abundant. The Globe.s contentlon that Manitoba will not have more than one million bushels of wheat {or exportation is quite contradicred 113153;“, The sowing was done we show the magnitude of the evils inflicted on us by Toryism. But we seem woiully dehcient 1n the knowledge of a cure. Rightly or wrongly. the people of Canada believe that the average conserva- tive is quite as honest as the aver- age reformer. To appeal, therefore, to the popular vote on no other ground than that of our superior honesty is as idle as whistling to the wind. The last general election 1 should remain a lasting proof of the utter uselessness of the higher mor- ality cry. If the Reform party is ever to be in power, it must emerge trom the sloughs of inaction and ti. midity. It must abandon as ridiCu- lous the cry that its members are not as those of the other side. It must boldly enunciate a policy, and stand or {all by that policy. This Mr. Laurier, its mouthpiece. did not do on the first great opportunity that was presented to him. To be honorable. high-minded and elo- quent is not enough†One may be all this and much more, and yet fail to inspire his countrymen with that faith which conï¬dently intrusts to ,‘ hlm the management of its affairs. l i Mr. Laurier’s speech at Somerset Was far from satisfactory. Grace. ful, Dolished and eloquent the new Reform leader was as ever. But tangible and practical he was not. It would seem, indeed, that our par- ty is in danger of death from stag: nation. We detect the flaWS in our opponents: we expatiate on them; we have no reason to regret the result of the South Renfrew election Between the two candidates there was very little for a true Liberal to choose. Dr. Ferguson came out as a pronounced supporter ot the Ot~ tawa government. Mr. McIntyre came out a pronounced supporter of the Canadian Paciï¬c Railroad. In regard to the latter, it is a Signiï¬- cant fact that he received invitat- ions from the two party machines to contest the riding in their special in- terests. Mr. McIntyre selected to run as a Liberal. For this choice he had other grounds than mere party predilection. South Renfrew, in the ï¬rst place, is a pretty safe ri- ding tor a Reformer. In the second place, Mr. McIntyre might trequent- ly be able to render to the monopo- ly of which he is a member more ef- fective service in opposition'tlian in the government ranks. Fortunate- ly, the Liberalism of South Renfre w refused to be conjured up by the watchword of party. It refused to sacriï¬ce itself at the bidding of those with whom party success makes amends for all. And today true Liberalism has cause to re- Joice that there is sufï¬cient sturdy principle in the Relormers of South Rentrew to reject one whom they know to be Identiï¬ed with the most rapaclous monopoly that ever curs- ed a country. RICHMOND HILL. Thursday, Aug. [1, ‘87 Coalâ€"Wm. R.‘ Proctorl Wantedâ€"Mrs, Thou. Muloahy. @112 fliheml. MR. LA URIER AT SOMERSET. SOUTH RENFREW ELECTION. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS THE CROPS. Consisting of about 91 acres of c of Lot-[9.15: Con. Vaughan. on Y mile north of Richmond Hill. P( in tune for the {all plowing. For Iurtber particulars npplv 01 or maress box ml lixchmmm Hiu July 26th, 4587. VALL'ABLE HOMESTEAD: '-' The ballots were pasued and John King and T. Trench were found favorable and were admitted as apprentice ï¬remen, and Robert Garbut and J. Sanderson, upon ballots being passed, were admitted as ï¬remen. Moved by P. G. Savage. seconded by C. Soules that the secretary be instructed to pxncure a. ballot box and necessary ballotsâ€"Carried. Moved by the secretary, seconded by T. Tyrnll, that it be the duty of the Steward to distribute and collect bull-us. The meeting then adjourned. H. A. NICHOLLS. Secretary. FORSALE! John King. T. Trench, Robert Garbut ‘lnd J. Sanderson, proposed members, were bulluted for. The chairman appointed G. Trench and A. Mackenzie distributors of ballots, and '1‘. McMahon and '1‘. ’J‘yrrell scruti- users. c.E.snepp-4rd progégéd Mr. Philip Macklem as a ï¬reman. ' On the suggestion of C. E. Sheppard, A. Mackenzie moved, seconded by C. Trevethan, mata cuunmtbbe eornlposed of B. Redditt. T. McMahon and C.Shep- pal-d wait on the Village Council at ins next meeting and request that the key lnr unlocking the duOl‘ leading to the ï¬re alarm be placed in a. convenient place, and that the management: of the hose m the ï¬re hall be left; in the hands of [.he Caretakerâ€"Curried. r SHEPPARD, Flreu;an Storey expressed his thanks m the brigade for flu: way they Worked at the late ï¬re and highly complimented them for the 2oulhe55‘and energy display~ “A > 7 A report of the late ï¬re at the residence of Messrs. \V. StOI‘cV and -VV. Hewisuu was read by the secretary, and On motion was adopted. ‘ The Regular Monthly Meeting of the Richmond Hill Fire Brigade “as held in the Council Chamber n11 Friday evuninu, August 4th. 1887. ' Foreman Redditt 1n the chair. The secretary read rhe lesigll‘dtion of Oscar Brown. On umtiun nf 0. Trans» than, seconded by T. McMahon the res- ignation was accepted. will form a solid argument for rejecting that belief. In. the case of \Nhalen,he had a fair “1:11; the evidence was overwhelmingly strong against him, and it is almost incli‘ed- ible that, any fresh facts will be brought to light that would justify the awful fear that i.) hanging VVhalen a judicial mu‘rder was com- mitted. At the time of the tr since the execution, 11 not a'Iew who declare be inno‘cent ot the (lee dulge in ‘hints and 511: the, accordmg’tp then It is, indeed, much ea: belief in a matter of th it to, produce such It is more than hkely that the assassination of the Hon. Thomas D'Arcy McGee will come up for fresh investigation. A sensational report appeared in the columns of a Boston paper; that report was cop- ied by two or three Lower Canadian papers, and the result will be a suit for libel. which will resurrect the whole question. It is not unfre- quently the. case that, when a mur- (ler has been committed, many re- fuse to believe that the man hanged is the guilty person. This is espec- ially true where convxction is brought about by evidence mainly circumstantial. Such was the evi- dence on which \Vhalen was sent to the gallows tor the killing ot McGee. early, the crops have already ripen- ed, thereby escaping their tell en- emy the frost. And it is safe to say that this year Manitoba will pro- duce between four and ï¬ve millions of bushels of grain more than it re- quires for home consumption. Here it may be stated that in the United States the crops are to a great ex- tent a failure from the same causes as in Ontario. And in Great Brit- ain, that pernicious pest, the Hess- ian fly, has at last declared its pres- ence and is woking untold mischief, F‘ire Brigade Meeting. Being the Estate of the late THE MCGE'E MURDER. 91am-es niche nonb imlf ‘ Agbanmn Yonge Street, i tnd Hm. Poasesg’on given ,- or the killing 0: McGee. )l the trial, and ever cution, [here have been 0 declared \Vhalen to )t the deed, and [o in- 5 and susplcions about g’tp them; real culprit. much easier to unsetgle ,tLer of this kind than ice such evidence as a solid argument for belief. In the case of ad a fair ll‘ldl; the overwhelmingly strong .9“ "39 Premises‘ 44H ih-i {C'UQ Qâ€? Children's Boots of all varieties. Black und Cnlmed. Splendid assgg‘tment 9f Ladies' and Children's Several Cheap Linea tn suit the times for Ladiru’ and Gentlemen Custom WM}: 3 Specialty. Repairing uratly _and prnml BEST FRENCH KID, CALF KID. GONDOLA, BUFF Bl CORDOVAN LADIES’ LACED AND BUTTONED GYPSY BALS. NEXV SUMMER STOCK COMPLETE And other staple articles always on hand. Pnces close. Inspection invited. MILLINERY DEPARTMENT Z TWEEDS,SHIRTINGS, GQTTONS, DRESS GOODS, 800. THE FIRE PBQOF. iCONCBETE HOUSE The Concreteinevexj was SO popular for st'yhsh Mlllmery 1t 18 110W. SUGAR, SPIGES, FRUIT JARS. GLASS gs; STONE†Full preparation for the fruit season MILLINERY, MILLINEREâ€, MILLIN ERY. Cheap er at the Concrete than at a house in the trade. Dry Goods, Gmswigs, HARDWARE & GROCKERY $8? SPRING & SUMMER STGCK In Pints, Quarts & Half Gallons, at correct prices. GROCERIES And Gentlemen's Seamless Boots DIRECT IMPORTER. Good satisfaction guaranteed in the The only place in Town having control nf Complete in every department Something new and spicy. FULL LINES OF ROBT, SIVERS, I for Lndiru’ and Gentleman's wear. Repairing mâ€"atly laud pruwptly dune I. CROSBY. Slippers. 1.3 any