For several years, however. the l’armers' belief in this solidarity of interest has been rudely shaken. The products of the farm have been steadily declining in value, while the manufactures otcities have in the same time reached the highest price. Naturally enough, therefore, the Farmers are now beginning to say: \\'e have long excluded all articles of foreign manufacture from Canadian markets in order to build up industries essentially peculiar to Cities and towns. “he were ask- ed to give our native industries a trial, to shield their_tender infancy from the ills of rude competition from abroad. By this time, ifever, the infant must have reached a sturdy and vigorous youth. Mean- while. we have been steadily losing ground. Our devotion to what we believed to be the best Interests of the country has cost us dear. Now we ask, in turn, a chance tor our- selves. Give us a trial of Unre- stricted Reciprocity. The beneï¬t to us will be immense. \Ye require it all. It there is no dividing line between the interests of the city and those oi the country, manufacturers cannot fail to share in the common beneï¬t. Surely this is a most reasonable request. Greed may. and undoubt edly will, do its utmost to refuse it. 'Ihe spirit of monopoly. alwavs selï¬sh and callous, will ï¬ght agdiust i:. Politicians,cspecially those of We take it that as soon as the ag- ricultural class has come to a prac- tical conclusion on these two ques- tions, the enemies of Unrestricted Reciprocity will be forced to resort to weapons different from ridicule, abuse, impudence and positive slander. They will learn that there are other ambitions besides that of stimulating the growth of cities, and that of augmenting the number of tnose whose great aim is to be mil- lionaires. Hitherto when murmurs have arisen on these heads, Farmers have been told that their complaints are as unreasonable as those made against the stomach by the other members of the body. City and country have a single and undivided interest, was the cry. \Vhat helps one must help the other. What is detrimental to one must hurt the other. and strength are beyond a doubt. \Ve trust that there will be no un- due haste in bringing about this vast change in our commercial re- lations. Farmersï¬vdeed. as a class are not apt to be enthusiasts. All that they achieve, all that they gain, is due to longâ€"sustained efforts, to stubborn perseverance. and to cal- culations based primarily on the lapse of years. On the other hand, Farmers, beyond all others, are ten- aclous of what they have convmced themselves is right and advanta- geous. Slow to be moved, thev proceed steadily and unwearedly to the goal, when once the necessary impetus has been imparted to them. ILIV‘HMUNBï¬lLllirlï¬lrsdav, jnly 14,7 At present Farmers are revolving two simple yet important questions. The ï¬rst is: Why should we be weighed down with taxes in order that mechanics may obtain a bare livelihood and that employers of mechanics may accumulate vast fortunes? The second is: If an increase in the number of his cus- tomers be good (or up merchant, how can asimilar increase fail to beneï¬t us ? \Vith greated rapidity than was to be expected among a people wedded to the idols of party, the idea of Unrestricted Reciprocity with the United States has taken root, and already its ramiï¬cations Oats Wantedâ€"W. B Proctor. Comparative \Vol‘thâ€"BKWEI Baking Powder 151w é4.9.311121ml. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS A REASONABLE REQUEST. Call All-(l see me. No trouble to an- awer queslinns. Has the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method uf extract.â€" ing teeth without pain, by means of ARTIFICIAL TEETH 0N RUBBER, - - - $8.00 0N CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 I)l*13".l‘IS'f', Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 8c B, Up-Qtairs. VITAL] ZED A I 1} ! I use no chcap material and warrant awry set. Gnvvld Filling, and all other upemtinus akijflgjlyv Rerfnrmed. 1g mnderptc fees JOHN T. SAIGEON, Sole and only agent. for Springixill and surrounding country; Pains cannot exist, after the patient has taken a single dose of West’s Pain King. the Magic Cnre. Do not be induced to take a substitute, but insist upon having West’s Pain King. 250. All druguisls. Parties whosi: barns me wrecked by Iiuhtning are indeumiï¬ed to full extent uf wreckage. Farmers can save money by insurng in the Gure. This Company has been established ï¬fty-one years. The gnre is one of the oldest and most reliable Mntnals in Canada. All communications promptly attended to. â€"Dar;mge by lightning to stock while in ï¬eld. is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment being two-thirds of the Value of animal). The number of losses for the past year was 108. and the amount of lnss 557,- 887.27. of which $4,315 ‘28 was reinsured, making the net loss $53,573 9!). This Company has deposited 320 000 with the OntariuGuvermnent, being mule than double what the law requires, but It gives the GORE a still stranger held upon public conï¬dence. C. P. LEN NOX, Much suffering could be av -ide«l by constantly keeping a supply of West‘s Pain King in the house. A certain cure for flux, dysentery, cramps, chills, Culw, cholera. and cholera morbns. 250. All druggists. Narrow and diï¬icnlt is the way that awaits a new paper. Great is its outlay, small its ixicome. The faithful haVe been plainly told that they must stand by the bantling. They must take stock, they must be- come subscribers, they must give advertisements. This aid joined to the handsome allowances that Otta- wa knows how to drop into the laps of its favorites will sufï¬ce to keep the kite flying at least 101‘ a time. \Vhen the wind thus raised falls, doubllessly the man of many coun- sels will cause tresh breezes to blow. The Mail has leit the partv. It has not gone over to the Liberals. But it stands to-day the hnest speci- men 01 able independent journalism that Canada has ever had. And it is meeting with deserved success. Men reiuse to be iorever blind to honesty and capacity. The number (If policies iswed in the year 1886 was 2,016. and the number in force at the end of the year (3,273. insur- ing $6,867,679.31, showing an increase of nearly $400,000.00 over the amount at risk at and «$1885 The incume for the year was $87.078.92 Total assets available tn mpct losses has increased from $2l8,9843 “0 In 3238.- 26400 in the yen! 1886, Hm increase be- ing within a. trifle of 5520.000. The so-called Conselvative party is to have a new organ. It is to he named ‘The Empire.†his to be of the kind dear to Sir john's heart, for it will support him not only when he is right, but, what he holds to be of much greater importance, it will support him also when he is wrong. the practical klnd, will evade 1t. But the farmers have the advantage of numbers. Let them discard the silly feuds of old, and stand together. Then the result cannot remain a moment in doubt. Absolutely no pain experienced and haumlesa In all caScs. BEST SETS Fire Insurance. THE NE W ()JiG'A N. 0F P. 0. Address, King MBV 150.1. 1604:) ml OW" EC. GE. Wm TE) ow 2w Zwm VZE FE And other staple articles always on hand. Pnces close. Inspection invited. I. CROSBY. TWEEDS,SHIRTINGS,COTTON S, DRESS GOODS, 860. THE FIRE PROOF. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT ! The Concrete never was so popular for stylish Millinery as it is now. Full preparation for the fruit season SUGAR, SPICES, FRUIT JARS. GLASS & STONE, Cheap 31‘ at the Concrete than at any house in the trade. Dry Goods, Groceries, HARDWARE & CROCKERY MILLINERY, MILLINERY, M I LLIN ERY. CONCRETE HOUSE. In Pints, Quarts 80 Half Gallons, at correct prices. SPRING 86 SUMMER STOCK S. L‘. S; 00‘: Grass mixtures are yearly increasing in demand,becanse uf superior quality and excellenceâ€"Noun; but. very choicest varieties used. Mixtures prepared fm any soil nr purpose. lf you want u. never-failing pasture try them. lie-Cleaned Seed Grains, Timothy, Clover, &c., in great variety. Don’t. fail to call. STEELE BROS. & CO , Cur. Front .3; Jarvis Sm. Toronto. S. B. a: Co’s Selected PURPLE TOP S‘VBDE 'I‘URNIP The popular variety. Invariany asked fur when once grown. Sold in sealed packages only. S. B. S: CO’S MANGELS are unsurpassed in quality. size or pr0« ductiyeness. All supplies grown specially, and from selected stocks. grown lust seamm m enormous 312 inches in circumference, Wuighing 'J‘h1s variety obtained FIRST PRIZE over all competitors RUN'I‘O INDUSTRIAL EXHIBI'I‘ION, 1836. _§pecim< FACTS 1 YES, SOLID FACTS AGRICULTURAL SEEDS S '1‘ 1‘] 'ZIAIS 1;}R()§. can: SUPPLY YHI' ¢V GROCERIES DIRECT IMPORTER. ()17 THE HIGHEST STANDARD AND QUALITY, ()F UNDOUBTED MERIT AND EXCELLENCE. & CO‘S NEW SHORT WHITE CARROT I Good satisfaction guaranteed in the PERMANENT GRASS MIXTURES! Complete in eVery department. NEW AND SELECT VARIETIES. Specimens were of enormous size. one measuring, 18 inches long, 25 rellce, Wuighing 175 lbs. Quality unsurpassed. FULL LINES OF IF YOU W ANT at T0â€"