In the County of York. by Salem Eclmrdt. Auctioneer, that term continuing one hundred and ï¬ve acres more or less being composed of the vest half of lotnumber thirty-six in the ï¬rst concession of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York. On the pi'egnsee them are u. farm name and born. Aeti'emu of water runs throng}: the land. The premises will he sold subject to a lease which expires on the ï¬rst dny 0: April. 1988, but with privilege to the purchaser to enter after the harvest of 1887 for the purpose of ploughing ; also subject to a reserve bid to be ï¬xed by the Master. The ï¬unhaser will be entitled to full uoseeaaiou of t e property on the ï¬rst of April, 1888. The purchaser will pay at the time 0: sale to the Vendors' Solicitors ten per cent. of the mehase money and will pay the balance with- on: interest into Court to the credit of this Act- ion within thirty do a thereafter. The Vendors will nrmsh only such abstract of ï¬ne, title deeds, eopiea thereof or evidence of title as are in their possesswn. The other con- ditions of sale are the standing of the Court. For further particulars apply to Messrs Fuller- ton, Cook a Miller. Vendors' Solicitors, 18 King Street East. Toronto ; G. A. Rudenhnrst. Bar- rister. 610., Barrie. or to John Hoskin,Esq.Q.C..0{- ï¬cml Guarding]. 21 41 Toronto streetfll‘oronto. Dated 30m MB, 1837. 5â€"1 (sgd) And with the appmbation of Ommury there will be smd by pu 1 .velve u‘cluck noon on Read the following: " For years vast. I have suï¬'ered from dyspepsia. and I was recommended to try Dr Hudder‘s Lompuuud. I din EU and found in a perfect. cure." _E J QUBTLS, Toronto, Ont THE UNION MEDICINE 00., Props, Toronto Saturday, the 10th, of Sept, .D‘i. HODDER'S CUUGH AND LUNG CURE RICHMOND HILL, The Great Regulator ii wmmgalmu IJ‘L’()N V. IJYKOLV 315mm HILL, om. PLAIN 5; ORNAMENTAL ‘ PRINTING Executed with neatness and despatch. Posters, Bill Heads, 01 the Stomach. Liver. Bowols, and Blood. Cures Headache. l?onstipauon.t‘emale Com- plaints, :zntl Builds up I!"- S) stem. Memorial 6». Specialty. Never fails. Guaranteed. Price ‘15:: and 500‘ Sold everywhers. Prico, 75c. A. D. 1887, at the Town Hull, :11 the village of FARM IN VAUGHAN. Streamers, The. Liberal $1 a Year. Letter H TEE LEBERM E †311m: Eï¬dvertiflcmcutï¬. PRINTING- & PU BLISHYNG ES fABLISHMENT. Pursuant. to judgment ALL KINDS OF arc QIC (éga‘) THOMAS HODGINS Pamphlets, Circulars, Labels ion of the Master in .1 by public Auction at hipping Tags ECURES Dyspspsia, Kidney Complaint Skin Diseases. Lwer Complaints. Blliousness, Impure _ D an action rogra II] S Blood, mm Ad )ut will 1 FIRST-CLASS SAWâ€"MILL ST. MARY s Eptsqomn CHI‘RCH.â€"-Sel’vice at :1 p.m..except the thud Sunday of every month. wnen the service and sacrament, are held m. 11 mm. SundaySchoolanOpm) Bev.W.Bates, Rector ins: witlnu a trifle nf $20,000. The number nf losses for the past year was 108. and the amount of loss $57,- 887.27, of which $4,315 28 was l‘einsuretl, making the net loss $53.57;“, 1'9, This Company has deposited $20 000 with the Ontario GoVernment, being mule than double what the law requires, but It gives the GORE a. still strunger lmld upon public conï¬dence. ‘7 A~»I. ...I.:I.. rDamage by lightning to stock while in ï¬eld, is promptly paid by the Gore, (the actual payment. being two-thirds of the value of animal). METHODIST Cannonâ€"Services at 10:30 a. m and 6:30 p.m.,und Sunday school, at 2.30 p. m. Young people's prayer meeting Tuesday evening. General Prayer Meeting every Thursduyevemug in the Lecture Room. Rev. J.M. Simpson. Supt. Rev. G. N. Rutledge. Assistant. ROMAN CATHOLIC cHUBcH.â€"-Services in order a. follow 5 'Thornhill at 9 3.111., and Richmond Hillat 10:30 sum: the following Sunday at Rich. moud Hi1] nt9 11.111. and Thornhill at 10'30 11.111. RICHMOND HILL Tram-LE. No 465,1. 0. G.T.â€" Meets in the Temperance Hall‘ every Wednesday evenina. at 7.30 o'clock. Wm. Harn'son '1‘. D. Panties whom barns me wrecked by lightning are indemniï¬ed to full extent of wreckage. Farmers can have money by insuring in the Gore. This Company has been established ï¬fty-one years. The gore is one of the oldest and most reliable Mutnuls in Canada. All communications promptly attended to. JOHN T. SAIGEON, Sole and only agent for Springlnill and surrounding country. _ . .. 1y. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF CANADA.-â€"Sel‘vi(‘es at 1] o'clock a..m..and 6:30 p.111. Prayer meeting on Wednesday eveningat7:30. Rev J. W. Cum- eron. Pastor. fie}: J :1. Egan. Pastor Hmnmoxn LODGE, A. F. & A. M.. No.23. G.R.(‘ Meets in the Lodge roum,‘~[a.sonic Hulhm the Monday on or before full moon. at 8 o'clnck p.111 1. Crosby, \VM. MEGEANICs' INSTITUTE.â€" Library or over 1000 Volumesppeu every Tuesday evening, in the Mn- nonic Hall. from 7 to 8 o'clock. R. E. Law. Libru. rian. Lectures and discussions periodically ANCIENT ORDER OF FORES'rEnsâ€"-Court Rich- mond. No. 7046 A. 0. F.. meets in the Temperance Hall every alternate Fridav at 7.30 p. m.- Alex Coulter, C. R. The Methodist sabbath schoolTempemnce As snciation issue pledge curd: every Sunday when desired. Wm.Ha.rnson supf RICHMOND HILL CORNET BAND.â€"Meets for p'wctice every Tuesday and Saturday evening at 7 30 o'clock W. Sheppard, Leader VILLAGE (bureauâ€"Re we. Wm. Pugsley, Coun- ciflurs. Messrs.1’ G. Savage. J05 Hull. Wm A Sanderson, Levi Gaby. (Bun-k. M. '1 eefv. E‘an Bmc.mE.â€"Regu1ar meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber. at; '7 p. :11. Membership free. Certiï¬cates issued 50 members entitling them to certain pIiYileng and Sanderson, Levi Gaby. (Bun-k. M. '1 eefv. E‘an Bmc.mE.â€"Regu1ar meeting ï¬rst Friday of every month, held in the Council Chamber. at '7 p. :11. Membership free. Certiï¬cates issued BL members entitling them to certain privileges and exemptions. Wm.H. Pugsley, Uap‘uiu. h. A Nicholls, Secretary. A. 0. U. W..Ivy Lodge, No. 141. Meets in the Committee mom of the Masonic Hall each alternative Tues-lay at 8 o'clock pm. Beneâ€" ricary certiï¬cate given for $2,000 in case at death J. Browu,Mnster Workman. B. Grennuu. rec. R. T. of Temperance, Richmond Hill Council, No. 43, Meets in Tempeiz-nce Hull,eueh alter- native Tuesday evening uLSO’clock p m. Benc- ï¬ciary certiï¬cates isxum to male 01' female members for $1.000 or in (use of death $2.000, one hall nuyablc in case of di mhility. J. H. Sander- son Salept Councillors; J.A.E.Swftzer.8ecurding Secretm‘v RICHMOND HILL PLANIW MILLS I PLANED LU MBEI? MOULDING S Are now prepared t0 take Contracts for all kinds of Builduigs. In councbtiun will: the fuctul‘f‘ Clibtul‘l sawing WI†be (lune. I guurunlccd 'aud prlws moderate Deans, snsu, um, &€3.,5 RICHMOND n:â€" Havï¬ng bought the above-named mill and put, ewerything in Kept on hand, or made to (H'dl'l' 4 the shortest notice. A stuck uf lthuir «mm In thf m Lauri) up unucl 's' new sex-u their 5, \‘.c umke this FIRST-CLA 55 ORDER. Ahvuys on hand. The ubuw factory is situated nu mtisï¬eu m: “id :‘em‘. one [10118.11 (.0 nul 19 r" “ruin; F0“ yum unm- » mm». 01* um: Hrmboh «X l L. INNES & SONS Willageï¬irrrtnry. Churches. Fire Insurance 55th. 1886 3:1) Societies. the LsmAâ€"n. Thu: 11.11 who Zdress auu ttst the I fer: To such u: are ‘em‘. one dollar to rm P. 0. Address, King. IUCHMOND dILL a: A.M..1\‘nï¬Â§i.G.R_.(‘ umâ€: 13 :a1'(Â¥,273, insur- ng an increase. of the amount. at 8 income for the mi bun ", Where All \Vulk ()Il not 11'5- all RENO“: N [CD I {Spectaeleï¬o Eye Glasses. oats, per bushel Peas, do. Dressed lxog§,per 100 1b Beef, f ore quarter†Beef. hind quartur Chickens. per pair . Ducks. do Geese, each ....... .' Turkevs,per1b ‘ Butter, pound roll. Butter. large rolls Egvs‘ fresh, per dozen ‘ Potatoes, per bag..... Apples, per bblmw onions, green, per bush.. Cabbage, per (107, Celery, do '1 urm'ps, perbug Carrots. do . Bcuns, per peck ...... . flour, inn. pgr ‘Lbl‘ S EFâ€"dRéKLE ! Presewe YamSight FRAN K L AZARUS i These Spectacles and Eye Glasses have been used for the past :13 years. an†given in every in- stunre unbounded satisï¬wn Thev are the best in the world. They nuver tire, and lust many years wnlmut change. 1707' Sale by T. F. .McflIdHON JESSE NUNN, H)RINGHILL. FRANK LAZARUS. Manufacturer, 28 Mary- luud Road, Harrow Road, London. England (lute Lazarus dz Morris. Hanna-d, Con.) Dbmiuion 01 Canada Arcade Buildings, Rooms A. 86 B. Up-Stairs. Has the exclusive right. for the use of Hurd’s New Method of extractâ€" ing teeth without pain, by means uf VITALIZED AIR 0N RUBBER, â€" 0N CELLULOID. â€" I use no chcap material and warrant every set. Guld Filling, and all other operatinns skilfully performed, at. muderate fees. Call and see me. No tumble to anâ€" swer quesYiunS. -., .n‘, um. 1 ARTIFICIAL TEETH L'm-iey, do outs, do I’eus‘ do Eye. ([0 (Zlnv-J‘ Seed. do Dresrml hugs. per mm ‘ lieef, mm quarters . †Beef. hind quarters Chickens, per pair Ducks. Jo Geeso. each .. . . . . Turkeys, each .. . Butter, pound ro . . . Butter. tub dairy .. Eggs, fresh, per do Potatoes, per bag, Apples. per ha] .. onions. green, per doz Cabbage do Cauliflower do Celery, do 'J.~‘ur11i1)s,per ‘bngm Carrots, do. Ha.y,1>crton .. struw,per ton , RICHMOND HILL Thursdav . .50 9 (‘0 J . d 00 ’ July 23‘ 1687 Floulï¬fdll.1§éf bbl Huy,per ton straw, per ton . eru whi lat. oi culuvutiuu. _ Ross. «Sim: for the hotel or farm glven on short n. nus. Fur further pm‘ticuim’s am plx- to the proprietor B. NEILLJNGER. 4-H Dumlxuon House. RICH MON D HILL} @MEï¬Eï¬N WSE E In the Counts-u! York. It commas 107 acres and is cumpused of the west half of 101: 1:5. in the 2nd (EL-ncessinn of Vaughnn. There is ulenzy of water on the 1m muses. good buildings, twee: in has class Iepa.1r_n.nd the land is in a high state PUBLISHER 0F BEST FARMS! éNo coimectao‘. wlhh any {Jill'er ï¬rm in the 3. P. LENNOX, DENTIST, ‘l'uveued. Au \V rut‘tbe prom-wt» Absolutely no pain experienced and harmless in all cases. The pror The Hotel of, three 5m :Med by mean u upplinm ~:s. mm are] 1'i"k That commud. ms Hotel in the centre village of ‘ (Late of the ï¬rm ML BEST SETS BY WEARING THE ONLY @112 markets. Egan Spam Also to)‘ 541.16 One of th LIBERAL," RICHMOND HILL AM) (lu ~f B. Prilh'nger, is for sale. w brick-clad with munsmm] nigh, cmzmms 20 mums, is ‘bot air. and 1m.» all the MJUu. 'he Ftllbllng and out buildings («complete in every pmueu- 3(1leth of yard room wen 'lllentlmsiness is bemg done is going to sell owing to ill. nowu as the 0F an 15th 1894:] us & Morris) $0 :50 to 8! 80 61 40 57 000 000 (J 13 0 12) 2 ()0 mend Hm £10 50 lit I 113 ‘JU (20 - $8.00 $10.00 4“ 30 um um“. buildings, pmtmu- own: well )0 00 {the UH 2,0! 20 1 [EU (10 , iFlRST-GLASS GROCEREES ! n Sewing Machine ,3 1‘3 I am prupnrcd tn 11.1w prv’flhue in t Xclmnge, at. {Eur max-hut value. fur one of the later-t imprnyml and must durable him-In}: Machines in the market. a» n. large num- be!†is m'cpal'ud to pwwc in Hue lllllnmlmlye weigh]nwluthhrsides the vuy lune. num- Ik'l' of Mulals and First. Prizus at Prnvxnuml nnd “the! Furs. such as 'l‘urmmy Mm.- lreai. Lulldnll‘ Quebec. and at thee Wm'ld’u Fmr, Antwerp, Belgium. his†a Dipluma fur the best, work ahmm in Lnndun, um! a, run dnHur prxz: for hth specimen 0! wmk at. Markham Fair this year. Come Mung. and get a bargahh All ordexs {-y maul promptly uttuuded L0. NEW WILLIAMS [u a variety of designs. Mixed Paints. ready fur use, in all cnlurs and shades. Builed and Raw Oils. Van) “I...†and all Miler material for pniufs. Paim. and \Vhitewash Brushes, a)! sizes, which I will stall at bottom price. Call and see. Usual Stock of Pictures and Frames. Large Stock or Groceries. Flour and Feed. 1’. G. SAVAGE. Britissh Flag Staff 2 Tea from 25 cents unwurds, 5 lbs fur S Raymond Sewing Machines and Eagle Steam Washers CONTISTING 0F DRESS GOODS, PRINTS, GINCHAMS. WINCEYS. TWEEDS,&C.. 81C. Suits Made to Order- Sppéial Value in Hysmxs. Cong.,~ns and Japans Rank and White Lusu 'uy l‘wllvr l)lm.ts.~. I TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Hus on hn J THEYEARUFJUBILEE OUR GHACIOUS SOVEREXGN QUEEN VICTORIA Has reigned < N533 52;} ' Tia-The m HIVL at the u EELEEMTE THEé WENT! BEE ENE. NAILSHARDWARE GLASSWARE & CROCKERY us on 'hnml the nobbiest lines Suitmgs and 1‘nmscriug,~ he has‘ Jubuee Checks and Stripus tn b body. complete stud AN} \VALL I’Aâ€"‘LPERS. “TALL PAPEKS. RIC HM 0N1) HIL L L’r-dlwe of all kind.»- takvn in exclmnn By 26 IN BHONZLEI; L5H: "Elia. E Jarge Stot THE PEQPLE’S STQRE? W BI cloth ORNE STORE. FRESH GROCERIE S. T {EVI‘J'PI'EAN 'I ll . LUSH, Richmond Hill. Hwy-f 1, ;-< ‘r -1“? lam-l big-59's Qt“; of Wall Paper and Burderings, smmthing new in Styles ahd Deslgm, from ï¬cenls up. SPRING GOODS 1L at ï¬ft he Flour and Feed always on hanï¬d s to win ever FOR CHEAP, FRESH AND JLl AT 273131. me U TU THE LORNE STORE ‘f Sumu 914: of F‘lTIQN'I'J‘IJI‘E It} AT THE Sugar splendid value. Oatmeal 4‘) lbs ‘TRENCHS i-CARRIAGE WORKS.- IRIEHMOND liiLL. â€"â€")H( In returning thanks to my numerous friends for their hheml putvr )nage durng Line pan-L twenty-live yawn, I be! [u x-e. uund them and Lhe gem-.31 pllbhc, that, having erect-31‘ antifefy new and comâ€" umdinus premises. [ am enabled Lo supply sLâ€"clnss Light Running m, .L â€" udtuGI’S a. Flour alwavs on hand. Front I still continue tu sell the celebrnteu goods and highest prices allowed. HENRY MARSH. KING P. o Sleight; and ATFURM SPRING W f1 G U N S . HP 11mm. I‘ the nu L11 give 1115 best attentior to an bills or mom sawing he may be favora with. Emma}. Indt GEO. '1‘ BENCH A... leOODIE hL “n GU19 rrk \. ‘arriagem 3.1.62). .1 rt¢ r1 1" L3 llH MACHENE ! m 1' 01156 all «.f «I Isfactimr pcl'Vlm 1 n’mds -I file must shunt-M. Je terms J Con 3‘ I! 5 WM he J: ‘RQ llil'h blac are