(W aâ€??? GOING .‘li lltTH. TORONTO. Mail Arman. ' (lit-v Hull H.141 ll 13 lll‘nr‘k Street RSI» 12.00 H Pitrkilitlu ...... $.33. 11m . )s Davenport 8.10 5 ll iVeston .. . . .. 5.51 Thornhill. {U7 115:1 i‘..‘ll RICHMOND HILL EUR 1.0:'I (1.22 Rim: . . .flm 5:47 Aurora .. . . . 0.10 2.10 1‘. Ti Ncwniurliot- . . . 1000 1.52% 7.0;â€; GOING SOUTH. Ex. Al‘f'lllll. l\lliil. Newiuurkot... .. RM 11.3? out Aurora .. $.13 12.10 f- 1" King .. . strl 12.30 lflr‘inmx‘n Him .. sic 12.4: Tliornliill ......... “.51 12.53 ‘V‘NL‘H‘ .910 . lhivenpurt ,, sun 1 _'il '7 T l‘ ll'lilltlle,,. .. 031:1 1!? 7.31 TORONTO, 7.30 'i 4:) Connects with rill trains, leaving the Palmer H Iisi‘ Richmond Hill. as follows: Moi .t' Express. North :3; South , . . . . . . . .l.’ 1.50 PROCTOR‘S silica ..7.-l5 a in. ..ll.-l.'l “ 3 Ari-inn modution I'iVlll'ess North .................... Miii South ......... . POST UFTI'tEâ€"NUTICE ihitil further notice “oils will he closed at the Richmond Hill Post (lll‘u‘c as follows: ‘ MORNING :â€"-Going Noi‘tli.soiilli. East and \Vcst. including 'l‘liornliill, Maple. Toronto, l‘lftl‘lihfllll.&'f‘. 7.l.’i E\'1{.\'1.\‘G:â€"â€"Gi~ii|',,' soutli.East and West (as above) 5.30 N. “unassisteer Letters must. be handed in at least Fifteen Minutes eiirlior than the above mentioned hours for closing. M. 'I‘EEFY. Postmaster. iihi Ebihifal. RICHMOND Hl‘LL, Thursday, July 14, '87 LOCALS. Mr. \V. Proctor advertises in another uniii for 1000 bushels of cats, for which will pay the highest cash price. col- lie The last week or two has been excessivc‘y warm and consequently the proprietors of iilll’ Ice Cream Parlors are reaping a. harvest- 02 how nice ,! A good Find. l-‘ound opposite the town engine house, KIRKBY'S store. Come in. Go to the Concrete for the best value in Sugar, Spices, Fruit Jars, Raisms, Currants, &c. Bd‘king Powders. On our ï¬rst page today will be found a striking and instructive illustration of the comparative worth of the various kinds of baking powders new in the market. Grand Lodge Meeting.â€" The annual meeting of the Grand Lodge of Canada A. F. & A. M., is now in session at Brockrillc. lliclimond Lodge did not send a delegate this year. Heavy Grey Cotton. iull 36 inch, for 5 cents per yard at the Concrete Notice. ’We have been asked to state that the members of the Band of Hope are requested to meet in their room to-morrow (Friday) at 5 p. m.,whence they will proceed to the residence of Mrs. Dr. Langstaï¬, who has kindly invited them to a treat on her lawn. Fire Practice. “BEE, , the same time both spring and full The village Fire Brigade had a practice on the Park on Mondav evening.‘ The business meeting which was to follow. was cut short. Some. of the members are now enquiring, “Wli I' about that fifteen cents ï¬ne." At the Concrete: China Tea Sets for $4.00, Ivory Dinner Sets for $7.00, and a beautiful Toilet Set for $2.75. Fire Protection. After a couple of ï¬res Woodhi-iiige has con- cluded they must haVe some ï¬re protection. The village council have purchased a second hand engine from Brampton, and me now vuttiug it. in a proper state of repair, as well as building an engine-house for its safe keep- lug. Grain Cut. ~ We understand that Mr. W. H. Clubine, a short disrance south of this Tillage, com- l menced harvest last Friday. the 8th of July. On that day he cut a field of wheat, and on the day following he began to reap his barley. This is, no doubt, the earliest in this Vicinity. A.0. F. The election of ofï¬cers of Court Richmond No. 70-16. A.O. F., took place last Frich night. The following were elected ofï¬cers; (‘. R._ A. floiilti-r; S. C. 3., H. F. Hopper ‘ 1’. L‘. B... A. J. Rupert; S. \V., T. Inidforil I .1. w.. .1. Sharp; s. 8., c. \‘iliiles; .i. B , E: lmngstuï¬: Scc‘y, W. E. Wiley; ’l‘reus , 0. Brown. The Glorious nth. The 12th of July passed by wi liout any apparent excitement in the Village. the only traces being a few orange lilies and bad .li. worn by the followers or pretended followers of King William. The procession in Toron- to was unusually large and orderly. The "‘1an orations in reference to the “Battle of the Boyne" &c., were dispensed with. Woodstock vs Richmond Hill. A lacrosse match in the championship ser- ies will be plaved 011 the Park next Salurdiiy July16th,lu-iwi-enthe Beavers of Wood- stock and tlu- home team. the ball Will be faced at 3 o'clock p. m Admission to the gmuuds 250%; ladies 15cts; Gl'nlid Stand frre. This will he in all probability one of _“’t‘ nmst exeitiug matches of the season as m. .y of th; player. are old rivals. |('Jmphv ll, ‘vlll ‘11). The Exams. Tlin departmental t xwin‘natinns herc un. der the (‘lllll‘L't‘ of \Ir. llickson, will close on S iturday next. Fursncond ('liiss certificates seventeen culidiilalcs prwentml themselves Rlld tell for third class. On the whole the papers Sl'l. lnn'u hrcn fair compared With past years. Severe Acmdcnt. On Mondm’, ttie~1lli of July, Mr. George Quantz. an old gentleman about 7.3 years of age, who resides on the ‘2ud Con. of Marli- hum, Sllï¬t'ft‘d a very severe accident. Ho was returning to his home, from this villag , in a buggy, when his horse Look fright. and threw him out on the hard road. One of the wheels of the vehicle pasSed ori-r his bond Clltlilll! his eye and almost severing on:- of his earn from his head, and Worse than this one of his legs was bioken llt‘ltl‘ the ankle joint.‘ Medical aid was at once secur- ed, this limb was set and the \VOllllilsdl‘USS-‘il and the old gentleman is now doing its well as can be expected. \Vest’s World’s \Vondcr, or Family Li- uiincnt,cures rheumatism, neur:ilgia.i-uts, burns, sprains and bruises. 250. and 50c. All druggists. The Tea sold lor 3o cents per lb. at the Concrete is superior in flavor and strength to that sold to the farmers by pcdlai's at 50 cents per joint Stock Company. 'l‘lilu annual meeting of the stockholders of the l'.itti-rson llros it (Jo. (limited) was llflld (it \Vondstaitk tile other day. The officers elected for the year \vererâ€"l’residont, A. S. l’attersun,of \Vestllell, N. Y.; Vice-Presi- iicnt, 1‘. Patterson, of l‘a'terson, Ont; 'l‘rca- Hirer, A. S. l’atteison, \Vuodslock;Secretary, J. ll. Patterson. The firm have now at. work in the factory here 200 men and are paying $6,000 a mouth in wagesâ€"Times. A Good Testimonial. The folloning testimonial in reference to Rev.J. W. Cameroii,who is about to svvvr his connection with the Presbyterian church here, has been handed us for publication. "The Presbytery though constrained to ac- cept of Mr. Cameron‘s resignation would re- cord their regret at the untoward circum- stances which lied them to take such ll step. They would also express their regard for him both in his private and his public (‘upii- citv, their seine of his diligence and ZHll, and ï¬delity in preaching and enforcing the lessons of the, gospel, as also in attendingr to his pastoral work, and the fllV'Il‘fllllf‘,‘ impres- sion he has made upon them in attending so regularly the meetings of the Court and ink- iuiz his part in the business lllrl‘cï¬f. Their good wishes will go along with hini.and their hope is that in some other part of th- .\lu~- ter's Vineyard he may a lull obtain a Sllllmllli‘ sphere for employing his talents with accept- ance and success." R. Momenn, Prr‘ï¬llvtl'l'y Clerk. Big drive in many lilies of im- ported Dry Goods at the Concrete to make room for large orders now placed in the British markets for Fall and \N’inter Goods. Tonsorial Change. Mr. D. Andrews wLo bus been greatly troubled dining the last few months With ltlicumulics, has, upon the advice of his physician, concluded to uive himself a rest [or s- me time and endeaVor to regain his former strength. He has engaged ii tonsoii- iii iii-list to manage his shaving parlor, who Is glVllh' good satisfaction. Altcr being 11]- lroiluued to Lily White and his little Flor- ence Atomizer the boys feel as proud as if they had stepped out. of ii bandbox. \Vi-st’s Liver Pills cure sick headache, dyspepsiaflndigestion and liver cmnplaini . 250. All druguists. Ask to see Atkinson's 48c. Corset A Windy Day. Last Sunday was a most ilisagiceable day in this rill .gc, especially to those whose busi ness led them out of doors. The dust blow PERSONALS: to such an 1‘Xbl‘llb that lllt‘. broken stones in , MISS “- Keefle" ‘5 3" 1mm“ spending 1'9†Centre of Yong» Street were perfectly bare. holidays- ljut bv all accounts the dust fouml a resting V place in the. interior of the houses in the vici Mr- “ m. Mlfloch the 90pm“ M- P-i fԠnity. Garden stuff such as tomato plants, NWâ€) Yl'l‘k: is 0“ fl ‘3“? I0 E'lfll‘m‘l- corn &c. were also hudly knocked about and greatly damaged. Had there been a rain at grain Mr. Baldwin Teefy, of Toronto, spent. last Sunday with his parents here. Mr. Herbert Barker, of our High School having completed his examinations, lch for his home in Streelsville, on Tuesday. would have been greatly injured. Just opened at the Concrete, a splendid lot of Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. These goods were bought direct from the manufactur- ers, and are offered to the public at wholesale pricCs. Miss Kirkpatrick started on Monday morn- ing for New Haven, Michigan, when: she purposes spending a. couple of months. Miss vaulet, Who has been employed as milliner at the Concrete House for several months past. has returned to her home in Ganauoque. Accident at 3 Raising. While assisting at the raising of Mr. John Palmer‘s barn, on Tuesday afternoon, Mr. John Burr Was pretty badly hurt. He was standing on a bent about twelve feet 'from the ground, when he fell from the building, the girl. which he was holding coming on top of him. It was almost a miraculous es- cape from death, as, besides the disnance which he fell, the timber which fell on him must have weighed a couple of hundred pounds. He was pretty wall jarred, but was able to drive home alone in the evening. Mr. Frank Turner. C. E., of Toronto, was in the village on Monday enquiring ubth matters in reference to the building of the Richmond Hill Junction Railway. Hon. Alex. Muckenzie,.\l. P. for E ist York I‘lll'poses leaving in a fun! days for llantl’ Springsju the Rocky Mountainswherehe will spend several weeks for the beneï¬t of his health. Change of Time. By referring to the Northern Time Table on this page it will be noticed that ii change has been made in the time for the morning passanger train going south. Until further notice Proctoi-‘s ‘bus will leave the village at 7.45 sharp. The train “'1†reach the City Hall Station, Toronto, at a quarter to ten. It is a. pity the railroad authorities could not give a. few days' notice before their changes take place, as for the ï¬rst few mornings \vould-bc passengers are frequently left he- hind. Mr. Jimr-s \lchnaghv, of the Brockville lacrosse club.while playing against. the Cani- tals of ()1 tuwa last Saturday, was accidental- ly struck by an opponent and received 9. se- vere cut in the head. We were pleased to receive a call yes‘er- day from Mr. Frank Lazarus. the renowned Optician of this continent. He is at pre=eut making a. tour through the county estab- lishing agencies in diï¬erent places previous to his starting for England, where his goods are manufactured on a. very extensive scale. For many years he was connected with the ï¬rm of Lazarus & Morris, Hartford, Con- necticut, whose wares were always spoken of as the best in the world. His manufactures have been before the public so long, and his success as an Optician is so widely known, that. his name seems as inseparable from spectacles and eye-glasses as does Glodstone‘s from Home ltule. We have handled his goods for seVeral years, and we have reason to believe they have given unqualiï¬ed satis- faction. Ha seems to have made such a special study of the eye and its requirements that he can select 0. pair of glasses for a. per- son of any age without the use of an opto- ineter. We congratulate Mr. [.0 mrus on his success in this line, and trust he may be long spared to administer to the wants of that most precious memberâ€"the human eye. Directors‘ Meeting. The Provisional Directors of the Richmond Hill Junction Railway Company held a meet- ing in the Lorne Hall last Monday night. A committee composed of Messrs. \V. H. Puge- lev. I. Crosby, '1'. H. ltedditt, A. Newton, J. M. Lawrence and Dr. Wilson was appoint- ed to wait on the Northern Railway 00., in reference to rates and other matters. Our directors are not making much headway,but we believe they are wise in acting slowly and cautiously. Building a railway. even four or five miles, is no small undertaking. Sale of Postage Stamps. For some reason or other the Dominion Government have seen ï¬t to reduce the per- centage given to dealers on postage stamps from three, to one per cent. Much dissatis- faction is expressed by those in the business, and several have given notice that they will ulscontmue the sale altogether. No doubt this will cause considerable inconvenience in Winter has passed and now comes sum- mer with all the terrors of cholera, bowel complaint, flux, cholera infantuin. Pro~ vidc for emergencies by purchasing at. . once a bottle of West's Pain King. 25c. many places as slumps are frequently requir- A†dmm'. , » ed after the Post Oflice is closed. It seems MM†7-)“ :3 if W a strange that the Government would ask par. “ ""‘ â€"""“’â€""â€""â€"w ‘* “w M ties to handle any kind of u. commodity at a "IA RRIAGES proï¬t of only one per cent. It is said that Buvs'rosâ€"LEHMANâ€"At Markham. on \Vellncs. iluy,July6th 1887.1)v the Rev. Mr. 'I‘ottcn, Geo. T. Boyiiton, of Victoria. Square, to Mili- uie daughter of Ml“. Joseph Lehman, of h‘touffville. some of those who Were lei into the secret made u. good haul just befoie the change took place. It is well to have the insult: truck. DEATHS tifi'i-za'r â€"In Toronto. on Sunday Ju‘y 10th iHH'I. Alfred Rupert, formerly of Maple, aged 37 yours. MAJolt~11i Richmond Hill. on Friday. July sch 1587,1’eurl youngest daughtcrof Mr. ix Alls. S. Major. aged :5 yours and 11 months. Entrance Examinations. The followlng is the result of the examin- ntinu, held on the 4th, 5th and 6th days of Julv, 1887, for the admission of candidates to the High School al- Richmond Hill. The highest number of unirk= attainable was 770; the number requisite to pass 385. There were 27 applicaiils,of whom the following were successful â€" A large doctor's bill is often saved by taking in time a few doses of \Vi-st’s Li ver Pills, tue standard ieincdy for liver .(IVnr-ksllinh'l‘glliï¬ S S No 5|.Vfll18h3“ complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and 1 mm le . om ' ll - 1 _. . v . ' Twppim Magma, S R N†,3. “Mkhmm 5,4 sick headache. 200. All diliggism. , Powers, Jus, S H No 6, Vaughan, 475 .. l Page, Rat] h, S S Nu 7. Vaughan, 459 g o o _ o o L gge, Louie, S S No 1, King 454 Scrivener. Wm, S S No 4, York 453 McMahon, Frank Aurora 450 Kwï¬er. Jos, Richmond Hill 459 (:‘ass, Louie S S No 6, Vaughan 436 l , smnh, Fred do. 417 Wu win pay the above ncward {or any Snider, Lillian, R R .\'n 18. York 109 case “Windmmver Complaint, McLaughlin, Lizzie, S R No 6.\'anghan 403 mneaum'mesflon or Coguwn... PlilDPT‘DQ-llia Richmond "ill 40" WO cannot Car. With msf's m Fierhiller, Maud, S S No 6. Markham 395 me, when the Directions are strictly ' Powers, Ella, S S No 6. Vaughan 3803 compiled with. m. Boxes, containingl KI ï¬i-l‘. ’rllllï¬ do . 395 30 run, 25 6011:4355 8m. 01.00. 8014 Richmond Hill 385 by a: W the seaâ€"they could not be produced in this country for less than $3.50; little Halifax Twaed Suits at $1.50 come from the same quarter, and those parents who have bought. this line from us sav that it is a real pleasure to have boys when they can be clothed so neatly and at such little cost. Corduroy Suits that never wear out, and remind old country people of their cliild_ hood, playing about. the green lanes of their native village. not quite as substantial as those of English or Canadian manufacture, design and hobby Styles. lion English manufacturers have ever maintained the highest standard of durability in their fabricsâ€"very often sacriï¬cing style of qualityâ€"while the Germans seem plit their entire energy into design and style, forgetting that people require a. Jura- ble as well as a. stylish garment. KIDDERMIN STER CARPETS 35,000 BOYS __1N__ 'l‘URONTO,aiid more to followawliat an undertaking’ to supply them with CLOTH - lNG. double everv year, till now, at the smallest calculation, we sell 10,000 llovs’ Suits :i vear. and we fully expect that our sales this year will not fall short of 20,000 Suits. This seems a. great deal, and some of you may reasonably doubt itâ€"nevertheless We are prepared to prove our statements and show to the satisfaction of everyone that we do the largest trade in Boys’ Clothing in Canada. We'll try and tell you : \Ve don’t do it :ill, but we sell our share. Our sales in this department Where do they all come from? Those little Sailor Suits at $1.50, that we never have enough of, come from over then the Again, England supplies those GERMANY is away ahead in plaitcd and fancy suits, and though their goods are I they excel in It is an extraordinary fact that amid the keenest competi- IA! FRANCE sends us some of the ï¬nest ond prettiest units, but the difï¬culty with French Clothing is its enormous cost and unsuitable styles for Canadian trade. CANADA. Last, but not least. comes our own country. and let it be said t0 her credit that like the mother country, England, the standard of quality is maintained in her cloth manufacturers. \Ve make up thousands of suits ourselves, employing hundreds of handsâ€"men and w_mnen throughout the surrounding countryâ€"paying out in wages from $40,000 to $00,000, and many a. little cottage in the suburbs has been paid for out of the sav- ings of our employees,â€"and now a. word about prices. Boys’ Blue Serge Suits, only 98c. Boys’ Brown Serge Suits, only 98c. Boys’ Halifax Treed Suits, only $51.50. Boys' Sailor suits, only $1.50. Boys’ Corduroy suits, only $52.50. Boys’ Fancy Plaited suits. Boys' Norfolk suits. Boys’ Eaton, Harrow and Rugby suits. Boys’ Jersey suits. Boys' Rubber Coats. Boys’ Crash Coats and Vests. Boys’ Summer Clothing. And I000 Gents’ Crash Coats & Vests at $2.50. THoS. THiiiiSiN it SirS, MAMMOTH HOUSE, KING STREET EAST, TORONTO. THE LEADING CARPET HOUSE 1 Persons Furnishing or about to Furnish should Examing our Immense Stock of Wiltons, Brussels, Tapestry AND l All our stock is new and choice, and puichased from the best English makers, preVious to the advance in prices. HOUSE .EEPERS Having at eye to business wil make their purchases of “flute and Grey Cottons, \Vhite and Grey Sheetings, Pillow Cottons, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towcls, Towellings, etc., etc., at our stores. Grey 86 White Cottons y the piece at close mill prices. Inspection invited, and if our prices are not lower than those of any other house in the city, don’t buy. Persons liv- ing at a distance of onc or two hundred miles can save their railway farc and expenses on a pur- chase oftwcnty-ï¬ve to fifty dollars. . E‘..- ____._4â€"â€" PETLEY & PETLEY, King St. East. (lulu. the Market, TORONTO.