Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jun 1887, p. 1

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I’HE LIBERAL PRINTING & PUBLISfilNG HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. â€" â€" ONTARIO. THURSDAY EVENING thankful for the favors of the past ‘20 years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- .easion, M follows: \iu‘om, 1st, 8th, 18th, and 22nd of each month Richmond Hill... .. .9th and 24th rln. Shoufl'ville.. ...18th 10. Markth . 20th 10. Victoria. Square .V 21817 do. Fhornhill. Wu. . 2311] do. \Voodbridge .. ...28th do. Kleinburg 29th do. Nobleton.. ..... 30th c Vitalized Air always rm hand M; nnpnintmenta \Vorks like a. charm Free from 1min. RD CITIES Ba:qu US$02” Medalist Toronto Univmsitv NH1 be)’ (‘0 Physicinns6z Surgeons, Unknonte of Stouffville Youne Street. Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours to 10a.m..5t08p.m RicllmonxL llill. Best fitting Teeth made. Nothing inf aim in the 11!th Dentistry. Prices low and Vimlized Air used my time. 31 mm; mm? EAST, TORONTO, OPPOSITE THE " GLOBE " 011mm. Richmond Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. Toronto Officeâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. No. 15 Toronto Street. MONEY T0 LOAN 'AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES m e. r. LAWRENCE.’ T. c. MILLIGAN. HI Yonge Street, Next door to the new Arcade wmrhts, (marks, gemsum, @ilbzrmurt nub thical (Sachs. SPECTACLES FOR EVERY SIGHT. Central. Bank at? Canada! PRESIDENT, DAVID BLAIN, “SE-PRESIDENT SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS Chisholm, M.P. R. H. P. Dwight. D. M. Mao- douuld, C. H. Robinson. A. McLean Howard, and J. Ginby. ' flevosits received ml Intewsballowed thereon at Current Rates. No notice of withdrawal required. Dm’i'bs on all wer of Canada, United Safes and Great Britain, bought and sold Fullerton, Cook a: Miller, BARRIS’I‘ERS, SOLICITORS &c J FFICE : 18 KING SIREET EAST, TORONTO. Richmond Hill P.0. Every Saturday. J SFuIlartvon, V\Y' Cook, 1. R. Miller Address A ROBINf-‘ON L.D.S..Anroxu Ont. Barristejfioficitors, Conveyancers, &c.. Dr. James Langstnfl. A51) Dr. J. A. Palmer. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. nightcnllsalfrout door bell. Office hour 10am ‘ $I per annum, in advance.] VOL. IX. E. I". MORPHY. 501V dc (30.. LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN. SAVINGS DEPARTMENT, (at the Palmer House) GAB FOB EXTRACTING. BUSINESS CARDS. VJEJQLJZEQ 3918 ’1‘. I. MeMfi-EGN, Franklin .1. Andrews. L‘s' PRIVATE FUNDS 1‘0 LOAN. '3 EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. @112 fiiheml "- IS PUBLISHED EVERY Manufacturers umms m. LAWRENCE, A A. ALLEN, Cashier. Richmond Hill Branch. USED BY Dr. A. Robinson. '. W. J. “’Ilson. 3mm! §urgsnm BUEGKON DENTIST mutual. “£13131. iimtnl. THE LIBERAL. {TORONTO porters of MODERATE Managua lo. 10. do. do. do. do. Licensee Auntioneor for tlw Counties of York Ontario and Pen]. Goods sold on consignment. General Sales of stock. eta, mnmptly attended $0 at reasonable rates. P. 0. address, U NIONVILLE . Lends Monev at 5. 3!; und 6 per cent per annum. Mortgaces. Life and Endowment, Assurance Puli- ciey: boughth highest cash prices. Notes cashed; 6 48 per cent. seemed for pcrsmm luwimz money to ln‘mfi. For vm-ticulms cmmiru at this office Licenlod Auctioneer for the (‘mmtv of York. re- apeotful'ly solicits your patronage nnd friendly influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonablemtes. P. 0 Address, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York. re- spectfully solicits your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at rensonabe raises. P. 0. address, King. 25am wwmw 1W 3,2259%; @thJ ng7d{6//j on farm property. Interest_ lmv‘. Terms easy No valuation or cummisswn fees charged. . ____;., L , App!) b3 L6 Toronto 815.. Toronto. an Rich'd Kill 16th Annl 1L8". 6m Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest xxot-ice,nnd at rea- abe rates. Address Stouflvxlle I‘. 0. Funeral Furnishings Always on Hand MON EY ! MONEY! THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Benj. Brillimgorq Proprietor. Having refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in first-class style, I (rm prepared to give the public the best; o.‘ accommodatmn. Excellent stabliug and attentive hostilers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A good livery in con- nectiun. Terms 55] per (luv. GRAND GENTRéL HUTEL. The undersigned huvmg man posseqsion of the above commodious hovel will cheerfully cater to the cumfgrt of the travelling public. Best brands of liquorsandcigms. An attentive hustler and good stabliug. Rooms for commer- cial travellers. (i. GILMoUlt, Prop. Excellent accommodation for the travelling public. Good stabling and an attentive hustler. Terms moderate. @nud’a gm @3qu Every accommodatiun to guestfl. Board, $1.00 payday MISS HM OGULTER to be made. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great; value and importance to you, that will start vou in business which will bring you in more monev right away than anyâ€" Llling else in the world. Any one can do the work and live athoma. Either sex ; all ages. Something new, tlmt just coins money for workers. We will start you ; capital not needed. This is one of the genuine, important r-hances of u fife-time. Those who are mnbitious and enter- prising Will not delay. Grand outfit > 3 Ad dyes TRUE 6.;Coi Augustuwlvmine Issuer of Marriage‘Licenses Ccunty 01 York. Office 2 80 Jarvis street. Toronto. Undermkers at. Embalmel's. Issuer of Mmrmge Licenses for the County of YOI'K. PRIVATE FUNDS TD LOAN Is prepared to receive pupils. and will give Music Lessons as formerly. E. Lzzwam @fififflfi fiflfi‘ififia, Rmm) e.‘ 3. “men. 158 KING s'rm‘ EAST. TORONTO WRIGHT BROS, Leeds Richardson. \V m . James C. Stokes. Salem El‘kfll‘tlt afimenauwâ€"nfi. NJ. Armstrong. LA\VREHCE S. M. Brown. A large muount of Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARE. aflunm. BF. L L, Proprietor. “In Essentials, Unity; in Nonâ€"Essentials, Liberty; in all things, Charity.” RICHMOND HILL. THURSDAY. JUNE 16. 1887 Barristers. ’em" and Richmond Hill & XfiILLIGAN, MAPLE, ONT West’s Liver Pills will nevér disappoint you. Always reliable. 250. All drug- gusts. The Council met on Monday evening, 13th inst... ,as an adjourned Chart of Re- vision. Richmond H111, June 7th. 1887. The Reeve,» who was absent it the first Court. of Revision, subscribed his oath of office. Present: W. H. Pngsley (Rene), W. A.__S_an§erson, ugnd P. G._ Savage. 7 Mr. D. Boyle’s case for over-assess- ment. was then taken up. He was again heard before the Council, and affirmed he had no ascessable income. After a discussion, it was moved by Mr. Savage, seconded bv Mr. Sanderson, that, Mr. Boyle’s assessment be reduced from $400 to $250.â€"Carried. As no person was present to show that Mrs. Elizabeth Law’s property, rm. the property occupied as a. barracks by the Salvation Army, was wrongly assessed. it; was moved by Mr. Sanderson, seconded by Mr. Savage, that the appeal be not. entertained, and that the roll as returned by the assessor in regard to Mrs. Law’s assessment is hereby confirmed.~0arried. it was then movad bv Mr. Savage, sec- onded by Mr. Sanderson, that the assess- ment roll as amended be now passed as finally revisedâ€"Carried. Thé Council then met for general busi- ness Members present: Messrs. Pugsley, Sanderson and Savage. The Reeve in the chair. Minutes of previous meeting read and adopted. ‘ Accounts were presented as follows:â€" Toronto Rubber 00.,for hose,zfic.$2l2 50 McMahon, pri’rlting bills _ On motion of Mr. Savgge, seconded by Mr. Sanderson, the above accounts were ordgredjo be pai_d. The Clerk read a communication from Mr.H.Blanchard to the Board of Health, and from that Board to the Council, call- ing their attention to a nuisance before his residence on Church St. Mr. Blan- chard, who was present, addressed the Council in regard to the matter and gave his opinion as to how the difficulty could be got ower. 'Mr. H. Miller also made suggestions in reference to the place. Moved by Mr. Sanderson, seconded by Mr. Savage that this Council as a. whole inspect the ditch complained of, 'and take such steps as they think necessary to a- bate the nuisance.â€" Carried. The Couucxl t‘heu adj91yr11ed to meet bn Monday, July 4th, at 8 o’clo'ck p. m. A petition signed by Mr. Matthew Mc- Nair and 40 others was read, praying the Council to extend Powellfix. southward so as to intersect Richmond Sn, 3 dis- tance of about 25 rods. Mr. Sandérson introduced a. by-law authorizing the Council to borrow $400 from the Central Bank of Canada at Richmond H111, to meet the current ex- pensesi 0111' Band of Hope, we’re glad to say. Is getting larger every day, The children, come from far and near. The temperance messages to hear. They come in men-v little throngs. To Sing the cheery temperance songs; In glud refrains their voices blend. With sweetest notes the air to rend. Moved by Mr. Savage, seconded by Mr. Sanderson, that the above be left to the committee on roads and bridges, and that they make enquiry and report at the next meetings-«Carried. _ The by-law was read a first, second and third tigue angi passed Their joyous faces, 5 eakiug fall, That. true delight t eir boaoms swell ; In quietness their feet remain, While temperttuqe truths their thoughts e um. And friends are coming to our aid \th leel their labors well repaid, Bv seeing children flock around. To hear the gospel-temperance sound. 0 blessed work to teach the young To choose the good and shun the wrong ; Their souls and bodies thus to save, 'l'u rescue from t. drunkerd'sgxave. For while men sleep the foe awaken. Befol'o the dawn his slumber shakes. And all alert he views the field, And sows his bares where wheat should yield Dear christian sisters with your nld, Much of the evil may be staid, 11 with the older ones we (all. Yet with the young we may prevail. Their answers 511an that knowledge clear, Hus found an eutmuce through the ear; They comprehend the evils Mack, That. follow in the drunkard’s track. Their hands we trust will never mine, The glass that. leads to drinking ways. But useful prove to drive the drink into the sea, its depths to sunk. Their eyes behold, as they pass by. The haunts of drink. where evils lie. In cuuzmess numbers 350 deatroyk _ And soon the trade would sickly grow, For want of fools chen‘ gold to throw, To those who give besides their brags. A ruined home and filthy mas. 0 may the seed thus broadcast sown. Take root and grow wherever strewn, And flourish on through years to come, "rm temperance reigns in every home; A mousqu homes oibéhoe mail joy. Our Band of Hope. Village Council. Diviaion Court. was held in the Court Room here last Saturday, His Honor. Judge Morgan. presiding. The greater part of the day was taken up in hearing cases of more or less importance. The following is a synopsis-0f the principal, with the counsel on either side:â€" M. Gibson vs. C. Morgan, and garn- ishees for $46.25, amount of account. Judgment for Plaintiff for amounts. A. G. F. Lawrence connsel fnr Plaintiff. Mrs. Munro vs. \Vm. \Vashington for $47 for work, .550. Judgment for Plain- tiff for $15 and costs. A. G F.Lawrence for Plaintifl'; Wm. Cook for Defendant. G. Gan-ow, Primary Creditor, vs. T. White, Primary Debtor, and Marsh garn- ishee for $37.58, and counter claim by P. D. vs. I". C. for $53. P. C. Wished P. G. credited with $24, paid since suit was entered. Judgment for P. D. for 50 cents costs and $1 witness fees. A.G. F. Lawrence for P. C.; C. C. Robinson for P. C. 0. Masterman vs. W. Hart for $20 wages due, and on counter claim for $40 by Defendant vs. Plaintiff for damages done. Judgment for Defendant with costs. 0. C. Robinson for Plaintiff; W. Cenk for Defendant. A. J. Atkinson vs. J. Davidson. Ad- journed till next court. A. M. Taylor for Plaintiff; A. G. F. Lawrence for De- fendant. H. McEachern vs. J. & C. Oster for $31.80, balance on contract, 810. Judg- ment for Defendants with costs. Wm. Cook for Plaiutifl'; A. G. F. Lawrence tor Defendants. A number of judgment summons were ala_u_ disppsgd nf‘ _ Next-sittings of Court, Saturday, Sept. 3rd, 1887. West’s World’s Wonder, or Family Li- niment,cures rheumatism, neuralgiamuts, burns, sprains and bruises. 250. and 50c. All druggists. ' Winter has passed and now comes sum- mer with all the terrors of cholera, bowel complaint, flux, cholera infantum. Pro- vide for emergencies by purchasing at once a home of West's Pain King. 250. All druggists. From our own Correspondent. The great question that is agitating the Ladies uf the Methodist Church Maple, is this Annual Strawberry Festival, which they intend holding on the beautiful grounds of J. 0. McQuarrie Esq., on Do- minion Day. Every efl‘ort is being made to make this the most successful affair of its kind ever held in the village and al- ready the ladies are working energetically in its behalf. For further particulars see postetsin a few days, A team belonging to Mr. H. Line had arun-a-way last Friday evening. Mr. Line tied them at his father’s gate at Sherwood while he went. in, and the team becoming Irightened broke loose and ran away, breaking the Waggon pretty badly but escaping themselves without injury. Mr. John Young had three head of cattle killed a short distance below Maple on Monday mornmg about 5 o’clock. It appears they were lying on the track rest- mg when a. freight train came along and scooped them up. The Maple Junior’s had a match at Football last Saturday afternoon with a team from Spring Hill. who, though much the larger only succeeded, after a most stubborn contest, in gaining one goal and this was disputed. Several of Maple’s best players were unavoidably absent which weakened the team consider- ably, but when a. return match is played we shall expect them to give a good ac- count of themselves. A large number of our residents spent last sahbath in Toronto drawn thither by the Methodist Conference which is now in session. Mesars. H. Dickout and G. Cook are file_delegates from this Circuit. J. Ross Robertson. District Deputy of the Grand Lodge, A. F. A": A. M. paid an official visit to Vaughan Lodge No. 54, of the above order on Tuesday evening the 6th inst. After an interesting time had been spent in the Lodge refresh- ments in the shape of Strawberries and Cream ware dispensea liberally after which the guest entertained the members with an account 0f a. trip to California and return. The Rev. J. Pearen having filled the position bf pastor very acceptably during the past year on the Circuit was unani- mously invitedto remain, by the Quar- terly Buard. He will have for his cul- lengne the Rev. Chas. Routlifl'e. Mrs. Burbridge, of Manson, is spend- ing a few days at the parsonage. Therelis likely to be a boom in the BJOt (f: Shoe trade in the village as mat branch of business is being rapidly push- ed forward at presenn. \Vesb’s Liver Pills cure sick headache, dyspepsia,unduescion and liver complaint. 250. All druggifits. Division Court. Maple Rev. Mr. Leonard'hns been stationed at Elmvale, near Barrie, for the coming year. Revs. W. B. Barker and T. Leonard re- turned on Wednesday from the Toronto Conference. Jonmzâ€"REIDâ€"At Parkdale. on Thursday, June 9th, 1887, by the Rev. Mr. McKay, Presbyteb- ian Minister, Mr. John Jolly, to Miss Allie Reid, all of Parkdale. WAKEFIELDâ€"At Richmond Hill, on Friday, J une 10th, Robert, youngest son of Mr. John Wakeâ€" field, aged 20 years, 10 months and 8 days. Bella. Gibson, Anny Newbery, Fred Robinson, The second draft of ministers at the Methodist Conference gives Richmond Hill Circuit Rev. J M. Simpson for SuperintenJ- ant. and Rev. G. N. Rutledge as assistant. JUN III Birdie Donal]. \Vm. Carson, Jennie German. A large doctor’s bill is often saved by taking in time a. few doses of West’s Li- ver Pills, the standard remedy for liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and sick headache. 25c. All druggints. On Saturday last our football team played a match with the Red Stockings, of Pine Grove on the old fair grounds at Woodbriage, for a silver cup given by Mr. Haystead, of (he Inkerman Hotel. Wood- bridge. The match resulted in a draw, neither team having secured a goal. Mr. King, of Elders Mills, acted as referee to the satisfaction of all. A young gentleman living in this vi- cinity received a cold surprise one night last week. At an early hour he repaired to his room and returned, leaving the window partly raised. Directly by the window is a well containing a. force pump with hose attached. Some unknown per- sons came along, and with a liberal dis, play of activity fairly deluged the young gentleman with cold spring water which made him very uncomfortable for the re- mainder of the night. Mr. G. SaWdOn. of the police force, Toronto. is here at present with friends spending his holidays.“ ‘ Farmers protect fire and lightning GORE DISTRICT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00., Head Oflica Galt, County of VVaterluo: Established 1830. The number of policies issued in the year 1886 was 2,616. and the number in force at the end of the year 6,273, insur- ing $6,867,679.31, showing an increase of nearly $400,000.00 over the amount at risk at end of 1885. The income for the year was $1078.92. ' Total assets available to meet losses has increased from $218,986.00 to $238,â€" 264.00 in the year 1886, the increase be- ing withm a. trifle of $20,000. The number of losses for the past year was 108. and the amount of loss $57,~ 887.27, of which $4,315.28 was reinsured,» making the net loss $53,573 99. This Company has deposited $20,000 with the Ontario Government, being more than double what the law requires, but it gives the GORE a still stronger hold upon public confidence. v Damage by lightning to stock, while in field, is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment being two-thirds of the value of animal). Parties whose barns are wrvcked by lightning are indemnified to full extent of wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring in the Gore. This Company has been established fifty-one years. The gore is one of tbe'oldest and most; reliable Mutuals in Canada. All communications promptly attended to. . . JOHN T. SAIGEON, 4 Sole and only agent for Springhill and surrounding country; I! will pay the above Reward for any case of Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Bick Headache, Indigestion or Continues: we cannot euro with wnsr’s Luna PILLS, when the Directions are stri'eny complied with. Large Boxes, containing 30 run, 25 Cents; 6 Boxes $3..OO. Sold by all magma. REWARD! IV CLASS FOR THE MONTH OF MAY. JEFFERSON From our own Correspondent. [Single copies, 3 cts PERSONALS. School Reports Fire In surance. $500.00 IVIARRIAGES ll. Jas. Gamble |, Eddie Carson, Ian. Bert Glass. J. C. RUTHERFORD, Teacher. DEATIIS Edgely. your buildings from ibyfiinsuging 1n the Effie Gamble, H arry Gamble, Lexie MacLeod. P. 0. Address, King; II CLASS SEN III No. 50.

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