Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jul 1887, p. 8

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MECHAMCS’ INSTITUTE.â€" Library of over 1000 volumesppen every Tuesday evening, in the Ma- sonic'Hmll.f1‘nm 7 1:08 o'cloc . R. E. LuW,Librar- ritm. Leoturcs and discussionsporibdically. RICHMOND 1111.1. TEMPLE, No. 465,1. 0. G. T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall' every Wednesday eveninmat 7.30 o'clock. VVmJIan‘ison T.D. RICHMOND HILL CORNET B'Aanâ€"Mee'bs fer pmctice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o’clock W. Sheppard, Lender I 7y Lodge, No. 141, Meets in the Committee am of the Masonic Hall each alter-nut) v Tuesday at. 8 o’clock p.111. Bene~ fivm‘y qertmcam given for $52,000 in case of death J. Brown, M 'Worlmmn. B. Grennun. rec. A. 0. U. \V r+ f“ y VILLAGE C()I‘NC]L.â€"â€"Re ve, Wm. Pugsley, Coun- cillor's,_Mossrs.L“G. Savage, Jos Hull, Wm A Sanderson, Levi Gaby. (Hulk, M. ’l‘oefy. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Mce’nsin Temperance Hu11,each ulter- lmtive Tuesday evening atSO’clock p m. Bene- ficiary certificates issued to mule or female members for 1,000‘or in case of death $2,000, one lmlt Daytime in (“use of disability. J. H. Sunder- 5011 Select Councillors; J.A.E.Switzer,flecol‘ding ANCIENT 011mm 0? FOR .. Ensâ€"Court Rich- mnnd. N0. 7046 ’x. 0. F.. meets in nhe Temperance Hull every alternate Fridav at. 7.30 p. m.â€"-â€" Alex Cuulter, C. It. The Methodist sabbath school Temperance As snciat’ion issue pledge curds every Sunday when desired. Wm .Hm‘rison supf I-‘Im'c Bnm.wn._negu1m‘ meeting first Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber. at 7p. m. ‘Membershllw free: Certificatesissued to members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions‘ Wm ‘ H. Pugsley, Capfiain. I1. A. Nicholls, Secretary. Secretarv RIGHMOND Lom 32,131.13. & A. M., No.23, G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge room,Masom‘c Hall,on the Monday on m: before full moun. m; 8 o’clock p.m I. Crosby, W.M, EACH PLUG OF THE NEWER NAVY IN [BRONZE LETTERS. Infuuiblo mood Purifier. Tonic, Diurectic Loss of Appetite. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Billiousnesa, Jaundice, Liver Complaint. Rheumatism, n11 Kidme Diseases, Scrofula, Diseases peculiar to Females, Salt Rheum. Ex mm: and all Skin Liseuses; Headache, I‘nlpitation of the Henri‘, Sour Stomach and Heart Bu .. I‘ur ]y\'e;*91a\)1e._ ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH.â€"Sel‘vi(‘es in order n. follow 5 z'l‘hornhill at 9 a..m., and Richmond Hillat 10:30 alum; Um following Sunday at Richâ€" mond Hill at '3 mm. and Thornhill [Lb 1030 8.. m. Rev. J. J. Egan, Pastor 2 classes with employment at home the whole of the time, or for their spare mo- ments. 1’: sincss new, light and profitable. Par- sons of (either sex ensin earn from 50 cents to $5 per evening, 2111 «I n prnportimml sum by devoting all their time to the business. Boys and girls earnn‘em‘lyasmuch as men. That all who see this mnw send their a.~ld1‘css.&nd teat the busi- ness, we make this offer: To such as are not T911 sut‘iz‘iled we will send one dollar to pay for the trouble of wruing Full pm‘ticulm‘a and out- fitfree. Address GEORGE STINSON 62 00.. Port- land, Maine Wflfl FEM (ELASSfiS ATTEN- And wfll give his best attention to any bills .cusvom sawing he may be fuvoreu with. GAUTON. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.â€"-Service5 Hf. 1] o'clock a.m.,;uzn16:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on \Vednr‘sdmyevemngaflflo. Rev J. W. Cam- eron. Pastor The unflowigned respectfully intimates that he has .l r 1' vevl his saw-mill from flcGee's svrm-h to Lots 18 and 19. 4th Con York, west of Yonga Sh, nem: ST.1\TARY s EPIRCOPAL CHURCH.â€"S6Nice at b p.111.,except the third Sunday of every month, \vneu n11: “service and sacrament are held at 11 mm. SundayScho<)la.t1:30p.m, Rector METHODIST CHURCHâ€"Services at 10:30 mm and 6:30 p.111.,u.m1 Sunday school, 3/0130 p. m. Young people’s prayer meeting Tuesday evening. Genera] Prayer Meeting every 'I‘hursda eV-emng iu the Lecture Room. Rev. W. R. Btu“ er, Supt. Rev. Leonard, Assistant. HENRY MARSH. KING :9. o LUMBER. ‘Jdfifdfwiaswr 3; Colâ€"fitteronto Ont. sailings Qirrmm. IS M ARKE Sacieties. Churches. J G Owen ! Alex Blaek ‘W H Major John P Wheeler! J R Clubine Thomas Pouchen Salem Eckurdb Nelson Smith Henry Rusaell William Brown Joseph Bogart Juhn Rogers James C Stokes John Smith Geo F Stiver George Andrews J D Evans N J Armstrong David Beldam Ellis Man John Ellston Mrs. Emma Doyle Archibald Gerrard Tobias 0 Switzer Benj Rolling John Grice William Stewart M W H Ellis R S Mann Fred Spofi'ord ‘ Benj Lugendhafb George Gibbard Benrv Scrivener Abraham Lechtcxmans CharlesVRogers W H Deitch J M Young John Middleton Abraham Bond Harry Plefks John T Grange Wm Bye Max Hewitz 0. P. LENNOX, DENTIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A. 8c B, Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means uf VITALIZED AIR ! ON RUBBER, â€" ON CELLULOID, - I use no cheap material and warrant every set. Guild Filling, and all other operatinns ski‘ihflly pAvrfnrmed, a}: muderppe fees. Call and see me. No tumble to an- swer questions. Treamrer's Oflice County of York. Toronto, July 4th, 1887. Children’s Boots 0f all varieties, Black and Colored. Splendid assortment of Ladies? and Children’s Slippers. ARTIFICIAL TEETH LADIES’ LACED‘ AND BUTTONED GYPSY BALS., BEST FRENCH KID, CALF KID, GONDDLA. BUFF & CORDDVAN. LIST UFLICENSED AUCTIONEERS & PEDLARS FOR - THE COUNTY OF YORK. / NEW SUMMER STOCK COMPLETE ! Absuluteiy no pain experienced and harmless in ali cases. Pubhshed by authority of the County Council Several Cheap Lmes to suit the times {‘br Lafiies’ and Gentleman’s wean. Custom Work a Specialty. ' Repairing neatly and promptly done. BEST SETS NAME NAME RICHMOND Effie??? And Gentleman’s Seamless Boots, Something new and spicy. OF AUCTIONEERS The only place in, Town having control of Maw 15th. 1894:) PEDI Toronto Thornhill Toronto Vaughan Toronto Laskay Thornhill 'l‘oronm Seaion Village M nple Village Toronto do Little York d o Napanee Scarboto Toronto â€" $8.00 RE SIDENCB, |Screetsville IWoodbx-idge Aurora Woburu Aurora Brougham. Uuionville 1Rin2wood iWeston Eglxmton 1Newmnrket Brudfom King Brumpi 0n Uniouvil le Oakville Inlmgtou Shufivflle Malvern J. K. MACDONALD, ROBT. SIVEBS. Carl“) conneciill:;s’zbh 851’s;- flrm in tho Dominion of Canada; These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past 35 years, and given in ever; in- stance unbounded satisfaction. '1 heV a.) e the best in the world. They never tire, and last many years without change. PUBLISHER on “ LIBERAL." RICHMOND HILL. FRANK LAZARUSL Manufacturer-A 28 Mmyâ€" land Road, Harrow Road, London, England (late qugms & Morris. Hnrfifprd, Con.) RE SIDENCE For Sale by T. F, MoflLEHON Sgeemles & Eye Glasses. PreserveYourSigm FRAN K ' L AZ ARU S (Late of the firm of Lazmus & Morris) One horse J‘wo horse Foot. Two horse One horse Two horse ‘One horse Two horse IOne horse One horse One horse Foot One horse Twu horse One horse Foot One horse 1Two horse iOne horse Foot Foot Two horse One horse Foot DESCRIPTION ('1' LICENSE BY WEARING THE ONLY Treasurer 00. York. RENOWNED November 6th. “ 2mm, x “ 22nd, ‘December 2nd, “ 7th, ‘ “ 29th, January 14th, 1 “ 25th, ‘Fe bruary 5t 11, " 19th, March 9L1), “ 9m, “ 26:11, ” 26m, April October Gth, 1887 u 9th, u u 13m, u “ 19m, July 22nd, “ 26m, October‘ 11th, November 8 hY Uec’t 11m, Jau‘y 17th. Feb’y March Dk'fiE WHEN LIC April June May LICENSE EXPIRES DATE WHEN EXPIRES 17th, 22nd, 26th, 3n , 151:1}, 8th, 18th, 30th, 30th, 15th, 19:11, 10th, 13th, 16m, 20th, lst. 17th, 18th, 20th, 911 1888 1888 struments at his command, can suit the :finm. difficult/eases of impaired riai-m. LAURENCE SPECTACLESVdi: EYE GLASSES. and with {he appliance; and iuâ€"i EAR D . ! Tea from 25 cents uuwurds, 5 lbs. for if. Sugar splendid value. Oatmeal 40 lbs. 85 I am prepared to take prndmce in exchange, at fair market value. for one of fhe latest. improved and most durable Sewing B’lnchilms in the market. us a large num- hvr is x-rvpared to prove in the innm-dinte noighbmhuod.insides ths very large munâ€" hcl' bf Vhdnla‘ and First Prmrs at Provincial and other Fuix‘s‘ such as 'l'nr_t11n(),1\Im-- t,renl. anhm, Quebem and at the “'nrld’s Fair, Antwerp, Umlgium. alau a Diplnma fur the hash wmk shuwn in Lundnn, and :1 wt: (lullm' prim: for beat sl‘xucimen 0t work at Markham Fnix' this year. Come along. and get a bargain. All orders by mail, promptly attended to. mom, GEGGKER‘Y, m; Raymond ’ Sewing Biachines. Eagle Steam Washers ' ' ‘ and VVrin QQTS. ‘ All who have alreadv purchased are fully shtmfiod with Mthe way those .machines' work. Give them a trial. "E‘arAIl kinds uf produce taken in (fichnnqm. Sewing Machines 13018111111. the Time;& NEW; WILLIAMS SEWING II/IACHINEI TWEEDS, FLANNELS, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS ANDYARNS. A :EJEtl'gfil Séfi‘fio‘flli' of 14‘ITEQLNKTH‘UIQE. 3mm Mag? Stafi Z. CONTI‘STING 0F DRESS GDQDS, PRINTS, GINGHAMS. W'H\ICEYS;.TWEED3, &C.. &C7 8111133 Made to Order- FRE SH GROCEBIE S. mm GRGGEREES, EAR/ES? BACON,’ PORK? Mixed Paints. ready fnl‘ use, in'ul} enlors and shades. 'Bnfi‘er’. and Raw Oils, Vfir’ria islws, and all ntner ‘matermL fm; paints. . Painb and ‘Vhilewash Brushes, ‘ all SIZES; whmh [ will salivat bottom price. Call and see. ' They can be sold at prices that should not fail to fill my- store W1th eager purchasers; A trial will convince you. .503. HALL. GROCERIES, FLQUE 8c FEED. NAILSHARDWARE GLASSVVAR’E &: CROCKERY LORNE STORE. Hwy plegsnrq :n‘apllmmcing tfint he has purchased x} full» Iipa of £119 cwlebrabed B. In connection with my'stock 0f Groceries, &c., I wish to call your attentian to a full assoxtment of goods from the Woodatnck Woollen Mills, Consisting of complete stock of \Vall Paper and Bordegrings, something new in Styles and, Designs, from 5 centsup. WALL PAPE RS. W A LL PAPE HS. These goods éreall of first-class quality Hill/JV very che’np. Call and examine them before purchasing. A155) on hand - ' THE @EUPLE’S SSTQRE! Gig-33$ EASE PRIEES STAPI J. LUSH, Richmond. Hill. SPECTAQLEG FROM 25; CENTS; T0 32 00 A, PAIR R. E. LAW, ,Dmggist, Now is the time to buy a. first-c1353 Light Running Is V’CH supplied with a large stock of $PRENG (320993 As the goods are boughtij F1011): and Fwd always an hand AT RF. DFCED PRICES. [u a Variety nf designs. And all kinds of AT THE .0 BE A P G-EOOEEEES. GEO. ’i‘RELTCH A. MOODIE:

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