Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Jun 1887, p. 1

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flfiouflavi ME! v ‘ .. . Victoria Sqmw ‘t‘lmrnhill, W: St ' 10. 0th 10. . 21 st- do. . 9.:er do. Wondbridge‘ .28”: do. Kleiuburg.. 9th do Nobleton.... 0th 0 .Vitalized Air always 11 hand at appointments Works like (L ch mm. Fma from vain. 'Toronto Ofliceâ€"No. 14 Building & Loan Chambers. szs Toronto Street. Richmend Hill Officeâ€"Rear of the Central Bank. on Saturdays. a 07'â€" rMONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES ~0â€" A. G'. F. LAWRENCE. '1‘. C. MILLIGâ€"AN. fhanklul for the szVurs of the past 20 years may still be consulted in any branch of the pro- ;essiou, as follows: l:11-orn.,15t,8(:h,lcfih,5.2161 22nd of ea-Ph month Richmond' Hill.“ .. In}; and 21th fln. Analyze Palmerfionsa) Dovoxta 1 wow ed M Current Lute-s. wqui‘md. “11'1an m“ SEN/L5 am (11‘ ,3: r~' EHE LIBERAL PRINTiNG & PUBLISHING HOUSE RICHMOND HILL. » â€" ONTARIO. fliatchm, Q‘Inrks J41 Yongn (It ‘ 5, Next. door 1:) Luca nuw Arcade Centzall Ifianig oi” Emadwl PRESIDENT, DAVID ELAIN, VICEPRESEDENT SMELL THEES. «'11 Best fitting Teeth made. Nothing: infsrior in $136 artcf Dentistry. Prices low and Vitalized .Air used any time. THURSDAY EVENING ‘Medalist Toronto UmV s-flv M‘n‘hor (0 Physicians& Surgeran ()ntflmto of Stouflville ‘Yonge Street. Richmond Hill. Oflice Hours to 10 a.m..5to p. m ROGERS Bewmx OSSKce, Richmond Hill. Fullermnaq mm: (k Miflen', BARRISTIWQ, SOLICITORS 6m IFFICE : m IUXG’ S’IREET EAST, TORONTO. Richmond Hill 0. Every Saturday. Address A ROBINSGJN L.D.S.. Aurél ROM: Hatchm, Works. 5 smelling, §i1hnrmn :m'J QMriimi 60.3215. SPECTRCLEj FOR EVERY SIGHT. Bazriste s,SoEicitm's‘ Ccaveyancers, 8m [1.113. PM‘JEEB‘Eii'. SHIV (Vi (30.. I‘rIIuECTURS Chisholm‘ h 3’ P. Dwight D. M. Mm» SAVINGS DEL’ARTMENT, LAWRENCE 8: MILLIGAN. J S Fullartun night calls at front door bell. Office hour 10 a m VOL. IX. 35 I per annum GAS FOR EXTRACTIka V 35(31; A? Holman. " ‘d. and J. Ginty. BUSINESS CARDS. Dr. Janms Langslafl, AND Dr. J. A. Va’aimer, RICHMOND mum, 0511‘. Fullartun, W Cook, J. R. Miller r3“ PRIVATE FUNDS T0 LOAN. ‘1'}; Franklin .I. Andrews. @tntnl sat-gum, E STREET EAST, TORONTO, OPPOSITE THE Vn OFFICE. ‘ Wu: “fliitmi ” VITJQ/fl $15? w. E. Maximum, Mmmfzu'turers porters of EDITOR and PROPRIETOR. A. ALEX-1N}, Cmfiintsa'. Richmond Hill E: ranch. Dr. “V. J. “Whom. mum“: IS PUBLISHED EVERY Dr. A. Robinfion. SURGEON DENTIS'“ “ffitcfliwl. Emu-1!. USED BY Mum. nd Interactallowofl thm‘con NO note" ' marlmwni u H parts cf mir, 110211? w ,TORON TO “’ FEES MODERATE in advance.] 10. do. do. do. a to be made. Cut this out , ‘ and return to us and we will i L send you free, somui‘hing of gl'enb value and importance no you, that will start van in busin s which will bring you in more money right away than any- Hiing else in the wand; Any one can (10 the work and live at home. Either sex ; all ewes. Snxnething new, that just; coins money for xx m‘lcm‘s. We will star’s you .7 capital not needed. T119. is one of the gemmm, important chances of ' ifetime. Those who are ambitious and enter- . ing w111 not; rlehw Grde outfit A Ail 'les TBUEJICO. Au us.u.Main9 Jig/’6" QE'SSfififl. Every accommodation 30 guests. Board, $1.00 per day Undertaken an Embalmers, Funeral Flu‘mehings Always on Hand H11 vim; refitted the above House and furnish- ed it in firshcluss style, I am prepared to give the public the best 0.“ accommodation. Excellent gambling: and attentive hostlers. Sample Rooms for commercial travellers. A goad livery in con- ner:tiun. Terms $3.1 her (luv. THE DOMINION HOUSE, Richmond Hill, Bcnj. Brlliinger, Proprietor, Theunderségned havmg taken possension of the above commodious howl will cheerfully catortothe eomfu‘t of the travelling public. Besthrnnds of liquorsqu cigars. A11 attentive hvstleruald good stubling. Rooms for commer- cial tmvcllgz‘s. (i. GILBIO UR, Prop. Excellent acacmmodatinu for the travelling public. (mod stabling and an attentive hostler. Terms moderate. M388 HERA OWNER Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York, re- spectfully solioibs your patronage and friendly influence. sales attended on the shortest notice and at renaonabe rates. P. 0. address, King. Llcensed Aucfioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest noticem‘nd at rea- ag‘a rates. Addrpss Stoufivflle 1". 0. GM 33. D HGTEL. ifinufl’fi 93531:» @1121. ) Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York Ontario and T’eol. Goods sold on consignment. Geuemlsales of gtock, e130,, promptly attended to at roasouabls rakes. P. O. addmfifi, Lics‘nsad Auctioneer for the C spectfully solioibs your patronage and frienMy influence. Sales attended on the shortest notice and at reasonablnrutes. P. 0 Address, mmtv of York, te- on farm property. Interest low. Terms easy" Nn vuluution or commission fees chm-ch1. Apply to » LAWRENCE & MILLIGAN, Bal'nsters, 9150.. M anonfn St" Toronto. and Richmond Hill. Rich‘d Hill 16th Am-xl 1887. 6111. Lends Mona}! at 5, 5:3; and 6 per cent. per mmum. Mortgages: Life and Endowment Assurance Earli- cies bought; at highest cash prices. Notes cashed. 6 tn: 8 per cent. seemed for persons hnvingmoney to myth For particulms enquire at this office QEEQETIQW 1% 332.2235 60”“?! fl: égwn/d/a/gé) / Caéaéflémmw/ MONEY ! MONEY! Issuer of Marriage Licenses Ccunty of York. Office : 80 Jarvis street. Toronto. is prepamfl to receive pupils, and will give Music Lessons as formerly. Issuer of Mnrrmge Licenses for the County of Yong. E9 flflflam Mfifififl WWW? PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN Rxsm “i 7 James C. Siokes. 1.38 KING STREET EAST. TORONTO WRIGHT EROS, “7M. BELL, Proprietor. Loads Richardson. Salem Eeknrdt Wmnuamua. N . J. Arnlsn’on g. c. 1:. TENCH. S. M. Brown. A large almount of Box 96, VICTaRIA SQUARE. Bumpy. RICHMOND HILL, THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 1887 “In Esmztials, Um'ty; in Non-Essentials, Liberty,- z'n all thiflgé‘, Cham’ty.” MAPLE, ONT uu mm, U NIONVILT.E. Mn. lDITOKp 'Why don’t our grocers and merchants boycott, those farmers and others who come into our village and wholesale garden stuff to chem, and are small enough to shp around and steal their retail trade ? Much suffering could be avoided by constantly keeping a supply of \Vest’s Pain King in the house. A certain cure for flux, dysentery, cramps, chills, CUllC, cholera and cholera morbus. 25'). All druggists. From our own Correspondent Mr. R. B. Steinhauer spent a few days visiting friends in this place a few weeks 8.20. He left here to attend the Toronto Conference, and he has now gone to the North West to labor among his fellow countrymen there. With great persever- ance and energy he has mastered the English language, and an arts course in Victoria University, and has become a fluent and an able speaker. We wish him success. Mr. R. B. Beynon and Mr.W. T. Nor- man spent a few days calling on old ac- quaintances on their way to the Conferâ€" ence. M r. R. Lewis, while chopping feed for Mr. \V. Thomas, of Oak Ridges. met with an unfortunate accident by which his big toe was nearly severed from his foot. Medical assistance was procur- ed and he is doing as well as can be ex- nected, but will be laid up for snme time. Miss A. Cain, who has been in Dakota for some time visiting relatives there,retnm- ed home last week. Bcihmond Hill, June 22nd, 1587. Pains cannot exist after the patient has taken a single dose of West’s Pain King, the Magic Cure. Do not be induced to take a substitute, but insist upon having West’s Pain King. 250. All druggists. Words of Farewell to Our Esteemed Pastor, Rev. W. R. Barker. Swesfésfl 1Hcem§e sendfligfofih. May your family be sheltered. FrOm the evils that abound ; Bu your greatest earthly comfort. Scattering blessings all around And may she who guides your household Cheers you by her faithful love, Lopg be spared to mid your labors, Reaping rich reward above. May God’s grace o’ershade you ever, Every day suflicient prove. All your life His care o'er arching, W 1th a. canopy of love. When your labors are completed. And your blessed Work is o'er, With glad rapture will we gather. 0n heaven’s beatific shore. _. mar.--“ mun Auuluu, yum m Dnubtful mough It now appears, You again may be our pastor, should your life be spared for years. But not all would give you welcome, Who now sadly say when; Many fracas now familiar, Will have passed from mortal view. Kindest, best and loving wishes. Follow you whar’er you go ; Were rich guts at our diswsal, Those we’d gladly thee Bestuw. But we deem a. christian fm-mdahlpi Greater than the gems of earth, Glt'owidg in perennial beautv, Faithnfl on the walls of Zion, Fearless of the toes around, Pauling forth the gospel trumpet, Giving no unceer sound. As a. watchman on the ramparts, Warning of impending woe, Pulling down strongholds or sntan, Giant evils to o’erthrow. Mindful of the Church’s interests, Versed in 3.11“ discipline " lore, Firmly guiding, kindly leading, Duties never passing o’er. Swervmg not to curry favor, As the fashion is with some, Once convinced what right. demanded, Doing right was sure to come. Listening with attentive kindness, To diverse opinions found, Calming Dy rue self possession, Harmonizing all around. Thus our confidence securing. Fearing noughnthat could o'erwhelml Feeling safe from church disasters. With our pastor at the lieme Much we’ll miss the earnest counsels, At our Monday night retreat, In the study no we parsonage, Where our "Class" is Wont to meet. Where our purposes were strengthened, By the counsels kindly given, And. our christian courage mflied, To pursue our course to heaven. It ~linig‘b‘tzlhgx;{30901;infihe futurel Longer hear the words of wisdom, That have cheered us in the past. Wholesome food in gospel measure, Manna to the Sadly do We feel the parting. Grieved how much wé'cannot tell, That. to intercourse sb‘h‘afpy, We’re compelled to my urewell. Zealous in each pastorégl duty, Cheering by a pleasant call ; Vism‘ng the sick and needy, ’l‘hus dispensing good to all. Each succeeding year endearing, By the kindly interest shown In the welfare of your pqople, Till the bonds have tender grown. Dearest Pastor we are sorry That your labors here must cease, ; That your term of years is ended. Years of harmony and peace. Could we double twice their number, Gladl would it be our choice, Still to ave you dwell among us, Longer listen to your voice. We Don’t K110 W. Temperancevflle. JUSTICE. The council then adjourned to meet a.- gain on Tuesday the lZch day of July, 1887. Moved by P. Devins, seconded by G High, that Thompson Porter be appoint~ ed path master in place of \Vm. Burton who refused to act.»~â€"Carr1ed. Moved by G. High,seuonded by P. De- vins that David Burgess be allowed to use the guarding on side line between lots 30 and 3] in the 10th con. for Jencing pur poses, he agreeing to keep said guarding in repair for the period of fifteen years. â€"Car ried Dist N0. lâ€"To Leeds Richardson for 1 road scraper for S. C. Snider $9.00. To Patterson db Bro. 1 waldo road maker $80.00. To B. Brillinger for 75 cedar posts $9.37. Dist No. 2â€"T0 John Rogers for ma.- terial and repairing bridge between lots 15 and 16 in the 9th con $9.00. To John Watson for 6 cedar posts 720. Leeds Richardson, 2 road scrapers $18.00. A. Cameron, 260 feet of plank $3.12. Neil Black, cutting Graham’s hill $123.36. Neil Black for drawing material and ex- tras on Graham’s hill $11.87. Jas. Mar- shall 6994 ft 3 inch plank $83.92. George Topper for saving bridge lumber $2.00. John Hardich saving bridge lumber 1.00. Henry Sutton saving bridge lumber 1.50. Moved by Mr. Russell, seconded by Mr. Reaman, that the treasurer he and is hereby authorized to pay the following road accounts: Moved by A. Russell, seconded By I. Reaman. that the sum of $25 be granted to the Richmond Hill and Yonge Street; Agricultural society subject to the order of the treasurer of said somety and that the treasurer be authorized to pay the sameâ€"Carried. Moved by Mr. Reaman, seconded by Mr. High, that the treasurer be and is hereby authorized to pay to Robert Rum- ble, Health Inspector, the sum of $21.00 in full of all claims to date for said office ~Cnrried. Moved by G. High,seconded by P. De- vins, that the treasurer be authorized to Day to Joseph Harrison the sum of $5.00 for cleaning the Town Hall.-â€"â€"Carried. MrrReamdnywmmmomâ€"mfl revised be finally passed by this Court and certified by the clerk as so passed, and that it shall be valid and binding on all parties concerned notwithstanding any error or defect committed in or regarding said rall.~ Carried. new. The Reeve in the chair. All the members present. The minutes of last; meeting were read and on motion sustained. Diét No. 3â€"Leeds Richardson 1 road scraper $9.00. Samuel Hart, repairing bridge 7w con. $710.00., That, John Hart jr’s appeal he dismiss- edL‘hghEVinghfailed -to gppeqr. A 'i hat Jas. A. McMurchy be entered on the assessment roll as a landholder’s son on the west half of Lot 33, 6th Con. Car- ried. That; Reuben Hogben’s dog having died it be struck off the roll. That Jas. Forrester be entered on roll for g; acre of Lot 10. Gun. 7, for $400,a.nd that said § acre and amount of $400 be deducted from assessment of William Hicks. That Robert Robinson’s appeal be dis- missed. That Geof000per’s (16;; having died, it he struck off the roll. That dogr assessed to Alex. Malloy be struck off. The appeals having been duly consider- ed it was moved by Mr. Reaman, second- ed by Mr. Russell, that the following 3.1- terations be made in the assessment rolls formthe present year: _ ‘ That john Witty be reduced on Real Estate from $5000 to $4500. Dugald McMurchy for Jas. A. Mc- Murchy,should be entered as landholder’s sun. That the bitch assessed t6 Matthew East be struck off and that he be assessed for}. dug. That Geo. Bone be changed from Lot 16_(_}‘on._2, to Lot 40, Con. 1. Reuben-HOgben, for self, Dog having die} sinrcs being assessed. Geo. Cooper, for self, Dog having died sinfe being assessed. Membery’Ppresent Messrs. Mallny (Reeve) Russell, Reaman, High and De- vms. The Reeve in the chair. The; minutes of last meeting were read and on motion, approved. The followil‘xlg édditiunal appeals were heard: The adjourned Court: of Revision of the township of Vaughan was held at the Town Hall on Tuesday the 2lst-of June, at}? O’plockla. m. The court then adjourned sine die. The council then met for general busi- qued by Mr. Davina. seconded__ by Vaughan Council. J. M, LAWRENCE, Clerk RICHMOND lllLL. _.._),,(_ In returning thanks to my numerous iencln for theirjlibektael patrmm‘flfifiug the past twentyâ€"five"ye..é§,"I" é‘é‘To 7“; mind them and the gem-La] public, that having erected entiuefiy new and com- modious premises. I am enabled to supply ‘ Phaetons, Buggies. Carriages, IJzILl‘ bum», pm Len . Pans, do. .V DI‘BFSOG l‘oys.]\cl um | Beef. f 01 e U11fll‘hfi)‘ Beef, hind (leL‘v'A‘l‘ ‘ 0113 1101131)“ 3,:xi1' Due do Gama. Pm") . . . . . . . 'l‘urkm\ p01" Eb . ISIILL(>J‘,]101111d ralls Butter, large ml: Eggs. fresh. pm' Genus ,I’otusltzios, luv 7; pm‘ Mm. gfl'nr‘n hr- 1w. ‘ ‘tuh‘mmc, per Gr ‘5 Celery, v.10 ’l‘urmps, per bag; . ., Cm‘ro’m. (In Remus. 1101' pm‘k. ‘qu‘r, (.1 ‘ Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the Work is under my own supervist‘ J. I 2111: also prepared to do all kinds \f black- smithing repairing in the most work- manlike manner, on the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. TORONTn Thursday Jum‘, {‘31887 Wheatfnll, per bushel Wheat, spring, (10 Barley, do oats, do Peas. (10 Rye. do Clover Seed. d9 Dressed hogsgpev‘ 100 lbs ‘ Beef, fora quarters Beef. hind quarter Chickens, per pair . Ducks, ‘10 Geesa,encll . Turkeys, each Butter, 1mmer r011 Butter, tsz flair) Eggs, fresh, per I. Potatoes, par hug. Apples,1\erbbl onion 3. greon, 1101' doz. Cabbage do Cauliflower do ‘ . ...... Celery, do ,. ,.‘ ,. 40 Turnips, per bag... 35 Carrots, do. 50 Huymcrton 'I 00 strmxgpuy ton 1; 00 RICHMOND Hzm. '1‘] Qnts, per bqshel ...... V Cutters, PLATFORM SPRING WA G. U N S . Parties whosé barns are wrecked by lightning are indemnified to full extent of wreckage. Farmers can save money by insuring in the Gore. This Company has been established fifty-one years. The gore is one of the oldest and must reliable Mutuals in Canada. All communications promptly attended f0. JOHN T. SAIGEON, Sole and only agent. for Springhill and surrounding country; TRENCH’S -CARRIAGE WORKS.- This Company has deposited $20,000 with the Ontario Government, being more than double what the hLW requires, but 1t gives the GOR. h} a. still stronger hold upon public confidence. The number uf losses for the past year was 108, and the mnount of loss $57,- 887.27, of which $4,315. ‘38 was reinsured, making the net loss $53,573 99. Daxiiage by lightning to stock While in field, is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment being two-thirds of the value of animal). fire and lightning by insuring m the GORE DLSTRICT MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE 00., Head Office Galt, County of Waterloo; Established 1836. The number of policies issued in the year 1886 was 2,616, and the number in force at the end of the year 6,273, insur- ing $6,867,679.31, showing an increase of nearly $400,000.00 over the amount at risk at end of 1885. The income for the yea} Wes $87.078.92.A r ' Total assets gyvailable to meet losses has increased from $218,986.00 to $238,- 264.00 in the year 1886, the increase be- ing witluu a. trifle of 5.520.000. Horse â€" Shoeing Farmeyg Profiect your‘ buildings from Paid special attention ‘m. [Single copies, 3 cts Fire Insurance. E112 Warkm. Sleighs and EVM TIM" WC“ P. 0. Address, King. No. 5r. 0 13 t) 12 i) 14 0 00 13 00 1 ‘25 0 30 0 50 U 00 K 00 J )50 30 13 7 00 00 H11 00 15 10 00

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