Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jun 1887, p. 3

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The steam barge 1’. Walters was sunk in a storm ofl" Black River, Ohio, on Monday night, and eight, lives lost. An uninteresting return of nearly 900 pages, prepared at a cost of $500, was re- oently brought down in Parliament while the chances are that the member who asked for the return could have obtained all the information he required by a couple of hours’ examination of the original docu- ments in the departments. In the Quebec timber market several sales have taken place (luring thepast week, two large rafts of Nipissing timber, comprising a large quantity of waney pine, having been placed at prices that have not yet transpir- ed. One raft of nice Ottawa wood, about 38; f et average, was placed at 15 cents, and a lot of common timber at 14 cents. No transactions in hardwoods are reported. The. accounts from (treat Britain are decid- edly gloon‘y and there is nothing so indicate any improvement in this market. Mr. Norquay, who has just returned to \Vinnipeg from the \Vest, says the crop prospects throughout Manitoba. are better than he had ever seen them, and that far- mers everywhere are jubilant. Wt a meeting of the Canadian branch of the Imperial Federation League, held re- cently in Ottawa, it was decided to hold public meetings in the various provinces for the organizafi u m" branches. The new bridge of the Canadian Pacific railway at Lanhine will be completed by the middle of next month, and the line from Smith’s Falls to Montreal is expected to be opened for traffic about the same time. Mr. Mercier, on behalf of the Quebec Government, has taken out a writ of injunc- tion against the \Vaterloo and Magog Rail- way Company With the object of preventing the sale of the line to the Canadian Pacfic. The Canadian Pacific railway has decid- ed to institute a. service to summer resorts on Lake St. Louis, and lively competition is expected with the Grhnd Trunk, who in- tend extending the Lachine branch with the same object. It is now stated that Gaudy and Racette, the murderers of Hector McLeish at Wolse- ley, have escaped in a canoe from the Qu’- Appelle river down the Assiniboine, and from there across the‘boundary line. The police so far have been unable to get on their trail. The crops in Illinois have been seriously injured by the Hessian fly and cut worms. It is stated that'the Manitoba. Provincial railway to boundary can be graded in six or seven weeks, and that the extension of the Northern Pacific to connect with it will be completed in about the same time. ihe organizafi u; m" branches. The rev-0mm rulasion of the Library com- mitrm uh“ L A: Parliamentary reports, from ’ ‘ ulfederation to the establishment; of Hu, be printed at a. cost of $10,000 has been shelved until next session. Sixteen cadets have retired from the Royal Military College at Kingston since June 30511, 1885, before completing their col- lege course, to accept special commissions in the Imperial army. The body of the young man, Nicholas G. Hart, who mysteriously disappeared on the (lay of the federal election from Indian (Jove Quebec, was found floating in the river 0p- posite St. Michel. 4,000, and to 10,000. Depositors in Government savings banks in future cannot have more than $1,000 to their credit, nor can they deposit more than 300 per unnum for the first two years they hold a bank book. It was announced the Lther day in Mon- treal that a 10an of one million dollars for Mauitolu had been taken up in that city on behalf of a syndicate of English capitalists. A Sunday train service between Montreal and New York has been arranged by the Delaware and Hudson railway, in response to a request of the Montreal Board of Trade. The revising officers are to be paid for the current year a salary of $303, and an allow» an d of five cents per name on his‘list up to Mr. H. Sutherland, President of the Hudson Bay railway, estimates that the cost of the line, including improvements at the te ‘minal points and elevators, will be $16,- 000,0 Mr. Foster, Minister of Marine and Fishâ€" eries, proposes visiting the Lower Provinces shortly to acquaint himself with the working of the fisheries protection fleet. Crop prospects throughout the Ottawa. Valley counties are reported to be of the most promising character, in most cases far surpassing the past few years. The G:th coal mines have been shutdown, owing to :Llieged abit‘x’ary demands of the miners, throwing 150 men out of employ- ment. Sir Henry Blake, Governor of the Baham as, is the new Governor of Newfoundland Sir Ambr‘ose Shea succeeds him in the Ba hamas. ' Private Short, formerly of the Slat Foot, 107 years of age, was the oldest veteran at the Imperial pensioners’ banquet in Ottawa on Monday night. A number of the pmssengers on the steam- er Abysinnh from Yokohama have arrived in Montreal-twenty days from Yokohama. The Minister of the Interior will leave Ottawa. on his North-\Vestern trip on July 15, and will probably be absent about six weeks. The expense of the Dominion Railway Commission averages $200 a day, not; includ ing the payment: of witnesses. The expense of purchasing and distribnt» ing 11,810 bushels of seed grain in the North-\Vest in 1886 was $31,867. The Toronto Ministerial Association hm passed a resolution protesting against the running of the street cars on Sunday. The Toronto detective department has been reorganized, and will now consist of an inspector, a sergeant, and five detectives. The amount of Mr. Ryan’s tender for the constructignflg the Red River Valley rail- The Manitoba Methodist Conference has decided to establish 2). Theological Institute in \Vinnipeg at an early date. HOME. Ex-Ald. McCall, of St. Thomas, has (le- camped, leiving liabilities of over two thou~ sand dollars. way is $780,000. U. THE WEEK'S NEWS. .1 three (:Aents per name from 4:000 A M JG] l 1 (‘A N “ lolden at morning, silver at noon and lead at night," is the old saying about eat- ing oranges. But there is something that is rightly named Golden, and can be taken with benefit any hour of the day. This is Dr. 1’iercc’s Golden Medical Discovery, literally worth its weight in gold to any one suffering with scrofulous afieetions, impuri- ties of the blood, or diseases of the liver and lungs. It is unfailing. By druggists. Earthquakes were felt, Monday, in Smyr~ mi. and Scio. Beautiful woman, from whence came thy bloom, Thy beaming eye, thy features fair? What kindly hand on thee was laidâ€" Endowing thee with beauty rare ‘3 “ ’Twas not ever thus,” the dame repligd, “ Once pale this Inca-these features bad; The ‘ Favorite Prescription ‘ of Dr. Pierce Wrought the wondrous change whioh you behold $500 Reward. If you sufl'er from dull, heavy headache. obstruction of the nasal passages, discharges falling from the head into the throat, some- times profuse, Watery, and acrid, at others, thick, tenacious, mucous, purulent, bloody and putrid ; if the eves are weak, Watery, and inflamed ; and there is ringing in the ears, deafness, hacking or coughing to clear the throat, expectoration of offensive mat- ter, together with scabs from ulcers; the voice being changed and having a nasal twang; the breath offensive ; smell and taste impaired; experience a sensation of dizziness, with mental depression, a hacking cough, and general debility, then you are sufiering from chronic nasal catarrh. Only a few of the above named symptoms are likely to be present in any one case at one time, or in one stage of the disease. Thou- sands of cases annually, without manifesting half of the above symptoms, result in con- sumption, and end in the grave. N0 disease is so common, more deceptive and danger- ous, less understood or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The manufacturers of Dr. Sage’s Catarrh Remedy offer, in good faith, $500 reward for a. case of catarrh which they cannot cure. The Remedy is sold by druggists at only 5‘) cents. The three Emperors are expected to have their meeting shortly. Advices received at St. Petersburg from Askabad state that most of the ({hilzais who were loyal to the Ameer have now deserted him. The insurgents have attempted to destroy the Quettah railway, and the British are fortifying its terminus at Culistan- Karez. A special cablegram says that upon the Secretary to the Treasury moving in the Imperial House of Commons the adoption of the India. andChina mail contract, Mr An- derson advocated the alternative service offered by the Canadian Pacific, and moved an amendment to that effect. Mr. Goschen said the Government would consider the Canadian proposal, but he objected to the amendment, which was accordingly withâ€" darwn. It was then proposed to refer the question to a select committee, and a debate ensued, lasting till three o’clock in the morn- ing. The India and China contract was ultimately approved. This does not abso- lutely bar the Canadian Pacific chances, but the action of the House considerably lessens them. The French Chamber of Deputies have passed the first clause of the Army bill, which declares it to be the duty of every Frenchman to perform military service, and the second, which provides that the duration of military service shall be twenty years. A collision occurred on Monday between two trains at Potsdam. One of the cars caught fire and was consumed. The bodies of two persons have been taken from the wreck and one still remains. Several per- sons were injured. Russia and France have protested to the Porte against the fiigmng of the.Egyptian com’entxon, and 1t ls reported thelr commu- nication contained a. threat that war would ensue should the convention be ratified. A mob on Monday set fire to a. Jewish quarter of the town of Dunn. Sigcrdhely in Hungary. The quarter was almost entirely destroyed and 125 families were made home- less. At Ennis on Saturday the court com- mitted a girl for trial who was charged with throwing vitriol on a bailifi' during the Bodyke evictions. In a fencing match at Havrc the button dropped off the foil of one Of the contestants and he mortally wounded his antagonist. Lord Salisbury has refused to accede to Turkey’s desire to modify the terms of the recently concluded Egyptian convention. Five of the Alsatiaus on trial at Leipsic have been found guilty of high treason. They will be imprisoned. The floods in Hungary are subsiding, and the towns of Make and Vessarhely are now out of danger. The London Lancet states that the Ger- man Crown Prince is enjoying excellent health. The Spanish Senate has voced $50,000 towards the erection of a statue to the late King Alfonso. The French Superior Council of “'ar has approved of (Jen. Ferrell’s army reforms. A Russian force is making its Way towards Badakshan through Bokham. The iidelty National Bank, of Cincinnati, has been closed by order of the authorities at VVashiugton. for allowing its drafts to go to protest. The Bank of Montreal secured an attachment against the bank from the Supreme (‘rourt of New York for two pre- tested cheques of $109,000 each. FOREIUN. Rumours are current that King Milan of Serviu is about to abdicate. Ellen Stants, 2;") years of age, her brother James and the latter’s three children, aged respectively 10‘ 8 and 4 years, were poison- ed ut Philadelphia, on Monday morning, by eating canned salmon for breakfast, and all are in a dangerous condition from its elfects. A mail train on the Pennsylvania road has been successfully run from Altooxm to Pittsburg, a distance of nearly 120 miles, without the, use of a. stick of wood or a, lump of coal, crude petro‘eum being the only fuel. Mr. Gladstone, in reply to an invitation from a. \Vashington gentleman to visit the United States, says that his age and engage- ments preclude his undertaking the journey. Frank Triggs, of \Vashington, about 25 years of age, deliberately threw himself into the Niagara. rapids from one of the Sister Islands the other afternoon, and was immediately sWept over the Falls. In Columbia, South Carolina, on Sunday, the thermometer registered 100% in the shade, .105 degrees being reached inside many houses and offices. Artifltic Designs, combined Wm.» Unequalled Durability and Finish. H.A.MIL'I‘ON. ONT-AIRIO. THE ’ALVBANY’ STEAM fRKPHCU'S. For freight, passage, or other information a Ely k A. Schumacher & 00., Baltimore; S. Ouna On. Halifax ' Shea a 00., so. John's. N.F. ; Wm. Thomp son & (50., St. John, N.B.; Allan&00.,0hlcago Love a Alden, New York; H. Bourller, Toronio Allena, Rae 8: 00., Quebec; Wm. Brookle. Phlladel phla; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. Sailing during winter from Portland ever Thurs day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpoo . and in summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool calling at Londonderry to land mails and passenger! for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, via Halifax and St. J ohn’a, N.F., to Liverpool iortnighil) during summer months. The steamers of the Glen How lines sail duri g winter to and from Haliiu Portland, Boston 3113 Philadelphia ~ and durin sum mer between Glee ow and Montreal weekly; G aagou and Boston week , and Glasgow and Philadelphll fognightly: MERIDEN BRITANNIA 60. MANUFACTURE ONLY FINEST SILVER-PLATEEE WARE. Aggpfllfine Royal Mgilnsgaamslnpa ALL GO0DS GUARANTEED. TORONTO. -- _~â€" 0" ' tail, at the 0mm. BRATED GOLD MMDAL TEST MANUFAC’I‘ORY, 70 King Sh. West, Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR'G 00‘ Toronto Silver Plate 00., SI LVE R PLATE 0 “WAR ES. Awniflé’! 'rcular. b of health, the enemy of dis use; h als the Lungs, lie-builds the Broken Down Constitution of youngnnd old‘ Home treatment, sufficient for two nmntm, Inhaler and all complvhg sent, by cxpresa for $11 Moved my oniw from 7'} "W West to 41 Kng n ‘11)” I. r.....u..‘~ Has: MM. (5. s man 1"11‘:1§<)E.m1“2nir gstnl‘djsh'cxil in Toronto. 32 (mm Treatments for Washing Machines, 2 kinds. Chums, Carine; Sweep- ers, Meat Choppers, Trucks, and other sundries. HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL \VORKS 00., Hamilton, Canada Se d for articles wanted. or Illus‘ ‘ated Catalogue SPEFIAL NOTICEâ€"In future Dr. Jug’s Medicine will he put; up in a BROWNJUG instead ofn glass bottle as heretofore. Our reasons (or making this change are.~lst. Its wonderful curative qualities will he better preser ' ved by the medicinebeing kept entirely in the dark.~2n(l. The name, 01'. Jung‘s Hedicine, will be more easily remem- Uered by association â€"~3rd. Our friends 'illbe able to recognize at onee that 111;,r the genuine article as there is no He put up in a J ug. the) Ale g other medic; BABY’S B I R‘rfi’i‘iwn GLTHES WRINGERS BAYER LINE OF STEAMSIIIPS. Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. RATES OF PASSAGE :~Sa]oon, Montreal to Liverpool, $10, $550, and $60; Re‘um Tickets, $80, $90 and $100 #3 ;ording to Steamer and accommodation. Inter- mea ate and Steemge at lowest rates. For further particulars and to secure Bertha, apply to H. E. MURRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom House Square, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif- ferent Towns and Cities. HWU I "E" NUVELI l.-- 101' and Afoinizex“ All the rage in the States. Auents wanted. Sample by nmi] 45 cents. CLEMEle & C0., Toronto. LADIES Who are Weak, Nervous and Exhausted; who feel themselves losing Strength; who are pale, delicate and sickly in appearance, suffering from the many complaints peculiar to womon~~8cnd for mu! road M. V. LUBON’S Trcausc in BOOK 1mm on the Biscuit-s of “'omen. Mailed sealed and secure from observation on receipt of 60. in stamps, UNKKALED mum. Address, M. V. LllBON. 47Wel1lngmn St, East, Turonlo. 0m. ._._ ____ _.__...___. man-1 AGENTS and CANVABEKKH wanted, Mam or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commis- sion, Industrial Union of B.N.A., 45 Arcade. Toronto. V EEM'H Business Carnage, llueiph, 0m. T Twelve States and Provinces already represenf - ed on the roll of this Institution. To thorough, practical instruction, and the efficiency and success of its graduates, this College owes its popularity. Circulars, giving terms, etc., mailed free. Address, M. MACCORMIOK. Prinelpal, SPDUNER‘S BUPPERiNE h’fiié’féflmfi‘: tion Box-metal for journal bearings in machineryâ€"- Gunmnteedcopper mixed, supplies every requirement. Ask your hardware dealer [or it. ALONZO W. SPOON- ER, Patgntee and Manufactgey, Port Hope, Ont. ANFTHER ,NOVE LTâ€"Y: We hme much pleasure in hetmng r ‘tnnmny tn the prompt and satisfactory manner in which this (-luim has been mljusted, and at the same time to express our confidence in 3our association. Having an inti- mate acquaintance with your President and clnef UffiL-er‘, we know them to be gentlemen of the highest integrity, and in whOFe hands we believe the inter- ests of the members of the Mutual Reserve are per- fe y safe. firm! Lil/'4 Ass ci (mt : DEAR SIRâ€" We beg to acknowledge receipt of cheque. for Five Thom-Mid Dollars in full or claim under a policy of insurance i~sued to us by the Muâ€" tual Reserve Fund Life Association for that amount, as editors of the late Edwm C Fiaheiz Largo Insurance Claim Paul‘ Endorsement of the Mutual Reserve. Office of W. I). MAT'rlmws & 00., Grain and Produce Merchantz, Toronto 11th May, 1887. J D. We”, Earl , 6:811an Manayar Mumal Regime WOHI'OIYND 0“ EV‘THE Wishing ounty in Canada. Addreéé. ‘ ‘ (10.457 Church St, 'l‘orhnto. 0(le Li) I AGENTS ‘VA MAXUFACTCIIERS 01" THE 1'! 1' GRADE (‘71’ Wells. Rlchudlon 55 Co... Monti-m Tlll} ASSESSMENT SYSTEH. A Beautiful Imported Birthday Card new? to any baby whose mother will send us em names of two or more ocher babies, and their. parents’ addresses Also a handsome D1» mond D e Sample Card to the mother mi much VB unble information. your associatior Yours truly, WV. BEADLE NURSERY [)8 STA CL'J'IIARIXES, ONT. JANIES NIollRlS X, 75 6: 77 Adelaide St W., TORONTO. mTho Celebrated Han- cock Inspirator. KEG resham’s Automatic | lie-starting: Injector. Egi’Morrison’s Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. Efif'lfinginoers’ & Plumb- ers’ Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. Apply to the continued success W. L). MATmea & Co. liccoruled W1»- (low Shades «V . Wholesale an R8- Cfold mn‘n’g Spyink 3UNSERVATOR WIMTED MANGLEé ) 3 kinds; lgkinds; The E. 85 G. Gt‘hrneyOoJLd) MCCOLL BROS. & 00., ' Has never fmled to take the highest, award! wherever exhibited. It Hats N0 Equal. Farmers. Thrashers and Millmen Use No Other. Thiq Oil keeps the Muvhinery in first rate workng order, thereby lessening the chances of accidents and breakdowns. To be hm] of an first-class dealers. Beware of imitations ! Try our 600 Fire Test Cylinder 0il. llarness, Bolt Cutting, Wool and Lard Oils, always in stock. GURNH FSJRNAGES PIeaFO mentio 1 this Paper when writing TINGLEY & STEWA RTzM’F’G C0. nsss and Lqu Trouble ; John Wood, .0 (.athcart St, cured of Liver Complaint and Bilioumess, used only 3 fifty-cent bo:!1.s; Mrs. J Real, 6 Augusta Sh, troubled for years with Nervous Prostmtion, two Small bottles gave her great, relief. Sold at 50c. & $1. r 7 ~â€" ---â€"--~ ~, w.“ and meannegs. Buy no n that until vou see them. Al the lmding Carriage th'ders sell them. canmcfihps r 0RONTO CUTTING S(1Il00L.â€"»Gentlemen desirous of acquiring a thorough knowledge of r rment cutting: should apply at once to S (.‘ORRIGAN, 'onp‘e 3b.. Toronto. Terms on zlppliI-ation. All classes of fine work. Mfrs. of Pdntzn’ m Blues and Metal Furniture. Sand {:03 mice. PEARL PEN AND”PE'NCI’L"s-r‘KM;5 WITH NAME 500. Biafiéfifiifihé. 3“!“‘Yhfiééfifiufiruntnn Maul My cure I do not mean merely to stop them for s. Ilme and than huvs them return again. I mean a radical t Ira. I have made the disease of FITS, EPILEPSY m- FALL- ING SICKNESSB life-long: study. I warrant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Barauue othem luvs failed I- no union for not now receiving a aura Feud M once for a treatise Ind 51 Free Bottle 0! my infallible rmmcdy. le0 Express and Post (mic/3‘ It 0 «tn you nothan (or. trlol‘7 um I will cure you. A (ire DR. H. G. BOUT, {WEE HE'S! l! tutor): 407 King St. “2, TORONTO. PREMIUM INGUME INGREASED FOR. YEAR, INTEREST AND RENTS, - - ASSETS. - - $356,375. SI Were allocated as Holders. Profits pa; ’ Way lst. In this paper referred to the Annual Meeting of the Associa- tion. This meeting (being the 15th since the Com )any was organized) took place on Tuesday. the l2t April, when the following gratifying increases were announced: 'I'QBQN'I'O, ONT Hi D'E'Lh’io: 31'. L, TOBONTO. HAMILTON, TORONTO. MONTREAL. and “'INNIPEG. Recent Testimonial to @federafiou ié dassoqmnon. / OUR LAST N OTIGE 1 F. DALLEY (a co, I’mpfiefinrsi SOLE MANUFACTURERS 0F LARDINE. are famous for thrir style, convenience, durability. vrmrs‘ standing; Robt. Cornell, 24 South St., laughter cured of E)» ilepnic Fits after six vearr,’ sufl‘ering : Jen- nie Bin-ell, 5.? Walnut Smhcured of Weak- F ‘HUC Greatuss 1m- uovery of the presenp age for REGU mm“ 'rmc Romans, IA.\1>UITRIFGRHBLOOD, Ln‘m:andeNKYCOM- l’h-l A Perfect Hood Purifier. A few in Hamilton who have xn-en benefited by its 119:9: Mrs. M. Keenan, 1‘32 Robert S5,, cured of Erysipelas of two M. MCGREGUR, PASTOR. -|. H. FERGUSON, UARETAKER. (I THOMSON, CHAIRMAN B’IW} (Jon J FARNS\VORTH, B’D’a INSPECTOR Send for (hmflugue. Were allocated as Profits to Policy Holders. Profits payable on and After Way lst. LMAGDUNALD, Managing Director. DEAR KIR,~This is to certify that the two lurney-H urris No. 15 \Vood Furnaces, placed by you in our Avondale Presbyterian Church, have given complete satisfaction. We have found it pmdhle to heat our building, from freezv ing point u]: to 6” deg. in two hours. ‘Ve have also fmml them to be very economical in the matter n fuel. We can cheerfully recommend these f1?! «aces to any parties who contemplate heating Hot Air. To W. E. CONN, Tilsonburg, Ont. : FOR BUTTER. ETC. EW Importations.â€" ~IIiggins’ Eureka, Washing- ton and Ashton Brands, in large or small sacks. w Also Rice’s (Jana 11 Salt. \Vrllfic {pf-1) 'ges. Dairy Salt; MANUFACTUR'S OF ALL KINDS OF . GEN l‘iâ€"l.:i:llcs 0r Gaunt-Inert “finned” J” To Canvass tor our Subscription Books. Our stuuih rd and popular work, Dr, Withrow’s ” History of (janada”~»a book which ought to be in every library. Our instructive, amusing and soulvtouching temperance book, “ Platform Echoes.” by J. B. Gough. Our complete book of sermons, and auto- biography ot Sun. 1’. Jews, with a short sket :h of the life of Sam. W. Small, and three of his special sermons. Our beautiful book of poetry and literature of all ages and all lands, entitled “ Golden Thoughts on Mother, Home and Heaven ” Our handsome Fam- ily Bibles, beautiful illustrations, full of useful and helpful matter for Bible study, besides good clear type and paper. Our terms are liberal. Send for 'rcular. WILLIAM BRIG ls, Publisher, Toronto. Cupiml, £260,000. Dominion Government. Deposit, £55,000. Head ()fiin ‘ 72 King St. East, Toronto. Gentlmnen of iuflLLm-e wanted in unrepresean distrxchs. A. T. MUL‘ORD, Resident Set-n:er for the Dominion. COMPOSITION GUM), Antique Bronze, , Natural Wood, and other Mature and Rnom, Mouldings, Frames, Etc Paintings, En- gmcings, Etchings, Artebypefi, Artists‘Muterial )lirro etc. Wholesale and Retail. Trade Cat- alogue. M 'rlmws bums ‘ .. Toronto. K65” and 30. stamp for Catalogue. 1 Special 01.15 es (luring summer holidays, in Shorthzuid, Typewrixing, Eook~kecping, Penmanship, etc. Write for full )unxtivulnrs. Canadian Business University and Shorthzuiil Institute, Public Library Building, Toronto, luau mnmm lNSI’n‘A'I‘IUN mm lnnur- “1100 Company 01' Canada. Consulting Elwim'cm amt Solicitors of Patents, 1‘ 0 It 0 N ’I‘ D. C. ltomx, Chivf Enqincer. A. F1; HER, Sec‘y-Treas. run: «on mlonts, Altt-nliu FATE The Snow Drift Baking l‘uwder (10.. Bruntvford, Ont. Branch 011565; éffo'fiéé'stw Toronto lufi'erex‘. GIVE uxpigsniaml I have a positive remedy for thv above disease ; by Its an thousands creases of the worst kind nn‘l ofleng standing have been cured. Indeed, so strong is my faith In in Efficacy, that I \vfll send TWO BOTTLES FREE, “guild with VALUABIE T17" TISE on this dimaae In my ._.- m... .. Es mm 5%; Sum, ("NI ForSale lzlns‘ I: K alnunofrwx l‘. Bicycles ! Wholesale Produce MerchantsiToronto‘ 1HE LONDON GEAR’ANTEE AND ABGiDENT 05. (LB), OF LONDON, ENG. SURPLUS. 80.234. THOS. IH‘INGOUGH. President. CHARLES ll. BROOKS, Manager. Locum, D Second-Hand Machineé: From $15 lewau-ds. New Catalogue Ready let April. A. T. LANE, MONTREAL. 1mm A1 ONCE FOR LIST of TORONTO. $96,894. l3,029. ‘rnteddt iptwe Oat- Chmnlm-lm. Taronto. GAMES

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