Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 9 Jun 1887, p. 3

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Three thousand mun will he employed by the (lumtlian Pacific Railway (‘ompuny this seuson cunstx‘ucLing snowvshmls in the Rocky ..\lom1tzlins. It is now stated that Mr. (Thiiplczm has definitely decided to accept the Lieutenant- (lovernorship of Quebec at the close of the, present session. A landslide has occurred on Spitzen Mountain, Switzui‘land, which killed and wounded at number of persons, llesitlus (le- stroying much property. The total amount of the (Inhlmhioll of Parent, the absconding cashier of {110 “other Inga Hunk, of Montreal, is $15,000 so far as known at prc The value of the produce of the fiahcrios of the Dominion for 1886 was HNASTLLQH'S, an increase in the Vail“: of the produce of $936,000, compared with 15485. A schume for bonusng (choose factm‘ics has been formulated by the Manitoba Um'» ernmcnt, with the View of encouraging their maintenance in the provinuc. The work of digging: the foundation of the nuw (Hunulizm l’eurifiu railway station in \lnntrmxl was commenced on Saturday, and Lenders fur the lmihling will he mtllml for ian-LlizLLuly. The bridge at l,:u'l1i1m is M» pmztwl to In; oomplctml 11y Dominion day. lilo)? is gmth 'citmncn‘u in I‘LLtMMVIL over the alleged disuovm‘y of rich gold bour- ing \{llEH‘LZ in tlm lnills opposite Muttawa, Jose 10 the 1101'le shore of the Ottawa )"ix'm‘. l)l'(r4]IUUL()l‘ are busy M work blast/lug mulg, mnl 11m \‘illugm‘s urn lillml with the belief lllzny tlm)’ luuv 'tl‘uck it l'lltll. Sonic 0f the Paul; already wsayml shows an average of lmhvucn ) and >411) worth of gold to the ion. ,\1‘mthinn nf forty pm‘ rant. )1st been made by the Canadian) Pacific uulei‘iLiv/s in freight rates between Winnipeg 21nd Yun- UUHVU)‘, Victoria, and New \\ csLIliinstor, British Columbia. It is stated that Sir Donald Smith uml 811‘ Mum‘go huvpllcn are desirous of 112wng :me» , , ‘lmmc ustuhlisllml at limnll‘NMimml Park 111 (:(nmcutirm with the Royal Victoria Hospital, and will contribute another lmmlv 30111“ sum for that pnl'pnso. rcligimm ceremony of any kind V HOME. Mr. M‘ H. (laulh, cx-M. 1’. for Montreal \Vest, is dead. A gas company has {eonjformud in ()wen *oumi, and the town wifl 1):,115, htc 1 with guns in two months. Grout indignation is expressed by the snppm‘tm's of Mr. Scm‘th, M. 1’. for \Vilmi- peg, at, his {Let/inn in the disadlmvmmc do» hate, and then: 5 some talk of forcing him to resign. “tutor Mulleish, :L Qu’Appolle settler, was shot and killed the Other morning near \V01sclcy, N. \V. 'l‘., bya partyof four half-brood horse, thim‘ns whom he was ml» deavouring to arrest. A number of (mthusiu (: zulmircrs of Henry (iwn‘go's land pl‘in .pies mot ili/ 'l‘u- mm the uLlwl' night, an] decided (,0 form an zLiiV,,i«povm‘l,\v society, after the manner of that )‘occntiu' IL rr )“Ll in New York. A com- miMm: was .‘.“)1‘ntlid to draft n consii‘uiiml iLll'i lwxi‘w «mi a provisional chairman 1; ; 1 mun-,1” 'Iy wcm also uppoinlmL The mi ; whim-,1, of the suciuiy will In» in (1i -:n» iuxm; llILUliigUIhKU i]11‘(‘."_:2L1‘Ai to Hm prim-ipiu. v" i‘m‘th by Henry (Marga. In rvply to u deputation on thu subject of the, railway to he constrnutud to the boun- dm‘y by the Manitulm (lm‘crmnvnt, Mr. Norgualy said yesterday that his Govern» nmnt had been waiting till June lst, the limit fixed for the unnounumnunt by the Federal Government of its intentions, and that, no intinmtion having been l‘CL‘OiVGd the work would hc begun and pushed to com» pletion at once. Mr. Norquuy said UVUI‘y» thing was in readiness, satisfactory nssur :ancs and financial support had been You)in cd, and work would he connncnccd in at l ‘t three Weeks. Tho ('emudiun “'imblndon team intend spending 2L “ask in Czunhridgubefore talking up tvheil'qmu'tcx's at “’iu‘lblcdou for Inner rice, It is understood that important (thunng will he made in the position of olliccm of the Bank of Montreal in consequence of the election of Sir Donald Smith as president. The first of the three (‘unzml stcmncrs purchased hy the (‘unauliun Pacific Railway Company for its trans-Pacific flout has loft Yoliolnnna, Japan, for British (folmnhizt direct. A variety of rumors :Li‘c 1'11 ('intuhuizm Launm-i‘ning the remain Lr'|g(r\1_y2v.1,HL, Vicii w Lu, (Jim II, is said Hm, :1 namlum (If fowis, :rLfLiil' ruling the fumi wllivh tho <10"uzis(:d us»: had vomiu'd imulcdiutuly after with ing, suddenly dim}. [Li-i sum [hm orders have been isuuui fur disinbm‘riny UH: 1h 1 poultry in oi'dm' that the cnnu-nts of thvix‘ insides, may 1m iLIIth'ZId. Murin, the St. Nicholas snicidu, was buried a. short (inns after in 1111mm. muted ‘mmd and without» [JUL Advices received from (Tcntmi America m- pm‘t u had state of affairs in Salvador. Prov sidme Marcndcx, continues to grow unpopu- lar. He has recently, for political reasons, imprisoned or pressed into the army the sons ofsumc of the best Suivadoriuu fami- lies. The M aster Bukors’ Association of Hamil» {on has raised the price of ‘JI‘L'iul from 10 to 1‘2 (@an per four pound loaf. IL is stated that the principal t ‘unsatlmi tic .' ,oaniship («mummies (’OIHUIIIPIELLC bring ing Lhuil' passengers dirqu to Momma] in stead of landing than: at Quebec as hereto fore. 'l‘\\'cntyvsovun miles of the Northern I’nci» fic railway extension from ()J‘zmd erks to the ('muuliun boundary have already been g1‘:xdnd,and Pcmbina will be rczwhud by next November. A M li){J(‘A \ . It is understood that thu decrease of the public debt; during May is $10,000,000. A distinct earthquake shock was felt at ‘I‘LIDCSUHYII, N. Y., recently. The shock lasted olfly 2L moment and summed like an) underground uxplobim) of grmt scvm'ity. ' ‘1)0 United States (lmm'nmcnt intends to rmnovo trlm (Eros Mantras from the Mill: liiwr (:mlnm‘y, tlnm reducing the danger of vollisiun with the Canadian “100d Indians. It is ustinmtod that the recent forest fires in the Northern peninsula, of the State of Michigan have caused A total loss of seven million dollars. I'lightlivcs am» known L0 have been lost. THE WEEK'S NEWS. Glowing accounts have been received at Fort Smith, Ark, of rich gold finds in the neighborhood of Golden (Tity. Rich placer chxims have been located, and are said to ex- tend for six miles. ;\ I'LVS from the quartz mines show how from .5345 to $5!) per tun of free smelting gold. Large quantities of gray copper are also found in the minus, A lamp explosion set fire to a small house at ()swego, N. Y., occupied by u M 1‘s. O‘Brien and four children. Two aged five and seven of the children asleep, in an upper room, were burned to death. The third whild was lmdly burned, but will rccovm. The father, who was President of the long» slwrcmcn’s Union, was drowned in u slip near his house three years ago. Strictly True 11: every respect and attested by the tasti- mony of thousands that Putnam's Painless (70111 Extractor is :1 sum and Painless NUTS fur (toms. The claim that it is just as good made my those endeavorng to Imlm oll‘imi» tations for the goxminc only proves the supc» riority of “ Putnam’s.” {780, only l’utxmm’s Painless Com l‘lx tractor. Sure safe, pain» less. It is reported that Garcia Golan, Gover- nor of the State of (Joahuila, Mexico, Ins been arrested and imprisoned by order of Diaz, pending an investigation into certain charges against him in relation to his .11- 10ng inaction regarding the killing of sever (li soldiers by a. band of mnugglers. At dawn on Monday, in Mexican terri- tory, the refuge of about thirty desperate bandits, thieves and mnugglers were ruided by forces from lmth sides of the river. A sharp fight ensued in which (701. Hernandez was wounded in the hund, one of his men was killed, and another wounded. ()ne lmndit was killed, Heveral were Wounded and u number “ere cnpiured, general of whom, vs ell known murderersY were execut» ed on the spot. A large amount of stolen stock was found, most of v~l1ich was returned to it's owners. A number of noted criminals escaped. A forthcoming repurt of tho Dolmrtnmnt of Argiculbum, we are told, will contain M11111: inLcresLing malth about the English spurrmw, occupying 40L) pJgCS and pl'é‘sunt» ing the VlCVVS of 3,200 people as to the Incrits and demerits of this bird. The an» nounconxent my ' “It is dumbttul if then: is mm‘u‘ncr bird in the world so unanimously comlcmnmd as a nuisunuu as Ellis zlliiu. In: Men‘mm, the ornitholugmt, of the dcpzu‘tlncm, who 112»: Charge of {he proplmtiun of flu: report, says Hmb Lhc indiubmcnb again“ the sparrow is A strung protection movement is develop ing in Spain. Prof. \Vngner, the African traveller, com mitted suicide in Munich. The Austrian War I)01»;x1'1,1rlex1t}1zmreject» (3d the proposal to furm :1 balloon corps, on the grounds let he (Exponsv VVUUIJ (muntm' balance its slight, usufulncss. a terrihlc one He has warmly a friend in the whole ntry. ln tulilmnia he is hated as mr-lially as the (iliiner ; hm while it in mliiiittml that the Mongolian may be male a useful Citizen there nut even a nmnopolistie employer (if cenlie lalmr wlm can SM? the slightext use in the Sparrow. [la is a deal ml doing frightful damage to the \'n anls 0i tln: l’aeilie slnpc. He always selvets the must luseiuns lnnn-hes of grapes and he lllVill'lJlle sticks his hill intu the very liest lun‘ri ,un the lmnuh. lllarni (21‘s who devote, their time to the (:11]ti\'a- tiun (if grainy I'CIJUI‘L that the sparrow, wherever they are thick, do frightful dam age t0 eereals. Gardeners and the raisers (if small fruits, in the Vicinity of cities, say that since the sparrows began to multiply the profits of inzu‘kct-gardening have almost vanisheLL The only known use for the pest is as a substitute for reed birds. One man in Albany, N. \'., rcpurts that he sells hundreds of dozens of sparrows every month to the restaurants in that city where they are served up to the New York legislators lmdyvis 1,?) kill them ofi‘rch‘mtlcsxly‘ (hm of our Imtivc songstcrs is worth u can‘t load of them as insch destroyers, and us for beauty of plumage, or for song, there is no com- parison. Kill them of? wherever they mm be found. Twelve English people lost their lives in the burning of the Opera. (fomique, at 1’1») '. ln the explosion in the l'dstono. coal pit, eight miles Aron) Glasgow, about 8;) miners were killed. Tlm fund for the relief of the sufi'ercrs by the Paris Opera (Iomiquu fire 110w amounts to 40L).H00f. The ilmlykc evictions have been resumed uni] Um slicriti is at, work, protected by 600 policemen and troops. A Calcutta despatch says there is now lit {‘10, doubt that a steamer with 75” persons on board was lost in the recent cyuhme. The Italian (‘hambcr of Deputies have adopted a naval vote for $5,000,000 lire, to 1:0 expended on ironcluds, torpedoes and forts. It is rcpnrtmd the, lihilmis have defeated a. Lhmmzmd of the Ammor‘s regular troops, culxbm‘od rive guns and EL considerable quun» tit‘y of huggagu. us the toothsmnc little thin of thg South- ern rice fields. Sparrows make excellent table birds, and it. is thought that the only (:lTeotual method of curtailing their increase will be to induce the small boys to catch than) for food puer ” The floods in Hungary are, snhsiding, but the luss by the destruction 0f crops will be cnurmuus. ()nc hundred and Lwclvo persons have been reported missng in Paris since the fire in the Opera (Runiquc. A terrible plague of locusts has visited the, central provinces of Spain, and the crops are fearfully I‘avislmd. \Ve would like to add our testimony. The English sparrow is an unmitigated nuisance, without one redeeming qnuli y 'I‘ntcy are not insect destroyers, hut lazy, luxurious, thieving pests, and befnul every building where they are permitted to eengergate un» molested. For three years we have been overrun with them, hut. new it relentless warfare has. begun, whieh is rapidly thin» nng them out and driving them away from our residence. They are generally fat, hut; their habits 0f liVing would prevent us from using their flesh as food. They are not. dainty, by any means. Our advice to every A petition from Nantes, signed by 5,000 ratepayers, prays President Gl'cvy to restore (Jen. Boulungcr to the \Vur (Mice. English Sparrows. YUIHZIUN SPUGNER’S BUPPERINE gsrmmgz: firm Box-metal for journnl hearings in machineryâ€" Guztmntecdcoppcr mixed, supplier! every requirement. Ask your hardware deflarfor it... ALUNZU W. SPOON- ER. Putt-"tee and Mmmfnvmurar, Port Hope. Ont. O Decorated “In I dowShndes Am. . Wholesale A)"; Rt m], n the (3an IRA-rm Com Mn)“. Tum MAEUPAU‘IYJKY, 70 Kng St "West, Toronto. NATIONAL LIAthFAUTITK’G 00 l‘ltot‘lilil'lnin Canada, the US. and all forelgn countrirs. Engineers, Pa- ‘ent AtmanV and experts in Patent Cannon. Eatub fished 1807. Donald (‘. Bldoul d‘ (‘0.. 'l'nrontu. ‘(DMPOI‘ND (I‘KYGE‘S-VTIIE CONS]. {VATUR 7/ of hezfith, the enemy of disease; h-ala the, Lungs, Rebuilds the Brokcn Down Constitution of young; and old. Home trutms. t, snfi‘wienm for 1w. monthl, Inhaler and all complete, Henthy express for 811’. Moved my ofl‘wu from 73 film: We)?" to 4] King Ruse. HHS, (K STIDMAN FIEHUE. FUHI' yours nt‘ahkishvd in Toronto. 2:: (mice Treatmentn for 318‘ mu! for irculnr. AGENTS and CAN VAssnu wunsed, Mal. or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commie- uon. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 45 Arcade. Toronto. Water per hour, Also Kim-Xx Drillanlland, Morse, or Steam Power. Send fur Catalogue. lmldlaw Manufacturing (‘0., HAMILTON, ONT. H.Wi!lirams.' SE; Hnnfe’r’. A few in Hamilton who haw, been henc- ‘Itvd by its usu- : 7 111” M. Rev .311, 192 Robert Ht.,(-u1‘o<l Uflfirysipvlns of 2 yezxrs' simuling; Robert, Form“, ‘24 South St., dullzhtur (am-ed of Epileptic Fits after (5 mn’ sum-r- 1m: ; Jamie, Hh'rell, 5:5Wn1nut M, (-m' l of ka- mas and Lung“ Trouble ; John Wood, 0:? (211,ther St, (‘urwl of Liver Complaint and Iiiliousness, used only 2; fifty-(aunt bottles; Mrs. .1 [Son], (1 Amman; Sh, troubled {or )onrs with N(‘r\()HH I'rosh‘ucim), two Small bottles gm 0 her [neat rvlivf, Sold at 500. (m 31. F. R DALH'IY & 01),, Proprietors. lnwrim‘m: illustrations on application For sale by all mn'riage makersl CANADA CARRIAGE PARTS 00., ‘3 The Perry Cart The. Shafts are nttzu-hod to body by the Perry (‘om~ pensutim: Spring. The result of the :u-tion of these Springs is no horse-motion in the mm, and no cart- zuohon on the harm" PATENTS Will sharpen the knile without taking: it, out very farmer will buy it, AGENTS \YAN'J'JCI). V ('l A T l\' ('(J, TUHUNTOZW ‘1 ul‘ EAlISflII‘S. 1) “viii I. 1) Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. RATES 0}" PA. mm :7 Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 8:30, and l; Return Tickets, $80, $90 and 5100 u {Jamming to Steamer and m-connnotlatiou. lute)- nwliute and stowage M lmxesb mm. For further m1 u'ulm‘s and to secure Bertha, apply to I!» E. l l IKEPAY. (nun-nil Manager. 1 Custom llousc Squzue. Montreal, or to the Locle Agents in the dif- ferent Town» and (lit' 1 Twelve Stan and l’roilm-es already represent on Hm roll 01‘ this lnstmltion. To thorough, practical ixmta‘uvtion, and the elYu-ienry and success of its gradu: (-3, this College owes its popularity. Circulam, giving terms, ., mailed fru . Address, ‘1 Eiliflll’fi Munhmm College, Guelph‘ mm, m .\ IJv'ziL-imm and nonriwhing‘ Hr-ukfast Â¥e\'(-mg:e, cou- mixm a proportion of German DAWN-hon “act, which none InezliL-inuil)’ on the Liver und Smnmrh, purl!) in;v he, 11100:! and imig‘omting Um EAFLCHL I’reptu‘ud unly hy ELLIggmmj-ILEY, 3 kinds; Clothes \Vrinm‘ra, 10 fl!“ kinds; “7.15)!ng MuchineH, ‘2 , kinda. Chums, 'nrlmt Sweep- ers, Mam, Choppers, Trucks, and other sundries. IJAxmmx INmrammL WURKS (70., Hamilton, Canada Send for Articles wanted, or Illustrated Catalogue TWO STYLUS, SURREY AND l‘lIAlCTUN BODIES Rfiaym Bamfifliwm @wfliggo anrcd Felt. Booting l'itt'h. Building Pa- pers (‘urpvl and livufonln I’vlt, READY IHMH’EING. lilc. 4 Adelaide St TORONTO. Ono, man with The Ehavm‘ur Ditching Mnchim cnn do more work than IMM)‘ )nvn With spam»; Manufactured by WM. RENNIE, TORONTO. 'I‘ II E HIRE A'I‘EC'H‘ D I 51‘ (“1] RV ELEVATGE‘E BHEHEPT MAM-“NE FOR UNDERQRAWMNG. The Trade only supplied \V 001) Ll‘ E AGENTS ‘VANTED IN EVERY X (‘ounw in Canada, Address, "nuns J: ('0., 87 Church St, Tornnto. MAAIIM-L“ Manufacturer and denier in For SnIeâ€"Illusirated descriptive Cat uloguo free. R. Chmnharliu, Toronto‘ TORONTO. TORONTO, Sole Mzumfzwturcns for (Tanada, Bigycles ! M. MACUORMIUK, Principu PURE Ill V'INU STREAM “S, how ‘20 feet \BLUUD PURIFIER. of the prmvm ago [or llE(il'.\ATlNr; 'I'HK B41“- mm, AM) (,‘l'mxu ALL 15mm), Ln’mc AND lilm‘m (Rm- PLAIN A PE It PECT Toronto Sflvoo Plato Go, STEEL KMVES, SPJUNS‘ FORKS, BABY’S BIRTHDAYE SILVER PLATED WARES. AGENTS THE I; 8; c. GURNEYMCO” (Lin), TORONTO. ETC., A S PEGEALTY. ALL 9008 QUARANTEED. Dairy Salt, Efil'l‘llE M'OS'I‘ l’flllfi’i‘ll‘ri‘ W'EPREHNG STéP‘é'fii “111‘ EN'I‘EHDIDUCEI). MADE IN I0 DIFFERENT STYLES AND SIZES. ICW Importations.» Higgins’ Eureka, Washing: ton and Ashton Brand-I, in large or .xmull snoks Also R' ’ ‘ [inn Salt. “'1‘ :e for plj The Griginmi Wfiwéfi flock, The largest and most prosperous open Assessment ABHOL'intion in the world, (hi ’5 mike )‘bpremnta tn 5 in every sortizm of Canada. Liberal indnmu mantfi It has full (:‘m‘ul'mm-nt dop<mt,and until! the snpenision of Inwlz'mme IM’UI‘J‘UHK’ht at Ottawa Corrcspmui 1:10 ‘ 80]“ 1M}. Amlroau, WE CHILE} TheMutualRBservaFund LIFE ASSQCEATIQN. ArtiStic Bwigns, cmnbmed wifm Elnmgualmd Efiuragjbilifly mm Finis-332.. 'râ€"2r A wrr'r -‘T‘C)'I\T,. O wr-r‘ /â€"\ RIO. All 51an offine work. Mfrs, ofPrintam' mag, Slings and Metal animrm Send to: Man MEREBW EE€E§'§§Eۤ% MANUfS‘AUTU RE ONLY wwaa‘r $5LVER»M.&TEEEJ WAR mmmm RE@RERS, "nu." Inn haven, for 1. 5, ¢, I. 10 um I! Iona. m rowan. for I. t AMI I Iona. leorMaI-Anl'owm Human-b... ” Grain Saver " and “ Peerless L. m. & m3“, Hamilton, [Int MAN UI‘AUI‘ UREKS 0F ” L. D. S.” ENGENES, woon, com um smw BURNERS, ASSESSMENT SYSTEM M wmmcL-u m1 QIPABATORS. Manufacturers of the hiqheut {males of 23 ADELE: ST. £..TOBONTO JAIQUQS mum ,§ 503‘, A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card w my bcby whose nmther will send us tho names of two or more other babies, and may pannts‘ addresses Also a handsome Din» mend D e Sample Cad to the mother mm muohv uable information. Wells. Blchudoon & Co“ Dionmnfi. J. D. 'WV'EEJZWJEEBy (n-ncm} Manager. (if; Kin: fill-voila: ‘E. Toronto TURBINTB CANA’DA. PLAIN AND TRACTION, USE GNILYQUR Wholesale Produce M m'vhantmll‘oromro w ,an‘u; Dealers who have not 3 UL seen this {ETUVE should seg‘we flu: éule of it at once. FUR BUTTER. ETC D.W. BEADLE NURSERY [30‘ App] 5' to Lhe (11"lumxxs, ONT. 2 53W am my. KS 1y "1 ' "9‘ 31‘s" (1 >3.» x. '7: -. a l, u .‘ . 5‘1"“? U‘ "n “r 3'5 Raw $3. 63» 65... Ts.~-!-xr¢r;r{hi”fi“£3. [HZHHMKR‘Y ONLY THE. \NELL-KNQWN WANTED HA'N l' f“,\\"l‘l'li|7]} BY E3 If“? MAHUFABTUR'S UF ALL KENDS OF le Snow Drift I’mth I’H‘Hlt’l‘1‘(lur‘nl‘flllf‘illl‘fL 0m. SJIHPICR on application iliml, lllomlinq, :mrl Itching, cmel‘tuully cured by the Vii-diva] l'lh‘ “mm-d). Thoummds of suficr era can textify to the pcrmmwnt relief from these inâ€" ternal and External rvnmiiwL $1.00 per pat (are Ask 30m druzqist for it, or willlwxunnl)y1mlll,p05t- ngcpuld, HUGH Mlllllllli & (‘0., Sailing during wmtex from Portland ever ' Thun- daj.‘ and Halifax every Suturday to Liverpoo , and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, éxlling M Londondcrry to land mails; and passengers lor Smotlmlfl and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. John’s, N.F., [30 Li\ erpool fortnightly dump: summer months. The steamers of the film Awhan ma Rdfifflgf‘ysmmm mm lines nail during winter to zmd from Halifax, Portland, Boatun and Philadelphia; and (luyin sum- mer between Gizwuow and Montrml weakly ; G asgow and Ramon weekly, and (iiauguw and Philadelphil f'ori ightly For‘frcigght, pa mags, or other Information nfply Io ‘ mnmg-herfigfiCo Brilgimpre' Cgpzm Oo liczlix'ax ; Sher. &; 00., St. John’s, NJ“. ; Wm. Thomp- son 81 00., st‘ John, NIL; Allaxx&Oo.,Chlcago Love & Alden, New York; 11. Bonnier, Toroniol All" ,8, Rue £2 00., Quebec; Wm, Brookie, Phllndel: phi ‘ . A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. MANUFACTURERS. M. STAUNTON 8:. 00., mn :e, Ian, fmu years. Try also PM your Ei’uzgona and Wm: 1'0“ ERLESR ,E‘E. \ md :10. 86mm» for ('amlomw 1 ms.» ‘AEESDLUTELY PURE . 7 EROM SELECT FRUIT- SOLD EVERYWHERE efficacy, that I wi‘l Mull ’I'XVG BII' ARE FREE, togetho’ With a VALUAHLE 'I‘IHCA’HSE on this disease to AD, lnflerer. (five axlnvm mu! 1'. n turn-mm, DR. '1'. A‘ SI.(>('1YN, Branch Office. 37 Yondé St. Toronto I huvu a puxitivo er'dy {hr Hw vau (“99mm ; In its use thousands nh‘mws (II the worst HIM mm 01' 1mm “finding have been (‘lean Inflaan ma nlrnm: is my min in $1.0 WQWWMN; FOR SALE BY ALL'fTHE LEADING DEALERS. JUN" 19, 1885.» For two years my wafe’s hellth \\‘a:- run down. She was greatly emanlmfl and too weak to do an) thing (or hl-rsclf; she was given up by lhe doctors, they all passed the opinion that uhe could not live. She lmumenced using Dr. Jug-’5 Medicine in llecemlmrn 1894, and nfmr taking alv bottles she was so much improved lib“ The vauld look after her household dufloi. ‘J. M. RKIDDth, Engineer, 0. P. 1%., West 107' King SC. East, Toronto‘ TORONTO, ONT Tormnro‘ GANOES

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