ion or rejection must be decided on ‘only after “the fullest disCussion. For this reason, 1t behoves all that tee] a deeper concern tor country than for party to keep the question as long as possible out of the do; ‘main of party politics. Otherwise, :it is not at all improbable that we “may be treated to a hasty and snatched verdict just as we have on more than one occasion. Practical politicians VlC\V every subject in no other light than that ofmaking votes. The right or wrong of a matter, its beneï¬t or its injury, seldom enters .into their consideration. We are not surprised, therefore, when we ‘ï¬nd that already the attempt is :made to brand even the mooting of It will not be out of place to re- mark here that this new issue is due to the monstrous extravagance and profligacy of the Macdonald-Tupper Administration. They have heap- ed up our load of debt until the back of the body corporate threatens to break. Thev are continuing to spend with a lavishness that ig- nores any interest. in the future. They have stimulated trade until stimulants are ceasing to produce any other than evil effects. Their own supporters both in and out of parliament have become alarmed, and are no longer zealous in hearing an†“haying theflender's voice. 111-. Tiie question of Commercial Unâ€" ion with the United States is now ‘iairly before the people. It is one ‘of such gigantic change, of such Tar-reaching effects, that its adoptâ€" A very serious consideration,how- ever, is whether the blending of our trade interests with those of the United States would not lead to a blending at our political systems. In. other words, can Canada become commercially an integral part of the United States, and still retain intact her political constitution P The Globe and Mail protest that Com- mercial Union would be a sure pre- ventive 0t Annexation. The T0- ronto World, the government’s su‘b- stitute for an organ, protests more vehemently that Commercial Union cannot but be‘followed by Annex- ation. This is, we repeat, a most weighty and grave consuleration. Nothing but invincible arguments can settle it. Protests and more noisy shouting, from which the Globe and in a far higher degree the Mail are free in the treatment of flinqiiestion, are worse than use- lesm Not only do they not throw lig; ‘t, but they obscure and perplex. Until it is- shown beyond a doubt that there is not the slightest con- nection between Commercial Union and Political Annexation, we would faiu hope that there is not any con. siderable number of Canadians eith- er ready or willing to espouse it. hursd 2w, Jnne’ WP», ‘87 Commercial Union as a party dodge, and the outcome of Grit disappoint- ment and American cunning. That the trade barriers which now separate the United States and Canada are artiï¬cial and vexatious rather than natural and beneï¬cial must be apparent at the ï¬rst glance at the map. Protection may be either vindictive or neeessitous. Not unfrequently it is both, and al- ways it is manifestly an attempt to better one’s self at the expense of a neighbor. Yet we confess that pro- tection may be forced on a country just as the maintenance of a stand- ing army. Betore acountry dares to disband its forces, it must have a perfect guarantee that all other adjacent countries will do the same. So to throw open its ports to a land that closes its own, might be on the part of a people an act of folly. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS 12; ,2 2,03%me COMMERCIAL UNION. It would be idle to pretend that the Villagers are not keenly alive to the train of disasters that has so persistently beset the Young Cana. dian Lacrosse Club. Most of its members areistill resident 1n Richâ€" mond Hill, and anything, conse- quently that touches them touches us all. We naturally TGJOiCP. With them in victory, and just as natural- ly we mourn with them in defeat. To what we should attribute the suc- cession of defeats which has so tar marked this season is not: prec15ely clear. The boys themselves and the Toronto Mail and other~ sympathiz- ers say that they are playing in hard luck. One thing certain is that a defeat is just as apt to unnerve and depress as to stimulate and brace- Ifmen go into a struggle fearful of the result, it is not difï¬cult to lure- tell what that result will be. That such is the feeling of the Young Can- adians, we, of course, cannot say. The old members play as well as ever. Indeed there are several who never displayed such skill as they have shown this year. However, this year seems fated to be their black one, and they must acquit themselves as well in adversity as they were wont to do in prosperity, Richmond Hill is still proud of the Youngr Canadians. The Village can- not forget the many ‘big days’ they have given it. And it is the sincere Wish of all that the clouds of defeat which have oi late so huddled on their lead enough to break the strongest down may speedily scurry away before the beams ot renewed success. \Vest’s “World’s \Vonder. The demand ls sLeadilv increasing for this truly pupâ€- lnl‘ remedy for rheumatism and all kind red diseases. 25c, and 500. All druggists. Winter has passed and now comes sumâ€" mer with all the tel‘I‘UI'B of cholera, bowel complaint. flux, cholem infantum. Pro: vidv'f'v ‘ mergencies ‘by purchasing at The celebration of the Queen’s Jubilee has called forth a burst of genuine enthusiasm from all the sub- jects of her mighty empire. Fortu- nately for England and the whole civilized world, such is the charact- er of Her Majesty that neither flat- tery nor toadyism is requisite to ac- count for the acclamations that greeted our Sovereign. Under the terrible ordeal ofthe fierce light that beats upon a throne, not one black Spot has been brought out. So blended and equally proportioned are the domestic and public virtues 01 Victoria, that it is both to which must be ascribed her glory. A loving wife and mother, she is also a scrupulous respecter of the constitution under which she holds sway. \Vith an ear ever open to the cry of distress, with a heart ever ready to sympathize with misâ€" ery, she has always been equally eager and studious to promote all that could minister to England’s greatness at home and abroad. Her lite contains more than one unhappy page; in the Isolation of that lofty position which tends to keep aloof all mere private friendship, she has had to bear trials and Dereavements harder than usual. But in weal and in woe, Victoria shines forth as a pattern of christian ï¬rmness and constancy. Success has not produc- ed in her case dizziness; grief has not borne sullenness. She is to-day the idol and the glory of her people. And never was more sincere prayer uttered than that which now ascends from millions of Soulsâ€"that God will continue to be gracious to our sovereign, bless her and comfort her, to prosper her to the end. May that end he still tar, lar away. ranks. Old ties and customs may Iora time prevent the rush. But come it will, and then the country will ï¬nd itself face to face with new questions and a departed treasury. THE YO UNG' CA NA DIA NS. THE QUEEN’S JUBILEE. Av F, Pam King. '25“; y ROYAL J UBILEE Lovely Jubilee Suits at $1.49 a11d€51.75 each. Bigger and better suits at $2.00,$2.- Clothing and Hats, specially good value in the nobbiest styles. Gold Dado Window Blinds 40 cents each. Beautiful Pa- per Blinds 9 cents each, or 3 for 25 cents. - Spring Blind Rollers 18 cents a set. J UBILEE PRINTS I Choice patterns and fast colors. Best value in the trade. Pretty Sateen Stripe and Check Muslims, Jaconets,Vic- toria Lawns, Book Muslims, Embroideries, Laces, Trim- mings, Handkerchiefs, and a splendid assortment of 75, $360, $4.00 and 354.50 each. Bring the along. W’all Papers from 5 cents upward s. 15 large, choice and well selected, bought in the cheap- est markets for cash, and is worthy the attention of every careful buyer. Beautiful goods and good washing colors. A great drive in Check Shirt- ings from 8 cents up. Give the On the Hill. Don’t Forget the Magazine. See Bur Qinghams! The Domestic Magazine, a monthly journal of Literature, Fashion and Domestic Art, containing 80 pages of most interesting matter. giving full description and cuts of the latest New York and Paris fashions, each month. Beautiful Dress Goods at 10 cents a yard; Grand value from 8cts. up. Heavy 36 in. Ginghams 14c. For one year to every lady purchasing a bill of Dry Goods amounting to $10. PARABOLS GELEBRATI 0 N GOODS ! EENTs’ FURNHSHENGS I From 25 cents to $2 G’BOCEBIES JUBELEE BEFEB ! B. BRENNAN: GRENNAN’S FREE I Don’t forget our Best Value in Our stock of See our chance. .75. And other staple articles always on hand. Prices CI‘OFC“ Inspection invited. L CROSBY. TWEEES,$EIE?1NQS,GQTTONS, BREgï¬ GOQDS, 8w. “THE WEE PEGOR The Qonoretguever was so popular for stylish 13551111116137 as 113 18 110W, Full preparatiou for the fruit season 8mm, mï¬mag, mama“ JARqu {mm-:3 & STONE, MELLENERY BEFARTMENT ! Cheap 31" at the Qogmeï¬se than at any house ï¬ï¬‚ï¬ trade. if}? mm? @mmmea £3 QEGCKEBY MEL LIN ERY, M I LLI N E RY, M: 7%; LLIN E RY. CONCBE’E‘E HOUSE. In Pints, Quams 56 Half Gallons, at 001°}?th pmces. SPRING' & SHMMER STOCK S. B. & Co’s Grass mixtures are yearly increasing: in demand,hecauso of superior quality and emailencarâ€"None but very choicest varieties used. Mixtures prepared fut any soil or purpose. If you want a. never-failing pasture try them. Re-Cleaned Seed Grains, Timothy, Clover; &c. in Ureat variet . Don’t fail to call. ) O y FACTS i YES, SOLID FACTS The popular variety. Invariany asked for when once grown“, Sold in sealed packages only, S. B. & CO’S MANGELS are unsurpassed in quality, size or pro-» ductiyeness. All supplies grown specially, and from selected stocks. ,AGRIOULTURAL: SEEDS* This variety obtained FIRST PRIZE over all competitors at T0â€" RONTO INDUSTRIAL EXIUBTTION, 1886. Specimens were grown last sea‘aon of enormous size, one measuring 18 inches long, 25‘ inches in circumference, weighing 17% lbs, Quality unsurpassed. VEGETABLE {5g FLOWER SEEDS- S. B. &Co’s Seiemed PHIRPLE TOP S'H’EDE TURNIP OF THE H‘LGHEST STANDARD AND QUALITY, @Tï¬ll‘flfï¬q}; 131’£()9§. & 00., CAN SUWLY YOU STEELE BROS. & (10., Our. Front 6; Jarvis Sm. Toronto. GROCERIES DIRECT IM]?ORTEB. 0F UNDOUBTED MERIT AND EX ELLENC‘E. & CD’S NEW SHORT WHITE CARROT V. Good satisfaction guaranteed in the PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURES! Complete in every department ABLE (Eb FLONVEB NEW AND SELE "1‘ VARIE'HES. FULL LINES OF _na~unmumgu mun»: “murmur IF YOU \VANT