Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Aug 1887, p. 7

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Mrs. Jewett, th: wife of a. respectable farmer, of Greenville, S. C., has eloped with a negro named “’illiams. A lynching party are looking for them. It is eatim ated that the annual loss from fireg to the insurance companies in the It; is proposed to utilize the old line of the Canadian Pacific railway and that portion of the Hudson’s BLy road already completed as a. connection between Western Manitoba and the Red River Valley line. About fifty immigrants, who arrived at W'innipeg the other day with the intention of settling in Dakota, were induced to change their minds, and will settle with friends who have preceded them at \Vhite- wood. At a. meeting of representatives of the Central Fair :‘.~ncia.tion of the province held in Toron ‘, it was decided to form a. Canadial azsmttion of Fairs and Exposi- tions. a id to petition the Ontario Govern- men' F a grant to the larger institutions. The .);.ninion Government has agreed to purchase for distribution abroad large quan- tities of “ The West Shore,” an illustrated Western magazine, relating to British Col- umbia. The magazine is very handsomely illustrated, and contains much matter of in- terest to the intending settler. The wholesale grocers of Ottawa. have advanced the price of sugar one-eighth of a. cent per pound. This makes an increase of one-fourth of a. cent per pound since the sugar refinery fire at Montreal. It: is believed that the Quebec Government will accept the offer of $125,000 made by the city of Montreal in full payment; of all claims of the Government against the city. Two seine boats and fourteen men, he- longing to two Gloucester fishing schoonem, have been seized off East Point, P. E. I,, by the cruiser Critic while fishing in-shore. The Gloucester schooner Hodgson was also seized off Shelburne, N. S., by the cruiser Advance for violation of the customs laws. l Mackerel are reported to be plentiful on the coasc of Prince Edward Island. ‘ The Government has been officially noti- fied of the completion of the graving dock at Esquimalc, B. C. The imports of Canadian lumber at the port of Buffalo from January to July amounted to 4,831,330 feet. Twenty families have crossed over from Montana. and taken up land at Lethbridge, North-\Vest Territories, where they will settle. ‘ It is believed that the Canadian railwavaill extend its Manitoba Western branch this summer owing magnificent harvest prospects. Mr. T. B. Hawson has resigned the posi~ tion of general auditor of the Grand Trunk railway to accept the oflice of secretary of the board of Audit, Mr. J. F. \Vaiker being appointed. It is proposed to hold an agricultural con» vention at Regina. early in the autumn, the object being to get an interchange of ideas from the practical agriculturists of the North- West Territories. ' The total value at the exports of the Do minion for the fiscal year ending June 30th exclusive of British Columbia, was $86,507, 709, about four millions more than the re ports of the preceding year. Large coal deposits have been discovered in the Rocky Mountains at Crow‘s Nest Pass. ' Three miles square of woods have been destroyed by bush fires in Loughborough Township, County of Frontenac. Work on the Cinnada Atlzntic railway bridge across the St, Lawrence at Coteu-u will be commrnced immediately. Two pleasure yachts, both Well laden with people, were capsized ofl" Yermouth recently in a. squall and ten persons were drowned. The lighthouse on \Vest Haven Island, Mahone Bw, N. S., was burnt on the 28th ult. A temporary light has been supplied pending the erection of a. new lighthouse. Five hundred Icelandic immigrants arriv- ed in \Vinnipeg last week, in charge of Mr. Baldwinson, who reports seven hundred more en route, nearly all of Whom will settle in Manitoba. A murder was committed at Beaver harbor N. S., on Saturday, when a. young man named George Currie lost his life, being shot by his uncle, David Humboldt, as a result of a. family feud. Besides the missing watchman and an other employe of the burned Montreal sugar refinery, several Italians have not; been seen since the fire, and it is feared they all per- ished in the flames. Father Andre, who has returned to \Vin- nipeg from a. trip to Rome, has made known some sensational incidents in connection with Riel's rebellion, among other things an offer by members of the Mounted Police to assist Riel to escape from prison at Regina. while awaiting execution, with the supposed inten~ tion of shooting him while making the at- tempt. The'aunual payment of treaty money to the Indians of the Dominion, amounting to nearly $173100 ), has been commenced by the Indian Department. Dr. Dawson, who is in charge of one of the parties sent out this spring to survey the boundary between Alaska. and Canada, writes from the Yukon district to the Cus- toms department, strongly advising the establishment of custom houses, as the district is likely to become thickly settled on account of its greet mineral deposits, and the sealers on both sides of the boundary are at present enjoying unrestricted free trade. HOME. Bush fires are raging along the line of the St. Clair and M. C. railway. A serious accident happened recently on the Canadian Pacific railway at a point celled Summit, eight miles from Hawk Lake. A portion of embankment slid into the lake, carrying with it twenty yards of track, and when a freight train came along the engine and ten cars were pitched down the embankment into the water. The engineer and brakesman jumped off the train and miraculously escaped with but trifling injuries. Owing to the strike at the mills in Co hoes, New York, large numbers of French Canadians are returning to their native pro vince. THE WEEK’S NEWS. AMERICAN Pacific South- to the United States reaches a total of $1,000,000, 000. The New York Board- of Under writers are givmg the subject their atten lion. The Pope has decided there is no ground for Papal interference with the Knights of Labour question. He has conveyed the announcement of this decision to Cardinal Gibbons. Mr. Michael Davitt and his Wife attend- ed a. meeting at Bodyke and presented money and medals to a. number of girls who had resisted the police during the recent evictions. The south bound passenger train on the North Wisconsin division of the Cnicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis 8: Omaha. railway ran into an open switch yesterday, at Cumber- land station, Wis. Engineer John Dono- hue, of Hudson, and fireman Webster, of Altoona, were killed. The engine, express and baggage cars were wrecked. Careless- ness caused the accident. The steamer Mahratta has foundered off Hoogly Point, and it is believed a. large number of pilgrims returning to Culcutna. were drowned. V M. Laur promises to publish the names of the 85 generals who are alleged to have pledged their support to Gen. Boulanger in a. coup d’etat. Referring to the review at Portsmouth the Paris Figaro says England may feel just 1y proud of such an imposing manifestation of her strength and wealth. Emperor William is subject to fainting fits, and he sometimes remains unconscious for a. couple of hours. His physicians think he may die in one of these fits. A violent volcanic eruption occurred on the island of Galata, off the coast of Tunis. Streams of lava. are rushing from the crater of the volcano and the glare of the flames is visible for fifty miles. Delicacy of the Sense of Smell. A curious series of experiments has just been completed by Drs. Emil Fischer and Penzoldt upon the sensitiveness of the sense of smell. These chemists usei mercaptan and chlorphenol as their odoriferous sub stances, and experimented in a room of 230 cubic meters capacity. A gramme of the substance was dissolved in a liter of alcohol ; 5 c. c. of the salution were again diluted to a known volume, and 1-3 c. c. of the latter solution measured out into a flask from which a fine jet could be directed by the experimenter to all parts of the room, the air of which was subsequently agitated by the waving of a flag. At a given signal a second experimenter stepped into the room, and took his olfactory observation, which was checked by the independent observation of athird person. The astonishing result was arrived at that our olfactory nerves are capable of detecting the 14,600,000 part of a milligramme of chlorphenol and the l»460,000,000 part of a milligramme of mercaptan. The quantity of mercaptan present in the air of the room was 250 times less than the amount of sodium present in the air of the room in which Bunsen and Kirchofl' made their experiments upon the sensitiveness of the spectroscope, when the sodium lines were just perceptible. A Pleasure filler-ed by Women 11 y. Malherbe, the gifted French author, de- clared that of all things that man possesses, Women alone take pleasure in being posses- ed. This seems generally true of the sweet- er sex. Like the ivy plant, she longs for an object to cling to and loveâ€"to look to for protection. This being her prerogative, ought she not to be told that Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription is the physical salva- tion of her sex? It banishes those distress- ing maladies that make her life a burden, curing all painful irregularities, uterine dis- orders, inflammation and ulceration, prolap- sus and kindred weaknesses. As a. nervine, it cures nervous exhaustion, prostration, de- bility, relieves mental anxiety and hypo- chondria, and promotes refreshing sleep. Tee Paris pgpers declzire that the Panama loan has already been subscribed in full. Referring to Crown Prince Frederick William’s condition, Dr. Mackenzie declares that a. cure has been affected. The English Government are revising the list of Irish magistrates, forthe purpose of replacing the older ones with younger and more acuve men. It is rumoured that the Duke of Marlv borough is shortly to be married to an American girl, who has consented to over- look his past unsavory reputation for the sake of the strawberry leaves. Sir J. Blackwood, Secretary of the Im- perial Postoflice Department, has left Eng land for Cmada, his mission being to en- quire into the advantages offered by the C. t’. railway as an Imperial mail route to the East. A number of fanatics have been arrested in Spain, who, believing that the end of the world is at hand, lighted a. huge bonfire and throwing their clothes into the flames danced in a. state of nudity round the fire. The leader of the sect is a woman of Torrox, who declares the Virgin appeared to he and ordered her in preach a new gospel. FOREIGX. Fugitives from Catania. are spreading cholera. throughout Sicily. Five thousand Russians have atrived in the provinc of Kirategria, find have been quartered in the cantonments. Russian sur- veyors have tried to survey Keflristan, but: have been forced to Withdraw. A tortise shell pin, with a. floral design for a. head, is a unique hair ornament. \Vhen everything else fails. Dr. Sage’s Camrrh Remedy cures. “What Drug Will Scour These English Hence ?” Wicked Macbeth, who murdered good King Duncan, asked this question in his despair. Thousands of victims of disease are daily asking “ \Vhat will scour the im- purities from my blood and bring me health ‘3” Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Disâ€" cevery will do it. When the purple life~ tide is sluggish, causing drowsiness, head‘ ache and loss of appetite, use this wonderful vitalizer, which never fails. It forces the liver into perfect action, drives out super- fluous bile, brings the glow of health to the cheek and the natural sparkle to the eye. All druggists. The story of the reported engagement of the eldest daughter of the Prince of Wales to the Duke Michael of Russia. is again re. vive‘ Miss Annie Thomas, of Billings, Mont, conducts a 6,000-acre ranch, looks after valuable timber property, and has an in- terest in two paying mines near Butte City. rouse MEN euflermg from the effects of earl) evil habits, the result. of ignorance and (oily. who find hhemeelvoe weak, nervous and exhausted; also Mm Dink-AGED and OLD Max who are broken down from the eflects of abuse or over-work, and in advanced Iiie feel the consequences of youthinlexoese, send ior and new M. V. Lubon’s Treatise on Diseases of Men. The book will be sent sealed to any address on reoel c bl two 30. stamps. Address 31. V. LUBOl-T. 47 We “no ton St). E. Toronto Ont Silver ’cigarethe mouth pieces, are variety of designs. Button hooks of handles of Egyptia vogue. JELG-IINTSEIFCANVABSEM wa.nt.ed,Male or Female, whole or spare time, on salary or commis- sion. Industrial Uniop of B. NJA‘, 46 Arcade; Toronto. Dm'id Dal-Gill 8a, Caitlinidér-éixbéhmon' _of Vfirajtveinteé'. Guaranteed pal-(eat. Will be add at Sacrifice Price for Cash. Immediate delivery. Free! Free! 2 Free ! l ! A Book of Instruction and Price List 0 Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis b calling at any of our offices, or by post b sending your address to R. Parker & Co Dyers andCleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St Toronto. Branch Offices: 4 John St. N‘ Hamilton ; 10) Culborne SL, Brantford. , 7,, , fir ' V___ engwgamidgngm;t-mW by 111111] 45 cents. CLEMENI‘S;figéidlro'iiwrle D Sailing weekly between Montreal and Liverpool. RATES OF PASSAGE zâ€"Saloon, Montreal to Liverpool, $40, $50, and 860; Return Tickets. $80, $90 and $100 â€"1wcording to Steamer and accommodation. Infir- mediabe and Steerage at lowest rates‘v For further particulars and to secure Bertha, afiply to II. E. MURRAY, General Manager, 1 Custom House Squire, Montreal, or to the Local Agents in the dif- ferent Towns and Cities. U Specialty, Skin diseases, Scrofula and alludns- eueesof the blood. All cancers cured that are cur»- able, without the use of the knife. Office hours, from 9 to 12 mm. and from 1:30 to 4:30 p.111., Snbbnths ex- cepted. 2s Dundas Street, Toronto. WESLEYANQ‘HI'LADIENS: comm, PATENTS 5.31 0 Decorated Wln (low Sllndes,&c. . Wholesale and Re- tail, at the 01mm BRATED GOLD MEDAL TEXT MANI'FACTORY. "0 King St. West. Toronto. NATIONAL MANUFACTUR'G CO I HAMILTON, CANADA. The Flrsl of the Lallios‘ Collegesâ€"Has gradu- ated over 200 l~dles in the full course. Has educated over 2,00). Full faculties in Literature. Languages. Music and Art. The largest College building in the Province. Will open on Sep. 7th, 1587. Address the Principal. A. BURNS. 1). IL, L I. D. Diplomas awarded in Collegiate Course, Commer- cial Science, Pennmnship, Music, Fine Arts and E10 cution. Large classes prepared ye HIV for matricula tion in Arts, Law, Medicine and Theology. Win ’86. out of 6 candidates for Second-Class Temhers' Certificates 4 were successful. Record equally good in other departmenfs, Fullterm y‘egius Tuesday, Sep. (5, '87. Send for circulars. Address Trial bottles sen: to any address by express. secure from observation, receipt of 81.00. Address all orders to MA V. L BODY, 47 Wellington St. East, Toronto, Canada. Heavy_p1ain linklbracelets are still fashion able. ANTE 0 Large M'GLASKEV SEileRAT’OR‘S. 3 kinds; Clothes Wringers, 10 M kinds; Washing Machines, 2 ' , kinds. Chums, Carpet Sweep- ers, Meat Choppers, Trucks. and other sundries. HAMILTON INDUSTRIAL Worms 00., Hamilton, Canada Send for articles wanted. or Illustrated Catalogue EW Importations.â€"Higgins’ Eureka, Washing ton and Ashton Brands. in lnrzro or small sacks. Also_l‘.ice’s Canadian Salt. Wripr‘ ‘ prjges. Dairy Salt, A Delicious and nourishing Breakfast Beverage, couâ€" tnins a proportion of German Dandelion Root, which acts medicinally on the Liver and Stomach, purifying the blood and invigorating the system. Prepare only by ELLIS & KEIGHLEY, TORONTO. Tau-ed Fell, Booting l’iloll. Building Pu- llers. (‘nrpel and ln-umnug Felt. READY RO0FING. Etc. 4 Adelaide St. TORONTO. per hour. Also Bock urins~Hand. Horse. or Steam Power. Send for Catalogue. Laldlnw Manufacturing (‘0., HAMILTON, ONT. RoyaIF Dandelion Cofi’ee. Water The largest and most prosperous open Assessment Association in the world, desires active rs resents)» tives in every section of Canada. Libera induce~ menb. It has full Government deposit,and under the supervision of Insurance De nrtment at Ottawa Correspondencesolicited. Ad ress, TheMutualReserveFund LIFE ASSOCIATION. H.Williams, I County in Canada. Address, FIJRRIS 1% 00.. 87 Church St, Toronto. V00" LIVE AGE“: [‘3' WANTED IN EVERY 0 MORE_‘PIM1’LE.â€"USE FAIRY FACE POW DER, hes: in the world. 250. a box. GUIMON, 29 Versaille Sh, Montreal. BAYER LIN E In“ LBERI‘ (‘l’LLIJfll-l. IEELLEVILLI‘), ONT. Chartered 1357. Over 4,L00 Students enrolled IL ‘VH. ARMSTRONG. arornmlologist. M. V. LIVBON'S CURE FOR DRUNKENNESS. Es PARK 9- Wm. a: JD. WEI-LS, Wholesale Produce Merl ge pr‘ Manufacturer and dealer in ooks of oxidized silver, with Egyptian designs, are still in Fur Sale â€"Illuscrztted describtive Cab alogue free. R. Chamberlin, Toronto. REV. W. P. DYE l, M.A.Y Principal FOR BUTTER. ETC HUUUEH 0| HIIII'OI Sten oils, and Burning Brands, 810. Send for Catalogue. BARBER BROS. 00., 37 Scott St, Toronto. WM. A RUBBER STKM’PS; General Ménager, 65 King Street East. Toronm. 00 :11 's‘ Bicycles E From $15 Upwards. New Catalogue Ready let; April. AG EN l‘Sâ€"Male and Femaleâ€"â€" 0. W4 DENNIS, Toronto. A. T. LANE, MONTREAL. FELT holders, with amber presented in a great END AT ONCE FOR LIST 0! GUNN, Box 143, London Second-Hand Machines, PURE LIVING STREAM. AIIGERS, bore 20 feet “(Toronto Roofer. Ma n [1130‘ tured by SEALS )1 0n A-‘tfistic Besigns. combined with [Innqnmlm lburabilitv and Finish. Allan Lina Royal Mail Steamship: Sailing during winter from Porcland eve Thun- day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpoo , and n eummar from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool. callim: at Londonderry m land mails and passengers {or S(otlaud and Ireland; also from Baltimore, vi» Halifax and St. John’s, N.F., to Liverpool forunighhl) during: summer months. The steamers of the 01M zow lines sail during winter to and irom Hall!“ Portland, Boston anti Philadelphia; and durin smr mer between Glagow and ontreai weekly; G asgov and Boston wee y, and lnsgow and Philadelphl: fortnightly. For Height, passage, or other iniormahion ap )ly in A. Schumaeher a; 00., Baltimore; S. Cunard 00 Hallinx; Shea do 60., St. John's N.F.; Wm. Thou; eon 61 00., St. John, NB; Allan&00..0hicego Love 5: Alden, New York; H. Bouriier, Totonm Allunv, Rm» 61.00., (.guebm' Wm. Brookle, mum», phim; H. A. Alleu i‘urLlnuJ Boston Montreal. 812. Moved my office Ease. MRS. C. SI‘lI.‘ esm «lished in Torontlo‘ Send for circular. Lungs, young 5 month“ m STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre- paration a. fair trial. It oval-ates romptlyand effectually in destroying 'cks and other vermin pests, as well w as in eradicating all affections of the <0 ’skin to which Sheep nresubjech. Sold In Tins at 350., 700. and 81. A 35c. Tin will clean 20 Sheep or 35 Lambs. HUGH MILLER 6a 00., Toronto. '9 SPOONER’S COPPERIN hifé’mmfi'; than Box-metal for joumal hearings in machineryâ€" Guarantced copper mixed, supplies every requirement. Ask your hardware dealer {or it. ALONZO W. SPO0N~ ER, Patentee and Manufacturer. Port Hope, Ont. NINE MILD MEBALS Li‘rMP-Bulaetm‘ed “I QUEEN CITY OIL WORKS by SAMUEL ROGER The E. & G. GurneyGo.(I-d) HAMII MNEa‘ifiT FARMERSLQ THRESHERS. {iaaFTfDLYG’ “#ng xzamnzn/ MACHINE) .ch All aggggfhaa “E. mtg ofpdnm'm Slugs and Metal Purnmus. Sand for grins, “CHAMBERS 0F “ L. D. S.” ENGINES, WOOD, 00M. All] STBAW BURNERS, PLAIN m ruc'nom, ” Grain Saver " and “ Peerless " Biflfibhflifitfi. 37 YbilfiéSiJT'drnntnn MiLLE’H’s Tick DE'STRO’YER‘. ommrsu ou’uEVâ€"THTTCUN When X ary cure I do not mean merely ‘0 stop them for i time and then havo them return again. I mean a ndicAl cue. I have made the disease of FITS EPILEPSY or I‘LL- ING SICKNESS I Ufa-long study. fwnu'rant my remedy to cure the worst cases. Becnnaa other» have failed in nu: reason for not now recalving a curb. Band at once for l ire-use .nd a Free Bottle or my Inlamble remedy. Give hprena and Post Oflice. It canto you nothlnx {or I whip Ed I willcure you. Address DP. H. G._ mgr, MM §?S! “hww .. D.“SAWYER & 00., Hammqwfi luvâ€"Ammâ€"n snrAnAu-ong. $3L‘JEW“P3..ATED if he 23 “3:me 312?, 1'93;qu1 Iuh WEN BRMNNM BE? MANUFACTURE ONLY Recent Testimonial to USE ON:.YOUR MACHINERY ONLY THE WELL-KNOWN HAMILTGN. TORONTO. MMNTREAL. and “'INNIPEG. lth, the uilds cm 151. Mo »1'-1"C>?*’~!‘~Of§??ABIO-i NEW MODEL TIIRESIIERS. the enemy of disease; hr-als the Ithe Bmken Down Constitution of Home tnatment, sutficient (or two and all complete, sentby express to: office from 73 King West to 41 King SI‘IDMAN FIERO E. Four years egmgsflil Office Treatments foi- $18 Have been awarded if: during be last four years. Try also PEERLES. AXLE GREASE {or your Wagons and Horse Powers. PUWUEL ROGERS 8e 00.. ‘TORONTO. WARE: '~ ‘SSO-lOnl M. MCGREGOR, PASTOR. J. H. FERGUSON, CARETAKER. C. THOMSON, CHAIRMAN B’D’GRM J. FARNSWORTH, B’D'G INSPECTOR. Send for Catalogue. DEAR Mtgâ€"This is to certify that the two Gurne) Harris No. 15 Wood Furnaces, placed by you in our Avondale Presbyterian Church, have given complete satisfaction. We have found it possiblnâ€" to heat our building, from freez- ing point up to 61) deg. in two hours. We have also found them to be very economical in the matter of fuel. We can cheerfully recommend these furndces to any parties Who contemplate heating by Hot Air. To W. E. ('ONN, Tilsonburg, Ont.‘ : ' ALL GOODS GUARANTEED. I TORONTO. 1 PATENTS :; (‘igned), They surpass n." other mowers in workmanship, quality of material. weellence of construction, and performance of work. Samples on application Toronto Silver Ploto SELVER PLATED WARES. PBM'I'BED In Canada, the U.S. and all foreign countrks. Engineers, PI- lenb Attorneys. and “perms in i'ntuut Causes. Estab. lished 1567. Donald (T. khlonl a (0.. Toronto. The best threshing machines in America. They do the largest amount of work, and thrash cleaner than My other machines can do the work. In excellence 01 construction they are unequalled. They are the best made in Canada. and are only equalled by their namesakes in the United States. 3 fifty-cent bottles; Mrs. J. Beal, 6 Augusta St" troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, two small bottles gave her great reiief. Sold at 500‘ 8: 51. F. F. DALLEY 52 C0., Proprietors. engines are made. woonmzlu' or DING-Eli IMPROVED Imus!) flanliRi, now tne easiest mnning and the best in the wmld. "ALL TllllEfilllNG MA(‘IHNES.â€"The best In the market for horueApowers. Also the CALIFORNIA, PLANET, AND Pl'l'l'S HORSE-POWERS, of established repute. w Repairs on hand for every machine made. Bunch Offiéé} 37"Y6néqe'3t" Toronto wlth B'VALUABLE TRE Inflorer. Give exnrgssgnr MANUFACTURERS. M. STAUNTON 8:. 00., PORTABLE“: EM;I.\‘ES.â€"No better agricultural TH E OSIIAW'A MO WERS. M'ANUFACI‘fiRERfi OF THE HIGHEST GRADE 0? TRADE FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT, â€"188'7â€"â€" M lie Birrell, WaJnuu 59., cured of Weak~ rT>rouble ; John Wood, 9-5 Cathcart St" r Complaint and Biliouiness. used only Y'NOW lsend 'r'wo 3017x2123 m‘za, tig'ehid LE TREATISE on this distance lo my press and P. 0. uddreu. :or' TORONTO. ONT 111E Greatest Dis- ], covery o! (the present age for REGU- ATING THE Bowm. Aw Cmmto all B11001), LIVER and KIDNBYCOI- nuns. ' A Perfect Hood Purifier. A tow in Hamilton who have :een benefited by its Ase: Mrs. M. Keenan 192 Robert stl, cumi fomell, 24 South 5'5.I laughter cured 0! Ep- lIepnic Fits after an years’sufl’ering ; Jen: f Erysipelas bf two ears’ ptanding ;_qut. dial MARK. mane ; bv in m ‘1‘ long standing my faith In "1

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