stouï¬ville . Markham. . . Victoria. Squu J‘hornhm. Wa. Woodbridge ..... 'Kleinburg Nobleton.. Vimï¬zed Air always on hand at E; \\'0‘.'ks like u chm-m Free inn L‘hankl’ul for the favors of the p may still be consulted in any bram .ession, as follows : _ {in-om, lst, 81111, 16:11, and 22nd of Richmond mm. .. 79th and 24th (at the PaimotHouse) SHE LIBEBï¬L PRINTiNG 64', PUBLISHING BICHMOND HILL. â€" â€"- ONT T. E. Memsscm 61 KING STREET T‘ Ban-ï¬ne Solicitors, Conveyance '3, m. Toronto Ofï¬ceâ€"No. 14 Building 8: Loan Chambers, N3. 15 Toronto Street. k t e Richmond Hill Ofliceâ€"Rear of Central Bank, on Saturdays. THURSDAY EV Lu Yonge Street Next. door to the: ROGERS Bevin“. Oflï¬'wc , Denosits revel at Current Rn lamb-ed. Dmf Stutesnnd Grex MONEY T0 LOAN AT LOWEST CURRENT RATES a. G. F. LAWRENCE. ï¬gntral E 21111; RESIDENT, DAVID B WCE-PREQIDE Medalth Toronto l‘nix'msih ’Physiciuns & Surgeons, Ontmlr Yonge Street. Richmond Hi to 10 a..m.,5to 8 p. m Richmond Hill. Best ï¬tting Teeth made. Nothing infarior in the artcf Dentistry. Prices low and Vitulized My used any time. BARRIS'I‘ERS, SOLICITORS JFFICE: 18 KING S'IREE’I‘ EAST, Richmond Hill P. O. Everv Saul WWW . 3311515: Addrass A ROBINSON L.D.S..A Mlltï¬, Chucks, gm nub Oï¬pï¬rnl SPECTACLES FOR Fullerton, Cook (6; E. I“. MORE'HY. SGDN Chisholm, M. P. P., H‘ donaldbC. 1%. Rabi: LAWRENCE & MILLEGAN A A. ALLEN, (‘as Richmond Hill Branch. SAVINGS DEPARTHE J S'Fullm-ton Dr. J. A. Palmrr, RICHMOND HELL, ONT ulghtmlls Mfrou‘tn don): bell. C VOL. X. GAS FOB EXTRACTILG BUSINESS CARDS Dr. Jamms Lani gsiafl, Fraukiim .fl. Andrew's. VIZMLZIZEQ £4133 k‘qum-ton, w ( L? PRIVATE FUNDS Manufacturers JAMES M. L EDITOR and ob 1w IS PUBLISHED EV Dr. Wâ€. .1. “’Eï¬son per annum, m USED DY Dr. A. Robinson. “RESIDENT SAMUEL TREES. DIRECTORS ‘mt‘d $urgwn, Jew Arcade SURGEON DE NTIS'I‘ magma! . 25241211. «Emmi . 3mm, TOP (US TO LOAN an NPRTWT‘DT.‘ ?}Dwigm. D. M. Mm» EVERY SIGHT 23rd 28th 29th 30th 03351151 slur; €50an TORON TO m, OPPOSITE TEE Awnmm'm, g Gamma; E T. C. MILLIGAN. powers of US$315 FEES MODERATE , Cashier. A: McLean uty. Satun Machgcr. ONTARH of St Oflim (E 00.. (Silt Hillel: Silbrrmmz Olï¬ce h‘ .\TING i thereon thrlmwal >RON‘T $113611 Miller “W \'n P’ caulive at home. um nmlio more (w 1†money at work for us‘ than at unvv thing else In this wm H. Capital not needed; you are smrxcd hue. Both sexes ; all ages. Any nue can do the “ark. Lame eumin 5 sure from ï¬rst start. U »: :13; uutlit um! terms ree. Better not. dele. Cmtb Wu nothing to send as you: address and ï¬nd nut ; if "011 a 3 yiseryoq wmrdo so as once H. HALI A: ( o. M {/5510 ï¬E§SQW$ Having reï¬tted the above Bous ed it in ï¬rst-class style, I am prep public the bystr of accpmmodatx Funeral Fulniuhinrgs Always on Ponlhizi. um; The undersigned havmg taken posse‘ the above commodious hotel ml] uh cater to the comfu‘t o! the travelling {Best brands of liquors and cigars. Au :1 hostler and good stabling. Rooms fur c cial travellers. Every accommodation 'to guastF. Board, $1.00 136‘ day MISS HGRA WEBHE établing and gttentive hustlers. Siinplgï¬ï¬ooï¬xï¬l for commerch travellers. A good hvery in con nuctiun. Terms $1 ner (lav. @ELE'B HOTEL Exc'ullent accommodation for the public. Good stumbling and an atteum' Terms moderate. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Y0: spectfully solicits your patronage and fri influence. sales attended on the shortest i and at reasonabe rates. 1’. 0. address, Kiz THE DOMINION @mul’a gala? ï¬nk}. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Sales attended on the shortest notioeï¬nd at rem abc rat-es. Address Stouï¬vxlle P. 07 Benj. Brillinger. Proprietor v†Efï¬â€™aflf‘ m9 Arm/rm 1 km Issuer of Marriage Licenses Ccunt ()ï¬'ice : 80 Jarvis street. Tux Is prepared to receive pupils, and give Music Lessons as formerly. Unucrlakors d: Embmmm-s, TEE“ £4?" 1, $1.80 E?! flf'vflh‘ E. Issuer of Manage Licenses for the County . of York. @ï¬aYQE PRIVATE FUNDS TO LOAN ONEY ! MONE} RESIDEKCE‘ 158 End s'rnxsm‘ EAST. TOBCNTO WRIGHT BR 0 S, 1y solicits your patron ‘0. Sales attended on t} easonablerates. PO A DOMINION HOUSE Richmond Hill, .ades of ionulvle \‘VM . Leeds Richaa'dson. Auctioneer for the Cr Anoti MO 812.. Toronto. and 1 16th Am-xl 1887. 6111. mh'cit James C. Stokes, ï¬iiï¬ccllmxmn Salem Edam-ah NJ. Armstrong. C. R. TENC H . LAWRENCE & MILLIGA S. m. Brawn u. GILmoUR, Prop A large amount of liglwst cash prlces. seemed for person Dal'ticulms enquxr (flwénmz @2 stock, etc; proï¬lpf fates. P. 0. uddres: Box 96. VICTORIA SQUARI meet for Goods v. Intm-eï¬t _ low. or conï¬msslon fe maxim. Livia A, fl and E LL. Proprietor. RIC} 6 per cent wment As sh prwes. 1 or persops t ’mmd MAPLE, ONT Essentzals, L NICNVILLI ntv of ty of York, 1' l furnish- to give the Excellent rle Booms York :ll Jlly Application has been mad 'acting Magistrate Baxter warrant, for Mr. E. E Shep fur libelling the 65th battali real. West’s Pain King cures the worst case of colic in ï¬ve minutes. Cures chills, cramps, cholera. and chulu‘a luorbus. 25c. All druggists. From our own Correspondent. The church CUIllmittee are considering which of the many lighting systems Lt adopt, in the church. The new electrii light with oil and Frink’s patent reflect era are the two received with most favor A large doctor’s bill is often saved by taking in time a few doses of \Vest’s Li- ver Pills, the standard remedy for liver complaint, dyspepsia, indigestion and sick headache. 250. All druggists. Mr. Jones, Co been elected for by a mnjority of the dis The following arrivals are reported :â€" Miss Minnie Murphy, of Toronto; Miss H. James, of St. Cutharines; Miss Duly, of Orangeville, and Rev. Mr. Leonard. The time for cancelling the 74 l‘cense affected by the passing of the Flemin By-Law in the city of Toronto take place on the 3lst inst. Inspector Dexte has notiï¬ed each of the 74 that the la‘ must be strictly enforced. 1 Owing to the excessive heat of last week the residents are seeking for com- fort. in other places. The following is a. list of the dwpartureszâ€"Misses Burke and Mina Jackson, to Muskoka; Miss Husband. to Toronto; the Misses West- cott and Clara Grow, to Minneapulis; the Misses James, to Grimsby, and Messrs. Will Jackson and \Veslcy Malian, fur a trip on the lakes. The stable of J. C. McQuarrie, Esq. had a narrow escape last Saturday night. During the storm it was struck by light- ning, but the hand of a kind Providence SaVcd it from being burned. As might; be expected the family were pretty well startled. The pupils of our public school who W pte at the recent Entrance Exzuninatiun in ichmuud Hill are greatly elated over their success. Eight were sent up, all of whom passed creditably. By the publish- ed report last week we notice that two. the namesakes of Stonewall Jackson, and Sir Colin Campbell, K. O. B. stood ï¬rst and secund on the list. A little more “Power†would have given No. 4 third place. Last Tuesday Mr. McQuarrie received more than a ï¬ght. As he and his daugh- ter were driving to Weston their horse took fright and became unmanageable. It shied and upset the buggy, throwing both occupants out on the road. Miss McQuax’rie fell on her head, but escaped with only slight injuries. Mr. McQuurrie was not so fortunate. He sustained a. fracture of the thigh, and a. slight injury on the head and face. It is to be hoped it will not prove serious. Rev. Mr. Clappison will occupy the pulpit of the Methodist Church here next S.tbbath in place of Rev. J. Pearen, M.A. who is engaged to preach at the Grimsby Camp Meeting, both mornng and even- mg. especially as the latter place is not p03; BeSSrd of the Railmd priviluguu, which Maple is blessad with. The will of the late Mr. G. D Morse, whuse body was found in the Toronto bay a. few Weeks ago, shows the deceased gentlenmu to haw been worth $100,000. The property is left to his widow and two sons. aws of Saturday was own for many The Irish C HILL, THURSDAY. JULY 21. 1887 ster wte From our own Correspondent ssent in Non-ESSentials, Libe Newton Brook dead and about 100 injured are returns from the St. Thomas Many more deaths are expect- NEWS rimes Bill has received and It is now one of ulu' Maple nservative candidate. has the Commons, in Digby, E. E Sheppard’s arrest 65th battalion of Mont the hottest July day years on this continent. STEMS. )rrcspondent. ze are considering htiug systems to The new electric to compel Sign the thc 5W GORE DL’: INSURAN< County of V The nnml Mutuuls in'Cnnndu. All communications promptly attended to. JOHN T. SAIGEON, Sole and only agent for Springhill and surrounding country. Both light and heavy. all of which are guaranteed to give satisfaction as the work is under my own snpervisr ]. I am also prepared tn do all kinds vvf blzick~ smithing dc repairing in the most work- maulike manner, on the shouest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. nearly risk at year w West's \Vorld’s V 18 steadily increasin lar remedy fur rheu red diseases. 25c. n In returning thanks to my numerous friends fur their liberal putt )nage during the past twenty~ï¬ve, I bee;r to re- mind them and the gemxal public, that having ei'ccwé ely new and com- modinus premises. I am enabled to havmg erected '3: modinus premlses. supply I use no cheap material and warrant every set. . Gold Filling, and all other operations skilfully perfcrumd, at muderate fees. Call and see me. No trouble to an- “ er-questizms. .. .us. «on 1 0t wreck-d; by insurin has been 8 Phaetons, Buggies. Cutters, VITALIZED‘ AIR ! ARTIFICIAL TEETH ON RUBBER, ~ â€" â€" $8.00 ON CELLULOID, â€" â€" $10.00 vum DENTIST, Arcade Buildings, Rooms A 86 B, Up-Stairs. . Hus the exclusive right for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means of Sleighs and PLATFORM SPRING W A G UN S. 264 TRENCH’S Horse - Shoeing CARRIAGE WORKS.- 3. P. LENNQX, Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. hmir in all t/zino's, Charity.†11K armers pr and ligh' 3.1 BEST SETS IS Ont . payme 0f anim Paid special attention to. WM ’E‘RENCII \[UHUD WURI RICH MOND HILL. Fire Insurance prote htnil H] inde (1’s Wonder. The demand easing for this truly popu- rheumatism and all kind- 5c. and 50c. All druggists. Farmer the Gm )arns a! e Carriages mull dï¬f twb-thirds Mav 15th. 133%.] 0. Address, King it EH] \ SAVE This I Jildin I most reliable mm unicatious ,lll k e mpany exten monej JI‘e (the the the r in alt, 36. at the 11‘ Carrots, (1 Kay. per ton straw, per ton oats, per bushel . Peas, do. Dressed hogs,per Beef, fore quarter Beef, hind quarto Chickens. per pin Ducks. du Geese, each Turkevs,per1b Butter, ound 1-0] Butter, urge r011; Eggs. fresh, per «L Potatoes, per Ima- Apples, per bbl.. omous, green, pe) Cabbage, per do; Celery, d Tm'nips, per bug Carrots, do Beans, per peckâ€. 131mm .svxim. per Much suffering could be avoided by constantly keeping a. supply of West‘s Pain King in the house. A certain cure for flux, dysentery, cramps, chills, colic, cholera. and cholera. morbus. 259. All druggists. Duc Pains cinmo taken a. single the Magic Cm take a. substih West’s Pain 1 Flour;fxill,1)éf Hay,per ton . straw. per ton West’s Liver Pills will never disappoint you. Always reliable. 250. All drug- gists, to you, that will start you 1): busi bring you in more monev right m thing alsein tho world. Any on work mid live at home. Either Something new, that just coins workers. We will start you ; cap This is one of the genuine, impor a lifetime. Those who are ambit prising Will not; delay. Grand on dres TRUE &Co. Augusnaqlllaino to be made. Cut this out mini mum; to us and we will send you free, something u: ' grant value and importance to you, that will start yuu in business which WM bring you in more monev right away than run» thing else in tho world. Any one can do thu work mud live at home. Either sex ; all ages. Somethiue: new. that just coins money for receipt of price, 50c. tum $1. . FHL?ORD ’c‘: 00., Bree lef. hint] "quarters liqkeus, pay pair . Absoiuteï¬y Pure. RICHMOND HILL er Seed sed hog EAsv TBWEJSE. excessive expectoration .115, Per 'alsex’n tho world. Any one can do the mm lwe at home. Either sex; 8.11 mes. thing new,thu.tjust coins money for am. We will start you ; capital not needed. a one of the genuine, important chances of :ime. Those who are ambitious and ente‘r- :1 W111 not delay. Grand outï¬t; _ 3 ‘ Ad each We? [Single copies, 3 cts 10h bb] Q, be am a r D0 1t after the patient has West’s Pain King, not be induced tn : insist upon havng 25c. All druggists. .10. 300mm. ELEANSINB. HEALING. Eek? in Head, Hi"! FEVER. BIKTARRH; 1, Ib87 I‘y Cures He. OM. :pingstrom 1.1 passages the throat 36!]. by Ca- pre-paid on 0 14 0 1' 01' 00 Z 00 LTOPS 4 10 tbe Sold only ‘ 106 “in.†4!) $0