus on its older life poicies were or should have been nearly or quite eighty per cent. of the premiums. This was a favorable point at which to begin a comparison with a compunijt writing ifs ï¬red polir'y. The intelligent public will not fail to appreciate herein the surpassing dis- honesty of the company which makes so glar- ing an exhibition of itself I Bustles grow larger, but in better form and more compressible and elastic. Five hundred cases of smallpox existed in the city of Santiago de Cuba. on the 14th May, ani the death rate was 60 per cent. Vaccination has been neglected and a. terri- ble epidemic is threatened. There are ‘29,- 000 negroes in the population of 40,000. Now, if the Canada. Life will compare their percentage of surplus during their ï¬rst seventeen years of business with ours DUR- INn A LIKE PERIOD, or if they will compare results under similar policies during the years 1870 to 1886 inclusive, we will quar- antee to make them tired of the comparison business. \Vhat have they to say ‘3 THE ONTARIO MUTUAL LIFE. \Vaterloo, Ont. Father Keller, who was committed to Kilmainham gaol for refusing to testify in a Plan of Campaign case, has been released by order of the Superior Court, which declares there was an error in his commitment. Princess Victoria, wife of Prince Ludwig of Battenberg, and granddaughter of Queen Victoria is suffering from gastric fever. Her physicians report that the malady is de- veloping into typhus. A plot to assassinate the Sultan of Turkey has been discovered, and it is said in conse- quence his Majesty has dismissed a number of high ofï¬cials suspected of being connected with a conspiracy against him. It is understood Messrs. Gladstone and Parnell have decided not; to prolong the ï¬ght against the Crimes bill beyond the present session. The measure will then beâ€" come law. The floods in Transylvania and Southeast Hungary have caused an enormous amount of damage. Temirvar is crowded with fugi- tives. Fifty villages and several towns are inundated. A dynamite bomb was exploded under the Police Courtat Hepburn, Durham, England, on Monday night, partially destroying the building. The outrage is attributed to strikers. Prince Bismarck, who has been suffering for several days from muscular)rheumamism, has been advised to take a. complete rest. The Czar returned to St Petersburg three days earlier than he intended, owing, it is said, to having been ï¬red at; by a. student during the festivities at Novo Tcherkask. The szr, Czarina, and Curewimh have arrived at Gatschina from the Don Cossack Country. The anniversary of the battles of 1870 around Metz will be celebrated this year by the Germans with unusual eclai. The strike of the Northumberland miners is erded, the men having submitted to a. re- duction of 12 1-2 per cent. in wages. Prof. Virchow, of Berlin, asserts that there is absolutely no danger in the Crown Prince Frederick VViIIiam’s throat 111a1ady. Sixty houses were burned near St. Peters- burg on Monday. The sale of the French Crown jewels realized the sum of (5,864,000 francs. The corporation of Dublin has decided not to attend the Queen’s jubilee services. A Sepoy in Calcutta the other day shot ten persons and afterwards committed sui- eide. A grand military review was held at Gibraltar in celebration of Queen Victoria’s birthday. The loss of life by the" burning of the Paris Opera. Comque last week is much more serious than at ï¬rst reported. The steamer Celtic, from Liverpool for New York, came in collision with the Britan- nic, from New York for Liverpool, on Thurs- day last; 350 miles east of Sandy Hook. Four steerage p messengers on the Britannia were killed and several injured, and the steamer was so much damaged that she had to put back to New York, where she arrived yesterday afternoon. There are now over 25,000 men on strike in Belgium. During a row over the election two weeks ago of a. sheriff for Lawson C0,, Texas, two full-blooded Choctaw Indians were killed. SinCe then the Sherifielect has been killed, whose body, with two others unknown, was found a few days ago. It is feared an Indian outbreak will result. from Ireland. The total for April, 1886, was 49,158. Mendacious and Cowardly FOREIGN. . .365 per cent. . .‘22. 6 per cent. . .18. 9 per cent. ..14. 2 per cent.†The Perry Cart Artistic Designs. combined with Unequalled Durability and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTARIO- THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CU.'S Halifax ; Shea Ba 00., St. John’s, N.F. ; Wm. Thump son & 00., St. John, N.B.; Allan&00.,0hioago Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourlier, Toronto Allans, Rae & 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookie, Phlladel phia; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Dairy Sat: EW Importations.‘rHiggins‘ Eureka, Washing ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. Also Rice’s Canadian Salt. Write for prices. MANUFAGTUR'S OF ALL KINDS OF WSAnd 30. stamp for Catalogue. MERE BRITANNIA GEE FINEST SILVER-PLATED WAREr ‘fSalling during Winter from Portland every Thur» day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and lr summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool calling at Londondrrry to land mails and passengeri for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, Vll Halifax and St. John’s, N.F., to Liverpool lortulghtl: during summer months. The steamers of the Glzu gow lines sail during winter to and from Halifax Portland, Boston and Philadelphia ; and during sum mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelpr torjnighbly: V Foerreikht, passage, or other information Iglgly l: g. §ghum§9hern82~ Oo.,~_Bailtjmpre; S. Cunarri 00 GENTSâ€"Ladle» or lac-Unne- Wanted-â€" To Canvass for our Subncription Books. Our standard and popular work, Dr. Withrow's “History of Canadaâ€~-»a book which ought to be in every library. Our instructive, amusing and soul-touching temperance book, “ Pintform Eilioes,†by .l. B. Gough. Our complete book of sermons, md auto- biography 01 Sun. 1’. Jon»s, with a short sket h of the life of Sam. W. Small, and three of his special sermons. Our beautiful book of poetry and literature of all Ages and all lands, entitled †Golden Thoughts on Mother, name and Heaven †Our hmdnome lumi- ily Bibles, beautiful illustrations, full of useful and helpiul matter for Bible study, besides good clear type and paper. Our terms are liberal, Semi for circular. Wll LIAM BRIGGH, P iblishrr. Toronto. Allan Lina Royal Mail Staamshlps 23 ADELAIDE 3T. E..TORONTO. All chm: ofï¬ne work. Mfrs. ofPrintex'I' M Slugs and Metal Furniture. Sand ï¬x prbea, SPOONER’S UBPPERINE élï¬i‘ï¬Ã©â€™g‘h’nâ€"tiiï¬z: tion Box-xxleml for journal bearings in machineryâ€" Guamnteedoopper mixed, supplies every requirement. Ask ‘ourhnrdwaredealerforit. ALONZO W. SPOON- ER‘ an).th smri Mnnnhwtnrnr. Port Hon“ Ont, __°" ' tail, at the Cm.»- mu'ncn GOLD MEDAL TENT MANL‘PAUI‘OM, 70 King St. West, Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR’G CO. no Awnings ! 9v? tall BABY’S BIRTHDAYQ HE LONDON GUARKï¬fEE AND AGGIDENT (:0. (Ln), OF LONDON, ENG. Cupiml, £260,000. Deminion Government Deposit, £55,000. Head Ofï¬ce: 72 King St; East, Toronto. Gentlemen of influence wanted in unrepresented districts. A; T. MCCORD, ONVERTIBLE WIRE BASKET, BEST SELLING novelty in CanadA. Great reduction to agema. Sample by mail thirty cents. JAMES PARK 552 sons. NTARAIQ CANOE COMPANY, A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card sons to any baby whose mother will send us m names of two or more other bnbias, and that parents' addresses Also a handsome Di» moud D a Sample Card to the mother Ind- much v3 uable information. Wells. Richard-on as Cma Montreal. MANUFACTURE ONLY Wholesale Produce Merchantszoronto‘ Jul!- 19. 1580.â€"-~1"01 two yuan In; wife‘s health was run down. She wa- greatly emaciated and too weak to d< anything for herself ; she was given u} by ï¬ve doctors, they all passed th: opinion that ehe could not live. She commenced using Dr. Jug’s Medicine in December, 1884, and after taking six bottles she was so much improved ï¬lm: ‘she could look after her household duties J. M. Ronmcn, Engineer, 0. P. P... Wes! Toronto. Resident Secretarv for'the Dominion. FOR BUTTER, ETC‘ CLEMENT 8: Co., Toronta JAMES MIDRRISON, 75 & 719929329 St W-. mm: Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. WC reaham’s Automatic . Restarting Injector. [fl‘Morrison’e Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. mlflngineers’ & Plumb- ers’ Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. TORONTO dowShades :kc. Wholesale and Re- Devon-aux! Win The Originaï¬: Waml Cook, THE E. 8:. GURNE‘Z‘KCOq (L’D),A TORONTO. MADE IN IO DIFFERENT Try our 6029 Fire Test Cylinder Oil. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and Lard (Dils. always in stock. This Oil keeps the Mzu-liinery invï¬rst rate working order, thereby lessening the chances of accidents and breakdowns. To he had of all first-class (leulcrsi Beware of imitations ! MCCOLL BROS. & 00., | Has never faded to take the highest awards wherever exhibited. It Has No Equal. Farmers, Thrashers and Milhnen Use No Other. UNTARIQ PUMP (30., (L’TIT) COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze, 7 Natural Wood, and other Picture and Room, Mouldings, Frames, Etc Paintings, En- raciugs, Etchings, Artotypes, Artists‘Materinls, irrors, efc. Wholesale and livtail. Trade Cat- alogue. IIATTHEVVS Rlllls‘. Jr 1‘0 . Toronto. TEACHERS and Studems, Attention! Special (James during summer holidays, in Shorthand, Typewricing, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, etc. Write for full particulars. Canadian Business University and Short-hand Institute, Public Library Building. Toronto. TIIOS. BENGOUGH. President. CHARLES I]. BROOKS, Manager. Winn I It] cure I do not mean merely to stop them for n time and ‘hen have them return again. I mean A r-dlod 1mm. I have made the diaeam of FITS, EPILEPSY orFALL- ING SIOKNESBA life-long study. I w-rr-nt my remedy to cure tho worn: easel. Becamse atheru 11-" failed I: no "non for not now receiving A cure. Send At once for I Ito-Ills and 3 Pros Bottle 0! my Inf-lllbla remedy. (31w lxpmu um Postomce. It cost! you nothing {or a trhlD :Ed I wllIcure you. Address DR. 3. 9. ROOT, ï¬iï¬ï¬Ã©ï¬ï¬‚ï¬bï¬. 37'Yhï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬'5tï¬m'i‘iirnnton THE MOST PERFECT VHDEEMING 3TOVE YET ENTROIDUCED.‘ 5' DT‘I' [SURE FITS! A BEAUTIFUL WATERPROOF. APATENT LEATHER POLISH FOR BOOTS,SHOES& RUBBERS â€" SOLD EVERYWHERE- ‘THERE IS NOTHING LIKE IT- In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. This meetiy‘gjbeing the 159‘! snipe the quhlhany PREMIUM INGUME INCREASED FOR YEAR, INTEREST AND RENTS, - - ASSETS, - - $356,375. SI Were allocated as Holders. Proï¬ts pa ’ May lst. DRESSING @Eï¬iï¬Ã© @federaï¬on if cï¬SSOQIATION. QUE. LAST NQTIGE Dealers who haw Lat j.('1. N (m t} is S’J‘UVE shouk’ 586 To tho sale of it at once was (I TORONTO, ONT., Bicycï¬sfl END AT ONCE FOR LIST 0! k Second-Hand Machines, From $15 llpwnrds. New Catalogue Ready lat April. A. T. LANE, MONTREAL SOLE MANIIFACTURERS 0F LARDINE. ‘ms meeting (being the 15“! since the Com I: organized) took place on Tuesday. the 12t Aprilz when the following gratifying Increases were announced : MED SIZES â€"vâ€" MAXI I Were allocated as Proï¬ts to Policy Holders. Proï¬ts payable on and After May lst. J. K. MACDONALD. Managing Director. 1M anMVOGD PUMPS, Wind. Mills, Feed Grinders, Haying Tools, Railwav, Town, Farm, and _0rnamental Water Supply Materlal. Geared W'indmills, for driving Machinery, Pumping \Vater, etc., from 1130 40 horse power. W Send for Descriptive Catalogue. are famous for their style. convenience, durability, and cheapness. Buy no other until you see them. Ah the lending Carriage Builders sell them. V HELP“ Bushman: College, Guelph, 01m, 1' Twelve States and Proiinces already represent- ed on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, practical instruction, and the eflicieucy and success of its glmiiuteu, this College owes its popularity. Circulars, giving terms, aka, mailed free. Address, M. MAGCORMICK, Principal. kinds ; \Vnslliug Huchines‘, 2 kilms. Clx'rpgthéweEDL‘lzs, Meat Choppers, Trucks, and other sundries. HAHN/FUN INDUSTRIAL Worms 00., Hamilton, Canada Sand for articles wanted, or Illustrated Catalogue ABENTS The Snow Drift linking Powder (10.,Iliranbford, Ont. 31:.)1giéflhree GHURWSwwa . I _ _ F ‘ _ H‘V'rlngers, ten Factory: mining St. w., TORONTO. h RY Branch oméé‘. ï¬fï¬iï¬Ã©â€˜ 315., Toronto I have a poIItIVB remedy for the abvedlselme ; by "I m thousands chases of the worst kind gull oflonz standing hnve been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith in “a efï¬rncy, that I will Ram! TWO BOTTLES FREE, together with n VALUAIH F TREATISE on H! dxaease $0 In} ‘ufl‘erer. lee exyfgflggnfl I; Manufacturers of AND A FULL LINE OF FOR SALE BY ALLZTHE LEADING R; - $96,894; - l3,029. SURPLUS, 80,234. LOCUM aw: BEADLENURSERYGO. Apply to the TORONTO. ST, CLTHARIMLS, ONT. WANTED DEALERS.