The undersigned respevtfully intimates t] at he will s'um'tiy nunove his bILW-llllll from AIcGee'm much to nexu- lumldmine WURKlNG GLASSES ATTEN- ' We are now prenured to furnish all - classes with employment at home the whole of the time, or for their spare mo- menrvsl Business new, light mid nroï¬mble. Pax- mns of either sex easily earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, and a. pl‘f‘pol‘tvilnlfll sun: by devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls em‘n nearly as much (which. That all Who see this muv send their address. mul best the busi- nem, wenmke this infer: To such as are not well satisï¬ed we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of writing Full particulars and out,- jit i’x- -. Address GEORGE Sussex & 00.. Port- Infullible Blood Puriï¬er. Tonic, Diurectic Loss of Appetite, Indigestion. Dyspepsia. Billionsnesa, Jmmdico. Liver Complaint, thelmmtism, all Kidney Diseases. Scrolula, Disensospeculimr to Females. Salt Rheum, Ex mum and all Skin Liseases, Headache. J’alpimtinn of the Heart. Sour Stomach and Heart ling". P_nr£l_v Vegetable; ‘I N BRONZE LET'I‘E RB. HUN“ “DEER GENUINE ml “'11] gch his best Httnu&0n to any bills custom mm ing he muy fzu‘ort‘Ll with. Alcumime, any one wantmg lung stud willmuch oblige by Sundng in ouh 1‘s us 501m us lnwsiblo wllilz» “‘0 we cuttng the humor. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council. No. 43, Meets in Temperance Hull,encl1 alter» native Tuesday evening mt80'clock p m. Bene- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates issued to male or female members for $1,000 or in case of death $2,000, one halt nnyuhlc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- gon Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer,l{ecurding Secreturv EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY A. O. U. W.,Ivy Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee room of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tuesday ab 8 o’clock p.111. Bene- flcary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case of dent!) J. Bl'ownJiamter Workman. B. Grennun. rec. MECHANICS‘ lNS’l‘ITUTErâ€"hibrfll‘y 0: over 1000 volumemopeu every Tuesday evening, in the Mn.- souic Hull,f1‘0111 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law, Libra- rian. Lectur and discussions periodically. RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 730 o’clock W. Sheppard, Lender FIREBRIGADILâ€"Roflulflr meeting ï¬rst Friday of every 11an11, held in the Council Clmmber. at 7 p. m. Membership free. Certiï¬catesissued to members entitling themto certain privilegesand exemptions, Wm. H. Pugsley. Captain. H. A. Nicholls. Secretary. RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE. N0 465. I. 0. G. T:â€" Meets in the ’l‘mnpemnce Hull' every Wednesday evening. at 7.30 o'clock. \Vm. Harrison '1‘. D. VILLAGE Conanâ€"Rel vo. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cillfITS.MOï¬Sl‘S.P G. Savage, Jos Hull, Wm A Sanderson, Imvi Gaby. (Mark. M. 'l’ecfy. The Methodist sabbath Echool’l'empertmce As sociation issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. WmJiurrison Supt ANCIENT ORDER OF FonERTHBsâ€"Court Rich. mond. N0. 7016 k‘ 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Friduv at 7.30 p. m.â€" Alex Coulter, C. R. CAUTION. RICHMOND L01)G]¢I,A.F.& A. M., No. 23, G.R.(‘ Meets in who Lodge room,l\msomc Hullpn the Monday on or before full moon. M8 o’clock p.111 1. Crosby, WM. ROMAN CATHOLIC mumca.â€"Services in order 3, follows Tlmrnhill m 9 21,111., and Richmond Hillac 10:30 mm; the following Sunday at Rich. mond Hill at!) run. and Thornhill at 10:30 11.111. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor PRESBY’I‘ERIAV CHURCH OF CANADA.~Services 8‘3 1] o'clock n,m.,u.nd 6:30 11m. Prayer meeting on Wednesdayeveningut.7:30. Rev J. W. Cam- eron. Pastur. ST. MARY s EPISCOPAI. CHURCH.â€"Service at b p.‘.n.,exccpt the third Sunday of every month, when the service :md sacrament, are held at 11 mm. SundaySchoolutl:30p.m Rev.W.BMes, Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 1L m.,und Sunday school, at 2.30 13.111. Young )eople‘s prayer meeting Tuesday avening. Genera. Prayer Meeting everv Thursday evemng in the Lecth Rmun. Rev. ‘V. R. Barker, Supt. llev. Leonard, A ssismnt. HENRY MARSH. KING 3?. o. LUMBER. “Fm-nu“). .jégmlc‘rWEs'r l: 00.. Toronto Ont. 351111211312 Qircttum. IS MARKED Societies. Churches. 01' A NE W {ECII’E tGmtis)â€"â€"u.kb seven yards of goud cloth and trimmings to match ‘ [Mid two 02. of goml cutting, xuul about two Guys (:1 llll‘Str clmss worklund- thu rcsulL will be aï¬l’stâ€"(‘luss suit, Hts reigned Over us for ï¬ftv years, and every loyal subj set should Hus on hand the nobbiest lines of Summer Suitings and Trouserings he has ever shown. Jubuee Checks and Stripes to suit every- body. OUR GRACIOUS SOVEREIGN QUEEN VICTORIA N. B.~Trhu 0.5013 mm be'13r()55{é.. uyiize ISLE HIVE at the very lowest cash price. GELEBHATE THE EVENT! BEE HIVE, THEYEARUFJUBILEE Portland. Minnie TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN can live at home. and make more money at work fur us, that! at anv- thing else 111 this world. Lupin-.1 not needed 1 you me started free. Both sexes ; all ages. Any one can do the work. bares earnings sure from ï¬rst. smrt. Coscly omï¬t and terms free. Better not deluv. Costs you nothing to send us your address and ï¬nd out ; if you a; yisqyou will _(l<~ so a: once. H. HALLETT & Co. PHDBLAMATIUN ! Roan, calved January 3rd, 1883, bred by Dr. A. Buck, Palermo. Ontario, will be kept for service at bxs owner's farm, 3rd lot above Elgin Mills, Yonge St... for the season 0! 1887. Terms will be made known on unplicat|on. 44“ Dominion of Cahddh; FOR SERVICE ! THE THOROUGH BRED PUBLISHER or “ LIBERAL." RICHMOND BxLL. FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer, 28 Mury~ laud Road, Harrow Rand. London, England (lute Lazarus & Mortig, Hurï¬fprd. Con.) These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every in- stanne unbounded sntisfmction. Thev are the best in the world. They never tire, and lust many years without, change. For Sale by T. I". MGM/1110A" SHORTâ€"HORN BULL LANSDOWN E Spectacle & Eye Glasses. ILLIAM GILLESPIE CAME FROMPENN. SYLVANIA to Toronto about sixty years ago with two step-brewers named Hodge ; work- ed in Toronto as blacksmith ; married, but, hmi no minilv ; supposed to have been living fifteen miles out of Tozonto ï¬ve years ago ; reward for information concerning him or the iurcios who are in possession of his property. . E. GAL- BRAITH. Barrister. 20 York Chambers, Toronto FRANK LAZARUS Two young men, strong and willing, coming from England. desire suitable sxtuutiuus witu farmers, where thev can gain an insight, into the means operandi 111 this country. Will cugnue for one veur. Terms most reasonable tor suit- able places. Address 50-4 BOX 111. THOBNHILL Preserve Your Sight SITUATIUNS WANTED BEST FRENCH KID, CALF KID. GONDOLA. BUFF & CORDOVAN Splendid assortment of Ladies‘ and Children‘s Slippers Several Cheap Lines to suit the times for Ladies’ and Gentleman’s wear. Custom ‘Vork a Specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly (lone. LADIES’ LACED AND BUTTUNED GYPSY BALS., NEW SUMMER STOCK COMPLETE I cognigcti'of thh Edy otï¬'er ï¬rm in the C. TREVETHAN RICHMOND HILL. By getting a. new suit of clothes at the (Late of the ï¬rm of Lazaxus & Morris) “flux: Ei'xlvcttiï¬tmmtï¬. BY WEARING THE ONLY C. TREVETHAN. -â€"~IS COME, ANDâ€"â€" [IBNOWNED Children’s Boots of all varieties, Black and Colored RICHMOND HILL.§{§: Wm And Gentlemen’s Seamless Boots EZRA CLVUBINE, Richmond HiIl P.'0. BOX 111. THOBNHILL The only place in Town having control of Something new and spicy. plendid out ï¬t furnished free. Any pushing; mun can succeed. Liberal Commission or Salâ€" ary, best Advantages. STEADY EMPLOYMENT I EUNTHILL NURSERLES I TO AGENTS ! ONE HUNDRED GOOD MEN! Call {HIâ€"d see me. ' No trouble to an- swer questiuna. Géld Filling, and all other operations skilfqlly Rerformed, {in moderate fees. I use no cheap material and warrant every set. ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" ~ â€" $8.00 0N CELLULOID, ~ â€" $10.00 'TJZE’ élflflï¬ï¬Ã©g ’ $1.00 IN ADVANGE. VITALIZED AIR I)EN’.FIST, Arcade Buildings. Rooms A. 66 B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd's New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of ROBT. SIVERS. RICHMOND SIX, RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th, 1886-3m. In connection with the factory, where custom sawing wï¬l be done. All work guaranteed and prices moderate. The abbve factory is situated on Apply for terms to 0.,P. LENNOX, PLANED LUMBER, MOULDINGS, &C. FIRST-CLASS SAW-MILL Are now prepared to take Contracts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. 846.. RICHMOND HILL PLANING MILLS ! Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. Kept on hand, or made to order on the shortest notice. A stock of Having bought the abovemamed mill and put everything in Fl RS'l‘-C LASS 0RDE R. Always on hand. There is also a. BEST SETS (Largest in Canada, over 465 norm.) L. INNES & SONS At once to sell for the WE WANT And no lost time “umu \VELLI)‘F'T‘(\V OF MEV 15th, 1884:) Toronto Ont struuwnta at his cummmd, can suit the musr difï¬cuh cases of impun'wl vi-iuu H-as Mensurv in mumlincinq that he MM purchased a full H.1me thvcelnhmmd f3. LAURENCE SPEC'I‘AULES & EYE CLASSES. and with 111v npNiuucus and in: Raymond Sewing Maclï¬nes, Eagle Steam Washers and Wringers. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND YARNS» All who have alreadv purchased are fully untlsï¬ed wiLh the way those machines work. Give 11mm a man XiapAll kinds uf produce tnka in oxulmngeq‘nf GBOCEBIES, FLOUR & FEED. BOOTS, SHOES, CRGCKERY, &c. They can be sold at prices that should not fail to ï¬ll my Store with eager purchasers. A trial will convince you. JOS. HALL. Tea from. 25 cent: upwards, 5 lbs, for $. Sugar splendid value. Oatmeal 40 lbs. $ GREEN GROCERIES, HAMS, BACON, PORK, OUSE ONTARIO British Flag Staff! CON’I‘ISTING ()F DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS. WINCEYS. TWEEDS,&C,. &C. Suits Made to Order. TIMES ! NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINE! I am prepared tn take produce in exchange, at. fair market value. for one of the latest impruyud and most durable Sewng Machines in Lhe market, as a large numâ€" ber is prepared tu prove in the immediate neighhorhnnd.brsides the very large num- her of Mrdï¬lh and First Prizes at Provincial and nther Fairs, such as Toronto, Moni- treal. L'HHlOH, Quabec. and at the \Vnrld’s Fair, Antwerp, Belgium. also a Diploma fur the best work shown in London, and 21 um dollar prize. for best specimen of work at Markham Fair this year. Come along; and get a bargain. All orders by mail prmnprly attended to. » J. LU SH, Richmond Hill. A lJargu Stock of 14‘III}.1‘¥ITIJR,E Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. ['1 a variety of designs. Mixed Paints, ready for use, in all cnlm's and shades. Boiled and Raw OHS, Varnâ€" ialws, and all uthex‘ material {or paints. Paint and \Vhiwwash Brushes, all ' slzes, “llmh l “in Ball at bottom price. ’Jall and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock 01 Groceries, Flour and Feed. LORNE STORE. A complete stucknf \Vall Pnper and Burderihgs, sumething new in Styles and Designs, frum 5 cents up. In connection with my stock of Groceries. &c., I wish to call your attention to full assortment nf goods from the \Vondstuck Wunllen Milis, ounsisting of NAILSHARDW‘ARE GLASSWARE & CROCKERY These goods are all of ï¬rst-class quality and very cheap. Call and examine the“) before purchasing. Also nu hde WVALL PAPERS. THE PEOPLE’S STORE! FRESH GROCERIE S. CLOSE CASH PRICES STAPLE GROCERIE S. S P!" t R. E; LAW, Bruggigt, PMC'FACLES FROM 25 CE); TO #5200 A PAIL} . Now is the time to buy a ï¬rst-class Light Running Is well supplied with a large stock of SPRING GOODS As the goods are bought at Flour and Feed always AT R EDUCED PRICES. And all kinds of -â€"-â€"â€"CHEAPâ€"â€"â€" AT THE Also 1’. (-‘r. SAVAGE. on hand. GEO. THE? A. MOODIE