Are the farmers at last really go- int:r to band together to protect their special interests? Have they at last really determined to reiuse to be longer plundered for the beneï¬t of the rest ot the communitv? The air is full of rumors; agitation has begun, and the time is perfectly ripe ior rumors to swell into roars, and for agitation to crystalize into action. For several years, all the commodi- ties 'which the larmer mustlbuy have been climbing up to topmost prices. During the same time, all that the farmer has to sell has brought only ruinously low ï¬gures. Yet the powers that be have aimed another ,great blow at the declining condi- tion of the grain-producers. The tax on iron may not unreasonably prove the straw that breaks the ack. That farmers are not represented .at all in Parliament is due to their insane prelerence for party to prin- ciples. Even when their choice at the polls is one of their own class, he is sent to his duties pledged to sustain every interest except that of his own class. His mission is to .keep in Tories, and to keep out Grits, or vice versa. And so it re- sults that all manners and conditions of men, except farmers, have means and appliances for making known and for securing their demands. The gigantic scheme of building up an iron industry in Canada Will be .carried out almost entirely at the expense oi the farmer. If'it fails, as most liliely it will, his loss will be irretrievable. If it succeeds,his loss will be perpetuated. For him the game is one of ‘Heads up I win,tails up you lose.’ Changeâ€"B, Grennan. Changeâ€"T. Thampson a Son; ’10 Levâ€"Mrs. Raitb. Lestâ€"J. T. Innes. fermnalâ€"E E. Gallbraith. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, June 9, ’87 ’We feel satisï¬ed that the rate- payers ol the village will view with approbation the liberal donation of the Council to the Agricultural So- ciety. W'ere the directors not plac- ed in debt by circumstances under which they had no control, their claim tor the abandonment of rent to the amount of $40, could not be so easily put forward. Had the day of the Fair been ï¬ne, instead of a deï¬ciency of $300 to report, in all probability there would have been a nice balance on hand as there was last year. A Springr Fair has exist- ed in Richmond Hill for many years and should it be removed to. another part of the County it would certain- ly be a loss to this village and sur- rounding distrlct. It is to be hoped the ofï¬cers will yet be assisted so as to satisty the prize-takers and others having claims against them. Should a committee, similar to that which waited on the Village Council on Monday last also present themselves betore the councillors 0t. Markham and Vaughan, we are inclined to think they would meet with success. Each ot those honorable bodies have been generous with the agri- cultural associations in their re- spective townships as well as with plowmen's associations. ' Markham Village and VVood-. nrulge, which are some twenty-two miles apart, have annual exhibitions and if there is to be one between those two places no other with ac- commodation can be obtained as central as Richmond Hill‘ situated on a good Macademizcd road and in the midst of a fertile and agricul- tural country. Let a committee be appointed to wait on the above- named Councils, and as they have been liberal in other worthy causes we trust they will not withhold their liberality from the Richmond Hill and Yonng St. Agricultural Society: To be sure it is a matter of con- solation to him who toils and moils throughout the weary year that, al- though the gain to him is nothing, yet some sharp city mén are rapidly accumulating magniï¬cent fortunes. Yet this, in our opinion, is a very one-sided species 0t brotherly love. That our city brothers should pros- per IS matter of congratulation. But it that prosperity is obtained solely by our ruination,we may be pardon- ed lor regarding it, on the one hand,- as heartless greed, and, on the other, as infantile folly. @112 ï¬â€™ihvml; NEVER VENTURE NEVER HUN. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS BOUSED A T LA ST. Now to a man who values only those supporters Who are ready to stand by him when he is pursuing crooked paths, such a state of af- fairs must be extremely unsatisfac- tory. Not the less does the tact stand that there is in the House of Commons a spirit of independence that retuses to bow down to the idol of party. Party is good, not,how- ever, when it gives seats to minorâ€" ity candidates. And we are san- guine enough to hope that the day is not far distant when neither Con- servatism nor Liberalism will dare to reckon on the support of men on any other grounds than those of justice and fair-play. Much sufï¬ering could be avoided by constantly keeping a supply of \Vest’s Pain King in the house. A certain cure for flux, dysentery, cramps, chills, colm, cholera and cholera. morbus. 25c. All A NEW RECIPE letis)â€"ake seven yards of gond cloth and trimmings to match : add two oz. of good cutting, and about two days of ï¬rstâ€" cla. worgE and_ the resulj; will be a. ï¬rst£]as§sg’t Pains cannot exist after the patient has taken a single dose of West’s Pain King, the Magic Cure. Do not be induced to take a. substitute, but insist upon having West’s Pain King. 25c. All drugzists. Has on hand the nobbiest lines of Summer Suitings and I‘ronscrings he has even 8110“ n. Ju_b1_1ce Checks. an]? atripes to suit every- 0 v. Has reigned over us for ï¬ftv years, and every loyal subject should Minutes of last regular meeting of Richmond Hill Fire Brigade, held in the Council Chamber. on Friday evening, 3rd inst., after practice. ' Captain Pugsley in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and ap- proved. _ Communication from Orillia, laid over from last meeting. was taken up and dis- cussed. dru_ gists Moved by Fireman Snules, seconded by Fireman Brownlee, that; the Secretary be instructed to notify the OxiHmTouma- ment Committee that this Brigade will not take part in tournament to be held on June flanâ€"Carried. The following names were proposed to be hallowed for at, next regular meeting: John King, by Fireman Sonles; Robb. Garbutt, by Fireman Tyrrell: Jay Sanâ€" derson, by Fireman McConaghy; Thus. Trench, by Fireman C(nnisky. PBUGLAMATIUN ! TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN â€" Secretary was instructed to nutify A. Davis and C. Storey to show cause for non-attendance. THE YEAROFJUBILEE N.‘ litâ€"The above can be procured at the BER :IVE at 12m: very lowest cash price. Moved By Fireman Mcbeén. seconded by Fireman Sheppard, that Robert Mc- Donald be reinstated ~Carried. Resignatious received from Alex.Kirk- land, per Fireman McConaghy, and Alex MqLaughlan, per Foreman Reddittr. » On account of abselice by removal these members found it impossible m attend. Resignations accepted, and compliment- ary remarks made in reference no Messrs. Kirkland and McLallghlun, the Brigade feeling the loss, as both had taken a. llVd' 1y interest in Brigade whilst members. Moved by Fireman McConnel, secmid- ed by Fireman Trevethan, that the Sec- retary be authorized to procure what books he requires for Brigade.â€"Oarried. W. Atkinson, a. proposed member was then ballotted for. Ballots were passed and found favor- able. whereupml \V. Atkinson was ad- mitted a. member of Brigade. The meeting then adjourned. OUR GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN QUEEN VICTORIA Firemen Linkluter and McMahon were appointed scrutineers, and Firemen Trevethan and McConnell distributors. CELEBRATE, THE EVENT! BEE HIVE, As soon as the result of the last Dominion Election was deï¬nitely known, 1t was evident to all but the wilfully obtuse that we were to en- ter on a period of unstable govern- ment. That such is the case, the widelyfluctuating majorities ‘during the present session abundantly proves. Sir John (for he is the Cabinet) has triumphed like an eagle, but also like a mouse. Once he swooped down on the opposition with a majority of seventy-six. But then, in the infamous Baird busi- ness,he was forced to crawl through a hole with a feeble excess of nine- teen. O. TREVETHAN Fire Brigade Meeting. RICHMOND By getting a. new suit of clothes at the LINES CHA NGING. g. ï¬REVETHAN, â€"IS COME, ANDâ€" HIL L “See ur Gingham! Clothing and Hats, specially good value in the npbbiest styles. Gold Dado Window Blinds 40 cents each. Beautiful Pa- per Blinds 9 cents each, or 3 for 25 cents. Spring Blind Rollers 18 cents a set. Wall Papers from 5 cents upwards. Is large, choice and well selected, bought in the cheap- est markets for cash, and is worthy the. attention of every careful buyer. Beautiful goods and good washing colors. Lovely Jubilee Suits at $1.49 and $1.75 each. Bigger and better suits at $2.00,$2.- 75, $350, $4.00 and 9.54.50 each. On the Hill. Don't Forget the Magazine. JUBILEE PRINTS I Choice patterns and fast colors. Best value in the trade. ‘ PrettylSateen Stripe and Check Musligs, Jaconets,Vic- toria Lawns, Book Muslims, EmbrOideries, Laces, Trim- mings, Handkerchiefs, and a splendid assortment of A great drive in Check Shirt- ings from 8 cents up. Bring the Give the The Domestic Magazine, a monthly journal of Literature. Fashion and Domestic Art, containing 80 pages of most interesting matter. giving full description and cuts of the latest New York and Paris fashions, each month. 5 GENT MUSLIMS! Beautiful Dress Goods at 10 cents a yard. Grand value from 8cts. up. Heavy 36 in. Ginghams I40. For one year to every lady purchasing a bill‘ of Dry Goods amounting to $10. GHEAP EASHHOUSE ROYAL JUBILEE GELEBRAT I 0 N PARASOLS DRY GOODS ! GENTS’ FURNISHINGS. I G'ROCERIES From 25; cents to $2 JUBILEE FFEB ! B. GRENNAN. GRENNAN’S FREE I Don’t forget our Best Value in Our stock of See our BUYS a BUYS chance. along. And other staple articles always on hand. Price-s dose,t Inspection invited. CROSBY“ TWEEDS,SHIRTINGS, CQTTON S, DRESS GOODS, 850-. THE FEBE PROOF; MILLINERY ' DEPARTMENT ! NEXT WEEK SPRING- & SUMMER STOCK S. B. & Co’s Grass mixtures are yearly increasing in demand,beeause of superior quality and excellenceâ€"None but very choicest varieties used. Mixtures prepared for any soil or purpose. if you want a. never-failing pasture try them. Re-Cleaned Seed Grains, Timothy, Clover, &c. in Great variet . Don’t fail to call. ) z: y _ The popular variety. Invarinbly asked for when once grown. Sold in sealed packages only. S. B. & CO’S MANGELS are unsurpassed in quality, size or pro- ductiveness. All supplies grown specially, and from selected stocks. FACTS 3 YES, SGLID ‘FAGTï¬ VEGETABLE & FLOWER SE This variety obtained FIRST PRIZE over all competitors at T0â€" RONTO INDUSTRIAL EXHIBITION, 1886. Specjmenls we}? AGRICULTURAL grown last seaann of enormous size. one measuring 18 inches long, 25 Inches in circumference, weighing 17:} lbs. Quality unsurpassed. S'FEIGIAE BIKITSS. & CAN SUPPLY 1m: 5. B.& Co’s .‘s‘eleciod PURPLE T0? SWEDE TURNIP‘ STEELE BROS. & 00., Cor. Front & Jarvis Sts.. Toronto. GROCERIES DIRECT IMPORTER. OF THE 0E UNDOUBTED MERIT AND EXCELLENCE. &~ CD'S NEW SHORT WHITE CARROT! Good satisfaction guarénteed in the NEW AD. PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURESI Complete in (every department. CHE HIGHEST STANDARD AND QUALITY, NEW AND SELECT VARIETIES. FULL LINES OF IF YOU WANT