Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 16 Jun 1887, p. 3

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A heavy shock of earthquake was felt at Murray Bay on Friday, said to be the most severe since 1870. The stove manufacturers of Hamilton have refused to grant the increased paydtâ€" manded by the Moulders’ Union, and a strike is probable. Senator Abbott has promised that the Government durmg the summer would an- quire into the feasibility of the Prince Ed» ward Island submarine tunnel. An action for $15,500, the amount of his defalcation, has been entered by the Bank «of Hocheluga. against Parent, the absconding cashier. Mr. Mercier, Premier of Quebec, has been taken suddenly ill in New York, having had to undergo a painful operation for in throat affection. The strike at the Valleyfield cotton mills has been settled, the operatives resuming work at the old rate of wages. The contract for the construction of the North-“fest Central railway has been sign- ed, and one hundred miles of the road are expected to be completed by the fall. Owing to the troublesome feeling among the ha1f~breeds, a volunteer corps has been organized at Swift Current, N. W. T., and the Mounted Police have been instructed by the Minister of Militia to furnish the corps with arms and ammunition. A farm laborer named Kirkpatrick was killed near Rideau Station, about a mile and a half from Kingston, the other afternoon. Robert Soules, a lad of ten years, is under arrest in Toronto, charged with manslaugh- ter. It is alleged that he beat :1 playmate with a brick, producing injuries from which he died a few days afterwards. Mr. VanHorne, in an interview at Vic- toria, B. 0., said that the C. 1’. R. Cum- pany’s Asiatic service was purely experi- mental at present, and would be discon- tinued unless sullicient traffic was forth- coming. Certain of the Indians of the Gi‘aitd River reservation are opposed to the exu- cise of the franchise by the rod men, and have petitioned Parliament to repeal the Franchise Act as far as it relates to In- dians. Mrs. Beverley Robinson, wife of ex-Lieu- tenantiiovernor Robinson, was the other day presented with a. purse by several prom- inent citizens of Toronto to enable her to erect a. cottage at Governor’s Island, Lake Joseph, Muskoka. Mr. ()yr Duqu et, of Quebec, who is presi- dent of the Combustible Gas Company, says they struck a veritable gas well near the Louiseville station, at a depth of 2'20 feet, and that the flow and pressure surpasses even their most sanguine expectations. The half»l)reed murderers of Hector Mc- Leish are believed to be concealed in llxe Crooked Lake reserve. A party of fifty- three Mounted Police and about fifty civ- ilians are vigorously searching for the mur- derers, whose chances of escape are believed to be almost h-Ilmless. Mr. 1*}. Kamper is in Ottawa. negotiating with the Government for the purchase of the Intercolonial railway and the establishment of immense iron works at l’ictou, N. S. The Ontario Medical Association has con» cluded its annual meeting at Toronto. Dr. Rosebrugh, of Hamilton, was elected presi- dent, and Toronto was again chosen for the next annual meeting. The steamer (lastleford, which was wreck~ ed 011‘ the Scilly Islands, had 300 head of cattle shipped from \Vaterluo, Ont., on May One hundred head were saved. HOME. Over 20,000 pilgrims have already visit- :ed the shrine at La Bonne Stu. Anne this year. The Victoria. Industrial school at Mimico is now open for the reception of neglected and destiute children. The city u puucil of St. Thomas have prc~ sented in pin-,1 itriun to Parliament asking for a rep ~71] of the Scott Act, urging that the Act hm been a. failure, that it has not diminish- ed drinking, that there has been no improve- ment in public morals, that property has been deteriorated and that the progress and prosperity of the city have been retarded. George H. Starr, one of the best known merchants of Halifax, N. N., lately died at the age of 75. On Sunday, about 4 o’clock in the morn. ing, a thunderbolt struck a. house at the Chatones, Tex, killing two people and stun- ning many others. A despatch received at Nogaies, Arizona, states that seventeen Apache Indians have left their reservation and taken to the war path. No reason is given. Several villages in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, were recently flooded by a water-spout, an immense amount of property being destroyed. No lives were lost. At a meeting held in Detroit recently a. resolution was adopted demanding the en- forcement of the United States law proâ€" hibiting the importation of foreign labour, the object being to prevent Canadians living in Windsor from being employed in Detroit. It is reported that the Dominion Govern- ment is preparing to take retaliatory mea- sures against Detroiters who work in VVindâ€" sor in the event of the enforcement of the law. All ERIC/AN. It is stated that the amount of work done on the Panama Canal during the past year is astonishingly small. Two earthquake shocks were felt at Columbia, S. 0., on Saturday, and Northern @alifornia and Nevada were shaken by an earthquake early that morning. The shock was accompanied by a low rumbling 110186. The Cunard Steamship Company have been fined one thousand dollars dy the Col: lector of Customs at Boston for allowing an insane woman to land from one of their vessels. Craig Tollwer, the most notorious desper‘ ado now living in Kentucky, has had him- self elected to a. judgeship in Rowan County, the people being all afraid to vote against him. Seven men were instantly killed and six badly injured the other afternoon by a pre- mature explosion of dynamite at the Cam- bria Iron company’s stone quarries at Birmingham, Pa. Some of the injured will die. The Chicago Farmer’s Review says 2 Con» tinned rain throughout many portions of THE WEEK'S NEWS. Much discontent has been caused at Havana. by a telegram from Spain annouuc~ ing the formation of a new division of Cuba which will have the effect of auppresain the provinces of Natanzas and l'inar d5 Rio. There is greuit excitement in both these provinces. Meetings and demonstra- tions have been held, and telegrams sent to Spain protesting against the reform. Several case: of smallpox were recently discovered at Chicago in a house where an Italian was found suffering with the fliseuse last week. After the removal of the Italian f om the pest house: it was thoroughly fumi- gated and all the occupants were vaccinated, but too late to arrest the spread of the dis- ease. In consequence several children were prostratrd yesterday. Doubtless many others have been infected. The naval court-maatial held in New York on the recent collision between the VVhize Star line steamship; Britannia and Celtic have delivered their findings. The captains of both vessels are ordered to be severe y censured for failing f0 observe the regulations, and the second officer of the Celtic is also declared blameworthy. The Manchester Ship (Jamal Company pro- pose to raise £4,000,000 byissuing preference shares. The “infernal machines” received by Inspector Byrnes, Capt. \Villiams and the British Consul at New York on Friday were fuel cartridges manufactured at Troy, N. Y. The cartridges are filled with mineral cot- ton, are perfectly harmless and when satur- ated with kerosene oil are ignited and used for kindling fires. They were sent as a joke. The Vatican authorities have received $800,000 with which to celebrate the Pope’s Jubilee. Cambridge University has conferred an honorary degree upon Sir Donald Smith, of Montreal. The Berlin correspondent of the London Standard has reason to believe that a meet» ing of the three Emperors is likely to occur soon. l‘he Powers do not regard favourably Rus» sia’s proposal to elect a. tempo ‘ary Prince of Bulgaria. A fire damp minng accident occurred in Westphalia lately by which over 50 men lost their lives. The town of Vernome, in Turkestan, was almost entirely destroyed by earthquake, and 120 were killed. The Berlin I’osl, reviewing the political situation, concludes that Europe will enjoy a quiet summer. Operations on the Baltic canal will .0t be begun on a. grand scale until autumn, u ‘1‘- ncccssary preparations are not yet oomph The Mahdi has decided to refrain from making any attacks on the frontier, as such hostilities would prolong the English occupa- tion of Egypt. Gen. Boqdanovich has been removed from the Russian service because of his efl‘orts while in Paris recently to promote a. Franco- Russian alliance. the West have wrought a general improve‘ ment in the crop conditions, especially in the spring crop and in meadows and pass- tures. The harvest has already commenced in Southern winter wheat sections, and this crop is nearly past all danger. A famine is imminent in the (Jity of Me- shed and throughout the whole province of K horassan. Notes to the amount of $25,000 have been abstracted from a letter in the mails between Prague and Vienna. Sir Evelyn Baring, British Consulâ€"General at Cairo, has been summoned to London in connection with the Egyptian convention. Russia has forbidden that Chinese shall acquire land on the Pacific Coast. They will only be allo vcl to lease estates outside of towns. It is reported the Indian Government will meet the fiussian advances and intrigues on the Afghan trontier by an advance to Can- dahur. Gen. Ferron, the French new minister of war, has ofTered Gen. Boulanger the com- mand of an army corps. Hen. Beulanger, however, has asked for a month’s rest. The will of Mrs. Henry Wood, the Eng- lish authoress, has been proved. She be- queaths £36,000 in equal shares to her chilâ€" dren. Her son is appointed her literary executor. The cage in one of the coal pits at Mother- wcll, Lanarkshire, Scotland, fell 360 feet with six persons. Three were killed out- right, and the other three were badly in- jured. Returns issued by the British Board of Trade show that the imports during May decreased £1,000,000 as compared with the corresponding month last year, and that the exports increased £200,00J. A final estimate of the victims of the burn ing of the Opera. Comique at Paris places the number at 130, inclut' ng the remains of 40 persons which were found in the ruins, but which were so badIy burned as to be un- recognizable. News has been received from Herat that the Ameer of Afghanistan is in a. critical position. He has withdrawn the garrisons of Herat and Balkh for the urpose of rein- forcing ‘the troops defeateii) in the recent encounter with the (ihilzais. Among the baggage lost in the recent disaster to the steamer “La, Champagne" on the French coast was a. trunk which evi- dently belonged to a German stafi‘ officer. It was recovered and found to contain ac- curate and complete sketches of a number of French, forts. It is believed the officer was drowned. Those who have Tried it Say The best proof of the great power of l’olson’s Nerviline over every kind of pain is obtainâ€" ed by the use of a 10 cent bottle. Nerviline requires no puffiing; every bottle tells its own story. It cannot fail, for it is a comâ€" bination of the most powerful pain-subduing remedies known to medical science. Nervi- line is equally useful in external or internal pains. Try the great remedy. Ten cent bottle at any drug store. Large bottles only 25 cents. A despatch from Ottawa regarding the proceedings of the North-West Food Pro duct’s Committee, says that a. witness testi fled that beef and flour were good enough for the Indians. \Ve should rather think they were. people. They are good enough for most FOREIGN We have much pleasure in bearing testimony to the prompt. and satisfactory manner in which this claim has been adjusted, and at the same time to express our confidence in )our association. lining an imi- mute acquaintanee with your President and chief oiiicerd, we know them to be gentlemenoithe h'ghest integrity, and in whose hands we believe UH interâ€" sets of the members of the Mutual Reserve are per- fecbiy safe. Wishing,r your associatior continued success Yours truly, W. I). MATl'iIEWd <9; C0. Moire antique, moire Francais, and Pekin or striped morre are all very much in de- mand for trimming summer dresses. PATENTS Large Insurance Claim PaldvEmlorsement of the Mutual Reserve. Office of W. D. MATTHst da 00., Grain and Produce Merchantu, Toronto llph May, 1887. J 1). Wei 8, Esq , Genaral Manager Mu ,ual Resins ,mzd Lif’ A.” ('i turn: DEAR SIR â€" We be: to acknowledge receipt of cheque for Five Thousand Dollars in full of claim under a policy of insurance issued to us by the Mu- tual Reserve Fund Life Association for that amount, as creditors of the late Edwm C Fisher 3 Kmda; momma w nugum, w GI- kinds; Waahing Machines, 7! ’ kinds. Chums, Carpet Sweep ens, Meat Choppers, Trucks, and other sundries. HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL Wonxs 00., Hamilton, Canada Send for articles wanted, or llluatruod Catalogue ‘1 HELP Bushman College, uuelph, 0nl.., I Twelve States and Provinces already represent- ed on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, practical instruction, and the efficiency and succesi of its graduates, this College owes its popularity. Circulars, giving terms, eta, mailed free. Address, 11. MAOCORMICK. PrinciD-J Gill'lfl~l.ndlrs or Gently-anon \Vunle a~ To Canvas: for our Subscription Books. Our standard and popular work, Dr. Withnw‘s “ History of Canada‘lna book which ought to lie in every library. Our insiruative, amusing and soul-touching umpamm-e book, “rlatform EIhoes," by J. B. Gough. ()ur (-ompletc book of sermons, and auto- biography 01' Sun. Y. Jams, with a short sket ‘h of the life of Sam. W. Small, and three of his special sermons. Uur beautiful book of poeflry and lisarature of all ago: and all lands, entitled “ Goldon Thou htrs on Mother, flame and Heaven " Our hundsome Fam- ily Bibles, beautiful illusirutious, full of useful and helpful matter for Bible study, besides good clear type and paper. Our terms Ire liberal Send for circular. WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. G. C. Rona, Chief ankinieier. K. FR‘AEER, Sec'y-Trens‘ __Goldman’s Sprjnk- fiflfllflfi? th!‘ MEAL“ 3:523. “@2113;- by mni145 coma. CLEMENT a (10., Toronto. 1' desirous of acquiring a thoruixgEkaiou'lédke garment cutting should apply at once to S. CORRIGAN, 122 Yonge St” Torointoifig‘gruis on application. districts. 0L COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronze , Natural Wood, and other Picture anti Room, Mouldings, Frames, Etc Paintings, En- gravings, Etchings, Arbotypes, Arbists’ Materials, Mirrors, etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat- alogue. MATTHEWS BROS. .t (70.. Toronio. TEACHERS and Students, Attention 2 Special classes during summer holidays, in Shorthand, Typewriting, Book-keeping, Penmanship, etc. Write for full particulars. Canadian Business University and Sliorthand Institute, Public Library Building, Toronto. my: C'Ipital, £266,000. Dominion Goi'ernment Dépoait, £55,000. Hoad Office: 72 King St. East, Toronto. 'Geptlemen of influence ' dfiin unrepreientod Dairy Salt, mun» GOLD MEDAL TEN7MANUPAmléY, 70 King St West, Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR'G CO. Awnin. Artistic Designs, combined with Unequaiied Durability . and Finish. HAMILTON. ONTARIO- MERIDEN BRITANNIA 00 MANUFACTURE ONLY FINEST SILVER-PLATED WARE. HE lreatest Dis- covery of the present age for REGU- LAnxu Tim BOWELS, AND Grimm all BLOOD, Invrmdenmanon- PLAINIS. A Perfect Blood Purifier. A few in Hamilton who have been benefited by its use: Mrs. M. Keenan, 102 Robert St, cured of Erysipelas of two \‘ears’ standing; Robt. Cornell, 24 South St, daughter cured 0! Ep- ilepm’c Fits after six years’ suffering ; Jen- nie Birrell, 55 Walnut 813., cured of Weak- nsss and Lung Trouble ', John Wood, 95 (lathcart Sh, cured of Liver Complaint and Biliousuess, used only 3 fifty-cent homes ; Mrs. J Bea], 6 Augusta Sh, troubled for )ears with Nervous Proetration, two small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. & 31. F. F. DALLEY 8: Cu, Proprietors. BABY’S BIRTHDAY 23 ADELAIDE ST. :.,To§6NTo. 7 All classes affine work. Mfrs. ofPrinters' m Slugs and Metal Furniture. Send tor prices. WE BOILER INSPECTION and Insur- , "lee Company of Canada. Consulting Engineers and Solicitors of Patents, ‘1‘ 0 ll 0 N T 0 . 000 LIVE AGENTS ‘VAN’I‘EAD IN EVERY County in Canada. Address, FEBRIS d‘ ‘ . 87 Church St, Toronto. ‘0305‘1‘0 CUTTING SC]IO0L.â€"Ge;€1emen A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card new to any baby whose mother will send us m: names of two or more other babies. and their parents‘ addresses Also a handsome Dim mond Dye Samvle Card to the mother Ind much valunble information. Wells. Richard-on & 00., Montreal. Tlll} ASSESSMENT SYSTEM. \HE LONDON’G’UARANTEE AND ACCIDENT 00. (LB), {1F LUNDDN, ENG. A. T. MCCORD, Resident Secretarv for the Dominion. For Sale ~ Illustrated «Ioscnpt vs L7an Mogue free” R. Chmnhn‘lin, Toronto. TIIOS. BENGOUGH, Presitiéfif.‘ CHARLES H. BROOKS, Managen Bicycles a! END AT ONCE FOR LIST of Second-Hand Machines, From $15 Upwards. New Catalogue Randy lat Apt”. A. T. lANE. MONTREAL. A P. 337 D Sailing weekly between Momma] a'ld' Liverpool. Russ or l’Asswn :iSaloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, 850, and 860; Return Tickets. $80, $90 and 8100 #awording to Steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate and Steerage at lowest rates. For further particulars and to‘ secure Bertha, apply to II. E. MURRAY. General Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif> ferent Towns and Cities. MANUFACTUR'S OF ALL KINDS OF 5-K? Sand 30. stamp for Catalogue. .nmn lb, 1m.â€"»For two years m5 ‘ , wife’s health was run down. She wm : greatly emaciated and too weak to fit Anything lor herself; she was given u; I by five doctors, they all passed Eh: ( opinion that. she could not live. She ‘ ' » rammenced using Dr. Jug’a Medicine lv ‘ v ) lwccmher, 1884, and after taking an 10 r _ bottles she was so much improved than O ' ' V >he could look after her household dude: :I 5% H in J. M. Ronnwx. Enginunr, O. P. 11.. Wen ' Toronto. t (firmi‘ THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP cuss glglggaleiaggqu ? ‘ ‘ l .7 f" nlle‘lgadigg Ca'rriafi‘e Boniltl , factory: 407 Kingâ€" f7 i ‘ Babbitt ’A Non- S fibrous Anti-{ric- tinn Box-1:1etalfor journal bearings in machineryâ€"- Guaranteed nopper mixed, supplies every requirement. Ask yourhardware dealer for it. ALONZO W. SPOON- ER, Patensea and Mnnuf‘ furor, Port Hope, Ont. TINGLEY & STEWARTZM’F’G CO. AGENTS and Canvmmm wantedMale or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commis- sion. Industrial Union of B.N.A., 46 Arcade. Toronto. 1 Has never {it'lfigrgggulziggfitgfhest awards It Has No Equal. Farmers, Thrashers and Millmen Use No Other. This Oil keem the Mmhinery in first rate workng order, thereby lessening the chances of accidents and breakdowns. To be had of all firs class dealers. Beware of imitations ! Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder 0il. Harness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and Lard Oils. always in stock. SGLE MANUFACTURERS 0F LARDINE. Please mention this Paper when \Vliting. McCOLL BROS. & 00., The Originalwmd 000k, THE E“.‘&.‘ c. Gunugx‘v‘cqu <L_{D),_ TORONTO. MADEIIN l0 DIFFERENT STYLES AND SIZES. PEARLâ€"PEN ANDgPENCILflSTAMP WITH NAME 500. - Postage 6 Cts_ Extra / Man I Icy cure I do not mean merely to stop lhem for u £11m and then have them return again. lmesn s rallied Baum. I hsve made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SICKNESSs [ifsâ€"long study. I wsrrsm my romsdy Io cure the worst asses. Because others have fsllad ls no mason for not now receiving s cure. Send at once for . (we-Ilse sud 1 Free Bottle 0! my lufslllble remedy. GI" Express and Post Omco. It costs you nothing for A “1-10 21d I will cur-you. {dd DR. H. G. 3021‘, Bféfiéfiflfihfi. ETYhiI’iIES'tIvT‘drnntun IGURE HTS! may“: I or 'yunuuvs THE MOST PERFECT WORKING STOVE YET INTRODUCED. In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. [his meeting (being the 15th Since the C011] )any was organized) took place on Tuesday. the PM I April. when the following gratifying increases were announced: PREMIUM INUOME INGREASED FUR YEAR, INTEREST AND RENTS, - - ASSETS. - - $356,375. SI Were allocated as Holders. Profits pa ’ May lst. TORONTO, ONT. Cogfederafion if CfiSSOQIATION. OUR LAST NOTICE Dealers v be have not yet seen this STOVE should 983v re the {Hale of it at once. me. m’rhe Celebrated Ham cock Inspirator. Wfiresham‘a Automatic l Restarting Injector. KiliMorriion’B Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. WEHgineers’ 5L Plumb- ers’ Suppliel of every description. Send for circulars. JAMES MORRISON‘ 758K 77 Adelaide St W., TORONTO. UANUES Were allocated as Profits to Policy Holders. Profits payable on and After May lst. J. K. MACDONALD. Managing Director. :IZES. - - FOR SALE BY ALL THHLEADING DEALERS. MAN UFACT UKEI) BY $356,375. SURPLUS, 30"234‘ AGENTS ‘OVII'IHJND Olliul‘lleliE LUNSERVATOK of health. the «raw-my of disease; h»als the Lungs, Re huiids the Hrukcm Down Constitution of pm )4 and nld. Home in utme'vt, suflfwient for two ent by express for “Test to 41 King Eds. MRS (. >115»le “mine. Four )'e_:ar§ chm lism-d in Toronto. 32 (mice Treaxmeuts for $18, Send lor circulun r a l I are famous for their style. convenience, durability. and gheapness. Buy no other until you see them. AL thenleading' Carylélgglluilders sell “£111. _ ‘ _ _ _ The Snow Drift Baking: Powder (10$ lrantiord, Ont. Allan Line Royal Mgil__81;eams§ips Sailing during Winter from Portland eve Thun- day and H alimx every Saturday to Liven-poo , and In summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool, calling a". Londonderry to land mails and passenger: for Scotland and Ireland; aluo from Baltimore, V‘ll Halifax and St. J ohn’s, N.F., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the GI» g‘ow lines sail during winger t9 and lrgm.Hallfnx, Portland, Boston and ’Phil elphia , and during mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow and 11031501) weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelle foguightly: For freight, past-Jags, or other information a Ely N A. Schumacher a 00., Baltimore; 8. Ouna 00.. Halifax ; Shea & 00., S35. John’s, NF. ; Wm. Thomp- son 8: (70., St. John, N.B.; Allan&Co.,Chlcag-o Love & Alden, New York; H. Bouxlier, Toronto| Alums, Rae 8c 00., Quebec; Wm. Bmokla, Philadel- phia; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Manufactured by WM. RENNIE. TORONTO. One man with The Elevator Ditching Machine can do more work than thirty men wlth spades. ELEVATOR BITGHING MACHINE FOR UNDERDRAINING- bactdF’yE" 40: ICng si‘. SVL,"I‘6RONTO. Branch Oifiéé. 3'7Yonge' St., Toronto I han a politivc romt‘dy for (110 above diaeue;by1cu mo lbouannds 0(me Milne worst kind and ofltmz atandlnx have been curmL Indeed, E0 strum: is my mm. in “I bfficacy, (hat I WU] Rem! TW'O BOTTLES FREE, “gather with A VALUABLE TRE 'I'ISE on this disease ‘0 nay lufl‘erer. lee exmgaaflnq P JL '01:. T, A. smcmu, D.W. BEAME NURSERY GU. CL numms, 0M. Apply to the, TORONTO. $96,894. l3,029. WHTED

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