It is lat-Lid that the Manitoba Government has received intimation that the Dominion Government will prevent the constxuction of the railway t) the boundary by every means in its power. Fronbenzw County Council has decided to petition the Government to compel railway companies to give proper protection at cross- ings. HOME. Mr. James J. LIcCorkell, the Well known baker of Quebec, who died Monday, had 8100,00 ) life insurance. The Dominion Government has decided not to remove the arms taken from the Bat- tleford Home Guard out of the district. The farmers of Peel County who gave their notes to a. company for the purchase of seed wheat at ï¬fteen dollars a bushel, give notice that they intend to dispute their liability. Thomas Horton, a private in the 19th Regiment, in camp at Niagara, dropped dead the other night; in the Salvation Army barracks at Niagara. The students of Ottawa College, a. Roman Catholic institution, formed a. guard of 11011- or in the (Iorpus Christi procession on {L 1'0- cent Sunday and carried ï¬xed lu‘yonets. Mr. Wallace, of York, intends asking the Government if thch students are furnished with arms bv the Government. Senator Trudel recently announced in the Senate that; the heads of 327 families in Lawrence and Lowell, Mass., were organ- izing a movement in the direction of a re- turn to Lhmadu. Dennis Shea, foreman of a pile driver, while releasing some logs in a jam at Banfl‘, N. W. ’11, fell into the river, and was drowned in sight of his men, who were un- able to reach him. He was 28 years of age and unmarried. The Minister of the Interior has given notice of a proposed distribution of land grants to the extent of 4,051,200 acres be- tween the Alberta and Arthabasca, the Qu’- Appelle, Frog Lake and Saskatchewan and Medicine Hat railways. The steamship “ Abyssinian,†the first of the new line of steamers, has reached Vicâ€" toria, B. (J. The “ Abyssinia †left Yoke» hama on Monday, May 30th, with 2,500,000 pounds of tea and a full cargo of merchan- dise. She also had twentyâ€"one cabin pas- sengers and eighty Chinese. On Sunday the NorthVest experienced another heavy rainfall, which extended from Calgarry to Moosemin, a distance of nearly six hundred miles. The crops never looked better and an abundant yield is assured. The grass is luxuriant on the grazing lands and the cattle are in splendid condition. Farmers and ranchmen are delighted. Thos. \V. Hotchkiss, United States Con- 5111 at Ottawa, has received many threaten- ing letters from the United States, notifying him that efforts are being made to secure his recall for refusing to lend the {legs of the consulate for the O‘Brien reception in Ottawa some time ago. One of the latest, to which is alii \ L the name †Hugh Ferrer McDiarmid, President New Xork Press Cluh.†comm. m the following pn‘agraph : “ l' ' m above statement is true, you are a. misemble toady and incapable to represent the American) Government in any way. A few sturdy kicks would probably influence you in the right direction.†Two boys, aged 15 and 12, sons of Ishmael Ruebothani, of MeKeHar, were drowned the other afternoon in Squaw Lake. They ventured on saw lugs held against the shore of their father’s farm by the wind while the river drivers were absent at lunch. The bodies were recovered by the men soon af- ter. Great sympathy is felt for the parents. Beatrice Gillett, aged 113, EL beautiful and very intelligent girl, was fatally shot at 1] amiiton, the other day, by an English lad muned Alfred Hancock, servant of one of the l)0,LI‘LlCl‘S in her father’s house. The two were in a. room together, when Hancock picked up a revolver belonging to his mas- ter. There was one cartridge in the chmnber and it was discharged, the bullet entering Miss (lillett’s right breast and piercing the lung. She died three hours later. Hancock says the shooting was acci- dental, and that he did not know the pistol was loaded. He has been arrested Rich deposits of iron are reported to have been discovered in Buffalo County, \ViS» consin, Last Saturday Levi Backus and G. l). Stoddard, farmers living near Vernona, Oregon, quarreled over a. division fence and Backus shot and killed Stoddard. A cou- stable pursued Backus, and coming upon him ordered him to halt. Backus was arm- ed with a \Vinchestcr rifle and refused, whereupon the constable shot and killed him with a revolver. FOREIGN. Mr. Morley will move in Parliament that the Crimes Act shall expire after three years. There is a terrible famine in Asia Minor, bordering on the Mediterranean, owing to drought, and 1L0,000 persons are in danger of starvation. Sir Henry \Volff has been instructed to adhere to the terms of the Egyptian con- vention recently concluded between Turkey and England. Manuel Noel, a French-Canadian, aged 50, ate over one pound of raw beefsteak yes- terday forenoon in Laconia, N. H., and died in thirty minutes. A farm servant named Hurley was shot: and killed the other night by moonlighters near Tralee, Ireland. Eight hundred houses have been burned in the town of Botuschany, Roumania, and seven persons lost thelr lives. Lord Rosebery believes that the split in the Liberal party is not so serious as to prevent a. reunion before long. A revolution in the province of Tucuman, Argentine Republic, has been suppressed with a loss of four hundred lins. Hailtones welghing a pound each fell re- cently in a. district of Eastern Roumelia, creating great havoc. Sir Henry \Volff has called upon the I’orte to issue an irade announcing that the recent- ly signed Egyptian Convention is in force. Tuesday last Dr. Graham, of London, Ky., who had a grudge against Ben Hubbard, went to the Intter’s house. Hubbard ï¬red a. load of buckshot into the doctor’s body, killing him. THE WEEK’S NEWS. AMERICAN. It is rumoured that the Emperor \Villiam and the Czar will have an iuLerview during the military manwuvres in \Vesc Prussia next autumn. An ofï¬cial return shows that German conv scriptioua in 1886 reached 161,526 in number and prosrcutions for emigration without per» mission 159,092. Documents are displayed in the Norse (le- partmeut of the American Exhibition shOW» ing that; the continent of America was dis‘ covered in 985 by an Icelander named Leif Erickson. Aspecial says it is stated the owner of ï¬fteen million spindles in Lancashire have signed a request to place the cotton spinning industry on short: time, owing to the great depression in the trade. Zanzibar despatches say a slave dhow at- tacked the launch of a. British nmn-of-wax‘ and wounded one oflicer and ï¬ve men. The dhow was sunk by the force on the launch and the forty-three slaves rescued. It is asserted that Prince Bismarck consid- ers the Crown Prince Frederick \Villiam’s life doomed, and 3. Berlin special says the ï¬tting time for an operation is being allowed to pass, owing t) fears for the result. M. Clemencezm and M. Fuucher, the edi» tor of the Paris National, have fought a duel with pistols. Tm, shots were tired, but neither of the uomlmtmxts were hit. The duel was. the outsome- of .1. newspaper quar- rel. The Duchess of Alencon a. year before her marriage was engaged to the late King of Bavaria. Since the King’s death the Duch- ess has hovered between life and death, and, upon recovery, was left in a condition sim» ilar to thub of the Duchess of Cumberland. She has been taken to a private asylum at; Gratz. Twentyï¬ve thousand square miles of land are inundated in Hungary. There was an- other hurricnne an Mako recently. The water washed over] the dkas. The labor- ers at work on the dykes fled, but were driv~ en back by soldiers. Alexander the Great and Petroleum. Many ancient authors mention petroleum either in the form of crude oil for burning or as bitumen. The most interesting reference, however, to petroleum in the form of oil, is in I’lutarch’s “ Life of Alexander the Great,†where it is stated that in the dis- trict 0f lchat-ana. (probably the modern Hamadan in Persia) “ Alexander was par- ticularly struck With a gulf of fire, which streamed continually as from an inexhausti- ble source. He admired also a llood of nap- tha not far from the gulf, which flowed in such abundance that it formed a lake. This naptha, in many respects, resembles bitumen but itr is much more inflammable. Before any 1i e touches it, it catches light from a ilame at seine distance, and often kindles all the intermediate air : the barbarians, to show the king its force and the subtlety of its nature, scattered some drops of it in the street which led to his lodgings ; and, standâ€" ing,r at one end, they applied their torches, for it was so dark, to some of the nearest drops ; the flame cmnmunicated itself swift» er than thought, and the street was instanâ€" tanecusly all on ï¬re.†\Vc also ï¬nd recorded in Platarch the very sad consequence of a practical joke played with petroleum for Alexander’s amusement. “There was an Athenian who, amonLIr others, waited on Alexander when he bathed, and anointed him with oil ; this man had the greatest success in his attempts to divert him. One day a stupid looking boy, named Stephen, happening to attend at the bath, the Athen- ian said to the king, ‘ shall we make an ex- periment of the naptha upon Stephen? if it takesï¬re evenupon him, and does uot'present- ly die out, we must indeed allow its force to be extraordinary 1’ The boy consented to undergo the trial ; but as soon as he was an- ointed his whole body broke out into a flame and Alexander was lextermely concerned at his danger. Nothing could have prevented his being entirely consumed by it if there had not been people at hand with many vessels of water for the serx ice of the bath. As it was, they found it dillicult to extin- guish the fire, and the poor boy felt the bad elfects of it as long as he lived.†\Ve must, in this case, suppose that a light was applied to the boy, after being anointed with oil, or else that he was in the immediate Vicinity of a large ï¬re used for heating the bath. They are Liliputhuls in Sill‘, but Smnsons In SI l'cngth. “ There is a story told by the chief of the Scott Bur tribe, Scar-Faced Charley, which, although fanciful, is indorsed by the clan,†said a. Paciï¬c Coast pedugogue to a. San Francisco reporter. “There is a range of red-colored hills, spurs of the coast range, in Siskiyou county, which is infested with supernatural interest for all Indians in the country round about, as well as for the su- perstitious whites. A “’odding Present ()f practical importance would be a. bottle of the only sure-pop corn cureâ€"â€"l,’utnam’s Pain- less Corn Extractorvawhich can be had at any drug store. A continuation of the honeymoon and the removal of corns both assured byits use. Beware of imitations. “ Scafâ€"szced Charley alleges that; these pygmies are provided with but one eye, like Cyclops, and that if blazes out like {L big star. “However improbable this may appear to you,†said the teacher, "it is vouched for by what are comparatively responsible braves who claim to have escaped from the encounter, and others who say they have seen the tiny tribe several times since.†“ The story is that a party of hunters from the valley were up among these red hills deer hunting, and while thus engaged came in contact with a ï¬erce tribe of dwarf Indians not exceeding four feet in height. These mountain savages are equipped with bows of enormous power, longer than them- selves, and discharging a missile with 3, ve- locity and precision far superior to that at- tained by redskins of the lower levels. “ ‘l‘he hunters, as soon as they met the small warriors, were stricken with mortal terror, but could not flee. The denizens of the red hills thereupon took their venison and bore it up the hill, leaping from rock to rock with extraordinary agility. “ As they departed they, let fly a number of arrows, several of which struck through the bodies of the Klanmth hunters and shivered into splinters on the rocks behind. “ These strange people are said to speak an entirely unknown tongue, and are entire- ly naked. PIERCE DWARF INDIANS. The directors beg to submit to the shareholders the twelfth mmqu llalano». rhceb and statcmena of plofzts for the year ending 31:: May, 135' The twelfth annual gener meeting of the Imperi- al Bank of Canada Will he] , in pursuance of the terms of the charter at the banking house of the in- stitution, 15th June, 1857: There were present, '. amuuuuu, Auuu vuuc, LOJI. Allhlï¬ uux. plvcvuv . ~ Messxs, H, S. Ilowland, T, ll. Merritt (sc Catha- rincs), P. Hughes, T. R. Wadsworth (Weston), Robert Jai’fmy, Hon. Alex. Morris, Rev. E. B. Lawlor, George llobm-s'm, W. T. Kicly, William Rummy, John l‘isk‘ en, jr.;Hon y Pellntt, ltolm't. Caravcll, James 5101.501), John Smart (Port Hope). Tnonms‘ \Vuimsley, Robert. Thompmm, H. Wickcns, b. J. Yonkouqhneb, J t). llehard, G. M. Rose, R. Beat)", W. B. Hamilton, DI. Thorbum, A, McFall (Bolton), D. 1%. Willue, eta, V VTlrxer 7Se<:;etary. at the request of the Chainnzm, read the report of th: dire. tors and the statement of athirs. IMPERIAL etc “Ehe chair “as tnk' n hv the President, Mr. H. S. Rowland, and Mr. 1). 1’». Wilkie was requested to act 115 88013 Balance at credit. on account, 30th May, 1886‘ brought forwnnl . . . ‘ . . , . . . . . Proms for the, year- nded 315?; Hay, , {LfLC dedm'tinp; charu' *1 of 1r armgemuut and intervst due do sworn and making full prm'ï¬iou 101 ‘1 and and doubtful debts†Fr ‘m whirh has; hem taknn hi Mend Nu ‘, A: per cent. ( mid lst Dev. DEG) . ‘ ‘ . . . . . Duitlcnvl An. 1?) Herr-cut. (payable 1313 J \me, 1:57)†and fumith nécount Carried to rest account Balance of account carried forward The p oflha for the year Show an improvement over “1043. of the you prm‘ious, and hue enable‘l your Directm‘s to phxce the sum of $30 004) to Rest Account in additiun to paying the customary divi- (landm T‘nngferred from proï¬t and 10:5 :10 count, . . Rest Account. Balance at credit of ace-aunt, 30h 7 May, 185(3 . ‘ . . . . . . . led forward Balance of account in Aupmprintions have been made from Contingent Account in liquidation of asscfs [herein provided for. Your diruumrs are of the opinion that the balance \iinlppi'wprierfl is Siliiil‘ nt to cover all doubtful zu- ct-=. Thu minimum realization of any ccnsidemhle ironm‘nion of the :lSVJix‘ at prwcnv covered by appro- printionr. from this at xnit uelwnds upnn a substan- Iial impmvenwzit in the condiiion of things in the PrMian of Manitoba In \ iL-\\‘ of me o uninued develcpnient of the North» We f Provinces a bruncn has been opened in the town 0H The‘lmcstmwnts 0f the bank in Government, muni- cip \1 and other ï¬rst-class debentures now amount te 31,0»; .315 «Np - r The hm} ofliae and branches of the hank have been cm'ufuflv ilwpwt (l, and Your (lirectom have much phmnu 1n expressin their satisfaction M the mim- ner in \\'hi 1) me uii‘leers of the bank have performed their respective duties. Written of: bank premises Total assets immediately avai‘nhle. . . . '.l. 10. Loans on call . . . i l . . . i . . . , i . . . . . . . . Loans, oisvounts or adv 10;»; on current account to muni pal and other (-orporntxons . i . i i i , i . , i . , . . . . Other current loans discounts and zuh'anccs to the public . . . . . i . . . . i Novas (Ii-counted over due, see red NODCS disvounted over due, unscv ("erI’l . . . i . . . . i . . . . . (l‘ls‘tinmted loss provi d for ) Real estate, the property of the bunk (other than hunk prunises). . ‘* 0111:; m on real estate sle [W the bunk ( ll homing interest) . . . V . V i i . Bank Inenn'ccs, including :~ ‘ies. vaults and allies. furniture, at head cili~e< and branches. . . i i i . . . .. i. other assets, not. included under foregoing heads. . '54 mo 06 10- , 15 000,822 16 4 731,&% 09 52,733 57 35,001) 94 61,955 01 35,770 35 145,260 49 60,373 25 Who are Weak, Nervous and Exhausted; who feel themselves losing Strength; who are pale, delicate and sickly in appearance, suffering from the many complaints peculiar lo women~send for and read M. V. LUBON'S Treatise, in BOOK FORM on the Ilium ,9 of \Vomcn. Mailed sealed and secure from o ervation on receipt of 60. in stamps, UNSEALED mum, Address, M. V. LUBON. 47 Wellinan St. East, Toronto. Ont. Suï¬erers are not generally aware that thege disaaaea are contagious, or that they are due to the presence of living},r parasites in the lining membrane of the nose and eufltachim when. Microscopic research, however, hm; proved this in be a fact, and the result is that a simple remedy has been formulated whereby catarrh, catarrhal (19., 958 and hay fever are cured in from one to three Simple applications made at home. A pamphlet explaining this new treatment is sent free on receipt of stamp by A. H. Dixon St Son, 308 King Street; West Toronto. Canada. Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of 01â€" der, causng Biliousness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of D}. Carson’s Stomach Bitters. Best family medioinp, Ail Druggists, 50 cents. A. P. 338, Angwgflmm;Lugs;ï¬zr’sw‘réï¬sx by max] 40 cents. CllEiHENiTSK‘?iggidi‘orgigple Beads, or to speak by the card, jets, are fashionable foundations for bonnets. Catarrh, Catalan-Mal Beatness and Hay Fever. Cashnkr. The report was adopted. The mun} votes of thanks were passed to the presi‘ dent mm viroc also to the cashier and other 0111 ' for ThE’il‘ attention and zeal in promoting the in T? oats' 01' the bank. The (Jrown Prince and Portugal have rived in England. The, ballot waa Then taken for the election of direc- tors, which resulted in the election of the following ~l1nreimlders, \‘12. ‘~\1|‘.QS‘X‘S. H. S. Uowluud, '1‘. R. Altarx‘ift, Wm. Runm), l . Hughes, '1‘. R. Wadsworth, .‘vlml. Alex. Morris, Robert Jvlfray. At, :1 l ,l'r)~scquent meeting of the directors Mr. Henry :4 llnwlmul was elected President, and Mr. Thomas ll. “ rlLt, Vice-President, for the ensuing year. I). R‘ Wrmm GEJERAL STAT T, 3151‘ MAY, 18: LlAlllLl'l‘IJ‘ZS. Notes of the bank in circulation. H Deposi ' $1,053, bearing interest (inauding inLcl'csb accrued to can»). ,. Deposits no; hearing i‘nteruab. Due to other banks In Canada. . Due to agents in L'niLed Kim 10m Tut'xl liabillties to the public (7 pita] stock 1) .i'l up . ‘ . . . . . . IL account“ Divid: IN NO‘ 15‘? (1 pencnn}, ' ,. .. Former di\ "lends unpmu. . _ ...... Balmlcp (If 1mm and loss account (:a; mad for» am 001’ LIVE AG! T ’Y’ANI'IID IN EVERY GQM and nilver coin (‘Lll‘lt‘llt.. Daminiun Gm'ermmdlb RULES“ . No «:5 and chcqzns on other brink Balance due I‘iom other banks in Canada , . . . i . i . i . . . , , i. . i . i . . , . Bulumc dun from (inem in forei :11 countries†. . i . . . . . i . i . . . . . i i i . . . Dominion (,f Gamma; (ielwnturcs. i . . . i . . “#356,458 05 Provinan of Ontario Sucux‘iics . . i i . i . i 139,477 (51 Municipal and other debentures... r .1 '70 5:) (Jammy m CEnada. Address, FEBRIS «t (10., 87 Church St., Toronto. out amount BANK RENO? H. S. IIOWLAND, President. 1m) able 1:1: June 3 Mom no 3 3 mo" 93 mum 00 0F CANADA. 60,000 MI] 5 203,400 37 $ 500,000 00 $ 83,06 37 3 29,749 44 .“ "0,000 00 $ 50,000 00 01,053,133 00 $2 18,339 13 $8,141,349 67 1,034,515 25 53,656 93 244 492.81!) 00 107,717 (so 111 187,728 89 WI 30!) ()3 was»? ‘I’U (JUN (1,0110 (10,00!) 00 1,100 01 A m, A" m 44 11) (57 UK) UU PATEï¬TN K'RQH‘! HIEDinï¬ Â«in. the U.S. and t3 1.11f0re1gn cuumri‘s. Engineers, P2;- tcnt A“ new, and experts in Patent (fans a. Estab- Xished 13 ummld l lumen: .r ft... ’l‘m‘tml‘u. SPGQEER’S BUPPEREWE A£f3$£2"‘;mm.,32: tion Boxmxaml for journal hearinga in l-mchineryâ€" Gunmutel upor mixed, mlies evan requirement. AFk _\’0urhurdw-.n“r‘draalerfo H. ALO {0 W. SPOON- ER, 1’" remote and Mnan T’ ‘1 RI VICKY“ Vitus: n pregam- ed on the roll of thiq Insutumcm. To thorough, pratsiml inatrurtion. and the efï¬ciency and success of its) gmduzitm, Lhth (Inllege owes its popularity, Circulars, givng terms, eta, mailed free. Address, V7 ;cJORMI(TK. 7‘“mrlv‘ni For Sale v Illustrated descriptive Cat- . (dong free. R C] marlin, Toronto. .ï¬ï¬i‘rECN‘L’D‘S and CANVAsumlm wantedMale or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commis- sion. Tzlvhstrial ('niam of RV ., 451 Arcadia Toronto. b Suilinu‘ \\'eek1_v between MnnLreal and’In'Tr‘pool. RATEH 0r PASSAGE zisalcon, Montreal to laverpool. 34H, $50. and $60 : letum Tickets, $90, $90 and :31‘00 v'zmording to Steamer and accommodation. Inter- mediate :uwl Stelernge at lowest rates, For further varLir-u‘m's and to 59mm: Beaks, apply to II. IEZIEEAJ" “um-r311 Hummer. U)“ in House Nlum'e. Montreal. or to the Low] Agents in the dif- ferent Tom and C' ' Washing Mnihines, .. ' nds‘ Chums, Carpet Sweep 915, Mm: Choppers, Trucks, Mid other sundries. H ‘mmtw lVDUSTl’LlAL WORKS (70., H' ilmn, Canada :iend fur " ‘ lea wanted, or Illust r} Catalogue per hour, Also Rock Drills~HmmL Horse, or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Luldlaw Mann {Eu-Surï¬ng Cm, Tm‘red l‘e-H. 15m»:ng Pitch. Building: Pn- porri. (Name! and EM-afoning 8’0“. READY K00] 12. MW. >1 Aziolaide :x‘t. Ii. TORONTO. Water Samples on application. TORONTO, H.Wiliiams, ASSEE‘SSMENT SYSTEM TheIviutuaulflesemma The E. 4%? @. Gurneyflo. (La) MANUFACTURERS. M. $TAUN1‘QN 3; £30., gun: I yum: Ismr», Whenl ny cure I do not mann merely to stop them for k “me and than have them return again. 1 mean a rndlml (are. I have made the disease of Fi’I‘S, EPILEPSY or FALL- ING SmKNIBSa life-10m; study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Because others have failed in nu reuon for uni now receiving a cure. Send at once for l treatise and a Free Bonle 01 my inmiiibia remedy. Give Express and Pan Ofï¬ce. It cos" you nothing for I trill“ girl I wiii cure you. Addreaa DR. H 3021‘, Biéï¬bï¬ï¬‚iflbé, 37Yhï¬i€8tJTdrnntun IEURE WES! Recent Testimonial to MARIN/TON, TORONTo, MONTREAL. and VVINNIPEG. Manufacturer and dealer in b'rm’rwuw. Aug. 6, 1 filming: suf- ferud from Kidney dL use f102n c'xild- hood, 1 consulted eminent doctors m ()hiaago, New York, and in Canada. AM) tried \zu'ious patent mudiLi as, but getting no rtlief from any SOLIYCd gave )p, as 1 was 511 0 my case was hopeless. r‘inallv I “as induced to try Dr. Juu‘s Medicine, an # I am glad to say that three bottles cured mo. 1) DUIGAN, Dry Goods Merchant. .2 1 AND PURE LIVIN 1 STREAM A I? :ERS, bore 20 feet HAMILTON, ON T. ('3 10kinds; » MANGle f»), 3 kinds -, Bunfer. M. MCGREGOR, PASTOR. J. H. FERGUSON, CARETAKEH. (I. THOMSON, CHAIRMAN B‘D‘u (1)31 J. FARNS\VO RTH, B’l)'(: INSPECTOR. Send for Catalogue. DEAR Sm, This is to certify that the two Gurney-Harris N0. 15 “food Furnaces, placed by you in our Avondale Presbyterian Church, have given complete satisfaction. \Ve have found it possible to heat our building‘ from freez- ing point up to (30 deg. in two hours. \Ve have also found them to be very economical in the matter of fuel. \Ve can cheerfully recommend these furnaces to any parties who contemplate heating by Hot Air. To \V. E. CONN, Tilsonburg, Ont. Lungs, Re )ouv'; an lCIlth‘i, 1; .\In\’ ('1 Hum,le [-‘1!<.I:()E. Four year? in Toronto. 3': 01ch Tm; mems for .513 Send my viruuhr. loam ; 100 aux-‘5 (‘Zcur (- ud, spring (-rovk, L; 11m M'n ; prim "HAHN, 1.01m do :Ivruxn. Him: bu: in ;ian‘ 11m ACIH‘ ‘ 3-, 3.3, (. Rom]. Arbcm y (‘0. 5,201! down, hulunw? \3 per who I’ll. MC l‘At Rmygcï¬y P mmmgï¬mm @aï¬ee. A Delicious and nourishing: Braakfast Beverage, con‘ tains a propartion of German Dandelion Root, which acts medicimily on the Liver and Stomm-h, purifying the blood and invigorating the system. Prepared only by ELLS 8:, KEIGHLEY, TORONTO. (Signed), your Threshing: done with the 639103 "{3é‘l‘d Wide- Avake SaEE‘A ‘J’k'ï¬â€˜ï¬bii. N0 GRAIN like}. For clean wurk and fast work it is witlmut :1 rival. The Wide- Awaikc is Hm most popular 5101):: “to “among: flit-farm- 1's and ï¬ll-rszhel'mcn "of V human, and wiï¬h the 001' a?“ Portnbic m: ()0 “mil T 'action “in. "no, colllplctcs the “Team.†ï¬brqéur Early. I lbocoruled Win- I I dowrï¬luules (ï¬c- . Wholesale anti Re- tail, at the CELE- RRATED GOLDMEDAL TENTMANITI’AC’I‘ORY, 70 King Sis. \Vest, Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR’G CO. flaggert Bros. Manuf’g 00., BRAMPTON, ONT. uses :um Lu Trouble ; John Wood, 95 L‘uthcurt St., cured of Liver Complaint and Bilioumess, used only 3 lifLywcut hotllrs‘, Mrs. J Real, 6 Augusta. Sh, moulded for years with Ncnous Prostmtion, two small bcttle: gave her great relief. Sold at 500‘ & $1. I“. I“. DALLEY Sc (10., Proprietors. ABY’S BIRTHDAY 23 A D Hui: DE 3121;. TORONTO. All cli‘s‘ses of ï¬ne work. Mfrs. ofoimtem’ m (Slugs ma‘. Metal Furniture° so: prim 1‘1! “PUSH†(DK‘IHE‘HW TUE (TUNSICIH'ATOR / oflwul'nn. 1m mum) If (1i , )1 axis the .ngs, Re buill‘b Cu", limlxu Dmm mtuuniml of up; and (xld } mm m. anâ€) 1, Ellnhsicht for 1wo ‘nthd, In) :Llnr mu! all ('01:;1414‘3 mm: In express for > )1“ my (Aflim from 7:2 [{1' LT Wat, to ~11 King (' HUDMAN In ’()E. Yum; years Send for Illustrated Catalogue. Branch Ofï¬Ã©Ã©; ï¬fohgé'Stq Toronto luflerer. Give exp†psnflnq P 0 I have a positive remedy for the above discuss ; by “I ma thousands urcuses oftlxe worst kind mm of lsng standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my fall!) in It. efï¬cacy, that I WU] send TWO BOTTLES FREE, maths? wlih n VéLUABLE TRE‘ALI‘QIE of) this disease ‘0 "I" FARMERS, SAVE MONEY! ' "" â€Â° W NTED {he A KW. tSEAlHE NUnSERY 00. Hr. UL'I'IHRINES, ONT. 5‘ IIXCJZLH‘INI' LANI) FOR {*3 14:.) . Lit H, (‘01:. 1‘3, )IcGil- lumy. Muldhm‘ex 00.; clay «r ; gum] Irunu- Imi'u‘imw 0r- ;u'awl mud 3; mi‘vu w I’mâ€"Hull 1.000 mm 1), hummer ('I per cent‘ in ;immcdiJ\Lc pnssessim]. (Jvu 1), South Durham I‘m‘es «(ear . $1,200, c'r , 111‘2 Greatest D13- 7 covcry of the present age for REGU- hA‘l'ING 'rmc BUWELS, -\NI) Cmnm all BLOOD, LIVERQIJdKIDNEYCOM- mums. :\ Perfect Hlood Puriï¬er. A few in Hamilton who have won beneï¬ted by its 12w: Mrs. M. Keenan, Hr: Hohsrt $2., cured )f E ipolus of two rear: ï¬nding; ioht. 10111911, 21 Snuth St†laughterchred of Ep- ileptic Fits after six. year; sum-ring : Jen- nie Bn'rell, 233 Walnut ‘L‘, cured of Weak- undoâ€, Ont‘