Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 30 Jun 1887, p. 8

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RICHMOND HILL TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Meets in the Tempernncc Hall' every Wednesday eveninmm 7.30 o'clock. \VmJIurrisou T.D. The Methodist sabbath schoolTemperance As snointion issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. WnLHan‘iwn sup’r MECHANN‘S' INSTITI'TE.â€"Lihrflry of over 1000 volumesppen every Tm any evening, in the Ma.- sonic Hall, from 7 to b‘ u'(: wk. H.141. Law, Libra. riim. Lectures mu] discussions periodically, RICHMOND HIM. CORNET BAXI).â€"â€"1\Ieets for practice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o'clock \V. Sheppard, Lender RmHMOND LODGE. A. F. & A. M., No‘ 23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lu.le m<nn.l\1nsonlc Hullmn the Monday on or before full moon. nt8 o'clock p.11) 1. Crosby, WJL ANCIENT UNDER 01‘ FUIU‘ISTEBHâ€"COUHJ Rich- mond, No. 70413 \‘ 0. 1*", nmets in 1,119 Temperance Hall every alternate Friduv at 7.30 p.u1.â€" Alex Cuulter,(1. R. VmLAmr, (Iowan-Re :v,Wm.PugsJey, Coun- cillorleus "5.1’ G. Savage, Jos Hull, \Vm A Sanderson, Levi Guhy. (Mark. M. '1 eefy. A. 0. U. W.,Ivy Image, No. 141, Meetsin the Committer‘ JUN) of the Masonic Hull each ultm‘nnti m Tucsdny at 8 o'clock p.111. Bene- fica‘ry certificntugiven for "'2,(100 in case of death J‘ Brownfilaster Workman. 15. Grennun. rec. PRICSBYTERIAN CIIUYH'IIOF CANADA. Services M 11 o'clock a.m..uud(321m p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesdayeveningnfifilo. Rev J. W. Cum- emn, Pastor. ROMAN CATHOLIC (7HURCH.â€"S€l‘ViCCS in order a. follow 5 'lhurnhill at ‘J a.m., and Richmond Hillat 10:30 mm; the following: Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at 9 11.111, and Thornhill at 1030 u. m. Fun: Bmunm.~]chular mooring first Frldny 0f every mumh, held in the Council Chamber. at, 71!. m, Memburship free. Cel'tificutesissued to Inamhers entitling than) to certnin plivileges uml xempt‘ions. Wm H. Pugslcy. Cupfiaiu. h. A. "chnlls, Sevrutan R. '1‘. of 'l‘muperuuce, Richmond Hill Council. No. 43, Murat-$111 Temperance Hull,cuch alter- native T111 day evening; atflo’clnckp in. Beno- ricinry cm Mus issued to mule or female memberh~ Ioi .. ,000 01‘ in case (\fdnuth $2,000, one lmli DlLyILblc in case of disability. J. H. Sander- son Select Councillor ; J.A.E.Switzer,Recol‘di11g lievlJ. J. Egan, Pub‘tur ST ‘ Mum s prsqomn Gunmenâ€"Service at b p.111.,exccpt the film-d Sunday of every month, wueu the serum and sacrament are held at 11 mm. SundaySchuo]n.t1:30p.1u 1mv.W.13a.tes, Rector Secretmv METHODIST CHURCflvâ€"Sel‘vices at and (iziiU 1». 111.,m1d Sunday school, a. 1..30,p.u1. Young ponlfle's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General 1’ ‘11.)‘61 Meeting: every 'l‘humdnyQVLmrng in the Lecture Romu. Ruv. -W. R. Barker, Shpt. Rev. Lennard, Assisnum EACH PLUG OF THE MYE'HE NAVY CAUTION. [limllible Blood Puriflm. Tonic, Diurectic Loss of Appetite, Indigestion, Dyspepsia. Billionsness, Jnundicc. Liver Complaint, Rheumatism, all Kidney Diseases, Scrolula. Disuuscs peculiar tn Females. Salt Rheum. Ex zenm and 1111 Skin Liscuses. Hoadacbn. l’alpimtion of the Henrt, Sour Stmnach and Heart Burn. Purnlee ’mhlc, WORKING GLASSES, RTTEN: Q We are 110w prepared to furnish all I (311145565 with employment at home the “holenf the time, 01' for their spare mo- mentx. Business new, lighme m'uiimble. Pax- rllllh‘ of either sex eu/sily cum fiom 50 cents to $5 per evening, and u pi'npm'timml mm: by claiming ull their time to the business. lmyu and girls eau'n nexu‘lvus much as men. That all who non this may mu their niltlre . and test the busi- mess, \\'u make this ulfci‘ : To such as are um well Satisfied we will send (me (lullur to pay fur the bi'uuble nf writing Full particulars and out~ fini‘rw. Address (ii-101:0]; bTINsUN & 00.. Port- luud , Mamie The undersigned resyentfully intimates that he has run on 11 his mm -millf10m IInGeu‘a match to Lots 18 i." (1 19. 4th Con York, west of Yonge St., near A ud W1“ péw: 11's bust utt‘onfim‘ no any hi]!!! (1' C(lébbfl) :Hming he may be favored w1th. IN E [RON ZE LET'I‘E Rs. MENRY MARSH. KING P. o JJZkN'CZRVIV-Zbl‘r 3: (20.; 7 Toronto Ont. LUMBER. ariIIztgt Qirtrtnrg. IS MARKED Churches. Two young men, strong and willmg, coming from England, desire suitable smmtions with farmers, where bhev can gain an insight into the moans opemudi in this country. Will engage for one vent. Terms most reusunable ior suit- able places, Address 50-} BOX 111, THORNHILL SITUATIUNS WANTED V" SYLVANIA to Toronto about; erby years ago with two step-brothers named Hodge ; work- ed in Toronto as blacksmith ; married, but 11ml no familv ; supposed to have been living fifteen miles out of Toxonfio five years ago ; reward for information concerning him or the parties who are in possession of his property. F. E. GAL- BRAITH. Barrister, 20 York Chambers. Toronto LADIES' LACED AND BUTTONED GYPSY BALS., BEST FRENCH KID, CALF KID. GONDOLA, BUFF & CORDOVAN; These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in every in- smnve unbounded satisfaction. Thev am the best. in the world. They never tire, and lust many years without. change. Splendid assortment of Ladies' and Children’s Slippers Several Cheap Llnes tu-suit the times fur Ludius’ and Gentleman’s wear. Custom ‘Vork a Specialty. Repairing neatly and promptly done. “7 ILLIAM GILLESPIE CAME FROMPENN- SYLVANIA to Toronto about; erby years RENO‘I’NED Spectacles & Eye Glasses. Far Sale by T. I". .JlfcflIflHOJV' NEW SUMMER STOCK COMPLETE! Preserve YeurSight FRANK LAZARUS FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer, 28 Mary- land Road, Harrow Road, London, 1-) ngluud (lute Lazmys & Morris, Harfiord, Con.) Dominion of Cluudu. FOR SERVICE ! THE THOROUGH BRED Roan, calved Jmuary 3rd, 11883, bred by Dr. A. Buck, Palermo, Ontario, will be kept for service at his owner’s farm, 3rd lot above Elgiu Mills, Yonge St., for the season of 1887. Terms will be made known on application. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN PRUGLAMATIUN ! THEYEARDFJUBILEE £4tf Hus on hand the nobbiest limos Of Summer Suitiugs and l‘ruusm‘iugb he has ever shown. Jubllee Checks and Spripus to suit. every- bodv. LANSDOWNE, OUR GBACIOUS SOVEREIGN QUEEN VICTORIA A NEW RECIPE IGmtimwake soven yards of good cloth and trimmimzs to match" mm two oz. of gnml cutting, and {UVO‘IL two days of fin“- cln \\ or}! auq the maul} \\ 111 be a first-class 't HIS reigned over us for fiftv years, and every loyal subject should N. BurT'he above can be prov,qu at the BEE filV'E at. the: very lowest cash price. CELEBRATE THE EVENT! BEE HIVE, PUBLISHER 0F " LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL lfihhxiyrortnverfirm in the C. TREVETHAN (Late of the firm of Luzm us 6: Morris) SHORT-HORN BULL RICHMOND HILL. By getting a new suit of clothes at the 31m: fiiflmtimtmtfi. BY WEARING THE ONLY â€"â€"â€"â€"IS COME, ANDâ€"â€" C. TREVETBAN. Children’s Boots of all varieties, Black and Colored. RICHMOND HILL.@}§Z§ And Gentleman’s Seamless Boots, EZRA CLU BINE, Richmond Hill Pio. The only place in Town having control nf BOX 111, THORNHILL Snmething ner and spicy. ROBT. SIVERS. PLANED LUMBER, MOULDING S, &C. In connection with the factory, where custom sawmg will be done. All Work guaranteed and prices moderate. RICHMOND HILL PLANING MiLLS l. Are now prepared to take contracts for all kinds of Buildings. DOORS, SASH, BLINDS, 856.. The above factory is situated on RICHMOND ST., RICHMOND HILL Nov. 25th. 1886-311). I)EN'.[‘ISCF, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A. 8:: B, Upâ€"Stairs. F IRST-CLASS SAW-MILL C. P. LENNOX, Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of VITALIZED AIR ! ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, â€" â€" - $8.00 0N CELLULOID, - â€" $10.00 Gbld Filling, and all other operations skilfqny Rerformed, 8:9 moderate fees. Call gin-d see me. ' No trouble to an- swer questions. I use no cheap material and warrant every set. TO AGENTS ! ONE HUNDRED GUUD HEN! FONTHILL I Liberal Commission ( r Salâ€" ary, best Advannages. STEADY EMPLOYMENT I 'zw’ LIBEQJZL plendid outfit furnished free. man can auocced Apply for Mung fig Having bought the above-named mill and put everything in Fl RST-C LASS 0RDE R, Kept on hand, or made to order on the shnnest notice. A stock of Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. Always on hand. There is also a BEST SETS (Largest in Canada, over 465 acres.) L. INNES & SUNS $1.00 IN ADVANCE. At once to sell for the WE WANT And no lost, time MN WELLINf‘W‘HN reroute Ont OF Muv 15th. 1884.â€"] Any ; ushing HARD ! Sewing Machines to Suit the Times. NEW WILLIAMS SEWING MACHINEI I am prepared to take produce in exchange, at. fzm‘ market value. for One of the latest imprnved and most durable Sewng Machines in the market, as a huge num- her is prepared tn prove in the illmdetate twighborhnnd.brsides the very large nnm~ her uf VI. (1:115 and First Prile at Provincial and nthor Fairs. such as 'l‘nrnnto, Mun- tl‘enl. Lundnn, Quebec. and at the “WWW”: Fuir, Antwerp. ’miuinm. aisn a Diploma fur the best work shuwn in Londvm, and a ten dullar prim: for best specimen of work at ankhmn Fair this year. Come along. and get, at bargain. All orders by Inuit promptly attended to. J. LUSH, Richmond Hill. Tea from 25 centh nowards, ‘5 lbs. for 3. Sugar splendid value. DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS. WINCEYS. TWEEDS,&C.. &C. Suits Made to Order- Mixed Paints, ready for use. in :11) cnlm's and shades. Boiler} and Raw Oils, Varnâ€" ibht‘fi, and all uthex- mnterml fur paints. Paint and \Vhilewash Brushes, all smes, wlnch 1 win 5911 at boLtnm price. ‘Jull and see. British Nag Staff ! BOOTS, SHOES, CROCKERY, &C,« Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock 01 Groceries, Flour and Feed. LAURENCE ‘fi‘; struments at his c ONTARIG HOUSE GREEN GROOERIES, HAMS, BACON, PORK, They can be sold at prices that should not fail to fill my; store with eager purchasers. A trial will convince you. J08. HALL. TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS AND YARNS. Raymond Sewing Machines, Eagle Steam Washers and Wringers. GROCERIES, FLOUR <86 FEED. All who have ulrendv purchased are quy satisfied work. (live them a ' “All kinds uf produce taken NAILSHARDWARE GLASSWARE & CROCKERY complete stock of In connection with my stock of Graceries, &c., I wish to call your alrention to full assortment of goods from the Woodstock Woollen Mills, consisting of his pleasure in annuuucmw Hwt he ban much-med a full Jinn of the celebrated H. \VALL PAPERS. \VALL PAPE i8. These goods are all of first-class quality and very cheap. Call and examin them before purchasing. Also on hand THE PEOPLE’S STORE! ORNE STORE. FRESH GROCERIE S. ll‘ CLOSE CASH PRICES STAPLE GROCERIE S. ~21: Stock of la‘URNITUBE Now is the time to buy a first-class Light Running Is well su flied with a Bar e stock of P1 g SPRING GOODS \Vall Paper and Bm‘dm‘ings, something new in Styles um} Designs, frmn 5 cents up, As the goods are bought at Flour and Feed always on hall‘d. 1 "‘5; A}, EYE GLASSES, and with LL: Walt-22109154 and I ~ ; = ‘, ‘- s! rl.{?i1_‘,u'fc:xst 2w impwel "u". x , AT RE I'CED PRICES. [u a variety of designs. And all kinds of CONTISTING ()F “CHEAPâ€"- AT THE Also 1’. (5r. SAVAGE. with the \"ay Mia]. in exchanng (u‘rEUa 'J'REUCH MOODIE Hm, Oatmeal 40 lbs. a? those machines

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